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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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4 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Brooklyn pretended to be pregnant to help Maxie (who really was pregnant) keep her child from the Evil Peter.  It worked for awhile.

Brooklyn pretended to be pregnant with Valentin's baby because of the ELQ shares that she gave him access to so that he'd get the sleezy music producer off her back. Pretending to be pregnant to help Maxie was just convenient. She got the baby after Maxie gave birth and passed her off as Valentin's for a while.

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1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I was away from GH during teen BLQ. Was her pregnancy and adoption story depicted at the time, or is this revisionism?

We barely saw BLQ as a child and as a teenager. When she was a late teen, she came to live in Port Charles and had two boyfriends: Lucas and Diego. She came back years later when Dante was with Lulu. Nothing happened between despite her attempts to get him into bed. After that she got involved with Nikolas. Then she left town. 

So offscreen, potential dad would have been Lucas, Diego and Nikolas.

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Any of the reasons why a teen would give her baby up for adoption, much less keep it secret, don't apply to Brook Lyn. Money? Not an issue. Family pressure? Also, not an issue. Neither the Qs nor the Cerillos are the type to cut off a teen daughter because she got pregnant. A clause in Grandpa's will disinheriting any grandchild from the family fortune if they have children? Not Edward or Lila's style. I suppose the father could be a dangerous psychopath but, if the father is Dante as some are speculating that is also not an issue.

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9 hours ago, nilyank said:

We barely saw BLQ as a child and as a teenager. When she was a late teen, she came to live in Port Charles and had two boyfriends: Lucas and Diego. She came back years later when Dante was with Lulu. Nothing happened between despite her attempts to get him into bed. After that she got involved with Nikolas. Then she left town. 

So offscreen, potential dad would have been Lucas, Diego and Nikolas.


9 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

Any of the reasons why a teen would give her baby up for adoption, much less keep it secret, don't apply to Brook Lyn. Money? Not an issue. Family pressure? Also, not an issue. Neither the Qs nor the Cerillos are the type to cut off a teen daughter because she got pregnant. A clause in Grandpa's will disinheriting any grandchild from the family fortune if they have children? Not Edward or Lila's style. I suppose the father could be a dangerous psychopath but, if the father is Dante as some are speculating that is also not an issue.

Y’all are putting in too much thought into this. It’s a simple answer: it’s typical Frank’s retconning history. Did it with the Luke and Holly one night stand that spawned Teethan, and again with the impossible and STOOPID thinking and treating viewers as idiots, by having Sasha be Robert’s. Oh snd then there was the retcon of Elizabeth killing Finn’s wife. The hits, they keep on coming.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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18 hours ago, jsbt said:

Helping strangers all over the world means he doesn't have to be alone with himself.

@jsbt, I agree that Lucky's situation is more complicated than my post, and I was trying to keep it simple. I also agree with your larger point that he runs away when things in Port Charles get too much for him. The bit I quoted above to me also shows that being able to help strangers soothes his ego, that he's not as bad a person as he fears he might be because he runs away. Sometimes it's easier to help people you don't know, because they don't have more expectations of you outside of needing that particular assistance. It can be a lot less messy to swoop in, solve an immediate problem, and move on. 

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4 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

Any of the reasons why a teen would give her baby up for adoption, much less keep it secret, don't apply to Brook Lyn. Money? Not an issue. Family pressure? Also, not an issue. Neither the Qs nor the Cerillos are the type to cut off a teen daughter because she got pregnant. A clause in Grandpa's will disinheriting any grandchild from the family fortune if they have children? Not Edward or Lila's style. I suppose the father could be a dangerous psychopath but, if the father is Dante as some are speculating that is also not an issue.

The only reason a teenager would need to have to give a baby up for adoption would be "I am not remotely prepared for or interested in raising a baby."  I can see that being teen BLQ's mentality towards a pregnancy. 

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I've been rewatching some of the 90's episodes where Lucky finds out the truth of his parents past and the acting is amazing and the scene where he confronts Laura and she tells her son that he doesn't get to judge her is probably the best GH has been in 30 years, but that is a lot of where Lucky's character growth got stunted. He left home after finding out about the L&L rape when he was a teenager and never moved home again, fell in love with Elizabeth while helping her adjust to life after her rape, and he never really had another love story.  He can help strangers because he doesn't know them and he can save them and move on. He doesn't have to deal with the long-term aspects of people dealing with trauma. When he can't immediately help the people he loves, he can't deal with it, and most of all he doesn't want to turn into Luke but doesn't realize he's doing exactly that.  

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I don't know what to make of the Lulu/Dante scenes.  They seemed bizarrely subdued to me.  I get that she hasn't really experienced the passage of time, but Dante has, and he spent the last portion of it, right up until the transplant, at Lulu's bedside, praying for her life.  He had too little surprise, recovered far too quickly, made no attempt at physical contact, and was pretty easily swayed from getting her medical attention as he settled into conversation.  Just oddly written, to my mind.  Even Lucky wasn't particularly energized about it when he told Laura.  She at least had the expected reaction (until she had to go into the office "to do something").  For me, the only believable reaction so far has been Rocco's.  And maybe Lulu's, if I pretend she hasn't just come out of a coma.

TJ and Molly were the most animated I can recall ever seeing them, ironically as they seem to be moving toward a breakup.  Molly needs therapy.  She's stifled so much of her emotional reaction to the loss of the baby, and today she's only emotional about not wanting to express/explore her emotions.

I don't remember the Alexis/Ric relationship, but saw today why it was probably a thing of beauty.  Even when arguing, the actors infuse these characters with intensity.

Carly as the voice of reason was nice to see.  I don't think anyone else could have said those things to Drew and Jason, and gotten through to them.

Poor Danny.  I'm intrigued to see what plays out for the kids.  

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Was Drew really using a SUP on the Q lake? And he's one to talk about Jason not being around for Danny. Like he's been hands-on with Scout for her entire life.

Of course TJ doesn't think Kristina going out the window was an accident. I can't feel sorry for TJ because he's making it all about him. It's about time he and Molly broke up. It's no fun to watch him berate Molly for not agreeing with his every thought and deed. And for him to talk about wanting another child so soon really shows how self-absorbed he is. They are hellbent on making him the worst.

Thank Jasus they didn't drag out Lulu and Dante seeing each other. 

5 minutes ago, JMO said:

Carly as the voice of reason was nice to see.  I don't think anyone else could have said those things to Drew and Jason, and gotten through to them.

I agree. It was good to see her in a place she absolutely should have been, instead of shoved into scenes where she wasn't necessary.

Alexis, Kristina is relaxed about her testimony because Sonny basically said he'd get rid of Ava if she was found not guilty.

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37 minutes ago, JMO said:

I don't know what to make of the Lulu/Dante scenes.  They seemed bizarrely subdued to me.  I get that she hasn't really experienced the passage of time, but Dante has, and he spent the last portion of it, right up until the transplant, at Lulu's bedside, praying for her life.  He had too little surprise, recovered far too quickly, made no attempt at physical contact, and was pretty easily swayed from getting her medical attention as he settled into conversation.  Just oddly written, to my mind.  Even Lucky wasn't particularly energized about it when he told Laura.  She at least had the expected reaction (until she had to go into the office "to do something").  For me, the only believable reaction so far has been Rocco's.  And maybe Lulu's, if I pretend she hasn't just come out of a coma.


I think Dante being this way is pretty realistic.  They weren't married when she went into a coma, and the intervening years he fell in love with someone else, and made a family with her.  She just died without warning, and she died saving Lulu's wife.  There's bound to be some really mixed up feelings and guilt.  It's not his fault, but you are always going to "woulda shoulda coulda"  IMO.  Lucky who knows.  lol

28 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:


Alexis, Kristina is relaxed about her testimony because Sonny basically said he'd get rid of Ava if she was found not guilty.

Oh did he?!  I missed that.  Of course Sonny the murderer who just walked scott free from murdering a federal agent, would handle it that way.  Our hero. 

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52 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Quoting myself here. How come I never got an answer? Lol. Who is LB that Alexa Havins reminded someone of? 

I assumed LB was a typo, for JB or JMB. She (thankfully) is much more like Julie Berman than Emme Rylan. (No offense to ER, who I thought was fine on Y&R.) 

Alexa said in an interview that she focused more on Luke and Laura's story than researching either adult Lulu. I can kinda see that in her performance. Very much Luke's daughter.

Oh, and mystery solved as to why she went to the Q's. She knew Tracy would tell her the truth.

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Today was really good. I mean, REALLY good. Not sure who let the good writer out of the closet but can they stay? Please? 

I was annoyed that Carly popped up like that but as others have said, she really is the only one who could get through to both Drew and Jason. Of course when she finds out WHY Jason punched him, she’s going to finish the job. 🤣 

also agree with those who said Dante’s reaction was believable. He’s in shock and is processing everything. As he said, she missed a lot. 

Now that Molly is free, let’s put her with Isiah. Even if just as friends in teh beginning. I really liked their scene at Bobbie’s. Although I don’t look forward to her and Jordan fighting over a man.

Of course Sonny told Kristina that anger and a search for ‘justice’ are great motivators and she should embrace her anger. Also that if the jury lets Ava off, he won’t. Because you know, he just got away with killing a fed, why would another murder make any difference to him? It would give him sole custody of Avery, which is what he wants anyway. But tell me again that he’s the mobster with a heart of gold and loves his family so much that he’ll do anything to protect them 🙄


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I won’t lie-I loved Laura’s reaction when Lucky told her what Cyrus was going around telling the morons at Turning Woods. Genie has always been wonderful with her eyes!

And yes, today was really good soap. Has someone been asking Sri Rao to ghost write for them? Just kidding. Sri would have done a lot better, but whoever snuck in today should absolutely stay.

I really wanted Lulu to also remember she had turned down Dustin’s proposal. Not make it seem like what happened with them is along the lines of Dante proposing to Sam and then her dying right after.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

really wanted Lulu to also remember she had turned down Dustin’s proposal. Not make it seem like what happened with them is along the line la of Dante proposing to Sam and then her dying right after.

Give her time. Right now she’s just starting to piece it all together. Besides what good would it do 4 years later to remember she turned him down? She knows they were together and that he proposed. She’s sad she didn’t get to see him again or attend his funeral. Nothing wrong with that. And I didn’t see it as a comparison to dAnte and Sam in any way. 

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I really like this new Lulu and hope the writers will do her justice.

I could’ve done without the “I don’t need to go to the hospital” though, especially after Dante told her he did it wrong last time by not taking her, and the sandwich and orange juice were ridiculous. Why not add a bottle of whisky while you’re at it?

I was hoping we would have a Tracy/Lulu reunion, but I can wait.

I didn’t have the bandwidth to listen to Drew/Jason/Carly or Molly/TJ, but Rick Hearst really sparked in his dialogue with NLG who understandably, still makes her character look like she’s been shattered.

MB looks better dressed but his “let’s be evil” schtick with his daughter does nothing for me. The fact that he’s indulging her false belief that Ava is responsible for her baby dying, also grates.

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4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I see that Rocco and Danny have joined James in successfully completing the mandatory Port Charles "Listening Behind Walls and Doors" course. 

True, but Danny got an A+ in the "Lurking Can Break Your Heart" section. It's probably the first time I've felt really sorry for him since Sam died. 

Edited by tessaray
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Now that's what I call a soap opera!  Dante and Lulu and Rocco with Danny listening around the corner.  TJ and Molly .. so sad.  Sonny and Kristina being normally horrible. Lucky and Laura trying to make sense of it all. Kristina and Ric plus Ric and Alexis' confrontation.  And heaven forbid, Carly being the peacemaker with Jason and Drew and actually making sense. This is why I keep watching.

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Can't wait til Laura finds time away from 'something to take care of at the office' to actually see her daughter.  Honestly, what the hell with this writing for her?  

The Nulu/Rocco scenes were very, very touching.  That kid is doing a great job.  And I liked Dante's shock-like reaction.  You can tell he's trying to process and also in his head knowing all the things Lulu is going to have to be told.

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Is Sam's liver so magical that Lulu doesn't need anti-rejection meds? Also, Lulu's only a few days out of surgery and is walking for the first time post-surgery, so she should have been asking, "I have a bandage and a scar and why does it feel like an entire hive of bees is stinging me in that same general area??" 

I can't wait until the Drew reveal where people are going to be lining up to punch him.  Carly, Joss, Nina, Willow, Curtis, and hell even Portia might try to get a sad attempt at a slap in.  The guy deserves every bit of vitriol that will be coming his way, although some vitriol should be saved for TJ because what an ass! Your partner just buried her baby and then a short while later her sister and needs some serious grief counseling and you're thinking this is the best time to discuss having another baby? And then having a hissy because she's quite understandably not in sync with that at all right now???

Laura, "well I have to go to the office, call me if your sister who up until a few hours ago was in a four-year coma and just had a liver transplant shows up!". No one else could take care of the issue? I mean, isn't this kind of exactly the purpose for Jordan? 



Edited by sashabear21
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17 minutes ago, sashabear21 said:

Laura, "well I have to go to the office, call me if your sister who up until a few hours ago was in a four-year coma and just had a liver transplant shows up!". No one else could take care of the issue? I mean, isn't this kind of exactly the purpose for Jordan? 


Like geez, if you need Laura offscreen, send her to the PCPD or something to oversee the search. 

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Alexa Havins is doing a great job👏🏾 🙌 She has sold me on Lulu in a way I haven't felt since her Pre ShrewLu days pre summer 06. Has the spunk, fire, quick on her feet smartness & fiestiness of her linage that Emme never was able to portray and capture that JMB excelled at in her non ShrewLu, Mini Cujo days. Most importantly, she has Laura's heart, fiestiness too, moxie, vulnerability, warmth & softness that JMB never did have and was unable to portray that Emme excelled at. In short, she is the best of both Lulu's so far 

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Alexa Havins is great in the role as Lulu. She’s very JMB. Unfortunately, ER played her cute which the role didn't need. They are all very different actress. I liked ER on GL but she wasn’t strong enough as Lulu as JMB was. Alexa in only 4 episodes has really captured of Lulu as played by JMB and will also add her own nuances as she goes on. The actor playing Rocco is really good and already has chemistry with her. Of course, DZ brought it and only is only one episode in. I look forward to seeing Alexa & Genie interact. All in all, a great recast. Drew not so much….Lulu very much so. It’s so weird since it’s the same casting director.

Rick Hearst and NLG really brought it today. It was also nice that Kristina was finally calm by the end of the episode. Good lord. Even MB had a smile on his face in the final scenes today where he was just acting instead of being all SONNY. LOL!!!!!

I won’t comment on the Drew, Carly and Jason of it all. That said, wait till Carly finds out about Drew & Willow and Neither Jason or Michael told her first. Yikes! 

Overall, it was a good episode to start the week. I do think GH can be good when it wants to be. Now, if we can just figure out how Michael be written out I will be satisfied. He is tied to so so many people I can’t believe he isn’t being replaced. 

Edit to add: I totally forgot about Molly & TJ but while the scenes were good I never thought they had any chemistry. It’s probably will be for the best. I guess she’ll hook up with Dex which will annoy Joss. 

Edited by ByaNose
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54 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

Like geez, if you need Laura offscreen, send her to the PCPD or something to oversee the search. 

At least, show a little caring for the daughter in a coma for 4 years. That was beyond strange. In fact, Laura should have been the first person Lulu saw. Even before Rocco. Such bad continuity and storytelling. Like, how is that writer not fired?! LOL!!!!

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Chiming in on the excellent Ric/Alexis scenes, except I hate that she brought up the panic room, and Ric didn't bring up her past misdeeds. ( Except losing her license)

I mean, they are in the middle of a trial involving pushing someone out a hotel  window and Alexis actually pushed someone ( Luis Alcazar) off a hotel balcony. Ric snidely suggesting That her past experience shoving someone from a great height could make her an expert witness, would have been a nice little zinger. 

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While AH's performance as Lulu has been irreproachable, I feel like they brought Lulu out of her coma too quickly. But I guess they have to give Lucky something to do since he's done sweet fuck all since returning. I'm assuming he's the one who'll tell her about Luke's passing going from the preview.

I am relieved that TJ and Molly are done. TJ's whole I gave you space and you went talking to other people was self-centered, especially when one considers the amount of bitching he did over Molly having her space. And the thing is that I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote TJ out. They have another black doctor and the show might implode if they have TJ and Isaiah interacting.

Carly popping up like that on the Q grounds was very jarring. Then I remembered that two of her spawns live there, so she was probably popping in for a visit. 

Danny's eavesdropping felt cruel. But all those scenes were good. I thought Dante's reaction was on point, trying to wrap his head around what was going on. I think that this is a day after Sam's funeral, but it's the Long Night in PC since there have been no day scenes for a like a month, so who knows.

NLG and RH still know how to bring it.



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38 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

And the thing is that I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote TJ out.

I was thinking the same thing. He’s been on the show for over a decade, yet Molly and Jordan are his only solid ties to the canvas, and Jordan is hardly ever on. Maybe they’ll try pairing him with Sasha, since she can provide him the insta-family he yearns for. 

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It seems like an odd decision if they write out TJ considering the other soaps are ramping up their black characters in anticipation of beyond the gates. I wouldn’t miss him but the timing is suspect . It will be interesting to see what happens with the ratings when BTG premiers. It will go head to head with GH in the 2 pm ET time slot.


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And another thing-these hack writers can MISS ME by giving Jaysus the line that was used by Marlon Brando's Vito in Godfather I, when he met with the Five Families to broker a peace deal so he could bring Michael back home.

"I will not be the one to break the peace" was a RIP OFF. Like Jaysus even talks that way. I'm surprised they didn't have him place his hand over his heart and utter "On the souls of my sons/children" when he uttered those lines.

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Ric is a much better father than Sonny. He took Ava's case to show Molly that what happened to the baby was a tragic accident, so that she can let go of her anger and move on while Sonny is telling Kristina to hang on to her anger and is offering vengeance to boot. Would anyone be shocked if Kristina orders a hit or ends up at the head of the organization someday? Because it feels like she is being groomed for it right now.

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12 hours ago, absnow54 said:
12 hours ago, sashabear21 said:

Laura, "well I have to go to the office, call me if your sister who up until a few hours ago was in a four-year coma and just had a liver transplant shows up!". No one else could take care of the issue? I mean, isn't this kind of exactly the purpose for Jordan? 

Like geez, if you need Laura offscreen, send her to the PCPD or something to oversee the search. 

Why do they need her offscreen in the first place? Just do the usual wacky time shenanigans where it's day in one part of town and night in the other.

11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

All in all, a great recast. Drew not so much….Lulu very much so. It’s so weird since it’s the same casting director.

I don't think Mark Teschner (the casting director) has much say when Frank brings in his favorites.

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1 minute ago, TVbitch said:

Just FYI, on another board I read that Genie Francis' mom passed on 11/15, so that might be why Laura is suddenly missing in pivotal moments, as she may have been spending time with her mom.  

Yes, I saw that too.  That's why I'm not complaining about scenes it seems like Laura should be in, but she's not.  

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Dominic Zamprogna plays Dante like someone who's lived through a lot of terrible things and is always a bit subdued and stoic, a low-burning flame. I don't know if it's a choice he's arrived at after thought and discussion or it's just his comfort zone now, but IMO, it usually works for the character and his stories. 

The "biggest" emotional acting I remember ever seeing from DZ wasn't even on this show. It was on BSG, when Jammer's deception is uncovered and he's pleading for his life.  

In any case, I'd rather DZ do what he's good at than risk embarrassment with something like we were getting from the TJ actor in those wheezy/weepy scenes with Molly. Those were the only parts of the episode I wasn't enjoying.

Edited by Asp Burger
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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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