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S07.E04: You Don't Forget Your Past

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Synjin is really starting to grow on me. Like in a big way!😋😍💋


Could the Blake/Jasmin story be anymore difficult to watch? 🤮

And his mother tells him Jasmin prbly wants better? Way to instill confidence in your dumb son.....🙄

13 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

"Yeah, I was a player back in the day......" I guess that is code for wearing Zubas and getting multiple women pregnant. 


had to Google Zubas! But yesssssssss!

  • Love 3

I have to say, I'm finding these couples so boring I fell asleep during the live thread last night. 

Two of these women seem very childlike to me, Juliana comes off to me as much younger than 23. And Natalie acts as though she's starring in the live version of Cinderella, sorry, I find girlish behavior off-putting after age 30.

Is Blake's mom sponsoring his "fiance"? Probably hoping she'll finally get him out of her house.

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13 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:
1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Based on the fact that Natalie is divorced, I don’t understand Juliana’s logic that her ex-husband is a better match because he is richer.

The friend is all about the hypergamy.

New word! 

But...I thought Natalie's friends were basically saying Natalie is used to living well due to her ex's income/(and perhaps status) and was asking if she could really be satisfied with farmboy.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

Two of these women seem very childlike to me, Juliana comes off to me as much younger than 23. And Natalie acts as though she's starring in the live version of Cinderella, sorry, I find girlish behavior off-putting after age 30.

It does not help that Julianna speaks in a whispery soft voice as well.  Natalie does think she is a modern day Cinderella, no?  Stop with all the "Here is my heart, full of love for YOU!" talk.  You are in your 30's!!!

Julianna:  Sit down and listen to me:  Michael is NOT in love with his ex.  Trust me.  I lived with my ex after my divorce (yes it is true) as we did not want the kids going back and forth.  They need to talk about the kids and that is paramount and critical, obviously.  I have a hunch when Cece turns 18 and they no longer have to breathe the same air all communication will cease. expect for obligatory FAFSA/ college talk.   Ours are in college now and I don't have his number in my phone and I have not communicated with him in any manner (talk, text, email, nadda) for about a year.  When you get divorced, with kids.....YOU MEAN IT.  Does that give you comfort, Julianna?  Good - now ditch the damn "bunny ears" hairstyle - you look like you are 12.

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13 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

New word! 

But...I thought Natalie's friends were basically saying Natalie is used to living well due to her ex's income/(and perhaps status) and was asking if she could really be satisfied with farmboy.

But they were clearly comparing the two men and said mike was "worse" bc the first husband owned a large business.

The reality is, Mike has a good job (construction manager) and owns the farm as well. I Googled what an acre of land costs in Sequim and he'd have to be doing well for himself to qualify for a loan big enough to buy 26 acres. I think he just bought it and hasn't seen any return on his investment. I don't really see him as the (stereotypical) impoverished, uneducated dirt farmer....

4 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Julianna:  when Cece turns 18 and they no longer have to breathe the same air all communication will cease. expect for obligatory FAFSA/ college talk. urs are in college now and I don't have his number in my phone and I have not communicated with him in any manner (talk, text, email, nadda) for about a year.  When you get divorced, with kids.....YOU MEAN IT.    

Michael....FAFSA? Surely, not. If we are to believe the story line.

IDK...in divorces, one party may want the divorce a lot more than the other person. Plenty of ppl get divorced and are still in love. 

Edited by BallisticNikki
  • Love 6

I think the "oooh, Natalie is a City Girl! she'll hate the country life!" is waaaaaay overplayed. She lives in a city, true. Because she's divorced and lives with her mother, who lives there. She presumably has a job of some kind. But she says she loves things like mountain climbing and hiking and biking. So she'd probably love the country life. Plus, if she wants babies she probably doesn't care one bit about the potential night life. When I was in my 20s I was all about going out every night. By 35, not so much. I like Natalie and Mike. They're cute together. They'll live in their rustic retreat, probably open a B&B for hikers and snowboarders, have some golden haired blue eyed babies and have a nice life.

  • Love 23

I'm not wild about Tania, but, I don't find her any more annoying than many of the other characters, I mean, cast members on this show.  This guy has to have already known how bossy she is before now, why act so surprised.  And, what's the problem with this strong, able-bodied man helping with the love shack? I would welcome someone staying close to me, so, I did things properly. It is her mom's property.  So convoluted, imo.  If it doesn't go well, then, thank goodness, you now have plenty of proof why you should return home and NOT get married. For me, the shed issue is not nearly as offensive as bringing a stranger into your house with children.  

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17 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Plenty of ppl get divorced and are still in love. 

Very true, but trust me - I was not one of them, lol!!!

18 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Michael....FAFSA? Surely, not. If we are to believe the story line.

If you want your kid to qualify for grants, you fill it out.  Who knows what his fortunes will be by then?  Again, why do I care?

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4 hours ago, Jel said:

I don't know if it was editing or what but something was up with Bryson's reaction to his grandparents. He didn't stop what he was doing and didn't seem at all excited or happy  to see them. Seemed odd, and a bit of a red flag to me.

Seemed odd to me, too - then I figured that it was probably rehearsed, and we saw a child who was not into acting for the camera...I mean, they would probably all meet at the shooting location, discuss scripted topics, locations for each conversation, camera angles, etc, right?  Bryson had probably greeted his grandparents an hour before the scene we saw.



Not to be confused with some of our other 90 Day heroes and heroines who are......well....... hyper-gamey.

I'll see myself out.

 (I'm not naming names because it's really a mean thing to actually say about someone, but y'all know which of our star-crossed lovers fit the description...)

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7 hours ago, lizajane said:

Poor Syringe can't even finish a sentence and I bet he will not even be able to look at her slobby ass long before 90 days are over.

Apparently from the previews, he's going to get a 30 Day Reprieve from her. I noticed her THs with him must have been filmed after Costa Rica because she's super tan. 

7 hours ago, lizajane said:

And agree that the conversation about parenting should have been nowhere near earshot of the kids.

Nothing like giving your kids the message that they don't have to listen to this potential step-mother. 

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5 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I know people think Porno Granny was rude, but I think she has seen Robert make mistakes with women (5 children by 4 different mothers) and she doesn't have time for more bullshit so she cut right to the chase. He should not be making more babies he can't pay for on an Uber salary.

ITA, she was just asking perfectly relevant questions. Anny could have had a more pleasant attitude. Even when she said, "That's none of your business" she could have done it with a smile instead of a sneer. I think Anny and Robert are both awful! 

2 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Last episode there was all this talk from Tania and her friends about what a go getter she is and how hard she works. The shed says otherwise. 

Could she be planning on launching her soap making empire from that shed? 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, magemaud said:

In those white jumpsuits, they look like they work in a meth lab or they’re going to clean a crime scene 

I thought it was odd that they wore the suits over their upper bodies and heads, but didn't bother to wear gloves.  I have a feeling Anna's bees are pretty mellow and they wore the bee suit tops for show.  

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19 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Nothing like giving your kids the message that they don't have to listen to this potential step-mother. 

So, there won't be any problem at all if harm befalls the children because Juliana's not allowed to parent them? I mean after all, she was instructed NOT to right? How shortsighted can you be?

I got bamboozled by a five year old once who had me believing her mom told her she could cut her own apple. Needless to say that was not the truth but I'm so clueless I didn't know that. For the record the apple cutting was supervised with my hand on her hand cutting the apple. The next time she tried the "mom lets me...." I said, great we'll wait til she gets home then.

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1 hour ago, BallisticNikki said:

What does his being dark skinned have to do w/ it?🤔🤨

People in other countries where there are few dark skinned people can be quite racist and women who grow up there generally don't aspire to marry dark skinned men.  Many women in Scandinavia and China, etc. would consider it a negative. Her immediately falling in love with Blake who just happens to live ten minutes from her sister is quite far fetched when all the circumstances are considered. If Blake were 65 years old, or 5 foot 1, or in a wheelchair, those would also be strikes against him causing me to question her sincerity. 

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1 hour ago, John M said:

You didn't do a god damn thing in that shed, you didn't box things up, put sheets down, run a duster over the walls, NOTHING! For weeks! And then you lied to him about it! Sit down woman, stop bossing him around and acting like he is responsible for your laziness.

Tania probably thinks she's just SO dazzling that Sinjyn will overlook her lying about the shed. But he's too "extra" for my taste, too and I think worlds will collide before long (probably after she returns from a month in Costa Rica, what's up with that?) 

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1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

Anny and Robert deserve each other. What's he doing paying for a K-1 visa when he's got children that probably need child support? I know I'm not privy to his private life details but good gawd man put a rubber on that thing. And Anny is just unpleasant. She would be so much prettier with a smile on her face. Seems like the only person she's out for is herself.

I want to know who's co-sponsoring his K-1... I highly doubt he's making enough off uber/lyft and having to pay child support for 4 kids. 

12 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm not a fan of Tania (or Sinjin, for that matter), but I'm prepared to bet anyone at all a shiny quarter that Sharp insisted on leaving/making a mess in the shed, and encouraged Tania to not do any work until Sinjin arrived. Everything is a storyline.

And didn't she say she lived with him for 3-4 months after she met him (or was it weeks)?? I suppose most of it could have been honeymoon period-ish but I'd be willing to bet they were together all the time except when he was at work. So I think they probably know each other's personalities fairly well. 

I think Mursel understands a lot more english than he/they let on. He understood her perfectly when she said he had to speak to her friends. I think he just cant speak it except a few words. And she knows some words in his language so I think at least on her part she's trying. What bugs me about him is that he wants her to move to Turkey, which he fully expects her to do eventually... so he's totally ok with her leaving her kids. 

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6 hours ago, moonbunnychan said:

I straight up can't stand Tania anymore.  I couldn't tolerate being in the same room with her, much less marry her. 

At what point does crazy-awesome-bunnyrabbit-sex stop being worth it?  I think that threshold is about to be crossed.  I'm surprised that power drill didn't find its way into Tania's face.

I think Syngin has the patience of a saint (aka green card applicant)

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2 hours ago, John M said:

And can someone please explain the Bojangles situation? What does he do? Does he live in the barn? Does he convey with the property? I get the sense that Bojangles has been on the property for hundreds of years and when you take possession of it you just accept that you now have a Bojangles as part of the deal, just don't upset him.

You just described Bojangles in a way that I would describe Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster except this one has actual documented sightings and probably doesn't need to be studied as closely.  

But yep, I LOL'd a lot at your comment, you're dead on with your assessment of dear Bo.  hahahah

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18 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

People in other countries where there are few dark skinned people can be quite racist and women who grow up there generally don't aspire to marry dark skinned men.  Many women in Scandinavia and China, etc. would consider it a negative. Her immediately falling in love with Blake who just happens to live ten minutes from her sister is quite far fetched when all the circumstances are considered. If Blake were 65 years old, or 5 foot 1, or in a wheelchair, those would also be strikes against him causing me to question her sincerity. 

And many would not.

True, there are racists all over. But Jasmine being attractive and image-conscious should not make her more likely to be so.

Having a hard time equating his being dark-skinned to being in a wheelchair. 🤔All sorts of stereotypes abound about Black men being athletic, sexy, virile, etc. And I think he hyped himself as being some kind of up and coming musician? If so, she views him as a come up (someone to elevate her status).

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm not a fan of Tania (or Sinjin, for that matter), but I'm prepared to bet anyone at all a shiny quarter that Sharp insisted on leaving/making a mess in the shed, and encouraged Tania to not do any work until Sinjin arrived. Everything is a storyline.

I would agree except the theatrics of "directing" and being in charge instead of actual work seems to be her MO.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, John M said:

And can someone please explain the Bojangles situation? What does he do? Does he live in the barn? Does he convey with the property? I get the sense that Bojangles has been on the property for hundreds of years and when you take possession of it you just accept that you now have a Bojangles as part of the deal, just don't upset him.


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34 minutes ago, magemaud said:

ITA, she was just asking perfectly relevant questions. Anny could have had a more pleasant attitude. Even when she said, "That's none of your business" she could have done it with a smile instead of a sneer. I think Anny and Robert are both awful! 

Could she be planning on launching her soap making empire from that shed? 

You don't ask someone you just met about their sex life or birth control, unless you are an porn actress, I suppose.  

Yes, she is Bryson's grandmother.  But that give her ZERO right to probe into NAnny and Robert's sex life or birth control choices.  If anything, she should have that conversation with Robert, since she has some sort of relationship with him.  But, to walk up to a complete stranger and stark asking that stuff was WAY out of line.  

NAnny's response and sneer were totally appropriate, IMO.  

  • Love 16

Did anyone else enjoy watching Michael sit squirming between Juliana and his ex?

Syringe Is just here for a vacation.  Unfortunately, Tania is part of the package.  

Pretty sure Marcel is on this show for the TLC check — and is over it already.  

Robert has no business bringing anyone else into his life, let alone someone from the DR on the K1 visa.  

1 hour ago, blubld43 said:

Is Blake's mom sponsoring his "fiance"? Probably hoping she'll finally get him out of her house.

Probably.  I’d kick my kid out if they were still living with me and brought in a fiancé.  He has no business bringing someone over without a place of his own.  

At 35, if someone gave me a stuffed animal as a gift, it would be a deal breaker.   Buy me an age appropriate, adult gift.  

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9 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

You don't ask someone you just met about their sex life or birth control, unless you are an porn actress, I suppose.  

Yes, she is Bryson's grandmother.  But that give her ZERO right to probe into NAnny and Robert's sex life or birth control choices.  If anything, she should have that conversation with Robert, since she has some sort of relationship with him.  But, to walk up to a complete stranger and stark asking that stuff was WAY out of line.  

NAnny's response and sneer were totally appropriate, IMO.  

And especially when the greeting is already icy and distant. But you know, every couple has to have that obnoxious, intrusive relative/friend who crosses all boundaries of appropriateness when interrogating the nonAmerican fiance....

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm not a fan of Tania (or Sinjin, for that matter), but I'm prepared to bet anyone at all a shiny quarter that Sharp insisted on leaving/making a mess in the shed, and encouraged Tania to not do any work until Sinjin arrived. Everything is a storyline.

You are right - "Oh look at the hilarity that will ensue as these two lovebirds take down a cabinet using power tools!"

Tania still bugs  - Little Miss Independent lives in a SHED.  29 and in a shed.  Just live in the house and call you and your mom roommates!

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, StevenGuy said:

Juliana needs to give Anny some lessons on how to land a wealthier man. I’m sure Anny is seething watching Michael shower gifts on Juliana.

Anny is too old and trashy and overweight and low class to land a weathier man.  She's "lucky" to land Robert or any American who can get her a green card.

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not wild about Tania, but, I don't find her any more annoying than many of the other characters, I mean, cast members on this show.  This guy has to have already known how bossy she is before now, why act so surprised.    

Well, keep in mind that they met when he was bartending and she was sitting behind the bar as a customer, in a foreign country. She would have been dolled up, wearing makeup, hair curled, and showing cleavage with a push up bra. She has a pretty face and smile. He probably wouldn't have gotten a good look at her girth or caboose, as the bar would have blocked his view.

Any time they previously spent together would have been in South Africa, a country where she knows no one and doesn't know where to go or how things work. She would have been at her absolute least bossy and would have deferred to him on a lot of decisions.  

Now she's unbearable and bossy but she's still his ticket out of South Africa, and many, many white South Africans are trying to get out ASAP. 

13 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Having a hard time equating his being dark-skinned to being in a wheelchair. 🤔All sorts of stereotypes abound about Black men being athletic, sexy, virile, etc. And I think he hyped himself as being some kind of up and coming musician? If so, she views him as a come up (someone to elevate her status).

My point is that in the world of international/Scandinavian online dating and swiping left and right, being a dark skinned man is generally a hindrance compared to being a white skinned man, just like fat is worse than thin, short is worse than tall, old is worse than young, poor is worse than rich, chinless is worse than strong chinned. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not wild about Tania, but, I don't find her any more annoying than many of the other characters, I mean, cast members on this show.  This guy has to have already known how bossy she is before now, why act so surprised.  And, what's the problem with this strong, able-bodied man helping with the love shack? I would welcome someone staying close to me, so, I did things properly. It is her mom's property.  So convoluted, imo.  If it doesn't go well, then, thank goodness, you now have plenty of proof why you should return home and NOT get married. For me, the shed issue is not nearly as offensive as bringing a stranger into your house with children.  

True. I’m always more bothered by people who bring fly by night fiancées into their homes with their kids.

I will say that being an able bodied man is not the same as being a general contractor qualified to turn a she-shed into a livable space. He could really fuck it up. I’m annoyed at her sniping at him when it was foolish of her to assume he could do renovations. Or wanted to do renovations. I’d be pissed if after taking an international flight and entertaining Tania’s friends in NYC, I came back to a home that wasn’t livable. Like Deavan level pissed.

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19 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Did anyone else enjoy watching Michael sit squirming between Juliana and his ex?

Syringe Is just here for a vacation.  Unfortunately, Tania is part of the package.  

Pretty sure Marcel is on this show for the TLC check — and is over it already.  

Robert has no business bringing anyone else into his life, let alone someone from the DR on the K1 visa.  

Probably.  I’d kick my kid out if they were still living with me and brought in a fiancé.  He has no business bringing someone over without a place of his own.  

At 35, if someone gave me a stuffed animal as a gift, it would be a deal breaker.   Buy me an age appropriate, adult gift.  

Tania is like that annoying, high pressure sales pitch when you get free vacation at a timeshare as a prospective buyer.  

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18 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

You are right - "Oh look at the hilarity that will ensue as these two lovebirds take down a cabinet using power tools!"

Tania still bugs  - Little Miss Independent lives in a SHED.  29 and in a shed.  Just live in the house and call you and your mom roommates!

Sharp had to change it up. Too many couples have moved in with the in laws or potential in laws already. Tania'a mother is a union carpenter. I bet that shed is weather proofed and livable. i bet she had some plumber friend come over and at least rough it out. This whole story line screams fake. Well, faker than usual.

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11 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

Any time they previously spent together would have been in South Africa, a country where she knows no one and doesn't know where to go or how things work. She would have been at her absolute least bossy and would have deferred to him on a lot of decisions.  

I wonder. There was a throwaway line from Tangent about Syringe getting them lost in SA. Syringe said something to the effect that getting lost was never a bad thing. I suspect that Tangent’s real personality slipped through in SA. I also think she will never let him forget any perceived failing on his part.

  • Love 6

Hopefully, Michael and Juliana have had a long talk or talks about his children. Has she shown any interest in being a step-parent? Having an insta-family?  How much time do the kids spend with him per week? What is the custody arrangement? He and possibly his ex-wife need to be on the same page about how the kids will be parented and Juliana would need to know and be okay with it. She's not the kids' older sister or some aunt. Being a parent is a real responsibility and a 24 hour a day job - for many years. Does she want that or just Michael's money and lifestyle? And parties and whatever?

She's lucky that the kids are embracing her - for now. Juliana has also been in the US for only a couple of days so everything is new. The daily routine of packing lunches, making dinner, helping with homework, going to sports practices, music lessons, etc. may not be what she wants. She is still very young and may not want to be a mom yet.

Edited by Frozendiva
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21 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

My point is that in the world of international/Scandinavian online dating and swiping left and right, being a dark skinned man is generally a hindrance compared to being a white skinned man, just like fat is worse than thin, short is worse than tall, old is worse than young, poor is worse than rich, chinless is worse than strong chinned. 

50 yrs ago, sure. Times have changed. 

17 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

I will say that being an able bodied man is not the same as being a general contractor qualified to turn a she-shed into a livable space. He could really fuck it up. 

Fuck up a shed? 

Depends if it's wired (and plumbed). Is it?

11 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Hopefully, Michael and Juliana have had a long talk or talks about his children. Has she shown any interest in being a step-parent? Having an insta-family?  How much time do the kids spend with him per week? What is the custody arrangement? He and possibly his ex-wife need to be on the same page about how the kids will be parented and Juliana would need to know and be okay with it. She's not the kids' older sister or some aunt. Being a parent is a real responsibility and a 24 hour a day job - for many years. Does she want that or just Michael's money and lifestyle?

She's lucky that the kids are embracing her - for now. Juliana has also been in the US for only a couple of days so everything is new. The daily routine of packing lunches, making dinner, helping with homework, going to sports practices, music lessons, etc. may not be what she wants.

She can always "nacho." Lots of stepmoms do 😆

18 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Add Darcey to the list! And thanks for reminding me who Jason the eBayer was. 

Yes!! How could I forget Darcey!? She is one of my favorite cast members. 👠

2 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

I Googled what an acre of land costs in Sequim and he'd have to be doing well for himself to qualify for a loan big enough to buy 26 acres. I think he just bought it and hasn't seen any return on his investment.

WA is a legal weed state, just develop a unique popular strain of weed and watch the money roll in.

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24 minutes ago, BallisticNikki said:

Fuck up a shed? 

Depends if it's wired (and plumbed). Is it?

It's definitely wired - I saw an outlet.  And even though it's a shed you don't necessarily want to do the crappiest job possible. 

Even if the whole thing was producer manipulation, the fact that she was giving him crap about using a screwdriver was insane.  I think the concept behind a screwdriver (manual or power) is pretty self explanatory.  She was acting like he'd never actually seen a tool that ran on electricity before.  Plus, they were removing a cabinet - it's not like she even had to trust that he could drive in a screw straight he only had to take them out.

I love Beau? (Bo?)  I would be willing to bet he knows a lot about running the farm and for whatever reason doesn't really want to interact with a lot of people.  They haven't shown his actual accommodations in the barn but since most barns are wired and some are also plumbed it's possible his space is nicer than the shed.

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1 hour ago, gavinmac said:

People in other countries where there are few dark skinned people can be quite racist and women who grow up there generally don't aspire to marry dark skinned men.  Many women in Scandinavia and China, etc. would consider it a negative. Her immediately falling in love with Blake who just happens to live ten minutes from her sister is quite far fetched when all the circumstances are considered. If Blake were 65 years old, or 5 foot 1, or in a wheelchair, those would also be strikes against him causing me to question her sincerity. 

My mother is in her 60s and online dating. We aren't close, in part because she is a racist christian conservative and I'm an electric car driving gay married agnostic liberal that works for a non-profit. We don't see eye to eye on many things.

Well several months ago my husband and me were having a perfectly fine meal with her and she told us about a wonderful meal she had with a man she met on online dating but...

"So he showed up with a walker! And he was perfectly nice, we had a lovely meal, but I politely told him it wasn't going to work. You know, it just never occurred to me when I put in no other races in my dating profile that I also need to put no disabled people!"

Alright Mom, well, I guess we will see you at Christmas, don't expect an invite to our Christmas party.

Edited by John M
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5 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

I love Beau? (Bo?)  I would be willing to bet he knows a lot about running the farm and for whatever reason doesn't really want to interact with a lot of people.  They haven't shown his actual accommodations in the barn but since most barns are wired and some are also plumbed it's possible his space is nicer than the shed.

Bojangles!!!  I thought I hear Mike say it was a tree farm?  Or was I dreaming?  But Mike - here is a tip:  Stop with the stuffed animal idea.   Like a poster said upthread, try an age appropriate gift.  How did seeing a unicorn stuffed animal remind him of her?  Does she walk on all fours?  Does she have a horn coming out of her head?  Is she covered in white fur?

51 minutes ago, Gobi said:

I also think she will never let him forget any perceived failing on his part.

I agree about Tania on this portion.  I will say this:  She is not bringing kids into this, unlike Anna who seems hell bent and heaven bound to stay attached to that turn Marcel.  He is just so plain and unappealing.  

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I feel like Jasmin is totally scamming Blake.  Didn't he say that he didn't know she was from Finland at first.  It just seems too coincidental that her sister only lives 10 minutes away.  I've never been on a dating app, but is it possible to narrow your choices down geographically?  I understand her wanting a shower and a rest but if you were finally seeing the love of your life  after a while apart couldn't she have  at least shown him a little affection.  And the whole, I want to be alone was just weird to me.    

Edited by OFDgal
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3 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

It really shouldn't haven't taken place at all. Michael is the father and the degree to which he wants his new wife involved is up to him (and the new wife). Exspouses don't get to dictate this. But if anything, the exwife could have just explained her concerns to Michael and Michael could have discussed them w/ Juliana privately, to the extent he wanted. Very tacky.

Have to disagree here. It's up to Michael AND Sarah as to how they want their children raised. If there are certain parameters (no TV on school nights, etc), then those are decided together by both of the parents, and Juliana should know generally what the kids' guidelines are. Sarah is an ex-spouse, but she is still an equal parent in raising the children. Perhaps more than equal as I gather she will be having them more than half the time.  I see nothing wrong with all of them sitting down together to make things clear. In fact, I was impressed with how gracious Sarah was about it all.

Edited by KateHearts
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4 hours ago, Drogo said:

As Bryson's grandmother and mother figure though I think she had every right to want to talk to Anny and I don't think she asked her any "very personal questions"- Anny's just an asshole.    

"What type of birth control are you using?"  Asked of someone you've just met?  Ain't none of Grandma's business what Robert's paramour du jour is doing.

Why didn't she ask Robert when HE was going to start using birth control?  He's the one with 5 kids by 4 different women.  

(I was actually asked the birth control question at a job interview in the late 60s when employers thought they had the right to impose their "ownership" of employees all the way up to what happened in employees' bedrooms.  Didn't like it then, don't like it now.) 

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10 minutes ago, OFDgal said:

I feel like Jasmin is totally scamming Blake.  Didn't he say that he didn't know she was from Finland at first.  It just seems too coincidental that her sister only lives 10 minutes away.  I've never been on a dating app, but is it possible to narrow your choices down geographically?  I understand her wanting a shower and a rest but if you were finally seeing the love of your life  after a while apart couldn't she have  at least shown him a little affection.  And the whol, I want to be alone was just weird to me.    


4 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Have to disagree here. It's up to Michael AND Sarah as to how they want their children raised. If there are certain parameters (no TV on school nights, 

She can have whatever preferences she wants. But she has no right to impose any of them on Michael when the kids are with him. That's his parenting time and he can and should do what he thinks is best. 

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