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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

But isn't she taking it for granted that if she goes, changes her mind, and comes back that her husband will take her back with open arms after she's destroyed their family and abandoned him and her kids?  

I think she's not very bright; imagine the education her home-schooled children are getting.  They may be learning "reading, writing, and arithmetic," but not common sense.

And her saying "I love you" to her cyber-beau in front of her husband and family was just all kinds of inappropriate.

I would say she's taking it for granted. If she were married to me and went, she'd return to find the locks on the house changed and anything that could be retitled into my name alone would have been. Not to mention I'd serve her ass with divorce as fast as I possibly could - and with her out of the country, that would mean a notice in the newspaper that I'm suing for divorce and she has to respond within a certain amount of time or I get what I'm asking for in the divorce. I would start the divorce process within the hour after she boarded the plane. As soon as the divorce was granted, I'd immediately have a garage sale and sell her clothing and anything else of value. And if there were anything more creative I could do to stick it to her, you can be sure I'd probably think of it and I would definitely do it. Why, yes, yes I do possess a vindictive streak and the creativity to really hit where it hurts.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

As soon as the divorce was granted, I'd immediately have a garage sale and sell her clothing and anything else of value. And if there were anything more creative I could do to stick it to her, you can be sure I'd probably think of it and I would definitely do it. Why, yes, yes I do possess a vindictive streak and the creativity to really hit where it hurts.

Reminds me of a story I read where a woman's husband left her for a pretty young thing.  In the note he left, he directed her to "Sell my car and send me what you get for it."

She followed his directions exactly.  She sent him a check for $50 and a copy of the newspaper ad:  "Late model Cadillac for sale.  First person who shows up with $50 cash gets it."  

Now THAT is creative vindictiveness.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, AZChristian said:

Reminds me of a story I read where a woman's husband left her for a pretty young thing.  In the note he left, he directed her to "Sell my car and send me what you get for it."

She followed his directions exactly.  She sent him a check for $50 and a copy of the newspaper ad:  "Late model Cadillac for sale.  First person who shows up with $50 cash gets it."  

Now THAT is creative vindictiveness.

Yes, it is! It's also incredible stupidity on the husband's part. Did he really think she's going to take the time to get anything near fair market value? Why would she? LOL

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I came away from this episode actually liking Kenyan Kevin. The family of the repressed, mousy housewife was attacking Kevin as if this woman was some confused old lady being catfished by some lothario. This selfish 44 year old twit fetishized African men so much that she was determined to  have sex with one, regardless of the country and abandon her own children. Yet her family was so worried about her contracting "disease" in Africa. Please.

Whomever the Nigerian John Redcorn was that she claimed was a doctor, was obviously putting some sexual healing on her that she wanted more of, and was looking for any African man to fulfill. 

Her dad looked young enough to be her brother. Her husband sounded pathetic and they both look like the prelude to a Dateline ID murder if they stay married to each other. I thought it very telling that her mother said he wasn't her favorite son in law.

I agree with you. I didn't necessarily LIKE Kevin, but I also didn't get why the blame was being put on him. If not him, it will be someone else. This woman is an idiot and I have no pity or understanding for her. Her smirk was annoying, and you can tell she's missing very important brain cells. The husband is an idiot as well. I felt bad for him because I can't even imagine being married to someone for 18 years and them behaving this way, but then again I don't believe that this happened overnight. Someone who has no emotion or conscience has never had emotion or a conscience. Those qualities don't just disappear. I don't care how much I loved someone . I am all for commitment, but if my husband straight up told me he was not in love with me anymore and was sexting other women in different countries with the intention to leave me and my children for random women , I wouldn't fight for that. I'd be really angry and upset, but I wouldn't try to change their mind.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

And did everyone else catch that this dolt thought she'd get "50/50 custody" with her living in fucking KENYA? Yeah, sure, the kids can fly out every weekend, no problem. What a loser this woman is.

And she seemed to think that she and Kevin would have one house here and one in Kenya so they could be "snowbirds."  Fun fact (thank you, Evelyn on 90DF):  Snowbirds have enough money to maintain two homes.  Pastors who run orphanages in Kenya and their "stay-at-home" wives don't have a lot of money.  Once "her half" of the tax refund is gone, she's dead broke.

At this point, if I were the husband, I'd change my filing status to "Married, Filing Separately."  Then NONE of the money is hers.  The taxes owed by him would be higher, but it would be one more of those "creative vindictiveness" things to stick it to her.  She would then have to file independently, based on her income . . . of which there seems to be none.  Then she could keep her refund for herself.  Of which there would be none.

  • Love 3

I am not 100% convinced that today's family was real.  Seriously.

The 'daughter' showed a lot of 'angst' but did not show true emotion.   Although not a prerequisite for emotions, the tears were sparse. 

I am waffling between it's a really screwed up family or it's a really bad collection of bad actors.

And may I ask what Dollar bill Phil's daughter-in-law did before she married Mysonjay?

12 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

I am not 100% convinced that today's family was real.  Seriously.

The 'daughter' showed a lot of 'angst' but did not show true emotion.   Although not a prerequisite for emotions, the tears were sparse. 

I am waffling between it's a really screwed up family or it's a really bad collection of bad actors.

And may I ask what Dollar bill Phil's daughter-in-law did before she married Mysonjay?

Agreed. The daughter looked like a used Mira Sorvino in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. She lost the shaky, crying, nervous, "I feel so scared" persona as soon as Phillip asked her why she had grown men in her home as a young teenager. She suddenly sounded like Kathleen Turner, "Well, everyone dates." The father was like an elderly Jeff Spicoli. I almost felt sorry for him until Phillip revealed that he'd knocked up and married his daughter's 19 year old friend. And of course, it's a two-parter. I guess they've got to make room for the wrinkle cream segment.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

The husband caught in the middle of the Kenya guy needs to kick his wife to the curb.  She is enjoying every minute of the attention she is getting.  He needs to buy her ticket to Kenya and give her a going away party.  She won't be as anxious to leave then.

Devious! I love it!

  • Love 4

I find it amazing that Phil stands there at the start of a show displaying 15-20 emails that someone has sent him pleading for help.  They obviously have been trying to get help for a looong time and he suddenly notices them and rushes to get them on and fix their problems.....and sell a little wrinkle cream.  Then he drags the show on for two days.....and sells a little more wrinkle cream.  We also get to watch him lumber off stage with his wasting away wife.  Good fast forward time at the end of each show.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, charmed1 said:

The father was like an elderly Jeff Spicoli. I almost felt sorry for him until Phillip revealed that he'd knocked up and married his daughter's 19 year old friend. 


And may I add that mom with the David Cassidy shag is a real piece of work too.  She had to find herself?  Give me a break. 

In my world that's what you do when you've reared your child to be a productive member of society - not a quivering lump of jello who gets naked for horny old married men and acne infested teens.  You can find yourself after you mold your daughter into someone who is confident, educated and self-sufficient.  And if you can't wait - you do productive things while you're guiding your daughter for the future.  Take classes, dance, volunteer, etc.  That will help you find yourself as well as helping others.  Hanging out in a bar, dating men who show their chest hair and thick chains around their neck will not lead you to the path of finding yourself nor will having multiple affairs.  

These people can't be real and I'm saying this with 20 plus years of counseling adults and children. 

No matter what Phil professes this show has turned into a Jerry Springer episode.  With a side of QVC for all the witchdoctor crèmes Robin is hawking.

But it does make for good snark - I will give it points for that.

Today was the second part of Tara and her parents and the dad’s new wife who’s 19 and pregnant. Could this get any more insane? Sooooo. The second part of the show is a woman who was stalked by an ex-boyfriend who tried to strangle her with a phone cord, she escaped, reported him, etc. Robin is sitting on the stage with Shill. Robin says you think this stress you’ve been through because of this trauma has made you look older. So here I am to offer you the perfect 3 step remedy to make you look great again!!!!!  Are these people for real??!! How can they do this crap and promote a skin care line that’s no better than anything you can buy in Walmart? Has Shill just given up and given in to providing another venue to his wife like he’s done for his son, Jay. Anyone heard of him?And if I hear one more time, Robin saying “I” developed, tested, promoted these products, I’ll just throw up. She hasn’t done one damn thing except spend Phil’s money to promote herself. 

  • Love 9

This woman was nearly killed and her attacker was only sentenced to 30 days in jail. I can't think of a more perfect gift than a soccer mom makeover, wrinkle cream, and a QVC ring. If only she'd gotten a free download of Dr. On Demand and a CD of Jordan's music, she could begin to put her life back together.

  • Love 11
On 11/16/2017 at 9:48 AM, MrSmith said:

I would say she's taking it for granted. If she were married to me and went, she'd return to find the locks on the house changed and anything that could be retitled into my name alone would have been. Not to mention I'd serve her ass with divorce as fast as I possibly could - and with her out of the country, that would mean a notice in the newspaper that I'm suing for divorce and she has to respond within a certain amount of time or I get what I'm asking for in the divorce. I would start the divorce process within the hour after she boarded the plane. As soon as the divorce was granted, I'd immediately have a garage sale and sell her clothing and anything else of value. And if there were anything more creative I could do to stick it to her, you can be sure I'd probably think of it and I would definitely do it. Why, yes, yes I do possess a vindictive streak and the creativity to really hit where it hurts.

 I think the husband really does love her, and imho real love is not vindictive. For me real love is when I still care for the person as a person but I don’t want to be in a romantic relationship with them anymore.  Also the husband is currently is rather physically unattractive with that huge belly and Dr. Phil did not explore what is missing in their marriage. The husband also wants to keep her partially because he believes religiously that God gave her to him like a possession.  I thought it was amazing that after she lost some weight he wasn’t attracted to her but did not realize that perhaps his belly made him rather unattractive for her to imagine having sex with.  he wouldn’t quickly divorce because he doesn’t want to be divorced. He wants to be married. Personally, I don’t know how quickly he could find somebody else to marry him.  If he did a lot of nasty vindictive things, I sure wouldn’t entertain a relationship with him, to say nothing of marry him.  He doesn’t seem that kind of person though and while he is desperate to keep her I think he has a good character.

 I do think that she is rather naïve and that neither of them is all that bright. But I did like what I saw of Kevin and if he was running a sham orphanage or anything else that was sketchy Dr. Phil would’ve made a second episode of this particular story.  She clearly doesn’t love her husband anymore and I imagine that she “cooperated“ with him in sex for a long time. You know about Biblical ideas about when God has given you a woman… Many men coerce their wives into having sex with them  because that’s God‘s way. But even if she isn’t that bright doesn’t she have the right to learn by experience?  I know her husband thinks all of the money is his, but if she did her part of what they agreed to taking care of the children and homeschooling them, why can’t she get a ticket?  With regard to leaving the children, if her husband would cooperate with the divorce it would be an ordinary situation where one parent (the husband) has residential custody.  She clearly intended to come back and Kevin wanted to come to America and go back to Kenya.

I wonder if it was the same story, but she had an online relationship with a gentleman from Belgium, would the family have had the same feelings and ideas?   I understand the family being fearful Of her taking such a radical actions,so perhaps they should chip in together to buy a ticket for Kevin to come to America and check him out. I just think they think it’s bizarre for her to be with a black man as well as their ideas of Africa from the movies, TV, some catfish stories on Dr. Phil, and good old Tarzan movies. I think him coming to America would be the safest and wisest next step. Shame on Dr. Phil suggesting more therapy when you cannot bring back feelings into a relationship when you are totally mentally out of it, sexually out of it and have moved on. They already did try therapy but when one one person is only doing it because you don’t want to say you didn’t try therapy, it doesn’t work.  If Dr. Phil was smart he would finance Kevin coming to America so he can have a second episode on this one, and even a maybe a third episode. I don’t believe that he, Dr. Phil found them a therapist. Did he?

 Anyway, she is addicted to feeling in love and I don’t see her cutting off communication with Kevin. She’s not an adolescent, so I really think the family should chip in and bring Kevin to the US and see if the fantasies might just be quite apparent that they are fantasies.  They could meet each other and find out they rather be texting and Sexting than being in person.

Edited by Kira53
Writing on an iPad is very difficult so I fix my mistakes. Probably there a few more that I didn’t catch.
  • Love 1
On 11/16/2017 at 3:44 PM, PsychoKlown said:

I am not 100% convinced that today's family was real.  Seriously.

The 'daughter' showed a lot of 'angst' but did not show true emotion.   Although not a prerequisite for emotions, the tears were sparse. 

I am waffling between it's a really screwed up family or it's a really bad collection of bad actors.

And may I ask what Dollar bill Phil's daughter-in-law did before she married Mysonjay?

There were no tears, just theatrics.  Not saying she did not need extensive help, she does.  The way she presented herself appeared to be forced but not acting.  She doesn't know another way to be so her pained expression was real if that made sense.  

Origins is not going to help her.  It is yet another of his treatment centers that use the AA model.  It works for some but not as many as they boast and being religious is necessary since it is a 'give it up to god' philosophy.  I don't want to start an AA debate.  I just do not agree with their approach and certainly not for this girl who has no addiction. 

Phil has limited resources but I do believe he does a lot of good for many.   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Robin says you think this stress you’ve been through because of this trauma has made you look older. So here I am to offer you the perfect 3 step remedy to make you look great again!!!!!  Are these people for real??!! How can they do this crap and promote a skin care line that’s no better than anything you can buy in Walmart? Has Shill just given up and given in to providing another venue to his wife like he’s done for his son, Jay. Anyone heard of him?And if I hear one more time, Robin saying “I” developed, tested, promoted these products, I’ll just throw up. She hasn’t done one damn thing except spend Phil’s money to promote herself. 

Your post is a major reason I gave up on this show. It just wasn't enjoyable to watch anymore. It's been mostly boring or has people who are manipulating the situation for attention, like the Cashmeoutside brat. On top of that I've felt that Dr. Phil had become argumentative and rude to his guests, and there were times that I found myself uncomfortable with him lying or manipulating them to get them on the show, only to then exploit their problems that they are sharing with the world in an attempt to get help, and the only help they receive is sending them unlicensed rehab, a book he had just written, and what I've read is ONE (1) free session on his Doctor on Demand app. I actually thinking that one session was probably an intake of some kind to see what typed of therapist would suit them best, but no one confirmed anything like that. Most didn't follow through because they thought it was obvious they weren't the ones needing help. 

I was reading about bad reviews of Origins and several people who were family members of the addict were disclosing how the producers had tracked them down over a piece they were doing and asked if they would assist. Many of these were for shows that don't have anything to do with addiction, they just took over that board to chime in that they were treated the same way by the producers.

They were sent a lot of paperwork about their lives and when they asked why they needed all this info if the show was to help someone else, they would be told it helps Dr. Phil understand their communication skills and help get everyone on the same page. One person refused to complete it, because he said there was something about it that made him feel like he was actually the person show was going to be about and he wasn't airing his dirty laundry to the world. Others said they also did the paperwork and they felt it was used against them. One woman said she was going on the show because she thought it was going to be about her sister's lackadaisical parenting of her (sister's) teenage daughter, and Dr. Phil blamed her for overstepping her bounds but also for not calling the cops on her niece. She said it was a no win situation. He sent the teenager somewhere and when she arrived, she refused to participate and was sent home.

But the worst part, was him ending a show early so his plastic alien wife can hawk her snake oil. She has become hard to look at, and I don't mean it to sound like she's so ugly she hurts my eyes, but I stare, unblinking, trying to figure out what in the hell she's done to herself that makes her look odd.

Yesterday, I was watching Dateline on OWN. When it went off, a Dr. Phil episode started and it originally aired this week; it's the woman who is going to Kenya to be with Kevin and her kids can come, or not. I was looking through the guide to see which one of the other Datelines I wanted to watch, since there were six to chose from; it's nearly as bad as Guy Fieri. The husband begins talking and said she went to an herbalist to get help for some things (I instantly assumed menopause), she lost fifteen pounds and he was no longer attracted to her. Then he started in on how wonderful she is and their 20 year marriage has been, even though fifteen pounds was all it took to no longer be attracted to her. I ended up watching the show.

Kevin was the fourth African man she had been in a "relationship" with. It seemed pretty clear that the others left when she didn't send them money. Her husband mentioned her having a position in their church and homeschooling their kids, but she must not have any income herself. She had a frozen grin on her face, probably from Robin's snake oil, is obviously being scammed, and when she isn't able to get half the tax return because her husband manages to protect it somehow, Kevin will drop her and she'll move to another. We will be seeing her on 90 Day Fiance at this rate. Maybe she'll convince her husband to sponsor him for his visa. 

If she is done with her marriage, she needs to try a dating app more local to her. She's never going to make it to Africa and those men are scammers who will rip her off for every sent she sends them. If she does, somehow make it to Kenya, her children are going to see it as abandonment, and she will spend years trying to reestablish that relationship, once she is dropped again, for not having anything to give to the African man. Dr. Phil seemed completely ineffective and gave up as she just kept giving him that creepy grin in response to everything.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Christina said:

Dr. Phil seemed completely ineffective and gave up

Another reason he might have given up is that it turned out that Kevin was real, an actual pastor, at a large, properly built orphanage with happy dancing, singing children welcoming the crew in an idyllic setting. Kevin was all sweetness and light and sounded really genuine - totally unfazed by Dr $hill berating him for wooing a married woman.

Maybe the silent, grinning wife had spent enough time in a religious straight jacket, indoctrinating four children at home so that they avoid the secular influence of school, being reminded that her husband literally owns her because God had handed her over to him. The lure of being seen instead as someone who is sexually desirable and has her own sexual feelings is probably not something she is being rational about.

It won't be the first couple with 4 children that divorces.

$hill asked her to remove herself from Kevin for 90 days; I doubt she lasted 90 seconds.

  • Love 4

I felt a bit sorry for Dr. Phil.  The show had a great premise - middle aged wife leaves hubby + 4 kids for 20 year old black man in Kenya.  But it all fell flat.  The wife was without  spark or personality and just smirked one-word answers. The hubby blustered on about nothing other than his wife was a gift. And to top it all... Kevin didn't come across as the  cat-fishing charlatan Phil wanted.

  • Love 3

Clearly Kevin came up clean.  Dr Phil's contacts surely vetted him.  Although he is from Kenya, not Nigeria so who knows.  Her husband was hoping Phil would uncover something.  

Yeah, the show was a dud, I was hoping for so much more but still better than an addiction episode.  

Her smile said, 'I am checked out, I will do whatever I choose regardless of what you say.' 

I don't know what she thinks life in Africa with a 20 something will look like but I doubt it is an accurate fantasy.  

No way will she give up Kevin for 90 days to work on her marriage.  I didn't get good vibes from that husband.  He came off as oppressive and strident in his ideas on what marriage should be.  

Get divorced and move on, both of you.  

  • Love 5

The wife definitely needs to initiate a divorce if she wants to leave her husband and find a new (African) man.  She seemed to want to have the husband as a "fall-back" as she mentioned a few times that if it didn't work out she would just return home to her husband.  Then the talk of having two homes-one wherever they are from and the other in Kenya.  I wonder who she thinks will be paying for all of this; not to mention the cost of the airfare.  It seems that she is a bit out of touch with reality unless she has an income source that Dr. Phil did not talk about or reference.  

I do think that Kevin is scamming her as he was quick to state that he wanted to come to America as that was what she wanted.  So, willing to leave the orphanage and his family just like that...  Also, it seemed too 'coincidental' that everything the wife lived/loved just happened to be his interests as well.  When they were talking about all the things they had in common it totally reminded me of a friend of mine who was falling for a scam.  We were on the phone and I started directly her to different websites as we were talking that addressed each and everything she was telling me.  Same religious denomination (i.e. Baptist), interests and hobbies, etc.  Oh, and he was stuck in Italy and just needed her to send a few hundred dollars to him so that he could return to the U.S....  Kevin may be real, but his ignoring of Dr. Phil's questions about being a pastor and romancing a married woman as well as some of his other non-answers leads me to have doubts.  I would love a follow-up of this episode.

As for the stress-out daughter doing web-cam and her bickering and divorced parents, I think the daughter learned how to get lots of attention by appearing helpless and nervous.  

  • Love 5

Yeah, I didn’t buy that girl’s nervousness, crying with barely any tears and her overall “I’m so helpless and upset and unable because my mom left me”. Her dad is a moron, her mom is not quite as lost as her dad is but overall, I think the daughter has played both of them for years. And now she’s played Shill. This whole show was ridiculous.

  • Love 3

"He's possessed by a demon, folks! Wake up and smell the coffee!" I've never seen a fucking demon cower in fear like that. The dad is a colossal moron and asshole. Also saying he didn't drop his kid on the gravel after the spanking, he "caught" him. Yeah, you were holding him BY THE NECK, you idiot.

  • Love 8
On 11/19/2017 at 7:53 PM, Gam2 said:

Yeah, I didn’t buy that girl’s nervousness, crying with barely any tears and her overall “I’m so helpless and upset and unable because my mom left me”. Her dad is a moron, her mom is not quite as lost as her dad is but overall, I think the daughter has played both of them for years. And now she’s played Shill. This whole show was ridiculous.

At first I was buying it, but then I felt like out of nowhere that nervous cry went away when Dr. Phil said something she didn't like. I could just picture her going to the bathroom after the show and having a big ass grin on her face like, ha- morons. I played you all. Also, her selfie videos she was taking seemed far from the sweet girl she portrayed herself as on the show.

  • Love 1
On 11/18/2017 at 5:02 PM, Christina said:

Your post is a major reason I gave up on this show. It just wasn't enjoyable to watch anymore. It's been mostly boring or has people who are manipulating the situation for attention, like the Cashmeoutside brat. On top of that I've felt that Dr. Phil had become argumentative and rude to his guests, and there were times that I found myself uncomfortable with him lying or manipulating them to get them on the show, only to then exploit their problems that they are sharing with the world in an attempt to get help, and the only help they receive is sending them unlicensed rehab, a book he had just written, and what I've read is ONE (1) free session on his Doctor on Demand app. I actually thinking that one session was probably an intake of some kind to see what typed of therapist would suit them best, but no one confirmed anything like that. Most didn't follow through because they thought it was obvious they weren't the ones needing help. 

OK. First, sorry that I haven't been on in a few days. I've been enjoying being on vacation and not doing the usual things. Anyway, I decided to pop back onto the forums this morning while I have some time and saw this, and I had to post. I actually have a RL friend who was on the Dr Phil show. She's (still) at odds with her family, particularly her sisters, primarily because she's into the "BD" part of "BDSM" (but also in part because her boyfriend [now husband? I think they got married] has a bit of a criminal history and has been accused to child molestation [but nothing was proven, even in court] - and she has two children). From what she's told me (and I have never been able to find the episodes, even on OWN), Dr Phil and his people told her that they would help her with her relationship with her sisters. When they got on the show, it was made all about her and her boyfriend and the safety of the children, while there was little or no discussion about her relationship with her two sisters. I've known this woman a long time and she is not given to lying, which makes me comfortable believing her. So I can believe that there are guests who are manipulated into going on the show.

  • Love 3

Umm. I don't know what I just watched with this Gypsy person. It ended so awkwardly, is it another two-parter?  I vaguely remember this story from the news, but I didn't realize how truly bizarre it was. This girl freaked me out. She's got the voice of the little lady from The Poltergeist and the face of Alice the Goon. I'm not sure if the weird voice stopped as the interview went on, or if I just became used to it.

She was certainly abused by her mother, no doubt about it, but I have so many other questions. So when she ran away the first time, was she in a wheelchair or on foot? Phillip didn't ask. And if her mother destroyed her laptop, she surely didn't destroy her phone, because she still managed to get on dating apps.

And when she met her bat shit insane online boyfriend for the first time at the movies, did she wheel herself into the men's bathroom or did she leave it parked outside? Were they in the handicapped stall? Wasn't she a virgin? And in costume?! What a weird thing to see while taking a pee break before your movie starts. If my boyfriend came back to his seat to tell me he just saw a wheelchair-bound Alice the Goon dressed as Cinderella, walk into the stall and have sex with a half-man/half-possum, I'd laugh right in his face.

She said she found documents listing her birth year as 1991, so does that mean she believes herself to be older than what her mother told her? Younger? Wouldn't her father know? This story is just so freaking weird, I feel like I need a Lifetime Movie to explain it to me better. Preferably Tori Spelling as Gypsy. Mother May I Wheel Myself into the AMC 8 Bathroom and Do it to This Derelict I Met on the Internet. Maybe I missed chunks of this episode. I think I may have fallen asleep at the end anyway.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I don't know what I just watched with this Gypsy person.

It was so totally weird.  I have the same WTF questions about the sex in the handicapped restroom at the movies.  And why didn't doctors follow up or alert authorities regarding the Munchhausen diagnosis? 

Dr. Phil is not a very good interviewer for these types of stories.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

It was so totally weird.  I have the same WTF questions about the sex in the handicapped restroom at the movies.  And why didn't doctors follow up or alert authorities regarding the Munchhausen diagnosis? 

Dr. Phil is not a very good interviewer for these types of stories.  

AND it was the first time they met!  The doctor should have done something but what, I am not sure.  CPS is ineffectual and it is not a police situation.  It was the first time he saw them and they probably didn't return.  I guess the least he could have done was alert CPS and explain what M by proxy is and to ask that someone familiar with this condition investigate.  

The abuse this child suffered has probably prevented her from ever having a happy life.  Prison is not the place for her, it just more abuse but of a different kind.  

Not sure what you mean about Phil.  

I saw the HBO documentary on Gypsy Blanchard about a year ago.  After watching that doc, I had no sympathy for Gypsy after seeing film of her and the BF laughing about sex right after the murder. 

Part of her defense was that she had no schooling, all the unnecessary meds had affected her and she was basically mentally still a child.  I felt that she was mature enough to get on dating sites, buy wigs and outfits and have this secret life unbeknownst to her mother, she should take the appropriate punishment.  For some reason, I had more sympathy for her after seeing her on Phil.  Her mother was a monster and I see more of Gypsy's side of things.

If you can, look for the documentary called "Mommy Dead and Dearest" for another side of Gypsy's story.

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2 minutes ago, patty1h said:

I saw the HBO documentary on Gypsy Blanchard about a year ago.  After watching that doc, I had no sympathy for Gypsy after seeing film of her and the BF laughing about sex right after the murder. 

Part of her defense was that she had no schooling, all the unnecessary meds had affected her and she was basically mentally still a child.  I felt that she was mature enough to get on dating sites, buy wigs and outfits and have this secret life unbeknownst to her mother, she should take the appropriate punishment.  For some reason, I had more sympathy for her after seeing her on Phil.  Her mother was a monster and I see more of Gypsy's side of things.

If you can, look for the documentary called "Mommy Dead and Dearest" for another side of Gypsy's story.

Here is the link on YouTube 

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I agree that Phil didn’t ask some of the follow up questions that I would have asked. I think a lot of us look at this like “I would have” or “why didn’t she?”   or whatever. We have to remember that this girl was programmed from birth to be something, act like someone, do the things that a sick child would do. I don’t think any of us have ever been in that situation. She never lived a normal life with loving parents in a secure, stable home. I wondered through both episodes about why all of these doctors did all of those surgeries on this child. Did they do them based on what the mother wanted or told them? It seems to me that there was a whole bunch of malpractice going on with this child/girl/woman. There are many people to blame including her father who was absent in her life. She deserved at least one person who had her best interests at heart. 

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On 11/21/2017 at 11:25 AM, MrSmith said:

From what she's told me (and I have never been able to find the episodes, even on OWN), Dr Phil and his people told her that they would help her with her relationship with her sisters. When they got on the show, it was made all about her and her boyfriend and the safety of the children, while there was little or no discussion about her relationship with her two sisters. I've known this woman a long time and she is not given to lying, which makes me comfortable believing her. So I can believe that there are guests who are manipulated into going on the show.

I used to be able to understand why he would trick people to get them on and try and get them help. Your RL friend, for example, if the story about her bf was true, Dr. Phil would help her understand it and get them family therapy. Most likely, they couldn't prove it and he (rightfully in my opinion) refused to take a lie detector test so there wasn't a show worth watching and no reason to waste resources on getting them family therapy. He likes to get people there and then browbeat them into take the lie detector tests.

In the past, I could see where people would would deny their drug/alcohol/mental health issues and he lied to get them there and get them transferred into much needed treatment. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore, although he does send addicts to treatment, but it comes across as a plug for a family or friend's business. His producers go out and find guests, not just the ones who write in, and suggest they want to help that person tell their story, when that isn't the truth. Apparently, there was a show recently where a woman had been faking pregnancies and a show producer found out about someone who kept trying to notify people she was a scammer and reached out to see if she would be willing to be on the show. She posted to her friends that they made it sound like she reached out to them, and the show just looked like she was trashing the not-pregnant woman when she really was urging that the woman needed psychological help.

There was also the woman who wrote a book about her husband's murder and the show contacted her to be on. This would have been a while ago, but it was the first time I learned about how the show was tricking other people to be on, not just the ones who wouldn't have come and gotten help for their addictions, etc. She said that it was to broach a truce between her and the woman who had been having an affair with her husband, and whose husband was the killer. The other woman's name was Kandi and it was the case where Kandi got a job as a paralegal at the author's husband's firm, began having an affair with him, and her daughter told the dad Kandi was at a pharmacy with the attorney again, and the dad showed up and shot him. It turned out the man had been having sex with a few other women, one earlier that day, but the wife blamed Kandi for manipulating her upstanding husband into an affair and they were taking pot-shots at each other online. That story has been told and retold by every show on Investigation Discovery and Dr. Phil didn't add anything other than snapping at Kandi. The widow gave an interview to a local newspaper about how disappointed she was with how everything went down, because she thought they were going to be lead to a truce, and her family and Kandi's daughter were really wanting that to happen, and they didn't seem to be able to get their on their own.

Now, I start watching and it seems like it's Dr. Phil calling his guests out for things they are no disputing, demanding that they get onboard or he was done, and they are sitting there trying to figure out where in the Hell that came from. For instance, the woman months ago who was saying she didn't know what a "flank jacket" was but did know about the rest of what he was saying and he went on attack. She spoke clearly and everyone here knew what she said and meant but Dr. Phil, who was sitting right next to her, was all offended when if he had said "bulletproof" instead of "flack" there wouldn't have been any confusion. The mom is the one who put the GPS tracker on her daughter's car, for Pete's sake!

It stopped being enjoyable for me, and having watched one episode in months has resulted in two posts bitching about Dr. Phil and the show's actions. What happened to all the people who used to write in for help? Are their stories not trashy enough for him now? The show has been on for a long time, and I'm sure most of the letters are about things that they have already covered several times, but if they don't want to help the people who want it from them, give us some updates. My guess it that there aren't many positive updates since to correct the issues on his shows takes work, and people don't want to put in the work when they think it is the other person's fault. 

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On 11/22/2017 at 5:33 AM, charmed1 said:

If my boyfriend came back to his seat to tell me he just saw a wheelchair-bound Alice the Goon dressed as Cinderella, walk into the stall and have sex with a half-man/half-possum, I'd laugh right in his face.

For Thanksgiving I'm thankful for people who write posts like this.  Turkey and cranberry sauce just came squirting out my nose, but it was totally worth it.  Gobble! Gobble!

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The Gypsy Rose Blanchard two-parter was one of the most fascinatingly awful stories I've ever seen on this show. I came here hoping to read everyone else's screams of hatred for the mother, but I see very llttle so far, so I'll have to do it myself. (My friend watched the show before I did, and she said she went from reacting to Gypsy's story with "Oh yeah yeah, you had to kill her because abuse, the old story" to "What took you so long?") When you think of everything that woman did to her for twenty-four years, cutting her off from school, friends, her own body-- not letting her ever walk when she could all along, convincing her that no one would believe her because she'd told all outsiders she was mentally deficient... It would have been bad enough if she'd got away with it into Gypsy's teens, but mid-TWENTIES? That just makes me so sick. And the way she extinguished every vestige of Gypsy's beauty! She's a fairly lovely girl in her jail uniform with her own hair and (I presume) a nice bridge of false teeth (my friend says she should have a nose job, but I doubt that's happening anytime soon), and every single one of those pictures with her mother and in her wheelchair showed a grotesque, clownish child supposedly made ugly by illness. Frightful expressions besides frightful clothes and glasses. Maybe this is the least of her mother's hundred thousand crimes against her, but it counted heavily for me on the show.

Yes, I have lots of questions. She sneaks away from her mother for a few minutes at a movie, in her wheelchair, to go and lose her virginity in the men's room? Zero to 200 in two seconds! I suppose in this day and age she was long prepared for it by Internet porn or something, and she said it started because she was having feelings that made her want a boyfriend. Still, one would like to know more about that. Also about her really being able to walk: did she take every opportunity to practise in her room when she knew her mother was asleep, and thus was relatively fit when she escaped, or did she need physical therapy after she was in the hands of the police to get her up to scratch? I was glad to see her walking around with Dr. Phil in the final segment. I don't just want to see the documentary, I want to read a thick book written about this case after the boyfriend is tried and disposed of and we can get at his side of the story. (We all agree that he isn't really a multiple personality, right? Just showing off?) How the mother was able to do that to her over so many years, including persuading nearly thirty teams of doctors to perform unnecessary surgery on her, is a story I want to read.

I'll bet the Habitat for Humanity volunteers who built that specific house for the noble mother and her poor sick daughter are furious.

But if I were writing a fictional script based on this story, I'd change a detail of the actual murder. When her mother screamed for her help while the boyfriend was killing her, she says she just cowered in the bathroom with her hands over her ears. I'd have my character stand up when her mother called her for help by name, open the bathroom door and shout back "Hey, I can't walk, remember?" This, of course, is not in the character of the girl we saw in this interview, and it would have added at least ten years to her sentence, so it's lucky she didn't have it in her to do that. But it would be so satisfying.

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