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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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2 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I’m sure it will be discovered she has a tumor…

oh don't tease me. 

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WOW did not see Willow making out with Drew coming and caught already. 

Cody finally told the truth too. 

Liked Tracy saying Alan would be proud. Scout name change in progress, at least they didn't leave her as Cain.

People actually using the Quartermaine pool, wow. 

I need someone to shut Laura up with the Heather excuses. Ned go be mayor again! 

Team Portia on this! 

Yes Sam how did you choose 2 brothers of deadbeats. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

This was exactly what I have been thinking. James wants a father figure. His real father is dead, and he's clearly smart enough to look at Spinelli and think "that ain't it." I know he has Mac, and Mac is the best, but he's grandpa. From James's point of view, Cody is the younger (not grandpa aged) cool guy who has a cool job. And he's been paying attention to him. 

I get what you're saying but If that's what GH is going for they're not doing a very good job of it cause it just looks like they only care about James if they need Cody propped since him and Maxie have been singing his praises like he's the 2nd coming for months. So of course it looks like Cody is the only one giving him attention cause he's never on unless he's with him. They don't show him with his mama and he barely talks about her. It's unbalanced.

A stray dog would look like a better man, friend and father figure than Spin so I've no issue with that part of James seeking out someone else then his sister sperm donor as a father figure, but I don't I appreciate that GH has done it at the expense of his mother and their relationship which we barely see when it comes to Cody.

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Returned from exile for this ep after reading comments. That was actual soap opera!

I bet Mo and Steve are real thrilled hearing all the characters talk about Cam's abs. (He's also getting more interesting characterization than either of them.)

I know it's not the most popular opinion, but I'm sold on Cody. This show needed some working class characters. And I find him charming and like him a lot more than his OLTL run. Will tune in tomorrow to see the scene with Mac. 

Was Michael drinking milk? Because that is way too on the nose. At this point the most interesting thing he could do is go out like Maureen Bauer after discovering the affair. (Apologies for the sacrilege of comparing him to an actual beloved character.) He's become a nonentity almost. Everyone around him is more interesting. I'm sure he's cheaper but I'd take Finn in a heartbeat over this Michael.  Frank did to him what he did to Starr Manning. Any edges are sanded off and he's just vaguely heroic-ish but never deserves the constant halo-polishing from the canvas. With his childhood, he should be dark, complicated and a fuck up, floundering under the weight of three of the show's most foundational families. Instead he's a milk-drinking cuck.

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Some great soap, finally!  Looking forward to the next episode.

Unfortunately, I think the Willow/Drew thing is not going anywhere.  They'll agree it was a mistake and forget the whole thing.  The only thing that gives me hope is that they weren't drunk so what is their excuse going to be?

I'm with you , Grinaldi.  I have liked Cody from the start (mostly), but then I'm attracted to Eeyore-like characters.  I want to see him and Mac go camping.



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10 hours ago, Artsda said:

Yes Sam how did you choose 2 brothers of deadbeats. 

That's the inconstancy with the writing. Billy's Drew was the furthest thing fro a deadbeat. Everything he did, he did for his children. He was a devoted father, husband and son. This version of Drew is selfish to the hilt. His daughter is an afterthought. He never considers her in his decision-making process. This is the same daughter who kept him alive and going when he was held captive.

Drew isn't above reproach. He's a dick.

The way Willow was talking about nursing, you'd think she has been doing it for years instead of a handful of weeks.

Is it me or does it seem like they might be gearing to kill off Monica?

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Poor, dumb Michael.  Willow has obviously had Guilty As Sin on repeat since April.  If  only he could have deciphered "What if he's written MINE on my upper thigh only in my mind" that Willow was belting out every morning in the shower, he coulda seen this coming. 

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54 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Is it me or does it seem like they might be gearing to kill off Monica?

I wonder the same thing, especially since they made a retrospective change to her recent history, from attributing her absence to her attendance at medical conferences to, as per Tracy, saying she's not been well for a long time.  Revisionist history usually leads to a new plot point.

My preference would be to have Monica retire, so she (and LC) can be physically present for the attributes and praise.  LC wouldn't have to do much but listen and say a few words at the end.  Eventually the character would die, but it doesn't have to be right away.  Of course, when Monica does pass away, the house will have to go to someone, and I would be interested to see how that played out.

I also wondered if Monica's new chronic illness was mentioned to add to the burden of Gregory's loss and Tracy now learning that another old friend has advanced stage cancer.  Makes me wonder where they're taking Tracy.  

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13 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

As if Congressman Plot Point's words about how Drew is "above reproach" weren't laughable before he decided to make out with his niece-in-law...

Being convicted for insider trading is hardly "above reproach." I haven't forgotten, Show, even if Drew has paid his debt (heh) to society by stupidly going to jail for that idiot Carly.

30 minutes ago, JMO said:
1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Is it me or does it seem like they might be gearing to kill off Monica?

I wonder the same thing, especially since they made a retrospective change to her recent history, from attributing her absence to her attendance at medical conferences to, as per Tracy, saying she's not been well for a long time.  Revisionist history usually leads to a new plot point.

The medical conferences were some years ago; LC was onscreen at some point after that absence and even joked about it, saying something along the lines of Monica having been to every medical conference in the world. LC's last appearance was clearly difficult for her, even though the show obviously tried to make it as easy on her as possible, so Monica not being well does track.

I would not be surprised if they decide to kill off Monica, as I doubt LC has the stamina for filming. Monica's death would open up a LOT of stories, if the writers wanted to use them. Talk about an umbrella story.

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9 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

Frank did to him what he did to Starr Manning. Any edges are sanded off and he's just vaguely heroic-ish but never deserves the constant halo-polishing from the canvas

Chad Duell's SLS never had any edge, nor was he ever interesting. That would be the first SORAS'D Michael, Drew Garrison. He had all that anger and layers. But they wanted some sad sack Eyore for the rape story, I guess. Drew could have done it.  And we've been stuck with this version for years and years, and we're never going to be rid of him.

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I agree that after a bumpy start lasting a few months, Cody has settled down into a fairly chill, welcome presence.

There may have been a silver lining related to JJY's absence that they had to put the "schemer vs. good guy" internal struggle on the back burner (where it kind of simmered itself out). Now he just wants to reveal the truth without all of that lost necklace crap.

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15 hours ago, Artsda said:

Yes Sam how did you choose 2 brothers of deadbeats. 

She didn't. It's another instance of her re-writing her reality and/or past. She believed she was in a relationship with Jason who had an altered appearance, until Scout was somewhere between 6 months - 1 year old I believe. But BM's Jake Doe-Jason Morgan-Drew Cain was a devoted father and Sam loved that. The character changed when Drew was re-cast and became devoted to Carly and her kids as a stand-in for the presumed dead Jason when SB got fired for not taking a COVID vaccine.  Sam should be ranting about how her kids have been neglected/hurt in recent history because their dads made Carly and her daughter their #1 priority.

ETA: I don't mean to come across as snippy with anyone. The Sam character just irritates me.  Her complaining about being the reliable parent while Jason and Drew don't prioritize their kids reminded of the time(s) she said that Jason cheated on her with Elizabeth (the night Jake was conceived) when in fact they had been broken up for a while and she was having sex with Ric on the floor of Alexis's home that same night. She's almost as delusional about her life as Carly is IMO.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The way Willow was talking about nursing, you'd think she has been doing it for years instead of a handful of weeks.

I’m not a nurse, nor easily offended, but I thought what she said was kind of disrespectful to nurses. Or at least like she was looking down on it because she couldn’t dress up and smelled like antiseptic. 

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3 hours ago, JMO said:

I wonder the same thing, especially since they made a retrospective change to her recent history, from attributing her absence to her attendance at medical conferences to, as per Tracy, saying she's not been well for a long time.  Revisionist history usually leads to a new plot point.

My preference would be to have Monica retire, so she (and LC) can be physically present for the attributes and praise.  LC wouldn't have to do much but listen and say a few words at the end.  Eventually the character would die, but it doesn't have to be right away.  Of course, when Monica does pass away, the house will have to go to someone, and I would be interested to see how that played out.

I also wondered if Monica's new chronic illness was mentioned to add to the burden of Gregory's loss and Tracy now learning that another old friend has advanced stage cancer.  Makes me wonder where they're taking Tracy.  

My concern yesterday was that this would lead to Tracy leaving PC to embrace life while she has the time and is in good health. She alluded to this a bit during Gregory's funeral, saying something akin to embracing new opportunities.  Tracy/JE is one of the few things that keeps me watching.

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12 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

I know it's not the most popular opinion, but I'm sold on Cody. This show needed some working class characters. And I find him charming and like him a lot more than his OLTL run. Will tune in tomorrow to see the scene with Mac. 

I agree. I've always liked him. I also have wondered more than once if the plan under the now-departed HW was to play more with his weird vibe with Tracy. But since we know Mulcahey was apparently barred from cutting the cast much, we still have Chef Sasha to contend with which drags Cody down.

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I don’t see the appeal for drew. He’s slimy. Who cares if he’s running for congress? 
Nina or Michael should have walked in when drew and willow  were kissing. 

Edited by ljr
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 WOW, Drew and Willow are scum. If today is a sign of what's to come, they are absolutely going to have a practically remorse-less affair. I can't stand Drew and even I'm shocked how easily he is shrugging off making out with his nephew's wife.

 I got confused by Portia's screaming. Who are the 2 people I'm missing? I know Heather killed cop Rory, Britt, and Brando. Portia certainly dropped an anvil for JJ's return with yelling at Laura and Elizabeth about their in-law relationship. I love hearing Elizabeth say "your grandchildren."

Side note: Becky Herbst looks stunning in that shade of blue. 

Best line of the day was Maxie telling Cody that Mac is her father in every way that matters. But it's sad to see Mac so hurt and furious. Great work by JJY.

Shut up about the Quartermaines, Josslyn.

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18 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Shut up about the Quartermaines, Josslyn.


that's better teeheee

so what happened with Willow and Drew that makes them extra scummy today?

I'm glad Mac is ticked off

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2 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Or at least like she was looking down on it because she couldn’t dress up and smelled like antiseptic. 

What does that even mean?  My sister's been a nurse for 33 years, and I've never smelled antiseptic on her.  Is Willow bathing in the stuff?!!

giant kudos to JJY.  The hitch in Mac's voice when he told Cody he couldn't trust him anymore just gutted me  It's like watching someone kick your puppy.  I kept telling Felicia to just hug him already.  

I'm curious if Michael could taste Drew's lipw on Willow's and if Nina could taste Willow's lips on Drew's.  So gross!!

Joss/Trina/Gio:  They are unecessary at the best of times, but today's scenes seemed even more unecessarily shoe horned than normal.  Mac's heart is being broken and Drew's macking on his nehphew's wife with zero remorse but we have to watch these three drink "beer" and discuss the old neighbourhood.  


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Michael's words say he wants to make things less awkward with Nina, but his face still looks as if he's sucking lemons.

I like how sheepish Cody was when he told Mac he was his son. I also thought Mac's anger was well done.

Elizabeth's "WTF did I walk into?" face was great. It's been a while since BH has been able to bust that out. And Portia needs a refresher course in the law: There's nothing Drew as a Congressman can do to keep Heather in prison. Prepare to lose that vote, dude! (I would die laughing if Drew lost the election by one vote. Too bad that won't happen.)

Portia also needs to realize that she's not going to change Laura's mind about Heather by screaming at her every time they cross paths.

8 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

we have to watch these three drink "beer" and discuss the old neighbourhood.  

I found "we don't ever take American citizenship for granted" to be really patronizing.

20 minutes ago, Daisy said:
40 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Shut up about the Quartermaines, Josslyn.

that's better teeheee

My thoughts exactly!

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Drew and Willow are scum. If today is a sign of what's to come, they are absolutely going to have a practically remorse-less affair.

Oh, like the affair she and the SLS had while Chase, her husband at the time, was recovering from near-death?

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Glad the Cody/Mac story is moving forward.  I understand Mac's anger, but he'll come around, especially since he'll have both Maxie and Felicia working on him.  Glad for Maxie to be able to have an on-screen semi-sibling relationship, too.

So, interesting breakdown of who handles what part of the Quartermaine household, and even more interesting that it came up at all.  Sounds like another hint that the ownership of the estate may soon change.  But Monica put Michael in charge of the money end "because he's a businessman"?  What is Ned?

Was this a transition episode?  I'm wondering, because there were points where Laura, Elizabeth and Felicia seemed to uncharacteristically hesitate or stumble on their dialogue, and I wondered if there had been last-minute changes.

And just now I'm remembering that I recently saw a State of Mind episode where MB talks about a recent flare of his illness that necessitated a two week absence from work.  Maybe this was filmed during that time, and there might have been some last-minute improvising.  They did mention Sonny in this episode without explaining his absence. 

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No previews?  Show ended 3 minutes early. That quick scene with Curtis and Portia by itself. What the heck!!!

Why would Sonny be at the quartermains party?  For all her history telling Josh should clue in Gio that Sonny is not beloved by all of pc. 

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18 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh, like the affair she and the SLS had while Chase, her husband at the time, was recovering from near-death?

Precisely. Although I assume when the truth comes out, Michael will say this is so much worse/more serious because he and Willow welcomed baby Amelia - a product of their love - in early 2023, had a real marriage starting a few months later, and Drew is his family. Question is, does anyone anticipate Willow crediting herself for being faithful the first 13 months of their marriage? 

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Just now, Bringonthedrama said:


Precisely. Although I assume when the truth comes out, Michael will say this is so much worse/more serious because he and Willow welcomed baby Amelia - a product of their love - in early 2023, had a real marriage starting a few months later, and Drew is his family. Question is, does anyone anticipate Willow crediting herself for being faithful the first 13 months of their marriage? 

well she was dying for most of their marriage so i mean... lol 

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17 hours ago, Nique said:

I get what you're saying but If that's what GH is going for they're not doing a very good job of it cause it just looks like they only care about James if they need Cody propped since him and Maxie have been singing his praises like he's the 2nd coming for months. So of course it looks like Cody is the only one giving him attention cause he's never on unless he's with him. They don't show him with his mama and he barely talks about her. It's unbalanced.

A stray dog would look like a better man, friend and father figure than Spin so I've no issue with that part of James seeking out someone else then his sister sperm donor as a father figure, but I don't I appreciate that GH has done it at the expense of his mother and their relationship which we barely see when it comes to Cody.

Oh, I agree with you. I find James annoying most of the time, and it's largely because they have him on prop duty 95% of the time, and the other 5% of the time is him just being a whiny kid. This show used to be good at writing (and casting) kid roles, but these days, it's like every kid who isn't a teen yet is stuck in some weirdly precocious but stunted little kid phase. 

15 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

I know it's not the most popular opinion, but I'm sold on Cody. This show needed some working class characters. And I find him charming and like him a lot more than his OLTL run. Will tune in tomorrow to see the scene with Mac. 

Ditto. I like JK, and while I think the show was trying a little too hard to make him happen early on, I think he and the writing have settled into a nice little groove. My only complaint is that they seem like they're intent on making the Cody/Sasha romance move even slower than they moved Chase/BLQ. I'm not a big Cody/Sasha shipper, or anything, but the glacial pace they want to move some couples is annoying. And Olivia's whole "no hooking up if you both work here, because think of the children," or whatever the hell, is such a stupid roadblock. 

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Chad Duell's SLS never had any edge, nor was he ever interesting. That would be the first SORAS'D Michael, Drew Garrison. He had all that anger and layers. But they wanted some sad sack Eyore for the rape story, I guess. Drew could have done it.  And we've been stuck with this version for years and years, and we're never going to be rid of him.

I would freaking love if they would recast Michael with DG, but I think they love Chad, for some reason. 

3 hours ago, jsbt said:

I agree. I've always liked him. I also have wondered more than once if the plan under the now-departed HW was to play more with his weird vibe with Tracy. But since we know Mulcahey was apparently barred from cutting the cast much, we still have Chef Sasha to contend with which drags Cody down.

Well, you know, Michael may be available for Sasha again soon. Not that I'd wish him on anyone, but if it got me a good soapy Cody/Tracy story, well, sacrifices must be made. 

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There better be more to that Drew/Willow adultery than this because wow was that a tepid story.

Maxie is looking great these days. What took so long? Did someone have it in for her?

53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Portia also needs to realize that she's not going to change Laura's mind about Heather by screaming at her every time they cross paths.

I hope that Portia doesn't consider herself a good Christian. Whitney is doing a good job with the material but wow I do not agree with Portia. And Heather isn't exactly Laura's relation

27 minutes ago, JMO said:

So, interesting breakdown of who handles what part of the Quartermaine household, and even more interesting that it came up at all.  Sounds like another hint that the ownership of the estate may soon change.  But Monica put Michael in charge of the money end "because he's a businessman"?  What is Ned?

Michael was always the inappropriately Golden Child. I bet Monica forgot all about Ned, not to mention Jake, Danny, and Scout.

And even if Michael is in charge of the money, that doesn't give him the authority to move people onto the estate.  Wouldn't the apartment over the garage be for the gardener or other staff?

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I think Drew and Willow have some chemistry but I don’t think they give off the vibe they are supposed to give. I think they could pull off being a relatively happy, cute somewhat boring couple ala Sam/Dante but for us to believe that Willow’s going to hook up with her husband’s uncle and Drew bedding mother and daughter (which today hinted at), they need to have more steamy chemistry and I don’t think they can pull it off. The storyline would have to do some seriously heavy lifting for them because nothing about either of them screams illicit. I had the same problem when Michael/Willow were having an affair behind Chase’s back. They had the soapy SL but it didn’t mean that the actual affair wasn’t bland because they are bland. 

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1 hour ago, jacourt said:

No previews?  Show ended 3 minutes early. That quick scene with Curtis and Portia by itself. What the heck!!!

Maybe your station (or DVR) cut it off early? It ended with Sasha seeing Michael and Willow kissing through the window and looking concerned as she flashes back to Drew and Willow kissing. Then I got the previews

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Willow could come out of this with an interesting story if it turns out she is acting out from her trauma as a sexual abuse survivor/cult member. In her eyes, Drew is a hero who rescued her and she sees him as a good, powerful man (ex-SEAL and now politician) and she might be falling under his spell like she did Shiloh. (And kind of did Jason for a hot minute.) So she could be recreating a trauma pattern there. Of course, this does not explain her affair with Michael, who is about as powerful as a potato. But that could have been her wanting to be near Wiley who was the stand in for her baby who died, which was also traumatic for her. 

Drew has also been tortured and had trauma, but he doesn't come off as any anything but a guy carelessly getting his rocks off with some pretty women. 

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Nope here in Va no previews and show ended early. I watch live. All of a sudden drew barrymore was on and it was early. Very weird. 

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22 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

 As if Congressman Plot Point's words about how Drew is "above reproach" weren't laughable before he decided to make out with his niece-in-law...

I thought for sure someone would get hit by lightning when he said that. "Above reproach" other than being convicted of insider trading, getting involved with the woman that is now being investigated for running a mob (even though that effort was primarily superficial) and having a child with a woman while apparently being a mostly absent dad, to mention a few things. 

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Maxie is looking great these days. What took so long? Did someone have it in for her?

KS has said that she was going through a rough time personally and the show accommodated her in styling Maxie. While I’m glad for her, I think they should have turned her down. Once she’s on set, she has a responsibility to accurately portray the character and that includes styling.  Either way, I’m glad she’s feeling better and looking better on the show.

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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I got confused by Portia's screaming. Who are the 2 people I'm missing? I know Heather killed cop Rory, Britt, and Brando.

She also killed that guy Oz Haggerty, the dude that Portia woke from an induced coma to testify at Trina's trial, because that was totally okay and 100% ethical.

She also killed a guy who dealt with exotic animals. That's what got Rory killed IIRC.

About the episode;

Nina and Michael making peace just in time for Willow and Drew to happen. 

Those two are something. The dialogue made it sound like both Willow and Drew have been thinking about something like this for a while. The lack of remorse was pretty on brand for the two characters. That tends to happen when you're a preachy asshat.

I don't even know what Curtis and Portia were doing at the Qs other than Curtis's ties to Aurora. Now that Trina is living on the estate, she'll be coming and going from there. Portia started out well as a character, but it's been downhill for such a long time. And she is such a Carly. Not that her concerns are not justified. And then we have Laura digging her heels in with this Heather stuff.

And why was Laura wearing a fall jacket. Everyone is in summer clothing, but Laura looks like she's about to head to the Yukon or something.

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Oh, Sasha, I think you need a bigger glass of wine after what you witnessed.  This is going to get so ugly, especially with Michael and Nina making peace and all the 'no more secrets talk.'  I swear if somehow this gets turned around to be Nina's fault I will burn this place down.

Not enough eyerolls in the world for Joss's smugly smug speech about how Michael is basically in charge of all things Q mansion.  At this rate, when does Carly move in?

Loved the Maxie/Cody/Mac/Felicia scenes.  Maxie and Felicia will definitely facilitate Mac and Cody having a familial relationship.

Portia is just...ugh.  She's fully justified for the way she feels about Heather, and I get the anger at Laura, but this whole "you smiled at Laura, you too are now my enemy" way she's acting is super idiotic.  Too bad she's her boss, because Elizabeth would've been justified saying 'bitch, I just walked in the room and now I'm out to get you?"

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Isn't Sasha supposed to be in recovery?  Now that she's downed the wine, will she spiral and have to join Finn in rehab?

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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Oh, I agree with you. I find James annoying most of the time, and it's largely because they have him on prop duty 95% of the time, and the other 5% of the time is him just being a whiny kid. This show used to be good at writing (and casting) kid roles, but these days, it's like every kid who isn't a teen yet is stuck in some weirdly precocious but stunted little kid phase. 

Yeah I agree. He seems these days to only have too functions propping Cody and whining particularly about there is too many girls in the house. Like GH keeps having him harp on it and it's tiresome esp cause Bailey is a baby & Georgie is a teenager. Y'all aren't even in the same age bracket for the to many girls to me too be an issue. I enjoyed him more when he was fighting with Georgie cause it was normal.

Other than that the last real good thing they wrote for him besides his reunion with Mac, Mac's return was that scene with Mac at Kelly's where he was worried about his mom cause of her situation(that dumb ass debt story)& Mac told him that him in so many words he was a child he needs not to worry about it she can handle it and James talked about how he looked up to Mac and wanted to be like him and his dad cause they both are heroes. It's sad they are unable to write kids like actually kids especially cause I think some of these kids can handle the material.

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Since when is Laura a lawyer? She's so adamant about the law.  Maybe she should use all the defense of Heather on getting her own son from jail.  Or how about all the criminals running around, Liz walked in. She assisted Nikolas with Esme , Spinelli and Sam hacking FBI, Jason shooting people, Sonny, Carly. 

Go Portia go! Obrecht should return right now too. Diane, Sasha.  Sasha is right there why doesn't she get to say anything. Nina too, Britt was her cousin. All these people should be against Laura. 

Good for Mac being angry, but he knows he's family now so he'll be over it fast. Maxie taking him in as brother already was proof of that. 

I can't with all the free loading people at Q's it's like a shelter. Joss, Trina, Gio, Lois. Did Trina even interact with her parents who are on the property? 

Eww Nina don't kiss him. 


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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:


She also killed that guy Oz Haggerty, the dude that Portia woke from an induced coma to testify at Trina's trial, because that was totally okay and 100% ethical.

She also killed a guy who dealt with exotic animals. That's what got Rory killed IIRC.

About the episode;

Nina and Michael making peace just in time for Willow and Drew to happen. 

Those two are something. The dialogue made it sound like both Willow and Drew have been thinking about something like this for a while. The lack of remorse was pretty on brand for the two characters. That tends to happen when you're a preachy asshat.

I don't even know what Curtis and Portia were doing at the Qs other than Curtis's ties to Aurora. Now that Trina is living on the estate, she'll be coming and going from there. Portia started out well as a character, but it's been downhill for such a long time. And she is such a Carly. Not that her concerns are not justified. And then we have Laura digging her heels in with this Heather stuff

Ahh thank you.  And I totally agree about Willow and Drew. I assume that Sasha will confront Willow and Willow will beg her to ker mouth shut because it was a momentary lapse in judgement but she's totally in love with and committed to Michael.

Curtis and Drew have been buddies since BM's Drew was a loving father to Scout and his newly discovered son Oscar; Curtis was Sam's PI business partner when she and Drew were a couple. Curtis quit working with Sam when he decided he wanted to be an owner of a hip new club.

I don't understand why Laura is pressing the Heather stuff. It would make some sense if we knew the show intended to bring back Steven Lars and/or Kim with Franco's son, Andy, but I don't believe that is happening. 

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1 hour ago, JMO said:

Isn't Sasha supposed to be in recovery?  Now that she's downed the wine, will she spiral and have to join Finn in rehab?

If she is I bet this is a way for her to spill the beans and Drew and Willow being scumbags continue their grossness while People like Micheal, Nina and Carly think Sashas being crazy or something 

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Gotta say Drew and Willow are scumbags. I pray they are read the riot act by Sasha and that Micheal and Nina find out Quickly. It's so gross. Have do you not have any remorse. Willow you are married you heifer, weren't you all torn up wanting to live for Micheal and your kid? Drew's nasty ass banging Nina and having intentions on banging her daughter and HIS NEPHEWS WIFE. I can't stand Carly and I can't wait for her to find out Willows for the Streets. With Nina and Micheal making amends, I wonder if Nina finds out, reads her daughter for Filth and demands that Willow tell Micheal and she doesn't, then Micheal finds out and Nina gets blame as well 

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I always thought the wealthy would have cooler outdoor games to play.   A stack of beanbags and a Home Depot pail is kind of hillbilly.  Almost as dull as the conversation.

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Oh, Sasha, I think you need a bigger glass of wine after what you witnessed.  

she's acting is super idiotic.  Too bad she's her boss, because Elizabeth would've been justified saying 'bitch, I just walked in the room and now I'm out to get you?"

Thanks, I'm one of those who didn't get to see the end or previews.

I would like to see Elizabeth react that way!  Portia likes to say we're friends and even claim Elizabeth is her bestie, but now she's an enemy??  Portia sounds unhinged. Has she already forgotten that she can see her daughter whenever she wants, while Laura is mourning her grandson and Elizabeth's son is mourning his cousin, because he's presumed dead from saving the daughter's life?!  Ugh.

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7 hours ago, JMO said:

Isn't Sasha supposed to be in recovery?  Now that she's downed the wine, will she spiral and have to join Finn in rehab?

Sasha subscribes to the Finn school of addiction whereby if you only had a problem with pills, you can drink all  you want.

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Lots of soapy goodness over the past three episodes. Me likey. Hopefully the new writing crew can keep it going.

11 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nina and Michael making peace just in time for Willow and Drew to happen. 

Those two are something. The dialogue made it sound like both Willow and Drew have been thinking about something like this for a while.

On a comical note, did anyone else notice that because of the extreme height difference between the two, Katelyn MacMullen had to stand on her tippy toes to kiss Cameron Mathison? Heh.

Re: Congressman "What's His Name," always nice to see Supervisor O'Boyle on my screen. Shame the character has a wife and is dying, he and Tracy had a nice vibe, but the great Jane Elliott connects with almost all of her scene partners.


Edited by Winston Wolfe
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20 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I would not be surprised if they decide to kill off Monica, as I doubt LC has the stamina for filming.

I have no information about Leslie Charlson's health status, but I suspect if she had any intention of returning to the show, now or in the future, they would keep the door open for her.  But if she has said she has no desire/ability to come back, then it would make sense to kill off the character now rather than wait for LC to pass. That way she could witness the tributes to Monica and share in the love. 

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What did happen to Cody’s pending payoff from I think the Ice Princess diamond? I forgot how that resolved 

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13 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't even know what Curtis and Portia were doing at the Qs other than Curtis's ties to Aurora.

They were a part of the group that had been with Drew at his candidacy announcement, and I think Drew just invited everyone back. Curtis seems to be acting as some sort of informal advisor to Drew.

I'm loving Drew and Willow trying to justify their big smooch—they were really going at it. The Michael/Willow marriage desperately needs some drama. Finally we get a soapy story, or it can be if the writers commit to it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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