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Season 19 Spoiler Thread

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Idk, I feel Chris is truly into Whitney. The way he was with her on the wedding date was very telling. When he gave her the rose he was just so giddy she accepted it and he hasn't been that way with the others except with Britt. 

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It was said, somewhere, that he spoke and behaved differently with Whitney and it seemed clear she was the front runner to those who witnessed this.  I am not sure where Britt fits into his picture.  He sure seemed smitten. 


They won't last unless Whitney is fine with a man who prefers to stay in the background, and she may.  Still, I give them 5 months. 


Kaitlin is fabulous.  I don't care if she is there to get a boost for her acting career, she is delightful as is Carly.  I am ready for the announcement of who is next bachette rather than watching this play out.  Glad we have a speed up round this week with 3 shows in 2 days.  They should do this more often.  Not sure why the extra show though.  Chris' thoughts?  Like we will hear what he really is thinking?   riiiiight

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I think Whitney is his choice for wife, but Britt is his choice for one last screw before he settles down. He is infatuated with Britt. She's stunning and she is playing up the perfect girl bit, hanging on his every word, touching him all the time, having no personality outside of his wants and needs while Whitney is more mature, seems more like the settle down type, can help him out in social situations, like all the media they will be thrust into after the show ends. Carly would be little sis and Kaitlyn is "just one of the guys". The rest, IDK, who else is left? Becca and Jade, is that it? They seem like just dates, girls you go out with once or twice cause they're nice and pretty and fun but there's no connection there, they are just time killers until the right one comes along.

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Archer, that's a good interpretation of how the b-ettes could play out with Chris and makes a lot of sense. Britt is Chris's Courtney, so once she is gone he has to sort through what's left, and each has her negative points. I've known guys who want the woman to always tell him what to do, and maybe Chris is one of those. I'm not sure because this show isn't letting us see or know anything about him. Whitney is the lesser of all the evils. And we know TPTB won't let him do a Womack and not pick anyone.


Besides, after all the talk show rounds are over and no one gets on DWTS, they can split and Chris can then start going through all the off-screen women who will be making a play for him. Because, you know, he's famous now.

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From a story on Inquisitr (sorry, I can't seem to copy the link) Kelsey will be at the WTA, and Ashley I. will sharing an interesting bit of info Kelsey told the girls that didn't make the cut-that she didn't get the autopsy back for two months, so for two months she was afraid she fed him something wrong.

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If things don't work with Chris, I think Whitney would make a cool Bachelorette. She's pretty, smart, good socially and has a strong bs meter. I think she is also a nice person so she may not be as harsh as Andi was.

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From a story on Inquisitr (sorry, I can't seem to copy the link) Kelsey will be at the WTA, and Ashley I. will sharing an interesting bit of info Kelsey told the girls that didn't make the cut-that she didn't get the autopsy back for two months, so for two months she was afraid she fed him something wrong.


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From a story on Inquisitr (sorry, I can't seem to copy the link) Kelsey will be at the WTA, and Ashley I. will sharing an interesting bit of info Kelsey told the girls that didn't make the cut-that she didn't get the autopsy back for two months, so for two months she was afraid she fed him something wrong.

I think she's all those things too, but don't want a replay of Ashley and Bentley. (And, imo, Ashley was a lot more extroverted than Whitney--something TBette needs to be). Also, having watched so many seasons, I think it's more fun when the men are really excited and intimidated by the (sexy! gorgeous!) bachelorette. It's so much more difficult to "sell" this concept to a group of men than to a group of women. I just think Whitney, while very pretty, doesn't seem sexy and gorgeous and fun-loving enough to carry the show. I suspect she'd quickly fall into the "sister" zone for many of the men (and her stern, no-bs looks--which I think are great--would probably turn off a lot of guys).

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If things don't work with Chris, I think Whitney would make a cool Bachelorette. She's pretty, smart, good socially and has a strong bs meter. I think she is also a nice person so she may not be as harsh as Andi was.



I cannot warm to her at all.  If I see more of her maybe but for now, no.  It doesn't matter to me.  I am not that fond of Chris either.  :>) 



It is chilling to think that Kelsey thought she might have fed her husband something that killed him!  Obviously that was not the case but hysterical given some posts wondering about that.  WTA will be the best episode we have left and that should be good.  I think I will enjoy the women in Arlington, too, along with Britt's melt down. There have been some lively characters. 

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Wait, since when is Kaitlyn there to promote herself? What exactly does she hope to again?


I'm just paraphrasing what "a friend" told US Weekly. Kaitlyn has dated professional NHL players, was in "a sexy music video," and "went on the show because she wants to be famous - not for love." The article also describes Chris as "blind to her ambition." You may take this all with a grain of salt.


Idk, I feel Chris is truly into Whitney. The way he was with her on the wedding date was very telling. When he gave her the rose he was just so giddy she accepted it and he hasn't been that way with the others except with Britt.


I'm not saying that there isn't a connection there...but there's been so much Britt stuff in the last couple of weeks (the 2-hour nap, the kissing session in front of the women, the impromptu Big & Rich date) and I find it hard to believe that Chris would be so indiscreet with Britt in front of a woman he really cares about (Whitney). Maybe he really is that clueless. If Britt winds up leaving on her own, this could become a case of "Whitney...she was under my nose all along but I let myself get blinded by Britt's Hollywood-ness."

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It is chilling to think that Kelsey thought she might have fed her husband something that killed him!  Obviously that was not the case but hysterical given some posts wondering about that.



There's something not right about Kelsey's version of her husband's death, imo.  It is certainly possible to suddenly die of congestive heart failure.  But my understanding is that the condition lasts awhile after the initial diagnosis, during which time the person's heart grows progressively weaker.


If the first indication that she or her husband had that he suffered from CHF is when he dropped dead, I think that would be relatively unusual.  


I'm not suggesting her husband didn't die of CHF (although I'm not sure how many people with nearing-fatal-level CHF are walking to work).  But I'm suspicious of how she had no idea that he was ill.  Assuming he was diagnosed prior to his death, he most likely would've been on an organ-tranplant waiting-list.


I'll be very curious to see whether Chris H gives Kelsey the Juan Pablo treatment or tosses softballs.

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There's something not right about Kelsey's version of her husband's death, imo.  It is certainly possible to suddenly die of congestive heart failure.  But my understanding is that the condition lasts awhile after the initial diagnosis, during which time the person's heart grows progressively weaker.


If the first indication that she or her husband had that he suffered from CHF is when he dropped dead, I think that would be relatively unusual.  


I'm not suggesting her husband didn't die of CHF (although I'm not sure how many people with nearing-fatal-level CHF are walking to work).  But I'm suspicious of how she had no idea that he was ill.  Assuming he was diagnosed prior to his death, he most likely would've been on an organ-tranplant waiting-list.


This is what I meant. It's just pretty unheard of for someone to die suddenly and unexpectedly from congestive heart failure.


And if he died from a different heart problem (as I think is most likely), I find it really weird she would seem to be groping for the right words (and imo come up instead with the wrong ones--for a condition that she seemed unfamiliar with, like most people are until they know someone who has it--then it becomes -very- familiar.) I also don't understand how someone devastated by a sudden death of a spouse would not remember -exactly- what he died from. I know everyone is different, but I don't understand the way she said it, or how she tells "her" amazing story without a whole lot of emphasis on Sanderson and what a loss it was (for many people) when he died like that.  


I wish we could have -seen- her telling the women about her worries that she'd given him something that killed him. The emotional disconnect of her (cheerful) expressions and voice have been a big part of her credibility problem and her demeanor while recounting something like that would be worth seeing. I hope CH doesn't just softball it all tonight (as I expect). 

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Congestive heart failure is a condition that worsens over time.  Kelsey's husband died of a heart attack which can be sudden and fatal without warning.  Every once in awhile we hear about a young athlete or otherwise healthy young person who drops dead from a heart attack. 


As for Britt, I think it is safe to say he wants to screw her and is thinking with his little head when in her presence.  It will be interesting to see how upset he is when she walks away tomorrow. 

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I really, really don't think he died of Congestive Heart Failure. She was scrambling to even describe what he died of, and I think she guessed wrong. Heart attack makes more sense to me... but how weird is it that she can't even make an educated guess?

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Congestive heart failure is a condition that worsens over time.  Kelsey's husband died of a heart attack which can be sudden and fatal without warning.  Every once in awhile we hear about a young athlete or otherwise healthy young person who drops dead from a heart attack. 

You say he died of a heart attack as if it's a definite fact. Do you have some knowledge of the facts of this particular case? I ask because "heart attack" is so common as a cause of death, but that's not what Kelsey said. It seems if that's what she was told it was, it would have...should have...been easy for her to remember. Instead she seemed to be trying to remember a reason for his death that she'd never heard of before.


If it was a heart attack I don't know why she'd hem and haw and then stumble over "congestive heart failure". It doesn't make sense to me. A congenital heart condition that caused sudden death makes more sense to me but it still would seem a little strange that--since she obviously tells her "amazing story" over and over--she wouldn't get the cause of death correct.


I'm glad to know Britt's leaving tonight. I didn't think I could make it through 3 hours but now I want to. I think Chris is a self-centered bore who has treated the women pretty badly, so for his fav to dump him won't bother me the way those things usually do (hopefully). I'm just surprised more of the women haven't done the same. 

Edited by Padma
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Congestive heart failure is a progressive disease. One of the things that happens is swelling of your legs/stomach from fluid retention. There is often fluid buildup in the lungs, causing shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. You know when it is a bad time for your CHF. Unless he had symptoms and never went to the dr to check int them, I think he had an undetected heart defect and had a heart attack. 

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Please tell me Jade has a shot at being the next Bachelorette because after tonight I can't stomach fake!Britt and mean girl Carly.


I doubt Jade can get past the ABC execs that make the final decision.   I think Kaitlyn has a shot of being chosen over Britt but Britt will really have to bomb her "Women Tell All" audition for that to happen.   So please do so Britt as I too can't stand her fake ass self.  

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Jade is too boring and grubby looking. Hell, they're all grubby looking other than Whitney.

Carly is far too insecure and her wardrobe is atrocious. It's like she's bringing the 80's back, but as a 60 year old.

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Jade is too boring and grubby looking. Hell, they're all grubby looking other than Whitney.



Every once in awhile, when Becca manages to get on camera, she looks ok but no wonder Chris fell for Whitney as the rest are a complete mess. 


I usually just watch the bachelorette for the guys and their bromances but if Britt is chosen, I'm going to have a tough time bothering to watch.   So if you are reading this Fleiss, please cast lots guys there just for the free booze and travel, to make a Britt season bearable.  Thanks!

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You and me both. I just want to smack that cross eyed blow up doll expression right off her lying face. I thought she may draw hot guys, but she's so fake and needy that she would draw weirdos. No thanks. Well, I didn't much care for Kaitlin, but she auditioned the best. Give it to her and send Carly back to her lanai in shady whatever, Miami, and Britt can go back to waiting tables at Capital Grill while waiting for her "big break". At this point, even Mackensie looks good.

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Jade is too boring and grubby looking. 



Jade cleaned up really nicely, make-up and hair-wise, for her Playboy photo shoot…the kind of makeover treatment I was expecting for her Cinderella date. I think in some shots she looks very pretty, in a natural way - no fried hair like so many of these women. 


The wardrobe choices on many of them though…damn. I thought Carly may have topped the list with a denim onesie/shorts outfit but Britt wearing a midriff-baring shirt for ICE-skating was ridiculous. 

Edited by archer1267
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the wardrobe choices on many of them though…damn. I thought Carly may have topped the list with a denim onesie/shorts outfit but Britt wearing a midriff-bearing shirt for ICE-skating was ridiculous.


YEP1  i was thinking, if I was ice-skating, I would have taken a fall and had some weird ice burn on my midriff.   But that's me.  


I just caught an interview with megan on GMA - she talks about why she left (no connection, other women have a better connection, blah blah).  She thinks Becca will "win", says she has the best connection with Chris.   I guess we weren't shown much of that.  I forgot she was there last night. 

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So who does everyone think will be the next Bachelorette??


I still don't know who could be the Bachelorette from this group of girls. If Britt truly left on her own before the Final 4, then she would be a weird choice. Now RS is back tracking and saying that maybe she just didn't get a rose. Hmm...we'll see. I still think she will be a weird choice. But honestly, any of the girls who are left would be a weird choice. There just isn't anyone who screams 'Bachelorette' to me. Andi screamed Bachelorette during JP's season. Sean's whole final 4 looked Bachelorette material. Even Ben's season had Bachelorette caliber girls (even though they didn't use any of them). I'm not seeing it with Chris's group. If Becca hadn't of made the final 2, was a little older and more experienced, gave more interesting interviews and hadn't been completely hidden this season - then yes, she would be it. That girl is beautiful.


Also, do you guys think Britt will leave on her own tonight or just not get a rose?

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Saber505 posted this in the Media thread:


Okay, here's another link that talks about behind the scenes in Des Moines, the fact they were not allowed to speak with Britt (why?) and that Des Moines coughed up $70,000 to "offset production costs" of filming in that town. And SantE Fe was upset about their tiny $50,000? So, ABC is essentially PAID to produce TB in different locales, and ad money from commercials just goes ... where? No wonder Fleiss can keep this show on the air.


I am feeling tinfoil hatty and wonder if there are some shenanigans with Britt, either Bachelorette related or maybe she's been a producer puppet all along and they want to manage her appearances -- like it will be: "yes", to Good Morning America and Kimmel, but "oops, sorry, not enough time" to News 8.

Edited by lulee
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Also, do you guys think Britt will leave on her own tonight or just not get a rose?


Well since I can't stand Britt, I hope she is out cause she didn't get a rose as she could use a dose of humility. 


As for the next Bachelorette, here's my feelings on those in the running from this season:


Becca: can't see her being chosen

Kaitlyn: could work and be another Jillian, a girl from Canada thats cool and fun;  might know more with her final 3 edit

Jade: ABC would never allow her to be the Bachelorette

Carly: can't see her carrying a whole season

Britt: so fake but is probably in the running.  Edit on WTA will show whether she is Fleiss favorite or not

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From the article, it was written as 'There wasn't enough time to interview Britt.' It didn't state that she wasn't allowed to interview her.

I know, which I paraphrased, but I also said I was being tin-foil hatty about it aka thinking there's a conspiracy.

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"Not enough time left today to talk to Britt" is the same, IMO, as not being allowed to talk to Britt. The article said there were LLLlllooooong stretches of time when the three women were on the ice by themselves while Chris was somewhere else. That goesn't give a local newscaster five minutes to talk to Britt? Please.


I'm thinking Britt might have been a TPTB plant to lead Chris on. She's a Hollywood "waitress," after all. Has anyone found where she "waits" tables?


I'm wondering if Andi isn't being set up for b-ette again. I know ... vomit.

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So who does everyone think will be the next Bachelorette??

I wanna say Kaitlin but I can't help but feel she isn't attractive enough. I can't stop staring at her teeth whenever she's on screen. I still think it could be Carly. Britt has been given the "fake" edit so I'm not sure about her.



I'm wondering if Andi isn't being set up for b-ette again. I know ... vomit.

I would hope Andi is smart enough to not set herself up for another failed engagment 2 years in a row. If it's her again, I won't bother watching.

Edited by ElectricCityy
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I'm thinking Britt might have been a TPTB plant to lead Chris on. She's a Hollywood "waitress," after all. Has anyone found where she "waits" tables?


Ooh! Maybe she can get a job at SUR and be on Van Der Pump Rules (on Bravo) now that Kristin is fired! She can be on TV and waitress!


Also, do you guys think Britt will leave on her own tonight or just not get a rose?


I'm thinking Britt leaves on her own. Carly was making SUCH a big deal about Chris knowing the real Britt now and that he wouldn't give her a rose, but that's ridiculous--especially compared to the girls he's kept around in previous weeks that he didn't give an iota of a damn about. If he wasn't that into her, sure, an excuse to let her go, but he is gaga over her! It would take more than pouting about being hurt that she was no longer his favorite for him to eliminate her! I think for sure he would keep her over Becca at this point if it was his choice.

Edited by JenE4
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Also, remember that Chris threw a bit of a hissy fit when Britt called him on handing out roses to girls who acted a certain way.

With that in the background, her reaction to Kaitlyn getting the HTD rose may have been the last straw.

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I think Carly and Katilyn are firmly in the "friend zone". Becca is barely even on his radar and will likely drop even further with the whole "I'm a virgin" reveal. Jade will probably seem more intriguing after he knows she's posed for Playboy (etc.) but she's still very reserved with him and they seem to have zero chemistry.


The only two I see chemistry with are Britt and Whitney. I think Britt thought she had everything "in the bag" as long as she wanted after the two hour "nap" and is annoyed that it hasn't worked out that way. Whitney seems to be the only one who's genuinely "in love" with him (or who she thinks he is) and she's smart and strong enough to cope with whatever "life in Arlington" entails. Unfortunately, I think she's too good for him, which leaves... no one.

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I'm thinking Britt might have been a TPTB plant to lead Chris on. She's a Hollywood "waitress," after all. Has anyone found where she "waits" tables?



I too have wondered if Britt is a ringer. To what end, I don't know. She wears far too much make-up but is what most men would consider gorgeous, and it's not a surprise that Chris would be smitten with her. But if she never had any intention to be serious with Chris, then I'm not sure why TPTB would deliberately throw her into the mix. The other women added plenty of drama on their own without producer interference. Was it to get another Brooks-esque kind of dramatic moment, where the clear frontrunner exits from the competition?

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Also, remember that Chris threw a bit of a hissy fit when Britt called him on handing out roses to girls who acted a certain way.

With that in the background, her reaction to Kaitlyn getting the HTD rose may have been the last straw.


And it was Kaitlyn that time too.  She was the one that took her bikini bottoms off in to jump in the lake and Britt called him on giving her a rose, and appearing to approve of that behavior.  I don't think Britt has understood what he sees in Kaitlyn, from the beginning, and so has basically seen her as cannon-fodder.  That probably really upped her angst when he signaled that there was something more with Kaitlyn, with that rose.

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
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Also, remember that Chris threw a bit of a hissy fit when Britt called him on handing out roses to girls who acted a certain way.


I wonder how she would have reacted if Kaitlyn had gone for a private, two hour "nap" in his bed and on the B&R date ran off hand in hand, returning with a rose after the other women had been left sitting there for an hour.

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I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I really think Kaitlyn is the best bet for The Bachelorette from this group. I think she has the personality to carry the show as a lead (and hell I'm positive she'd be more interesting and engaging than Chris or at the least she can't possibly be worse than him), she may not be drop dead gorgeous (but neither was Andi in my opinion) but she is beautiful in my opinion and has a good amount of sex appeal/hotness, so I can definitely see the guys being interested in her.


So far she's gotten a pretty great edit I think - no drama in the house with any of the other women (Britt had her own issues with her but it just made Britt, not Kaitlyn look bad), no over the top cattiness, etc. And the promo for the Final 3 episode where we know she gets eliminated, shows her talking about Chris believing she's kept a wall up. I can definitely see that being a perfect storyline for her going into The Bachelorette - "she lost Chris because she was too scared to open up and be vulnerable, can she learn to let go..."  or whatever cheesiness these promo people come up with.


I just really can't see it being anyone else. Britt is gorgeous yes, but Britt got a horrible edit in the end. I just can't imagine them going with someone that many of the viewers have come away thinking she was/is completely fake. Carly may have some good snark but she's also incredibly insecure and I feel like a season of her as the Bachelorette will include a lot of tears and insecurities on her part. Becca could work but for a Final 2, Becca has been virtually invisible this season.


I mean compare Chris' season to Andi's where Nick practically dominated the season with Josh a heavy presence and they were the final 2. Even Juan Pablo's season, Nikki and Claire were pretty dominant personalities/storylines throughout the season. Becca all but got forgotten in the episode last night where she didn't even go on a date. So if I had a vote, Kaitlyn's the best bet in my opinion, unless she doesn't want it. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Kaitlyn's the best bet in my opinion, unless she doesn't want it.

I like Kaitlyn a lot -- my opinion of her has improved dramatically since the first night, when I was pretty put off by her potty mouth. But she seems to be fairly level-headed and normal, and not a shit-stirrer, at least not what we've seen. I wouldn't mind her being the Bachelorette because I do think she can be funny and quick witted, and maybe there are enough guys out there who find her attractive and would want to meet her. On the other hand, it might be a season of OTT excruciatingly embarrassing scenarios that she thinks are screamingly funny.


But, but, but -- and I sort of hate typing this because it gives this pile of doodoo more credit than it deserves -- I do think these seasons "work best" when the lead is truly sincere about his or her effort to find a spouse, and as much as I think Kaitlyn would be fun to watch because she's not a bitch and she's not high maintenance, I'm not convinced girlfriend actually wants to find a husband, not right now. (And I can say that seeing as we're all like best friends and stuff, despite having never met and being more than 10+ years apart in age.)

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