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S08.E09: Best Friend Magic

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An unexpected visit throws Casey for a loop. Severide sets out to exonerate a wrongly convicted arsonist. Kidd pays the price for burning the candle at both ends. Cruz goes on a mission to fix one of Otis’s old toys.

Airdate: 11/20/2019

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32 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Who is this strange looking woman with the bad wig?

Cannot stand her! Doesn’t she know Kelly has a girlfriend? Stupid guy if he falls for her so quickly (And her stupid hair), and if he does he’s a huge jerk. 

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Aww, Otis. It was so nice seeing him and Cruz together again. This show never should have killed off Otis. He was such a fun character. 

The eyeliner sticking out of that girl's eye was so gross. I've never been happier to not wear eyeliner or mascara, lol. 

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One of their most boring winter finales.

This is the story that convinced Monica she had to come back? Gabby must be coming back for the season finale, six months pregnant. Otherwise, what a waste of time and hype. 

I kinda liked the drone video. 

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Wasn't as bad as I expected, I was cringing there would have been a Gabby ass kissing fest for 20 minutes. Thankfully it didn't happen.

Funny that a call interrupted her talking. Too bad Stella wasn't tired enough to hit Gabby when she pulled the truck out.

Gabby's appearance was meaningless. She didn't save anyone's life and it didn't end with a Gabby cliffhanger. Just a quick bang and voicemail. Monica just showed up for a check. Good for her.

I was hoping Casey told Dawson he was bringing Sylvie as a date. Now she has eyes for Casey. 

I started to get dizzy as the camera kept going around Casey and Dawson.

The C plot is to fix a drone. They are running out of ideas. And Cruz still didn't fix it by the end. That's the real cliffhanger: if he will finish (I doubt it). I hope Chloe knows he is a slacker and don't ask him to do projects around the house.

Why bother call the CFD for the spider fool? Just call for a sniper to get him down. 

Was Casey supposed to do more on the building floor (as Mouch was calling him) instead of just ordering the guard to put tables in front of the open windows? 

Sylvie and Foster can order Stella to not go to the academy but can't tell her to not drive home or take a nap in the firehouse?

When Stella had the accident, the car she hit was going forward towards the side walk instead of making a left turn. Where was that woman going? She must have the same sleep issues as Stella.

The woman had a mascara pen in her eye and didn't feel the need to tell anyone, just sit there and cab driver didn't give a shit to ask if she was hurt. He only cared about his cup. Did she do this to get out of paying the fare? Or how hard was that "little bump" Mr. Cabbie?

Chief is using Otis' death for giving Stella responsibilities. She should do a better job managing her time.

When that guy gets out of jail he should kick his lawyer's ass.

It was only a matter of time until Wendy caught Kelly fever! 

At this rate, Kelly will never leave OFI.

How long was that guy hiding in the basement? Holtmeyer's poor intel had him in Minnesota heading to Canada. 

Just like Casey almost getting shot a while back, the CPD can't search a place thoroughly if they tried really hard.

Edited by mxc90
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I guess Chicago S.W.A.T. and CPD are failures at "hide and seek" and the head guy thought the perp was in Canada.

The actress playing the OFI gal, with the really bad hairdo, just doesn't fit the role.

This was really a poor episode for the fall finale.

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4 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Why bother call the CFD for the spider fool? Just call for a sniper to get him down. 

Because CPD have already demonstrated that their snipers are bush league.  He probably would have shot out three or four panes of glass before hitting the guy.

3/4" glass, 4x6 panel?  How much would that weigh? Certainly more than I would prefer to handle alone, especially 10+ stories up.  There was a lot of wind that day, too.  Maybe Mouch was referring to putting up some plywood temporary covers.

The OFI lieutenant blatantly caressed Severide as she left the office.  It's on!

Severide should have just turned tail in the basement and ran for the stairs.  I think he could make it out before the flames get to him.  If the floor is already covered, it's his own fault for not noticing that on his entrance.

Ah, poor Sylvie.  No nookie for you.

Okay, one note of curiosity - Do actors get a residual if their image is used in an episode, even if they don't appear?  Otis and Georgia (from NewAm) must be sitting in the afterlife, (The Medium Place, The Bad Place?) playing rock paper and scissors to see which one of them gets to haunt their former show.

I want to be the attorney for the other driver that Stella bashed into.  CFD would be on the hook for sooo much money.  Speaking of which, what exactly was wearing her out?  She works one shift at the firehouse with not too many Truck calls (maybe more off camera but she does sleep at night), goes to the Academy for a few hours of physical fitness training, and then has half a day and all night to recover, unless she's trying to do Molly's in all this.  If she can't handle a few hours of physical fitness training every other day, something's wrong.  Am I missing something?

I love how CPD's tactical squad just sits in the box truck, armed to the teeth, until the detective bangs on the outside, and then they come tearing out, ready for bear.  No briefing, no nothing.

Just a side note on the eye injury patient - If I remember correctly, you're supposed to cover both eyes, because they both move at the same time.  Covering both prevents that stimulation.  Plus, you don't walk a patient to the ambulance, because they're using those eyes to navigate the course.  Put her on the gurney.

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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Wasn't as bad as I expected, I was cringing there would have been a Gabby ass kissing fest for 20 minutes. Thankfully it didn't happen.

It wasn't terrible, but Brett was the only one of the group who had Casey's back vs circling amazing Gabby like excited puppies. For example, last season, Casey told Boden how hard the divorce was on him and how he couldn't even bring himself to to call her. So Boden invites her to stay for lunch. Casey’s a better person than me, because I would've been livid. Brett was the only one who seemed to get that Gabby is their captain's semi-estranged ex wife first and former coworker second. The others were lapdogs.

And I'm disappointed that Gabby didn't hash things out with Casey or Brett. I guess Casey got closure, but I don't feel like I did. 

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On 11/20/2019 at 9:17 PM, Ohwell said:

Who is this strange looking woman with the bad wig?

Her hair reminds me of the Hawk people from "Buck Rogers in the 25th century"

She walked into the salon one day, felt bold and said give me this!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by mxc90
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Didn't really care for this episode and it was nice to see Gabby leave. 

I liked the Cruz plot as well as Ritter and Gallo helping. 

I think Mouch expected something to cover the hole and using a desk would be kinda lazy. 

I would think Stella could have taken a nap in between bells at 51 but I guess not? 

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Because CPD have already demonstrated that their snipers are bush league.  He probably would have shot out three or four panes of glass before hitting the guy.

True! Then just pour grease down the side of the window. 

4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

The OFI lieutenant blatantly caressed Severide as she left the office.  It's on!

She sure did. Any lint, dust, or whatever he had on his shirt is definitely gone now!

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6 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I want to be the attorney for the other driver that Stella bashed into.  CFD would be on the hook for sooo much money.

Why would CFD be on the hook?  She was off duty and heading home(?) or was she heading to the other job?

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Some other takeaways:

-Has there been a Squad call since Severide went to OFI? I liked the outcome of the drone story, and how the story integrated Ritter and Gallo, but it would be better to see Cruz serving as the relief lieutenant for Squad. The writers can't decide if he's a loveable goofball or a serious character.

-Relatedly, how the heck was the highrise rescue a Truck call instead of a Squad call, or, at the least, a Truck and Squad call? Casey may have Squad skills and ability (and maybe even training/certification, who knows), but Mouch, Kidd, and Gallo certainly don't. I'm shocked that Kidd and Gallo fumbling around didn't result in the climber falling to his death. 

-I said it last week, and I'll say it again: Kidd's storyline is painfully manufactured. She has time for pat-a-cake, showers with her boyfriend, and stupid sitcom plots any other episode, but this storyline magically requires her not having downtime for naps. Also, Boden was out of line for dropping the academy class in her lap without asking her or giving her time to hand Molly's off, but a critical part of leadership is recognizing your own limitations, having self-awareness, and having the courage to be honest with your superiors. That's what the conversation should have been about, rather than Boden falling over himself to apologize. She's not ready to be an officer. 

-I used to do arson investigation for insurance companies way back in the day (the interviews/records review side of things rather than the fun side). Being able to read every single detail and part of a blueprint was a rather basic but integral part of the job. Seger shouldn't have needed help understanding stamps, marks, or content. Severide should also be able to read a blueprint and all of its details from his time as a firefighter/officer (Boden's always pulling out blueprints). It was great to see Casey lend his construction knowledge, but neither of them should have needed Casey to help them identify where new walls went up or wall materials used - certainly not Severide. 

-Derek Haas has been publicly backpatting himself for weeks about how traumatic, surprising, and "crazy" this episode was supposed to be. There is absolutely no hope for this show.

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21 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

She is hitting on Severide, and she things she is oh so hot with that hideous haircut.  She is delusional.  Plus she has to add annoying into the mix which makers her even worse. 

Yeah she really is delusional.  I've never seen the actress before, but this isn't a good role for her and she should never have agreed to wear that wig/haircut.   

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1 hour ago, preeya said:

Why would CFD be on the hook?  She was off duty and heading home(?) or was she heading to the other job?

Her condition was a direct result of her work hours, mandated by the CFD.  She had been run into the ground, and an attorney would argue that she be required to rest before driving home, or have someone drive her home, as her condition was evident and her supervisor should have known about it.  I'm quoting from some experience here; my fire department was sued over that very same thing, except the accident caused major injuries.

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Everyone is ragging on Stella for the patty-cake game with Brett.  Like she spends hours every day practicing her technique or something.  It was a quick, walking conversation, and frankly, I can see how the topic could come and go quickly.  A lot of girls played variations on those games, and still do. My niece used to ask me to play with her.  And taking a minute to break out an old skill that 10 year old you was proud of is both quick and normal, and just a sign of her friendship with Brett, in my opinion, not some sign that she's secretly preparing for the professional patty-cake tour.  

And yes, I see others calling it "pat-a-cake"; regional differences are another thing that can inspire a quick walk down memory lane.

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35 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

Everyone is ragging on Stella for the patty-cake game with Brett.  Like she spends hours every day practicing her technique or something.  It was a quick, walking conversation, and frankly, I can see how the topic could come and go quickly.  A lot of girls played variations on those games, and still do. My niece used to ask me to play with her.  And taking a minute to break out an old skill that 10 year old you was proud of is both quick and normal, and just a sign of her friendship with Brett, in my opinion, not some sign that she's secretly preparing for the professional patty-cake tour.  

And yes, I see others calling it "pat-a-cake"; regional differences are another thing that can inspire a quick walk down memory lane.

But she spent how many shifts preparing Tuesday for a dog contest last season. Plus the piercing nozzle caper. Plus the Molly's stine catastrophe. Plus tracking down Benny's medal with all of 81. Plus hemming and hawwing about Severide, on shift, for how many episodes last season. Plus spending at least two shifts getting a dent out of Ambo 61. Plus how many other silly, time-sucking C plots between season 5 and now. My point was the writers made it out like Stella is being worked to the ground with no time to rest, when, canonically, she (and everyone else) has a crap ton of downtime...until it's convenient for a nonsensical plot. 

She's on shift for Day 1 (with plenty of time to nap), does two back-to-back fitness classes which probably aren't more than 3 hours each on Day 2, maybe does some stuff at Molly's, and then has Day 3 entirely off to rest before going back on-shift. Work/life balance? No. Exhaustion to the point of endangering four lives between the last two episodes? Also, no. The only way I'd believe this plot is if the writers had been smart enough to remember that Stella lost part of her lung as a result of 7x2. Wouldn't overt continuity be nice.

PS: Do professional pat-a-cake tours exist? Because please don't give these writers ideas. Derek Haas is very easily thrilled.

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I don't get it. So the arsonist everyone is looking for has been down in the basement this whole time? Hiding? Because the police officer just told Severide that his credit card had been used up north and they figured he was heading towards Canada. Or is that someone else down in the basement with the flare?

This episode sort of reinforced my opinion that they just don't know what to do with Casey without Dawson. It's like he's been in limbo ever since she left and he's back in stasis now that she's gone again, with an open invitation to visit. It feels like the writers just want to keep him available in case the actress ever decides to come back. And/or they don't think the audience will ever accept him with someone else.

Edited by iMonrey
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13 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get it. So the arsonist everyone is looking for has been down in the basement this whole time? Hiding? Because the police officer just told Severide that his credit card had been used up north and they figured he was heading towards Canada. Or is that someone else down in the basement with the flare?

This episode sort of reinforced my opinion that they just don't know what to do with Casey without Dawson. It's like he's been in limbo ever since she left and he's back in stasis now that she's gone again, with an open invitation to visit. It feels like the writers just want to keep him available in case the actress ever decides to come back. And/or they don't think the audience will ever accept him with someone else.

And it's a waste for the character. Even with Gabby gone, Matt is still being weighed down. He's supposed to be free. He really needs another Hallie-like character to sweep him away. A relationship where he can love and care about someone, but also not just be a passenger and push over. 

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I love doing work in regards to Disaster Management, so I was happy to her Gabby at least mention the Bahamas. I know people hate her because she isn’t the cookie cutter blonde hair blue eyed size 0 that is Sylvie, but I liked Gabby for the most part. Her reunion with Casey was sweet and not over the top. Hopefully her accident will stop Stella from trying to be super woman, just to impress the chief. The new OFI woman is gorgeous and I see a Severide hook up in the future. However sis needs to fire her stylist because her wig is not cute. They’re in Chicago I’m sure there’s a beauty supply store somewhere. Otis and Cruz were cute. Why do I feel as though the next 51 hookup will be Ritter and Gallo?

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2 hours ago, spunky said:

I love doing work in regards to Disaster Management, so I was happy to her Gabby at least mention the Bahamas. I know people hate her because she isn’t the cookie cutter blonde hair blue eyed size 0 that is Sylvie, but I liked Gabby for the most part. Her reunion with Casey was sweet and not over the top. Hopefully her accident will stop Stella from trying to be super woman, just to impress the chief. The new OFI woman is gorgeous and I see a Severide hook up in the future. However sis needs to fire her stylist because her wig is not cute. They’re in Chicago I’m sure there’s a beauty supply store somewhere. Otis and Cruz were cute. Why do I feel as though the next 51 hookup will be Ritter and Gallo?

Here's why I don't like Dawson. Here are most of her direct lines to Casey from this episode:

"This is my first stop. I wanted to see..."

"I have a lot of feelings wrapped up here."

"I wanted to invite you. That fundraiser's ball is tomorrow. If you can, it would really be great to have a moment to talk."

"Oh, thank God you're here. I don't know how much more of that I have in me."

"I need a drink. You want a drink?"

"Matt, get me anything red [a drink]." 

"Come dance with me."

She is nothing but I, I, I, me, me, me. We saw their entire interaction and not once did she ask him how he was doing. She pops up at his workplace unannounced to blow up his life again, which she only did so she could get him to do something she wanted. Same old shit. But, sure, Gabby is disliked because she doesn't have blonde hair and wears a size 4. That's exactly it.

(I didn't rewatch the episode for these quotes, BTW. There's a transcript site.)

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I think Mouch did think they should cover the hole.  They're so high up, likely windy, for Casey to just say "put some desks here and nobody come near the hole" is negligent.  At the very least, call someone to come take care of the hole with plywood.

I don't understand the Stella storyline either.  So it seems like the training class is first thing in the morning.  And magically it seems like every time we see them, she's apparently finishing a night shift, even though most of the rescues we see are during the day.  Why would you scheduled yourself to be teaching immediately after night shift?  Logistically that just seems too hard.

Gabby, meh.  Does Monica Raymund even want to come back?  I guess the writers have left it open.  If she does, does she come back pregnant?  In the meantime, I'm sure that Casey and Brett are going to start getting together and that's going to further complicate matters if Gabby ever does return.

Of course, that arson dude was hiding in the basement.  Because yeah, nobody thought to look in the basement and turn on the lights and make sure nobody was down there.  Looks like there is going to be some hand to hand combat, I'm sure the flare will drop, and will the house go up in an a huge explosion?  Doubt it.

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I know people hate her because she isn’t the cookie cutter blonde hair blue eyed size 0 that is Sylvie, but I liked Gabby for the most part.

Uh, no. People hate Gabby because she's a self-involved flake who couldn't decide from one minute to the next what she wanted to be, and ultimately ran off and abandoned her husband because she decided she needed to be a savior for disaster relief in another part of the world, after spending several years as the self-appointed savior for every hard luck case she happened upon in Chicago. It has nothing to do with her looks.


She is nothing but I, I, I, me, me, me. We saw their entire interaction and not once did she ask him how he was doing. She pops up at his workplace unannounced to blow up his life again, which she only did so she could get him to do something she wanted. Same old shit. 

Exactly. I simply don't understand how Casey could ever put up with her. She spent years pining for him and then when she finally got him she decided she wanted something else. She went through that whole adoption thing with Louie (the saddest little boy in the whole wide world) then went into a tailspin when it didn't work out and never once gave any consideration to what Casey wanted. For someone the show thinks is supposed to be the love of her life he's never much more than an afterthought with her.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Exactly. I simply don't understand how Casey could ever put up with her. She spent years pining for him and then when she finally got him she decided she wanted something else. She went through that whole adoption thing with Louie (the saddest little boy in the whole wide world) then went into a tailspin when it didn't work out and never once gave any consideration to what Casey wanted. For someone the show thinks is supposed to be the love of her life he's never much more than an afterthought with her.

No kidding. If I was Casey, I'd resent her so, so much. His dad violently abused his mom; his mom murdered his dad; he ended up estranged from his mom, sister, and niece for something like 15 years; he dragged his fiancee's dead, burned body out of a cage; he finally found/built a stable family with the Dawsons (Gabby, her parents, her extended family, Antonio, Antonio's kids); and then, twenty minutes after arguing about how to have kids, Gabby suddenly decided disaster relief work was more important than him and their marriage. If she ever considered his traumatic history, needs, or mental health, she certainly didn't decide that she cared. If he didn't have the CFD, he'd probably be dead (which is why I think everyone but Brett were jerkholes for being so obliviously happy to see Dawson). 

Oh, well. Back to the holding pattern, where Casey gets to wander 51 with a clipboard and be let out once an episode to climb a ladder or something. 👍

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On 11/21/2019 at 1:17 PM, Ohwell said:

Who is this strange looking woman with the bad wig?

Is that what it is? I kept wondering why it looked so bad! Such an unsexy hairstyle especially for someone who is trying  to be sexy!

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1 hour ago, Kfir said:

Is that what it is? I kept wondering why it looked so bad! Such an unsexy hairstyle especially for someone who is trying  to be sexy!

I googled her, her name is Andy Allo and she used to play with Prince in his band.  Looking at the pictures of her, she's worn all kinds of hairstyles, long and short.  Of course, I can't tell if any of them were all her hair.  All I know is the hair she wears on this show just looks awful, whether it's hers or not.

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On 11/21/2019 at 8:44 PM, jabRI said:

I still think there's something more wrong with Stella than just exhaustion.  She should have been thoroughly checked out at the hospital.

Maybe shes Preggers. That would make 2 characters that are expecting in the Fireverse 

3 hours ago, dovegrey said:

No kidding. If I was Casey, I'd resent her so, so much. His dad violently abused his mom; his mom murdered his dad; he ended up estranged from his mom, sister, and niece for something like 15 years; he dragged his fiancee's dead, burned body out of a cage; he finally found/built a stable family with the Dawsons (Gabby, her parents, her extended family, Antonio, Antonio's kids); and then, twenty minutes after arguing about how to have kids, Gabby suddenly decided disaster relief work was more important than him and their marriage. If she ever considered his traumatic history, needs, or mental health, she certainly didn't decide that she cared. If he didn't have the CFD, he'd probably be dead (which is why I think everyone but Brett were jerkholes for being so obliviously happy to see Dawson). 

Oh, well. Back to the holding pattern, where Casey gets to wander 51 with a clipboard and be let out once an episode to climb a ladder or something. 👍

Psssh, I'm leaning towards Gabby left him like that for them to hook him and Brett up by the end of the season, then Saint Gabby Sue comes back " guess what Matt you're a dad" 

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6 hours ago, Josh371982 said:

Maybe shes Preggers. That would make 2 characters that are expecting in the Fireverse 

Psssh, I'm leaning towards Gabby left him like that for them to hook him and Brett up by the end of the season, then Saint Gabby Sue comes back " guess what Matt you're a dad" 

Hopefully he triple wrapped little Matt.

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Wouldn't that spiderman call have been a Squad call....except they just sit on their collective asses now that Severide is off on his jaunt to OFI . They seemed to be relegated to clearing out cupboards now and it seemed kinda like the writers went 'oh shit we needed a call' and half assed it from then on. Was spiderman's fee too high already that they couldn't afford a speaking part?....you'd think there would be some kind of communication going on but he said nothing, they arrested him, whack some desks against the window and she'll be right. It was weird.

I'd love to see the lawsuit when some idiot employee takes a peak and tumbles from a 10 story building.

I tried to endure Gabby but ended up skipping all her parts. Was it just me, or did Matt kind've realise that he'd screwed up banging her again and when she left that message he had a look of 'like hell I'm crashing your tent again.' While I do think the two actors had great chemistry together I just cannot get past the fact she was a revolting character who sucked the life out of every scene. 

I am kind of tired of the writers thinking everyone is stupid and have to over blow everything. Subtlety is not a word these writers have any concept of.....Stella must be zombie like before we could possibly understand that she's tired. Dial it back, treat your audience with some respect.

For once the C-plot was enjoyable. They don't always have to be ridiculous and poor attempts at humour. Sometimes they can just be good. A touch simplistic perhaps (how does Cruz function in the real world if he doesn't know you can translate a website...especially when computers basically pop up and say 'do you want to translate' - that aside it was nice to see Otis....the only real highpoint in an otherwise plodding fall finale.

Edited by Guildford
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I think Stella is pregnant.

Dawson still makes me sick...and it has nothing to do with her dress size or hair color.  As usual, she sucked the air out of her scenes.  Pffffft....

Brett and Casey could work.  I’m open to it.

I was hoping bad hair lady was the person poking around in the basement.  I keep thinking she working with bad guys and that Severide will catch her in the act.  Something is up with her.

Didn’t realize how much I missed Otis until I saw him in this episode.  That said, I really enjoy the two new young actors/characters and what they bring to the show.

Severide belongs in the firehouse.  

Edited by tinderbox
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3 hours ago, tinderbox said:

I was hoping bad hair lady was the person poking around in the basement.  I keep thinking she working with bad guys and that Severide will catch her in the act.  Something is up with her.

Hmmm... didn't think of that. It wouldn't be a new story but it could be interesting all the same, otherwise I am not sure of the point of it. I suppose it could be the next guy up the chain too...he doesn't seem keen for Severide to look into these old cases which is usually a dead giveaway.

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It was hard to watch this episode and wonder what exactly is up with the relationships. Severide is Mr super hot dude with a mediocre at best looking girlfriend, now being pursued by an even less attractive girl with bad hair, which is supposed to be an interesting storyline.  Casey, another single guy that I expect to do better, gets a return trip from his long lost extremely ordinary looking ex, not even remotely attractive when in a ball gown. (Which is not a size 4)  The guys on this show are shockingly “underchicked,” something you rarely see on TV. The only consistent thing other than that is every single person in the show is involved with someone of a different race, which is neither here nor there but when you total them all up it seems painfully forced and terribly important to someone. And finally, the one girl on the entire show who is exceptionally attractive, Sylvie, is the one who can’t find a date. Uh, right.

Feels like the writer(s) here have serious agendas about dating, maybe even some personal biases or chips on their shoulders from high school that they are working out in these storylines.

Edited by SG11
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On 11/20/2019 at 8:17 PM, Ohwell said:

Who is this strange looking woman with the bad wig?

Funny, when I first read this comment I thought you were talking about Gabby but I forgot about Little Moe Howard following Severide around. What a mess.

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9 hours ago, SG11 said:

about Little Moe Howard following Severide around. What a mess.

That's it !!!!! That's who she looks like.

Or, she looks like when they get a bad video of a female bank robber in a nasty wig, that's her !

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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There was absolutely no reason for Gabby to come back except as table setting for the inevitable Gabby/Casey/Sylvie love triangle. In fact, let me make a prediction. It's November now. Come May sweeps, Casey and Sylvie will have had enough time to start hanging out together, realize they have feelings for each other, try desperately to deny said feelings, and then finally, finally give in to their passion and make sweet, sweet love to each other. The very next morning, while basking in the afterglow there will be a knock on the door. Casey will be in the other room making breakfast or having a poo or whatever and ask Sylvie if she could please get that. Sylvie will go skipping to the door clad in nothing but a t-shirt (Casey's CFD tee, natch) and fling it open mid-giggle to find -- GASP -- a six-months-pregnant Gabby standing on the other side. Cue Casey walking into the room, all their mouths agape in shock and horror and then. . . scene, fade to black, see you in the fall.

This show really tries my patience. 🙄

Edited by JenLily
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21 minutes ago, JenLily said:

There was absolutely no reason for Gabby to come back except as table setting for the inevitable Gabby/Casey/Sylvie love triangle. In fact, let me make a prediction. It's November now. Come May sweeps, Casey and Sylvie will have had enough time to start hanging out together, realize they have feelings for each other, try desperately to deny said feelings, and then finally, finally give in to their passion and make sweet, sweet love to each other. The very next morning, while basking in the afterglow there will be a knock on the door. Casey will be in the other room making breakfast or having a poo or whatever and ask Sylvie if she could please get that. Sylvie will go skipping to the door clad in nothing but a t-shirt (Casey's CFD tee, natch) and fling it open mid-giggle to find -- GASP -- a six-months-pregnant Gabby standing on the other side. Cue Casey walking into the room, all their mouths agape in shock and horror and then. . . scene, fade to black, see you in the fall.

This show really tries my patience. 🙄

Or Gabby has died from the aneurysm, and it's -- EVEN SOAPIER GASP -- Brett's ex Antonio standing there with Casey's newborn. (If they say this episode was in October and do a finale set in June, I wouldn't put it past these writers to handwave it or even not care about a sensible timeline.) I don't know if I'm joking or not. But I definitely agree that there is something up with Monica Raymund deciding that she had to come back for a glorified sex scene.

(On a somewhat more serious note, if she's pregnant, either Gabby has to die, or Casey has to leave the show. Neither of them would be absentee parents, and no way does Dawsey coparent/get back together with Casey as a lead and Gabby as an off-screen presence.)

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What?  Come on.  They'll just set up a crib and bassinet over in the corner at Molly's, and all the 51 personnel will take turns cooing over the kid, and, of course, changing diapers (under Hermann's direction), and loudly arguing about how to do everything.  They'll just have to move everything over to the previously-female lounge room while on shift.

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On 11/24/2019 at 8:01 PM, tinderbox said:

I think Stella is pregnant  

I was hoping bad hair lady was the person poking around in the basement.  I keep thinking she working with bad guys and that Severide will catch her in the act.  Something is up .  

Yes, I get the same feeling! Definitely something “off” with her character (and not just the wig) 🙂 sorry. Poor woman I’m sure she’s lovely and talented but stick to singing! I think she could be in cahoots with the bad guys too. 

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On 11/24/2019 at 8:01 PM, tinderbox said:

I think Stella is pregnant.

Dawson still makes me sick...and it has nothing to do with her dress size or hair color.  As usual, she sucked the air out of her scenes.  Pffffft....

Brett and Casey could work.  I’m open to it.

I was hoping bad hair lady was the person poking around in the basement.  I keep thinking she working with bad guys and that Severide will catch her in the act.  Something is up with her.

Didn’t realize how much I missed Otis until I saw him in this episode.  That said, I really enjoy the two new young actors/characters and what they bring to the show.

Severide belongs in the firehouse.  

The thought of Stella being preggers did Cross my mind I must say and I think Casey and Brett could work as well 

On 11/25/2019 at 8:20 PM, JenLily said:

There was absolutely no reason for Gabby to come back except as table setting for the inevitable Gabby/Casey/Sylvie love triangle. In fact, let me make a prediction. It's November now. Come May sweeps, Casey and Sylvie will have had enough time to start hanging out together, realize they have feelings for each other, try desperately to deny said feelings, and then finally, finally give in to their passion and make sweet, sweet love to each other. The very next morning, while basking in the afterglow there will be a knock on the door. Casey will be in the other room making breakfast or having a poo or whatever and ask Sylvie if she could please get that. Sylvie will go skipping to the door clad in nothing but a t-shirt (Casey's CFD tee, natch) and fling it open mid-giggle to find -- GASP -- a six-months-pregnant Gabby standing on the other side. Cue Casey walking into the room, all their mouths agape in shock and horror and then. . . scene, fade to black, see you in the fall.

This show really tries my patience. 🙄

LMAO OMG great minds I tell ya. I've said before I see something like this happening 

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