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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Catching up after some time away, and I have some observations:

1. This show is much better when viewed in a binge. The really dumb/ irritating scenes are easier to dismiss when there are lots of other scenes to distract you. (Although some of those are also dumb/ irritating, so...)

2. Ava and Nik definitely look like they’re headed for something real, and I say bring it on, because the chemistry is definitely there.  The only question is, who will start pining first?

3. I thought I also saw a few sparks between Carly and Brando, and I am not opposed. I’ve always liked Laura Wright, and she deserves a storyline that gives her more to do than defend Sonny or fret about her kids.

4. So, any time predictions on the Sasha death clock? Because if she isn’t doomed by simply being Michael’s girlfriend, her total lack of characterization makes her increasingly expendable. It’s a shame, too. I had high hopes for her when she started, fueled in part by her resemblance to Amanda Peet and Britt (both of whom I love). Wasn’t a kinship to Britt hinted at, at one point? That seems to have been dropped, unless I just imagined it. Anyway, she’s pointless, she’s boring, and I’ll be shocked if she’s around past Spring. 

4. Trina is awesome.

5. Any time I hear the name “Brando”, all I can think is, WHAT is this show’s fascination with dumb names ending in “o”??

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45 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

. Any time I hear the name “Brando”, all I can think is, WHAT is this show’s fascination with dumb names ending in “o”??

Whenever I hear the name "Brando", I keep waiting for Vernee Watson-Johnson to walk on screen so he can shout STELLA!!!!!!! at the top of his lungs.

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9 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Of course Mooby and Jason are the PUREST, NON-RICO MOB EVAH! All other mobs smuggle drugs from Russia, to the Middle East to Seattle!!!

That painting in Sonny's office looks like it depicts the contents of someone who got sick at both ends.  Puts me in the proper mood to watch MB and SBu's scenes. 

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I have to watch this show with captions on.  Sonny and Sam’s mumbly marble-mouthed delivery make it necessary.

Unpopular opinion but I hope Brando and Carly do hook up.  Brando is young, cute and (so far) polite - three qualities Sonny lacks and it will drive him bonkers.  Though I do feel bad for the barware that will be thrown. 

Major 🙄 when Joss was raving about Williams College.  Excellent school but bitch you know you’re gonna end up at PCU.  Why do the writers even bother?

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I know we keep saying this, but Sam needs to just STFU and take several seats. If she wants to run the risk of her parole being over turned and her skinny ass being sent back to prison, fine. But she needs to keep her nose out of her Alexis's business about why she and Neil can't see each other. Unlike HER, both of them are following the rules. But here she is, eavesdropping and then telling Neil to just pretend he's going around and continue to date Alexis, and say it's something else, and just violate the rules he's sworn/is supposed to uphold if he still wants to practice.

So Finn changed his mind...AGAIN.

Oh, I cackled when Heinrik overheard Anna's ranting about the proof of his guilt to Robert, and what Robert could do with it. Or whatever it was she said.

I wouldn't wish anyone on SheBeast. Because she'll only end up slinking her way back to Mooby. She deserves to be ALONE. Let her and Mooby implode. I will always love that conversation Brenda and Robin had about her, while she was eavesdropping on them all those years ago. I laugh and cackle at the "hurt" look she tried to convey. I don't care how petty that makes me.

And Gladys cashing in the life insurance is just the typical weekly retcon.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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today was mostly FF for me-- I just can't with the "Brando has the hots for Carly" LW is attractive, but she's not a femme fatale-- she's president of the PTA. SJB was a femme fatale. 

And Joss is so very much her mother's daughter. "I'm hungry so you should leave work early so we can go to Kelly's. Also, Ava may be doing nice things for you, but she did bad things to my family, so you shouldn't like her."


*blech* and its chapter 57 of Sonny's good mob is protecting Port Charles from the bad mob.

Don't get me started on Spinelli. That "spinelli-speak" was fine when he was a 20-ish computer nerd whose only social interaction was online-- he's a grown-up, a father, and he lives in the real world, enough with the nick names and the flowery language-- it's not a good look.  


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2 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Don't get me started on Spinelli. That "spinelli-speak" was fine when he was a 20-ish computer nerd whose only social interaction was online-- he's a grown-up, a father, and he lives in the real world, enough with the nick names and the flowery language-- it's not a good look.  

He's quirky. he's his own person.  If we leave out his mob connections, there's nothing not to like about him. He's a good father. He cares about people.  He's creative.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

3. I thought I also saw a few sparks between Carly and Brando, and I am not opposed. I’ve always liked Laura Wright, and she deserves a storyline that gives her more to do than defend Sonny or fret about her kids.

I think Brando will be Lucas's new guy...or Brad's, if he survives the spilling of the Sekrits. He's in the right age group, and there was something about the specific way he denied he could possibly be the father of some woman's child. Like either "I'm unable to father children" or "I'm not into women."

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11 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I loved Trina calling Joss' over privileged ass out today.  Between Jax and Sonny, Joss will have any door she wants opened for her.  Everything will fall into her lap. Trina does not seem to envy Joss for that but felt a need to stick up for herself.  Trina is well aware that she will have to WORK for everything she gets.  Ava has not only been kind to her but has given her a great opportunity.  Trina is grateful and is enjoying learning about the art world from the ground up.   

Trina is a great character which makes me dread the day they decide to trash her.

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

So, any time predictions on the Sasha death clock? Because if she isn’t doomed by simply being Michael’s girlfriend, her total lack of characterization makes her increasingly expendable.

Maybe she'll literally get killed by a giant falling clock.  Or is that too close to Abby getting crushed by a crane--while on the phone with Michael?  

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12 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

She can't say bad things about a woman that got her brother killed? Of all of the hypocrisy on this show, this worries me the least.

She can, certainly. This isn't the first time Joss has disparaged Ava to Trina. But Ava has been nothing but helpful to Trina. So maybe let Trina run her own life. She's the smartest teen on the show at the moment.

9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

3. I thought I also saw a few sparks between Carly and Brando, and I am not opposed. I’ve always liked Laura Wright, and she deserves a storyline that gives her more to do than defend Sonny or fret about her kids.

I agree, but I really don't want to see Sonny call Carly a cheating whore/yell about betraaaayal, and all that. Also, Sonny would probably kill Brando, and that I really don't want to see.

2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Trina is a great character which makes me dread the day they decide to trash her.

They keep teasing a connection to someone on the canvas but never follow through. 

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OG Spinelli always had a knit cap pulled down on his head and was a stoner (consumed many orange sodas and BBQ potato chips)...during Alexis' cancer storyline, he provided her with medicinal weed to help with the side effects of chemo. I miss that dude!

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I understand if Finn betrayed Anna regarding Peter because he concerned about Violet's safety, or concern about Anna or even because it is the right thing to do.

However feeling bad that Sam just won't keep away from Jason while on parole and may stupidly land bsck in prison? NOPE.

Finn although you look like someone that Sam was involved in the past (several versions), you are not friends with her.

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11 minutes ago, nilyank said:

However feeling bad that Sam just won't keep away from Jason while on parole and may stupidly land back in prison? NOPE.

Ugh, I KNOW. Finn is mostly doing it to make Alexis feel better, but it still sucks that it's so Sam is able to skate on a basic rule for parolees.

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3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I think Brando will be Lucas's new guy...or Brad's, if he survives the spilling of the Sekrits. He's in the right age group, and there was something about the specific way he denied he could possibly be the father of some woman's child. Like either "I'm unable to father children" or "I'm not into women."

I dunno. Gladys said he always had lots of girlfriends. I mean, they could have been beards so he didn't tarnish his 'macho' Bensonhurst reputation. He is cute and I might not mind him with Lucas. As long as he doesn't become another Sonny apologist.

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2 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

As long as he doesn't become another Sonny apologist.

Oh, you know he will! They've already planted the seeds. Gladys lying about him being dead. Cashing in on a life insurance policy; asking for more money, to let Mooby pass Dev off as Brando's son...She's like TEH EVUHL, don'tcha know?

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

He's quirky. he's his own person.  If we leave out his mob connections, there's nothing not to like about him. He's a good father. He cares about people.  He's creative.

Spinelli is not just connected to the mob, he is IN the mob.  He may "only" do computer hacking for the Corinthos organization but he is a criminal.  Spinelli gathers information illegally to assist Sonny and Jason in their crimes, including murder.  He is a genius who could have chosen to use his gifts working in law enforcement, instead he joined the mob.  He has made himself and his family potential targets of the mob and law enforcement.  He is not a good man and he is a horrible father.   

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

I understand if Finn betrayed Anna regarding Peter because he concerned about Violet's safety, or concern about Anna or even because it is the right thing to do.

However feeling bad that Sam just won't keep away from Jason while on parole and may stupidly land bsck in prison? NOPE.

Finn although you look like someone that Sam was involved in the past (several versions), you are not friends with her.

He is, however, friends with her mother Alexis. He's already voiced concern about Violet's safety and Anna's judgement regarding Peter. He doesn't want Anna to suffer the fallout from covering for Peter (e.g. career, family's trust). Yet Anna won't listen to him out of a blinding case of very misplaced guilt. Now after their AA meeting, Finn wants to know what Alexis is thinking about/holding inside and she spells out that she's worried about her daughter Sam, and why.  She says "from your lips" and he replies, "Exactly." I don't think Finn gives a damn about Sam or Jason personally, but he cares plenty about Violet, Anna and Alexis. I interpreted his resolve to "betray" Anna as an effort to be a good/protective father to Violet, to save Anna from herself, and also do what he can to take away a big stress factor in the life of his friend the recovering alcoholic, Alexis. 

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3 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I interpreted his resolve to "betray" Anna as an effort to be a good/protective father to Violet, to save Anna from herself, and also do what he can to take away a big stress factor in the life of his friend the recovering alcoholic, Alexis. 

If only it didn't benefit those two dunderheads Sam and Jason.

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12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I interpreted his resolve to "betray" Anna as an effort to be a good/protective father to Violet, to save Anna from herself, and also do what he can to take away a big stress factor in the life of his friend the recovering alcoholic, Alexis. 

9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

If only it didn't benefit those two dunderheads Sam and Jason.


I'm hoping that IF Robert does get Sam another parole officer (while I'm really hoping he'll tell them sorry, couldn't find another), I want the replacement parole officer to be JUST LIKE DELORES! Those stupid dunderheads* then won't have anything else to "propose" to Robert.

*One of my favorite words, from one of my favorite Nora Roberts' characters, Daniel Duncan MacGregor!

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Has Sam taken lessons from Brenda in how to wear sleeves?? She acted like a bratty, impatient teenager with Robert and Jason, so I legit laughed out loud that Robert announced to them "The deal's off."

Valentin is kinda tolerable with Alexis. She was good with both him and with Nik. Her mentioning her brothers surprised me. 

I don't buy for a second that Franco has ever thought about finances re: Cameron going off to college. Is Nik hoping Ava will cheat on him with Franco, thus voiding their deal? 

I'm astonished that Brook Lynn Ashton/Quartermaine had a serious scene and was good in it. Her appeal to Sonny to have last moments of grace with Mike instead of trying to force a cure was well done.

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Charlotte is a sociopath in the making and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

Sam and Jason are stupider than stupid. They 100% deserve what's happening to them even if it's Peter fucking with them. They barely share half a brain between them.

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12 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

 Please tell me it wasn't as a favor to Anna!

Nope; he had just told them he was going to present the provided info for their deal.

He wouldn't be doing her a favor right now, since he and Anna were angry with each other when he left her place and the last exchange at her door between Peter and Robert was hardly friendly.

6 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Sam and Jason are stupider than stupid. They 100% deserve what's happening to them 

So true. I wanted the parole officer to accompany Robert when he saw them kissing in that exam room and be like, "Parole revoked."

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36 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oooh! Deets! Why'd he say that? Please tell me it wasn't as a favor to Anna!

"The deal's off," is the only thing we heard Robert say. However, in a previous scene Peter was on the phone ordering his mysterious connection to get in contact with Sam's parole officer, so . . . 


Love that I-don't-want-to-follow-the-rules-of-my-unbelieveably-generous-parole Sam was explaining to Finn that Peter should get what was coming to him for his surreptitious sneaking around to do b-a-a-a-d stuff.

Edited by rur
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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Sam and Jason are stupider than stupid.

Most succinct, accurate sentence ever!


56 minutes ago, rur said:

Love that I-don't-want-to-follow-the-rules-of-my-unbelieveably-generous-parole Sam was explaining to Finn that Peter should get what was coming to him for his surreptitious sneaking around to do b-a-a-a-d stuff.

It's only bad and wrong and the person should be put to death when it's someone outside the Quantum of Horror, aka Sam/Jason/Carly/Sonny/Michael/AssortedSonnySpawn

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20 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't know what that link says because it gave my phone a bug. Do the writer and the actor share a name? I hope that's the case because I like the actor and that writer and his Sonny obsession can kiss my foot.

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Charlotte is a sociopath in the making and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

Sam and Jason are stupider than stupid. They 100% deserve what's happening to them even if it's Peter fucking with them. They barely share half a brain between them.

They're going there with Charlotte, right? I mean, they have to be.


I am no Peter fan, but I'm rooting for him over Sam and Jason. But then I'm rooting for Robert over Peter. I'm very conflicted.

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33 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I don't know what that link says because it gave my phone a bug. Do the writer and the actor share a name? I hope that's the case because I like the actor and that writer and his Sonny obsession can kiss my foot.

Yikes! I hope your phone is fine.

Here's the quote;

For the past two years, he has been playing the role of Chet Driscoll on the hit ABC daytime drama, General Hospital. He should not be confused with the co-head writer of the show who has the same name as him.


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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Most succinct, accurate sentence ever!

You know, I mostly don't understand what the writers want me to feel. Am I supposed to go "oh, no poor JaSam! They're being separated because of evil Peter and she is being taken away from her children again," or am I supposed to go, "Good, you two dumbfucks! You deserve it and please don't come crying about your urchins because you knew there would be consequences to your secret canoodling."

And as always, Jason has a lot more to do outside his pairing. He doesn't have a finger stuck in every pie like he did a few months ago, but he has more going on, while she sits around pining away for the Jason.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

For the past two years, he has been playing the role of Chet Driscoll on the hit ABC daytime drama, General Hospital. He should not be confused with the co-head writer of the show who has the same name as him.

The two Chris van Ettens together:   

Van Ettens.jpg

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Am I supposed to go "oh, no poor JaSam! They're being separated because of evil Peter and she is being taken away from her children again," or am I supposed to go, "Good, you two dumbfucks! You deserve it and please don't come crying about your urchins because you knew there would be consequences to your secret canoodling."

Ugh. It kills me that the show wants us to think the first, when clearly the second option is the right one. They're the architects of their own downfall and shouldn't be protected by the enormity of their stupidity.

"From one back-from-the-dead guy to another..." Hee.

4 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess TPTB have decided Charlotte is destined to be evil, taking after her paternal grandmother, Helena?  Which, okay, could be interesting. If she were 17. But Charlotte is what, 10?

They love the precocious preteen.

I don't like BH's haircut. It wants to be short and long at the same time, and neither is working for me.

I wish someone would tell MB that he needs to dial back the sneer when Sonny is talking to the people responsible for taking care of his father. 

Ava's lipstick was amazing.

If Finn is so worried that both Robert and Jason won't use his information properly, why doesn't he tell the feds himself? Anna is going to know where it came from regardless.

4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Her appeal to Sonny to have last moments of grace with Mike instead of trying to force a cure was well done.

I liked that scene, too. The emphasis on Mike as a person instead of Mike the patient with Alzheimer's was something Sonny needed to hear.

I loved the Alexis/Valentin talk. JPS and NLG work really well together.

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20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Morgan died in a car bombing because of a mob conflict. It was Ava's sister who set the bomb.

Ava switched out Morgan's meds for his bipolar disorder with placebo, which caused him to act irrational. The bomb wasn't in his car, but a car he stole during a manic episode.

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Well, that was odd. Didn’t the show end yesterday with Jason barging into Brando’s room, to see Dev in there? And gave his usual cryptic statement to the SheBeast? But it opened with him sneaking into some exam room?

Loved Robert, as usual. Wanted to slap Anna. And rolled my eyes at her “they have to come through me” nonsense. What if Robin changes her mind about Heinrik? Would she choose him over Robin?

Also 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 at Finn’s conditions.


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2 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess TPTB have decided Charlotte is destined to be evil, taking after her paternal grandmother, Helena?  Which, okay, could be interesting. If she were 17. But Charlotte is what, 10?

Any child who was stuck coloring as often as she was when she first came to Port Chuck would probably start to develop sociopathic tendencies. 

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Is Liz missing her sister so much that she's taken on her hairstyle?

The 'Romeo and Juliet' star-struck lovers of Jason and Sam seem to me so silly. "The universe is against us! None of this is our fault! Why won't you take the vague information we gave you as proof?"

2 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess TPTB have decided Charlotte is destined to be evil, taking after her paternal grandmother, Helena?  Which, okay, could be interesting. If she were 17. But Charlotte is what, 10?

In The Bad Seed, the original sociopathic child movie, the character was 8 years old (Patty McCormack playing her was 10). Trivia: Patty McCormack played Monica 2 years ago when LC was off.)

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17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The 'Romeo and Juliet' star-struck lovers of Jason and Sam seem to me so silly. "The universe is against us! None of this is our fault! Why won't you take the vague information we gave you as proof?"

You'd never know they were adults—supposedly. (™Silas Clay forever)

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I thought MW looked particularly stunning today. And yes, that color lipstick was just gorgeous on her.

She's been looking fantastic of late.  On a show with many questionable hairstyles and makeup, MW comes out leading the pack every day. 

33 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The 'Romeo and Juliet' star-struck lovers of Jason and Sam seem to me so silly. "The universe is against us! None of this is our fault! Why won't you take the vague information we gave you as proof?"

They are so obnoxious.  I'm surprised Idiot Sam didn't think Robert should just say "great, you know what, you two are free of that awful parole officer--go skipping out the door.  Sure, she was just doing her job, but you two are just two cute to be kept apart."  Cue sappy piano Jasam theme.

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9 hours ago, statsgirl said:

In The Bad Seed, the original sociopathic child movie, the character was 8 years old (Patty McCormack playing her was 10). Trivia: Patty McCormack played Monica 2 years ago when LC was off.)

That is one of my favorite movies, and my first thought when Charlotte slashed up Sasha’s photo.  I hope the writers take this dark route, but they don’t have the guts.

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Is RHo's hair darker?

I find it hard to believe neither Nic nor Jax would be able to locate Hayden. I mean, the woman is not a WSB agent or mobster; she does not exactly have endless resources and knowledge on how to change her identity and leave no trace. I mean, call Spinelli for fucks sake, he will find parking garage footage of her in Minsk in 5 minutes!  

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12 hours ago, statsgirl said:
14 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess TPTB have decided Charlotte is destined to be evil, taking after her paternal grandmother, Helena?  Which, okay, could be interesting. If she were 17. But Charlotte is what, 10?

In The Bad Seed, the original sociopathic child movie, the character was 8 years old (Patty McCormack playing her was 10). Trivia: Patty McCormack played Monica 2 years ago when LC was off.)

Anthony Fremont, played by Billy Mumy in the Twilight Zone episode, "It's a Good Life", was six.

(I think Anthony would be the ONLY adversary which Sonny and Jason could not defeat.... within 30 seconds. It would have to be a full two minutes).

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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

I find it hard to believe neither Nic nor Jax would be able to locate Hayden.

I'm surprised Jax isn't trying harder. He seemed more upset about it than Nik ever was. But it's a plot point, so of course no one will find her until they decide to bring back Rebecca Budig.

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21 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Spinelli is not just connected to the mob, he is IN the mob.  He may "only" do computer hacking for the Corinthos organization but he is a criminal.  Spinelli gathers information illegally to assist Sonny and Jason in their crimes, including murder.  He is a genius who could have chosen to use his gifts working in law enforcement, instead he joined the mob. 

I'll never forget how Spinelli - who called himself Lulu's friend - knew in advance and was completely fine with Sonny's intention to murder Dante.

15 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Ava switched out Morgan's meds for his bipolar disorder with placebo, which caused him to act irrational. The bomb wasn't in his car, but a car he stole during a manic episode.

Not to defend Ava, since I'm mostly neutral on her, but honestly, IMO? Morgan on the fake pills didn't act particularly differently than Morgan on his meds. And Ava's messing with his pills felt like yet another way for this show to let Sonny off the hook.

16 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

I guess TPTB have decided Charlotte is destined to be evil, taking after her paternal grandmother, Helena?  Which, okay, could be interesting. If she were 17. But Charlotte is what, 10?

I've wanted them to take Charlotte The Bad Seed route since she showed up, pretty much.

15 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Wanted to slap Anna.

Anna is painful to watch anymore. Most people trace this back to Peter/Heinrich showing up, but personally I've found her a blinkered moron since the #JusticeForDuke days.

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It was absolutely and beyond laughable that Sam thought telling Robert that she and Jason heard/were told that Heinrik worked for the same shell company as the assassin. As if that's PROOF of Heinrik's crimes. I hate that motherfucker, but no. That is NOT PROOF. And Robert told them from the get go to that they had to proved "HARD AND CONVINCING PROOF" and only then would he...look into Sam's parole situation. I laughed my ass off at her smugness being ripped off her face.

19 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Anna is painful to watch anymore. Most people trace this back to Peter/Heinrich showing up, but personally I've found her a blinkered moron since the #JusticeForDuke days.

Oh, I mostly was on the barge once Robin left the show, but read here enough to know that was a wise decision. They just had to FUCK Duke over again, after bringing him back. UGH.

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