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All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2020 Season

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On 3/3/2020 at 1:20 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Ugh.  Could Rach really be a Bernie Bro, and she’s just tryin’ to keep it on the down low?

I've never gotten that impression of Rachel, on the other hand, Chris Hayes is a total Bernie Bro.

I was surprised that TRMS gave a Wednesday night block to Bernie Sanders and not Biden. I mean Biden just ripped the election right out of Bernie's hands. 

Then last night it was Elizabeth Warren who I love and, wanted to vote for (in June) but, she didn't win a single Primary including her home state and, I think, was 4th in delegates after Bloomberg in Super Tuesday. 

Not that I begrudge Warren because she's (IMO) the best candidate and it stinks that she droppedout but, it seems odd that TRMS hasn't booked Biden. 

I guess Biden has declined an interview maybe he's saving it for when he does up against Trump?


Edited by Morrigan2575
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On the night of the Bernie Sanders interview, Rachael closed her program with an open invitation to the Joe Biden camp for an interview.

She stated that there had been previous overtures for an on camera sit down, but never any replies

Hopefully before the convention and that's a long way off, we'll see such an interview.

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4 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

I was hoping we'd get to see Bailey last night and we did!  I am glad Rachel mentioned the heartbreak that many woman were feeling yesterday as our hopes again yet died for a woman President. 

I was feeling teary-eyed during that interview(being a Senior citizen, I would like to see a Woman President in my lifetime), and seeing Bailey eat the burrito made me smile. 

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Another Rachel's Coronavirus Hour again.  I'm expecting her to grab her hair, stare into the cam bug-eyed & just scream "CORONAVIRUS!" 10 billion times. 

Anyone catch the signoff with LOD?  He said rather calmly that he was in some airports & he only saw seemingly healthy people everywhere.  Rachel said that coughing people seemed to be following her everywhere.  Really, Rach?  Is this paranoia why you've bombarded the show with coverage of the virus, while ignoring anything else in the news?

So I guess Joe totally snubbed Rachel's request for an interview cuz he gave another one to LOD.  Could it be his peeps caught Rachel's behavior on last Tuesday's coverage, where she kept referring to Bernie as the "likely nominee" in the beginning of the night?  Anyway, LOD had a balanced show tonite, discussing the virus & tomorrow's primaries.  Rachel didn't.

I'm still pissed as hell that Rachel never discussed the important court happenings from last week cuz she's gone so crazy over the virus.

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It seems like such a weird disconnect to me -- between Rachel's Coronavirus Hour, which (to me) appears to be coming from a place of panic & stay-in-your-home-indefinitely -- to what I see outside where I am in NYC.  I see tons of healthy-looking people carrying on with their lives, with almost nobody (that I've seen) wearing gloves or masks.  Look, I certainly appreciate her tracking Trump's fumbles on what needs to be done & everyone needs to be concerned about where this is going & get the latest facts.  But Rachel seems consumed by it.  I'm finding it too overwhelming & disturbing to watch her show now & may just stop.

Again, Lawrence had a really good & balanced show -- and Rachel didn't.  Will this be Rachel's show from now on -- ONLY discussing Coronavirus, and that's it?  Lawrence covered the latest Coronavirus happenings, along with much appreciated commentary on how Trump is screwing up.  But Lawrence also had some examination of what happened last night with the primary.  Did Rachel?  NO!  And I can guess why because I watched her oddball behavior last nite during the primary coverage.  She clearly didn't like the way it went last nite. 

So what's the deal, Rach?  Are you trying to avoid discussing anything other than Coronavirus?  And why the heck was she asking specific health-related questions to Ron Klain, who isn't a health expert?  Jeez, I really hope Rachel can get over her Bernie love & support Biden if he wins . . . 

I think Rachel is going to be proved absolutely right to concentrate on the Coronavirus. 

This is already the biggest economic and political story in existence, and it’s not going anywhere. I see it, because I have family where it’s not a big deal, and I am in a hotspot. They’re still not worried. They still think other things are actually going to matter this election season.

I tell you. On Monday morning here we were all laughing about the ridiculous possibility of the schools closing, or food running out. Or being banned from going on vacation to New York next week. Or companies going bust overnight. Or being shut up in our houses, holding online meetings from the kitchen table. Or...  Yeah. Never going to happen. So funny.

This morning, all of that has already happened. This is going to change so fast in the US. So much sooner than you think. It goes from funny to disturbing so fast. It’s been three days. Everything has changed.

Rachel is just slightly ahead of the curve. Soon there won’t be any other political story.

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It's time for another reminder that this thread is only for discussion of Rachel's current episodes. Discussion of what she should cover or what she isn't covering is not on topic.**  (We give a little leeway regarding announced guests for the upcoming episode but that's about it.) Take it to Small Talk or private messages. 

So don't be surprised to see posts disappear in the future, even if they are 90% on topic.

** A little speculation based on current coverage is fine. Blasting the show for what she is or isn't covering really isn't.

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Well, yes, now there isn’t anything else to cover but Coronavirus — cuz that has become of utmost concern.  Was Rachel “ahead of the curve” to cover it (and nothing else) in her past few shows?  Not really.  Most of the rest of media was doing the same.  But Rachel was following the same panicked tone as most of the rest of media is & it really bothered me cuz I expect more from Rachel.

But tonite Rachel struck a very different tone — she was really thoughtful & I think ultimately helpful.  I should have known Rachel wouldn’t disappoint.  When she said she wasn’t gonna report on all the closings due to the virus cuz that would “take up her whole show”, I knew she was back on the right track.  Keep it up, Rach, we need you more than ever.

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The guy she had on as a guest who fought in the AIDS crisis in the 80s was an amazing interview (sorry I can't remember his name).   

From my perspective, its a bit weird  - I was a teenager in the 80s and living in the Midwest so I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on with the AIDS crisis - especially since no one was talking about it in St. Louis.  But later on I read And The Band Played On and after I lived in NY for grad school, started recognizing names in the obits and in a way - as Rachel pointed out - its happening again.  With some of the same people involved. 

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I was a bit surprised and annoyed that she kept comparing the NYC incidence graph to the one from China because they are completely different scales. The one from NYC is measured in tens and the one from China is measured in hundreds.  It's not accurate to compare those two curves unless they are to the same scale.  Of course the NYC graph looked so (artificially) dramatic.

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Sitting in the middle of Seattle, I was very bugged by the opening segment on Friday, where she referred several times to the “new cases” or “increase in new cases”.  They are *confirmed* cases, not new ones.  Public health is trying to identify current cases so that actual *new* cases can be counted, going forward.   The numbers right now are cases that already existed and are being documented.  In a week or so, we should be able to see how much these have increased.  No question that there will be an increase, but the question is, how much?  

Also agree that the scale of the NYC graph is not a fair comparison to China’s. 

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So does Rach need to be flashing the US map of numbers of the latest cases by states?  Was the comparison of graphs btw NYC & China cases a bit much?  Yes to both.  And a week ago, I would have accused her of being alarmist, too dramatic & needlessly inciting panic.  I don’t think that anymore.

Rachel has shown in this show & the night before, she is absolutely keeping in mind NOT to incite panic.  But Trump was saying merely a week ago (yes, a week ago!!!) how this was a Dem hoax & it’ll be over by April — and he still doesn’t seem to be taking it seriously.  And now McConnell has the House virus bill.  Rachel has said many times before (& of course she’s right) how both McConnell & Trump respond swiftly to public pressure.  

So if Rachel has to keep flashing the US map of the latest # of cases & make some dramatic comparisons, it’s OK by me if it helps push Trump & McConnell to fucking do something!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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It is true that there are no statewide declarations in Texas but in Houston, the fourth-largest city in the US, bars and restaurants were ordered closed Tuesday morning except for drive-thru, delivery, and pick-up/takeout; and gatherings larger than ten people are prohibited, thru month-end. County-wide, gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited for the next eight weeks. Schools and colleges have been/remain closed (week 2 of that).

So I felt like she misrepresented things a bit.

On a lighter note, it's kinda fun to see guests Skyping in from their living room or wherever.   

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13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

So, did Rachel ever give the reason why the Northern Italians died??  (I got sick of listening to stats.!!!!)

I'm not a doctor, but I think it isn't as simple as someone "getting sick and dying".  People aren't dropping down dead from the virus, they are spending 2-3 weeks in the hospital before they die.  So there's like a 3 week lag between an increase in confirmed cases and an increase in deaths. 

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7 hours ago, FoundTime said:

It is true that there are no statewide declarations in Texas but in Houston, the fourth-largest city in the US, bars and restaurants were ordered closed Tuesday morning except for drive-thru, delivery, and pick-up/takeout; and gatherings larger than ten people are prohibited, thru month-end. County-wide, gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited for the next eight weeks. Schools and colleges have been/remain closed (week 2 of that).

So I felt like she misrepresented things a bit.

These steps are great, but not nearly enough, so I think it's great that she named and shamed the states that aren't doing enough and leaving it to local city and county governments to try to manage this crisis.  Texas, and the others, need their governors to step up and put ALL their people and tax and medical resources on this.  Declaring a state of emergency gives them more options (and federal money) to take action. 

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15 hours ago, izabella said:

These steps are great, but not nearly enough, so I think it's great that she named and shamed the states that aren't doing enough and leaving it to local city and county governments to try to manage this crisis.  Texas, and the others, need their governors to step up and put ALL their people and tax and medical resources on this.  Declaring a state of emergency gives them more options (and federal money) to take action. 

Texas' governor did declare a state of emergency early last week but I didn't mention it in my earlier post because it didn't seem relevant to the point Rachel was making about the seven states.

Thank you, Rach -- you ended your show tonite by clearly making an important plea to your network (and maybe CNN too) -- STOP FUCKING BROADCASTING TRUMP'S DAILY BULLSHIT PRESS CONFERENCES!!!!!  I know it's gonna be all bullshit, babble & crap, so I avoid it.  But I'm baffled that MSNBC & CNN waste literally hours airing his dangerous bullshit promises.

And btw, all other MSNBC hosts mentioned the cameraman who just died from the virus, but Rachel was the ONLY one who choked up & left the air on the verge of tears . . .

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like watching the show now is more scary as hell than informative?  I feel like if I do venture out to get some bread, I'll drop dead on the street -- but not before tripping over zillions of dead bodies everywhere.  Not kidding.

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Thank you, Rach -- you ended your show tonite by clearly making an important plea to your network (and maybe CNN too) -- STOP FUCKING BROADCASTING TRUMP'S DAILY BULLSHIT PRESS CONFERENCES!!!!!  I know it's gonna be all bullshit, babble & crap, so I avoid it.  But I'm baffled that MSNBC & CNN waste literally hours airing his dangerous bullshit promises.

And btw, all other MSNBC hosts mentioned the cameraman who just died from the virus, but Rachel was the ONLY one who choked up & left the air on the verge of tears . . .

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like watching the show now is more scary as hell than informative?  I feel like if I do venture out to get some bread, I'll drop dead on the street -- but not before tripping over zillions of dead bodies everywhere.  Not kidding.

Yes!  I was cheering her on during that.  What is the point of airing these press conferences just to have to spend the rest of that day covering the fact that most of what he says is misleading or just flat out lies?  Not to mention the personal attacks on reporters, the racist references.  This is why the mute button was invented, eh? 

It is inevitable that we're all going to be Rachel, weeping over lost friends, family, neighbors, co-workers.  Rachel probably will apologize for breaking down on her next broadcast; she's probably thinking that was unprofessional.  It was human - that's what it was.

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Another nite, another governor for Rach to shine her spotlight of shame on -- tonite it was the despicable governor of Idaho.  Let's see if Rachel's spotlight of shame has any effect.

So did Rachel's Friday plea to stop broadcasting Trump's press conferences/rallies go on deaf ears?  Maybe not.  LOD said the major networks & CNN & MSNBC cut him off.  They should NOT have broadcast his babble & bullshit at all, but at least they all did cut him off.  Was it cuz of Rach?  I'd like to think she had a part in it.

Did Rachel imply that Cuomo is acting more Presidential than Trump -- or did she just say it outright?  Couldn't agree more, Rach.  Well said.

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When Rach showed Cuomo speaking so sensibly & effectively, it just showed why she is such a standout among the fucking clueless chuckleheads at MSNBC (other than Nicole).  Hayes & Melber are continuing to show zillions of annoying & incoherent Trump clips.  Man, I so want to clunk those 2 assholes’ heads together for doing this.

I really appreciated that instead of promoting Trump’s babble & bullshit, Rachel promoted Cuomo instead.  Now if only the rest of the morons on MSNBC would do the same.

Next up on Rachel’s Governor Spotlight of Shame — tonite, it’s the governors of Mississippi & Missouri.  Nice, Rach — keep it up!  And keep plugging that thermometer app . . .

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I would like to have Rachel bring back the NYU medical student (about to be an early intern) periodically just to hear how she is progressing, even when we are past this virus phase.  She was very clear about what she wanted to do, and thoughtful in explaining her decision to go into this turmoil as soon as possible to help as much as possible.  I wish her and all the medical professionals the very best.   That was a refreshing yet realistic interview.  

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12 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

The interview with Lt Gen Todd Semonite actually made me feel a lot better. 

And so our moron President actually thanked Rachel for this interview?  Well, at least she did respond appropriately . . . 


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On 3/24/2020 at 9:38 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Next up on Rachel’s Governor Spotlight of Shame — tonite, it’s the governors of Mississippi & Missouri.  Nice, Rach — keep it up!  And keep plugging that thermometer app . . .

She was doing it again tonight. I am here for Rachel taking them all to task for not taking this pandemic seriously. Her fury was giving me life..

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16 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

She was doing it again tonight. I am here for Rachel taking them all to task for not taking this pandemic seriously. Her fury was giving me life..

Last week, she mentioned her “outrage”.  Last nite, she seemed to be shaking with anger, when describing the mistakes this administration (er, Trump) is making in dealing with this crisis.  Continue shaking with anger, Rach.  It’s real & hopefully effective.  Oh, and keep up your spotlight on the useless & awful gov of FL, Rach!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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On 3/31/2020 at 4:07 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

 Continue shaking with anger, Rach.

I'm over the anger.  It seems that every host on MSNBC is doing nothing but yelling at me.  Rachel's not as bad as Ari Velchi or Chris Hays, but still, all crisis all the time is exhausting.   (God knows how much spit Chris Matthews would be spraying at the camera if he were still on. )

I wouldn't be watching MSNBC if I didn't agree with their perspective on the current administration.  They don't have to convince me.  I expect professional journalists to give me the facts and expose the lies - calmly.   I wish the network would rethink how they're handling this, it's not like it's going to go away anytime soon.  

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Idk, for me it’s not the anger, but the endless grimness & depressing onslaught of the numbers of the sick & dying that EVERY host on MSNBC & CNN throw at viewers.  I can barely watch either network now.  It may be reality, but it’s just too damned hopeless & depressing.

But I will continue to watch Rachel.  Her obvious anger was particularly noteworthy because she is NOT an angry person.  Snarky?  Yes, but angry?  No.  Her anger is OK by me since she’s not overcome or distracted by it.  She can still get in some great points.

Last nite, rather than just throwing out the latest numbers of the sick & dying, like everyone else on MSNBC or CNN, she compared the number of cases March 1 (89) to now, one month later (over 200 thou).  Good point, Rach.

And she was all over the wishy-washy Surgeon General & how useless he’s been.  Stay on that, Rach.

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Yeah, but Rachel was great on Friday nite.  She coulda commented how Jared is an unqualified overly-confident-for-no-reason soulless ghoul. 

But did Rachel resort to name-calling?  Nah, it’s not her style.  What Rachel did do was give Trump a detailed short, sharp & smart game plan to basically get his son-in-law out of the way & let the experts handle this crisis — similarly to the way Katrina was eventually handled.  Will Trump listen?  Sadly no, Rach.  Thousands will have to die first & even then . . .

As I see MSNBC & CNN are still broadcasting the daily Trump rallies for hours & hours & hours, we can only assume Rachel’s plea to stop doing this has indeed fallen on deaf ears.  I think Rachel should make this plea every nite she’s on, for them to stop broadcasting Trump’s daily dose of bullshit — which given his boasting of ratings & attempts at jokes, he clearly sees as his opportunity for free air time.

Why is it that Rachel can see how dangerous broadcasting Trump’s daily bullshit is and the heads of MSNBC & CNN can’t?  Or maybe they can & all they care about is ratings?  Keep calling them out on this, Rach!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Actually by the end of the first half hour Friday,  I thought Rachel was going to start crying. 

I appreciate Rachel's honesty and genuine concern but unfortunately with what we're dealing with and the people in charge that we have to depend on, it's getting to be a nightmare.  She kind of said so in the historical analogies she made.

Edited by tres bien
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8 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

I love Army Corps of Engineers' Todd Semonite more than I can say.  Lt. Gen. Semonite is a take-charge guy who thunders in like a positive force of competency. I enjoy his appearances on the show. Thanks, Rachel for these interviews. 

Yeah, he was great.  But her interview with Newsom was good too.  She wasn't just trying to get a scoop, but some (even if it's a tiny kernel) hopeful news.  I thought she was trying to be sorta upbeat.  It was a nice effort on her part. 

I mean, seriously, what's on the rest of the time MSNBC is broadcasting?  Seems like endless hours of Trump's daily babbling, lying & berating reporters who ask him about facts . . . or MSNBC hosts endlessly playing clips from the daily Trump shit-show & trying to dissect it.  They've all fallen into doing this, with one exception -- Rachel!!

Tonite, Rachel said outright she wasn't gonna bother examining what Trump says or predicting what he'll do.  Instead, she spotlighted that Repub Wisconsin State Legislature asshole, who was responsible for the Wisconsin primary going ahead -- and that he said how voting was safe & yet was fully covered to an insanely ridiculous degree.  Good move, Rach.  This is why I'm pretty much down to watching Rachel & skipping just about everything else on MSNBC now.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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