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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Just watched the woman who thought her ex boyfriend was programming her car radio and doing other stuff to send her secret messages.   Phil let her ramble on, with her friend, brother, father all saying how they're exhausted from dealing with her.  She'd hear a song on the radio, hear something like 'fast car' so then decided that meant she had to follow the 'fast car' that was on the road.  She'd "tracked" the ex to Mexico, drove over 800 miles to find the ex, all sorts of crazy shit.  She'd also read daily horoscopes for her sign, and read the secret meanings just for her, planted by her ex. 

Phil had an expert former FBI investigator who specialized in electronics (bugging, programming) to go through her car.  Yeah nothing was tampered with on her car radio.  She didn't believe it.  Well some stuff is put in at the factory on newer cars.  Maybe GPS, but they don't program songs that are clues to finding your ex to play at specific times on the radio.

Phil found the ex, Simon, who'd moved from one side of the country to the other (away from her) for work.  (I believe they were Canadian, because she asked if he'd not been in Edmonton - which, no, he'd not been in 2 years).  He made it plain he'd moved on, but she still kept saying why did you do this or that?  He'd done none of the crazy stuff she said.  He even brought his passport and had maybe 1 stamp.  She still wouldn't hear that he was done with her.  He has been in a relationship for 2 years with someone else.  Then she says so you left me only so I'd go around chasing clues for 3 years?  He said once again, no clues.  He left, and he stopped responding to her emails after he was seeing his current girlfriend (I am betting she wouldn't hear no then either).   The ex goes off stage, and he looked like WTF have I done by coming here?  Yeah delete all your social media, change your email, maybe move.  She's a stage 10 clinger/wacko.

She then said oh he lied to me.  I spent 3 years wearing myself out, chasing down clues.  (She said that one time to the ex, to which he said, I had nothing to do with that - you did that to yourself!  Go ex!).

Then Phil says, well I think I know what's going on with you, with like 2 minutes left on the show.  WTF.  She's been taking some sort of medication for her rheumatoid arthritis.  He did his dissertation on that very subject.  Doesn't his dissertation or area of expertise seem to change given the diagnosis of the guest that day/week?  Anyhow, when some medications are taken long term, they can cause psychiatric problems.  The one other doctor (can't think of his name - one of the dual diagnostic guys), chirped in saying yes, they can make you think that ordinary things have meanings specifically directed at you (car songs, horoscopes, etc.).  I missed it, but I think they were doing an entire medical workup on her.  I think her family already had her put in a psych ward, and they released her because she showed no tendencies towards violence.  Just a tendency to chase non-existent clues.

Why they didn't do the work up ahead of time, then lay out a path for treatment would have been a better show.  Better than her saying well I found this, I saw him at the top of the stairs, etc.

Then, of course, the last 1 to 2 minutes was Robin shilling her face potions and creams.  The audience got both items she was shilling.  Just have Jay produce an informercial already, or include samples with every book Jay publishes with coupons.

Duh, I just saw that this aired back in Feb. 2018.  So stupid of me to think that the shows were new - Phil and Phamily have to have the summer off, of course!  

I then snooped online because I wanted to see if Phil and the other doc helped Sheila.  I found the friend, then found Sheila on SM.  Someone had asked the friend how Sheila was doing, and she said pretty much the same, but why don't you message her?  I think the friend is going to stay the hell out of it.  On Sheila's facebook, she still has a pic of her with the ex at the top of the page.  All sorts of quotes, like the self help stuff, her wanting cannabis legalized in Canada, then she said she had a go fund me for a new knee.  She is on a waiting list or was, but had zero cartilage in knee.  So how was she able to chase down the ex?  And the brother said she'd spent at least 10k in gas money alone.  Well I clicked on the go fund me page.  Sad.  $25 raised out of 45k goal.  Bet we do not get an update from Phil about her, as she's not looking to be one of his success stories.

Edited by hoosier80
Adding other info
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"Doesn't his dissertation or area of expertise seem to change given the diagnosis of the guest that day/week?"

Amen, Hoosier80!   I think this about $chill all the time.   

I once worked with a guy like that.  No matter what the trade, he'd "been there, done that" and better than anyone else. 

Behind his back, we all said if you did the real math, dude would have had to be 150 to have accomplished all he bragged about.

That makes $chill about 200.

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Totally hate watching at this point.  I used to enjoy the way he called everyone out on their bullshit.  But it's clear, he's just phoning it in so Plastico, mysonjay, and the miracle rehabs can schill their crap.

I stated on the Iyanla site that I'd like to see Oprah ditching Phil & giving Iyanla a shot at a daily "undo my stupid decisions" talk show.

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I watched the Dennis the "psychic" episode yesterday.  It was odd to me how quickly he ended their segment with no real resolution or plan.  Just that's that.  Which was followed up by an least 10-15 minute infomercial about some kind of skin cream.  Not Robin's brand, oddly enough.  Did anyone else have the feeling that we didn't get to see the whole episode with Dennis and that daughter/mom?

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Just watched the episode where the 13 yo daughter attacks her mother with a knife. My mom ruined my life by keeping me from my dad. Where he basically blamed the mother for the entire thing and the daughter took zero ownership in her behavior and he let her do it. So was the mother supposed to stay in a bad relationship and be miserable and effect the kids view of what a marriage is? Cause that’s what he was giving off.  so because the other children adjusted to the divorce but the daughter didn’t he threw the entire family under the bus? I’m sorry what? what a crock of shit and he sat there so smug ugh I wanted to punch him in the face 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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17 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Just watched the episode where the 13 yo daughter attacks her mother with a knife. My mom ruined my life by keeping me from my dad. Where he basically blamed the mother for the entire thing and the daughter took zero ownership in her behavior and he let her do it. So was the mother supposed to stay in a bad relationship and be miserable and effect the kids view of what a marriage is? Cause that’s what he was giving off.  so because the other children adjusted to the divorce but the daughter didn’t he threw the entire family under the bus? I’m sorry what? what a crock of shit and he sat there so smug ugh I wanted to punch him in the face 

It is ALWAYS the parents fault...even good hearted, well meaning parents doing the best they can. I'm sorry Shill we can't all be born with the perfect knowledge of how to raise children like you and Plastica!!

Because I've always been curious about Phil's Dr. On Demand, I signed up to see the prices so here it is:

Psychologist: $79.00 for 25 minutes - $119.00 for 50 minutes

Psychiatrist: $229.00 for 45 minutes and $99.00 per 15 minutes of "follow up". 

ETA: I uninstalled the app immediately after "signing up" to see the prices. The prices could possibly vary according to your age because age and sex were pretty much all they wanted to know for initial sign up.

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Because I've always been curious about Phil's Dr. On Demand, I signed up to see the prices so here it is:

Psychologist: $79.00 for 25 minutes - $119.00 for 50 minutes

Psychiatrist: $229.00 for 45 minutes and $99.00 per 15 minutes of "follow up". 

ETA: I uninstalled the app immediately after "signing up" to see the prices. The prices could possibly vary according to your age because age and sex were pretty much all they wanted to know for initial sign up.

What happens if you need a prescription from the psychiatrist? I am curious to how this works. I assume that Dr on Demand does not take insurance. 

I suffer from watching Dr. Phil and wonder what the diagnosis is for that. I must be sick in the head somehow. I am sure that I can get a family member to vouch for me. 

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

What happens if you need a prescription from the psychiatrist? I am curious to how this works. I assume that Dr on Demand does not take insurance. 

I suffer from watching Dr. Phil and wonder what the diagnosis is for that. I must be sick in the head somehow. I am sure that I can get a family member to vouch for me. 

yes, they did ask if I had health insurance but I just skipped that question. I wasn't interested in finding out about every detail.....I was just curious about prices. I'm sure for many people with health insurance or money, Dr. On Demand could be a very useful option.

2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Because I've always been curious about Phil's Dr. On Demand, I signed up to see the prices so here it is:

Psychologist: $79.00 for 25 minutes - $119.00 for 50 minutes

Psychiatrist: $229.00 for 45 minutes and $99.00 per 15 minutes of "follow up". 

ETA: I uninstalled the app immediately after "signing up" to see the prices. The prices could possibly vary according to your age because age and sex were pretty much all they wanted to know for initial sign up.

Just curious,  can one get on Dr on Demand whining about a toothache or ear infection and get a script for the "oh so elusive pain meds(opiods)?  I am really curious how that might work.  I was told by my REAL dentist that she can't even fax, email or call in pain scripts anymore.  I had to WALK the hard copy in to Walgreens.

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I can't believe I'm actually wasting finger pokes on this, but...today's rerun with the dentist mother & the idiot daughter that can't live on her $1000/month allowance....

A couple of a weeks after it ran, there was a blurb on daily mail, that idiot daughter was now getting a 4k allowance.  They had done squat.  Mother & idiot daughter were looking for you tube gig.

Good job, Dr Schill.  You (and your staff of 200)  were scammed and didn't even figure it out. 

Pffft.  Us sillies at home saw that coming a mile away.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

I can't believe I'm actually wasting finger pokes on this, but...today's rerun with the dentist mother & the idiot daughter that can't live on her $1000/month allowance....

A couple of a weeks after it ran, there was a blurb on daily mail, that idiot daughter was now getting a 4k allowance.  They had done squat.  Mother & idiot daughter were looking for you tube gig.

Good job, Dr Schill.  You (and your staff of 200)  were scammed and didn't even figure it out. 

Pffft.  Us sillies at home saw that coming a mile away.

I saw this one today as well.  I was marveling at how insane her mother is!  C'mon, lady; this is NOT how you raise a child!  You need to take it all away TODAY.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I saw this one today as well.  I was marveling at how insane her mother is!  C'mon, lady; this is NOT how you raise a child!  You need to take it all away TODAY.

^^^^ Yes!! Make a baby and then let your work/education/career come first?! Idiot mother! Then feel guilty that you have no time for your child so you keep the kid amused by giving her lots of material, meaningless things. And (not a big surprise) no mention of the father! 

And did I really see Robin pimping her skin care products seconds after Phil was done with the mom and daughter? 50 shades of wrong! 

Edited by chenoa333
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Chenoa333, I thought exactly the same thing the first time I saw this show. No surprise, Mom caved and kid is even more spoiled now that before. “Nooooooooo. I don’t WANT A JOB. I DON’T WANT TO START AT THE BOTTOM”.  Wah, Wah, Wah. Sorry little bitch but I don’t really blame her. Her mom is to blame for all of this. Geez. Please tell me that this kid will not, at some point, VOTE in this country!

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Chenoa333, I thought exactly the same thing the first time I saw this show. No surprise, Mom caved and kid is even more spoiled now that before. “Nooooooooo. I don’t WANT A JOB. I DON’T WANT TO START AT THE BOTTOM”.  Wah, Wah, Wah. Sorry little bitch but I don’t really blame her. Her mom is to blame for all of this. Geez. Please tell me that this kid will not, at some point, VOTE in this country!

Lol! The odds of me becoming a super model are much greater than that mindless, vapid, uneducated twit girl ever voting. She probably doesn't know who the current president is.  

ETA: WHY do all of these "self help" shows ALWAYS send entitled, f'd up assholes to homeless shelters/"soup kitchens" ? Are homeless people supposed to represent the dregs of society? Why not send some of these uncaring, spoiled fuck ups to a children's hospital where kids are dealing with only a few months/years to live? Or sending them to a hospital that has newborns addicted to drugs? Send these brats to ALL of these places. But I feel sad that the homeless are always used on these shows for examples of how NOT to end up in life. And they know nothing about any of the homeless people's personal stories.

Ok, I'm done now. Lol

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Sister Havana said:

I saw a promo for the new season the other day - looks like we're going to get a follow-up show with Courtney and Amie (the one who was accused of faking pregnancies, miscarriages, and the birth and death of twins) soon. I am so here for that!

According to the listings on Zap2It, that episode is going to be on next Thursday (they appear to be burning off episodes from this past season before the 17th one officially starts). The others are:

Monday: My Ex-Wife's `Voices' Told Her to Divorce Me, and Now She Wants Me Back!

Tuesday: Abandoned Twice as a Child: A Mother-and-Son Confrontation; Help, Dr. Phil! My Daughter Needs to Get out of Bed, Get Moving, and Get a Job

Wednesday: My Constant Battle to Not Become a Serial Killer

Friday: My Out-of-Control 15-Year-Old Son Was Kicked Out of Public, Private & Military School (I remember seeing this one listed back in March or April before it changed to something else).

1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

It would be interesting to read the synopsis of each show in the first 3-4 seasons and then read the synopsis of each show in the past 3-4 seasons. I’d imagine we’d find that quite interesting and discouraging. 

The Wayback Machine to the rescue! The earliest it goes back is to July 2005.

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The only Dr. Phil shows I watch are the catfish shows.   I love that they take an hour or two, show the beloved person doesn't exist, all of the paperwork is phony, they're using someone else's picture, and it's all a scam, followed by the teary eyed victim swearing they're never giving the person another penny.     I'm sure that in virtually every case the person is back to giving the scammer money before the show even airs.     


The case with the woman who claimed to be a Kennedy relative, that had died three times, was hysterical.     The more her victim kept saying he believed Dr. Phil, the less I believed him.     

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1 hour ago, iHateAmpersands said:

True story:  before I met my husband, I joined.  I knew I was in the wrong place when one of the recommended profiles for me had a profile photo of the guy holding an AK-47.

Yeah, swipe left......

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On 8/28/2018 at 3:03 PM, Monie said:

Oh my gosh!!! I am going to scream!! Friggin Plastica and her stupid "magic" potions! 

Robin is a Dr. too......a witch doctor. Last week on one of the shows (possibly a re-run) she gave all of the audience members an entire gift box of items from her skin care products. She truly is a kind, giving person... (eye roll) Lol! Her gift give aways are definitely going to be listed on her tax return as "charitable donations/business expense". And there's also the possibility not too many women are buying her crap.

On 8/24/2018 at 11:49 AM, AZChristian said:

Am I the only one who finds it incongruous that Dr. Phil has commercials for "ourtime.com" on his catfish shows?

Yeah, the "OurTime" commercials....where actors in their 40's are being paid to pretend they are in their 60's and 70's. Such trim, fit, flawless looking seniors they are! Lol!

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This poor kid with the shady mother .. it was really wrong of Philip to open the door while the kid was waiting for his mother to come walking through when Phil knew she wasn't there . 

And his whole " I don't talk to people off camera " speech .. yeah I wonder why you don't do that .. because all drama needs to be filmed or else there's no point in helping someone . 

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Another week of burn-offs before the new season starts.


9/3: Our Mother Blames Us for Her Being a Violent, Raging Drunk (Aired 4/6/2018)

9/4: My 15-Year-Old Daughter Is Facing a Felony Charge for Distributing Child Pornography

9/5: I Shot My Abusive Husband in Self-Defense and My Daughter Won't Forgive Me

9/6: My Fiance's 8-Year-Old Son Tried to Kill Me

9/7: My Husband Blames Me for Blowing His $1 Million Settlement

  • Love 1
On 8/29/2018 at 10:56 PM, chenoa333 said:

Robin is a Dr. too......a witch doctor. Last week on one of the shows (possibly a re-run) she gave all of the audience members an entire gift box of items from her skin care products. She truly is a kind, giving person... (eye roll) Lol! Her gift give aways are definitely going to be listed on her tax return as "charitable donations/business expense". And there's also the possibility not too many women are buying her crap.

Yeah, the "OurTime" commercials....where actors in their 40's are being paid to pretend they are in their 60's and 70's. Such trim, fit, flawless looking seniors they are! Lol!

Like the gorgeous women with tons of energy and long flowing hair in the Stage IV cancer commercials.

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Dr Phils blame the parent approach really annoys me . Sometimes a kid is just an asshole , doesn't always mean the parents are terrible . 

Also , dr Phil told the parents that they need to stop having therapists , disciplinary schools etc parent their child because THEy need to parent him .. meanwhile at the end of the show he wanted to have the kid sent to a wilderness place and told the parents the situation is above their heads and they need lots of help ... um , wasn't that what they were saying all along ? 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Dr Phils blame the parent approach really annoys me . Sometimes a kid is just an asshole , doesn't always mean the parents are terrible . 

Also , dr Phil told the parents that they need to stop having therapists , disciplinary schools etc parent their child because THEy need to parent him .. meanwhile at the end of the show he wanted to have the kid sent to a wilderness place and told the parents the situation is above their heads and they need lots of help ... um , wasn't that what they were saying all along ? 

This kid IS an asshole.  He is only FIFTEEN.  He drinks and smokes dope and can't WAIT til he can get emancipated.  Dr Phil is full of shit on this one.  The parents are at their wit's end.  They need to take away his beloved phone, for one thing. 

  • Love 6
Just now, Gam2 said:

Aaaannnndddd, surprise, surprise! The kid decides he just wants to go back home. So what, exactly, was this show supposed to teach us? Thanks, Phil. Nice job, bud.

Yeah, kiddo... your folks don't WANT you to come home.  So, you can't.  They should turn this little craphead over to the state.

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The Serial Killer episode. This the most disturbing thing I have ever seen on daytime TV. Is Dr. Phil punking us because what I watched can't be real. And did Shill actually tell the sister that it's ok to see the brother as long as it's in public. No, sister needs to take her kids and run the eff away from him so he can never ,ever track her down, ever.  I'm still in shock over the way this entire episode was handled. 

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I don't think Dr. phils advice is ever really that good anymore . He is too hard on people who don't deserve it and too easy on people who are terrible . I suppose it was the kids parents fault that he didn't want to go .. I'm sure that's what he would have said . 

And why was he so easy on the guy who wanted to be a serial killer ? He didn't even offer him any good therapy in the end and barely seemed to care that the guy was saying he wants to be a serial killer and keep the persons heads in his closet . Good job , Phil . 

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