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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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8 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I swear Jason has communicated more with Britt in full sentences in their scenes today and recently than he has communicated with Sam in more than a year.

The writers are clearly chem-testing these two hard, but don't seem to be sure the pairing works. Good thing is, nothing can be worse than JaSam.

On 12/27/2020 at 6:49 PM, statsgirl said:

Two things I liked on the Christmas episode: Laura/Kevin/"Call me Marty" bonding, and Chinese food for Christmas dinner. Maybe someone on the writing staff has the traditional Chinese food for dinner.

GF and MEK are two vets who clearly enjoy working together so we'll likely see a lot of them going forward. Yay! I've never done the Chinese Food for Christmas Dinner thing, maybe I'll give it a shot next year.

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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Terry hasn't had even the hint of a romance and it's been, what, two years since she arrived?

I was thinking even longer, because I knew she had been in a scene with the first Cameron recast, the one who looked like Zander and was gone within a month. Cam was leaving the Webberhaus while Liz and Terry were catching up on the couch, and he talked to them for a few minutes.  

So I looked it up. Terry first appeared on June 29, 2018.  Two and a half years to the day.

If she dates anyone, I think it's a safe bet it will be some character we only see once or only hear her talk about, and the relationship will be offscreen.

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On 12/24/2020 at 9:03 AM, Asp Burger said:

When vampires and pickle relish took over the show for a while there, 

😆 Good times! (Not really.)

On 12/27/2020 at 5:49 PM, statsgirl said:

I've said that the Sasha actress was bad before but playing opposite Brando highlights how bad she is. 

I can’t believe I actually liked her when she started. She really is dreadful. Brando’s turning out to be a big dud too. I’m not sure if it’s the actor, the writing, or merely the proximity to Sasha. All the Corinthos toadying doesn’t help, either. Yeah, not a big fan of Brando at the moment. (It’s also hard to get past the stupid name.)

17 hours ago, nilyank said:

So when Terry was telling about her friend Abby that died tragically, I had chuckled because I just imagined that it was Abby of stripper/hooking fame that dated Michael and was killed by a crane.

That’s EXACTLY who I thought she meant. I do think the writers were having fun with an obscure callback. Because crane-flattened hookers are always fun!

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23 hours ago, LexieLily said:

And I was going to say, Maxie does know that her supposed-BFF's name is Lesley Lu, doesn't she, and the Lu is from a alias Laura had when she and Luke were adventuring? How does the name Louise correlate to any of that? 

Maxie probably does know this - the writers, not so much.  I actually thought they might name the baby Leslie, after Lulu.  Also, she said they'd call the baby Lou - wasn't that Blackie's girlfriend, back in the day?

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I'm really troubled by the lack of Nava scenes. We have had days upon days of Carly and Jason, and this pointless Sonny story (he's fine), but no scenes with Nikolas and Ava. Ava's brother is dead. We didn't get to see her being told he's actually dead. We didn't get to see Nikolas comfort her. This is ridiculous! But we can watch Carly have nightmares or see her and Jason searching for Sonny! We can't skip them for one freaking day to feature some other characters and stories?!? This show is such trash! 

Maybe I'm being purposefully obtuse, but I don't get Willow. I honestly do not understand why she is so upset with Chase. I understand he broke her heart, and I understand she feels he was making choices for her BUT she needs to take ownership of her own choices too. On the day she caught Chase with Sasha, she was coming over to postpone their date so she could chat with Michael, yet again, about his stupid baby problems. I wish this show would have her recognize that she was obsessed with Wiley and that she has some ownership in what happened too instead of laying it all at Chase's feet. She is the one who spent a good part of her relationship complaining, crying, and whining constantly about Wiley. That is a large part of the reason why Chase took the action he did.

That said, I am not sure why she is playing this game with him. If Willow can a longer trust him, then I wish you would just tell him that there is no hope for them to reconcile and let him go. Is she torn btw him and Michael? I honestly don't know and don't care at this point. Just free Chase from her already.  

I think it's even more likely that Finn is Chase's dad after today's show. There was no other point, IMO, to Finn saying the timing didn't add up again. We heard you the first time. Anyway, this is one plot I am interested in seeing play out. Hope it doesn't take as long as the Nina daughter story. 

Edited by lala2
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Willow is like Michael. She'll hem and haw because the writers don't even want to have the character do even the tiniest bit thing flawed, and dumping Michael would be "mean". Either that or she doesn't know what she wants.

Chillow looked cute in their hats. Just an observation, I don't want them together.

Shut up Carly! If she doesn't want anything to happen to Jason she can tell him to leave the country and take herself with him.

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The more I see Gonzo Gregory with Anna, the more I think she’s engaged to the wrong Chase.

Shut up, Anna. Trying to equate Finn keeping quiet about his sleeping with Jackie to her not telling Heinrik that Alex was his mother. Because he’s so fragile he would turn to the “dark side”.

Like I said before, I know I’m going to hell, but I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 at all the scenes where SheBeast is tearily insisting that Mooby will come back! It  won’t be long until she’s all smug again, so I’m relishing her paaaaaaaaain. And is Jaysus her second husband, the way she screeched to him that he couldn’t meet with Cyrus? It’s just proof what a joke Mooby’s “mob family” is when his hit man is the guy who becomes the “leader” when Mooby isn’t around. No capos to speak of. No other minions to come over and get the mattresses* Mooby and Jaysus, the two man “family”!😆😆🙄🙄

I totes knew taut was a fantasy. Who does Frank think he’s kidding?

Laura looked great.

I just wish Willow would just make a decision and stick with it. Either stay with the Eeyore/SLS or dissolve the marriage and try again with Chase since she admitted she was still in love with him.

Wow! A Luke mention! Color me shocked.

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Willow's bathing suit was very awful. I laughed when I saw that extra in his speedo, though, and the bullhorn. How can we draw attention to him, one writer asked. Why, a speedo and a bullhorn of course. (there was a bullhorn, right?)

The scenes with Laura and Jackie were good.

The rest, I've got nothing to say. Mainly because I can't remember any of it the second the show is over.


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39 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Maybe I'm being purposefully obtuse, but I don't get Willow. I honestly do not understand why she is so upset with Chase.

I think with Willow's background growing up in a cult where she had no control over the decision about her life (where she lives, what she studied in school, who she had to sleep with) that she felt betrayed that Chase took this choice away from her. Chase lied and broke her trust, so it make take her more than a minute to come to terms with it. She might not ever trust Chase again or she might, but right now, she isn't sure.

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1 minute ago, nilyank said:

I think with Willow's background growing up in a cult where she had no control over the decision about her life (where she lives, what she studied in school, who she had to sleep with) that she felt betrayed that Chase took this choice away from her. Chase lied and broke her trust, so it make take her more than a minute to come to terms with it. She might not ever trust Chase again or she might, but right now, she isn't sure.

I just will never buy that her choice was taken from her. At the end of the day, she chose to marry Michael because that's what she always wanted to do. Chase cheating on her didn't mean she had to marry Michael. But thank you for the explanation. I think she should just make a decision and be done with it. I'm over Willow at this point. Haha! 

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Wow, Carly and Jason couldn't slam the door in Dante's face fast enough. "Go back to your family, you have no business here in this decision."


Shut up Carly! If she doesn't want anything to happen to Jason she can tell him to leave the country and take herself with him

Works for me.  Joss can stay with Jax, Ava can have Avery, and Donna is superfluous anyway.

Isn't Michael supposed to be coordinating the search for Sonny and not taking care of Wylie's sniffles. Every time they said "Hackensack" I giggled because it reminded me of the song "I Can Do Without You" from Calamity Jane. " You can go to Philadelphia, Take a hack to Hackensack. Hey! I'll never ring a bell fer ya Or yell fer ya to come back".

I also laughed when Chase brought two towels so that he could share on with Willow. So much more competent than Michael would be. They're trying to make this a real triangle (Sasha seems to have been dropped on Brando, poor guy) but I'll be shocked if Michael doesn't win again.

How well did Laura know Jackie back in the day?  Even if they were BFFs, I'd be careful about telling her that Cyrus is her half-brother. That seems like being too trusting with information.

I'm trying to figure out why I have zero investment in finding out that Chase is Finn's son.  Maybe it's because Finn's doing okay, with Anna and Violet and his job, and he has no need to have Chase as his son too.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Isn't Michael supposed to be coordinating the search for Sonny and not taking care of Wylie's sniffles. Every time they said "Hackensack" I giggled

Since PC is supposedly in the Buffalo, NY, area, I am continually surprised at how fast they get from there to NYC/Secaucus.  That is a six hour drive; I know they all have private planes and fly, but still - they are back and forth in the blink of an eye.

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21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Jackie didn’t show up until after Laura “died” the first time. And she was gone when Laura returned and then she and Luke left.

No she showed up right before. There's a scene of Jackie interviewing Laura on YouTube.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And is Jaysus her second husband,

I just wish Willow would just make a decision and stick with it. Either stay with the Eeyore/SLS or dissolve the marriage and try again with Chase since she admitted she was still in love with him.

Wow! A Luke mention! Color me shocked.

1) I assume that's a rhetorical question. She would insta-marry Jason if he would be open to it, if they both believed Sonny had died.

2) Today she seemed to feel awkward that she's still strongly attracted to, and in love with, Chase, and likes being around his family, when she has recently slept with and is married to Michael, not to mention spent Christmas at Casa Corinthos. I was amused when she said to Chase "just talk" in response to having dinner together. I imagine one kiss between them and her brain would go, "Michael who?"  In my mind, that would be any normal woman's reaction anyway.

3) I figured the Luke mention is because Jackie has history with Robert, Luke's old best friend, and knew of Laura as Luke's great love. 

I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that? Her diamond ring could cause real damage while sleeping.

I loved that Laura felt nothing in reaction to Cyrus's "beneath you" line, attempt at a guilt trip. Puh-lease. 

When Carly balked at being "interrogated" and then Jason told Dante protection of the family is being handled, I soo wanted Dante to respond, "the last time you claimed that, you got shot, kicked in the harbor and were gone for years."

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11 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that? Her diamond ring could cause real damage while sleeping.

I posted the same exact thing last week when she was sobbing that something had happened to Mooby! That’s why I’m laughing and enjoying her “grief” over this.


40 minutes ago, ulkis said:

No she showed up right before. There's a scene of Jackie interviewing Laura on YouTube.

How’d I miss that? I just remember Laura disappearing into the fog; Janine Turner’s Laura showing up, and then Jackie.


14 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:


3) I figured the Luke mention is because Jackie has history with Robert, Luke's old best friend, and knew of Laura as Luke's great love. 

Oh I know. I’m just surprised that Frank bothered.

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I guess if Maxie is going to call the baby Lou, there are no plans to ever bring Lulu back? Because having both Lulu and Lou would be ridiculously confusing.

Although, when did we last see James? Maybe baby Lou will be like James - mentioned very rarely and never seen.

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1 hour ago, MarciNJ said:

Since PC is supposedly in the Buffalo, NY, area, I am continually surprised at how fast they get from there to NYC/Secaucus.  That is a six hour drive; I know they all have private planes and fly, but still - they are back and forth in the blink of an eye.

I think they handwave it but I did snort at Jason driving back to Port Charles and then getting Carly and driving back with her. They couldn't have had Jason call her and say "hey drive over here?" I don't think 12 hours later Sonny's just gonna be laying around. 

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49 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess if Maxie is going to call the baby Lou, there are no plans to ever bring Lulu back? Because having both Lulu and Lou would be ridiculously confusing.

I have no idea when, if ever, the show plans to bring back Lulu, but I've suspected since the first that baby Lou isn't going to make it.

ETA: And a good thing, too, IMO. Maxie doesn't need three kids under ten.

Edited by Melgaypet
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Maxie doesn't need a Peter spawn hanging on her for the rest of her life. Maybe that's why the writers chose such an outdated 1950's name.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

No she showed up right before. There's a scene of Jackie interviewing Laura on YouTube.

So not a trusted BFF. Telling Reporter Jackie that Cyrus is her brother seems to be Jordan levels of careless.

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason?

This is so true and it burns me that the show tries to whitewash the "good mobsters".

Carly was so rude to Dante. It's his father who is missing after all.

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Carly sure got dressed fast after waking up from her dream (Show, stop trying to fake us out with this dumb crap) and meeting Jason and Dante at the front door.

If only Dante's programming included getting rid of Sonny as well as Peter.

3 hours ago, lala2 said:

At the end of the day, [Willow] chose to marry Michael because that's what she always wanted to do. Chase cheating on her didn't mean she had to marry Michael.

I thought she was kind of shoved into it, though of course because it involved Wiley, she was okay with being shoved. Given that Willow is adopting Wiley, I don't know why she doesn't get that annulment and get back with Chase. He's so much more interesting than the uncooked skinless chicken breast that is Michael.

3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm trying to figure out why I have zero investment in finding out that Chase is Finn's son.  Maybe it's because Finn's doing okay, with Anna and Violet and his job, and he has no need to have Chase as his son too.

Chase and Finn are adults (supposedly™ Silas Clay forever), so who cares? It's pointless. Their relationship shouldn't change that much, given how little they interacted in the past.

3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Chillow looked cute in their hats.

They really did. Even estranged they're more interesting that Michael and Willow, not that that's any sort of bar.

Given that Dev is dead, does it really matter if his illegal status comes to light?

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Speaking of Jackie, Robert broke up with Jackie so he could marry Holly because she was pregnant with Luke's baby.  Now her son (in completely different circumstances) loses his girlfriend to someone in a baby related marriage of convenience.

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12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

They really did. Even estranged they're more interesting that Michael and Willow, not that that's any sort of bar.

oh, I thought they looked just cute, not interesting lol.

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9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Speaking of Jackie, Robert broke up with Jackie so he could marry Holly because she was pregnant with Luke's baby.  Now her son (in completely different circumstances) loses his girlfriend to someone in a baby related marriage of convenience.

Ooh, I remember that from my Susan Moore Murder Mystery watch a while back! Jackie was not happy, and, honestly, I couldn't blame her. Robert really was kind of a jerk to her. Though, of course, it was for the best. Not only were Holly and Robert a much better couple, but Robert and Jackie were just... off. It was a casting fail. Jackie was supposed to be a professional, adult woman, but Demi Moore looked like the teenager she was.

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

1) I assume that's a rhetorical question. She would insta-marry Jason if he would be open to it, if they both believed Sonny had died.

2) Today she seemed to feel awkward that she's still strongly attracted to, and in love with, Chase, and likes being around his family, when she has recently slept with and is married to Michael, not to mention spent Christmas at Casa Corinthos. I was amused when she said to Chase "just talk" in response to having dinner together. I imagine one kiss between them and her brain would go, "Michael who?"  In my mind, that would be any normal woman's reaction anyway.

3) I figured the Luke mention is because Jackie has history with Robert, Luke's old best friend, and knew of Laura as Luke's great love. 

I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that? Her diamond ring could cause real damage while sleeping.

I loved that Laura felt nothing in reaction to Cyrus's "beneath you" line, attempt at a guilt trip. Puh-lease. 

When Carly balked at being "interrogated" and then Jason told Dante protection of the family is being handled, I soo wanted Dante to respond, "the last time you claimed that, you got shot, kicked in the harbor and were gone for years."

I've been saying this forever.  And talented people would then make Carly question this - not that it matters because anytime Carly gets the Mob Moll Veil taken off and she uses common sense it doesn't last long. 

i would have totally loved that burn. it would have been chef's kiss. 

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44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Given that Dev is dead, does it really matter if his illegal status comes to light?

I was thinking the same thing. I get that the writers think the threat from Cyrus was supposed to make him look like a cold-hearted scum bag, but I thought it made him look stupid. Dev is not living off tax payer money. Would any authority take an attorney seriously who says, "these people conspired to protect an illegal immigrant!! No, you can't question the boy because he died in November 2020." 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
year change; my wishful thinking says it happened in 2019!
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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I was thinking the same thing. I get that the writers think the threat from Cyrus was supposed to make him look like a cold-hearted scum bag, but I thought it made him look stupid. Dev is not living off tax payer money. Would any authority take an attorney seriously who says, "these people conspired to protect an illegal immigrant!! No, you can't question the boy because he died in November 2019." 

Not only that, but he also seemed to be seriously suggesting that Joss, a teenager, was going to get into serious legal trouble over it.  Because she would have had to have known.  Ridiculous. the absolute most that would come of this is a fine.

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1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

No, you can't question the boy because he died in November 2019." 

I think you mean November 2020!😄

I did my fair share of 🙄🙄🙄🙄 at Cyrus threatening Brando over a dead Dev! At the same time, this show is stoopid enough to have its IRS/ICE (NOT HOMELAND Security, STOOPID!) try and arrest Mooby, Brando and SheBeast over it. And I heard myself mumbling that’s what they get for not letting Gladys attend Mike’s funeral and kicking her out and stopping the money.

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The more I see Gonzo Gregory with Anna, the more I think she’s engaged to the wrong Chase.

I completely agree that Anna is with the wrong Chase.

Also, Chase and Willow are so much better together.  Her scenes with Michael makes me snooze. And anyway, I like the character Chase much better than Michael.

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm trying to figure out why I have zero investment in finding out that Chase is Finn's son.

I think just because the writing's been on the wall for sooo long now.

For me personally, because of how it's presumably going to be playing out - Dr. Michael Easton and Chase both victims of Jackie - I'm not eager to see Michael Easton rail at her as John McBain did to many a woman over the years.

So Dr. Michael Easton said something today about a polar bear swim being exactly the type of thing he would have done at Chase's age?  Wasn't he a hypochondriac weirdo in his twenties?  It really feels like they're trying to scrub off all the quirk.

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51 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm not eager to see Michael Easton rail at her as John McBain did to many a woman over the years.

I will be surprised if his character Finn does that, because Finn reacted with quiet, simmering anger instead of screaming when Hayden confessed that yes, Violet is his and that she deliberately kept Violet from him upon finding out he had moved on with Anna.  He never railed at Hayden the way she deserved especially considering she's the one who ran off/dumped him and lied about a miscarriage. So, I don't think he's rail at Jackie. The situation with Finn's dad and Jackie and Finn's history with Jackie is complex  in my opinion.  

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4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that? Her diamond ring could cause real damage while sleeping.

Remember Manny Ruiz? He had a brother named Javier that was killed by Jason. In the show it was shown that he was talking to his children. I always wanted one of to come and reek havoc on Sason's lives and be more successful.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

It's not playing to me like Finn is gonna put all the blame on Jackie. 

But didn't he say today that Jackie told him there was no way Chase could be his son?  So it's not a situation where he had ignored the possibility, but one where he was actively deceived by Jackie.  And there's be no recriminations for his sleeping with his dad's fiancée, for the years he spent using his dead mother's memory to shield his own discretion and justify disowning his family.

4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that?

Also, what woman with a one-year-old and who we're supposed to think is the world's greatest mom is having a lie-in?  That really struck me, given we saw her wake up in bed twice.

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Didn't Diane and Spinelli "finalize" the paperwork for Dev? Diane as a lawyer would be in trouble for that, more so than Brando should be. Spinelli too, which would make me happy as neither of them have ever faced consequences for working for Sason.


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31 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

But didn't he say today that Jackie told him there was no way Chase could be his son?  So it's not a situation where he had ignored the possibility, but one where he was actively deceived by Jackie.  

It is though imo. He said he decided not to push it because the three of them seemed like a cohesive family. I'd have to watch today but that's what he said on Thursday.


And there's be no recriminations for his sleeping with his dad's fiancée, for the years he spent using his dead mother's memory to shield his own discretion and justify disowning his family.

How can there be when Gregory and Chase don't know yet though? Anna certainly wouldn't do that especially now with the Peter stuff. And Jackie did kind of tell him off a bit, she said he had upset Gregory by never contacting them.

Edited by ulkis
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29 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

But didn't he say today that Jackie told him there was no way Chase could be his son?

Eh. Does he not know Chase's birthday? Does DOCTOR Finn not know how to count? If he believed Jackie, it's because she told him what he wanted to hear.

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I laughed when TJ said it was impossible that Molly could have cheated on him, because they'd been together every night for months. Yeah, TJ, daytime sex is impossible. He must have received an interesting version of the birds-and-bees talk, although I wouldn't want to try to untangle his convoluted family history enough to figure out who would have given it to him. Maybe Rafe, considering the vampire logic.  

If he meant that he and Molly have been together every second of the day and night for months, seven days a week, that's kind of creepy.  

I can't care about those two. I get that they have a fan corner because they're a relatively realistic, relatively mature couple, but my heart sinks a little when I see they're getting screen time, because I don't like them and they're not fun to hate either. And I can't stand the sound of HP's voice, especially when Molly is overcome by emotion. 

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9 hours ago, lala2 said:

I'm really troubled by the lack of Nava scenes. We have had days upon days of Carly and Jason, and this pointless Sonny story (he's fine), but no scenes with Nikolas and Ava. Ava's brother is dead. We didn't get to see her being told he's actually dead. We didn't get to see Nikolas comfort her. This is ridiculous! But we can watch Carly have nightmares or see her and Jason searching for Sonny! We can't skip them for one freaking day to feature some other characters and stories?!? This show is such trash! 

Maybe I'm being purposefully obtuse, but I don't get Willow. I honestly do not understand why she is so upset with Chase. I understand he broke her heart, and I understand she feels he was making choices for her BUT she needs to take ownership of her own choices too. On the day she caught Chase with Sasha, she was coming over to postpone their date so she could chat with Michael, yet again, about his stupid baby problems. I wish this show would have her recognize that she was obsessed with Wiley and that she has some ownership in what happened too instead of laying it all at Chase's feet. She is the one who spent a good part of her relationship complaining, crying, and whining constantly about Wiley. That is a large part of the reason why Chase took the action he did.

That said, I am not sure why she is playing this game with him. If Willow can a longer trust him, then I wish you would just tell him that there is no hope for them to reconcile and let him go. Is she torn btw him and Michael? I honestly don't know and don't care at this point. Just free Chase from her already.  

I think it's even more likely that Finn is Chase's dad after today's show. There was no other point, IMO, to Finn saying the timing didn't add up again. We heard you the first time. Anyway, this is one plot I am interested in seeing play out. Hope it doesn't take as long as the Nina daughter story. 

GH got preempted last week and apparently I missed some important details. Finn is Chase's father and not his brother????? At first, I thought the actors were close in age but I was really off. There’s a 25 year age difference so it’s possible. Of course, age isn’t an issue in daytime for parents/kids but this is soooo dumb. 

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16 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

GH got preempted last week and apparently I missed some important details. Finn is Chase's father and not his brother????? At first, I thought the actors were close in age but I was really off. There’s a 25 year age difference so it’s possible. Of course, age isn’t an issue in daytime for parents/kids but this is soooo dumb. 

On the night before Jackie (Chase's mom) and Gregory got married, Finn went to her and they slept together. Although they knew each other and were attracted to each other, this was the first and only time that they got together. Since Finn did not ask her to leave his father or stop the wedding, she went through it.  Nine-ish or less months later, Chase was born. Finn asked Jackie about the timing but she said it was wrong for him to be the dad. He sort of accepted it because his father, Jackie and Chase were a little family. So he stayed away and his father that it was because Gregory remarried in a short time after Finn's mom died and Finn let him believe that to be true.

No one knows for sure yet if he is or isn't Chase's father.

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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The more I see Gonzo Gregory with Anna, the more I think she’s engaged to the wrong Chase.

+1.  Anna and Finn have never worked. They exude less passion than a Millow Vanillow handshake. Gonzo and Anna, on the other hand? Definitely something there. Also, it would be karmic payback for Finn and Jackie.

2 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

Eh. Does he not know Chase's birthday? Does DOCTOR Finn not know how to count? If he believed Jackie, it's because she told him what he wanted to hear.

Maybe Chase doesn’t know Chase’s birthday. Did Jackie happen to be alone on extended vacation when she gave birth? Was Chase “premature”? There are plenty of hackneyed and cliched ways to explain the inconsistency. But yeah, Finn is being willfully ignorant.

5 minutes ago, nilyank said:

No one knows for sure yet if he is or isn't Chase's father.

Of course we do. There’s no point otherwise. 

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On 12/28/2020 at 3:19 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

I was shocked someone actually brought up Elizabeth's parents. This Show usually pretends they never existed. Terry, the only thing Dev would care about regarding how Cam spent his time was that he spent less of it with Josslyn.

It's kind of ironic that it was Terry who brought them up, because her very name is kind of an F.U. to Webber history. (Terry was Rick and Jeff's older sister. In fact, I believe Rick and Leslie's house (and later the Scorpio's) was originally Terry's.

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

GH got preempted last week and apparently I missed some important details. Finn is Chase's father and not his brother????? At first, I thought the actors were close in age but I was really off. There’s a 25 year age difference so it’s possible. Of course, age isn’t an issue in daytime for parents/kids but this is soooo dumb. 

Sorry . . . I highly suspect Finn is Chase's dad, but that has NOT been confirmed on the show yet.

Apparently, many viewers suspected Finn was Chase's dad way back when Chase was first introduced, but I admittedly wasn't watching GH regularly then so really had no opinion. I don't even remember how Chase was introduced, but ever since I learned that Jackie and Finn were sort of in a relationship (while Jackie was also dating Finn's dad unbeknownst to Finn it seems), I have thought Finn would turn out to be Chase's dad. I think it could be interesting to see play out AND it is a story not centered on a Corinthos, so I'm excited about that. LOL! 

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

GH got preempted last week and apparently I missed some important details. Finn is Chase's father and not his brother????? At first, I thought the actors were close in age but I was really off. There’s a 25 year age difference so it’s possible. Of course, age isn’t an issue in daytime for parents/kids but this is soooo dumb. 

Did you think Chase looked 50 or that Finn looked 30?

Edited by ulkis
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8 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

3) I figured the Luke mention is because Jackie has history with Robert, Luke's old best friend, and knew of Laura as Luke's great love. 

IIRC, Luke and Jackie had a kind of flirty rapport after (his) Laura disappeared, because they were both looking for answers about the obsessed guy. It's possible that they were trying to see if there was some chemistry there -- but anyway, they were definitely friends.

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12 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I admittedly wasn't watching GH regularly then so really had no opinion. I don't even remember how Chase was introduced

He was hired as the replacement for Nathan, both in the show's world and in real life. He was shown settling in at Nathan's old desk in the PCPD, and Dante was determined not to like him because he wasn't ready for a new partner. And this guy was a Red Sox fan on top of it. Horrors!

Then he started winning over our established characters, including Dante, at the same time as we learned of his connections to Finn (family) and "Janelle" (ex-lover/quarry).  

Some of Chase's best scenes were early on. His initial read on Carly -- when he responded to more than one police call involving her -- seemed to be that she was crazy.

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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

He was hired as the replacement for Nathan, both in the show's world and in real life. He was shown settling in at Nathan's old desk in the PCPD, and Dante was determined not to like him because he wasn't ready for a new partner. And this guy was a Red Sox fan on top of it. Horrors!

Then he started winning over our established characters, including Dante, at the same time as we learned of his connections to Finn (family) and "Janelle" (ex-lover/quarry).  

Some of Chase's best scenes were early on. His initial read on Carly -- when he responded to more than one police call involving her -- seemed to be that she was crazy.

That scene was great though and made me hang on through all the snoozy chillow hours (because I saw potential in Chase):

Chase: (seeing the mug and knowing what Dante is gonna say) you a Yankees fan?

Dante: yup. You?

Chase: (takes out his red Sox mug, smiles smugly) 

Dante :narrows eyes:

There was more chemistry and more acting than all four years of Nathan/Dante.

Edited by ulkis
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