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  On 7/10/2014 at 5:47 AM, Persnickety1 said:

Kind of like their protestations of how healthy and loving their relationship is.


I know lots of loving, healthy couples and not a one of them exhibits Shannon's bitterness nor has David's record of DV.


I would like to know the real reason they thought coming onto this show would be a good idea.  Besides the way their crumbling marriage is being portrayed and David's record of DV, it doesn't appear they have anything to gain from appearing on this trainwreck other than a paycheck.  Certainly they aren't hurting for money (although, again, with these Housewife participants, anything is possible).  It doesn't appear either Shannon or David have any wares they're trying to sell or even anything they're working on and using the show as a platform on which to build a brand.


I just don't get it.  Unless they honestly believe their representative of the typical OC family.  The whole reason for them being on this show just perplexes me.  


I think David pulled the old Kelsey Grammer -- get her busy on something else like a show that she devotes a chunk of her time to, let her have her own celebrity, so he can ease out of her life.  I know he hasn't left *yet* but this is only year 1.

  • Love 1

Time to cover up and dress your age Vicki. And act your age too. No one wants to see 50 yr old women dance on top of a bar. Leave that to the 20-something hotties


Ugh.  No kidding.   I am Vicki's age and for god's sake, those days are O.V.E.R, both Vicki and Shannon looked so sadly out of place.  Even if they were NOT dancing on the bar, the 4 of them looked like they were out of their age bracket at Andale's (sp?)    Spring break doesn't look good on you past a certain age.   Ugh. (again)


I'm dying to know what is up with that DV charge against David.   It's obviously there and SOMETHING happened.   

I can't help but observe that he always seems to be trying with Shannon the best that he can, and he always seems respectful towards her.  I can't imagine him being physical, but who the hell knows.   I've seen Shannon/David compared to Josh/Kristen on RHONY board and I disagree, Josh is a douche - whereas David has not shown signs (on camera) of any douche like behavior.  (Well, except for the yelling x-rated comments in front of kids at the hoe-down.... but for that I enjoy blaming the aholes that are Heather and Terry for having kids at a party where the alcohol was flowing. My story.  Sticking to it.)

  • Love 1
  On 7/9/2014 at 10:45 PM, psychnurse said:

It's strange because it shows he pled not guilty so he must have been tried and convicted for that penal code to apply. I suppose we will never know but it is one more situation where I think, what are these people smoking? How could they forget about a domestic violence charge? How did they figure it wouldn't come out and how do such dumb people manage to make so much money?

I don't think they were counting on the matter not coming out in the gossip rags.  For it to come out on the show Shannon or David would have to lie about it or else some other HW would have to engage in gossip about a 10 year old arrest.  There is only so much gossip Tamra can disseminate a season.  There is also the outside chance it will come up at the Reunion next week.  Shannon addressed straight away in the Star interview.  So technically, she is not lying or hiding it.


Similarly, we don't hear about Terry Dubrow's malpractice claims on the show.  They pop up in the gossip sites from time to time but for one of the wives or husbands to bring it up it sounds a little stalker(ish).  I think RHONY tried using the infamous 'facialist' to bring up what is circulating in the gossip magazines and that was an epic fail.  Kind of came off as drama for drama's sake.


I too am bewildered how seemingly dumb people make so much money.  The couple that comes to mind is The Giudices-oh wait we all saw how that turned out.  I will say I believe David Beador has a college degree and does work in a field that does require intelligence.


When the HWs gain someone like a Carole Radziwill-a woman with success and connections I often wonder what is it in them that wants to open their life up to such scrutiny?

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 2
  On 7/9/2014 at 2:49 AM, amarante said:

Heather's dogs are Goldendoodles which are poodle and Golden Retriever mix. The dogs are good for those with allergies as I know several families who would not be able to own a dog if it weren't a poodle or one of the poodle blends - cockatoo; labradoodle; goldendoodle for those who don't want a garden variety poodle which is also good for those with allergies.


I realize that rescue dogs are the politically correct choice but at least in Southern California, it's not that easy to find a dog if you need fairly specific traits. I occasionally will track what is available and there are a lot of pit bull mixes; German Shepherd/Rottweiler type mixes. 

I live in So Ca. and, in addition to my two mutts, I always have to have a Shih Tzu. My first rescue was an 11 year old Shih Tzu that had been taken back to rescue 3 times and was just deserate to be loved. She certainly found it here, I adored her, but because of her age and a heart ailment, I had her a little less than 4 years.

I have always been able to find Shih Tzu in rescue. I know for a fact there are tons of poodles in rescue. In fact, one of my mutts is part poodle. Some people tell me they think he is full bred. I have no idea, I just tell them not to say it too loud because he is convinced he's a Rotweiller.


Heathers story was Bullshit. She wanted two designer dogs and she wanted the color, age etc. to be exact. That's her right. Just stop tyring to pretend you give a damn about the thousands of homeless animals out there. You don't. In fact, judging from Terry's surprise at her announcement, I suspect she doesn't even like animals, designer breed or not. She reacted to his suggestion to rescue a cat pretty much like I would react if my husband suggested we get a Python.


Heather is just phony. That fact doesn't mean that Shannon is not a lunatic. The two things are certainly not mutually exclusive.    

  • Love 7
  On 7/10/2014 at 1:58 PM, sasha206 said:

I think David pulled the old Kelsey Grammer -- get her busy on something else like a show that she devotes a chunk of her time to, let her have her own celebrity, so he can ease out of her life. I know he hasn't left *yet* but this is only year 1.

Because I don't like Shannon, I've always gone the other way on this. I think they were recommended to AC by somebody (probably Heather who seemed to have been put in charge of introducing them. She seems to have known them casually from the neighborhood or the kids school or something. Heather probably wanted another "higher class" woman to be her ally. That might also explain why they are so contentious with each other. Heather feels Shannon owes her. Shannon felt Heather maybe mislead her about how the show works) and I think Shannon was the one who wanted to do it. I think in her fevered little brain she thought she would have evidence that she is RIGHT and David is WRONG! I think she thought that at the end of all if it they would sit down and watch and David would see how wrong he is about everything and how right she is and he would start planning weekend trips, and understanding how important all her DRs appointments are, and stop eating chips and salsa before dinner! I think even half way through filming she was getting an inkling that her plan wasn't working, but I really think she thought she would go in the show become America's Sweetheart, David would realize how badly he had treated her and agree to do everything the right/her way, and they would ride off into the sunset together, happier than ever.

  • Love 1
  On 7/10/2014 at 5:12 PM, FozzyBear said:

Because I don't like Shannon, I've always gone the other way on this. I think they were recommended to AC by somebody (probably Heather who seemed to have been put in charge of introducing them. She seems to have known them casually from the neighborhood or the kids school or something. Heather probably wanted another "higher class" woman to be her ally. That might also explain why they are so contentious with each other. Heather feels Shannon owes her. Shannon felt Heather maybe mislead her about how the show works) and I think Shannon was the one who wanted to do it. I think in her fevered little brain she thought she would have evidence that she is RIGHT and David is WRONG! I think she thought that at the end of all if it they would sit down and watch and David would see how wrong he is about everything and how right she is and he would start planning weekend trips, and understanding how important all her DRs appointments are, and stop eating chips and salsa before dinner! I think even half way through filming she was getting an inkling that her plan wasn't working, but I really think she thought she would go in the show become America's Sweetheart, David would realize how badly he had treated her and agree to do everything the right/her way, and they would ride off into the sunset together, happier than ever.

Here is the story of the casting of Lizzie and Shannon.  http://www.ocregister.com/articles/housewives-609724-lizzie-shannon.html


I agree I do think Shannon was oblivious to her endless tape of nagging.  Once a couple goes down the path of bickering they become unaware how truly obnoxious they are not just to each other but the entire world.  It does sound like she is getting her happy middle right now with she and David vacationing together.  Of course all progress will be reversed after the taping of next week's Reunion.  I think Shannon will be eaten alive by Tamra and Heather,



Here is the story of the casting of Lizzie and Shannon.  http://www.ocregiste...ie-shannon.html

Oh goodness, the OC register. You done took me back. That place was popping around the time of Lauri's engagement and subsequent marriage to the chinless wallet. There was so much amazing gossip about that relationship and Lauri's troubled son coming allegedly from George's ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law. In fact, it made its way onto TWOP and that thread was shut down for quite sometime. It was rumored that George was threatening a lawsuit. Those were the days. Lauri going on and on about her happy Brady Brunch family, complaining about never having had a proper honeymoon (to this day) while Josh went in and out of various penal institutions and went to live with George's ex-wife. 


I would never be as rude to Lizzie as Vicki was but this episode I finally came to the conclusion that yes, that it is a pretty stupid name. The swimsuit store owner or manager or whatever had some pretty canned answers and didn't exactly seem enthused about what she was seeing. The more Lizzie discusses her business the less impressive it becomes. She got $100k from her dad to startup? But of course she is doing it on her own. There aren't enough eye rolls in the world. 

  • Love 1
  On 7/10/2014 at 4:55 PM, chlban said:

I live in So Ca. and, in addition to my two mutts, I always have to have a Shih Tzu. My first rescue was an 11 year old Shih Tzu that had been taken back to rescue 3 times and was just deserate to be loved. She certainly found it here, I adored her, but because of her age and a heart ailment, I had her a little less than 4 years.

I have always been able to find Shih Tzu in rescue. I know for a fact there are tons of poodles in rescue. In fact, one of my mutts is part poodle. Some people tell me they think he is full bred. I have no idea, I just tell them not to say it too loud because he is convinced he's a Rotweiller.


Heathers story was Bullshit. She wanted two designer dogs and she wanted the color, age etc. to be exact. That's her right. Just stop tyring to pretend you give a damn about the thousands of homeless animals out there. You don't. In fact, judging from Terry's surprise at her announcement, I suspect she doesn't even like animals, designer breed or not. She reacted to his suggestion to rescue a cat pretty much like I would react if my husband suggested we get a Python.


Heather is just phony. That fact doesn't mean that Shannon is not a lunatic. The two things are certainly not mutually exclusive.

Fellow Shih Tzu lover here, and yes there are plenty of them in rescue situations. I also used to show Golden Retrievers and I hate this new "designer dog fad". People took 2 perfectly fine breeds and created another "gotta have it" dog that ends up in shelters all over the country. The bitch could have found one in a shelter. I hope the breeder of her puppies has a contract where if it doesn't work out with Queen Heather, the dogs must be returned to the breeder, and I hope there was a spay/neuter clause too. I see nothing about Heather and Terry that says they will make good pet owners.

  • Love 1

If I were in someone's home, asking that person to verify if they had spread gossip (true or not) about me to mutual acquaintances - information that I had not personally told that individual - and that person looked me square in the eye (eyes wide, brow furrowed), pointed her finger toward the door and said 'Please leave', I would absolutely take that as two things:  first - being thrown out of her house - and second - an admission of guilt, after which I would never darken that person's doorstep or countenance ever again.


In my opinion, it doesn't matter whose side we're on in this case:  if Heather made those statements about Shannon and David's marriage to dis-interested third parties in an attempt to gain stature with those individuals (which is one of the primary reasons to spread gossip) and someone ratted her out on it (meaning she got caught doing it), then, in my opinion, Heather has absolutely no ground to stand on when confronted by the person she maligned, willingly or otherwise.  Heather got that information second- or third-hand (from Tamra).  Unless Shannon told Heather in a separate discussion, Heather had no business sharing that information with anyone, except for her own personal gain.


I'm frankly surprised the encounter wasn't a heck of a lot louder.


Shannon is in over her head with that harpie, Heather.  If she does a second season on this show, I'll be surprised.

  • Love 9

You don't dance on bars from 1-18 because you're too young, and it's probably illegal.   You don't dance on bars from 19-49 because you know better.  You don't dance on bars when you're 50+, because you can break a hip.    Dancing on bars is asinine at any age.    It never should be done.


Boob shimmying on the bar notwithstanding,  Vick looked good in PV.    However, the lighting in her office must be right over her head, because she looked like Rocky Dennis, but  Tamra looked quite good.   Jesus Vicki,  get a couple of shoot through umbrellas and some good lights.  Insist on them, and buy them if Bravo won't. 


Blah blah sun kitten.  Lycra,  two triangles, and those space age ruched panties!   Yawn.   Maybe she can get a job designing stuff for those robot babies.   I don't know which was more fake, but Gizzard is definitely more vapid and useless than  baby Astro. 


I could live on the veranda at Vicki's timeshare.   Screw Shannon, I'm going on the next vacation with Vicki and Crooks.   BTW, Crooks and Vicki look good in Mexico.  Like, attractive good.   Yeah, I said that. 

  • Love 3


I suspect she doesn't even like animals, designer breed or not.


This is what I'm thinking too. Judging by her house (the one they owned) she likes a sterile, perfect, not a thing out of place type of home. Not gonna happen with dogs! They shed, have accidents, make noise - things that will drive her nuts, especially once she's in her new house. Okay for the dogs to poop and pee on the landlord's property though. She seems like the type who won't touch her kids, hug her kids, if they're dirty or have food on their face, etc. Nope, wisk them off to the nanny to be bathed and sterilized before she'll touch them. She just doesn't seem like one to cuddle and love on an animal.


At first she totally shut down Terry on the cat idea, then it was like a lightbulb went off in her head thinking, "Uh oh. That sounded like I hate cats. Better not piss off the cat people in the audience. Better not look like the controlling bitch who never lets her husband have his way (think onion rings)". She suddenly switched over to, "It's perfectly fine if you want a cat."

  • Love 2
  On 7/10/2014 at 5:12 PM, FozzyBear said:

Because I don't like Shannon, I've always gone the other way on this. I think they were recommended to AC by somebody (probably Heather who seemed to have been put in charge of introducing them. She seems to have known them casually from the neighborhood or the kids school or something. Heather probably wanted another "higher class" woman to be her ally. That might also explain why they are so contentious with each other. Heather feels Shannon owes her. Shannon felt Heather maybe mislead her about how the show works) and I think Shannon was the one who wanted to do it. I think in her fevered little brain she thought she would have evidence that she is RIGHT and David is WRONG! I think she thought that at the end of all if it they would sit down and watch and David would see how wrong he is about everything and how right she is and he would start planning weekend trips, and understanding how important all her DRs appointments are, and stop eating chips and salsa before dinner! I think even half way through filming she was getting an inkling that her plan wasn't working, but I really think she thought she would go in the show become America's Sweetheart, David would realize how badly he had treated her and agree to do everything the right/her way, and they would ride off into the sunset together, happier than ever.


What I meant by that was he *encouraged* her participation even though she has nothing to hawk so he could have her busy with something else other than discontent with him.

  On 7/10/2014 at 10:32 PM, sasha206 said:

What I meant by that was he *encouraged* her participation even though she has nothing to hawk so he could have her busy with something else other than discontent with him.

I think the Beadors are trying to sell their house.  I do agree I think he agreed to it to keep he busy and content. 


Speaking of people who get themselves in the limelight http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/07/tamra-barney-daughter-in-law-suicide-attempts-hidden-skeletons/  why does Tamra's son continue to appear on the show knowing his beloved is troubled?  Maybe Tamra should have afforded the couple some privacy. 

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I think David Beador is on cameras because David Beador wants to be.  If he wanted Shannon on a la Kelsey Grammer David would be a blur entering and leaving the kitchen of dried chicken.  David seems to love being on camera.  I can't tell if Shannon loves it or not since most of the time she seems to be flapping in the batshit crazy cave. 

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  On 7/11/2014 at 3:11 AM, heebiejeebie said:

I think David Beador is on cameras because David Beador wants to be.  If he wanted Shannon on a la Kelsey Grammer David would be a blur entering and leaving the kitchen of dried chicken.  David seems to love being on camera.  I can't tell if Shannon loves it or not since most of the time she seems to be flapping in the batshit crazy cave. 


I'm not saying that he doesn't enjoy it.  I just think he is probably hoping that this will give her a life beyond just him.

  On 7/11/2014 at 3:11 AM, heebiejeebie said:

I think David Beador is on cameras because David Beador wants to be.  If he wanted Shannon on a la Kelsey Grammer David would be a blur entering and leaving the kitchen of dried chicken.  David seems to love being on camera.  I can't tell if Shannon loves it or not since most of the time she seems to be flapping in the batshit crazy cave. 


Oh lawdy, I LOL'd forever at that scene of Kelsey zipping out of that house and down that driveway with a Frasier-like wave of his hand.  He knew that was his final exit from Casa Camille and did he look ecstatic.


I've often wondered if perhaps another reason Kelsey encouraged Camille to join the cast was to show the viewers just what a she-devil he'd been putting up with for all of those years.  That first season Camille was just a wicked combination of vile, vapid, repugnant, vindictive, and bitchy all tied up in a pretty little bow.


I can't believe it's reunion time already next week.  I'm sitting her debating on tossing some questions out for Andy to pose to the women.  Snarky suggestions welcome.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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  On 7/9/2014 at 2:49 AM, amarante said:

Heather's dogs are Goldendoodles which are poodle and Golden Retriever mix. The dogs are good for those with allergies as I know several families who would not be able to own a dog if it weren't a poodle or one of the poodle blends - cockatoo; labradoodle; goldendoodle for those who don't want a garden variety poodle which is also good for those with allergies.

I realize that rescue dogs are the politically correct choice but at least in Southern California, it's not that easy to find a dog if you need fairly specific traits. I occasionally will track what is available and there are a lot of pit bull mixes; German Shepherd/Rottweiler type mixes.

  On 7/9/2014 at 3:14 AM, Eater of Worlds said:

Oh my gosh, goldendoodles? They found out from breeding labradoodles that you only get a pure poodle type coat with low allergy response a very small part of the time, and that holds true for other breeds mixed with poodles that aren't already low shed. If she had done a shred of research she'd know that. It's part of the reason so many end up in shelters. My friend got a labradoodle as a Guide Dog with the thought that it would be easier on her partner for allergies. It was terrible, the dog had super long hair (from the poodle) that shed like the labrador. She spent one night at my house and I was cleaning up clumps of hair two weeks later. It's a big reason why they stopped using them in her Guide Dog program, they don't breed true with one type of hair or a steady temperament and they washed out as Guide Dogs way too early, so they stopped using them. Labs are fine, poodles are fine, but mixing them just created too many things that didn't make them better. It's also why they stopped using them as Guide Dogs in Australia, or stopped using them as much.

She'll be lucky if those goldendoodles grow up with the kind of hair she's hoping for.

I've tried to stay mum about the dog thing because I know it can be a hot button issue for a lot of people. I come here to read great snark not to throw gas on the fire but I can't help myself. I don't blame Heather for wanting a particular breed of dog but for every breed out there , there are rescue groups. We have had adopted 4 goldens from rescues over the last 20 years and they have been the greatest dogs I could have ever hope for. It takes time to find the right fit and on two occasions we had to travel out of state to get them but they are out there. Heather has plenty of money and time so there really is no excuse for her not to go this route. My boy Leo was rescued from a goldendoodle puppy mill and lead a miserable life before the mill was raided and shut down. I hope Heather really did donate to her local rescue (receipts please) but she could have done a lot to raise awareness of breed specific rescues. Since she didn't, I will . Freinds if you want a specific breed please look to a rescue organization. Many of the dogs even have their akc papers.

This has been a public service announcement . Now proceed with snarking.

Edited because reduced and rescued are not the same thing

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 10
  On 7/11/2014 at 12:26 PM, nc socialworker said:

I've tried to stay mum about the dog thing because I know it can be a hot button issue for a lot of people. I come here to read great snark not to throw gas on the fire but I can't help myself. I don't blame Heather for wanting a particular breed of dog but for every breed out there , there are rescue groups. We have had adopted 4 goldens from rescues over the last 20 years and they have been the greatest dogs I could have ever hope for. It takes time to find the right fit and on two occasions we had to travel out of state to get them but they are out there. Heather has plenty of money and time so there really is no excuse for her not to go this route. My boy Leo was reduced from a goldendoodle puppy mill and lead a miserable life before the mill was raided and shut down. I hope Heather really did donate to her local rescue (receipts please) but she could have done a lot to raise awareness of breed specific rescues. Since she didn't, I will . Freinds if you want a specific breed please look to a rescue organization. Many of the dogs even have their akc papers.

This has been a public service announcement . Now proceed with snarking.

No Pun intended, but BRAVO!


I don't for one minue think Heather is stupid (Tamra, yes, Heather, no). She just plain flat out lied about the dog situation. She would have done better to just act clueless about rescue. I used to like Heather, but I am done with her.


But I still hate Shannon more. 

  • Love 2

nc social worker, you said it all very well in regards to Heather & dog gate.

I find it hard to believe she would not know about breed specific rescues. She wanted pedigreed puppies - not that there's anything wrong with that - but she wanted the pedigree for her snooty fancy pants pretentious self. I loathe her.

Quick shout out for my breed specific Lab Retriever rescue girl. Best dog ever. See avatar:)

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 4

Maybe this has already been discussed, but does anyone know what Shannon was doing before she married David? 


She is 49, and they have been married for 14 years.  That means she got married when she was roughly 35 years old. I know she graduated from USC, I would assume when she was 22 or 23. What was she doing for the next dozen or so years? I cannot even believe I am typing this, but is it possible that she has never had a job or any type of career at all? I have looked all over the place, and can find nothing to indicate that she has ever done anything at all. I think that is extremely strange. Then she gets married, and she has nannies for her kids (I think she has two). It seems to me that Shannon has just been taken care of her entire life, and her expectations are extremely unrealistic. I also wonder if there is more to it. She seems incredibly fragile to me. Like she could snap at any moment, and is unable to handle even the smallest bit of stress. I wonder if she has always been fragile and unable to cope and that is the reason for no career? If anyone knows different about those missing years, I would love to hear about it.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

My complaint about Heather is the absolute fake and pre-spin she has taken in regards to obtaining the puppies.  When she got backlash she quickly tweeted-the dogs were from a patient of Terry's who was a breeder.  So instead of saying-" Terry I have given it some thought and would love to have the puppies from your patient's dog," she made it sound like it was her idea out of the blue and went into that song and dance about rescues.  I don't see them as people who were looking for a dog but as people who were presented with the opportunity and took it.  her comments about having them in a leased house just went to the heart and soul of this soulless couple.


Lisa Vanderpump has her fair share purebreds and she seems to take no flak from her choices.  Then again she regularly tweets and supports rescues-not in a fake spin-doctor way.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1
  On 7/11/2014 at 12:26 PM, nc socialworker said:

I've tried to stay mum about the dog thing because I know it can be a hot button issue for a lot of people. I come here to read great snark not to throw gas on the fire but I can't help myself. I don't blame Heather for wanting a particular breed of dog but for every breed out there , there are rescue groups. We have had adopted 4 goldens from rescues over the last 20 years and they have been the greatest dogs I could have ever hope for. It takes time to find the right fit and on two occasions we had to travel out of state to get them but they are out there. Heather has plenty of money and time so there really is no excuse for her not to go this route. My boy Leo was rescued from a goldendoodle puppy mill and lead a miserable life before the mill was raided and shut down. I hope Heather really did donate to her local rescue (receipts please) but she could have done a lot to raise awareness of breed specific rescues. Since she didn't, I will . Freinds if you want a specific breed please look to a rescue organization. Many of the dogs even have their akc papers.

This has been a public service announcement . Now proceed with snarking.

Edited because reduced and rescued are not the same thing

This post makes me happy, thank you

  • Love 2
  On 7/11/2014 at 2:01 PM, zoeysmom said:

My complaint about Heather is the absolute fake and pre-spin she has taken in regards to obtaining the puppies.  When she got backlash she quickly tweeted-the dogs were from a patient from Terry's who was a breeder.  So instead of saying-" Terry I have given it some thought and would love to have the puppies from your patient's dog," she made it sound like it was her idea out of the blue and went into that song and dance about rescues.  I don't see them as people who were looking for a dog but as people who were presented with the opportunity and took it.  her comments about having them in a leased house just went to the heart and soul of this soulless couple.


Lisa Vanderpump has her fair share purebreds and she seems to take no flak from her choices.  Then again she regularly tweets and supports rescues-not in a fake spin-doctor way.

And Lisa Vanderpump has a dog with a chronic health issue (who has become a star in his own right. Giggy is definitely my favorite member of the BH Cast) that both she and her husband adore. I would bet my next paycheck that if either of those sweet desinger  puppies the Dubrows just purchased were to develop any type of "problem" particularly one that might have an effect on their appearance, they would be "sent to live of a wonderful farm" before you can say "Pretentious, lying bitch".   

Edited by chlban
  • Love 8
  On 7/11/2014 at 1:19 PM, jnymph said:

nc social worker, you said it all very well in regards to Heather & dog gate.

I find it hard to believe she would not know about breed specific rescues. She wanted pedigreed puppies - not that there's anything wrong with that - but she wanted the pedigree for her snooty fancy pants pretentious self. I loathe her.

Quick shout out for my breed specific Lab Retriever rescue girl. Best dog ever. See avatar:)

She is full of shit. She didn't want to rescue a dog and there is nothing wrong with that. Maybe she is concerned about getting a dog with abuse or behavior problems and bringing them into her family with young kids. It's not her cross to bear. She should have just owned it because she looks like such a fake, because she is a fake.

  • Love 2

I am all for rescue dogs, I have two myself and I was just coming here to say something similar to my only thought (aside from Heather wanted pure bread puppies) is that I would be concerned adopting a rescue in a house with small children, only because as I said I have two rescues and one was so traumatized by his prior owner that he can be aggressive. I've had him 14 years and he still freaks the hell out sometimes for no real reason, I wouldn't let him around children (or other dogs) because it would be irresponsible. I got him when he was only 4 months old but the damage had been done. He's never been even close to mistreated in our house but he came in terrified of everything and while now he's a great dog, even now after 14 years of being spoiled rotten if you startle him while he's asleep he will snap. 


So, I don't blame Heather for not wanting a rescue, or for rethinking getting a rescue, but I do hope she donated and I hope that she really does teach her kids about volunteering and all those things she said. For a home with small kids I think she made the right choice, I just wish she had done it in a bit of a more honest way. 

  • Love 5

Some dogs in rescue have issues, Many do not. If you get them from an actual Rescue Group where they have lived in someone's home you can determine if they have issues such as snapping, not good with kids, other dogs, or cats.


I have had many, many rescue dogs. My one boy that I have now can be mildly aggresive with unneutered male dogs.

He has never bitten one, but he will try to intimidate. Since he is a 14 pound poodle mix,, and will try to intimidate an unneutered Pit Bull, I have to watch him when we are in contact with intact males which, fortunately, is rare. 


All of my other rescue dogs have been good with kids, cats, other dogs.  


I just don't want to leave the myth out there that all rescues have "issues". If anyone is concerned or has small children, I would advise a rescue group as opposed to a shelter just so you know how the dog has done in someone's home with children, other dogs or cats or all three. That still opens up a spot in the Rescue so they can go save another dogs life at the Shelter.


Rescues do not want you to take a dog that will not do well in your home. If you check rescue sites you will often see "No Cats" "No Kids" etc. However there are many others that will tell you the dog is good with all three. 


Although I have never had a "problem" rescue I have had many that were insecure, scared, timid, etc. Watching them blossom into happy, confident dogs  is one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever experienced.  

There is nothing like the way you feel when you realize that your rescued dog has finally realized they are "Home".


I highly recommend it!


  • Love 8

Thank you for that great information about breed specific rescue organizations. My next door neighbor belonged to a Staffordshire Terrier organization and adopted a couple of dogs that belonged to someone who had died in 911. They both belonged to a organization devoted to the breed and my neighbor was contacted to adopt them. They were two wonderful dogs.


It was quite a sight to see him walking three of these huge dogs through the streets of Brooklyn. His own puppy and the two rescues.

  • Love 2

Oh I totally get that she could have gone to a good rescue and gotten a dog that was great with kids and didn't have issues, but it would have been work. That's the part I think she's being dishonest about. I wasn't very clear before I suppose. It's easy to buy a dog, and it's easy(ish) to go to a shelter and adopt a rescue but you don't have any really good info on the dog from the shelter.


You can also spend time and do breed specific research and all that, find a breed specific rescue near you, see if they have any dogs that suit your needs or if they don't wait or have them contact another rescue and get a dog shipped etc. It's totally possible, but clearly what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy, so she bought two puppies from a breeder. That's all I'm saying. 

  • Love 2

what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy


Exactly why I think she's a pretentious bitch.    


 (Which I realize you're not necessarily saying that she is NOT one, Lisin.  Gah !  I hope that made sense.  Bottom line is I'm ripping on Heather. LOL! )

Here was a chance to maybe take some time from her "Crazy Busy"  schedule, to actually do some research, along with her kids to find the right dog.  This would be a chance to teach them an important life lesson, that things worthwhile take some effort , research and perseverance .   


Hopefully, they will love their bought purebred puppies, but IMO an adopted rescue dog would make more of an impact on their impressionable young minds.


eta - dogs in rescue are often in foster situations, which the foster parents can provide invaluable info on their dispositions. Also, I realize there was probably some sort of extenuating circumstances,  but a co-worker of mine has a lab retriever (like mine, GREAT dogs) and has had him since he was 6 weeks old; and just recently he lashed out and bit his 5 yr old granddaughter.  Having a pup doesn't necessarily guarantee they will always be good natured towards kids.

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 1
  On 7/11/2014 at 3:53 PM, chlban said:

Some dogs in rescue have issues, Many do not. If you get them from an actual Rescue Group where they have lived in someone's home you can determine if they have issues such as snapping, not good with kids, other dogs, or cats.


I have had many, many rescue dogs. My one boy that I have now can be mildly aggresive with unneutered male dogs.

He has never bitten one, but he will try to intimidate. Since he is a 14 pound poodle mix,, and will try to intimidate an unneutered Pit Bull, I have to watch him when we are in contact with intact males which, fortunately, is rare. 


All of my other rescue dogs have been good with kids, cats, other dogs.  


I just don't want to leave the myth out there that all rescues have "issues". If anyone is concerned or has small children, I would advise a rescue group as opposed to a shelter just so you know how the dog has done in someone's home with children, other dogs or cats or all three. That still opens up a spot in the Rescue so they can go save another dogs life at the Shelter.


Rescues do not want you to take a dog that will not do well in your home. If you check rescue sites you will often see "No Cats" "No Kids" etc. However there are many others that will tell you the dog is good with all three. 


Although I have never had a "problem" rescue I have had many that were insecure, scared, timid, etc. Watching them blossom into happy, confident dogs  is one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever experienced.  

There is nothing like the way you feel when you realize that your rescued dog has finally realized they are "Home".


I highly recommend it!

Of course many are in rescue for other reasons but, many are in rescue because of behavior problem. That is the truth. Before I became a nurse I worked in veterinary medicine and we worked with rescues for charitable reasons. If I had a 4 year old, I would not get a rescue dog unless I absolutely knew the background information. Having said that, either of these puppies could have behavior problems so you never know. I just don't think there is anything wrong with buying a pure bred puppy. Especially if you match the breed temperament, energy requirements and grooming needs to your parti8cular family. One of the reason there are so many dogs in rescue is because people chose dogs on how cute they find them so if a quiet inactive family choses am Aussie or Husky, they are likely to be a mismatch.

  • Love 1
  On 7/11/2014 at 2:01 PM, motorcitymom65 said:

Maybe this has already been discussed, but does anyone know what Shannon was doing before she married David?

She is 49, and they have been married for 14 years. That means she got married when she was roughly 35 years old. I know she graduated from USC, I would assume when she was 22 or 23. What was she doing for the next dozen or so years? I cannot even believe I am typing this, but is it possible that she has never had a job or any type of career at all? I have looked all over the place, and can find nothing to indicate that she has ever done anything at all. I think that is extremely strange. Then she gets married, and she has nannies for her kids (I think she has two). It seems to me that Shannon has just been taken care of her entire life, and her expectations are extremely unrealistic. I also wonder if there is more to it. She seems incredibly fragile to me. Like she could snap at any moment, and is unable to handle even the smallest bit of stress. I wonder if she has always been fragile and unable to cope and that is the reason for no career? If anyone knows different about those missing years, I would love to hear about it.

Glad I'm not the only one who looked at Sharron, did the math, and wondered what happened? At that first dinner party she threw Vicki mentioned that Shannon had moved to OC to date. It sounded to me like she moved to OC to find a husband. She would have been early 30s so what happened in the 10 years between USC and David and why did she move to OC to find a guy? She's from LA, right(Brentwood maybe)? Maybe she had a young marriage that didn't work out.

For whatever reason I kind of got the impression she was maybe one of those people for whom nothing worked out (jobs, relationships, life... I also think that might be why she's so sensitive to accusations of yelling and being crazy. I think she has always been a little too high strung for life and has probably been told to calm down a lot) so at about 30ish she went to OC so some of her USC friends could introduce her to a rich husband (OC really is USC territory so I can kind of see the connection there). There is just something about Shannon that makes me come up with all these Old New York, Edith Wharton, marry her off to a rich man scenarios.

  • Love 2

I got my dog from an out of town show breeder. The interview process was arduous-I had to provide references as to my demeanor as a companion animal owner.  She was one of 12 and only eight were spoken for by the time the pups were four weeks old.  She had a show flaw-a spot of pink on her nose.  My inquiries were as follows:  Is she alpha?  Does she like children and cats?  I was not disappointed. She is not alpha and she loves all living creatures.  She outgrew the pink on her nose and when the annual dog show is here we go and visit her fancy show dog kin.  This particular breed during their showing career and after they retire the show circuit are used as working dogs so they get the best of both worlds.  My neighbor's son loved my dog and recently got a rescue of the same breed.  I hate whoever abused that poor animal.  Their little Hannah is fortunate to have found them.  So I believe rescue and responsible breeders work hand in hand.  The breeders keep the standards alive and the rescue folks help those abandoned animals find homes for the poor animals who were unfortunate enough to get a bad human.  This why I find Heather so fake.  She wanted puppies and believes that her designer dogs will be hypo-allergenic.  Good luck with that Heather!!!!

  On 7/11/2014 at 5:06 PM, FozzyBear said:

Glad I'm not the only one who looked at Sharron, did the math, and wondered what happened? At that first dinner party she threw Vicki mentioned that Shannon had moved to OC to date. It sounded to me like she moved to OC to find a husband. She would have been early 30s so what happened in the 10 years between USC and David and why did she move to OC to find a guy? She's from LA, right(Brentwood maybe)? Maybe she had a young marriage that didn't work out.

For whatever reason I kind of got the impression she was maybe one of those people for whom nothing worked out (jobs, relationships, life... I also think that might be why she's so sensitive to accusations of yelling and being crazy. I think she has always been a little too high strung for life and has probably been told to calm down a lot) so at about 30ish she went to OC so some of her USC friends could introduce her to a rich husband (OC really is USC territory so I can kind of see the connection there). There is just something about Shannon that makes me come up with all these Old New York, Edith Wharton, marry her off to a rich man scenarios.

I found this on Shannon.  Pretty vanilla until you read the comments.  Out of the blue David Beador's uncle starts posting.  The uncle has never met Shannon.  This uncle was born in 1960 so that may explain the no meeting the Shannon he has to be fairly close in age to David.  There is also discussion of David Beador's business. http://stoopidhousewives.com/2013/12/03/rhoc-new-housewife-shannon-beador-what-you-might-not-know-about-Shannon/

It is simply an untrue and very damaging statement to imply that dogs are in rescue because of behavior issues. Unless you men the behavior of the idiots that adopted puppies and had no idea they would require work. Or the idiots that buy a pure bred to breed in their backyard, as my own Shih Tzu was, until she developed mammary cancer because she was never spayed and then dumped her in the shelter. She is a perfect dog and I have been asked to train her as a therapy dog due to her wonderful temperment.


There are people that dump their dogs at the shelter because they are going on vacation and won't pay for boarding. That is why Summer and Christmas are the two busiest seasons for Shelters. They just figure after they get back from vacation they can to the shelter and get another puppy, for much less money than it would cost to board them.


There are people that have never made the slightest effort to train their dogs and then dump them because they jump on people when they are excited. I suppose you can call that "behavioral" but the rescuer people will have corrected that behavior for you, or if they haven't yet completed the training they will certainly let you know.


I have already said that Heather had a right to buy whatever dog she wanted as everyone does. This is America. I  just wish people like her would own it and stop trying to throw rescue dogs under the bus to justify their preference for buying puppies.   


Rescue dogs are like any other dogs. Some have issues, some do not. If you go to a rescue, you will be informed of the issues, if they exist, and you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to take them on.


That's all. Heather is fully within her rights. She is just a pretentious phony about it.       

  • Love 5
  On 7/11/2014 at 4:22 PM, Lisin said:

Oh I totally get that she could have gone to a good rescue and gotten a dog that was great with kids and didn't have issues, but it would have been work. That's the part I think she's being dishonest about. I wasn't very clear before I suppose. It's easy to buy a dog, and it's easy(ish) to go to a shelter and adopt a rescue but you don't have any really good info on the dog from the shelter.


You can also spend time and do breed specific research and all that, find a breed specific rescue near you, see if they have any dogs that suit your needs or if they don't wait or have them contact another rescue and get a dog shipped etc. It's totally possible, but clearly what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy, so she bought two puppies from a breeder. That's all I'm saying.

I really didn't want to start a fire storm I swear ,but this is an issue close to my heart. It took me about 6 months to find my current rescue golden. The dog had to meet specific requirements ( good with cats, kids, not super high energy good with other dogs). It is work because once this animal comes into your life it should be with the intention that you are it's guardian until death. I, personally enjoyed the process. The animals are all in foster homes and for some, having their first positive interactions with humans. Back to Heather, she talks the talk but she is a special snowflake that doesn't want to wait or be inconvenienced. Rescuing is for the little people because she has money so is entitled to have whatever she wants when she wants it.

Now will one of you kindly give me a hand off this high horse?

  • Love 7

My second "favorite" Heather insanity of the night was watching her hand a giant wad of cash to the nanny for the kids to go get dessert somewhere else so Heather and Terry could have some alone time at the restaurant. Not that I think it's a bad plan, hey, it works I guess, have dinner then get the nanny to show up and take the kids off your hands so you can spend a bit of time having drinks with the hubby. Sounds great. I just thought the giant wad of cash was hilarious. Very OTT. 

  • Love 5
  On 7/11/2014 at 4:22 PM, Lisin said:

Oh I totally get that she could have gone to a good rescue and gotten a dog that was great with kids and didn't have issues, but it would have been work. That's the part I think she's being dishonest about. I wasn't very clear before I suppose. It's easy to buy a dog, and it's easy(ish) to go to a shelter and adopt a rescue but you don't have any really good info on the dog from the shelter.


You can also spend time and do breed specific research and all that, find a breed specific rescue near you, see if they have any dogs that suit your needs or if they don't wait or have them contact another rescue and get a dog shipped etc. It's totally possible, but clearly what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy, so she bought two puppies from a breeder. That's all I'm saying. 

I've had four pure breed puppies from local breeders but the last three dogs have been 2 (ish) year old pound dogs. The puppies were TONS more work then the two year olds. Puppies are work and if you don't put the effort into them you will end up with a dog with issues that you didn't want in a rescue dog in the first place. I've also seen many sets of puppies purchased at the same time be pretty aggressive because the owners felt that since there were two they didn't bother to socialize them. Heather seems like the type to spend money to seemly do it right and the dogs still won't be what she wants because, well they're dogs. Its probably a good bet the dogs won't be there in 18 months to 2 years anyway, if they last that long and make it into the new Dubrow seaside mansion.

  • Love 2
  On 7/11/2014 at 6:25 PM, Almost 3000 said:

I've had four pure breed puppies from local breeders but the last three dogs have been 2 (ish) year old pound dogs. The puppies were TONS more work then the two year olds. Puppies are work and if you don't put the effort into them you will end up with a dog with issues that you didn't want in a rescue dog in the first place. I've also seen many sets of puppies purchased at the same time be pretty aggressive because the owners felt that since there were two they didn't bother to socialize them. Heather seems like the type to spend money to seemly do it right and the dogs still won't be what she wants because, well they're dogs. Its probably a good bet the dogs won't be there in 18 months to 2 years anyway, if they last that long and make it into the new Dubrow seaside mansion.

Totally agree. Two puppies at once? Maybe she can hire a dog nanny. Otherwise, yes, by the time they have moved into the Dubrow Hilton, those puppies will be re-homed. God, at least I hope she will go to that much effort. Or make a big donation to a rescue to get them to handle it for her. 

  On 7/11/2014 at 4:37 PM, jnymph said:


Here was a chance to maybe take some time from her "Crazy Busy"  schedule, to actually do some research, along with her kids to find the right dog.  This would be a chance to teach them an important life lesson, that things worthwhile take some effort , research and perseverance . 




People feel passionate about this topic. Heather clearly knows that. She should have done what she wanted and not tried to justify her actions. I find it hard to judge her, however, as I have faced my own battles with a few friends over the very same issue. A couple of my girlfriends will literally judge a person based strictly on this one trait - you rescue a dog you are good. You buy a dog, you are bad. It is very simple to them and it drives me nuts. Most of my dogs have been shelter dogs, but when my kids were younger and I got a Lab from a breeder, they acted like this meant I was not qualified to even have a dog. Please. But then I also have a co-worker who thinks that anyone who has a biological child is selfish considering the number of kids looking for good homes. You are never going to make everyone happy so fuck em. 


I agree that this was an opportunity for Heather to teach her kids a lesson, but she can still teach her kids a lesson.  They can properly train and care for the dogs, they can love them and provide care for them.  They can learn to understand that they are members of the family and should be treated as such, not given away if they don't turn out to be exactly what they were hoping for. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4


I found this on Shannon.  Pretty vanilla until you read the comments.  Out of the blue David Beador's uncle starts posting.  The uncle has never met Shannon.  This uncle was born in 1960 so that may explain the no meeting the Shannon he has to be fairly close in age to David.  There is also discussion of David Beador's business. http://stoopidhousew...-about-Shannon/


That was some interesting information. This is OT but the owner of the site seems extremely rude to his/her commenters, why resort to name calling? It's like reading a site run by Tamra.


ETA: I tried to read some other articles on that site and it is like everything is written in some kind of weird code with the nicknames and the acronyms. Plus, the tiled background makes my eyes hurt. It's too bad because there seems like there is some good info buried underneath all of that clutter and the inside jokes.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 2
  On 7/11/2014 at 6:03 PM, Lisin said:

My second "favorite" Heather insanity of the night was watching her hand a giant wad of cash to the nanny for the kids to go get dessert somewhere else so Heather and Terry could have some alone time at the restaurant. Not that I think it's a bad plan, hey, it works I guess, have dinner then get the nanny to show up and take the kids off your hands so you can spend a bit of time having drinks with the hubby. Sounds great. I just thought the giant wad of cash was hilarious. Very OTT. 

Oh, I noticed that too, and didn't know why I found it so irritating.   Just something very dismissive about it, I have no idea why. 

  • Love 2

Since Andale is such a cherished place in the Vickster's hagiography, I decided to google it and check out reviews.


Evidently it is a hot spot for seniors - i.e. those over 50 according to the the reviews - I quote one fairly typical review 


Casual dress, good prices and great fun atmoshpere. Older crowd - average around 50+ - having a really good time. I don't think I have ever seen so many seniors dancing the night away and acting like college kids on sring break.

  • Love 1


what Heather wanted was immediate and also easy

I'm honestly not trying to keep the a bit too far afield rescue tangent going or annoy anyone (yes, I have a rescue cat and dog myself) but it occurred to me that this could simply be another producer/writer plot device and those puppies were purchased, basically, as props as part of a story line.


Just a thought.

Just popping in to say that it looks like Vicki's daughter had her son, Owen.  Interestingly enough, her brother hasn't posted anything about it on FB.  You think he'd say a generic "congratulations" or some such.  Guess not. 


I'm so over this conversation about Heather and her dogs.  I think that Terri really called her out when he said that she wanted to donate to a rescue and then get a purebred.  I'm certain she wasn't planning on ever rescuing.  Frankly, I'm in support of responsible breeders and responsible rescue organizations.  She doesn't owe it to anyone to rescue, and as others have said, she would have been better off without even mentioning the possibility of rescuing in the first place. 

  • Love 5

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