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S07.E04: You Don't Forget Your Past

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I’m not sure where to ask this question, but here goes. Why does my on screen programming info for “90 DF” and “Pillow Talk” list the stars of both the shows as “Elizabeth Potthast” and “Jason Hitch”? 

I know she’s the Elizabeth with Andrrreeeiii, and has a few acting credits on IMDB, but Jason was on the show so long ago, I don’t remember a thing about him. So out of all the people who have appeared on this franchise, why do they get “star billing”?

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Most foreign fiances want desperately to get to the US and then get married, so I give props to Syinge for holding out that he's still making up his mind about whether he'll marry Tania.  Of course, she is looking crazier and crazier.

The other thing that was striking in this episode was pornstar granny and her SO were sort of bright lights, heavy into investigating what exactly Anny is doing here, and gee...as well as what bc is being used.  Granny is not wanting a baby to complicate the picture.

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Tania is a straight up bitch. I am starting to find her downright ugly with her saggy chest and sloppy t shirts and sweat pants. Poor Syringe can't even finish a sentence and I bet he will not even be able to look at her slobby ass long before 90 days are over.

I get the feeling that Anna didn't even know half of the extras guests at that shower. Am having a hard time believing any of this story.

I noticed that Juliana said something to the effect that this is a "job" when she was doing the hair thing with Michael's daughter. If anything, she could fulfil the role of a big sister to those kids. And agree that the conversation about parenting should have been nowhere near earshot of the kids. Also it looks like Michael is being propped up with a steel rod in his back.

Robert needs to do the world a favour and get himself snipped. He and Anny do deserve each other, they are both awful. The moment the grandparents arrived on the scene, I thought they were reading lines as actors. Not porn stars, but actors playing the role of grandma and grandpa. It didn't seem like Bryson knew them very well. 

I am still kinda liking Natalie, but not sure how she is going to do at Green Acres. And am I the only woman who would gag if presented with a stuffed animal?

Blake looks much better with natural hair colour. Another broke ass living with the parents. The plastic one with the braids is only here with him for the green card, right? 

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Anna's beekeeper outfit covers a multitude of sins.

Where can I get one?

1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

I know people think Porno Granny was rude, but I think she has seen Robert make mistakes with women (5 children by 4 different mothers) and she doesn't have time for more bullshit so she cut right to the chase. He should not be making more babies he can't pay for on an Uber salary.

It nonetheless is NOHB. 

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4 minutes ago, lu1535 said:

Do you suppose Tania annoyed the hell out of the producers so much that they knew immediately she would be perfect for the show?

I think Tania is a beeeeyotch, but I think her edit is awful because she annoyed the hell out of the producers.

Its the same thing I thought about Laura/aladin.  I think he really charmed the producers and she really annoyed them because her edit was AWFUL and he ALWAYS came off looking good. 

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Mike & Natalie ..  It didn’t look so bad in that Ukraine city where she lives now.  It looked better and more livelier than the farm she’s going to in the sticks.  I doubt she will make it on the farm with a baby no less.  Mike is short on money, and the whole town closes up at 10 pm.  She will go mad.  Does she know the whole USA is not all bright lights and buildings and night spots like N.Y.C.?    P.s.  it took me forever to find this thread, as they are all over the place.

Edited by Silver Bells
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Jasmin and her sister.  Holy plastic surgery batman!  They both look like they got the Iggy Azalea special.

Team Singin!  Watching the dumpy control freak lose her shit while he was taking the cabinets off was a joy.

The beekeeper trying to get her simpleton to say she's sexy while working was embarrassing.  

Porn star grandmother's scene with Anny, who gives no fucks, was fun to watch.  I did think Porn star grandmother was beautiful.  

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8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I love this constant thing where these American guys are like "I wanted a Latina because they are so family oriented." It is ridiculous because invariably we'll see the Latina say "in my country exes hate each other, never talk, and would never try to have a relationship with their ex's new spouse." There's nothing family oriented about that. These American dudes just want a woman from a culture where divorce is frowned on. Be honest dude. Say "I just want to trap a beautiful poor woman in a relationship with a disappointing man, myself." Michael got a good one in Julianna. Robert got (N)Anny who is a lot like him, an asshole and a user. That being said, (N)Anny was rude as hell to GILF in the beginning. These two are horrible. I hope they stay together and away from the rest of civilization.

If Tania knows so much about how a drill driver works, why the fuck didn't she fix the servitude shed? Also no bathroom in the shed? Syngin better figure out a way to temporarily enclose that breezeway between the house and the shed because that's going to be a miserable 90 days when it gets cold.

Anna dragged Mursel to an engagement party for the two of them hosted by her friends, didn't stick by Mursel's side, and didn't even make him a plate. She's an asshole.

Jasmin and her equally impassive sister seem to have modeled their faces on the White Chicks makeup and Igloo Australia Iggy Azalea. Regardless, it's not a great bit of surgery and fillers. I'd only ask who did their work just so I never went to the people they used. The only thing that makes me somewhat hopeful for Blake's relationship is that Jasmin seemed equally enthused to see her sister as she was to see Blake.

I should've read through the comments first but I posted about the Iggy Azalea plastic surgery special!  What I'll never understand is the man that thinks that look great!

And yes the "family oriented" comments.  That seems to be the thing with the American men that bring back the young "model" they could never get in the states.  I think that's their excuse to go with the mail order brides b/c American women have rightly rejected them!

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I saw that Billie Eilish "outfit" and thought of Anna, too!

55 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

the whole town closes up at 10 pm.  She will go mad.

I thought she wanted a baby yesterday so why should she care if the streets roll up at 10?  With a baby you are in bed by ten, only to get up again at 2.  And 4!!!  

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15 minutes ago, Drogo said:

The length of Robert and Anny's relationship will depend solely on how much he enjoys when someone looks at him as if they wish he would die instantaneously.  


I'm amazed this guy found 4 women to procreate with.  He's not attractive.  He's doesn't seem to be particularly bright.   He has to have zero in his bank account.

I also think Bryson is a special needs child so it doesn't surprise me his reaction seeing the grandparents.

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

Mike & Natalie ..  It didn’t look so bad in that Ukraine city where she lives now.  It looked better and more livelier than the farm she’s going to in the sticks.  I doubt she will make it on the farm with a baby no less.  Mike is short on money, and the whole town closes up at 10 pm.  She will go mad.  Does she know the whole USA is not all bright lights and buildings and night spots like N.Y.C.?    P.s.  it took me forever to find this thread, as they are all over the place.

Aren't the Ukraines under constant siege from Russia, who has wanted to annex them for years because they are the "break basket" for that region?  I have a friend from the Ukraine and he talks also about how high the incident of cancer is in the region because they were in a direct line windways (sorry, I said that all convoluted) from Chernobyl.  My friend lost his father, mother and brother to cancer in the last few years (he happened to be out of the country at the time).  I don't think the living conditions there are that great.

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So let me see if I understand this. Bryson’s grandmother makes her living by having sex in front of a camera for the world to see, and yet, she has no qualms judging someone else. Alrighty then. 

Natalie’s friend Juliana seems jealous of her. Based on the fact that Natalie is divorced, I don’t understand Juliana’s logic that her ex-husband is a better match because he is richer.

Syngin seems to have definite ideas of how he wants to live life in the USA. I don’t think he is going to be the pushover Tania thought he would be.

 I have a feeling Jazmin and her sister are pulling a green card scam on Blake. Based on her demeanor, she clearly doesn’t want him to touch her. Too bad he isn’t picking up on it.

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46 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I saw that Billie Eilish "outfit" and thought of Anna, too!

I thought she wanted a baby yesterday so why should she care if the streets roll up at 10?  With a baby you are in bed by ten, only to get up again at 2.  And 4!!!  

Lol, true.  I’ve forgotten those days of walking around like a zombie.  The first nite they slept until 6 am was heaven.

41 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Sorry to say, but the beekeeper is a dud and annoys the hell out of me.  She’s always looking down.  She brings this guy over here without any language knowledge, then the phone goes back n forth.  What these women would do to get laid.  Crass, I know., but true.  He doesn’t want his family to know she has three good boys?  Dump him.  Boys come first.  They need some stability.

Totally agree.  I'm just hoping that she's on the show for the $ and has told her boys she doesn't want anything to do with idiot and would be with a man that asked she keep her boys a secret.  But sadly, I suspect that she is, as you say, so wanting to get laid that she'd rather have him than no one at all.  

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6 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I can't fault Grandma for being an adult film actress; she may have been a single mom and that was the most accommodating job she could find and didn't mind the work, who knows what the circumstances were when she got into it and it's her decision.  We all have jobs and none of us are defined by ours.   

As Bryson's grandmother and mother figure though I think she had every right to want to talk to Anny and I don't think she asked her any "very personal questions"- Anny's just an asshole.    

Also, it wouldn't shock me if Grandma is providing the majority of financial support to Robert and Bryson.  She didn't seem worried at all about being cut out of his life despite having no custodial claim to him.  

I agree,  it’s only a job.  Besides, she’s probably funding money and health insurance for Bryson, which is admirable.  Some grandmothers aren’t that interested.  She has nice teeth. Too.

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1 hour ago, DanaMB said:

Last episode there was all this talk from Tania and her friends about what a go getter she is and how hard she works. The shed says otherwise. 

I admire people who protest and what not, because I think that takes some degree of care and drive.  

But other than that (and when is the last time she did that, I remember her yelling at Joe Biden, but was that in like 2016?) I do not see any evidence of this person she and her friends are trying to convince is she is.

55 minutes ago, blubld43 said:

They're full of it, she was so exhausted from paperwork she couldn't manage anything in that shed? I'd be embarrassed to death to bring my fiance to that mess. And was that a standard double bed in there? I'd hate to have to share a tiny bed with her, ugh, I'm sure she is domineering about space and covers too😠

I am a space stealer and hogger of covers.  

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2 hours ago, juicyfruit said:

I groaned and pulled an eye muscle rolling my eyes so hard when I saw yet another couple being introduced tonight. Until I saw that the new foreign fiancee is Finnish...

Although I was born in Canada, I am of 100% Finnish background (both father's and mother's side), so I grew up around several Finnish-born relatives and family friends.  It is a well-known joke within the Finnish community that while Finland has been coined one of the happiest countries in the world, you would never know it to look at us 😐.  I can tell you that the level of excitement the sisters displayed when greeting each other at the airport, while maybe a degree cooler than normal for Finnish people, was not far off from the cultural norm.  I was dying when the sister shared a cab ride with Blake to meet Jasmine and barely responded to his attempt at conversation. Finns do not do small talk.

Someone commented on the live thread about one of the sister's noses and how it was a Michael Jackson level disaster. While I agree they have overdone it with fillers, I suspect the nose may be natural. Her nose was very similar to the noses of several members of my family.

The sisters names threw me off a little though. The letter J in Finn is pronounced like the letter Y in English. Also every single letter of words are pronounced. So Janette introducing herself as "Ya-net-te" was appropriate. As such, Jasmine should be pronounced "Yas-min-e", however she chooses to pronounce it the English way.

Aren't you surprised that reasonably attractive, image-conscious young Finnish woman would be so desperate to move to the USA that she would promptly agree to marry a dimwitted, lower class and dark skinned man like Blake who lives with his mom? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Helsinki isn't Kiev. 

Edited by gavinmac
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Anny and Robert deserve each other. What's he doing paying for a K-1 visa when he's got children that probably need child support? I know I'm not privy to his private life details but good gawd man put a rubber on that thing. And Anny is just unpleasant. She would be so much prettier with a smile on her face. Seems like the only person she's out for is herself.

Tania is just blech. She couldn't at least tidy up the place so it didn't look like a closet?

God bless Bojangles. God bless.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

but Jason was on the show so long ago, I don’t remember a thing about him. So out of all the people who have appeared on this franchise, why do they get “star billing”?

Jason married Cassia (curly skunk hair) and lived w/ his father selling crap on ebay.

Good question! I think the real starts of the show are Danielle/Mohammed, Pao/Russ and Chantel/Pedro....based on longevity. Maybe Nicole/Azan.

10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Michael and Juliana -The whole parenting discussion should have been only Michael, his former wife, and Juliana.

It really shouldn't haven't taken place at all. Michael is the father and the degree to which he wants his new wife involved is up to him (and the new wife). Exspouses don't get to dictate this. But if anything, the exwife could have just explained her concerns to Michael and Michael could have discussed them w/ Juliana privately, to the extent he wanted. Very tacky.

4 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I know people think Porno Granny was rude, but I think she has seen Robert make mistakes with women (5 children by 4 different mothers) and she doesn't have time for more bullshit so she cut right to the chase. He should not be making more babies he can't pay for on an Uber salary.

That's a conversation to have with him. I don't recall her asking him what types of condoms he is using, either.

33 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Based on the fact that Natalie is divorced, I don’t understand Juliana’s logic that her ex-husband is a better match because he is richer.

The friend is all about the hypergamy.

24 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I agree,  it’s only a job.  Besides, she’s probably funding money and health insurance for Bryson, which is admirable.  Some grandmothers aren’t that interested.  She has nice teeth. Too.

I found her teeth terrifying!

Do we know which company he drives for? Lyft offers full health insurance. Uber doesn't. Do porn actresses generally receive health insurance....for their grandchildren? Not understanding this comment 🤣

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14 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

Aren't you surprised that reasonably attractive, image-conscious young Finnish woman would be so desperate to move to the USA that she would promptly agree to marry a dimwitted, lower class and dark skinned man like Blake who lives with his mom? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Helsinki isn't Kiev. 

What does his being dark skinned have to do w/ it?🤔🤨

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21 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I agree,  it’s only a job.  Besides, she’s probably funding money and health insurance for Bryson, which is admirable.  Some grandmothers aren’t that interested.  She has nice teeth. Too.

I don't judge her either, however her line of questions for Anny and "How can you move in after eight hours and sleep in the same room as Bryson?" should have been directed at Robert.  HE needs to answer why he moved her in so quickly and want all of them to sleep together in the same BED.  He is the parent, not Anny.  Have they been talking for two years?  I thought it was less than that but these two annoy me so I lose interest, yet here I am discussing them.  It is a sickness!!!

6 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

Anny and Robert deserve each other. What's he doing paying for a K-1 visa when he's got children that probably need child support? I know I'm not privy to his private life details but good gawd man put a rubber on that thing. And Anny is just unpleasant. She would be so much prettier with a smile on her face. Seems like the only person she's out for is herself.

Tania is just blech. She couldn't at least tidy up the place so it didn't look like a closet?

God bless Bojangles. God bless.

Pass on the Trojans and get thee to a urologist and get snipped.  Today.  "Yeah, I was a player back in the day......" I guess that is code for wearing Zubas and getting multiple women pregnant.  The thought of that slack jawed droopy gus siring more kids is just.....yuck.

Per Mike - look, my hubby is a six foot seven lumberjack of a guy who hunts, splits wood, fishes, etc and cleans up well.  I would love living on that land!!  But Natalie is clearly a big city girl plus she is religious and he is not.  She is waaaaay too focused on babies and I would not trust her with the birth control.

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On 11/25/2019 at 5:47 AM, juicyfruit said:

Although I was born in Canada, I am of 100% Finnish background (both father's and mother's side), so I grew up around several Finnish-born relatives and family friends.  It is a well-known joke within the Finnish community that while Finland has been coined one of the happiest countries in the world, you would never know it to look at us 😐.  I can tell you that the level of excitement the sisters displayed when greeting each other at the airport, while maybe a degree cooler than normal for Finnish people, was not far off from the cultural norm.  I was dying when the sister shared a cab ride with Blake to meet Jasmine and barely responded to his attempt at conversation. Finns do not do small talk.

This post is totally cracking me up.  Thanks for chiming in and giving us the details.

Edited by MajorNelson
changed verb tense
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