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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I enjoyed Ava smirking as Nina was proposing that they team up to take down the Cassadine men.

I almost laughed that since Valentin has not been able to get what he wants, he's now at Jax's door looking for help (after all his behavior re: Jax and even asking Sonny for help with their mutual Jax problem). He's so pathetic. 

I like the preview of Laura unknowingly keeping Peter from his latest moment of stupidity, but I'm rolling my eyes at Maxie telling the ex-priest who had an affair with her late husband's first wife that she's now "living in sin" with her late husband's brother (yes, I know she says "Peter").

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Add me to the group that isn't a fan of Brook Lynn (and I agree that name is annoying). Tracy was an awesome character and I felt like her priority was always family. Brook Lynn seems to be all about self. I remember her from years ago (like dating Diego kind of years ago) and wasn't thrilled with her but I really currently dislike her now.

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It is absolutely ridiculous that everyone shows up at Jax's door pounding, hollering and announcing themselves !   He is rich enough that he would have installed a video camera at his door that he could just look on his phone to see who is banging on his door.

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8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Really. At least Drake Ramoray had true entertainment value! (But the "smell the fart" looks he did reminded me so much of Drake Hogestyn on Days...and I LIKE him, even with his limits. Hogestyn at least has warmth and charm.)

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3 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Tracy was an awesome character and I felt like her priority was always family. Brook Lynn seems to be all about self.

In what way?  Obviously, something is up with her, but she's not scheming against any of the Q's.  And sure, she's having snit fights with Olivia, but she's been genuinly nice to her dad and Leo, covered for Monica re: the turkey, etc.

And while I love Tracy, I think that's a little rose-colored glasses.  Are we forgetting her witholding Edward's pills, the shenanigans with Alan's will, various backstabbings re: ELQ, etc.?

That said, I do think the "You're just like your grandmother!" stuff can stop.

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I legit thought it would be Nik who showed up at Ava's gallery, not Griffin, who I totally forgot was back.

Ugh, at Frew's "You need to be the man of the house" to Cam. No, he doesn't. Elizabeth wouldn't want that burden on her teenage son, and she doesn't need him to pick up any perceived slack. 

Frew, those weren't your memories to begin with. 

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15 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

In what way?  Obviously, something is up with her, but she's not scheming against any of the Q's.  And sure, she's having snit fights with Olivia, but she's been genuinly nice to her dad and Leo, covered for Monica re: the turkey, etc.

I'm not saying she is mean to the family. However, the Q's often talk about house they are always fighting but will present a united front to the pubic. I do believe that they disagree on what is right for the family almost all the time, but that they also know they are strongest when united. 

Anyway, Brook Lynn has been gone forever and didn't come back because she missed her family and wanted to be with then for the holidays or anything like that. She is clearly hiding out. I'd likely feel differently had the writers had Ned mention hearing from her from time to time, but they didn't. They just had her show up at Charlie's acting shady.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually mostly liked today's show - especially that JaSam and Carson weren't on. I'm not a fan of Ava or Nina, but the actresses play off each other really well. Those scenes were golden; I liked Nina finally apologizing to Ava for what she did to her.  I'm going to guess that Valentin referring to Spencer as a "teenager" means a recast is in the works? I almost burst out laughing that Valentin thinks Ava and Jax kissed/fooled around/had sex the night of the aborted wedding and he's looking forward to Jax seeing Ava with "the man she has chosen" at their NYE wedding ... what a loser. 

I really enjoyed the mother-son chemistry in Elizabeth's pep talk with Cam (but hated her last melodramatic line to Franco and wanting him to wake up right.this.second). I was stunned that Cam mentioned/acknowledged Franco kidnapping Aiden when he was an infant; of course Scott dismissed it as "before the tumor was removed." Also, Anna telling Griffin how proud she is of him and how Duke would be too was an interesting (and probably intended) contrast to her walking in right after Peter shot the assassin he hired. I assume she'll figure out the truth soon since he's acting so shady and the cover story was eye-roll worthy. He sounded like a teenage Maxie IMO.

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4 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Anna telling Griffin how proud she is of him and how Duke would be too was an interesting (and probably intended) contrast to her walking in right after Peter shot the assassin he hired. I assume she'll figure out the truth soon since he's acting so shady and the cover story was eye-roll worthy.

Watch. If she finds out about him, she'll take out her hair shirt and start whipping herself, and blaming herself for his actions. You know, because she ABAAAAAAAANDONED him. Unless she's accepted that he's not her spawn, but Alex's?

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I feel like I missed something with Peter's scenes today; why bother with the secrecy of disposing evidence of a shooting he just admitted to? He told Anna a reasonably believable story of how he shot Andre's attacker, so why take the effort to wipe his prints clean? And if he's going to destroy evidence, he probably shouldn't pick a trash can located just down the hall from where the crime was committed. Am I being stupid here or does this just not make sense?

Valentin walking into the Metro Court and seeing Griffin, Jax, Maxie, and Laura and choosing to NOPE right the hell back out of there was my laugh for the day. And bless Jax's heart for having to listen to the Claudette story for the first time and not visibly wincing at its awfulness. I really hope the Claudette mention was a one-off and we're not going to revisit her in any further detail, because my interest in that is nonexistent.

I can't help myself, I'm totally into an Ava and Nina partnership. I know it'll likely all go south eventually due to Nina's inability to fully quit Valentin, but for right now, I'm all in. Nina seemed so sincere when she apologized to Ava, and I've always wanted more people on Ava's side, so I need them to defy the odds and actually get one over on the Cassadine men.

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I didn't really like Laura haranguing Peter about the Invader's coverage of overcrowding at Pentonville. 

For a WSB-trained doctor, André shouldn't have been dropped so easily. And LOL at the killer just watching Peter attach the silencer. And that silencer hardly silenced.

We do not need a coda on Claudette.

1 hour ago, Linny said:

Valentin walking into the Metro Court and seeing Griffin, Jax, Maxie, and Laura and choosing to NOPE right the hell back out of there was my laugh for the day.

I enjoyed this, too.

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I enjoyed the hell out of Mon/Tues episodes!

Both for the good soap, and for the absence of the dreaded CarsonJam quad. I hope they are starting to realize what an albatros they are.  

Ava just makes everyone sparkle --Nina, Trina, even Griffin. Her changing expressions during their brief chat were awesome. Cameron almost matched her sparkle for sparkle, but then she called him a charming young man and won the sparkle off. 

PS. Cameron was wearing more eyeshadow than Liz! ...it was perfectly blended though! 

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3 hours ago, Linny said:

why bother with the secrecy of disposing evidence of a shooting he just admitted to? He told Anna a reasonably believable story of how he shot Andre's attacker, so why take the effort to wipe his prints clean?

The goon had put a silencer on the gun so as not to be heard but Peter removed the silencer before shooting him, presumably so people would hear, come running and he would tell his tale.  What he wiped down and threw in the garbage was the silencer.  What I found hilarious is that it took him 3445 hours to remove the silencer.  was the goon just standing there watching him do it and not attacking him to get it from him?

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Peter attach the silencer

He wasn't attaching it he was removing it.  

3 hours ago, Linny said:

I really hope the Claudette mention was a one-off a

I don't think so.  Jax had a look on his face like he was going to go diggin on that, just to have more crap on Valentin.  

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 I appreciated the explanation of the Claudette/Charlotte business but I’m still confused. Claudette was a surrogate for Lulu and Valentin? Why? Why is Anna so attached to Griffin? She said today that she loved him so much, etc. That business in the treatment room with Franco, Peter, etc was beyond absurd. Surely Anna doesn’t believe that nonsense that Peter was spewing. And I finally have to say that I don’t believe Elizabeth is in love with Franco for one hot second. She seems believable when she’s interacting with her kids or folks at the hospital but I get nothing between she and F. She just always seems sad or morose or depressed. Please let Franco pass on.

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so I guess I have to watch today’s show online since it didn’t air in NYC. I really wasn’t planning to because I’ve been fairly bored lately, but judging from the comments here, it sounds like a decent episode. 

ETA, I can’t watch what isn’t available! It’s 8:30 and today’s episode still isn’t up on abc.com...😝

Edited by Sake614
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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Why? Why is Anna so attached to Griffin?

Because Griffin is Duke's son. When he came on, Duke had just recently died and Anna completely embraced him. It's actually one of the nicer relationships Griffin had on the show. 

Maxie's makeup looked silver under those lights. And those fake eyelashes need to be torn off.

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

 I appreciated the explanation of the Claudette/Charlotte business but I’m still confused. Claudette was a surrogate for Lulu and Valentin? Why? Why is Anna so attached to Griffin? She said today that she loved him so much, etc. 

No, Claudette got the embryo implanted and was the surrogate who carried and gave birth to Charlotte, but Lulu didn't know that. She didn't know Charlotte existed; she just met Charlotte within the past two years or so. Did you watch back when JMB left the show and ER started as Lulu? Helena had Stavros brought back from the brink of death, and when healed, he kidnapped Lulu. She was frozen/unconscious and they had an egg removed. The idea was Stavros would have a child with his new obsession/Laura replacement, Lulu, but instead Helena had Valentin knocked out or whatever and stole his sperm to fertilize Lulu's egg. (I remember a thermos making appearances.) Valentin's story is that he never intended to be a father, but when he held Charlotte for the first time his whole life changed, yada yada. Valentin had been a single father raising Charlotte and letting Claudette play mommy for the first years of her life. Claudette took off with Charlotte and they appeared in Port Charles.  

Anna is attached to Griffin because he's the biological son of her late love, Duke Lavery. Griffin came to Port Charles a few years ago to find out about Duke. Anna spent foreevvverrr mourning Duke (who was murdered because he was a criminal/Sonny mob associate) and so she got attached to Griffin when she found out who he was. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I wonder if that will be something that gives Peter away with the gun. If Andre is able to remember that it had a silencer on it when the guy came in, and then it didn't after Peter shot the guy. One can hope! Lol

Yeah I'm sure Jax will start digging into what happened to Claudette now.

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9 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I finally have to say that I don’t believe Elizabeth is in love with Franco for one hot second. She seems believable when she’s interacting with her kids or folks at the hospital but I get nothing between she and F. She just always seems sad or morose or depressed. Please let Franco pass on.

I have to disagree on that one. Whatever the writing issues, I do think Becky and Roger Howarth have good chemistry, and she has a great track record with her character's major and minor love interests. The only pairing Liz has ever had that I thought was a complete fizzle, where I didn't buy it and wanted her and the actor far away from each other, was the Jacob Young Lucky. With the other two Luckys, Jason, Ric, Nikolas, Matt, AJ, Drew, and Franco, I thought she believably sold it, even when I did not like the relationship itself. (I was on a break for Ewen.) 

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11 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

No, Claudette got the embryo implanted and was the surrogate who carried and gave birth to Charlotte, but Lulu didn't know that. She didn't know Charlotte existed; she just met Charlotte within the past two years or so. Did you watch back when JMB left the show and ER started as Lulu? Helena had Stavros brought back from the brink of death, and when healed, he kidnapped Lulu. She was frozen/unconscious and they had an egg removed. The idea was Stavros would have a child with his new obsession/Laura replacement, Lulu, but instead Helena had Valentin knocked out or whatever and stole his sperm to fertilize Lulu's egg. (I remember a thermos making appearances.) Valentin's story is that he never intended to be a father, but when he held Charlotte for the first time his whole life changed, yada yada. Valentin had been a single father raising Charlotte and letting Claudette play mommy for the first years of her life. Claudette took off with Charlotte and they appeared in Port Charles.  

Anna is attached to Griffin because he's the biological son of her late love, Duke Lavery. Griffin came to Port Charles a few years ago to find out about Duke. Anna spent foreevvverrr mourning Duke (who was murdered because he was a criminal/Sonny mob associate) and so she got attached to Griffin when she found out who he was. 

Wow. Thanks so much for the explanation. I stopped watching for a long time and look what all happened! 

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13 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

(I remember a thermos making appearances.)

Our national nightmare of the never-ending, super gross embryo story. 

10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Previews...ugh, Sonny.  "I'm not gonna sit around and watch my father die AND IT NOT BE ALL ABOUT ME AND MY PAIN!".

I know. I saw that and thought, "Of course you won't give your father a dignified death, because it's going to be all about you, you infant." It's totally in character, of course, but this is a story where I wish they'd give Sonny a tiny bit more grace. GOD. 

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Didn't Claudette try to convince Nathan and then Griffin they were each Charlotte's father because she was running away from Valentine and trying to keep Charlotte safe? I wonder if this is getting brought up again as a way for Nina to completely be done with Valentin. Right now, it seems they are writing her as completely irritated with Val due to his lies but conflicted because of how he is with Charlotte. I'm wondering if this is the avenue they are using to show Nina that Valentin is all bad and maybe even try and show that he endangered her back than.

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14 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Didn't Claudette try to convince Nathan and then Griffin they were each Charlotte's father because she was running away from Valentine and trying to keep Charlotte safe?

Yes. It was kind of funny. Oops, it's not Nathan, it's Griffin who's the daddy!

14 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I wonder if this is getting brought up again as a way for Nina to completely be done with Valentin.

Nina knows about this, doesn't she? I'd rather she dump Valentin for what he's done to her directly. 

4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I really like Chase. But Chase has loose lips and he needs to STFU about police business, especially when he chooses to discuss it with Girl Reporter, who has equally loose lips.

And whose track record in journalistic judgements is not the greatest.

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UGH at Brook and Carly acting like they're old friends. Same about Michael and Sonny talking about fathers and sons and the painful anvil about Wiley.

 Nelle and Ryan conspiring is entertaining, though. Ryan's idea of refining her plan of course means security bursting in the doors dramatically, lol.

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Carly doesn't want to put odd Donna's christening. Why, is she afraid that they will have to change her name I'd they wait too long?

Does Michael ever do any real work? He blew off his meeting about Oscar's share to watch Wylie and Donna sleep.

Michael: I postponed my meeting. I wanted to spend time with my father.


Alexis and Julian had a nice scene but I don't see any romantic chemistry between them any more. I thought he had more with Brook Lynn. But she needs to ditch that puffy outfit, it, makes her look 5 months pregnant.

Best part of the episode was Nelle and Ryan in the Psychopath Club. My new OTP.

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Nelle and Ryan conspiring is entertaining, though. Ryan's idea of refining her plan of course means security bursting in the doors dramatically, lol.

I haven't seen today's episode-- but I assumed that Laura's talk with Peter about prison overcrowding was a signal that Nelle might be one of the prisoners who would be released. 

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45 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

I haven't seen today's episode-- but I assumed that Laura's talk with Peter about prison overcrowding was a signal that Nelle might be one of the prisoners who would be released. 

Harmony did show up at Willow's door saying that she had been released because of overcrowding.  I hope it will take more for Nelle.

Nelle's pitch to Col. Tad Grey was that she was needed to help Brad take care of Wylie to which Grey said that godfather Michael was taking care of him. Considering Wylie is living at Casa Corinthos, I'm not sure how much taking care Michael is actually doing.

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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

I haven't seen today's episode-- but I assumed that Laura's talk with Peter about prison overcrowding was a signal that Nelle might be one of the prisoners who would be released. 

I thought that, too, but Nelle is small potatoes. Ryan getting released would really be news.

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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

UGH at Brook and Carly acting like they're old friends.

Oh ew, really (I haven't seen today yet)?  She already had to kiss Sonny's ass, but Carly's too, given their history?  That's not great, Bob.

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What time is it that Chase and Willow are in their pjs but Olivia can run errands? I change into jams as soon as I get home from work, but that's after 6 or 8 p.m.

Of course Sonny wants early admission for Mike in the drug trial. Never mind that the trial won't be set up until March. Sonny gets what Sonny wants. UGH.

For once, when someone on a soap says, "It's all my fault," it's actually the truth.

Lulu, if you don't want to see Brook Lynn, stay away from places she might be.

How did Chase get to Pentonville from GH? And how did he know to be there and at the exact spot he was needed? (Plot point, of course.)

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20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

What time is it that Chase and Willow are in their pjs but Olivia can run errands?

They said it was early evening.  Joss wanted to go see MIke and Carly tried to dissuade her by saying he gets worst in the evenings.  Plus Harmony said something about having to check in before curfew.  

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Why yes, “Brookie” you ARE as STOOPID as AJ. No, scratch that; YOU’RE STOOPIDER! As Ned stated, you grew up in the music business, so you shouldn’t have signed a contract without showing it to a lawyer first.

I have a feeling her plot will be another #MeToo disaster.

I can’t believe both Anna and Andre bought Heinrik’s fake scared babbling about the shooting.

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10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I know. I saw that and thought, "Of course you won't give your father a dignified death, because it's going to be all about you, you infant." It's totally in character, of course, but this is a story where I wish they'd give Sonny a tiny bit more grace.

While I agree with Carly (did I just say that), I understand Sonny's desire to do everything he can to save his father.  I know this is just a TV show, but I wouldn't wish this situation on my worst enemy.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

While I agree with Carly (did I just say that), I understand Sonny's desire to do everything he can to save his father.  I know this is just a TV show, but I wouldn't wish this situation on my worst enemy.

The problem though is that it's  not limited to worst enemies but to relatives and friends of most of us.

The writers want to show us how deeply Sonny (suddenly? ) cares about Mike and how desperately he wants him to get better. But they risk overdoing it especially since many of the audience has been in the same position and dealt with it with more intelligence and grace than Sonny is showing.

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8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The problem though is that it's  not limited to worst enemies but to relatives and friends of most of us.

The writers want to show us how deeply Sonny (suddenly? ) cares about Mike and how desperately he wants him to get better. But they risk overdoing it especially since many of the audience has been in the same position and dealt with it with more intelligence and grace than Sonny is showing.

Agree. And if the matter of the fact is, since there is no cure for Alzheimer's, there is no way to save Mike. And if this FAKAKTA show does just that, after Stella told Mooby that it was just a matter of time, then....I just don't know. I wouldn't put it past them. As horrible and gut wrenching as Stone's death was, I'm glad this current crop of "writers" and HACK!Frank wasn't running the show back then. Because Mooby wuuuved Stone and Stone was a faithful puppy, you just KNOW they would have found a miracle "cure" even though there wasn't one, and still isn't for AIDS. Or for Alzheimer's. Though I've heard that stem cell could help. I haven't read up on it to be sure.

And I'd like to add how ridiculous Brook Lynn's snark about AJ was. Yes, while he was drunk and driving, he didn't Force Jason to try and stop him and then get himself brain damaged. So she can just take a HUMONGOUS DOSE OF STFU,

As if AJ is the ONLY person to have faked his death. STFU, BROOKIE.

Yes, AJ was a good businessman. STFU, BROOKIEEEE.

Your Good ole' Uncle Mooby MURDERED AJ. So, again: STFU BROOKIEEEEE.

Yes, I'm just a wee bit peeved here.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

As if AJ is the ONLY person to have faked his death. STFU, BROOKIE.

And . . . IIRC, AJ didn't intentionally fake his own death (unlike, uh, Edward and Alan). Wasn't it more like, "something happened and then Monica intervened and had him shipped off somewhere where he was rehabilitated"?

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Just now, rur said:

And . . . IIRC, AJ didn't intentionally fake his own death (unlike, uh, Edward and Alan). Wasn't it more like, "something happened and then Monica intervened and had him shipped off somewhere where he was rehabilitated"?

Originally, he did die, I think. But Guzarsehole had totally decimated the character by then. But when Burton left/fired/whatever, they changed it to bring back Kanaan's AJ, and we got a flashback to how Monica intervened to help fake his death. And I did NOT CARE about that. Because Sean Kanaan was coming back. A vastly superior actor to Burton.

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The writers want to show us how deeply Sonny (suddenly? ) cares about Mike and how desperately he wants him to get better.

It rings hollow when his chosen profession is to murder, maim, extort, bribe, traffic, and pretend to be king of his realm - especially when Maurice looked more interested in what was on his Ipad than what was going on in his scenes.  Yesterday's episode in comparison to the previous two showcased what a sinking cause this Corinthos family has become.  Why should the audience care about a couple having marital difficulties who have been married/divorced more than four times? 

This diseased family has resulted in the necessity of executing other plots/characters (Franco, Peter, etc.) to make this horrendous central couple appear more sympathetic are choking this soap.  A murder on a soap should take weeks but  Peter killing someone in cold blood and it's treated like he just ordered a cheeseburger at Kelly's and more time is wasted on nonsense dialogue between Carly's kids concerned about her marriage? 

But it's not just Sonny and Carly.  Maxie, Michael, Lulu, and now Brook are all adults and the characters/actors all seem stuck in their college years.  I really wish that they didn't bring back that cute priest/doc as I would rather look at him than having to watch an actor (peter/franco) play a psychopath. 

While I am grateful that the Qs are being highlighted, it seems like they are putting the 'b' side actors there - Olivia, Oscar, Brooklyn and Franco - blech.  This is similar to placing Sabrina/Felix/Brad/Franco in the hospital setting.

But I am grateful to be to tune in during weekdays to watch Laura, Maura, Elizabeth. Anna, Robert Scorpio and Jax (without Carly) if I can't watch a soap opera called General Hospital that has an appetite to let doctors go (Griffin, Kiki, Britt, Stephen Larrs, Matt, Kim) and highlight KILLERS (Sonny/Jason/Franco).

Edited by sunnyface
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