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S02.E01: Fasten Your Seatbelts

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As the Stone family reels in the aftermath of a devastating shooting, they’re hit with their most foreboding Calling yet, sending Ben on a mission to locate two Flight 828 passengers who have mysteriously gone missing. Grace grapples with her new pregnancy, the Major attempts to tighten her grip on the unwitting Saanvi, all while the clock on the lives of the 828ers continues to tick towards zero.

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I will be surprised if Grace isn’t carrying fraternal twins again, and this time they’ll have two different fathers. 

I think it’s the directing rather than the acting that irritates me. 

4 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I guess I was supposed to be surprised by seeing the old black guy at the end, but I can't remember who he is.

me neither. 

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Michaela finally did something useful and caught the bullet.  At least her eye brows weren't injured in the shooting.

Apparently, Michaela also suffered brain damage from her gunshot wound, as she kept forgetting which side she was shot.  Some scenes she was holding on to her right side (where she was shot) and some scenes she was holding on to her left side.

Why isn't Zeke more concerned about the death date since his death date is only about a year away ?

2 months have passed from Michaela's shooting so that would put us at approx. mid-February 2019 in the show timeline.  According to the date on the $87,000 check, it's at least Feb. 19.  The trees seem to be REALLY, REALLY green for mid-February.

Looks like Cal got some sleep in the last 2 months -- he doesn't have the bags under his eyes anymore.

Enough with the shaky-cam visions already.  I'm already annoyed by them.

15 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I guess I was supposed to be surprised by seeing the old black guy at the end, but I can't remember who he is.

That's Vance, the NSA Director that appeared to have been killed in the explosion in Season 1 Episode 9  (and we saw his funeral in Episode 10).  There were several theories here on the forums that Vance wasn't really dead -- and voila, he isn't.

When Michaela spotted Zeke and started to walk across the street, I kind of expected her to get hit by a car -- since she didn't look both ways first.

The Major and Saanvi's sessions were just so .... boring.

So, the theme for Season 2 is 'Save the Passengers' -- ok, we get it already.  Can we please at least get an Iggy Pop 'I am the Passenger' reference from a character on the show ?

Zeke 's on the Plane in Michaela's v2.0 callings for some reason.

28 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I will be surprised if Grace isn’t carrying fraternal twins again, and this time they’ll have two different fathers. 

Please let it be twins with different fathers #fingerscrossed

Looks like the Dark Lightning has been completely forgotten about since last season.

And in the 2 months since the S1 finale, apparently no one else has discovered the blood marker that Saanvi was so concerned about.

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

I guess I was supposed to be surprised by seeing the old black guy at the end, but I can't remember who he is.

They made sure to include him in that super long "Previously on Manifest" segment, so that was a bit of a giveaway.  He was that government agent who was initially suspicious but then started to help them.

The Callings are total jerks.  What type of misleading messaging are they giving to these poor innocent passengers?  Hello, if passengers think the Calling is asking them to commit suicide, you're doing it wrong.

This was a pretty decent premiere, but felt a little same old, same old.   The story of the week had a nice happy ending.  Big picture wise, it seems to be going around in circles of cryptic messages.  They keep "revealing" things that aren't intriguing at all.  Zeke on the dream plane?  Who cares.

So did they film the Cal on the plane/hospital scenes with the Season 1 finale?  Since Cal looked younger than in the "2 months later" scenes in the rest of the episode.

Meanwhile, Ben and Cal love being the bearers of bad news.  Michaela just got through surgery and Ben reveals that she has an expiration date.  Cal's conversation with Zeke telling him he doesn't have much time left was really smooth... "She doesn't have much time... and neither do you."

Are we supposed to hate Jared completely because that's totally what I'm feeling, and I don't even like Zeke.  I can't even remember why he had a gun at the apartment.

I thought Saanvi does research.  Now she communicates for the surgeon too?  

The most annoying part of this episode was The Major fooling Saanvi at the psychologist's office.  Don't writers realize viewers hate watching protagonists being duped?  It's not entertaining.  

Edited by Camera One
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46 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I will be surprised if Grace isn’t carrying fraternal twins again, and this time they’ll have two different fathers. 

Since they showed her having an ultrasound, which would have picked up two fetuses (feti?) I don't think that's going to happen. But it does sound like something this show would do.

What's up with Olive wanting to spill the beans to Danny? First of all, it's not her news to share. Secondly, she knew the score with her Mom and Danny, and she wasn't previously written as being stupid, so I'm sure a moment's thought would have told her why her mom wasn't eager to announce her pregnancy to Danny.

I'm okay with Michaela and Zeke being a romantic pairing. Maybe he just looks good to me compared to the insufferable, know-it-all, super selfish Jared. What a jackhole he is.

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1 hour ago, Camera One said:


2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I guess I was supposed to be surprised by seeing the old black guy at the end, but I can't remember who he is.

They made sure to include him in that super long "Previously on Manifest" segment, so that was a bit of a giveaway.  He was that government agent who was initially suspicious but then started to help them.

Thank you. I remember now that we liked him. 
- - -

1 hour ago, Camera One said:

Are we supposed to hate Jared completely because that's totally what I'm feeling, and I don't even like Zeke.  I can't even remember why he had a gun at the apartment.

Yes. I speculate that Jared will soon die a hero because the writers realized the viewers saw him as a cheater, not a star-crossed lover. 
But we’re probably stuck with foolish Zeke because the actors who play him and Michaela have some chemistry. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, the theme for Season 2 is 'Save the Passengers'

Maybe Cal actually said "Shave the Passengers."  It was a long flight, after all.  Maybe throw in a shampoo and tweeze some eyebrows, to boot.

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The catchy episode title of “Fasten Your Seatbelts” was wasted here, IMO.  
If the mantra of “Save the Passengers” assumes the viewers watched, were fans of, and still fondly remember Heroes’ season 1 saying of “Save the Cheerleader,” that’s asking way too much. 

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6 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

If the mantra of “Save the Passengers” assumes the viewers watched, were fans of, and still fondly remember Heroes’ season 1 saying of “Save the Cheerleader,” that’s asking way too much. 

The very first thing that popped into my head when someone said "Save the Passengers" was "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World"!

I laughed at Michaela clutching her left side every now and then, when she had so clearly been shot on the right.

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I can't get over how much of a dick Jared was all episode long. Holy shit, dude, you suck so much.

I was hoping that his presence in the recap at the beginning meant that Director Vance would still be alive, and so it was! I think Daryl Edwards was doing a dynamite job as Vance and since his death was so easily overturnable, I'm glad that they, well, you know, overturned it. 

Grace is being really cruel to not tell Danny that he might be the father of her kid. ESPECIALLY since she was planning to have a baby with him just a year earlier! I get where she's coming from, but it's cruel. "If the kid turns out to be Danny's later, I'll tell him." What the fuck kind of logic is that?

And yes, Saanvi is getting way too easily manipulated. Very disappointing. 

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7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

There were several theories here on the forums that Vance wasn't really dead -- and voila, he isn't.

Yeah, who else was shocked? Just Ben, right? (Funny how this show is so convoluted and after such a long break that people can't even remember if he was a good guy or a bad guy, if they remember him at all. The only thing I really remembered when he showed up was to think "I knew he wasn't dead.")

I was debating whether I wanted to watch this...ended up watching because what the hell else did I have to do (clean up the kitchen? put away the towels in the dryer? go to bed early and actually get some sleep? Ha!). Also I had just watched America's Got Talent the Champions and this couldn't be worse than that, right? (Debatable, I think.)

Anyway, still not totally sure I care but it did sorta suck me in, so...

The kid who plays Cal grew up a lot over the break. (Also the lack of "I'm terribly sick" makeup helps.) Still not liking his inability to just plainly say what he means instead of cryptic "she doesn't have much time and neither do you" type lines and prophetic crayon drawings.

Does Olive really think the best time and place to tell Danny her mom is pregnant with a kid who may or may not be (but let's be real, almost certainly is) his is when they've randomly run into him in the middle of the sidewalk?


Edited by ams1001
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4 hours ago, Lily H said:

I laughed at Michaela clutching her left side every now and then, when she had so clearly been shot on the right

My eyes were rolling too hard at all the abdomen clutching to notice whether Michaela was clutching the wrong side or not. 
Sometimes months later after abdominal surgery the discomfort of scar adhesions makes a person want to massage the area, but if Michaela is still on medical leave, any touching of the area is not helpful for pain. The director should’ve given her some pills to pop if she can’t convincingly wince at strategic moments. 
ETA: Or maybe I was on too many opiates myself to recall any abdomen clutching?

- - -

I thought it was wrong to not find out whose baby it was ASAP, unless that requires expensive and/or risky amniocentesis (huge needle stabbing).
OTOH, I actually do think it would be stupid and/or cruel to tell Danny it *might* be his kid before it’s possible to know. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I thought it was wrong to not find out whose baby it was ASAP, unless that requires expensive and/or risky amniocentesis (huge needle stabbing).

I do believe they can now do some genetic testing on the baby via the mother's blood. 

9 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

OTOH, I actually do think it would be stupid and/or cruel to tell Danny it *might* be his kid before it’s possible to know. 

That I agree with. They should find out who the father is before he finds out she's pregnant, if at all possible (but of course it won't be, because drama), so he's not left wondering.

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Alex I'll take Superfecundation for $1000.

Superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, which can lead to twin babies from two separate biological fathers. The term superfecundation is derived from fecund, meaning the ability to produce offspring.



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3 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

That is the problem with having a series on hiatus for so long.  The last episode form the first season aired on February 18, 2019.  How am I supposed to remember everything that went on from that long ago?

Last week I went back and watched the last few episodes before the break to refresh my memory.

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5 minutes ago, preeya said:

Last week I went back and watched the last few episodes before the break.

I think they re-ran the premiere and season finale one night last week, too. (Not that I watched.)

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Rewatching this show would probably cause more headaches than the Callings.

The Major was so fascinated by Saanvi's love life that I wouldn't be surprised if this went all soap opera and the Major switches the paternity test to make it seem like Danny is the daddy to get Ben and Saanvi together.  What does any of this have to do with the Major wanting to snatch Cal again, anyway?  The kid wanders around by himself doing housecalls so it wouldn't be that hard.

Zeke's mom was convinced to reveal her fugitive son's location because a kid showed up with a bad crayon drawing?  

Grace sure isn't being forthcoming about anything.  She didn't tell Ben that she and Danny were trying to have a baby and then countered with a defensive "Well, I thought you guys were dead."  

If the police captain is so on top of things, shouldn't she have noticed that Michaela was in the office accessing records without an assigned case.  If Michaela can still walk in and out doing this, then it made her dependence on Jared in Season 1 questionable.  

I actually did like Jared last year, and I don't feel any chemistry between Michaela and Zeke. 


The headwriter is delusional as usual since he still calls this a "triangle" in a recent interview despite Jared's vindictiveness.  Just like he was surprised no one liked Grace last year.  Combined with his questionable 6-year-plan comment last year, it's hard to have faith in a show where the headwriter can't even anticipate viewer response.


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9 hours ago, Camera One said:

The Callings are total jerks.  What type of misleading messaging are they giving to these poor innocent passengers?  Hello, if passengers think the Calling is asking them to commit suicide, you're doing it wrong.

Yes, yes, yes! And I hope Ben's 'I must contact each and every one of the passengers in order to save them (or something)' doesn't turn into 'passenger of the week', because then I'm really out-and I'm real close to out right now.

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So many of my favorite shows have ended recently or are ending soon, I went ahead and watched my recording of this last night.  (Though from some comments, I must have dozed off in spots.)

It was okay. I reserved a deck chair on the Ben/Saanvi ship last season, so I was both rewarded with a nice scene with them researching and hugely disappointed with how she's being written in general. 

Any decent attorney should be able to get Zeke off with Jared obviously a jealous ex and Mick not wanting to press charges at all. I would be okay with them reassigning Jared and just having him pop up occasionally to harass Michaela.  But with the new captain she's going to need an ally inside the precinct and he's all we've got. 😞   

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14 minutes ago, basiltherat said:

I don't know if I'm hate-watching this or I really like it.  Basically, its all there is on non-on-line TV that's not evil and/or serial killers.

lol...and Criminal Minds comes back this week. I think I'm only watching at this point because it's the last season so what the hell, I've made it this far, right?

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On 1/6/2020 at 10:10 PM, Camera One said:

Are we supposed to hate Jared completely because that's totally what I'm feeling, and I don't even like Zeke.  I can't even remember why he had a gun at the apartment.

I don't know if we're supposed to despise the character, but I certainly do.  Him AND Danny.  I understand Danny is sort of an innocent bystander, but I'm not going to forgive him for practically preying on a woman in mourning at the group session where he met Grace.

I thought last night's episode was a welcome return of this bug-out show.  They've escalated the Callings and made them almost Surroundsound and Smell-O-Vision.

One thing I forgot was the reason Ben is back at the house.  I thought Grace asked him to move out? Why did he move back in?  Olive wants a whole family again?  She's the one who ran to Danny when she had the problem in school.

Brows is back, but where's Lourdes?  Saanvi needs to relieve her anxiety and stress by getting some Ben loving.

Was Zeke wanted by the police for his prior offense back before he entered the cave or because of the Michaela shooting?   Jared acts like he had no role in Mick getting shot when it was all his fault. His stalking Mick is evidence of emotional bully.  "Michaela belongs with me!!". Pathetic!  Lourdes is better off without this loser.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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This show is hilariously awful. 

Of course I was expecting Michaela to be unconscious after surgery, but she was awake and lucid immediately after Saanvi said she made it through okay. Then Ben thinks this is the right time to tell her they all have a death date in store.

If Ben knows they're going to die on June 2, 2024, then why was he agonizing in the waiting room to see if she lived through surgery?

Oh, yeah, the random grasping of the stomach. Whichever side. 

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17 hours ago, Camera One said:

This was a pretty decent premiere, but felt a little same old, same old.  

My response was "same as it ever was." Which isn't a good thing.

14 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

The catchy episode title of “Fasten Your Seatbelts” was wasted here, IMO.  
If the mantra of “Save the Passengers” assumes the viewers watched, were fans of, and still fondly remember Heroes’ season 1 saying of “Save the Cheerleader,” that’s asking way too much. 

Yep, thought of Heroes. Which at least had a great first season before it began its descent to stinkatude.

7 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Yes, yes, yes! And I hope Ben's 'I must contact each and every one of the passengers in order to save them (or something)' doesn't turn into 'passenger of the week', because then I'm really out-and I'm real close to out right now.

PotW never even occurred to me. It sounds bad, but on the other hand, it might provide a through line and organization that this show sorely lacks.

It didn't occur to me that Mick was clutching different sides of her stomach - but I was bothered by it. Something didn't look right (I watch this first thing in the morning, when I exercise, so brain is not always in gear).

I'm not sure if I'm in or out - especially since I was definitely out at the end of last season (or so I thought).

Edited by Clanstarling
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9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I think they re-ran the premiere and season finale one night last week, too. (Not that I watched.)

They did indeed, and I watched because I knew the new season was about to start, and I realized I had absolutely NO recollection of what had happened at the end of season 1. Way too much time had gone by. Good thing too, because I had completely forgotten about the ominous June whatever, 2024 date.

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11 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Does Olive really think the best time and place to tell Danny her mom is pregnant with a kid who may or may not be (but let's be real, almost certainly is) his is when they've randomly run into him in the middle of the sidewalk?

I don't think Olive realized Danny could be the father until she talked to Grace. Which is kind of naive, considering she knew her mom was sleeping with him a few months ago.

I feel like Grace was being kind of awful when she talked about how Danny always wanted kids, but she didn't want to tell him about this baby, or even do a DNA test because it's her and Ben's time? That's pretty selfish.

She probably didn't want to find out because she knows it most likely is Danny's. Maybe they were even trying to conceive.

I forget why Michaela is so mad at Jared. She seemed mad even before the shooting. She was in love with him all last season and then he left his wife for her. Is it just because she met Zeke?

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6 hours ago, Arkay said:

If Ben knows they're going to die on June 2, 2024, then why was he agonizing in the waiting room to see if she lived through surgery?

I think Ben believed that all the plane survivors can only live until that expiration date (that other guy drowned on dry land, so the plane survivors might fall on June 2 as their plane "crashed"). 

But before June 2, 2024, any of the plane survivors could die in other ways (eg. unrelated accidents, attacks, illnesses, etc.) - there's no guarantee they will reach that date.

4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I forget why Michaela is so mad at Jared. She seemed mad even before the shooting. 

I don't remember either.  I also don't remember why Zeke went to the apartment with a gun.  

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4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I don't think Olive realized Danny could be the father until she talked to Grace. Which is kind of naive, considering she knew her mom was sleeping with him a few months ago.

I feel like Grace was being kind of awful when she talked about how Danny always wanted kids, but she didn't want to tell him about this baby, or even do a DNA test because it's her and Ben's time? That's pretty selfish.

She probably didn't want to find out because she knows it most likely is Danny's. Maybe they were even trying to conceive.

I forget why Michaela is so mad at Jared. She seemed mad even before the shooting. She was in love with him all last season and then he left his wife for her. Is it just because she met Zeke?

Actually, I think Olive suspected the dubious paternity, which is why she asked the question.  She's not stupid. However, Grace is fooling herself.  She knows who the daddy is. I just don't understand what she wants.  She threw Ben out of the house not too long ago.

Michaela is mad at Jared because he's a control freak.  In his mind, he feels he's the only one who could protect Michaela. He's not accepting her ability to handle her business. He's diminishing her as a person. In short, he's being a jerk.

I'll admit, I didn't catch the the Major portraying the therapist. <Hiding in shame>

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The Callings might save lives, but they need to stop dicking with people. I mean, their vague creepiness almost drove a couple to suicide! If you want people to do stuff, either tell them what exactly you want them to do, or be a bit less disturbing about it. 

Honestly not a bad start to the season, and as silly as this show often is, I am still interested in seeing what happened with the plane and what will happen next. The episode was certainly better than a lot of episodes last season (no one was too painfully awful or stupid or both) but was all pretty much same old same old. We get some hints, some not hints, family drama, vague mystery/conspiracy, etc.

Zeke might be kind of a dumbass, but he is certainly a better choice than freaking Jared for Michaela. I dont even like Michaela that much, and I even I think she can do better than his smug, self centered, best friend swapping ass. 

So did Grace have a head injury over the time skip or something, because she was so pleasant and sweet and apparently committed to Ben, it felt like a totally different character. Not long ago, she was kicking Ben out of the house for no real reason and acting like she was pissed that he inconvenienced her by coming back to life! Now she is all about Ben and is totally over Danny, as is Olive? What the hell happened during that time jump? I mean, I am pretty sure that the baby will turn out to be Danny's...or something not of this Earth?!

I would have been a bit more invested in if Michaela would live or die if she could decide which side she was shot at any point. Ouch my left? Ouch my right! Honestly, Zeke should be able to get off with any halfway decent lawyer, just saying how Jared lost his shit on him and went after him, being the jealous ex and all. Yeah Jared is a cop, but they could at least create doubt. 

Agent guy returns! With a dramatic "surprise bitch!" style resurrection line! 

Oh Saanvi, I was hoping that you would be smarter than this! I did smile at the shrink saying how often Saanvi talks about Ben and how clear it is that she likes being around him and has more than friend feelings for him, as I shipped the crap out of them last season. Now that Grace has switched a flip and decided not to be The Worst it seems less likely, but Grace could switch back at any second...

Edited by tennisgurl
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7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Zeke should be able to get off with any halfway decent lawyer, just saying how Jared lost his shit on him and went after him, being the jealous ex and all. Yeah Jared is a cop, but they could at least create doubt. 

This is what I don't understand.  The police were too gung ho to capture Zeke and arrest him, but for what crime?  I thought Jared was responsible for the gun going off and hitting Michaela. Sure, Zeke had a gun and I don't remember why, but I think he was trying to end his anguish about his sister's death and his mother's rejection by committing suicide.  Stupid Jared, already fueled by jealous rage, mistook Zeke's intention and started a fight.  Jared must have been quick to point out, in the absence of Michaela's ability at the time, that Zeke shot Michaela on his own or some such bullshit.  Anyway, throw suspicion Zeke's way, eliminates the competition and then Jared would be home free to cop some Brows without the "baggage" of his pregnant wife hanging around. 

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8 hours ago, Camera One said:

I think Ben believed that all the plane survivors can only live until that expiration date (that other guy drowned on dry land, so the plane survivors might fall on June 2 as their plane "crashed"). 

But before June 2, 2024, any of the plane survivors could die in other ways (eg. unrelated accidents, attacks, illnesses, etc.) - there's no guarantee they will reach that date.

I don't remember either.  I also don't remember why Zeke went to the apartment with a gun.  

And plane survivors have already died - so it's more like a sell by date.

Zeke got the gun to kill the terrible guy who drowned and then died again.

11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

The actress probably should have put duct type on her skin over the area where the character she portrays was shot.  It would have been a constant reminder to the actress what side she should be holding.   Sure it would be painful removing the tape, but if she can't remember what side she should be holding, I don't see any other option other than duct tape..  I will be disappointed but not surprised, if she is all healed up by next week.

This is not just an actress problem, this is a director problem for not making sure the actress was putting her hand over the area of the wound.

Director, continuity person, actor. These are all professionals for goodness sake.

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Sadly, I fell asleep on this episode.  After Grace said she wouldn't tell Danny (?) until the baby was six months old (if it is indeed his), I just shook my head.   

The triangle of Nick, Jared and Zeke - not again - just like all other shows, this has bee done to death (no puns intended).

How did the woman oncologist (can't think of her name who was on the plane with them) find the devious woman playing the psychiatrist/psychologist??

I wasn't sure after watching S1; maybe these supernatural type shows are just not my thing. 

This show will be a hit and miss for me.

48 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Director, continuity person, actor. These are all professionals for goodness sake.

Yeah, I noticed that as well - she switched sides where the bullet wound was!   I think I went to sleep shortly thereafter 😄

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Yeah, Zeke got the gun to kill the evil guy who drowned because the calling just said "Stop him." But they were tailing Zeke thinking he was going to buy drugs.  Jared overstepped with that surveillance - not the first time he was freaking out over Mick and Zeke's friendship. 

I don't remember exactly how the Major maneuvered herself into becoming Saanvi's therapist but she did. 

I know they were surprised last year at how much people hated Grace but nice Grace isn't much better, since now we're waiting for her to revert to form. 

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3 hours ago, cathmed said:

Sadly, I fell asleep on this episode.  After Grace said she wouldn't tell Danny (?) until the baby was six months old (if it is indeed his), I just shook my head.   


Grace decided they shouldn't worry about paternity.  Telling Ben this should be "our time."   She still has six months to go.  She said if the baby is Danny's, then they would tell him after the baby is born.

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1 hour ago, llongori said:

Grace decided they shouldn't worry about paternity.  Telling Ben this should be "our time."   She still has six months to go.  She said if the baby is Danny's, then they would tell him after the baby is born.

Thanks and appreciate the clarification.  She and Ben had to fight there way back to "normalcy" after the whole "Danny filled in while you were gone" scenario (my words--I know, she thought Ben was dead).   It took some time to regain that trust; this just seems like it may be going down a similar path with the baby.

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3 hours ago, tessaray said:

Yeah, Zeke got the gun to kill the evil guy who drowned because the calling just said "Stop him." But they were tailing Zeke thinking he was going to buy drugs.  Jared overstepped with that surveillance - not the first time he was freaking out over Mick and Zeke's friendship. 

I don't remember exactly how the Major maneuvered herself into becoming Saanvi's therapist but she did. 

I know they were surprised last year at how much people hated Grace but nice Grace isn't much better, since now we're waiting for her to revert to form. 

Thanks for the memories about why Zeke had the gun.  Also, agree with your post about Grace.  I really don't pay attention to Grace.  she seems to want everything her way, and is flaky.  First no paternity test, then all-of-a-sudden, let's get a paternity test. She'll end up getting frustrated by Ben's preoccupation with the "Save the Cheerleader Passengers" and ignore her occasionally, and wind up with Danny.  Buh bye!! Your husband is fated to end up with Saanvi.  Much better choice, so suck it!

This is NOT a spoiler:  New shows try to grab viewers' eyeballs by giving viewers a quick clip of future scenes:  Sort of a "This Season on Manifest......".  The scenes are confusing because you don't know what happened when; it's all a jumble.  On "Manifest", it appears they will eventually show the actual plane crash with the original passengers scattered around the debris similar to the classic scenes from "Lost".  Hopefully NOT with a similar ending.

Can someone please explain to me how Mick saw Zeke on the plane?  I thought Zeke experienced his time shift because of the Dark Lightning and entering the cave.  I don't think he was actually on Flight 828. So her calling was partly her own anxiety or delusion?

Manifest Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Fasten Your Seatbelts TVInsider

Manifest Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Fasten Your Seatbelts. SciFi Paradise

‘Manifest’ 2×01 Review: “Fasten Your Seatbelts”  Fangirlish

Edited by Jacks-Son
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6 hours ago, cathmed said:

How did the woman oncologist (can't think of her name who was on the plane with them) find the devious woman playing the psychiatrist/psychologist??

A colleague of the oncologist - a doctor who I think we'd seen before, gave her the "psychiatrist's" business card and said she was his therapist. He'd been a seemingly nice guy, but it made me wonder if he was there to keep an eye out on her.

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I forgot all about this show, but my DVR did not, so I watched. I felt a lot of meh. That feeling hasn’t much changed from what I can remember. Still don’t like some of the main characters (the sister, her ex, and the wife) and apparently still don’t know names. The young boy goes between fine and annoying for me. I do like the main character but they might be lingering OUAT vibes. I want to like the oncologist, and I sort of do, but I don’t like the creepy fake therapist and the crap between them. I’ll still in for now but I’m not sure if I’ll stick or not. 

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7 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

A colleague of the oncologist - a doctor who I think we'd seen before, gave her the "psychiatrist's" business card and said she was his therapist. He'd been a seemingly nice guy, but it made me wonder if he was there to keep an eye out on her.

I got a "Stalker Vibe" from that colleague.  He seemed to be overly solicitous from out of the blue.  So, he was an early plant by the Major.  The 828'ers need to implant a spy into the Major's organization, and Saanvi could prove vital there.  Discover the Major is "One of Them" and with Vance's help Saanvi can be a double agent or help insert a mole.  Find out what their plans are for Cal.  Saanvi gets captured and Ben & Mick come to her rescue; sparks fly and the rescuer gets a big kiss.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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10 hours ago, llongori said:

Grace decided they shouldn't worry about paternity.  Telling Ben this should be "our time."   She still has six months to go.  She said if the baby is Danny's, then they would tell him after the baby is born.

Oh brother. Not worry about paternity???? Without going back to watch previous episodes, and I may be wrong, but it seems like I remember that Grace and Ben did not sleep together right after he returned, getting used to each other, tensions, etc., so to me, anyway, it makes sense that the baby is Danny’s.  They need to do the right thing and get the DNA test done now, and tell Danny if he is the father.  That doesn’t make it “our time”. 

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I think the psychiatrist/shady government person is very interested in that baby's paternity. It would probably be safer for them to proclaim that the baby's father is Danny, rather than Ben. They're already interested in Cal, they might suspect that the baby will develop some special abilities as well.

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13 hours ago, alvajon said:

so to me, anyway, it makes sense that the baby is Danny’s.  They need to do the right thing and get the DNA test done now, and tell Danny if he is the father.  That doesn’t make it “our time”. 

You're expecting Grace to do the right thing???  When has she ever done the right thing?  In fairness to Grace, she did have no idea that her husband and son would return, so I can't blame her.  She just needs to decide what the fuck she wants,  While Ben should have the right to question her decisions, the pregnancy is solely Grace's choice and she should do what's best for her and the baby.  She needs to put all this craziness behind and think of the baby.  If removing herself from the business of the Returnees and the Callings is beneficial for her and the baby then do it.  Meanwhile, don't prevent those who want to solve the mystery from doing what THEY think is right.  If that includes understanding Saanvi's need to team with her husband, well then so be it.

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On 1/7/2020 at 3:14 AM, Lily H said:

The very first thing that popped into my head when someone said "Save the Passengers" was "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World"!

I laughed at Michaela clutching her left side every now and then, when she had so clearly been shot on the right.

LOL my better half has no interest in this show but the minute he overheard "Save The Passengers" from across the room, he immediately recalled the iconic line from Heroes.

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On 1/9/2020 at 10:24 AM, Jacks-Son said:

You're expecting Grace to do the right thing???  When has she ever done the right thing?  In fairness to Grace, she did have no idea that her husband and son would return, so I can't blame her.  She just needs to decide what the fuck she wants,  While Ben should have the right to question her decisions, the pregnancy is solely Grace's choice and she should do what's best for her and the baby.  She needs to put all this craziness behind and think of the baby.  If removing herself from the business of the Returnees and the Callings is beneficial for her and the baby then do it.  Meanwhile, don't prevent those who want to solve the mystery from doing what THEY think is right.  If that includes understanding Saanvi's need to team with her husband, well then so be it.

Yep, you’re right...

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