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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Bald Guy tells Austin that his time in PC is done and "the boss" wants hiim back home into the fold (sounded like the boss was a woman, so maybe Austin's mother??)

Spinelli:  I created an algorithm to create great matches

Maxie:  Then why do Britt's matches are all losers

Spinelli:  Boh

Britt:  I'm done with Society Setups,  I'm going to sue them for fraud

Maxie:  Uh, don't do that  (Spin looks like he's going to pee his pants)

Cody:  has riveting conversation with the horse saying he messed up the date and leaves a voicemail on Britt's machine.  

Linc:  I can make you a star

BLQ:  I'm Chase's manager (fake arguing with Chase)

LInc:  Give me 30 days to prove I can make your career

Chase:  Ok.  (to BLQ, we sure fooled him)

Me:  the guy is dumber than a box of rocks, of course you fooled him

Portia and Marshall discuss Trina and how she might lose her mind from stress.  Lots of heavy handed, anvil dropping, possible schizophrenia because she might be related to Curtis bombs dropped on our heads

Selena tells Curtis that she's on his side/Trina's side with this whole trial and tells him where to find bartender guy.  She will compell him to testify.

Esme: I have no money and can't pay you to shut up

Bartender:  Sounds like a you problem.  Imma tell anyone who will listen

Esme:  makes out with him to distract him then puts soemthing in his drink when he's not looking.  Bartender passes out as Curtis comes knocking at the door.

The end.  

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Two days without Carly. I must have done something good to deserve this.

i wished for this for my birthday
so even though it was 2 boring episodes i'll take it.

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The GH Twitter account tweeted that due to the preemption, today’s episode will be shown in full tomorrow (Friday) in the US. I guess that makes sense since it sounds like the 3pm ET telecast was a rerun. The way these preemptions are going they’ll be celebrating Halloween in December

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Britt did a quick change trick from red tight dress at the Q stable to black tight dress at the Haunted Star. 

ETA:  Maybe she didn't want to smell like horse....or Cody 😆

Edited by Blackie
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Oh Lordy. How is this skanky bartender graduating head if his class going to fit into this convoluted mess of a story?? They somehow have to solve it with Esme staying. 

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7 minutes ago, jacourt said:

How is this skanky bartender graduating head if his class going to fit into this convoluted mess of a story??

Put him on contract!  When they get to a hundred on their punch card the writers will get a free coffee at the ABC commissary.

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21 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

So for a 7-minute interruption to tell us the president has Covid, they had to preempt the entire show? Really? Doesn’t sound like I missed anything but still…

For the 2pm ET showing, after the briefing, the ABC anchor and correspondents talked until 3pm ET, so it was about 30 minutes or more

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On 7/20/2022 at 1:33 PM, sacrebleu said:

I just think it's odd because Aurora, the company he runs, is having serious issues now that the ELQ merger fell through, and he doesn't seem to be doing any work. He's going to the gym, attending OBGYN appts with his gf, like his job isn't in danger. 

In the real world he would be embattled, or booted from corporate management.  Also, if the stock dropped low enough, it becomes a target for a hostile takeover.  But we can’t have nice things, so that won’t happen.

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On 7/20/2022 at 1:16 PM, statsgirl said:

Most OB appointments are boring except for the milestone ones like the ultrasounds (which in my experience was done by a technician not the OB), there to check that the pregnancy is progressing well. So mostly boring.

But it's also a safe place where the woman can ask questions, talk about her concerns and her fears. If she doesn't have a midwife, it's the only place where she can be honest with a medical professional. It's a question of privacy, having the partner there for every appointment is an invasion of privacy. If Michael wants to have a better experience than with Nelle (although it wasn't bad until the end when he decided that Nelle was the devil incarnate), do it putting Willow's needs first and ask her how much she wants him involved.

Brando has a better stand in worrying that he didn't see it coming but he's had that conversation too often. As an addict himself, he should know how hard addicts work to hide that they're using.

I know! I thought that the show was finally going to appreciate what they had in KT but this is cringeworthy. It's like she's there just to prop up Frank's latest pet.

That's why they need Josslyn Jax and Trina Taggart, Girl Detectives!

They can do the sleuthing when Girl Reporter finally wakes up and needs help investigating her stories.

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6 hours ago, Sake614 said:

So for a 7-minute interruption to tell us the president has Covid, they had to preempt the entire show? Really? Doesn’t sound like I missed anything but still…

seriously they have the news.

the stories might be crap, but stop interrupting them, geeze marie!

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Just to note, the January 6 public hearings are over for now but are set to resume in September. That should eliminate the biggest disruption to the show through the end of Summer, but of course there are multiple other one-off interruptions that could happen

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18 hours ago, DanaK said:

For the 2pm ET showing, after the briefing, the ABC anchor and correspondents talked until 3pm ET, so it was about 30 minutes or more

How infuriating! I mean, unless Biden was hospitalized or on death’s door, what is there to talk about? He has Covid. Okay, so did a great many other people.  Yeah he’s the President so it’s newsworthy, but nothing a crawl couldn’t accomplish. And certainly nothing that couldn’t have waited for the 4 pm news!

anyway, I guess I’ll see what there is (or isn’t) to see this afternoon. Glad to hear that at least someone knows Spinelli’s big sekrit. 🙄

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Ugh, this trial is so completely stupid. I know it's basically so we find out Trina is actually Curtis's kid (more ugh; can't anyone have just one set of parents?) and so might be at risk for schizophrenia that we don't even know is accurately diagnosed in the supposed carrier (or whatever Hatman would be called).

Shut up, Spinelli. I despise his stupid attempts to "protect" Maxie without telling what he's protecting her from. This is not an attractive trope, Show.

Curtis and Ms. Wu in a car is a weird scene to go on location for.

Aaaaand another interruption. It's kind of a mercy killing at this point, given how aggravatingly dumb all of the stories are.

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

And certainly nothing that couldn’t have waited for the 4 pm news!

I hate when the break in for things that are not breaking news!!  Like if it’s some emergency or something deadly serious then yes of course break into this silly show, but if it’s not (which let’s face it most of the time it’s not) then please let me watch my silly show in peace!

1 hour ago, Blackie said:

Did Sonny /MB start dying his hair again? In today's rerun he was quite grey which was quite attractive. It seems like lately he has gone back to the black shoe polish.

I think he is dying it again but I don’t think he went back to the shoe polish.  It’s not as grey anymore, but he still has grey around the edges and it’s not jet black.

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42 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, this trial is so completely stupid. I know it's basically so we find out Trina is actually Curtis's kid (more ugh; can't anyone have just one set of parents?) and so might be at risk for schizophrenia that we don't even know is accurately diagnosed in the supposed carrier (or whatever Hatman would be called).

Worse than stupid -- it's boring.

While it's true that stressful life events can trigger schizophrenia, they tend to be things like homelessness, drug use or longterm abuse. And what is Portia going to do anyway?  Protect Trina all her life? Just steal some DNA from Curtis (Carly and Spencer will show you how) and get it tested already.

I notice that any lawyer up against Diane gets their fingers slapped for all sorts of things by the judge but not Diane.

Is there anything that Mrs. Wu doesn't have her fingers in? From biker bar to high stakes gambling.

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59 minutes ago, seasons said:

Re: Ava's hair. To me, the character is supposed to be edgy, the black sheep, the art dealer. That boring hairdo doesn't seem to suit the character or the actress imo.

It goes with the numerous puffy blouses they keep putting her in which I always see as being quite troublesome in real life.

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Is Esme killing that guy? That will really lower her redeemability quotient. Odd choice if they wanted to keep her around. 

Brit has more chemistry with Austin than with Cody. I missed the first segment cuz of the "news" break, did we learn who the guy is following Austin?

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2 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Why do they keep making Avery makeout with these gross men?  I was very uncomfortable watching that. 

My mind went to the character of Avery and I was totally confused for a minute!

I don't understand Esme's plan here.  Is she killing him?  

Also, I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel bad, or conflicted, that Britt wants to sue Spinelli's lame-o dating app?  In the year of our Lord 2022, are the writers still trying to make Spinelli happen?  Good god!

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14 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel bad, or conflicted, that Britt wants to sue Spinelli's lame-o dating app? 

I think suing is a little extreme, but this whole Society Setups is yet another galactically stupid story the show is trying to sell us.

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40 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I don't understand Esme's plan here.  Is she killing him?  

It sure seems like it. Probably gave him the same drug that she gave Trina, but extra dosage of it. Spencer mentioned it during their fight, IIRC.

But Esme's scenes were extra creepy. She is her father's daughter through and through.

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55 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think suing is a little extreme, but this whole Society Setups

She should sue for the whole parachuting incident.  Also, sue the MetroCourt and Olivia and Carly personally.  But of course Britt is seen as unreasonable for thinking that was grossly irresponsible and dangerous to allow that stunt.

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She might be able to sue for breach of contract, in that she's had numerous dates without any sort of match, but I think that's stretching it. But if the show wants Britt to sue, it will come up with some dunderheaded reason. We all know how accurate anything relating to the legal system is on this fakakta show.

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Didn't Cody blackmail Spinelli into matching him with Britt? I think she can sue for that if she ever found out. Breach of trust or something, going against the company's policy or something. Spinelli matched her with Cody, not the algorithm.

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 I ffwd the Britt/Cody date because I’m already over Cody so this might have gotten mentioned but when Dr. O said she signed up for Society Setups, she made it sound like a dating app geared towards professionals or high earners. She didn’t question how Cody, who appears to be a lifelong bum, made the cut? 

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I recently saw an old episode of Judge Judy where a man tried to sue a dating service he paid for. He said all the dates he got didn't meet his criteria, mostly because he found them unattractive. I don't remember all the details, but I'm pretty sure he lost. I mean I guess I could why he was mad for paying all that money, and he didn't get anyone he liked. 

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1 hour ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I recently saw an old episode of Judge Judy where a man tried to sue a dating service he paid for. He said all the dates he got didn't meet his criteria, mostly because he found them unattractive. I don't remember all the details, but I'm pretty sure he lost. I mean I guess I could why he was mad for paying all that money, and he didn't get anyone he liked. 

Damn, if that’s all it took to sue a dating service, I’d be rich by now Lol!

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The thing is - if Britt is suing for the parachute thing, then honestly she should be suing Carly Nina + Olivia.. It was up to them to provide a safe landing spot for Cody. if they can argue/prove that they had zero idea that Society Setups was going to to hire a jumper, then you sue Society Setups. 

But then the counter claim would be that everyone was able to get out of harms way because she was loaded so that could go either way. 

If Britt wants to sue because she isn't getting dates, considering that she is measuring everyone to Jason, well. tough bananas for her. (not to say Cody isn't a butthole anyway but still). unless Spinelli is a moron who is all "we can totally guarantee you happiness"... even using a professional matchmaker doesn't assume you'll find The One). 

also also, if I wanted to see people suing everyne all the time i'd watch Law and Order. 

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2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

The thing is - if Britt is suing for the parachute thing, then honestly she should be suing Carly Nina + Olivia.. It was up to them to provide a safe landing spot for Cody. if they can argue/prove that they had zero idea that Society Setups was going to to hire a jumper, then you sue Society Setups. 

Nope, you sue them all.  You sue the MC owners because they allowed the stunt and SS for even attempting it.  It doesn't matter that she wasn't hurt--she was thrown into the pool and could've drowned.  There's definitely a lawsuit there, but of course the show played the whole thing as a big laugh and Britt is just being a humorless crab for not just shrugging and smiling it off.

4 minutes ago, Daisy said:

also also, if I wanted to see people suing everyne all the time i'd watch Law and Order. 

Well, that's fine.  It doesn't matter--there won't be a lawsuit, but honestly the whole thing was stupid and I'm not going to just think it was an excellent PR idea by that idiot Spinelli because the show wants me to.

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39 minutes ago, Daisy said:

if I wanted to see people suing everyne all the time i'd watch Law and Order.

Well you’d be disappointed then, since Law & Order wasn’t a show where people sued each other. It’s about cops investigating murders and the DA’s office prosecuting the defendants.

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17 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Well you’d be disappointed then, since Law & Order wasn’t a show where people sued each other. It’s about cops investigating murders and the DA’s office prosecuting the defendants.

lol true i meant more of people going to trial/court proceedings etc. 

57 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Well, that's fine.  It doesn't matter--there won't be a lawsuit, but honestly the whole thing was stupid and I'm not going to just think it was an excellent PR idea by that idiot Spinelli because the show wants me to.

well i just mean. in like 7 months we had
Michael's dipstick claim in regards to Nina. 
Spencer's baby jail sentence 
Nina's legal woes
Trina's legal woes
Chase's quasi legal woes
Now Britt's keep saying she wants to sue (and I mean i agree with you. I don't get how it was a great PR idea or anything). i just mean. it would be great if the show would try to stop making this about legal stuff and concentrate on zee romancey stuff. 

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44 minutes ago, Daisy said:

The thing is - if Britt is suing for the parachute thing, then honestly she should be suing Carly Nina + Olivia.. It was up to them to provide a safe landing spot for Cody. if they can argue/prove that they had zero idea that Society Setups was going to to hire a jumper, then you sue Society Setups. 

But then the counter claim would be that everyone was able to get out of harms way because she was loaded so that could go either way.

There should be a standard contract that the Metro Court has when they rent space to companies for event which should include the rules for using it and the liability if something goes wrong. But then, it's Carly and Olivia so who knows? 🤷‍♂️

If they overserved her, there's a legal liability for whoever was supplying the drinks.

I don't think that Britt really wants to sue, she just wants recompense for the humiliation of the gif and the terrible date with Cody. Spinelli may be saving himself from Cody's blackmail but he's getting himself into more trouble with Britt.

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I watched the show on the app so I could the last 15 or so minutes that were preempted on Friday, and wow, was the broadcast dark. It was the show, since the ads were fine.

Portia, if you're so concerned about Trina's mental health, why don't you ask her how she's feeling? This endless handwringing is getting old. You're a doctor—take some action!

If Curtis is such a great former PI, how come he had no idea of Ms. Wu's reach? And why is he surprised in the first place? She didn't get to where she is by being some dumb coffee importer.

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On 7/23/2022 at 4:56 PM, ciarra said:

I find this Society Setups as exciting and interesting as Man Landers.

But at least then we had the gorgeous Ryan Paevy to look at 💕

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Idk if Britt can sue, Leisl got her the subscription, so Britt didn't lose any $$. All she's lost is a few hours on bad dates, and some reputational damage, but she was the one drinking to excess, she was ranting before Cody fell from the skies. 

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Society's biggest sin is Spinelli giving that loser a date with Britt. 

This is one of the worst introductions of a new character in a really long time on the show. I'm sorry they saddled him with Britt and Dante. Even Hatman was more interesting than this.

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35 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Society's biggest sin is Spinelli giving that loser a date with Britt


35 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Even Hatman was more interesting than [Cody].

Oh, let's not get overworked here!

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It's hard to take your "righteous" anger seriously, Josslyn, when, instead of only trying to score revenge on Sonny, you really ought to be calling 911 for the unconscious guy in the stairwell.

She really is her mother's daughter.

ETA: Hah, Dex and I are on the same wavelength. And, seriously, she still hasn't called?

Edited by Fellaway
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