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S09.E27: Bailout


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6 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Briana might want to, you know, take a shower. 🤷🏻‍♂️

She’s so filthy looking . You’re on camera . Get dressed . 

what was the point of Leah naming Gracie Aleeah? I get that parents use the kids middle name , but it seems like she completely forgot that that’s not her first name 

jades poor child has no chance 

  • Love 9

To start with something positive, I was genuinly happy for Ali, and very impressed that she had a good time and was received positively when she came back home. 

Kail, she really has taken two steps back when it came to Jo. Regardless of the outcome of this Hawaii vacation, she knows damn well she should of told Jo about the house as things were developing.

I'm assuming she is within her custody agreement and that the house is within a certain distance, but you still should of told him when you decided to start looking. Interesting that Javi was mature enough to congratulate Kail and give her well wishes on her new home. That whole time I was thinking if the roles were reversed she would be cursing him. I'm certain she didn't congratulate him on his new baby and has been anything but gracious about his relationship with Lauren. 

Chelsea, cute kids, cute family time. I don't understand this whole fashion storyline. Now I totally get that followers of Chelsea would eat up anything she served them but from a creative standpoint for Chelsea I don't see the appeal. Those plaid shirts had absolutely no distinction to them. They looked like any other plaid shirt one would buy. If I were Chelsea I would be looking to do something fun, interesting, unique with free reign to design. Chelsea is no Miranda Priestly but wouldn't you want to do something even a little different than what is out there?

Jade, what new is there to say than the girl is really on her own. 

Brianna, she really just gets worse as the season goes by. If there was any proof needed why Devoin should of been invited to Stella's party it was when he walked thru the door and Stella jumped in his arms. Devoin embraced her just like he does Nova without hesitation. 

I thought Brianna was out of line to talk about Devoin early in the episode with Nova sitting at the nearby table. Then to layer say that she hated him when her sister was trying to get her to take it back was so childish and grossly immature. Don't get me wrong Devoin was dead wrong and has to reestablish trust, but I feel like Brianna is secretly reveling in the situation. She now has a justifiable reason to keep something over his head.

She also had no self awareness about the trip to see John. No mention of her stank attitude, no mention of John's welcoming family. Just a complete pity party about how inconvenienced she was having to travel. 

  • Love 18

In their after school interrogation I noticed bothCole and Briana asking if anyone was bullied or mean to anyone. Is this a trend with parents of young kids now?

yes.  And when their little angel starts to tease and hurt other children, the same idiot parents will tell you all about how it isn't their kids fault, but that their child is only reacting because he/she is bullied by the other kids.  

Jade doesn't have it easy, but I hope she can take her MTV check and get as far away as possible from all of the awful people in her life.  

And Brianna looks like she is morphing into Amber, with the endless pouting, moaning and complaining from the couch.  No wonder poor little Nova is so attached to her dad - he's far from perfect - but at least being around him has to be less depressing than listening to her mom whine constantly.

And those eyebrows have to be paired with the musical talent of the boys on Unexpected, since they are all truly dreadful and painful to watch.  I was almost glad to see Brianna off the couch but then when I realized what she was doing, I figured she'd be better off sticking to her normal whining and moaning schedule.

Edited by kitkat343
  • Love 10

Jade should take the Mtv money, change her name and leave town. When it's just her and the baby, she does pretty well. Her folks will ruin her new, better life.

Nice to see Ali enjoyed getting some independence.

Chelsea's segments could just be her pigs doing funny stuff and I'd be okay with that.

Kale calling her kid a little shit and talking about shitting her pants etc was a lot. She thinks her mouth is funny or fierce but it's really obnoxious. Also, the new house looked pretty much like the other house. I'll bet the kids won't care much.

Brianna hating Devoin when her kids obviously adore him, was pretty selfish. She seems really sour faced this season.

  • Love 18

Both Brianna and Jade look like they just stumbled out of bed hungover. When Jade leaves the house for school or whatever, she sometimes looks like she showers. Brianna never does. Laziness!!!

Chelsea?  When you insist on making such a BFD about every little thing? It loses meaning and gets old.  This is how an entire entitled generation starts.  Dial it back for crap's sake!!

Could Gracie be more jealous of Ali??  Leah is going to have a real problem with that one in a few years. You're her parent, not her friend, Leah.  You best recognize before a ton of heartache starts rolling your way.

Karl. Can you stop with asking your kids, "Are you SO excited?!" Karl, they are just along for the ride of your stupid, selfish choices. Please stop acting like they have any say so whatsoever **massive eyeroll**.

  • LOL 1
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As messy as Jade is, I can't help but feel sorry for her. She shouldn't be getting calls to bail her parents out of jail. She's a young girl, raising her own daughter. But she defaults into parenting her own parents. It's so dysfunctional. 

But, Jade, girl - raise the chest clip on your daughter's car seat. 

I don't give a fuck about Kail's new house. I think it's pretty messed up that she's moving her older boys further away from their dads so she can be closer to her youngest kid's dad. We all know that's why she did it.

I see Nova is still attending her strip mall school. I'm glad Devoid showed up for her. He's probably never going to be 100% reliable. I think they all just need to make their peace with that and support Nova having what ever kind of relationship with her dad that she can.

Also, PLEASE. MOVE. PLEASE. I've been saying it for years! That apartment is overflowing and gives me so much anxiety. 

I'm glad Ali had a great time at camp. She was so cute in her little southern bell outfit. I just hope they're still aware of Gracie needing some special time to herself as well. 

Chelsea's kids are so cute. Layne hugging and kissing her baby was everything. And a Pete sighting! 

But I laughed at Chelsea's excitement over those flannels. Looks identical to the Target/Old Navy ones hanging in my closet.

  • Love 17

Poor Jade cannot get a break. I'm glad no one is willing to bail out the parents. They need to stay in jail to detox and let her catch her breath. Sorry to see old sad sack Sean next week. Like someone said, she needs to change her name and take the MTV money and run!

FFd through most of Chelsea's stuff but it was nice to see Pete the Pig and Layne was completely adorable when she hugged and kissed the doll. It's a reflection of all of the love in her world, I think.

Kailyn is an ass and she's going to cause a terrible accident one day. All of these girls are. I can't believe she's moving Issac and Lincoln 30 minutes farther from their fathers so she can be closer to the uninvolved father. What an idiot. Good to hear some sounds come out of Lux finally, though.

Brianna is the only one in that entire DeJesus family who seems to have not evolved in the least. She is self-centered and woefully immature. I'm glad through that she at least recognizes how much both Nova and Stella love Devon. Poor Stella probably thinks he's her daddy, too. And I will also give her props for staying cooped up while she saved up for a house. No 30-year mortgage for her!

  • Love 10

Why did Kailyn take a 30 year mortgage? She should have been able to put down a substantial amount? Maybe get a shorter loan? When we bought our house we got a 30 year loan but re-fied a couple of times, to a 20 and then to a 15, ended up shaving a few years off the total (paid off last August!), but we also took a little extra every time we re-fied. If we hadn't we'd have been paid off years ago, probably. But we don't make anywhere NEAR what Kail is making. Though of course we've never spent a month in Hawaii, and didn't have three kids. 

Kail exhausts me. And she is aging badly. Hard to believe she's not even thirty.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why did Kailyn take a 30 year mortgage? She should have been able to put down a substantial amount? Maybe get a shorter loan? When we bought our house we got a 30 year loan but re-fied a couple of times, to a 20 and then to a 15, ended up shaving a few years off the total (paid off last August!), but we also took a little extra every time we re-fied. If we hadn't we'd have been paid off years ago, probably. But we don't make anywhere NEAR what Kail is making. Though of course we've never spent a month in Hawaii, and didn't have three kids. 

Kail exhausts me. And she is aging badly. Hard to believe she's not even thirty.

Kail is no business/financial wiz...she is spending her MTV checks as fast as she gets them...cars, houses, vacations, designer bags, tattoos, attorneys...let alone $$$ she spends on Chris. 

  • Love 13

Oh yeah, my rant was mostly rhetorical. She wants to present as a successful single mom who can do it all on her own! Except she can't manage to wrangle her own kids at a hotel pool, and she can't save up enough of her massive paycheck to put a substantial down payment on a McMansion she emphatically does not need. Feh. I can't stomach her.

  • Love 14

I don't feel sorry for Jade...I feel sorry for her daughter. Jade is an adult now, not a teenager. She is recreating her dysfunctional childhood with her own daughter. Her parents are trash...plain and simple. They should NEVER be allowed to take care of Kloie under any circumstance. Especially after this last arrest. What are the chances that they were taking meth or out trying to score some with Kloie in tow when they went AWOL in the last episode? She is enabling them by giving them money and taking their phone calls. They are DRUG ADDICTS! Drug addicts are unreliable and dangerous people...cut them off and take care of your child! Give her a happy, healthy home free of dysfunction. This poor child is being exposed to so many awful things...the non stop disarray of living situations, a father who has substance abuse issues, a mother who freely uses profane language in front of her all the time and expresses extreme anger about her family and baby daddy in front of her...Jade desperately needs therapy and maybe some parenting coaching. I worry that if things stay the same or get worse poor Kloie will never have the childhood she deserves. Quit whining that you want normal parents...not going to ever happen . Be a normal parent for your own precious child and move on . 

  • Love 17
14 hours ago, Soobs said:

Jade should take the Mtv money, change her name and leave town. When it's just her and the baby, she does pretty well. Her folks will ruin her new, better life.

Nice to see Ali enjoyed getting some independence.

Chelsea's segments could just be her pigs doing funny stuff and I'd be okay with that.

Kale calling her kid a little shit and talking about shitting her pants etc was a lot. She thinks her mouth is funny or fierce but it's really obnoxious. Also, the new house looked pretty much like the other house. I'll bet the kids won't care much.

Brianna hating Devoin when her kids obviously adore him, was pretty selfish. She seems really sour faced this season.

They used a different house for the outside shot of her “new home.” 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 3

Jade needs serious therapy. She's clinging to a childlike dream where her parents get their shit together and they become a normal family. She needs to process and accept that it's never going to happen. Until then, she'll be stuck in a toxic, dysfunctional cycle. 

Speaking of toxic, notice how much happier Briana's kids are when she's not around. I don't doubt Devoin could be doing more, but to say you "hate" him is both extreme and unfair. The guy's got issues, but he's nowhere near on the level of someone truly reprehensible like David Eason. 

I don't really understand Chelsea's dramatics with these stupid shirts. She's slapping her name on them and collecting a royalty. If it works, great. If it tanks, oh well, the business owner takes the hit. Just give me Pete and Layne instead. 

Kail and her friend looked so sloppy at the house closing. I know it isn't a black tie event, but would it have killed her to put on a halfway decent outfit and run a brush through her hair? Oh, and she's already sick of the drive? Ha ha, serves you right. At least she's closer for Chris to ignore, though. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 18
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Jade needs serious therapy. She's clinging to a childlike dream where her parents get their shit together and they become a normal family. She needs to process and accept that it's never going to happen. Until then, she'll be stuck in a toxic, dysfunctional cycle. 

Speaking of toxic, notice how much happier Briana's kids are when she's not around. I don't doubt Devoin could be doing more, but to say you "hate" him is both extreme and unfair. The guy's got issues, but he's nowhere near on the level of someone truly reprehensible like David Eason. 

I don't really understand Chelsea's dramatics with these stupid shirts. She's slapping her name on them and collecting a royalty. If it works, great. If it tanks, oh well, the business owner takes the hit. Just give me Pete and Layne instead. 

Kail and her friend looked so sloppy at the house closing. I know it isn't a black tie event, but would it have killed her to put on a halfway decent outfit and run a brush through her hair? Oh, and she's already sick of the drive? Ha ha, serves you right. At least she's closer for Chris to ignore, though. 

Agree with everything you said.

Brianna...talks trash about Devoin right in front of Nova! No self restraint at all. 

Chelsea...she and Cole are slapping their names on anything that comes their way...diaper bags, eyeglasses, flannel shirts. I guess that’s their storyline this season...”watch Chelsea and Cole sign endorsement deals!”

Kail...she’s just a big, sloppy cow barreling around in her Suburban yelling into her cellphone. Couldn’t be bothered to put on decent pair of pants and a blouse...that big fat ass popping out of her Daisy Dukes and boobs trying to escape from her flimsy t shirt. I’m sure the new neighbors are thrilled to have her living next door.

  • LOL 11
  • Love 4

How come Cole's not working?  He seems to be off and available more often!

Kail is a real piece of work.  Complaining about the drive already?  Why move to another town!  Chris just isn't worth it!  Kails chasing the D!

Briannas behind is growing and she is attached to the sofa.  I noticed the place seems jammed with stuff.  Did her sister move back in with her and mom?

Poor Jade!  Those parents are trash.  That baby should never be left with them!

It's a long hour watching all of these gals mess up their lives!

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, kicksave said:

Agree with everything you said.

Brianna...talks trash about Devoin right in front of Nova! No self restraint at all. 

Chelsea...she and Cole are slapping their names on anything that comes their way...diaper bags, eyeglasses, flannel shirts. I guess that’s their storyline this season...”watch Chelsea and Cole sign endorsement deals!”

Kail...she’s just a big, sloppy cow barreling around in her Suburban yelling into her cellphone. Couldn’t be bothered to put on decent pair of pants and a blouse...that big fat ass popping out of her Daisy Dukes and boobs trying to escape from her flimsy t shirt. I’m sure the new neighbors are thrilled to have her living next door.

Yeah,. You know Adam truly isn't in the picture when Chelsea can't even talk about his shortcomings anymore. It's a little ridiculous and really obnoxious that ALL of their scenes revolve around endorsement deals. Oh wait, but this show helps teen pregnancy rates go down. Okay...

  • Love 11

I hate that I kinda like Devoin, but I do. I was glad he showed up to the first day of school, told Nova she looked pretty (not that looks are everything, but complements are nice even when you're 7) and told her how cool her backpack was.  

17 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kail and her friend looked so sloppy at the house closing. I know it isn't a black tie event, but would it have killed her to put on a halfway decent outfit and run a brush through her hair? Oh, and she's already sick of the drive? Ha ha, serves you right. At least she's closer for Chris to ignore, though. 

Yes! She's such a mess and really doesn't see it. Or maybe she thinks she's too cool to dress up for something like that? Maybe in her mind, only poor people would dress up for that and we all know she isn't poor anymore. Or yet. 

I can only imagine how much she'll be bitching about the drive. And I'll eat my hat if she stays in town and keeps herself busy buying groceries and going to the gym 🤣.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Birdee said:

I hate that I kinda like Devoin, but I do. I was glad he showed up to the first day of school, told Nova she looked pretty (not that looks are everything, but complements are nice even when you're 7) and told her how cool her backpack was.  

Yes! She's such a mess and really doesn't see it. Or maybe she thinks she's too cool to dress up for something like that? Maybe in her mind, only poor people would dress up for that and we all know she isn't poor anymore. Or yet. 

I can only imagine how much she'll be bitching about the drive. And I'll eat my hat if she stays in town and keeps herself busy buying groceries and going to the gym 🤣.

Devoin seems a little weird to me but he is trying to correct his mistakes. For a young girl, having your Dad compliment you and take an interest in her life means everything. Having a solid relationship with her Dad will help her to make good choices in a few years when it comes to future boyfriends and romantic relationships. However, having your mother badmouth and trash talk your Dad in front of you is counter productive and thoughtless. Briana needs to stop doing this...immediately. If she wants to have these kind of conversations then go to another room or wait for Nova to be out of the apartment. 

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Devoin seems a little weird to me but he is trying to correct his mistakes. For a young girl, having your Dad compliment you and take an interest in her life means everything. Having a solid relationship with her Dad will help her to make good choices in a few years when it comes to future boyfriends and romantic relationships. However, having your mother badmouth and trash talk your Dad in front of you is counter productive and thoughtless. Briana needs to stop doing this...immediately. If she wants to have these kind of conversations then go to another room or wait for Nova to be out of the apartment. 

That's what I was thinking. When my 3-year-old wears something new or wants her hair done a certain way, my husband always complements her and she really lights up! 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Birdee said:

That's what I was thinking. When my 3-year-old wears something new or wants her hair done a certain way, my husband always complements her and she really lights up! 

Girls that don't get this kind of positive reinforcement from their fathers and have a poor relationship with them often end up in bad romantic relationships and confuse love and affection with sex. Unfortunately, that's how a lot of teen age girls end up pregnant or end up being a punching bag for a guy that is violent and demeaning to them. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 8

Just watched and before reading:

Why the fuck was Kail acting like a person with a 650 FICO score who got turned down for a dozen houses when she got this one? I get that it's a happy occasion but this was not her first purchase (and won't be the last 'forever home' she buys). Please with the drama.

Briana is just a dirty looking skanky thing. Devoin looked under the influence of something both when he came to the house and the next day at the school. Why is second grade worthy of all this awe and wonder? Cole kept it chill last week when he said to Aubree that he can't believe she's going in to 4th grade. That's totally what people say. But OMG 2nd grade is a huge deal.... what? Where? On another note and a week old: why did her BF invite to meet his entire family at an event if he's miserable with her? It made zero sense. 

Jade's situation is sad and since we are products of our experiences, I just cannot comprehend why she has any contact whatsoever with her drug addicted criminal parents. I guess she thinks or hopes that magically one day they will wake up and be the Brady Bunch. I just don't get choosing to live in such misery.

Chelsea celebrating a birthday with Layne. Chelsea hawking a clothing line or whatever. Chelsea showing off how perfect her family is. Cole playing to the cameras in a perpetual state of "Look how great I am." Okay, I get it. I'm happy that she's living a regular life and is successful but it's just not TV worthy.

I FF past Leah because she just makes my skin crawl. 

  • Love 6
On 11/7/2019 at 9:49 AM, MaggieG said:

Why was Kail's friend even at the closing? I'm laughing that she has barely moved in and is already complaining about the drive.

And why was that friend (Kristen?) the person who called to tell Kail that she got the house? Every time I’ve bought property, it’s my realtor who calls me. Unless maybe the friend is Kail’s mortgage broker, but it didn’t seem like that at all. 

Does the new house have a pool and trampoline too? If not, I bet her kids will be disappointed to leave a house that does. 

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

And why was that friend (Kristen?) the person who called to tell Kail that she got the house? Every time I’ve bought property, it’s my realtor who calls me. Unless maybe the friend is Kail’s mortgage broker, but it didn’t seem like that at all. 

Does the new house have a pool and trampoline too? If not, I bet her kids will be disappointed to leave a house that does. 

It does have a pool. A requirement for Chris I’m sure.  Hahaha 

  • LOL 4
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, elsie said:

It is amazing that this series is still limping along. It garners less than a page of responses per episode on this site now?

Hell, half the people commenting (including myself) aren’t even watching this show anymore.  So yah, traffic is way down and a lot of us aren’t contributing to the viewership numbers.  Limping along couldn’t be more accurate, but I’m guessing MTV doesn’t have anything to replace it with at this point.  So here we are stuck with these inflated ego shitty mom divas.

  • Love 10
On 11/6/2019 at 10:38 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Why did Kailyn take a 30 year mortgage? She should have been able to put down a substantial amount? Maybe get a shorter loan?

Because she doesn't have a financial role model and the smaller monthly payment was probably really appealing, or the only affordable option. I think she said she spent most or all of her savings on the haircare line so she probably didn't have much to put down on the house.  

On 11/7/2019 at 6:57 PM, configdotsys said:

Jade's situation is sad and since we are products of our experiences, I just cannot comprehend why she has any contact whatsoever with her drug addicted criminal parents. I guess she thinks or hopes that magically one day they will wake up and be the Brady Bunch. I just don't get choosing to live in such misery.

And I think she's actually a really good person and her parents have been so dependent on her for years that she feels really guilty breaking away from them.  Her not bailing her mom out was probably a huge step for her.  And she really does wish her parents would be 'normal'.  I listened to Kail's podcast that she was on after it was announced she was joining the cast.  They talked about their ages and I totally forgot just how young she is compared to these other girls.  And even on that she broke down when talking about how she has no one and just wants normal parents that will be there for her. 

  • Love 4

Major thumbs down to -

Briana dissing Devoin in front of Nova

Jade’s darker hair 

Kailyn calling her son “a little shit” x2 (wince)

Lux eating what looked like a house key in the back of the car 

kail saying - “third times a charm in baby daddies and houses”.. baby daddies, really??

Chelsea’s pig almost eating the cake off of her one year old (repulsive and frankly dangerous)

chelsea saying cole collected Aubree because she has “so much on today”, probably getting her nails done for her bday. She was home with the baby when they got home 🤷🏼‍♀️

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