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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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21 minutes ago, Daisy said:

a lot of people hate their ex spouse

True, and for very valid reasons. But Martin married three apparently horrible women, so maybe he's the asshole here. And anyway, what does it matter if they're terrible people? The point is he has three alimonies and a mother who needs round-the-clock care so he's doing some creative accounting. The wives could all be lovely, but he still has these expenses. I don't need or want slagging of the women as additional justification.

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On 8/9/2022 at 3:03 PM, statsgirl said:

"As much as ELQ is a family business, the Qs -- they put business first."  As it should be dipstick or it goes under. Unfortunately they didn't put business first enough when they made uneducated, inexperienced Michael the CEO.

Drew, tell me you didn't grow up as a Q without telling me you didn't grow up as a Q. 

23 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

For me, Greg's Lucky was dumbed down so , so much. Gone was the smart kid, who grew up to be a smart teen, and was tech savvy to boot. Greg's Lucky was all brawn, and no brain.

One thing I liked about Greg's Lucky vs JJ's Lucky (and I loved JJ) is that he had absolutely no use for Jason after everything that went down between him, Liz and Jake, but they also let him be fair towards Jason. He was a decent cop when sober. They undid some of that once JJ returned. While I don't know how JJ would have done as a beat cop, him as a detective worked really well. It reminded me of 90s Laura's community activism. 

6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

They wanna give him connections? Fine. But they keep foisting all these sons on Scott. Logan, Franco, now possibly Cody?

The only upside is that Scott's sons all end up dead eventually, so there's hope that Cody will meet his maker if he doesn't skip town before. 

I liked Logan and thought he, not dumbass Franco, should have been Scott and Heather's long lost love child. He fit into the timeline of their relationship better. 

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Cody is Dominique's son, whom she essentially foisted on her family who then stole from him?

Seriously, writers, go outside. Touch grass. Dominique would never have left her child behind. Nothing is sacred.

The rest was a blur. 

Like the previous regime did with Ethan, when it was revealed he cheated on Laura with Holly, they are excluding a key person not on canvas, Serena. I am bit surprised it didn't turn out that Scott/Dominque embryos weren't stolen and they come from the same batch. (Please let Cody be running a long con. Let Serena be their only child). And no, nothing is sacred. I can't decide who is worse Guza or these people.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Telling Valentin what Victor didn't do for him when he was a kid is irrelevant. Make your point with Victor's current behavior.

But Drew doesn't know what Victor is currently doing. Not even Laura knows about her granddaughter, only Valentin.

Still, it was awfully weak sauce as a bargaining chip. But I think the only thing Drew's got.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't quite understand why Spencer is suddenly having a crisis of conscience about the person/people who helped him leave Shady Brook.

So that Sonny can emphasize his impressive moral code that you don't rat out your criminal friends.

They're really playing fast and loose with Martin's finances for Plot. When he first came on, he had so little money that he was dependent on Cyrus to pay for their mother's care.

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41 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

True, and for very valid reasons. But Martin married three apparently horrible women, so maybe he's the asshole here. And anyway, what does it matter if they're terrible people? The point is he has three alimonies and a mother who needs round-the-clock care so he's doing some creative accounting. The wives could all be lovely, but he still has these expenses. I don't need or want slagging of the women as additional justification.

Right but i think it was just in the course of the conversation. Martin did say he had expenses, and to me [personally], him stating that his ex wives sucked was why he was creative with his alimony - because they wouldn't be "Oh, okay, it's for Mama." they'd just want to get all of it. (and he state several times throughout the year why he takes jobs that people judge him for (ie: workin for Peter) - was  again because of the Alimonies and Mama Care. 

Maybe he was a total cow as well, or a horrible judge of character in his youth (or whenever he got married). but like i said - people (both sexes) slag their exes all the time. I just didn't see it as misogynic . that's all. Martin doesn't even say what he says - if Anna doesn't push and threaten him to spy on his friend and client because she flat out can't just go to Val and be like "Look i don't believe you, what are you hiding from me - tell the truth or we're though." 

1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

They're really playing fast and loose with Martin's finances. When he first came on, he had so little money that he was dependent on Cyrus to pay for their mother's care.

i'd imagine big retainer from Val, and the other jobs he gets from around town helped fatten his pockets some.  which goes straight to the mama care. 

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3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

i'd imagine big retainer from Val, and the other jobs he gets from around town helped fatten his pockets some.  which goes straight to the mama care. 

Mama care and the cost of his hotel room in the Metro Court which has to be adding up at "the premier hotel in Port Charles". But there all those months that he was in hiding with Laura and not earning anything.

Martin has money now. But if he had all those assets hidden from three ex-wives which implies ever since the end of his first marriage, he should have had enough money to pay for Mama's care. Did he just not tell Cyrus so that Cyrus would pay for it? Or are all these "hidden assets" suddenly conveniently appearing so that Anna can illegally do a search on him to blackmail?

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

. But there all those months that he was in hiding with Laura and not earning anything.

that's when he took the job working for Peter. because he was paying mucho bucks. (but he did drop him quick but i dunno if that = no more retainer to be honest

5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Or are all these "hidden assets" suddenly conveniently appearing so that Anna can illegally do a search on him to blackmail?

probably this. I defended the show too much this week, it reached the quota. LOL

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I wonder if Cyrus set up any sort of trust so that their mom would be taken care of no matter his circumstances. For someone who was so desperate for family validation, you'd think he'd have ensured his mother's care.

But right now, it's Cyrus who? I miss seeing that nut job sitting cross-legged on his cot and chatting on an actual illegal burner phone, LOL.

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At this point, GH is mostly "couples" talking endlessly about the relationship they aren't actually even having, and new people talking about histories with other characters that we've never actually seen. It's thrilling.  

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1 hour ago, DanaK said:

We need to see at least one of Martin’s ex-wives at some point

It should be Cady McClain who played Dixie on AMC opposite MEK's Tad Martin. She is also Jon Lindstrom's wife.

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I'd love for Cady to play an ex-wife.  #3

I hated Anna in this scene trying to get Martin to break privilege just to get information on Valentine. Go ask your boyfriend yourself. Using the exwives was just low. 

Liked Cassadine pow wow trying to help Spencer. 

Did Dante forget he's Spencer's cousin. He should be a little nicer. 

Cody is Dominique's son. Wth, now we need Serena because they're siblings and Lucy will need to be involved in this now too. 

Isn't Uncle Cyrus in jail, he can protect Spencer. 

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Making Cody Dominique's forgotten kid doesn't make him a legacy character, or endear him to viewers, writers.  You can't just slap a label on a newbie and expect everyone to feel a connection.  Also, Cody's acting like a total asshole, so why would I be inclined to sympathize with him?

Great, so we're going for Spixie 3.0?  Really?  That's how much they think of Maxie.  And why can we never get rid of Spinelli?  Why will no one hire BA so he doesn't have to beg for GH scraps?

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BA's wife makes enough to support them. He goes on GH for a little extra I guess and for the heck of it. I do wonder if he makes enough to offset his commute even which is 7 hours driving.

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Cody being Dominique's son: siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh with a side of no, thanks.

Aside from the fact that we just saw this "secret child of a character who hasn't been onscreen for decades comes to town to claim an inheritance" story play out with Austin, having actually watched the show in the '90s I don't for a second believe that Dominique wouldn't have a) told Scott that she already had a child out there, and b) made some provision for that child knowing that she was dying. I also don't believe that Katherine Bell wouldn't have used Dominique's kid for her own gain if the opportunity had been there.

So who's secret kid is going to show up in town next? Colton Shore's? Decker Moss'? Katherine Delafield's? And what OLTL alum will play him or her?

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Cody is Dominique's son. Wth, now we need Serena because they're siblings and Lucy will need to be involved in this now too. 

They should have made him Katherine's son because he could be as deluded, entitled and hated as she was. It is also nonsense because she would have told Scott and Lucy about her first child before she died so that they could find him and give Serena a brother.

1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Great, so we're going for Spixie 3.0?  Really?  That's how much they think of Maxie.  And why can we never get rid of Spinelli?  Why will no one hire BA so he doesn't have to beg for GH scraps?

Unpopular opinion but Spixie was my favorite pairing for Maxie and I think it was one of her more popular ones.

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Why wouldn’t Cody know how to pronounce his mother’s name ?

He called her Dominick.....I rewound it three times to make sure I heard right...you would think the writers or producers would clue him in on how to pronounce the name

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Maybe he did say "fuck" and they dubbed over it afterwards. It'd probably be the cheapest way to fix it instead of reshooting the scene. 

So Cody punched Scott because he failed to investigate Dominique's background and make certain she didn't have children prior to Serena? Or did Cody punch Scott because he didn't teach Serena to only live off interest and not use spend the principle on the environment? 

Maybe he and Spencer can bond as cellmates in Pentonville and that will give Cody another thing to talk about other than that one summer at camp that apparently did not result in a dead body or a gay romance. 

Edited by Mirabelle
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8 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Making Cody Dominique's forgotten kid doesn't make him a legacy character, or endear him to viewers, writers.  You can't just slap a label on a newbie and expect everyone to feel a connection.  Also, Cody's acting like a total asshole, so why would I be inclined to sympathize with him?

Especially when he isn't there to try and connect with his biological family or his mother's friends. He's there because he wants money. Which is why he's so hard up about dating Britt, who will probably feel sympathetic over his sad boi backstory.

This character is so difficult to even like. He's trash.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Ugh, this Cody situation remains incredibly frustrating to me.  I was looking forward to Josh Kelly coming on and, had he clicked, would have been thrilled with him not only being tied storywise to Britt, but other faves of mine like Scotty, Liesl, off-screen Serena, possibly even Lucy.  But he hasn't and so his insertion into their orbit as Dominique's long-lost son is just eye-rolling, especially because (and I wasn't watching when she was on) they really seem to have taken a hatchet to her arc/history to wedge him in.

And yeah, why is he mad at Scotty?  Because Scotty's not psychic and didn't know that Dom had a son when he never came forward with that information?  Because off-screen Serena is a girl so he can't sucker punch her?  As is, his mealy-mouth "I want that money, but I really respect Serena too" was lame because it's the show trying to have it both ways.  "Oooh, he's a charming con, but he has a heart of gold too!"  Ugh.

Anyway, pitting him against Scotty and Serena, two characters the audience actually likes, is not the play here.  And it feels like this would be the moment to reintroduce Serena to the canvas, but they won't, which will only make the viewers resent Cody's presence more.

Moving on, the setup with Tad Martin Gray's ex-wives sounds like it could lead to soapy fun for him and Lucy, but it also smells of opening the door for stunt casting.  "Oh look, it's Tad Martin Gray's exes - Cady McClain, Bobbie Eakes and Jamie Luner!".

Drew trying to be intimiadting with Valentin was just pathetic.

Previews...you know, it's really okay, Show, you could just drop Roger Howarth from the cast.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I missed a bit, so I have to ask.  Did Dante really want Sam to move into Lulu's house with him?  That's a joke right?  It's LULU's house, as in Dante gave up claim to it in the divorce.  Why would he even be living there?

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12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

You can't just slap a label on a newbie and expect everyone to feel a connection.

And yet the show does this all. the. time. It's so lazy, and nine out of ten times they ignore the connection two months down the road anyway.

11 hours ago, nilyank said:

Unpopular opinion but Spixie was my favorite pairing for Maxie and I think it was one of her more popular ones.

I'll sit with you at that table. I loved the non-wedding, with Mac fainting with relief when it didn't go off. Hee.

3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Drew trying to be intimiadting with Valentin was just pathetic.

It's hard to believe this nincompoop was a Navy SEAL.

1 hour ago, ouinason said:

I missed a bit, so I have to ask.  Did Dante really want Sam to move into Lulu's house with him?  That's a joke right?  It's LULU's house, as in Dante gave up claim to it in the divorce.  Why would he even be living there?

Because Lulu was living there with Rocco, and it gives him some continuity, which is especially important with Lulu in a coma.

I don't think Sam and Dante are ready to live together for all sorts of reasons (mostly because I don't think they work as a couple—I see no chem between KeMo and DZ), but Dante living in Lulu's house isn't sacrilegious to me. And it's probably bigger than the penthouse Sam and her kids are in, so from a practical standpoint, it's less disruptive to everyone to finding a brand-new space.

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2 minutes ago, Kim0820 said:

I didn't think of the name Bell as anything until yesterday, when I realized there was a Katherine Bell.  All I recall is she fell off the parapet?  Had an affair with Nicholas?

she was Dominique's half sister.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

It's hard to believe this nincompoop was a Navy SEAL.

Other than a handful of scenes before he was found on Cassadine Island, Cam's been playing Drew as PC's version of motivational speaker Tony Robbins slash puppy lover slash, all American boy slash Carly enabler and has zero ounce of credibility as a guy who had a hard life growing up and became a Seal.  If Billy Miller had been in that scene yesterday, chewing glass and throwing his weight around and growling at Valentin, it would have been far more believable and Valentin would have looked like he was about to pee his pants.  Which should have been how the scene played out.  Instead, Cam's Drew looked like he was a pip squeak kid trying to play with the big boys and Valentin looked like he could squash him beneath his shoe and not get any dirt on him.  I don't think that's the look they were going for.  

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22 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Other than a handful of scenes before he was found on Cassadine Island, Cam's been playing Drew as PC's version of motivational speaker Tony Robbins slash puppy lover slash, all American boy slash Carly enabler and has zero ounce of credibility as a guy who had a hard life growing up and became a Seal.  If Billy Miller had been in that scene yesterday, chewing glass and throwing his weight around and growling at Valentin, it would have been far more believable and Valentin would have looked like he was about to pee his pants.  Which should have been how the scene played out.  Instead, Cam's Drew looked like he was a pip squeak kid trying to play with the big boys and Valentin looked like he could squash him beneath his shoe and not get any dirt on him.  I don't think that's the look they were going for.  

CM is playing the role of Drew as CM, imo.

He's a very limited actor and Drew is starting to remind me of Alec Baldwin in Friends.

season 8 friends GIF

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yeah. like I was apprehensive when CM was hired. because i simply... really did not like Ryan Lavery at all. he had his moments but stilll. but then He was like Drew so it was like OOOOHHH but now.. he's just ryan lavery 2.0. blegh

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Portia: you swore when you became a doctor to do no harm. SO do no harm.  Jordan has police protection on Coma Dude. Portia and Curtis are all OH LET US TAKE CARE OF IT. Why isn't Jordan saying they need to stay away from Coma Dude.  Jordan tells them Esme left town, and go get some ice cream or something. Yeah go have sexy times or something. (They rehash about this stupid plan AGAIN).

Jordan tells Rory she hand picked Rory despite the connection to Trina because she trusts him. Don't fail her.

Joss and Trina are drooling over Baby Jason. whatever. Joss looks smitten with him. Excellent. #FreeCam. Joss (who keeps going about how people are entitled- happily dishes how entitled she is because all the staff is still #TeamCarly so when she wanted to do stuff for her friends they were happy to jump). 

Sonny and Joss talk about jury tampering - right behind an extra. It cracked me up LOL. Once again "I hate that you do horrible stuff but when you do it for my friends it's all cool." HYP.O.CRITE. 

Austin exists.  He wants to butter up Georgie. now he has to ditch  his plan and Maxie is suspect about this. 

Spencer doesn't want to betray the people who helped him. Sonny is like do you want to be the state sacrificial lamb over this? Spencer is like look. i screwed up. i need to do this. good boy. Robert's deal is Name the accomplices 10 days in Baby Jail. if not 3 months at Pentonville. Martin is like take this deal, dumbo. Martin deploys the "Do it for Laura." He points out that Nik's physical safety could be in question.  Spencer finally clues in this is about Sheffield, and Col Tad is like yah so whatchu gonnna do.. Spencer says no deal. so. 3 months of Jail. (Col Tad's eye got REAL bloodshot in this scene).

Lucy and Col Tad are flirty sexy. I'll allow it. Col Tad wants to go to Toronto and enjoy poutine. (I'm not a big fan of poutine LOL). Lucy and Col. Tad are awesome. Lucy wants Tad to tell the truth - then she asks what client does Anna want the tea on - Tad says Val - and Lucy says "I'll help you pack." I died. 

the verdict is in.  so. Portia is gonna break the law. because again- that would look REALLY GOOD TO THE ADA/JURY.

again crappy overall episode. Again having 1/2 the cast in jail, about to go to jail, or have legal issues is not why i watch daytimes soaps, Show

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Today on No Professional Hospital:  Portia is more concerned that she would be injecting another doctor's patient with drugs than the possible harm it could cause to the patient; Martin runs away because Anna is blackmailing him over his illegal money hiding.

Spencer finally showing some integrity, who knew it would be him to show it? Nice work making Martin Poseidon because "when the world was divided by lot among [Cronos'] three sons; Zeus was given the sky, Hades the underworld, and Poseidon the sea, with the Earth and Mount Olympus belonging to all three." Apollo is the son of Zeus, of course.

If the jury is coming back, just what does Portia think that waking Oz up now will do? Is she going to call Rory in and say "Look, Oz suddenly woke up! Can you take his statement?"

Joss, showing off her privilege and pulling strings to let Rory and Trina into the pool after hours.  Trina/Rory is Zzzzzzzzz.

Sonny calling Joss out is delicious. How did I get to be on Sonny's side in any confrontation?

Martin, I don't really think that the Laura of L&: would want her grandson to turn snitch.

Martin and Lucy were hilarious. "Together they make Medea look like Betty Rubble." "Which client does Anna want dirt on?" "Valentin" "I'll help you pack."

While I appreciate the Toronto shout-out from Martin, Quebec is the place for poutine, as Cameron Matheson would tell you. (Imdb tells me that CM graduated in civil engineering from McGill in Montreal with a 3.7 GPA. I wonder how he feels about how stupid Drew is now.)

I like Roger Howarth and Austin and I'd rather see his story than many of the current storylines.

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AAAAAAAAAGH! The 3 p.m. show is interrupted by Garland's statement about the Mar-a-Lago raid. This really could have waited until 4, ABC.

ETA: Now we're back, about 20 minutes later. I think we missed all of the Martin-Lucy sexy talk. That's of course what I was looking forward to most. I'll hit up the app tomorrow.

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37 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Jordan has police protection on Coma Dude. Portia and Curtis are all OH LET US TAKE CARE OF IT. Why isn't Jordan saying they need to stay away from Coma Dude. 

Especially when Jordan knows Curtis already stole a kidney -- for her.

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Did anyone else notice that Spencer seemed to take on his Uncle Martin's Southern drawl intermittently while speaking to his uncle? Or was it just my imagination? Overall, I enjoyed their conversation.  

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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Joss, showing off her privilege and pulling strings to let Rory and Trina into the pool after hours.  Trina/Rory is Zzzzzzzzz.

I know Joss would never ask Nina for permission for this, but it's not as if Nina would have said no given the circumstances. But Joss will never not take an opportunity to even indirectly paint Nina as OMG TEH EVUL!!11! This does not make me like Joss, Show.

37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If the jury is coming back, just what does Portia think that waking Oz up now will do? Is she going to call Rory in and say "Look, Oz suddenly woke up! Can you take his statement?"

This! It's as badly thought-out (by the characters and the show) as Curtis and Hatman starting to look for Oz on the first day of Trina's trial. And why do they think Oz will be in any condition to talk to them fresh out of a coma? Or that he'll say what they want to him say? 

Way to cut off your nose to spite your face, Spencer. Though I get the feeling Trina and Spencer will be at Pentonville together.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Though I get the feeling Trina and Spencer will be at Pentonville together.

I think that's the whole idea. Spencer was going to poop his pants at the idea of going to baby jail, now he's willing to spend 3 months at Pentonville and Martin even warned him that he could be assaulted, which seemed to scare him for a whole 5 seconds.

I'm still very unclear about the Pentonville rules and the male and female populations mingling like that.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:
17 hours ago, nilyank said:

Unpopular opinion but Spixie was my favorite pairing for Maxie and I think it was one of her more popular ones.

I'll sit with you at that table. I loved the non-wedding, with Mac fainting with relief when it didn't go off. Hee.

I’ll join you two at this tiny table.  I liked them.

9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Moving on, the setup with Tad Martin Gray's ex-wives sounds like it could lead to soapy fun for him and Lucy, but it also smells of opening the door for stunt casting.  "Oh look, it's Tad Martin Gray's exes - Cady McClain, Bobbie Eakes and Jamie Luner!".

I mean I wouldn’t hate that.  Given everything else going on that could at least be fun.  I really hated Anna pumping Martin for information though.  Come on lady, you are a grown woman.  Either learn to deal with Valentin’ secrecy (which let’s face it there will always be something) or leave.  It’s that simple.

18 hours ago, ulkis said:

BA's wife makes enough to support them.

What does she do?

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16 minutes ago, ulkis said:
20 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

What does she do?

I don't know, maybe a teacher, but he said she is the main supporter.

Google says something in the arts so I don't know how that makes tons of money to support a family. Sure wouldn't in Toronto. but it depends on the lifestyle you want.

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47 minutes ago, RedRockRosie said:

All I see is good ol' boring Ryan Lavery back on  my screen.🙁😞

Yippee. Not.🙄

At least Drew is on less often than Ryan was. He yells less, too.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I know Joss would never ask Nina for permission for this, but it's not as if Nina would have said no given the circumstances. But Joss will never not take an opportunity to even indirectly paint Nina as OMG TEH EVUL!!11! This does not make me like Joss, Show.

"The staff is still loyal to my mother."  Oh, do fuck off, you entitled little snit.  And, by all means, do Cam a favor and fall for the mob enforcer so he (Cam) can be free of you.  Not to mention it will, yet again, highlight what a little hypocrite you are (I can already hear her "I may not like what he does, but I know he's a good person" justification).

I liked the Spencer/Martin scenes.  The whole "my Great Uncle wants me to betray my other Great Uncle--it's like a Greek tragedy" was very well-played. 

Can this verdict come in already?  The Mayflower made it across the Atlantic quicker than this trial has gone on.

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Spencer might want to talk to Michael about life at Pentonville before throwing himself on his sword for his uncle Victor. Michael had Sonny’s ‘protection’ AND Jason right there with him, and he was still raped in prison. 

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Team Sonny for calling out Joss. 

With how they wrote Cody in now as Dominque's son. I wonder who Dex will be related too.  Long lost son of Ava? Jason lol

My great uncle is trying to get me to narc ok my great uncle. Lol

Edited by Artsda
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I didn't get why Trina was all "oooh Joss, who's the hottie, how do you know him , ooh ooh" when she knows Joss has a boyfriend. That seemed OOC for Trina IMO.

Regardless of that #freeCam

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