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S39.E04: Plan Z

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A “showmance” could create distractions and paint a target on two castaways’ backs. Also, after a visit with Boston Rob and Sandra on Island of the Idols, one castaway has a chance to seize an opportunity to prove their power of persuasion.

Original airdate 10/16/19

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I know, with all of my brain, that Elaine is a very deft liar and she's been lying the whole episode and playing everyone.  YET, I still 100% believed that Elizabeth, Tom, and Elaine would have voted for Karishma 100%.  I give them all the credit.  They blindsided me too.

Noura's tribe.  LOL.  Ouch.  It was so harsh what happened to Noura, yet I loved their challenge win and I even cried.  LOL.  

7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

And while I’m not sorry to see her go-seriously, why not Dean?  He was just as much of the couple duo, he’s been worthless in challenges.  Why is that not getting called out?

I *think* that Elizabeth/Elaine/Tom balked way too hard at the Dean plan.  Because he gathers firewood or some shit 🙂

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I know, with all of my brain, that Elaine is a very deft liar and she's been lying the whole episode and playing everyone.  YET, I still 100% believed that Elizabeth, Tom, and Elaine would have voted for Karishma 100%.  I give them all the credit.  They blindsided me too.

Noura's tribe.  LOL.  Ouch.  It was so harsh what happened to Noura, yet I loved their challenge win and I even cried.  LOL.  

To be a fly on the island after Noura left Rob and Sandra.  I loved the look on Kellee’s face when she got back to camp.  I thought Noura was the perfect person to be the caller, since she has the biggest mouth out there.  But when I saw her practicing with her tribe, and not getting what they were telling her about what she was doing wrong-yikes.  Did she complete the lesson?  Well, I might argue she did persuade her tribe, just not in the way she expected. 

I don’t know what I liked more about the IC; Probst saying Jason had great leadership as a caller, tribe orange almost pulling a huge upset but messing up at the end, or Tommy making bird noises when the rest of his tribe got separated (and confusing tribe orange in the process). 

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Noura’s woo hooing was grating. Her team was smart to not go along with her plan. 

Missy is running Lairo. She’s into the game and good with words. Surprised they voted Chelsea out, and with an idol in her pocket. 

Favorite Sandra quote of the night: this one doesn’t know what’s going on (talking about Elaine). 

Edited by Straycat80
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11 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I don’t know what I liked more about the IC; Probst saying Jason had great leadership as a caller, tribe orange almost pulling a huge upset but messing up at the end, or Tommy making bird noises when the rest of his tribe got separated (and confusing tribe orange in the process). 


Jason seemed really intelligent this episode.  Kellie seems intelligent too, and like I've said before so does Jamal - but he's Frasier to me - too "smart" for his own good and about to be hoisted by his own petard.  I could be totally wrong.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Oh, Chelsea. Wanting to get on Survivor since she was eight years old, applied for, what, nine years, finally gets on the show, finds an idol, and ... gets in a showmance.

You know, maybe there's a reason it took her nine years to get cast on the show.

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5 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

And while I’m not sorry to see her go-seriously, why not Dean?  He was just as much of the couple duo, he’s been worthless in challenges.  Why is that not getting called out?

I thought Dean was done because he suddenly started getting confessionals out of the blue.

I don't know that I had even heard him talk before tonight. That's usually the giveaway.

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9 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Boston Rob has forever sealed my undying admiration with his character summation of Noura.  “She’s the LAST person who should be Caller!  She can’t coherently explain anything! She’s living in Nouraland!”  

You forgot:  "This is SUR-VIVE-UHHHHHHHHHHHH!"  He sounded like Destiny's Child.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

 All the Boston Rob haters can keep on hating, but they’d have to admit; the guy can see through & read people as if he were looking at their xrays.

I admit that, but I still can't stand him.  (He's not worth the effort to hate.)

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5 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Noura’s woo hooing was grating. Her team was smart to not go along with her plan. 

Missy is running Lairo. She’s into the game and good with words. Surprised they voted Chelsea out, and with and idol in her pocket. 

Favorite Sandra quote of the night: this one doesn’t know what’s going on (talking about Elaine). 

Is she? This is the second week in a row where her original target did not go home and both times apparently because Elizabeth and Elaine stopped it.

Edited by LanceM
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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

I thought Dean was done because he suddenly started getting confessionals out of the blue.

I don't know that I had even heard him talk before tonight. That's usually the giveaway.

When he had the confessional about it not being a blindside tonight, I thought it was going to be him.  I'm just surprised everyone agreed on Chelsea and not Dean.  

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9 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

That was quite enjoyable. So glad Noura was made to sit out, her tribe would have lost by a landslide with her as caller. And I love seeing the tribal dynamics. 

She would have sucked at following directions too.   Benching her was a good call.   

9 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Jason seemed really intelligent this episode.  Kellie seems intelligent too, and like I've said before so does Jamal - but he's Frasier to me - too smart for his own good and about to be hoisted on his own petard.  I could be totally wrong.

Jamal is going to be going home with an idol In his pocket if he doesn’t recalibrate his game.   Him complaining about not being a part of the group.... and then refusing to be a part of the group.... dude, the idol can only be used once.  Alienation of your tribe lasts forever.  

9 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Boston Rob has forever sealed my undying admiration with his character summation of Noura.  “She’s the LAST person who should be Caller!  She can’t coherently explain anything! She’s living in Nouraland!”  All the Boston Rob haters can keep on hating, but they’d have to admit; the guy can see through & read people as if he were looking at their xrays.

Yeah, he really had her number.   And Rob and Sandra practically rolled there eyes when she jumped at the challenge practically before Boston Rob finished talking.  

Edited by DEL901
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3 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Boston Rob has forever sealed my undying admiration with his character summation of Noura.  “She’s the LAST person who should be Caller!  She can’t coherently explain anything! She’s living in Nouraland!” 

Yup and her tribe wisely figured out the same thing and sat her ass down. They didn't only not make her the caller, they just kept her out of the challenge entirely. 

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Well, that was something that wasn't really expected. I'm a bit surprised Chelsea really WAS the one to get blindsided, especially since she had that immunity in her pocket as she left....just like Vince. 

I had to laugh at Noura's plan failing spectacularly. And Boston Rob DID call it; her big mouth was going to get her in trouble, and it sure did. Her lie was not told well so no wonder her entire team decided to get her to sit out instead. 

But yeah....deciding to get rid of Chelsea instead of Dean....because Dean carries firewood? And I guess he's a "big strong man" to hide behind (I think that's what Elaine said)? 

Still learning everyone's names; I think I got half of them down by now.

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4 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

oston Rob has forever sealed my undying admiration with his character summation of Noura.  “She’s the LAST person who should be Caller!  She can’t coherently explain anything! She’s living in Nouraland!”

And Sandra pretty much nailed Elaine from the sidelines. "Oh this one never knows anything." Complete with a Sandra eyeroll. 

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

And Sandra pretty much nailed Elaine from the sidelines. "Oh this one never knows anything." Complete with a Sandra eyeroll. 


Sandra has her completely wrong, unless she's just playing for the cameras.

Elaine knows everything, all of the time.

10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

 Still learning everyone's names; I think I got half of them down by now.

The Elaine/Elizabeth thing drove me crazy at first.  But I just have to remember Elizabeth = Olympian.

Then there's Tommy/Tom.  Tommy is the redhead.  Tom is the ex hockey player, the "Dad" of the tribe.

Other than this I think I'm okay now.  The touchy guy is Dan.  The guy we NEVER see is Dean.

Wow, a loooooot of similar names this year.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Sandra has her completely wrong, unless she's just playing for the cameras.

Sandra was being very sarcastic. She was saying she didn't believe Elaine.


Elaine knows everything, all of the time.

That was basically the point.

Edited by vb68
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8 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Sandra was being very sarcastic. She was saying she didn't believe Elaine.

ok.  Well no one really should tell the truth at TC, so I think what Elaine is doing is fine and smart.  I am not sure why it would annoy Sandra.

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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Sandra has her completely wrong, unless she's just playing for the cameras.

Elaine knows everything, all of the time.

Yeah, I like Sandra but when she said that, I thought, "yeah you're wrong on that one". I guess that's proof that she and Rob aren't being told what's going on around camp and have only the tribal councils and what the people visiting IOI tell them to go on. Which also suggests that Elaine may be playing up her "I'm just a clueless person who don't know nothing" act very well.

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Sandra has her completely wrong, unless she's just playing for the cameras.

Elaine knows everything, all of the time.

I'm hoping that's foreshadowing to when Elaine makes a big move.  She's a gamer, I just hope she lets it out at some point rather than just playing the naive farm girl.  

And so much for my girl’s alliance.  I really thought it might stick this time!  And I want to like Karishma, but get it together girl. 

Missy and Aaron were 100% correct in their reasoning for wanting to get rid of Dean (he is worthless in the challenges).  I was off the Missy bandwagon at the start of the episode with her little talk with Aaron, but she won me over by the end.  

And did Chelsea say she personally doesn’t want to be blindsided but likes doing it to other people?  

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Missy is absolutely the person who would tell you that your puppy is dead, but why are you getting so upset about it because puppies die, and you shouldn’t get comfortable just because people were talking about OTHER puppies.

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

ok.  Well no one really should tell the truth at TC, so I think what Elaine is doing is fine and smart.  I am not sure why it would annoy Sandra.

IMO, I think it's because Sandra sees right through Elaine and there's gotta be a couple who also see right through her. We know that Elaine was in danger of going during the first Tribal Council, so I could see Sandra just being intuitive with the fact that Elaine may be playing up the "Oh, shucks, I don't know WHAT'S going on! Golly Gee!" stuff more than she likes. 

I think Elaine is definitely toeing the line, but nobody seems to have caught on to what Elaine is doing...yet. But I think if Elaine keeps up the naive act, it'll get her caught faster than someone who is being more honest about their role. 

I'm a fan of Missy and Aaron, just because they're no-nonsense and sees the moves that should be made early, rather than going for the easier shots. Although, I guess the question is if getting Chelsea out is better than getting Dean out. Maybe it'll pay off. 

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I thought this was a stupid move on Lairo’s part. Karishma will jump to new people as soon as she gets the chance, which will come soon. I thought that Chelsea, Elaine, Missy and Elizabeth could have run the whole damn thing if they had just stuck together!!  

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Interesting outcome. I actually guessed the vote right for once, as I am usually wrong ! The old 'blind squirrel" metaphor  I suppose.

In a season in which it seems there will be many idols, we might see many people voted out with idols in their pockets ! What an odd record that would be if it happened. 

Elaine sounds to me so much like Reba McEntire (spelling ?). Every time she talks, that's all I hear.

Edited by willco
multiple spelling issues
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I sense the editors have been building up this "womens alliance" as stronger than it actually was in my opinion.  Why? Not sure yet. But It seemed like Aaron was definitely close to Missy and Elizabeth  all of a sudden. And ast week we were told that Elizabeth is also close to Tom. So maybe it really is those four along with Elaine that is the real allliance in that tribe.

Edited by LanceM
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Still not caring hard enough. I did get a kick out of Noura. I’m not sure what was funnier:

  • Rob and Sandra channeling The Princess Bride. “You think she can succeed?” “It’ll take a miracle. GOOD LUCK, NOURA!”
  • Noura’s tribe not only not letting her be the caller, but they tell her to sit out.

And another player leaves with an idol. This doesn’t make Rob and Sandra look bad. They can deal out idols. They can’t make them play those.

Ah, flashbacks. Once again, Survivor backs the bus over Erik some more. Then Rob brings up Lex. “See, I was persuasive enough for him and his tribe not to vote Am-bah, and he followed through in helping us. And that’s why I’m here and he’s pumping gas in Bumfuck, Michigan.” Yeah, I dunno what Lex actually does nowadays, but it seems like something Rob would say.

25 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Missy is absolutely the person who would tell you that your puppy is dead, but why are you getting so upset about it because puppies die, and you shouldn’t get comfortable just because people were talking about OTHER puppies.

Missy’s attitude might be justified, but there’s a part of me wanting Pashmina to outlast her just for the lulz.

Dang, Jamal has odd-looking nipples. Or maybe it’s because he’s not built like someone Probst would slobber over. 🤷‍♂️

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Season of the blindsides! I’m here for it! Poor Chelsea, didn’t even make the merge thus rendering her undateable.

A couple episodes ago, Tom said he liked one of the women because she wasn’t a dress-wearing girly girl. This episode, Useless Dean said he liked Chelsea because she could hang with the guys. What’s with these men only liking women who remind them of men?  *insert 20 eye roll emojis here*

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43 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Is she? This is the second week in a row where her original target did not go home and both times apparently because Elizabeth and Elaine stopped it.

But she said she wanted to keep Krishma around to use her for votes and that one of the couple had to go (Dean or Chelsea) and she got her way, Chelsea went home and Krishma stayed. 

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13 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

And another player leaves with an idol. This doesn’t make Rob and Sandra look bad. They can deal out idols. They can’t make them play those.

Chelsea found her idol on her own. That one had nothing to do with Rob and Sandra. I doubt they even knew she had an idol.

Edited by vb68
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This might be the stupidest group of castaways ever, but that makes it kind of fun.

Where to begin?


1)Volunteers to go to IOTI and put a target on her back.

2) Immediately accepts the challenge. This was foolish on so many levels.  She risked her vote for a weak advantage.  More importantly, she put another huge target on her back by trying to force her way into the caller role, which she was incredibly unsuited for.  If her tribe had gone along, she goes home.

2) She comes up with that idiotic lie, that nobody believed.  Why not say, "They gave me 6 hours of calling lessons and practice."

Missy and Aaron are playing way too hard, too early.  Even if you get your way, you establish yourself as strategic threats, who can't be trusted and put targets on your back.

I propose 2 new Survivor rules.

1) Anyone who says, "Nobody else wants to play this game!" should be immediately seized by production and eliminated from the game.

2) Anybody who says "Kumbaya Survivor" should be fed to the sharks.

Chelsea and Dean formed a freaking showmance, putting targets on their backs, when they otherwise probably would have been totally safe.  

Then Chelsea didn't play her idol at a TC where nobody could be sure they were safe.  

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Loved when the editors chose to show a flock of birds taking off when Noura squealed with excitement on IOI.

I am a steadfast Boston Rob fan and his facial expressions are so subtle but you can see what he’s thinking.  Loved Sandra and Rob’s reaction to Noura — she was very extra-Noura with them.  On the other hand, I was pretty surprised with how subdued Noura was when Rob and Sandra first walked out — how are these people not more shocked??

Jamal’s torso and nipples look to me like someone who’s lost a lot of weight in the not-too-distant past.  I felt for him when he said he’d just gotten out of a very bad relationship.  He is trying to figure things out and is hanging onto “serenity” platitudes to help him navigate things.  I don’t blame him a bit — they are what he feels he needs as he gets more clarity.  He is great at puzzles and has a calmness which are huge plusses — his negative is that he can’t help himself — he separates out from the group when he shouldn’t and that’s a mistake in this game.  

I’m such an Elaine fan.  

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8 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

But she said she wanted to keep Krishma around to use her for votes and that one of the couple had to go (Dean or Chelsea) and she got her way, Chelsea went home and Krishma stayed. 

I think Missy thinks she is running the tribe ( as does Aaron) but it just seems to me that Elizabeth and Elaine have been the ones to dictate the last 2 votes. More so last week. I agree. But even tonight Missy couldn't get them to go along with her top choice which was Dean. Chelsea's name never came up until the vote for Dean was squashed.

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Missy is playing way TOO HARD and could easily wind up undateable as a pre-jury boot.

If it didnt' mean Noura would get booted I kind of wanted Purple to loose just as karma as reniging on their agreement to name her as the caller. What made them think they could violate what for as far as they knew were official rules connected with Idol Island? It just left a bad taste in my mouth and portrayed them as jerks.

So far no one really stands out to root for...damn I miss Christian and Gabby...memorable, likeable players.

Someone needs to add a laugh track to Sandra's bit at the end about Chelsea wanting a blindside. That would be awesome.

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58 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Noura’s woo hooing was grating. Her team was smart to not go along with her plan. 

Missy is running Lairo. She’s into the game and good with words. Surprised they voted Chelsea out, and with an idol in her pocket. 

Favorite Sandra quote of the night: this one doesn’t know what’s going on (talking about Elaine). 

 I think Missy is running her mouth way to much and making herself a target.

I think Elaine knows what is going on, but is doing a great job of acting a bit confused and clueless, to keep the target off her back.

On RHAP, Rob and Josh have been saying that their next chapter in Evolution of Strategy is going to be about pretending to be the dumbest person in camp.  Elaine seems to understand this already.

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Could Missy be a little nicer to Karishma if she’s going to drag her to the end? Why is she openly hating on her at Tribal Council? If she wants to keep her in her pocket shouldn’t she be friendlier?

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1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

Oh, Chelsea. Wanting to get on Survivor since she was eight years old, applied for, what, nine years, finally gets on the show, finds an idol, and ... gets in a showmance.

You know, maybe there's a reason it took her nine years to get cast on the show.

That is such a great point.  It might be a little more forgivable for a person who hadn't watched the show that much.  But,  for a Survivor fanatic to get involved in a freaking showmance and go home with an idol in her pocket is unforgivable.  She shouldn't even be allowed to watch the show anymore.  

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I was thinking about the IC tonight, and Jason's strategy.  Has anyone ever had their tribe go out in one big group before?  It probably worked in this challenge vs the ones where they have to pick up various bags spread out over a course, but I thought it was kind of smart to do that.  

I loved the look of surprise on Rob and Sandra's faces when Noura quickly took the deal and didn't even hesitate when they told her to think about it.  And if they went ahead and let Noura be the caller, would that have really been her persuading them?  Given the examples we saw in flashbacks, I don't think that's what they were aiming for.  She basically just told them 'I'm the caller or else.'

I'm with those that say a superfan would never get in an showmance with someone.  I'm sure Chelsea will say in post-show interviews it wasn't a showmance, but it was enough that the tribe wanted to separate them.  

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22 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I was thinking about the IC tonight, and Jason's strategy.  Has anyone ever had their tribe go out in one big group before?  It probably worked in this challenge vs the ones where they have to pick up various bags spread out over a course, but I thought it was kind of smart to do that.  

He , and the tribe, had the benefit of a whole extra night (?) to think about the strategy of the challenge beforehand, thanks to Noura.  No other tribe has had that benefit.

53 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Could Missy be a little nicer to Karishma if she’s going to drag her to the end? Why is she openly hating on her at Tribal Council? If she wants to keep her in her pocket shouldn’t she be friendlier?

I thought it was to throw others off the track.  She can't make it so obvious to Chelsea that she's going home.

Talking about the "calmness" of players, I love Kellie's.  Her reactions to Noura, etc. are so funny.  She just makes faces and buries her head.  I feel like I would be way more expressive in a bad way.  She's good at keeping her cool.  Jason too.  Jason is the one who should be playing poker.  How he kept his cool throughout that challenge I have no idea.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Sad to see Chelsea go, but she had an idol , and the way they were talking at TC, playing her idol should have been a given. I'm guessing her idol will be reburied because that wasn't a Rob and Sandra idol. 

I'm enjoying seeing Elizabeth play. She seems to have sense of the game. Hopefully they keep showing her. 

Would have loved to see how Vokai would have done at the challenge if Noura was the caller. Probably would have lost, but it was a good call to make her sit out because they won in the end. Noura is lucky that she was made to sit out seeing as how she would have been gone if they lost and she lost her vote.

Edited by TVFan1
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1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

Loved when the editors chose to show a flock of birds taking off when Noura squealed with excitement on IOI.

That moment was perfect and almost lets me forgive the editors for failing again to show any interaction between the two people on a tribe that have gone to IOI. Seriously- you show Kellee talking about wanting to build a bond with whoever it is and Noura goes, and we know this woman's filter is faulty at best.... and they show us nothing!?

Wow, that turn around at the immunity challenge when the tribe all agreed that they wanted to sit out Noura was hilarious. Poor Noura was sure her amazing persuasion skills had them fooled.

I rolled my eyes hard when I first heard the IOI concept and while this season isn't showing superior game play thus far but it's a likeable group and has already provided some laughs and good blindsides so I'm looking forward to watching how this all plays out. And I get Sandra's droll commentary so that's a plus. You got your blindside, indeed!

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Random thoughts on episode 4 - "Quid Pro No"

  • "I'm using the This for That strategy" said the Survivor who couldn't explain This
  • "I'm on a tribe of pansies!" said the Survivor who then whimpered and cried
  • "I'm kind of excited by blindsides" said the Survivor who joined the Idol Souvenir Club. 

Speaking of idols, that idol of Jamal's looked like it had been made by some random little kid.  There have been many far more elaborate fake idols made by players with crap they've found, scrounged, and cobbled together.  But I'm guessing production blew their budget on the Easter Island Rob and Sandra statues, so it's a reasonable trade.

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