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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I felt like the Sasha SL ended in a whimper. Big whoop, a few people yelled at Gladys and she got to leave town scott free. Having to cut herself off from the family probably doesn’t mean all that much to her considering Brando is dead. The rest of them could barely stand her on a good day. 

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Dang, y'all forgot poor Rory! LOL! I actually liked him and thought he and Trina had potential when he handed her that soda, but as usual, C&D killed them w/their bad pacing and awful writing. I could never get into them. He was never a viable option to Spencer, which is why that story failed. Oh well.

Y'all already know I loved all the Sprina scenes. He did a fancy BTS thing for her at the MET and then we got some incredibly cute, sexy, fun times in bed!! I wasn't expecting more of them so that was nice for this Sprina fan. The dialogue was good too. I really wish the scabs were staying b/c even when the problems come for Sprina, I feel they would handle them better than C&D. Sprina needed balance - some love to balance the constant angst. Oh well. 

I felt so bad for Chase. Gregory should have told him already, and I really felt/understood his anger at Finn being told weeks before. JS did a great job, IMO, in the breakdown scene. I hope Gregory isn't too angry w/Tracy. 

I'm mad that Sonny isn't having Gladys killed, but I'm happy she's gone for the foreseeable future. They pretty much ruined her w/this plot. I never got the sense she cared about Sasha or was truly remorseful about anything she did! And thank goodness, the good doctor has been arrested. Hopefully, Chase's wife doesn't back down from what she saw! 

Valentin is just an awful boyfriend and a really crappy dad. I cannot believe he's never confronted Charlotte about what he saw. Charlotte has been brainwashed. This could be good. 

@PatsyandEddie - I'm glad someone else is rooting for a misdiagnosis for Gregory! I would be ok w/that too! 

Edited by lala2
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Points to Spencer for arranging a tour of the archives of the Met museum. It's nice he's taking Trina's interests seriously, even if I think he's still a bit condescending about her love of art.

The Anna/Valentin stuff was the usual bore. Anna, cut the guy loose. How many more times does he have to disappoint you? Anna should take the unexpected time away to really think about her life choices and realize Valentin has caused her much more pain than happiness.

For Sonny to say that Gladys wormed her way into his family is a little weird considering she actually is his family, albeit in a fairly distant connection. And she can have genuine feelings for Mike and Brando and still be a garbage person. After all, Sonny claims to love his children, and he's a garbage person.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Thank goodness Sasha's ordeal is over. Good for Dante plotting with Cody, and Nurse Janice for telling the truth.

For now. Sasha seems to be the person they like to pile trauma porn on. At least we know Janice is ostensibly a good person.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Chase has every right to be angry. I liked how he was answered Tracy while looking daggers at Finn.

And hey! Chase didn't instantly faint when he heard the news that Gregory has ALS.

17 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I'm mad that Sonny isn't having Gladys killed, but I'm happy she's gone for the foreseeable future.

I don't need Gladys murdered. This show is way too cavalier about that sort of thing, even though it was betraaaaaaaayal. But shouldn't Gladys stick around for a bit so that she can testify against Dr. Montague? And, while how she tried to fix her gambling problems was despicable, she does have a legit addiction.

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On 10/1/2023 at 3:37 PM, dubbel zout said:
On 10/1/2023 at 1:58 PM, lala2 said:

we just saw the first night though

I will be legit surprised if Spencer and Trina don't have to head back to PC early.

Acknowledging that I am indeed legit surprised Spencer and Trina got to spend the entire weekend in NYC. It's nice the show gave them that.

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49 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

For Sonny to say that Gladys wormed her way into his family is a little weird considering she actually is his family, albeit in a fairly distant connection. And she can have genuine feelings for Mike and Brando and still be a garbage person. After all, Sonny claims to love his children, and he's a garbage person.

He's the one who brought her into the family over the whole Dev situation. So he can miss me with the whole she wormed her way into their lives. Once he opened the door for her, she stepped right in and wouldn't go, especially once Brando entered the picture.

I'm glad the Sasha torture is done and over with, although I'm under the impression that Dr. Asshat will not be going quietly. I half expected him to have picked up that syringe and was waiting for him to stick Cody with it.

It was so hard to get past the reception desk at Fernicliffe, now everyone comes and goes as they please, like there's some secret passage they're taking to get to Sasha's room, or something.

I find it absolutely dumb that Gregory did not tell Chase about his ALS for the sake of drama or whatever. The guy's being treated like a child, like he can't absorb the shock of his father's diagnosis. It's hard to hear something like this, it's harder to know that it's a death sentence, but Chase is a grown ass man. 

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24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

He's the one who brought her into the family over the whole Dev situation.

That's right! I've blocked out Dev because his story was so annoying, as was the character.

Sonny only has himself to blame, but of course it's alway someone else's fault, no matter what.

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I see that some people think this weekend “love fest” between Trina and Spencer was so good. She’s a young woman with very little experience. I really have trouble believing she’s in orgasm heaven with Spencer after one weekend. 

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Shouldn’t Sonny have forced Gladys to relinquish the guardianship before shipping her off to Bridgeport? I mean, what’s to stop her from raiding Sasha’s accounts again? Sasha still can’t access the money without Gladys’ consent.

i’m glad Sasha finally was able to defend herself rather than continually play the victim. I just hope this whole thing is over and she can stand on her own two feet before falling head over heels in love with Cody. 

Count me as one who enjoyed the Sprina weekend. I thought all their scenes were very sweet and playful. 

Was I supposed to be surprised that chase learned about his father from Tracy? Because I called it as soon as agregory told her. And it’s entirely on him that Chase found out that way. 

Overallnot a bad episode.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I half expected him to have picked up that syringe and was waiting for him to stick Cody with it.

Wonder if someone thought to pick up the syringe from the floor so it can be used as evidence.   But this is the PCPD so I'm not holding out hope.  

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38 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Count me as one who enjoyed the Sprina weekend. I thought all their scenes were very sweet and playful. 

Same.  It was sweet to see how Spencer arranged things that Trina really wanted to see--and took pleasure in seeing how happy she was. 

Please, god, let this be the end of the Sasha torture porn.  The woman has been put thru the wringer the last few years.  And let Gladys be gone and stay gone.

I'm glad the cat is finally out of the bag and Chase knows about Gregory.  The way they were treating him like a child with keeping the news from him was insulting--he's a grown-ass man. 

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Well I was very glad to see that they didn't just skip over the last two episodes. I liked that Sasha helped rescue herself, and I misjudged Janice. She came through. I hope they snagged the syringe!

I didn't know exactly what Sonny was going to do with Gladys but I don't know how just shipping her out of town will guarantee she can't hurt Sasha anymore.

I don't think Gregory has been treating Chase like a child. Different people have different personalities and things going on in their lives, plus Gregory had good reasons for holding off on telling them, plus it's only been a couple of weeks since Finn found out. In the end, it is Gregory's wishes that matter, not Chase's. It's no one's fault that he found out from Tracy. I really like Gregory's and Alexis's friendship. That hot yoga class looked horrible.

I KNEW Victor was behind Charlotte's evil deeds. Anna needs to lose Valentin, he is pathetic and untrustworthy.

Edited by susannah
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Just now, Artsda said:

Gladys got off way to easy, but I'm just glad this vile story is over. But she should have been killed or locked up. 

I am sure all her bad doings will come out during Dr M's trial, and charges pressed against her. To Pentonville with her! I didn't think she looked half scared enough in her scenes with Sonny.

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I'm sorry to see Gladys go, if she's gone.  The character was entertaining.  I don't really think that Gladys is irredeemable or anything like that.  I'm sure Sasha would be angry with her for a while, but then eventually come around.

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38 minutes ago, Tenshinhan said:

I don't really think that Gladys is irredeemable or anything like that.  I'm sure Sasha would be angry with her for a while, but then eventually come around.

Not irredeemable? Angry for a while?  Did you miss Gladys's stealing of Sasha's money, allowing Dr M to imprison her and drug her to keep access to the money? Sasha could have been killed. She could have really hurt someone in her drugged out state.  Why would she EVER "come around?"

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40 minutes ago, Tenshinhan said:

I don't really think that Gladys is irredeemable or anything like that. 

I liked Gladys.  Yeah, she was a gold digger, but she was real.

They pretty much threw her under the bus, drove over her, backed up and drove over her again, all to prop the Cody/Sasha "romance".   

But then Ava came back from murdering someone onscreen.  Sam came back from her grifter past.  IDK, maybe she is too much of a peripheral character to bother with redeeming her.


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1 hour ago, Tenshinhan said:

I'm sorry to see Gladys go, if she's gone.  The character was entertaining.  I don't really think that Gladys is irredeemable or anything like that.  I'm sure Sasha would be angry with her for a while, but then eventually come around.

I was surprised how reprehensible they made Gladys after mostly redeeming her via her support for Sasha after Liam and Brando. If they had stopped with just the stealing, maybe but the drugging and commitment to Ferncliff... ugh. 

I wouldn't mind some ongoing scenes with Sonny and Sasha bonding over how awful gambling addiction is. 

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48 minutes ago, susannah said:

Not irredeemable? Angry for a while?  Did you miss Gladys's stealing of Sasha's money, allowing Dr M to imprison her and drug her to keep access to the money? Sasha could have been killed. She could have really hurt someone in her drugged out state.  Why would she EVER "come around?"

For a soap character, that's not *too* damning.  At least not something she can't climb back from.

Gladys was too close to Brando for Sasha to ever truly stay mad at her forever.  And the way she supported Sasha after his and the baby's deaths probably counts for something.


47 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I wouldn't mind some ongoing scenes with Sonny and Sasha bonding...

Sonny and Sasha bonding always scares me into thinking she will end up pregnant by him.

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55 minutes ago, Tenshinhan said:

Sonny and Sasha bonding always scares me into thinking she will end up pregnant by him.

Eww. And here I was thinking of Sonny and Nina as Sasha's parental figures. 

Does anyone want more babies for Sonny?

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

I was surprised how reprehensible they made Gladys after mostly redeeming her via her support for Sasha after Liam and Brando

How long have Gladys and Sasha been on the show?

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1 hour ago, susannah said:

How long have Gladys and Sasha been on the show?

I came back to the show a few years ago and they were already there. IMDB says Sofia Mattson has been there since 2018 and BB since 2019.  

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14 hours ago, slayer2 said:

It's not cliche at all yet unfortunately because there's a dark-skinned Black girl in it. The amount of Dark-skinned Black girls getting laid on soaps (not mixed or light-skinned Black Girls) is behind minimal. Not to mention I loved that this was sort of Spencer's vengeance against Rory, hardly the motivation but he is petty like that it was a nice full circle that NYC is where he chose to take her and even the hand-positioning was a callback. To see a Black Girl wined, dined and romanced like this hasn't happened enough on soaps to be cliche but I sure hope we get to that point one day.

I also want to compliment whoever was responsible for the lighting since dark skin is so often lit terribly on soaps and other shows and they did a great job here to let TA's luminous skin shine.

Preach. Overall, their trip was handled well. Man, I'm gonna miss the replacement writers - they are a significant upgrade from the regular crew. Hopefully, some of them stay around.

I've a torrent of mixed emotions around Sprina. As I've mentioned before, TA really resembles pictures of my Mom at a comparable age, right down to the skin tone, so the Sprina love scenes have me reaching for the remote. Also, when relieved of the uber-serious, heavy stuff, NC comes across as fun, very charming, and prince-like. It will be interesting to see where the regular writers go with this.

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What Gladys did was part of the escalation of gambling addiction, so I wasn't exactly fist-pumping as Sonny of all people read her for filth and threatened her life. His own father did a lot of shady stuff because of the same addiction, which Sonny took a long time forgiving but ultimately did. Plus Sonny himself is in the gambling industry, and is arguably part of the problem.

All this by way of saying if they ever want to bring Gladys back, I think she's redeemable. Except -- I don't think she ever paid Selina back, so Bridgeport may not be far enough away for safety. 

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23 minutes ago, jacourt said:

So now pcpd knows about the gambling going on at Curtis’ club.  Do they follow up?

that's a rhetorical question, right? They've known about it for MONTHS. Mac told Dante that they were surveilling the club to build a case against her. That had to be at least 6 months ago.

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14 hours ago, sas616 said:

Wonder if someone thought to pick up the syringe from the floor so it can be used as evidence.   But this is the PCPD so I'm not holding out hope.  

Seeing as how Dante put his fingerprints all over the syringe they found in Montague's jacket after Cody and Sasha escape, I'm not sure it matter if the current syringe is picked up.

13 hours ago, susannah said:

Different people have different personalities and things going on in their lives, plus Gregory had good reasons for holding off on telling them

By this reasoning, there can always be a reason for not saying anything. I was okay with Gregory not saying anything immediately—it's fair that he wanted to sit with it for a while and accept it—but once Alexis found out, Gregory should have sucked it up and told his sons. Or let Finn tell Chase if Gregory didn't feel he could do it. The news is awful no matter what, so why not get it over with as soon as possible? Then everyone can move forward.

10 hours ago, tessaray said:

I wouldn't mind some ongoing scenes with Sonny and Sasha bonding over how awful gambling addiction is. 

That would be nice, but I'm pretty sure Sonny would make Gladys out to be much worse than Mike, which is completely beside the point but totally in character for Sonny.

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32 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

that's a rhetorical question, right? They've known about it for MONTHS. Mac told Dante that they were surveilling the club to build a case against her. That had to be at least 6 months ago.

I'd normally say they don't follow up, but now that Sonny is involved, who knows!

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1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:

All this by way of saying if they ever want to bring Gladys back, I think she's redeemable. Except -- I don't think she ever paid Selina back, so Bridgeport may not be far enough away for safety. 

I've wondered about that, I knew Selina was all "pay me now or else" and yet Gladys is still alive, so I figured she must have gotten her the money. She possibly could be redeemable in future in regard to her character, but I don't think Sasha should ever forgive her.

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21 hours ago, slayer2 said:

It's not cliche at all yet unfortunately because there's a dark-skinned Black girl in it. The amount of Dark-skinned Black girls getting laid on soaps (not mixed or light-skinned Black Girls) is behind minimal. Not to mention I loved that this was sort of Spencer's vengeance against Rory, hardly the motivation but he is petty like that it was a nice full circle that NYC is where he chose to take her and even the hand-positioning was a callback. To see a Black Girl wined, dined and romanced like this hasn't happened enough on soaps to be cliche but I sure hope we get to that point one day.

I also want to compliment whoever was responsible for the lighting since dark skin is so often lit terribly on soaps and other shows and they did a great job here to let TA's luminous skin shine.

I’m Black and that whole nonsense meant nothing to me.  Not a big thing.

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2 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

All this by way of saying if they ever want to bring Gladys back, I think she's redeemable. Except -- I don't think she ever paid Selina back, so Bridgeport may not be far enough away for safety. 

I assume Sonny will take care of that to make it go away.

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54 minutes ago, susannah said:

I've wondered about that, I knew Selina was all "pay me now or else" and yet Gladys is still alive, so I figured she must have gotten her the money. She possibly could be redeemable in future in regard to her character, but I don't think Sasha should ever forgive her.

Selina told one of her people (Lee maybe?) that if Gladys doesn't end up paying her back and skips town, then she'll just go to Sonny to get the money and either way, she wins

Even though I'm still behind on episodes, I did watch parts of yesterday's episode, mainly the Sasha/Cody stuff and the Sonny/Gladys confrontation. I was actually thinking during the Sonny/Gladys scenes that I didn't want Sonny to hurt her, just be firm with her and get her to tell him the truth, which she did (of course, she was thinking Sonny was going to hurt her). I was hoping he would send her to rehab instead of just back to her old life for Mike and Brando's sakes because she still has her gambling addiction and needs help


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22 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I was actually thinking during the Sonny/Gladys scenes that I didn't want Sonny to hurt her, just be firm with her and get her to tell him the truth, which she did (of course, she was thinking Sonny was going to hurt her). I was hoping he would send her to rehab instead of just back to her old life for Mike and Brando's sakes because she still has her gambling addiction and needs help

I didn't think that Sonny was actually going to hurt her, though I agree, she certainly thought he was. He did say that if she put one quarter in a slot machine, he would know, and she would be toast, so I figure that he is going to have someone watching her. Is public gambling legal in NY? Maybe she will go to GA.

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9 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Man, I'm gonna miss the replacement writers - they are a significant upgrade from the regular crew. Hopefully, some of them stay around

Maybe this show needs a strike every few years, just to freshen up the writing staff. I seem to remember that a replacement writer from the last strike was kept on permanently and subsequently became one of the favorites here.

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Gregory warning Alexis off doing a favor for Sonny was pretty funny. She knows who she's dealing with.

With the death glares Charlotte has been giving these days, Valentin really needs to clue Anna in that she's in danger.


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I haven't watched for ages so just checked in today because I had a ton of laundry to fold. The scenes with Sonny talking to every one had me thinking some big thing was up, they had to "save a man's life"...ugh just Drew.

The main take away from today is that Dante is turning into one Silver Fox!!!!!  Is something up with Sam because Dante and Blaze sure had some sparks but then DZ sparks with everyone.

Also I wonder what the writing was on Carly's canisters?  Directions on how to use flour , sugar, cookies? (my apologies if this has already been discussed)

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I LOL'd twice during today's eo.  The first with the last scene between Dante and Kristina and the looks they were giving each other.  So sibling-ish!

Then Sonny leaving Carly's and leaning on that comically fake hedge.  Yeah, that seems like a normal pose. 

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Michael: "Things are going better with Nina. She's trying to respect our bounties."  That's Michael, it's all about what other people will do for him, not what he needs to do for other people.

Lots of talk about how the little girls, Donna and Avery, are going to enjoy being in the wedding, and Sonny wanting Wylie to be the ring bearer because he was for Michael and Willow's wedding and enjoyed it so much. Then at the end Michael and Willow talking that they don't want to go the a small wedding because then they can't hide. Not one thought about Wylie missing out. At least Carly was willing to let Donna go and have fun.

Carly (sneering): What about that big wedding that Nina was always talking about?

Sonny to Carly: "That favour you asked for Drew? I'm working on it." Carly: "Let's hope it comes in time to save Drew." No thank you? This is where Michael gets his entitlement from.

Also Carly: "We have to get Drew out. Does Alexis understand that?"  Yes Carly, I think that she understand that the father of her grandchild is in danger.

Shallow: I like Kristina's shirt.

Good for Valentin looking for a therapist for Charlotte but he is handling everything else badly. So is Nina, giving in to Charlotte like that when she knows that Charlotte is terrorizing Anna.

Valentin, instead of going to Nina for help, who has never raised a child, you know who has raised a daughter and may know something about this? Anna.

It's too bad that Gregory is going to die because he and Alexis have a nice chemistry. But at least we found out why he didn't tell Chase -- he didn't want Chase to look at him with pity.

Better hurry and take Violet to Disneyland though before you can't.

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12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It's too bad that Gregory is going to die because he and Alexis have a nice chemistry. But at least we found out why he didn't tell Chase -- he didn't want Chase to look at him with pity.

This is why he was reluctant to tell either of them before he had to. I know Chase is upset but having a tantrum because he hadn't been told yet was really immature. It's not about him.

I really hated Sonny asking Michael if Willow would want to come to the wedding, and M throwing out every excuse he could think of, before asking Willow, and then when he did, made it clear he didn't want her to go.

Anvils dropping all over the place with Sonny going to everyone in person to tell them about the wedding. Will there be a plane crash? If so, could Gladys, Dr. M and definitely Michael be on the plane too?

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On 10/5/2023 at 4:28 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

I can understand Chase’s sense of betrayal. Personally, I want a misdiagnosis. GH has easy chemistry with NLG. Nothing wrong with a mature couple. 


(I mean i like him. but. NOooooooo).  
i get i am not watching but backing out of serious health storylines is what irritated me so much on this show.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

But at least we found out why he didn't tell Chase -- he didn't want Chase to look at him with pity.

That was his excuse for not telling anyone for a while.

1 hour ago, susannah said:

I know Chase is upset but having a tantrum because he hadn't been told yet was really immature. It's not about him.

No, it's not about Chase, but he's allowed to be angry that everyone thought he was some delicate hothouse flower who couldn't handle the news and so was the last adult in the family to be told his father has a fatal disease. I'd be pretty ticked off, too. 

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I assume Sonny (meaning his staff) has Avery. I don't think this requires a spoiler bar, but it looked from the previews that Sonny/Nina make it to PR, so I guess they're still not to worried about Ava's disappearance. Maybe a henchmen used her phone to type her permission to take Avery.

I'm sure many of you have already said this, but Valentine is really putting Anna's life in more danger. Not from Charlotte, necessarily, but it seriously compromises her ability to figure out who might be trying to kill her and/or Sonny if she doesn't have all the facts. (Fortunately, she's sort of on the right track realizing all the incidents don't seem to spring from the same perpetrator.)

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Carly (sneering): What about that big wedding that Nina was always talking about?

I barely remember Nina talking about a "big wedding" never mind in front of Carly.  She's such a bitch.

Also Willow saying 'it's a lot to ask' them to go to a wedding as if they were, gee I don't know, asking for a bone marrow donation.  Cause THAT'S a lot to ask of someone, but Nina was very willing to do that for Willow.

43 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I guess they're still not to worried about Ava's disappearance.

Did I miss something?  When did this happen?  Or was it just inferred today?

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I think it would have been just punishment if Sonny made Gladys work at his coffee warehouse for the rest of her life and garnished all her wages to pay back Sasha. Lord knows the woman hates having to pull her own weight.

What are the odds of this wedding happening? Maybe about the same as the odds of Carly giving a shit about Drew once she has another shot at Sonny. (Or Jason.)




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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

No, it's not about Chase, but he's allowed to be angry that everyone thought he was some delicate hothouse flower who couldn't handle the news and so was the last adult in the family to be told his father has a fatal disease. I'd be pretty ticked off, too. 

I don't know if they think he is some delicate flower, but maybe he is sensitive, and Gregory isn't sure how to tell him, or how he will be with Gregory after he knows. I can't remember how Finn found out but I do know it is not about being some evil plot to exclude Chase. It's about Gregory trying to handle his worsening illness and his sons' feelings and his own feelings and doing the best he can.

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MW (Ava) did a "Happy 75th anniversary, Detroit Tv channel (WXYZ?)" promo in the middle of the show.  Weird.

What's up with the loud music in this episode while characters are speaking?  At the beginning of the show, the guitar music made it difficult to follow what was being said, and later there was a flourish of violins?  Annoying. 


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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

What's up with the loud music in this episode while characters are speaking?  At the beginning of the show, the guitar music made it difficult to follow what was being said, and later there was a flourish of violins?  Annoying

More of Charlotte's tricks!

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I loved the NYC storyline for Spencer and Trina! I thought it was sweet and romantic and long overdue. I think they are fantastic as a couple.

I was surprised, however, by how small the hotel room was. I thought Spencer got them a suite? I expected a sitting area, with a loveseat and chair and coffee table. Maybe suite means something different in the US than here in Canada?

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