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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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9 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

If Amanda Setton is having body image issues, I truly feel for her; it happens a lot, particularly in Holly-weird. But if that's the case, the directors need to find a workaround;

My understanding it's a religious thing? That she and Josh as well, don't want to do love scenes or whatever due to Amanda being Orthodox, and Josh because he's now married, or some such. We talked about this pages and pages ago, that if that is the case, then both need to find jobs in another field.

9 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

It will be difficult for me to say anything negative about Carly Jr. going forward. In that moment, she acted like a REAL Spencer and finally rid the show of one of its biggest annoyances

Not me. And I wholly disagree she acted like a real Spencer. She doesn't know, didn't grow up learning and knowing about that side of her family. Only after Bobbie died and now all of a sudden, oh look, I'm a Spencer and I will manage/work at Kelly's now. Before, working at Kelly's was due to something else and not because it was the family's business. And Cujo never gave a good goddamn about being a Spencer, either.

Joss did what she did for Dex and only Dex. She didn't care that Cyrus also killed other patients at Turning Woods or that he also killed Sam.

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11 hours ago, graight said:

Is anyone else as bored with the "Esplanade" as I am?  And to make it worse, it involves three of the most boring males on the show: Sonny, Drew and Sidwell. Too bad Laura is involved in that snoozefest.

I certainly am. I guess it's good that Laura knows what's behind Sidwell's suggestion of eminent domain, and that Drew is just trying to stick it to Sonny (and therefore Jason), but good lord, who cares?

11 hours ago, ciarra said:

I wonder which unfortunate intern gets handed the Dustbuster to clean up after rose petal romance.

I always feel sorry for whatever crew member has to clean up those messes, like when there's a baked goods death or a "sexy" flour fight in the kitchen.

Chase going on and on about how he can't get BL pregnant and have her experience carrying a child made me so mad. I know that was important to her, but I thought she was being genuine when she said what she cared about was raising a family together. Though of course it's easy for her to say that when she's already given birth. It would be interesting to know how she'd feel if she hadn't. She can afford to be a bit magnanimous about it right now.

But the bigger problem for me, as always, is that pregnancy and babies are the be-all and end-all for women, and doing otherwise is some sort of massive disappointment/failure. Heavy, heavy sigh.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Chase going on and on about how he can't get BL pregnant and have her experience carrying a child made me so mad. I know that was important to her, but I thought she was being genuine when she said what she cared about was raising a family together. Though of course it's easy for her to say that when she's already given birth. It would be interesting to know how she'd feel if she hadn't. She can afford to be a bit magnanimous about it right now.

But the bigger problem for me, as always, is that pregnancy and babies are the be-all and end-all for women, and doing otherwise is some sort of massive disappointment/failure. Heavy, heavy sigh.

I know!

I remember, back in the baby stealing days, this Show at least presented that a child/baby didn't have to be their biological ones to be wanted and raised. Like Lucas for Bobbie, and the SLS for Mooby.

But ever since the birth and custody for Wiley from Nelle, this show has regressed to the point that only biological spawn matter! Adoption is good and fine, but BIOLOGICAL!!!!!!!

Will Chase get his own miracle like SWSNBN and Sam did, (the latter after being shot in the uterus) and learn oh hey! Turns out if I take this drug or whatever, I can become NON-STERILE and let you birth a child from my own loins!

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33 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

My understanding it's a religious thing? That she and Josh as well, don't want to do love scenes or whatever due to Amanda being Orthodox, and Josh because he's now married, or some such. We talked about this pages and pages ago, that if that is the case, then both need to find jobs in another field.

What’s weird is they’re one of the only couples who seem to regularly do bedroom scenes. If they just changed the setting, hardly anyone would notice the modesty.

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1 hour ago, absnow54 said:

What’s weird is they’re one of the only couples who seem to regularly do bedroom scenes. If they just changed the setting, hardly anyone would notice the modesty.

I really think the problem is Amanda Seton than Josh.  My guess is that he is supporting his on-screen partner's wishes because he doesn't seem to have a problem with showing his body in scenes.  This week's bedroom scene was ridiculous.  She comes into the room with her coat on to find her husband in wait in his red boxers (Josh should have objected to that--LOL).   Fine.   But in the next scene, he's dressed in sweatpants and Tshirt and she couldn't take the damn coat off?  

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Does Wardrobe only have one big, black, boxy jacket that they put her in? While I didn't think so much about her attire in the bedroom, I certainly noticed it when they went out for Valentine's Day. Couldn't she have been wearing something red or gold or whatever? 

For years when she was appearing on various shows Carol Burnet wore a little black dress with an assortment of jackets. It's not that hard to change up a look and still stick to a pattern.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Joss did what she did for Dex and only Dex. She didn't care that Cyrus also killed other patients at Turning Woods or that he also killed Sam.

I'm so excited that Cyrus is off my screen I'd even give Mooby, Willow or Brad a lifetime pass, LOL. So happy that JK has been liberated from GH hell and hope he fulfills my dream of joining a show in the Sheridan universe, whether it's Landman or 1923. Where the latter show is concerned, I'd like to see if JK can hold his own against heavyweights like Harrison Ford and Dame Helen Mirren. He should fit in well among that demographic.

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They not only recast Drew, they rewrote him entirely. Billy's Drew never resented how he was brought up and wasn't a Quartermain, CM's Drew is burning up with resentment and entitlement.

The actor is trying but the new Aiden is a bad miscast. He looks much too old to have the kind of reactions a 16 (?) year old teen should be having to Lucky in the hospital, and the actor is not managing to make me believe that he is a mid-teen.

My bedroom temperature is in the mid-50s when the wind is from the east and I'm still not wearing as many clothes in bed as Brook Lynn is. You can be modest and still not look like you're heading into the north woods.

If I were Joss, I would not only be furious that Brennan had proof that Cyrus had killed Dex and didn't tell the police especially because he wanted to manipulate her. No way would I join an organization that manipulative.

So Brennan cleaned up everything in the cabin and is going to let everyone think that Cyrus is on the run and worry that he is going to target them next?

I'm glad that they are moving Jason into the Quartermaine sphere because for too long he has been locked in the same Sonny/Carly/Jason hamster wheel. But not as much as I loved Tracy's outfit today, yet again.


Edited by statsgirl
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So NotBrennan! was right outside when Joss shot a serial killer? And wants her to never tell anyone what she did, including Carly? But he has Cyrus's body removed and the place cleaned up so that Anna and Dante still think Cyrus is out somewhere and a danger to the public? Ok, Show. The nonchalant way he's talking to Joss is creepy - like he thinks he's talking to a slightly experienced young Anna.  Is this a lame way to break up his new relationship with Carly?

Hey Anna, "we" didn't do anything. You have evidence and details because of Elizabeth and Lucky deciding to get answers on their own.

BLQ, Chase is not going to be so understanding when he hears his best friend was the father of your retconned baby. 

So Drew is behaving this way because he's jealous that Jason got to grow up with the Quartermaines and they still "favor" him while rejecting Drew? The grossest moment of the Show though was Drew spitting out that he, Willow and her children are all the family Scout needs. Poor Scout!!!

The BEST moment was Laura and nuLulu and Elizabeth and Aiden hugging when Portia told them she and Isaiah (re)-stabilized JJ's Lucky. Spencers for the win!! But Kevin should be there, too.

ETA: @GHScorpiosRule This marks the first episode that Laura, Lucky (though unconscious), nuLulu, Aiden and Elizabeth have all been in a scene together.  Happy Friday for me.

The Tracy-Jason scene was unexpected. 


Edited by Bringonthedrama
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19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So Brennan cleaned up everything in the cabin and is going to let everyone think that Cyrus is on the run and worry that he is going to target them next?

It's   possible that his body will be found somewhere, and Jason will be suspected. And even though he has an alibi, Drew will deny that Jason was ever at his home that evening. 

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Brennan looks and sounds like an idiot with his idea of recruiting Joss. You fed her the clues and didn't think she'd have a gun on her, but think she'd do anything for the WSB? Go get your brain checked, idiot, and try to make sense of what you're saying.

Aiden is a no go for me. And stand up straight! Everyone is taller than Becky, it's fine if you're taller than Becky. 

Drew is such a dick.


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Slow day working from home, so watched today's episode.

Good Lord. So now you have to be a murderer to qualify becoming a WSB agent?

Fuck that noise. And Not!Brennan just comes off creepy with his interest in Joss. And locking up her stuff instead of destroying it? And the gun? And that this was his plan all along? For what purpose?

Mini-Cujo is so weak, she'll spill. Either to Trina or her mother. The latter when Cujo resumes waxing poetic about how awesome he is.

Now I want Scout to demand she doesn't want to live with him, but her brothers and grandmother. She's been isolated in a hotel? Is she in DC while Drew's been going around town, buying a house, throwing is perceived new power around? Now he's all jealous and petulant because Jason got live in the lap of wealth and luxury? The reason why Jaysus was so "ungrateful" for the past 30 years is because his head met with a tree, and Jason Quartermaine ceased to exist, you nimrodic maroon.

The best scenes were with the Spencers, Elizabeth, and Isaiah. Not that I thought Lucky would flatline. Oh, no, of course not. (there was just dust in my place that went down my throat that caused my heart to race).

That was one pathetic job of a "clean up" at Austin's place.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I think I'm supposed to feel sorry for Joss, but if she was stupid enough to bring a gun to Cyrus's cabin and use it, how did she think things would turn out? If she'd had called Jason, he'd also get rid of the body and sanitize the cabin. Even with his seeming new understanding with Anna, he wouldn't involve the PCPD.

Anyway, I can't with this nonsense of Brennan trying to recruit Joss as an agent. She'll get a bunch of people killed because she has no impulse control and she always thinks she's right. But go ahead, Jack. 

They should have Brennan's assistant drop the French accent. For one thing, it's terrible, and for another, the actor can't hold it consistently.

18 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

So Drew is behaving this way because he's jealous that Jason got to grow up with the Quartermaines and they still "favor" him while rejecting Drew?

Wah, wah, wah, Drew was poor while Jason was rich. Spare me. I can't with this whining about things that can't be changed. And why is this suddenly a problem for Drew? He's a congressman. It's not as if he's eking out a living as a busker. Drew is keeping Scout from the Qs as revenge for them treating him badly, in his view. That's not putting your daughter first, dirtbag.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Wah, wah, wah, Drew was poor while Jason was rich. Spare me. I can't with this whining about things that can't be changed. And why is this suddenly a problem for Drew? He's a congressman. It's not as if he's eking out a living as a busker. Drew is keeping Scout from the Qs as revenge for them treating him badly, in his view. That's not putting your daughter first, dirtbag.

He doesn't even remember being poor. His own memories started when he woke up in the hospital as Jake Doe and then later Jason Morgan's memories.

Drew said he has the Q name and Q money in the bank. No he doesn't. Drew's wealth came from him using the funds that belonged to Jason when he still thought he was Jason and buying with Sam Derek Wells Holdings from Julian. The only reason that Jason has not demanded Drew to give back what he used was because Jason did not want/need Sam to pay him back. Now that Sam is dead, Jason should send Drew a big fat bill with the amount that Drew needs to pay back including interest.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

The actor is trying but the new Aiden is a bad miscast. He looks much too old to have the kind of reactions a 16 (?) year old teen should be having to Lucky in the hospital, and the actor is not managing to make me believe that he is a mid-teen

I feel bad because he seems perfectly nice in an aw shucks way, but he is not working at all. He looks like he’s wearing a bad 90s wig and every time he’s on screen I’m reminded of that Steve Buscemi meme:


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Yeah, Aiden is miscast and also has too orange a tint on my screen.

As foreshadowed, Brennan is turning into a creepy bad guy and it jives with Anna going off her rocker, when she thought he came too close to Emma.

Of course, his days are now numbered since Sonny and Jason will go after him and Carly will be rescued AGAIN, along with Joss.

I’m tired of hospital “re-animation” scenes. GF looked great though.

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14 hours ago, boes said:

Brooklyn and Chase aren't exactly a compelling couple, are they?  Also, does he always present as dumb as a post?  He's pretty but I wouldn't want to try and read by the wattage powering that brain

Chase's first pairing was with Willow. Hers too. And they were wonderful. A fun, realistic, working class couple, cop and teacher. Both good, smart, sexy people who had a great couple arc, and their own individual storylines too. However, they clearly were just a stop on the way for the writers' planned pairs, Willow/Michael, and Chase/BLQ. And the writers were determined to forge ahead, no matter that Chase and Willow had become organically popular.

So, they were stupidly broken up. Elizabeth Korte, the new co-HW clearly adores Chase/BLQ as they are featured heavily. Their wedding took over the show for over a month, and during sweeps. And Chase is basically her lap dog now, totally neutered.

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BLQ feels so bad about withholding information again ~while withholding information, again. Personally, I would feel gross getting into bed with my outerwear on. Also, did they stop and pickup all those red petals? Cuz those are gonna stain. 

How does Austin Gatlin Holt own several properties in that area. He's been dead for years. 

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1 minute ago, TVbitch said:

How does Austin Gatlin Holt own several properties in that area. He's been dead for years. 

When Maxie first met Austin, we found out that he own several properties in that area including that cabin. It just strange that after he died nobody inherited the property including his half-brother on Gatlin side of the family.

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I don't know what the male version of a Mary Sue is called, but I felt like we were getting one with Chase today. It was wonderful that he was supportive and kind, but he kept spewing the kinds of insights that take time to develop, and I didn't buy it.  Might just be me.

Kudos to whomever on this board first called out Brennan's trying to recruit Joss and yes, Anna's apprehension about Brennan talking to Emma makes sense now.  It's interesting that a new recruit would have to be secretive, while Anna, Robert and Valentin have been open about their WSB involvement for a long time.  

I get Drew's resentment about still feeling like he's on the outside looking in at the Quartermaines.  It's probably been just under the surface for a long time, now unmasked by his pariahship and Jason seemingly being welcomed back in.  

I didn't understand how Jordan had her own private file on Cyrus. Seems like it should have belonged to PCPD.  Looks like Anna and Dante have picked up that Austin's cabin had been cleaned up, and will deduce that a crime occurred there.  

Glad we got JJ's Lucky back.  And no, this Aiden isn't doing it for me, either, through no fault of the actor.  Didn't we have a one-day Aiden before this one? I thought he was a better fit.


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5 minutes ago, JMO said:

I get Drew's resentment about still feeling like he's on the outside looking in at the Quartermaines.  It's probably been just under the surface for a long time, now unmasked by his pariahship and Jason seemingly being welcomed back in.  

As someone stated upthread, he doesn't have the childhood memories, due to the brain swap. Yet there was no festering with Billy Miller's Drew. It's just retconning to make Cameron's Drew more pathetic, vindictive, and vile.

6 minutes ago, JMO said:

I didn't understand how Jordan had her own private file on Cyrus. Seems like it should have belonged to PCPD. 

Second Recast Jordan had history with him when she worked for the DEA-Cyrus was responsible for the drug murders/deaths of her team-and she had fabricated evidence to put him in jail. He was freed when the role was cast and Jeff Kober appeared as Cyrus.

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7 hours ago, absnow54 said:

What’s weird is they’re one of the only couples who seem to regularly do bedroom scenes. If they just changed the setting, hardly anyone would notice the modesty.

This is what I've been thinking.  In general, since Covid, it seems like soaps aren't doing a ton of love scenes. So there's no reason for GH to do what they've been doing with BLQ and Chase. Instead of the flower petals on the bed, they could have had the path of petals lead to a cute little romantic table set up with a special dessert and champagne. Instead of a bed set, which a whole lot of couples don't have anyway, they could have a set for like a private sitting room connected to their bedroom, where they could sit and have private conversations. It's just weird to focus so much on them in the bedroom when they're not doing love scenes and BLQ isn't going to be in lingerie. Sure, it's unusual for a soap star to want to be so heavily covered all the time, but it's like the show is going out of its way to show that about her, when it's just not necessary. 

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It seems like they are actively trying to sell us on BLQ and Chase being a sexy 'love in the afternoon' couple. There were copious scenes a month or two ago talking about how much sex they were having and then you cut to them alone together and it's like the auditions for Agnes of God. Like, they think if they keep talking about how hot and heavy these two are it will make up for the evidence of our lying eyes. It's bizarre.

Edited by jsbt
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I hope Brennan finds a way to have the PCPD come across Cyrus’ body at some point so the residents won’t have to continue to worry that he might hurt them. My best scenario is for Joss to confess to Anna or someone that she killed Cyrus but that the WSB wiped the evidence. Anna can suggest to Brennen she’ll leave it alone if Cyrus’ body is left for the PD to find and not to  recruit Joss but that she’s watching him

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36 minutes ago, Grinaldi said:

Is it possible that all the posturing from Drew about his poor childhood is a tell that he's not actually Drew and the spec that he's really Shiloh was spot on? Not that I want that and I don't think the writers are that clever but it would at least explain the heel turn.

Nope. Shiloh did not grow up poor. He was rich but his family loss all their money when Sam married his dad as one of the 5 men she married to con out of their money.

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11 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Nope. Shiloh did not grow up poor. He was rich but his family loss all their money when Sam married his dad as one of the 5 men she married to con out of their money

I was thinking more that fake Drew was not getting the story right. But the is context I didn't have. With Sam gone there is a lot less reason to bring that character back. 

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Chase really is stupid. He should be angry she's been lying to his face their entire relationship.  He should be asking what else is she lying about?

Hate Drew but he's not wrong about judging Jason's suddenly wanting to honor Sam and caring about his family that he spit on. 

Murdering hitman lol. True comment. 

Scout needs to speak up and tell her so-called father she need to spend time with her brothers. 

Sasha pushes Tracy to ask her question then acts like a bitch when she does. If Sasha can't stand the Q's so much and don't want the baby to be one then leave. 

If Jason really wants to do things differently now then pretending to be the father of his brothers grandchild after he did the same right his brother's son is not the way. 



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1 hour ago, JMO said:

Brooklyn was referencing that pregnancies are usually 40 weeks long.

Yes, that's what she meant.  Baby came on time, she didn't even see it so she doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl.  

As much as I loathe this storyline (if Dante is the same age as Sam, whose gravestone showed a birth year of 1980, and Gio is 21, that means he was 23 when he was born and BLQ was 16 which, yeah, kinda icky /I know this will be glossed over/ignored, but still), I cannot wait for Lois to get it from all sides.  

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This is what I don't get.  When Joss shot Cyrus I was thinking, "oh great, now Joss will be the big hero who killed the man who attacked Lucky and Liz." Then Brennan shows up and cleans it all up.  I get Joss doesn't know Cyrus attacked Liz and Lucky yet but she'll hear about it soon and won't she think that she should be honored as a hero for killing him in self-defense? She has nothing to hide, right?

Oh, and this is what I think when I see Aiden -- a teen in an 80s movie:



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Joss broke into the cabin and shot Cyrus. It looks pre-meditated. And one of her childhood traumas was her brother going to prison for killing someone in self defense. I buy her going along with a cover up. I'm not necessarily entertained by this Joss story but I am curious where it is going.

Anyone else getting Rod Serling vibes every time Chris McKenna talks. Something about his cadence.

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7 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

As much as I loathe this storyline (if Dante is the same age as Sam, whose gravestone showed a birth year of 1980, and Gio is 21, that means he was 23 when he was born and BLQ was 16 which, yeah, kinda icky /I know this will be glossed over/ignored, but still), I cannot wait for Lois to get it from all sides.  

I think Sam was always meant to be a few years older than Dante. BLQs birthday was retconned to 1986-ish, and Dante is probably somewhere around 1983/4. 

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11 hours ago, ciarra said:

Okay, explain it to me like I'm Sonny.

Brooke:  I don't know if I had a boy or girl.


Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 21-29-27 FULL General Hospital 02-21-2025 FULL Episode 720HD ABC GH - FEB 21 2025 FULL Episode 720HD - YouTube.png

Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 21-29-37 FULL General Hospital 02-21-2025 FULL Episode 720HD ABC GH - FEB 21 2025 FULL Episode 720HD - YouTube.png

So, 10 months.  Did she not change a diaper?

She carried the baby to term. She never held the child, never even saw it. So no, she didn’t change its diaper. I mean, I’m not a mother but I don’t recall anyone changing diapers in utero 🤣


On 2/21/2025 at 9:32 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

That she and Josh as well, don't want to do love scenes or whatever due to Amanda being Orthodox, and Josh because he's now married, or some such. We talked about this pages and pages ago, that if that is the case, then both need to find jobs in another field.

I disagree. They don’t HAVE to do love scenes. As others have pointed out, few couples on this show actually have bedroom sets at all. If the actors aren’t comfortable doing love scenes, that’s fine. But for the show to go out of its way to give them love scenes is stupid. It’s disrespectful to the actors AND the audience. And it only fuels the negative comments about the actors.

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15 hours ago, Grinaldi said:

Is it possible that all the posturing from Drew about his poor childhood

Drew is bringing up his childhood only because he's miffed that the Qs are being so mean to him about fucking his nephew's wife. He hadn't ever whinged about feeling left out or like a lesser Q until the Willow stuff happened. And really, what did he expect the reaction to be? He's wronging the Golden Child of the Qs and Corinthii. Of course everyone hates him. He's been around long enough to know that would happen. What an idiot.

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15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

If they have him really be Shiloh, that would be one of the more horrific things a soap has done to a woman. And soaps have done some pretty horrific shit to women over the years. 

Exactly.  People have been saying this for a while on Reddit, and I tell them but that would mean we watched three women, Carly, Nina, and Willow, being raped.  I'm not into this idea at all.

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

She carried the baby to term. She never held the child, never even saw it. So no, she didn’t change its diaper. I mean, I’m not a mother but I don’t recall anyone changing diapers in utero

"My baby was with me for 9 months, 10 technically."  I assumed it meant she delivered at 9 months, kept it for one month and gave it up for adoption, which is why I was wondering why she didn't know if she had a boy or a girl.

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13 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Yes, that's what she meant.  Baby came on time, she didn't even see it so she doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl.  

As much as I loathe this storyline (if Dante is the same age as Sam, whose gravestone showed a birth year of 1980, and Gio is 21, that means he was 23 when he was born and BLQ was 16 which, yeah, kinda icky /I know this will be glossed over/ignored, but still), I cannot wait for Lois to get it from all sides.  

I don't think it was ever stated that Dante and Sam were the same age, and I always assumed she was older.  It's been pretty heavily implied (and maybe even outright stated at some point, I can't remember for sure) that BLQ, Dante, and Cody were all in the same general age group. I'd say it's far more likely that he was around 17-19 when Gio was born. 

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2 hours ago, ciarra said:

"My baby was with me for 9 months, 10 technically."  I assumed it meant she delivered at 9 months, kept it for one month and gave it up for adoption, which is why I was wondering why she didn't know if she had a boy or a girl.

Ah. No she was very clear from the first time she mentioned the pregnancy that she never saw or held the baby. She knew she was too young and unprepared to be a mother so keeping it was never an option.

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Why would Joss make a terrible spy, ignoring all the Joss-is-Joss arguments? When she searched the cabin she didn't even attempt to be discreet about it. Drawers were left open, cushions were all over the place, and the place looked as though it had been ransacked. Pretty sure a spy, heck anyone with half a brain, would be trying to make it appear as though no one had been looking for anything in the cabin.

And if Brennan was watching the cabin, what exactly did he think would happen when he saw Cyrus return to it, knowing Joss was inside. I'd assume he also saw Cyrus go grab the axe. Did he think Joss would be able to fend him off with her amazing volleyball skills?

How long before Chase confides to his bff Dante that BL had a kid as a teenager?

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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