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Heather Dubrow:"Let Them Eat Cake, But Don't Touch My Bow."

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I saw the first look-David before sitting down to dinner apologizes to Terry and Heather.  Then Terry goes into his tirade -even criticizing the apology David made earlier.  So if it happened three months earlier, Terry had either not known of it or decided to wait until David said something?  Doesn't bode  well for Terry.

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I never liked Heather Fancy Pants or Miss Terry, but their fake and narcissistic sides have been on full display this season.  Heather cannot fuckin let it all hang out which is why she is so freaking DULLSVILLE and annoying and even kind of scary (with her judgmental nature) as a friend (the DULLSVILLE and uptight nature were really on full display in Hawaii).  She's so jealous (and shocked) that Shannon, who truly lets it all out in the open (as raw and cringeworthy as that can sometimes be), was so able to make fast friends with Vicki, HB in charge of the OC.  Tamra wouldn't know how to be genuine if she spent her life trying and so she's stuck with her plastic friend Heather.  (Actually, the only time Tamra is genuine is when she's hating on someone.)  Miss Terry is just a weak ego-filled balloon with a plastic face, a plastic career, and a plastic soul.

  • Love 6

There is no way Terry is going to give up the chance to show off his "masterpiece". It's funny, I just read an article about wealthy people who built very large homes (some up to 50.000 square feet) and how they ended up regretting the decision. It seems the constant maintenance required to keep up such a grand estate means you practically have no privacy.

Does anyone know if Terry's show is considered bigger then the Housewives franchises? I sometimes do wonder how the Dubrows keep up their lifestyle, but I have really never heard of any financial problems thus far.

There is no way Terry is going to give up the chance to show off his "masterpiece". It's funny, I just read an article about wealthy people who built very large homes (some up to 50.000 square feet) and how they ended up regretting the decision.


This doesn't surprise me. After all, a home is ultimately supposed to be a home. The place where you live and feel comfortable. I have to imagine it is hard to feel at home in 50,000 square feet. One of my first jobs in Hollywood was a personal assistant to very successful TV producers (currently "Modern Family") and they built their own home. Was it big? Yes. But it was nowhere near the monstrosity you see on these shows. And it felt like an actual home. There was a kitchen where people congregated, and a living room next to the kitchen where people watched TV, and the bedrooms were all on one upstairs hallway. Just because you can have 50,000 feet doesn't mean you should. Coincidentally, this job sometimes had me fielding calls from none other than Camille Grammer - this was way back before The Real Housewives was even a glimmer in Andy Cohen's eye. But, to keep this on topic, the DuBrows suck and Ms. Terry sucks the hardest of all.

  • Love 12

Honestly, my condo is around 1800 square feet and I find it too big. Granted, it's just me -- if I get remarried or have kids it'll be a different story. Still...one of the things I enjoy about the NYC housewives is how they make due with the space they have within the confines of the city (minus Sonja's falling apart 5-story money pit). OC and BH are both overly size-centric, IMO. 

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I agree that 50.000 square feet is a hotel, not a house.  However, this huge property was the outlier... most of the people who wanted to downsize had mansions closer in size to the Dubrows new build.  I wonder after the reality show gravy train runs out, will they wish they opted for something smaller.

Edited by qtpye
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Heather's condescensing ways and attitude leads to me to believe that my prior suspicions about her were on point.  Whenever I've seen celebrities or other actors who have worked with Heather during her acting days--such as on WWHL.  They never talk about how great Heather is, or even about what a great actress she is.  They just say something like, "Yeah.  I know her," with a smile.  In an artsy environment such as theater or the film industry, I would think that one who has an attitude such as Heather's would be disliked.  She is much better suited to her OC world.

  • Love 7

Can anyone else understand why Heather is sticking to the story of having no surgery other than injections?

She's one of the most obvious surgical jobs of so RH housewives, it's plain to even those who know nothing about surgery!!

And those crazy eyes are just damn scary!

Edited by British-nonsnob
  • Love 5


Can anyone else understand why Heather is sticking to the story of having no surgery other than injections?

She's one of the most obvious surgical jobs of so RH housewives, it's plain to even those who know nothing about surgery!!

And those crazy eyes are just damn scary!


Maybe if she admits it people will assume Terry was her surgeon and that will kill Terry's business.

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One thing about the Dull brows is that unlike some insufferable ho wives, they dont have any legal/ financial drama that we know of. Tre, Juicy Joe, and Ambah Marchese's hubby all have known skeletons so we can find them disgusting but know they at least get some comeuppance. Where is Heather and Terry's drama? I guess that is one good thing going for them. There are no skeletons, and if there are, we don't know about them.

  • Love 1

One thing about the Dull brows is that unlike some insufferable ho wives, they dont have any legal/ financial drama that we know of. Tre, Juicy Joe, and Ambah Marchese's hubby all have known skeletons so we can find them disgusting but know they at least get some comeuppance. Where is Heather and Terry's drama? I guess that is one good thing going for them. There are no skeletons, and if there are, we don't know about them.

I don't want them to have any legal/financial drama pop up. I want them to be disliked because of how awful I find them to be. Adding a legal dynamic to it would ruin my good time.

  • Love 12

Honestly, I expected someone from the Bronx to have a little more spunk (whoops, sorry to offend, Heather, but I don't mean "spunk" in the UrbanDictionary kind of way). David makes one drunken comment, apologizes for it (and it sounded heartfelt to me), and the Dubrows act like Heather's fragile female sensibilities have been destroyed beyond repair. Oh my God...I'd say "get a backbone, stat!" but I think it's more that the Dubrows want to continue to be angry. Doesn't really matter, because Terry looked like an idiot for using the word "penis" like it was a huge insult.


I have a graduate degree and would NEVER humiliate someone by suggesting that they get a thesaurus. My God, woman. So you used "pugilistic" in a sentence. Maybe you need to prove that you're smarter than the average Hawaii Five-0 guest "star," but you're not some great intellect here. Perhaps you should have lunch with Aviva Drescher next time you're in NYC and you can both brag about how educated you both are.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 7

Heather's condescensing ways and attitude leads to me to believe that my prior suspicions about her were on point.  Whenever I've seen celebrities or other actors who have worked with Heather during her acting days--such as on WWHL.  They never talk about how great Heather is, or even about what a great actress she is.  They just say something like, "Yeah.  I know her," with a smile.  In an artsy environment such as theater or the film industry, I would think that one who has an attitude such as Heather's would be disliked.  She is much better suited to her OC world.

Well I will never forget how many times Heather said how great Sara Rue was and how she was being considered for a reoccurring role.  Betty White calling her Susan.  Let's get to the crux of the matter-how did the production people like Heather? The little people. I have watched Heather on a few of her sitcom roles and she just has a delivery of her lines I find unappealing.  Very hammy.


I am going to follow your lead-I don't think Terry is that well revered in the medical community.  Kind of sad as a UCLA educated and trained surgeon and he has done four reality shows to promote his "high volume practice" .  Self promotion seems to be what he excels at in the medical field.  I am sure he has been at the receiving end a time or two of being called a penis.  I wonder how many "free" procedures Terry has done for promotional consideration?

Honestly, I expected someone from the Bronx to have a little more spunk (whoops, sorry to offend, Heather, but I don't mean "spunk" in the UrbanDictionary kind of way). David makes one drunken comment, apologizes for it (and it sounded heartfelt to me), and the Dubrows act like Heather's fragile female sensibilities have been destroyed beyond repair. Oh my God...I'd say "get a backbone, stat!" but I think it's more that the Dubrows want to continue to be angry. Doesn't really matter, because Terry looked like an idiot for using the word "penis" like it was a huge insult.


I have a graduate degree and would NEVER humiliate someone by suggesting that they get a thesaurus. My God, woman. So you used "pugilistic" in a sentence. Maybe you need to prove that you're smarter than the average Hawaii Five-0 guest "star," but you're not some great intellect here. Perhaps you should have lunch with Aviva Drescher next time you're in NYC and you can both brag about how educated you both are.

In all fairness she said the same thing about Tamra.  I think Heather is looking for the word dictionary.  If it is the meaning of the words her lowly co-stars don't understand they should probably start with a dictionary before graduating to the world of synonyms.  It is a wonder she can carry on a conversation with any of her co-stars.

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My husband, who rolls his eyes at HW shows except for NJ, actually snorted when Heather prissed in in that bikini and said the hotel guy told her to put on a shirt, she almost got arrested, blah blah blah. He said she is one of those women who looks much, much bettter with her clothes on. He said she looked 'hard' and unhuggable. Not fit and athletic, not curvy, not slim, not a little thick, just....hard.


We are presuming it is just hotel policy not to wear swimwear in the lobby, not that her body caused any shock.

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I'm not surprised she's good. She really did have a very successful career before she went on the mommy track. I remembered her from the 1990s and she was a pretty big TV actress. As much as I love Alexis, her dismissing Heather's career never sat right with me, especially from someone who never seemed to have much of a career to give up. No she wasn't a movie star, but she was a legitimate working actress and there isn't really any reason to doubt her story that she put it on the back burner to have a family. She's had 4 kids in about 12 years. That would be tough to work around at her level of fame. Anyway, whatever anyone thinks of her as a person, when she stepped away from acting she had reached a level of success that many working actors never get to. And if anyone is ever looking to produce Cindy Lou Who: the Adult Years I'm sure they will call her.

I personally had no clue that she had worked as an actress. By the time she married Terry Dubrow; she had been cast in 2 failed TV shows (both canceled after the first season).and she was working on a 3rd (cancelled after 2 seasons). At age 33 and facing another failure; she was probably just fed up with being a struggling actress. She had found a rich husband and if she couldn't hold on to him; 4 children would definitely help her hold on to his money.  

Edited by cafe au lait
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I'm unwilling to see if I got this right - but isn't Heather's new series show online, and NOT network or



Or is this the way of the future? Or hopefully to get there with it?

It's the way of the future.

Nowaday, imo, it doesn't mean anything cable/network/online, it's tv. Everything is avalaible everywhere !


Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Playstation, all produce shows to put them online. Some are sold later to "real" networks all over the world, some don't but still everything is avalaible online now if you want to watch something. 

Of course it's not the same exposure as a guest role in SVU, NCIS or another show with capital letters titles and 10 millions viewers each week but even if Sequestered is available on http://www.crackle.com/c/shows, a streaming network I had never heard about before, it's still exposure, she's still credited on the imdb for 6 episodes on a show who has a 7,5 rating by viewers.


In Sequestered, the cast is solid and the faces familiar : Summer Glau, Jesse Bradford, Patrick Warburton, Bruce Davison, Ryan McPartlin aren't exactly newcomers even if they aren't super stars.


I digress : the same online network gave Chosen, for people who like thrillers. It's with Milo Ventimiglia. I recommend it.


The premisse is a little bit like 100 Bullets (if you're into comics !) : a man receive a gun and a photo from an unknown person. He has a deadline to kill him/her or else... Like Sequestered, it's 23 minutes, you aren't bored for a second even if no Real Housewives were hurt on this one !

  • Love 1

I personally had no clue that she has worked as an actress. By the time she married Terry Dubrow; she had been cast in 2 failed TV shows (both canceled after the first season).and she was working on a 3rd (cancelled after 2 seasons). At age 33 and facing another failure; she was probably just fed up with being a struggling actress. She had found a rich husband and if she couldn't hold on to him; 4 children would definitely help her hold on to his money.  

You're right on. She didn't "give up" anything. Unless you count giving up life as a struggling actress, working from paycheck to paycheck. Yes, she worked, but unless you get to a household name status where you are on a successful show and can live off syndication forever, you will never have financial security, always auditioning, never knowing when you will get your next job. I get it. It's not a life for everyone. By the time she was in her 30's, I get why she may have made her decision to marry a surgeon. But when she goes on about all that she "gave up"...girl bye.


And sorry, I don't think she's even that good. She was the lead on an Ally McBeal type show which lasted for a season. When she first came on RHOC, the pilot of that show was on Youtube I believe, and I watched it. She was okay, but her acting is very affected and hammy. I don't believe that she was on her way to a Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie type of career.


What I am interested in though is her singing. I think her major was musical theater, and she has said she sang at Disney World and was the lead for a big band. I haven't been able to find anything of her singing online, but I wonder what she sounds like with that raspy voice.

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OK, this is about Heather's hair.  Any guesses what she does?  It's looking very, very flat & straight.  I seem to remember seeing pics of her from 20 years ago & she had enormous poofy curly hair, so I'm assuming that's how her hair is naturally.  She seems to be going overboard with straightening & flattening it.  The reunion hair looks so severe -- not a flattering look in combination with her crazy bloated, inflated cheeks.

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So I watched the first six episodes of Sequestered, seems Heather is very similar in her mannerisms while acting on the show as she is on RHOC.  She plays a tough, slutty character, with no moral compass.  IF you like legal thrillers it is a good one.  I hate to think the way I was introduced to it was through Heather because it might encourage her to return to RHOC to pimp other acting ventures.  Her role was insignificant but it was not a lead role.  She definitely got a lot of screen time but as of yet there is really no reason to like the character. 


I think the final six return in October.

She wants us to think she is leading the perfect life and is above everyone. What happened to Terry wanting a divorce last season? I guess piling on Shannon and her state of mind makes us all forget about it, huh Madame?

I thought the whole Dubrow marital troubles was the phoniest scene I had ever scene on RHOC until the robot baby.  Although I did think it was funny when Heather asked Terry to stop trimming his toenails and he asked her if she wanted to do it.   Heather obviously has nannies so I don't understand why Terry would need to re-arrange his schedule to accommodate her big guest star role on "Hot in Cleveland".  If I am not mistaken they film two shows at a time so Heather had at most 2 1/2 days work.


It must have ticked Heather off that they found someone who was far more believable with her marital problems.  Part of me wants to be around when the Dubrows split the sheets to see what happens to their mansion.

  • Love 1

OK, this is about Heather's hair.  Any guesses what she does?  It's looking very, very flat & straight.  I seem to remember seeing pics of her from 20 years ago & she had enormous poofy curly hair, so I'm assuming that's how her hair is naturally.  She seems to be going overboard with straightening & flattening it.  The reunion hair looks so severe -- not a flattering look in combination with her crazy bloated, inflated cheeks.



This is from Married with Children in the mid-90s. I wouldn't call that enormous...

In her latest blog, Heather is eating so much crow and it is soooooo delicious to behold. She is actually pulling the "no one is perfect, you don't know what it's like to be so judged, I'm a victim for having myself exposed on reality TV, why are you all so hateful" card. Sorry, Heather - you took way too much delight in "gang banging" Alexis in Costa Rica - oh, I'm sorry, doing her the "favor" of a "friendly intervention" - for that shit to work now. Here's your bed, it's time to lie down in it.


It's very easy to judge and hate -- but why? Does it make you feel better about your own life? Have you never done or said anything you regret? Can you imagine if it were captured for the world to see? I hope to keep growing and learning from my mistakes and my experiences. I hope you all do too. I hope you are all not judged too harshly and are forgiven when you are ready to make amends. Living in a space of hate and resentment is a bad place to exist. It's much better to love, forgive, and move on.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 6

LadyGrumps has it totally right (from the thread about reunion Episode 2)-- LG's summary of Heather's blog:  "I'm not perfect.  Wait; yes I am."  


I'll add that Heather's blog today is her version of pointing her finger at all of us.  Getting aggressive with all the viewers, teaching us a big lesson about how we can all learn to be better people, just like Heather, and... not criticize Heather.  Why can't we all be like Heather, people?  

  • Love 7

LadyGrumps has it totally right (from the thread about reunion Episode 2)-- LG's summary of Heather's blog:  "I'm not perfect.  Wait; yes I am."  


I'll add that Heather's blog today is her version of pointing her finger at all of us.  Getting aggressive with all the viewers, teaching us a big lesson about how we can all learn to be better people, just like Heather, and... not criticize Heather.  Why can't we all be like Heather, people?  


Pointing her finger at us and wagging it.  She really just can't help herself, can she?  After reading that blog, I'm not sure how much she really did learn this season.  Heather, you have pretty much been given a pass the last few seasons and now it's time to lie down.


I'm not perfect; therefore, I cannot be like Heather. :p


edit:  double post

Edited by Lyra Angelica
  • Love 3

I love that my mom is addicted to RHOC thanks to Hulu Plus, and when she watched the first episode of season 7 and met Heather.. she got a read on her.  I asked her what she thought of Heather.. and she said she seems thin skinned, articulate, intelligent, and snobby... then thought she was delusional about her acting career since she never heard of her LOL


She then decided to watch the season 7 and season 8 reunions.. and thought Heather and Lydia's back and forth about the magazine cover/spread was priceless.. and quickly figured Lydia got under Heather's skin. 


To me, old money and women with bigger houses seems to be Heather's achilles heel just like hotter and younger women are the achilles heel to both Tamra and Vicki.  I think the show noticed how Heather acted around Lydia hence why they hired Shannon.. who had a bigger house and more money.

  • Love 6

I am wondering if Heather ever dated any actors that we have heard of during her Hollywood days.  We have Lizzie with Nick Lachey so it would have to be someone more famous than him.  I find it strange that Heather never appeared on "The View", with her former co-star Jenny McCarthy.  It seems like that would make for a good homecoming show. 


Motorcitymom frequently questions Shannon's missing years between USC and becoming Mrs. Beador (thanks a lot for that MCM because it makes me so very curious) so I am wondering about Heather's dating past.  Something had to have happened during her days in Hollywood.  Terry let it slip that Heather is a former pageant girl, having won the Miss Syracuse title.  I don't remember if it was in the Miss USA feed or the Miss America feed.  It would have been interesting to see if she and Lizzie had any talks about their pageant days.

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I just watched Sequestered (came for the C-list but recognizable cast, stayed through episode six because Ryan McPartlin is so cute). Surprisingly, Heather was nowhere near the most annoying performer- that, for me, was definitely Summer Glau- but I was struck by what seems to be the deterioration of Heather's acting skills. I can't really offer any commentary on her oeuvre (thanks, thesaurus) as a whole because most of her career was before my time, but I did catch the That's Life pilot on YouTube and she seemed competent, if not electrifying. Her drama chops here, though, appeared rusty. She was hammy. Malibu Country and Hot in Cleveland were twenty times worse in that respect, however. I wonder if she's going to let her children watch her sex scene a la the beating in Hawaii 5-0.

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What is it exactly that Heather does all day that makes her so "crazy busy" as she likes to say, along with her claim of being a "busy working mom" ? She has an assistant, housekeeper, cook, and a nanny (I think she had 2 nannies when the youngest was a baby). What is it that keeps her "crazy busy"? She has maybe one acting job a year that takes up a week of her time. I don't think she volunteers anywhere or she'd be sure the audience knew she devotes some of her precious time to the unwashed masses. I wish I had thought to send that in to Andy as a viewer question for the reunion - "What is it that you do all day Heather?" I'd rather she be honest and say "I'm rich so I have people to do all my yucky work for me. I spend my days at the spa, lunching, shopping, or doing nothing at all if I feel like it." I hate her fake "I'm so busy routine".

Ohhhh. So that's why she gets along with people from all walks of life. Was wondering where they were. Thought she was talking about friends.

I am wondering if Heather ever dated any actors that we have heard of during her Hollywood days.  We have Lizzie with Nick Lachey so it would have to be someone more famous than him.  I find it strange that Heather never appeared on "The View", with her former co-star Jenny McCarthy.  It seems like that would make for a good homecoming show. 


Motorcitymom frequently questions Shannon's missing years between USC and becoming Mrs. Beador (thanks a lot for that MCM because it makes me so very curious) so I am wondering about Heather's dating past.  Something had to have happened during her days in Hollywood.  Terry let it slip that Heather is a former pageant girl, having won the Miss Syracuse title.  I don't remember if it was in the Miss USA feed or the Miss America feed.  It would have been interesting to see if she and Lizzie had any talks about their pageant days.

The fact that she did pageants is interesting and I was surprised she never mentioned it. Looks like it was just two back when she was in college. Surprising, as she doesn't seem like a pageant girl to me. Clearly Vicki doesn't know about it, since she seems to have disdain for this type of thing.


I concur about what in the world Heather does all day that keeps her so busy. That whole deal last year seemed very made-up to me. I never bought into it for a minute. I know others would disagree, but I just don't think that Heather is generally that dramatic, which doesn't always make for a good Reality TV Star. Too many times she didn't want to hear the gossip (with Gretchen or Laurie talking about Vicki). She is fine getting into the mud if it involves her or pisses her off, but she doesn't get involved in all of the petty stuff as much as some of the others do. I also don't think that she and Terry have anything horrible or dramatic going in in their lives so she ramps up the most insignificant of issues to have something to do. Overall she seems to have a pretty great life. She gets along with most everyone, works when she wants, has a husband that loves her, and all the money she could want. This makes her sort of an anomaly on the Reality show circuit.

Yes, I am fascinated with what Shannon was doing in all those years between USC and getting married. It is just unusual for someone to get an education and seemingly never do anything at all. For 14 or so years. She also has a housekeeper and at least one nanny that she mentioned lives with them (she talked about the nanny's quarters on one episode). She doesn't work at all. Not ever as far as we know. She doesn't work out. As silly as it is for Heather to act so busy, at least she does work at times. I have never seen Heather in any of her acting roles, but my impression is that she is passable at best. I don't think that folks are knocking on her door to give her roles. I would imagine she meets with TV folks, goes for appointments and readings, and just in general has to hustle to find roles. It's not much, but it is at least something that would require her to be away from the house. Please, for the love of God, what does/has Shannon ever done to require a full-time staff to manage her life?

The fact that she did pageants is interesting and I was surprised she never mentioned it. Looks like it was just two back when she was in college. Surprising, as she doesn't seem like a pageant girl to me. Clearly Vicki doesn't know about it, since she seems to have disdain for this type of thing.


I concur about what in the world Heather does all day that keeps her so busy. That whole deal last year seemed very made-up to me. I never bought into it for a minute. I know others would disagree, but I just don't think that Heather is generally that dramatic, which doesn't always make for a good Reality TV Star. Too many times she didn't want to hear the gossip (with Gretchen or Laurie talking about Vicki). She is fine getting into the mud if it involves her or pisses her off, but she doesn't get involved in all of the petty stuff as much as some of the others do. I also don't think that she and Terry have anything horrible or dramatic going in in their lives so she ramps up the most insignificant of issues to have something to do. Overall she seems to have a pretty great life. She gets along with most everyone, works when she wants, has a husband that loves her, and all the money she could want. This makes her sort of an anomaly on the Reality show circuit.

Yes, I am fascinated with what Shannon was doing in all those years between USC and getting married. It is just unusual for someone to get an education and seemingly never do anything at all. For 14 or so years. She also has a housekeeper and at least one nanny that she mentioned lives with them (she talked about the nanny's quarters on one episode). She doesn't work at all. Not ever as far as we know. She doesn't work out. As silly as it is for Heather to act so busy, at least she does work at times. I have never seen Heather in any of her acting roles, but my impression is that she is passable at best. I don't think that folks are knocking on her door to give her roles. I would imagine she meets with TV folks, goes for appointments and readings, and just in general has to hustle to find roles. It's not much, but it is at least something that would require her to be away from the house. Please, for the love of God, what does/has Shannon ever done to require a full-time staff to manage her life?

I don't think Shannon did nothing after college-it is just something we never hear her discuss.  It would make for an interesting question though and ever since you mentioned it you have had me piqued my curiosity.  All I know is she had Epstein-Barr disease. 


I don't think Shannon or Heather require the staff to manage their lives I think they can afford it and enjoy it.  If they don't like to cook-why do it if you can afford a cook? Same with the husbands-if they don't like doing yard work they hire a gardener.  I would guess that  living in Southern California they probably spend a lot of time behind the wheel-from where they live everything requires a car.  I would say for both of them - this show has introduced a whole new level of commitments they can use as excuses for maintaining or expanding their staff.

I don't think Shannon did nothing after college-it is just something we never hear her discuss. It would make for an interesting question though and ever since you mentioned it you have had me piqued my curiosity. All I know is she had Epstein-Barr disease.

I don't think Shannon or Heather require the staff to manage their lives I think they can afford it and enjoy it. If they don't like to cook-why do it if you can afford a cook? Same with the husbands-if they don't like doing yard work they hire a gardener. I would guess that living in Southern California they probably spend a lot of time behind the wheel-from where they live everything requires a car. I would say for both of them - this show has introduced a whole new level of commitments they can use as excuses for maintaining or expanding their staff.

I live in SoCal and while it's true that you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, that's an even bigger deal if you're commuting for work everyday, not if you're a stay at home mom with kids in school for most of the day. So, I still wonder what in the world keeps Heather so busy if she has someone do everything a stay at home mom does? If you aren't working, cooking, cleaning, raising your child (because you have multiple nannies), etc. then what is so difficult about your daily life? If she's driving her kids around town to their multiple commitments, yes, that can take up time- after school. What about before 3pm? Is it that hard to keep up with the latest Chanel offerings that you need to hire someone for every other daily task?

Sure, I get it. Tons of people hire gardeners, house cleaners, nannies- and that's fine. I just take issue with the image that Heather tries to perpetrate, that of the overworked SAHM who needs her "moments". Meanwhile, she's got a cook serving her daily meals, a nanny in the shadows ready to wisk the kids away for ice cream when they get restless so Ms. & Dr. Douche can have a cocktail, & of course Maids, gardeners, etc. Was it Dr. Douche that said something about having 2 drivers? Please. Cry me a river.

  • Love 3

I live in SoCal and while it's true that you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, that's an even bigger deal if you're commuting for work everyday, not if you're a stay at home mom with kids in school for most of the day. So, I still wonder what in the world keeps Heather so busy if she has someone do everything a stay at home mom does? If you aren't working, cooking, cleaning, raising your child (because you have multiple nannies), etc. then what is so difficult about your daily life? If she's driving her kids around town to their multiple commitments, yes, that can take up time- after school. What about before 3pm? Is it that hard to keep up with the latest Chanel offerings that you need to hire someone for every other daily task?

Sure, I get it. Tons of people hire gardeners, house cleaners, nannies- and that's fine. I just take issue with the image that Heather tries to perpetrate, that of the overworked SAHM who needs her "moments". Meanwhile, she's got a cook serving her daily meals, a nanny in the shadows ready to wisk the kids away for ice cream when they get restless so Ms. & Dr. Douche can have a cocktail, & of course Maids, gardeners, etc. Was it Dr. Douche that said something about having 2 drivers? Please. Cry me a river.

Co-sign to everything.  Not to beat a dead horse, but why do people only point this out about Heather? Shannon seems to have the same amount of staff - save for the cook.  It seems to have been a consistent theme from early last season with the whole deal about her feeling overwhelmed when she was working (a ridiculous theme to be sure)  and she has admitted to all of her help, so she isn't trying to hide anything. My point from the beginning is what in the world does she need with all of these people, but the point is the same for Shannon. It seems to be used often in criticism of Heather, but I don't think I have ever read the same used as a criticism of Shannon. Usually, she is defended for this. 

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Co-sign to everything. Not to beat a dead horse, but why do people only point this out about Heather? Shannon seems to have the same amount of staff - save for the cook. It seems to have been a consistent theme from early last season with the whole deal about her feeling overwhelmed when she was working (a ridiculous theme to be sure) and she has admitted to all of her help, so she isn't trying to hide anything. My point from the beginning is what in the world does she need with all of these people, but the point is the same for Shannon. It seems to be used often in criticism of Heather, but I don't think I have ever read the same used as a criticism of Shannon. Usually, she is defended for this.

I agree with you. Speaking only for myself, I focused on Heather in my post above because we're in the Heather thread, but, I agree that this can be applied to Shannon too.

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For me, the difference is, I don't think Shannon has ever complained about how overwhelmed she is being a SAHM.


I don't begrudge anyone for having help. I thought that was the original point of these shows. To show how the wealthy lived. Lavish lifestyles filled with shopping, mansions, champagne, diamonds, charity balls, tennis at the country club, cat fights in the fountain, and secret affairs. Basically, everything I've ever seen on Dynasty.  


Heather has tried to portray herself as someone who "juggles" the "demands" of her acting career and being a Mom. We're supposed to be in awe of how she does it so effortlessly and perfectly. The scene where Lizzie is asking for advice on how to "have it all" was ludicrous. She "has it all" because she doesn't do it all. Duh.

Edited by charming
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For me, the difference is, I don't think Shannon has ever complained about how overwhelmed she is being a SAHM.


I don't begrudge anyone for having help. I thought that was the original point of these shows. To show how the wealthy lived. Lavish lifestyles filled with shopping, mansions, champagne, diamonds, charity balls, tennis at the country club, cat fights in the fountain, and secret affairs. Basically, everything I've ever seen on Dynasty.  



Exactly. But we ended up with The Hollywood Hillbillies. 

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