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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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21 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I’m not a nurse, nor easily offended, but I thought what she said was kind of disrespectful to nurses. Or at least like she was looking down on it because she couldn’t dress up and smelled like antiseptic. 

Willow was a nurse long enough to steal medication for Jason.

Willow is moving on up in the world. She started out in a cult, became a teacher, a nurse, now she's a spokesperson. She dated a cop, married a trust fund baby and now she's eyeing a guy with political aspirations. 

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14 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't even know what Curtis and Portia were doing at the Qs other than Curtis's ties to Aurora. Now that Trina is living on the estate, she'll be coming and going from there. Portia started out well as a character, but it's been downhill for such a long time. And she is such a Carly. Not that her concerns are not justified.

Curtis being involved in Aurora came out of their friendship. Curtis and Drew have been buddies since Curtis was married to Jordan and BM's Drew was a devoted father to both Scout and the now late Oscar. Curtis was Sam's partner in the PI business when Sam and Drew were together, but then he quit working with her because he decided he wanted to be the owner of a hot new club. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm loving Drew and Willow trying to justify their big smooch—they were really going at it. The Michael/Willow marriage desperately needs some drama. Finally we get a soapy story, or it can be if the writers commit to it.

I am staying with it til Mulcahey's name drops off the credits because it actually made it to air, which I did not expect given the BTS creative wars. And I'll come back to see JJ/Lucky. But I totally expect them to walk all this back very soon.

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18 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Once she’s on set, she has a responsibility to accurately portray the character and that includes styling.

and here is my counter to that. 

during that time. Deception was struggling, she was struggling financially and she was juggling 3 kids, one of them being a toddler. to me it doesn't matter how fashion-savvy you are there comes a time where you wake up in the morning and you slap on whatever fits and its clean and you don't care if it matches or the latest style. Those issues are over (for Maxie) for the most part. so she can take time to take care of her self. which is still very accurately portraying the character and what the character is going through at the time. 

I also really have to wonder who on earth would vote for a congressman who has no idea what insider trading was before he committed it. 

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Haven’t watched in months but seeing the previews for this week along with JJ’s imminent return I dipped my toe back in. Unsolicited thoughts:


Ok Curtis is walking again so that didn’t last long.  And he’s part of Aurora now?  Or did he say ELQ. I don’t know I’m already zoning out.

Oh for fucks sake it’s Drew QUARTERMAINE now?!  I can totally see Drew as a politician though. Say what you will about Cameron but the man looks good in a suit.  And out of a suit (sorry.)

Yay Mac!  And how cute is he being all corny about the fireworks.  “I like the ones that look like rain.”  Hee!

So it looks like there will be some sort of triangle with Drew, Willow and Nina??  I wouldn’t mind this except for the fact that Nina and Willow are mother and daughter (ick).  Plus they are getting along. We can’t have nice things, we know this.  I’m not shocked though.  Willow cheated on Chase with Michael and now she’ll cheat on Michael with Drew. Not unheard of. I guess being a nurse is also over. 

Sam and Dante are cute. Dante was right. Drew and Jason are deadbeats which is sad but really it’s their own loss.


All in all, not a bad episode.  I’m actually looking forward to seeing the next one!

Edited by mostlylurking
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Drew was not at all into that kiss with Nina, was he? Hands remained down at his side, and she seemed to be doing all of the work there. I'm guessing, given the conversation he and Willow had, that they're both going to do their best to just put this out of their mind. Willow will try to redirect her feelings to her marriage, and Drew will probably get involved with Nina to distract himself. But, since Michael and Nina have called a truce, and Willow seems to want to spend time with Nina, that will end up throwing Drew and Willow together even more, which will lead to something else happening. 

I love this because it's soapy (and because I called it months ago, thinking, as soon as Nina and Drew hooked up the first time, that they were going to go with a Liza/Tad/Marian type story), but I do wish they'd built up to it just a little better. Willow's feelings for Drew were kind of obvious, I think, but they could have done a little better at showing Drew's for her (there were little bits of it, but not a lot). They also could have been showing Willow becoming irritated here and there by how controlling Michael is. 

I completely understand Portia's point of view about Heather, but she has become so obnoxious. Liz walks in and doesn't say a single word about it, or even know what they were talking about, and Portia lashes out at her, accusing her of being there to backup Laura? And then she aggressively tells Drew she'll only vote for him if he vows to keep Heather in prison? Like that's even something a member of Congress can do? With all the lashing out Portia is doing, she and Curtis aren't going to have any friends left. Again, I get it. If someone who had made it their mission to try to murder my child was potentially going to get off easier, I'd be pissed, too. But she's just being so over the top that I can't deal with her. I hate that this is what they're doing with Laura, too. I hope they give her better stuff to do when Lucky gets back. 

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21 minutes ago, Daisy said:


during that time. Deception was struggling, she was struggling financially and she was juggling 3 kids, one of them being a toddler. 

Speaking of struggles with Deception, the latest crisis has included Scott and Lucy basically publicizing in Maxie's office that they're hooking up again. Has this show forgotten that they have a daughter, Serena? This show has a problem with lack of young quality characters who have ties to the families and their history, yet there haven't been any attempts to cast Serena, Dillon Quartermaine, any kids Dillon may have now, Skye's daughter Lila-Rae, relations of Maya Ward, or even Spencer cousins. A few months back Laura mentioned kid Lucky and his cousin Sly to Rocco.

As for today, Willow has some cojones for saying "this isn't me" (Chase would beg to differ!) and trying to justify to herself that she made out with Drew because of fireworks. LOL at her look of panic when Cody suggested that Willow could campaign for Drew. 

Hopefully Drew lying so easily to Michael's face will blow up in his and Willow's face in a public election day event. Their conversation reminded me of when TC's Nikolas was lying to Lucky's face while pursuing Elizabeth and claiming he couldn't help that he was in love with her.

Ava has learned nothing from Morgan's presumed death. I'm going to assume that someone, possibly their daughter and/or Donna, gets severely injured/nearly killed this summer. 

KSt was pretty funny in the Maxie/Sasha/Felicia scenes. Felicia/Kristina's skirt is beautiful too.   


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Portia can testify in court about not wanting Heather out; until then it's bad form to be yelling at people before the legal process starts turning. I get her fears but she's a doctor and should understand that chemically-induced mental instability (and murder) shouldn't put someone in prison for life. At the very least, a court should have Heather followed by doctors for a period of time to see how she does and then maybe allow her supervised release

And I still don't buy that Congressman that Drew wants to replace is dying of Stage 4 lung cancer. It's the most advanced cancer stage for god's sake and he's not coughing at all

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

Ok Curtis is walking again so that didn’t last long.  And he’s part of Aurora now?  Or did he say ELQ. I don’t know I’m already zoning out.

It didn't last long, but he whined so much about it that it felt like it lasted 100 years. I know it shaved months from my life having to sit listen to his woe is me speeches. The show even cast a man who was a double amputee for words of wisdom and still wrote Curtis as the whiniest shit ever.

I really hate that Sasha is treated like the help. You made the coffee and the beignets, let them pour and serve themselves. Sasha giving Drew and Willow their coffee bugged the hell out of me. Sasha is one of the most earnest characters. She deserves better than this.

Wylie calling beignets baïonnette (bayonet) was so dumb. Your kid is not bright, mayonnaise. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Do we constantly have to hear about stupid Wiley? I don't find him cute or amusing.

"I don't think Sonny will have a public breakdown during a custody battle. He's not that stupid." Oh, Scott. Sonny is definitely that stupid, messed-with meds or not. When it comes to his kids, Sonny flies off the handle pretty quickly.

Sonny is such a baby toward Jason. And threatening Ava isn't exactly stable behavior. And he taped it! He's so dumb.

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44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Do we constantly have to hear about stupid Wiley? I don't find him cute or amusing.

Yes. It's not about him being cute or amusing; it's about propping his father and their perfect family that is now being threatened by Drew and Willow's attraction to one another.  Before Drew and Willow started spending significant time together and flirting, it was about showing how Michael and Willow are such devoted, loving parents that he is a well-adjusted child who neither remembers nor misses his first dad, Lucas or has any memories of the drama with bio mother Nelle. 

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52 minutes ago, JMO said:

I sure hope they come up with something for Adam Harrington to do besides turn up in a doorway at the end of a critical conversation.  How many times has that happened already?

I wouldn’t mind seeing him chem tested with Ava/MW. Could be a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” kinda thing. Of course, if they both wind up losing everything to The Mob Guy, I’ll hate it.

I’ll be going away for a number of weeks and probably won’t have access to watch and I’m fine with it. Can’t tell if it’s personal circumstances (my life is bleak right now) or the weirdness of the writer changes, but haven’t enjoyed the show much with the Finn, Laura/Heather, Sonny, Natalia, and Anna/Val storylines.

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1 hour ago, JMO said:

Maxie for lines of the day:

"You're so sweet, you could be related to my mom.  These days, who knows?  Maybe you are."

I sure hope they come up with something for Adam Harrington to do besides turn up in a doorway at the end of a critical conversation.  How many times has that happened already?



🤣Who was she talking about?

18 minutes ago, Nique said:

🤣Who was she talking about?

Sasha, who went to Maxie to come clean about knowing Cody's secret.

3 hours ago, mariah23 said:

Prediction: Drew and Willow will be banging by Labor Day.

It better not take that long.

When PM was writing the Holly/Ross/Blake triangle on Guiding Light, the heat was between Ross and the daughter so that even though it was wrong, the audience rooted for them. Drew and Willow and a snoozefest.

Why does everyone, except Ava, think that Sonny is automatically going to get full custody of Avery?  He's still a mobster that the FBI is looking into, he still has multiple criminal conviction, and she is a gallery owner. If it weren't for the writing bias on the show, it would be win for Ava.

7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Portia's feelings aren't wrong, but she's expressing them in such an obnoxious way that you want to disagree with her on principle.

Her feelings aren't wrong but her logic is. As a doctor she should know better.

42 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Wiley is a spoiled brat. He's given everything he asks for, and everyone thinks he hung the moon. UGH.

Joss = Carly Jr.

Wylie = Michael Jr.

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25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Her feelings aren't wrong but her logic is. As a doctor she should know better.

Her only child was gravely threatened. That's going to override her doctor instincts, and that's reasonable, IMO. Maybe she'll eventually calm down, but for now, I'm okay with her feelings. Just not how she's expressing them at the moment.

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On 7/9/2024 at 1:50 PM, Bringonthedrama said:


Precisely. Although I assume when the truth comes out, Michael will say this is so much worse/more serious because he and Willow welcomed baby Amelia - a product of their love - in early 2023, had a real marriage starting a few months later, and Drew is his family. Question is, does anyone anticipate Willow crediting herself for being faithful the first 13 months of their marriage? 

And then Michael gets a text from Chase:


Meanwhile, seeing Sasha witnessing them was pretty much the Homer hedge meme



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OMG, Jason, Carly and Sonny are so boring, and they will only become YET  MORE boring when all is forgiven and they are a throuple again. 

John and Ava would look great together, but he is already flirting with Carly. Hopefully, he will just honeypot them both for information, but I don't want him to turn into Carrie freaking Mathison. 

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Ok I know this is fiction and all but I have a question about addiction….so Finn was addicted to pills then started drinking alcohol and got addicted to that too I guess.  So how can Curtis and Sasha, both with drug addictions, drink alcohol and it’s just fine for them?  Is this just a personal tolerance thing?  I guess really anything can be an addiction so it can transfer to other things if you let it?  Just curious.

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4 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

So how can Curtis and Sasha, both with drug addictions, drink alcohol and it’s just fine for them?

It's plot point writing. The show wanted to get rid of Finn, so they decided to go down that road. I remember comments about Curtis drinking after we found out about his drug addiction.

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11 hours ago, Artsda said:

"What happens to Donna and Avery if Sonny's in jail?"

I hate this argument so much.  If you're so concerned about the kids when you're in jail stop being a criminal that can land you in jail.  Just because Sonny is claustraphobic doesn't mean he shouldn't be tossed in jail for his crimnal activities.  Do the crime, sucks to be you and your kids.  dumbasses!!



10 hours ago

Man, now Ava threatened the pharmacist into making Sonny’s medication all sugar pills. Now he’s going to blow, except 1/4 real med to 0 doesn’t seem like that much of a jump 

Also, why is she assuming that he'll be taking the placebos right away.  Maybe he has a three month prescription of the quarter ones and won't need to refill until October.  So dumb.  

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7 minutes ago, ljr said:

This Sonny medication story is absurd. Sonny would have to get his medication from a paychiatrist then pick it up from a pharmacy

Is that crooked pharmacist his psychiatrist? And psychiatric medications  require blood tests

Everyone in PC gets their Rx from the hospital. I guess there are no Walgreens or CVS’ in town. 🙄

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

"What happens to Donna and Avery if Sonny's in jail?" I don't know Jason what happened to your minor children while you played dead for Carly's children. Jason is so obsessed with everyone's kids but his own. 

I really hate Jason. His ass stayed away for almost 3 years because he didn't want Donna to lose her mother, but now he's worried about Sonny going to jail and what happens to Donna and Avery?

They have their mothers, Bozo. Like Danny and Jake had their mothers when he decided that Carly's freedom and Donna were more important than his part in his sons' lives, or you know, them not having to mourn his death.

Jason and Drew, fretting over kids that aren't theirs. Neither these two idiots is needed on canvas.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Sonny still drinks even though he's on (messed up) meds. The show uses alcohol as a plot point when necessary, so I never try to find any logic in it.

I guess because Ava is the Devil/Madame Mao/Myra Hindley, Sonny is the only decent parent Avery has. But Jason had no problems leaving kids with only their mothers to care for them, so I fail to see what the problem is for Donna, especially since Jason used that exact point to justify his caving to the FBI. Shut up, Jason. 

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44 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Is Ava forgetting that her daughter lives with Sonny? She wants him to be completely unmedicated while he's the only parent living with Avery? 

Knowing this show, the judge will end up deciding both Ava and Sonny are unfit, so custody will be awarded to Carly. 

Ava's plans are usually weak, ill-advised, and frequently come back to bite her in the rump. Hard to see her as a criminal mastermind.

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22 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

That made no sense, especially since she knew he was recording it.  And then immediately says he'll bury her.  You're on tape threatening her now, stupid.  

He deleted it in front of John/Jagger like the pathetic coward he is.

So is Olivia next on Sonny's "Will you testify that I'm a devoted father" baby mama tour? Good for Alexis saying she's willing to testify that Sonny loves Kristina, but no more. KM is a great actress, but I don't buy for a second that Blaze and Kristina are "very much in love" as Kristina claims. What are they going to say if the interviewer asks them about their dates, their values/weekly activities, their plans for the future?  All they've done is talk about difficulties with their families, go on one date to a wedding, talk about Blaze's music and Kristina's pregnancy. Now Kristina's hugging her dad like she never saw him beat up Dex and is concerned about negative attention on her dad because of an interview addressing her sexuality? 

Felicia, Mac doesn't need you to sell him and your family to Cody. She and Maxie both overstepped. Show him some respect by giving him space to feel how he feels. He deserves that much. I'm glad to see by the previews that he calls them out. 

This is one of the very few episodes where I liked Jordan. I think she showed restraint. Portia deserves multiple eye rolls and a door slammed in her face.

Did little Ace get re-cast? The boy in the picture Laura gave Heather is not the same kid who was in outdoor scenes with TJ and Trina a few weeks back.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I feel like today's show was written expressly to make me stroke out. So much wrong and stupid dialogue.

I cannot listen to people blame Ava for releasing the tape anymore than I could listen to people blame Nina for Carly and Drew's insider trading. FFS. This show is so aggravating.

I can't feel all that sorry for Ava regarding Avery's custody because she had plenty of chances to change things. 

Kristina and BLQ, you know who else expects people to forget his bad deeds? Sonny. 

Felicia, being nice and good with kids isn't a genetic trait. Does Cody also use a fork to pick up his food? So does Mac—they must be related! Why are the most basic, stupidest things used as some sort of indicator people are related? It's so forced. Just say you're looking forward to getting to know each other. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down for a minute.

Approaching things "head on" means talking about Natalia's comments. 

Am I being too optimistic that Heather not wanting Laura to pursue a medical review means we'll never have to see or hear Heather again? And Portia will finally stop screaming about to anyone unlucky enough to be in front of her? (I probably am being to optimistic, sigh.) And news flash, Portia: You daughter is alive, so asking Jordan how she'd feel if Heather killed TJ is a strawman argument.

Edited by dubbel zout
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40 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Did little Ace get re-cast? The boy in the picture Laura gave Heather is not the same kid who was in outdoor scenes with TJ and Trina a few weeks back.

Ace is still being played by Jay and Joey Clay.  they'd be around 2 years old now, even though Ace would be closer to 18 months.  Kids that age always look diffenrent in picture than in real life, but it looked like the same kid to me.  


So, both Ava and Sonny are on the character reference tour.  Sonny's includes two of his 4 baby mamas and Ava's includes her lawyer and an FBI agent she barely knows.   

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Portia's question to Jordan about TJ being a victim of Heather's was dumb. TJ was kidnapped by Cyrus, held, beaten, and Cyrus is out of prison, walking free. 

But great, we're going to have another day of Portia raising her voice and clutching pearls. 

I feel like today was the beginning of the end of Jagger with this whole sitting with a drink in his hand with Ava.

Ava is a lot more to blame for releasing the recording than Natalia's bigotry and loose lips. I am so tired of them deciding that committing crimes and being a giant bigot and all around hateful is better than telling on those people, that being a federal agent automatically makes you the bad guy and a loser to boot.

I think the worst part is that there's a segment of viewers who eat this BS with a spoon and ask for more.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I don't why Laura acted like she had no idea what Curtis wanted to talk to Heather about. Did she forget that Portia screamed at her yesterday.

Yep, I am all for Laura being kicked out of the mayor's office especially as she spends half the year outside of Port Charles when she is not in the middle of personal crusade to help Heather even if it also against Heather's own wishes.

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Why does Portia assume that Heather would go free? It's known that she did the murders, but even with some extenuating circumstances, wouldn't she be guilty by reason of insanity and still be incarcerated somewhere?

Also, Elizabeth brought up the example of Franco (most of which I missed) who apparently committed murders and terrorized people because he had a brain tumor. Somehow, that all worked out, didn't it? Not to mention those who've committed murders without the influence of a tumor or toxic poisoning - <cough> Sonny <cough> - somehow, they are exempt from Portia's scorn? Perhaps only because he's never "threatened" Trina. 


Willow and Drew are getting a whole lot of kissing done, with and without their assumed partners. Poor Sasha, she's in an awkward spot. 

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

And news flash, Portia: You daughter is alive, so asking Jordan how she'd feel if Heather killed TJ is a strawman argument.

I can't with her and the way she's going about this. Thinking going in there with her petition and telling jordan she would be Mayor, as if Jordan and Laura are at odds.  Why did she think that was smart?  per the previews, she's all 'the sky is falling' to Curtis tomorrow.  

Wow, nice of BLQ to volunteer Sasha and Cody for nanny duties.  They can do that in betwen their actual jobs, I guess?  

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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