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S05.E09: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One


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The Monitor sends Harbinger to gather the worlds’ greatest heroes – Supergirl, The Flash, Green Arrow, Batwoman, White Canary, The Atom and Superman – in preparation for the impending Crisis.  With their worlds in imminent danger, the superheroes suit up for battle while J’onn and Alex recruit Lena to help them find a way to save the people of Earth-38.



1 minute ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Ollie is only mostly dead (tm Princess Bride).  I am certain we'll see him back in an episode or so.

Damn, though.  I didn't expect Lana Luthor to be as mean as she was this episode.

I’m loving it because I think that the meaner Lena is now the more likely she’ll make up with at least Kara by season’s end (as long as she keeps helping people in general). 

  • Love 5

That was a great start. So many characters and so much exposition, but it moved quickly and that end was more of a gut punch than I was expecting. No way that's the end of E1 Oliver Queen, though. I refuse to accept that. 

I liked the different teamups, and since I quit all Flarrowverse shows but Arrow 2 or 3 years ago, I enjoyed seeing all those characters I've missed and met some new ones, too. 

I look forward to tomorrow. 

  • Love 10
Just now, scarynikki12 said:

I’m loving it because I think that the meaner Lena is now the more likely she’ll make up with at least Kara by season’s end (as long as she keeps helping people in general). 

Same. And I'll admit I can see both sides. I 100% get why Kara didn't tell Lena (and therefore no one else did), but I also completely understand why Lena is so hurt, considering the way she found out and that she knows everyone else knew. Does it seem like Lena is going a bit to the extreme in a couple instances (like with Myriad, the reminder to Alex that they're no longer friends)? Yes. 

  • Love 10

Did they just kill Oliver in hour 1. He didn't get much of a goodbye with everyone. 

I've only read about what happened with Lena and Supergirl, but what is her deal? The world is ending stop bitching about Supergirl not telling you who she was. 

I loved all the Sara and Oliver scenes. I miss seeing them together. She even got to give Earth 16 Oliver some closure. 

  • Love 11

Overall it was a decent start to COIE...the beginning was especially strong, having all those blink and you miss it cameos. My only beef is SOOOOOOO MANY Earth 1 moments. I get it...budget is everything but when your room is only filled with E1/E38 characters...it kind of lessons the mood of this type of event.

Even though they didnt really get to talk...Sara/Lois/Brainy getting to team up was fun. Those are the type of team-ups that I expect at this point in crossovers. Barry/Oliver are fun but I dont need em for majority of the scenes. 

Not sure how Sara/Ray suddenly decided they were in an alternate Earth back in S1 just because baby Jonathan was in Star City 2046. Even this Oliver had both arms intact as opposed to S1 Oliver. 

I dont think Oliver is really dead? The death didn't really have the impact i'd expect? Idk, I just cant think they'd kill him off in Pt.1. 

Definitely see where the comic will come in since they had to skip a lot of story.

Edited by Primal Slayer
  • Love 5

No way Arrowverse, I dont believe at all that this is really the end of Oliver Queen. No freaking way does he die in such a lame way in the very first house...right? Right? RIGHT?!? 

Look, I need to find a way to sleep tonight, alright? Even if Oliver has to die, he deserves to have a much better ending than that! 

That all being said, I am loving this so far, it has a really epic scale and the team ups and cameos are a ton of fun. Also, damn it Nash!

  • Love 3

So Kara lost her home planet for the... 4th?... time? Why do they love torturing her with that over and over again?! 

Between giving Mia her own suit and the heart-to-heart with Sara I suppose I should have seen Oliver's death coming, but I thought they would save that for the Arrow episode at least. I'm thinking the monitor plays with time a little or something and brings him back just in time for the big final battle to rally the troops. 

I also wonder if some side characters from Supergirl got saved. I'm mostly worried about Eliza Danvers, but what about like Jimmy?

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Sakura12 said:

I've only read about what happened with Lena and Supergirl, but what is her deal? The world is ending stop bitching about Supergirl not telling you who she was. 

It's...somewhat understandable why Lena's pissed, but the extent to which she is pissed is still too much for me. 

I don't think I needed Lena's hostility in this episode, but I get why it was there. She had to make it clear that she's not friends with them anymore.

So, Earth 38 is gone but they saved a billion people, right? But really, how is there any room for an extra billion people for Earth 1? There's really not. 

Maybe, when all's said and done, some cosmic being (probably not The Monitor) will be gracious enough to at least build another Earth for the extra billion people.

  • Love 7

Somebody.. Anybody.. Slap Lena plz... They gotta put her in her place when the season picks back up... I can't take her... Batwoman felt mad superfluous... I get why Mia was there.. But she was too... And we get an Ollie death scene with no Diggle.. What THE LOVING F*@#...  I missed ray.. And I loved the Sara/ Old Man Ollie interaction 

1 minute ago, shantown said:

I also wonder if some side characters from Supergirl got saved. I'm mostly worried about Eliza Danvers, but what about like Jimmy?

I was thinking the same thing, although my mind went to Calista Flockhart’s character and Jimmy. I also wonder if they’d bring back Kara and Alex’s dad to complete the Superman reunion. 

I only watch Supergirl and Legends, so I’m not really invested in Oliver. I do wonder if he’s really dead (along with Kara’s mother). 

  • Love 2

They aren't killing off their big "only one who's show is ending permanently forever" in hour one of five of a giant crossover and a series finale. There's going to be shenanigans. The only other thing I can say right now is all the Sara and Oliver friendship is too small a word. So glad we got this one last time as it really is important to both characters. I was on the floor about Mia and Oliver from the ep before but 😭.

Our Earth just can't take in billions of refugees, everyone would starve. Are our solar system planets habitable with their tech? That might work. Do they have a comparable Mars or not?

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think I needed Lena's hostility in this episode, but I get why it was there. She had to make it clear that she's not friends with them anymore.

Like so many things in past crossovers (Oliver is grouchy, Barry is happy, etc) a small character trait gets WAYYYY overplayed in order to let new viewers know exactly what to think about them. I didn't like that they ramped up Lena's anger so much in this episode, but I understand why they did it. Everyone was dialed up to 11 in this episode. I don't doubt that Lena's anger and everything else gets turned back down when the regular episodes start again.

  • Love 3

Did Alex, Lena, Nia etc make it out? Were they supposed to be in that last big ship that left? You'd think Kara would have asked about them when the Monitor made it clear that half the planet didn't make it. 

Poor Nia. She missed the past three Supergirl episodes and she was barely in this. 

Lena was really annoying me in her scenes with Alex. 

I feel like there is gonna be a twist with Oliver's death. I think we will see him again before this Crisis is over.

5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I did have to laugh that The Monitor gets temporarily taken down by an electric arrow. A cosmic being cant handle something so simple.

I liked that. It reminds me of that one Green Lantern whose weakness is wood. I’m generally a big fan of simple solutions as well so it was always going to work on me. 

Today is Nerd Christmas. First night of Crisis, AND the trailer for WW84 dropped earlier today. And all that we lost was Oliver Queen, Burt Ward, and Supergirl’s Earth.

At least the stakes are high and not absurdly inflated. This is the end of everything. It can only be slowed down. And the forerunner of the superheroes has sacrificed his life. Yeah, I know, Justice Society, but Oliver was the first one we met. And everyone brought out their best . . . including Lena Luthor and her raging hate boner for Supergirl and her friends. She’ll do her part for mankind, but that doesn’t change things.

I guess we started on Earth-38 because people could be evacuated on alien crafts. Given the shit from last year, I wouldn’t have blamed the aliens for bailing ahead of schedule, their  ships leaving behind burns on the ground that would resemble a middle finger from space.

They brought in Burt Ward for a “holy” line. Such a waste. Now I gotta wonder how thins would have been written if Adam West was still alive. Robert Wuhl was a nice touch . . . but I can’t see any E89 Batman being useful.

Dang, Earth X is gone? Maybe Ray made it out. And his boo Snart. I don’t think he can make enough therapy puppets, though.

Great for Sara and Ray to come back. Sara is still the best in any universe, and Ray is still the biggest goober you could ever meet. I missed those guys. Y’all don’t think antimatter can be stopped by intense fire, do you? Mick should be the one to save everyone.

Oliver Queen is dead. Basically, that means Mia is Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime. Seeing Oliver run out of arrows, I could imagine Clint Barton laughing his ass off.

I’m not getting the point of Old Man Queen, or baby Jonathan landing on that Earth.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 4

But Oliver can't be dead, right? He's only faking. After all he did for the Arrowverse, it wouldn't be fair. 

I love that Oliver saved a billion people. I love Oliver telling Clark he can't do something and relating to him as a father. I love that one superhero on this show got his damn baby back. Bitsy Tulloch's Lois really grew on me. 

5 bucks says James is dead on Earth-38 and no one called to warn him personally.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 10

Can I just say as a DCU Titans fan, I screamed when I saw Hank and Jason in the beginning.  That was wholly unexpected.

Is Oliver really dead?  That would be ... really unexpected so soon.

Clark and Lois sending baby Jonathan away in the ship got me - them repeating Marlon Brando's dialogue from Superman The Movie really choked me up.  I really thought they'd killed them.  Was so glad they didn't.

No way is Oliver dead yet?

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 5

Lois snarking on Kal with baby Jonathan was so cute, and I enjoyed the Lois-Brainy-Sarah team-up to get him back. I don't watch Arrow, but I've gotten enough context on Oliver and Sarah in past crossovers to appreciate the scenes between Sarah and the other Oliver.

I liked Kara talking Kate down to get her to go with what was happening - I liked their interactions in last year's crossover, so this was a nice callback to that.

Nice heart-to-heart with Kara and Kal too!

Organizing the evacuation was smart (they're lucky they happen to live on an Earth littered with alien spaceships,) but was having Martin Manhunter and Dreamer on that end of things really the best use of their resources? I mean, come on, you have Batwoman throwing batarangs and Oliver shooting arrows at the monsters while two aliens with superpowers are getting civilians on ships? Surely there were non-powered people who could've been handling that.

I too have my doubts that Oliver is really dead-dead at this point, although I feel he's ultimately not gonna make it out, and it doesn't seem fair to have two emotional death scenes for the same character in the span of five episodes. It makes me wonder, though, if his dying "off schedule" will throw things off and leave everything in flux (namely, with that Citizen headline on The Flash no longer set in stone.)

  • Love 6

So they evacuated 3 billion people to Earth 1? What happens if Earth 1 needs to be evacuated? And so forth. Maybe I am over thinking this. 

How do Batwoman and Supergirl know each other?

i don’t watch Arrow but Oliver’s “death” ( is he really dead?) did make me teary. 

Wouldn’t the Legends time jumper be handy for evacuating? Because they could go back a day or two and evacuate before crisis started. 

  • Love 1

The two things I liked best about this episode were the new team-ups (Sara and Lois!) because it's a new energy that's badly needed; and the Sara/Oliver scenes.  Sara was an integral part of Arrow for seasons 2 and 3 but that seems to have been forgotten by the Arrowverse since she got her own show.

I'm choosing to believe that Oliver is only mostly dead because it would be a waste of the last few times they've got Stephen Amell.  Also, I want to know how he saved a billion people in those 20 seconds of fighting.

11 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I did have to laugh that The Monitor gets temporarily taken down by an electric arrow. A cosmic being cant handle something so simple.

It's a nice callback to the special arrows of the comics. 

I'm really going to miss that show.

12 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I've only read about what happened with Lena and Supergirl, but what is her deal? The world is ending stop bitching about Supergirl not telling you who she was.

She's helping but the hurt runs deep. She lived her life being rejected or made to feel like the poor relation. She thought she had finally found a group of friends who accepted her and had her back, only to find out that everyone was in the know, even newcomers like Brainy and Nia, except her.

I'm Team Lena on this one.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

So they evacuated 3 billion people to Earth 1? What happens if Earth 1 needs to be evacuated? And so forth. Maybe I am over thinking this. 

How do Batwoman and Supergirl know each other?

I think they said Earth 1 is the last Earth the anti-matter will reach so there won’t be anywhere else to go. 

Kate and Kara met and bonded last year during Elseworlds. 

  • Love 2

I SCREECHED during the Titans cameo. That was SO cool, even if it was a few seconds. 

The Kryptonians not deciding to build bigger escape pods had me rolling my eyes. I really thought baby Jonathan was going to go off in a worm hole and


That would be why he's supposedly a teen on the spin off show, like he gets moved forward in time or something. 

But I was super wrong about that!

So bummed about The Ray and his earth being gone. I was hoping he and his Leo would show up eventually in this. 

I'm not a regular Supergirl viewer but I have watched most of this season. Wasn't Lena just trying to brainwash the entire planet? So she can miss me with the whole "of course I will help save the planet but you all suck for lying to me". They are not doing her character any favors by making her so unreasonable after this many episodes. 

All the team ups were fun! I thought the earth 16 Green Arrow would be Connor, as it was in the future the Legends visited. Kind of disappointed it wasn't, but also really liked the chat between Oliver and Sara. 

I cannot believe Oliver is dead in hour 1. I wasn't all that emotional during the death scene because I really thought they'd save him and it wasn't time. But it really looks like he's gone and I'm sure knowing that will have me bawling when I watch this tomorrow. 

Batwoman had some good moments but was mostly superfluous. I enjoyed her punching Lyla and being like "welp, call me Kate" when she just accepts the craziness. Also enjoyed Oliver being like "that makes sense" when he realizes who Batwoman is. 

I don't feel like we saw much of Barry, and wished we would have gotten more with him and Oliver. But I appreciate that they did get a goodbye, and I appreciated that he squeezed Mia's shoulder before turning away when Oliver died. That's very Barry. 

Can't wait for tomorrow!

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, angora said:

I too have my doubts that Oliver is really dead-dead at this point, although I feel he's ultimately not gonna make it out, and it doesn't seem fair to have two emotional death scenes for the same character in the span of five episodes. It makes me wonder, though, if his dying "off schedule" will throw things off and leave everything in flux (namely, with that Citizen headline on The Flash no longer set in stone.)

I don't think Oliver is permanently dead.  Although I'll still be irritated if they insert some alt Arrow Oliver that doesn't have relationships with the rest of them and then do a reset of some sort that brings Oliver back to life at the end of the cross over.

I think that this death for Oliver points to not doing it twice and he ends up in some "inaccessible" time/world/alt universe with his family as a happily ever after and can't be reached.

40 minutes ago, shantown said:

I also wonder if some side characters from Supergirl got saved. I'm mostly worried about Eliza Danvers, but what about like Jimmy?

Okay, I know everyone is mostly into crossover talk, but as a regular Supergirl viewer I have like 1000 follow up questions for how the show will change after this. Everyone is on Earth 1 now, so are they going to restart the DEO? Does the DEO exist on Earth 1 if they didn't previously have aliens? What about L-Corp? Does Lena have any of the technology she invented anymore? Is she still a billionaire? This is actually a huge shake-up for the show and I wonder if it's actually going to be addressed at all.

  • Love 7

It's about time during the crossovers they acknowledge that Oliver is the Big Damn Hero of this group.  Sara telling Old alt Oliver he was a good man in every universe was exactly what I needed after years of the "heroes" hog piling on him with insults and jabs.  

19 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Not sure how Sara/Ray suddenly decided they were in an alternate Earth back in S1 just because baby Jonathan was in Star City 2046. Even this Oliver had both arms intact as opposed to S1 Oliver. 

Actually he one mechanical arm. We saw it spark when an arrow I think hit it.  He had the mech arm in 2046 episode as well, though that doesn't explain why he didn't recognize Sara as White Canary or being alive after the Gambit.  That Oliver just knew Waverider never returned them to the present day.  So I'd say it's still iffy that the Legends episode really had them on an alt earth or at least THAT alt earth.  

29 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

They aren't killing off their big "only one who's show is ending permanently forever" in hour one of five of a giant crossover and a series finale. There's going to be shenanigans. The only other thing I can say right now is all the Sara and Oliver friendship is too small a word. So glad we got this one last time as it really is important to both characters. I was on the floor about Mia and Oliver from the ep before but 😭.

I agree.  Something will happen but after watching the "after show" they are pushing, yup, he's dead dead but this is MG so naturally I'm expecting Oliver and SA back by at least the Arrow episode next year.  

That said, I'm glad they killed him here if just so FINALLY he got the hero treatment.  He saved an additional billion people.  Kara and Barry finally know who saved their butts.  Give this man the respect he always deserved.  

Soooo glad they brought Sara in for this.  She knows.  

I managed to be moved enough by Oliver's goodbyes to cry but mostly because I wanted to, lol.  It was kind of rushed.  

  • Love 14
46 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Did they just kill Oliver in hour 1. He didn't get much of a goodbye with everyone. 

I've only read about what happened with Lena and Supergirl, but what is her deal? The world is ending stop bitching about Supergirl not telling you who she was. 

I loved all the Sara and Oliver scenes. I miss seeing them together. She even got to give Earth 16 Oliver some closure. 

A true Luthor. Thinks the world revolves around their needs and wants. 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Actually he one mechanical arm. We saw it spark when an arrow I think hit it.  He had the mech arm in 2046 episode as well, though that doesn't explain why he didn't recognize Sara as White Canary or being alive after the Gambit.  That Oliver just knew Waverider never returned them to the present day.  So I'd say it's still iffy that the Legends episode really had them on an alt earth or at least THAT alt earth.  

I'm now wondering if this is just earlier in the year for his alt-Earth and it was a very difficult year for Oliver that aged him quickly?

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

after watching the "after show" they are pushing, yup, he's dead dead but this is MG so naturally I'm expecting Oliver and SA back by at least the Arrow episode next year.  

Seriously? They better bring him back because I'm not watching the Arrow episode for Rene, Dinah and Laurel.

10 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Them using Oliver last moments to proclaim that Barry is the best of them is so infiruating. He has not done anything to be even entitled to being called a hero at this point. 

Barry is the personification of white male privilege.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, shantown said:

That Luthor helped save 3 billion people

And if she didn't waste time telling Alex how much hubris she had she may have saved more... Hell she could've shown some initiative and reached out as she seemed to notice the impending apocalypse.. But instead the show had Alex act all timid for some reason... And it was Alex' fix that helped Lena do whatever she needed to get the portal working... 

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, angora said:

I too have my doubts that Oliver is really dead-dead at this point, although I feel he's ultimately not gonna make it out, and it doesn't seem fair to have two emotional death scenes for the same character in the span of five episodes.

Unfair? I disagree.  I think Oliver deserves as much recognition as possible. THey could kill him ten times and give the heart to heart moment to different characters for each death and I would eat it up.  It's what he deserves.  He started it all and the irony of Oliver saying Barry is the best of them was that I feel the show made it clear that no, OLIVER is the Big Damn Hero.  He sacrificed it all.  His will made a near god back off and wait.  Oliver has always made the hard choices.  He's going to be the reason the whole universe survives. Two emotional goodbyes seems to me the least he deserves.  😄 

  • Love 18
2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Barry is the personification of white male privilege.

Including a whole ass black family ( Dad stepmom... Brother... Hell two step sisters a wife and a daughter and magically none of them ever bring up race... Cuz you know were past that now...)  Btw Barry is still my fav arrowverse character even with all that nonsense around him... 

There's no way Arrow dies for good on the Supergirl hour of the crossover.

He'll be back.

I didn't feel the spark as much regarding the crossover as I have in previous years. But I'll tune in tomorrow to watch Kate do ridiculous flips for no reason, and split-second cameos from everyone who ever stepped foot on a DC Comics project.

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