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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I finally got to watch the second half of the show about the two girls who were out of control and their parents who just couldn't understand what they were doing wrong. Those parents were there just to cover their asses. I think they thought they were mostly going to be validated by Dr Phil and be able to say, "See? We've done basically everything we could." The reason I think this is because if they were really there to get help, they'd have been more receptive and realized that Dr Phil is telling them they should call the police when they know their daughter is driving under the influence (or when she assaults her grandfather or father). Instead, they spent nearly the entire two hours they were on TV saying "Well, what else are we supposed to do? I don't have a badge. I can't arrest her."

The 16 yo's histrionics when she was told she was going for treatment was just a ploy to get her parents to relent. Things in this family are not going to change. That's very clear based on the parents' reaction when the 18 yo initially refused treatment. They just stood there acting like they don't have any power over her. I'd have looked at her and told her that she either goes for treatment or doesn't come home. Instead, the mother stood there crying, the father stood there stoically, and both acted like there was nothing more they could do than to request she go for treatment and tell her that is what they think is best for her.

  • Love 7
55 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

That's very clear based on the parents' reaction when the 18 yo initially refused treatment. They just stood there acting like they don't have any power over her. I'd have looked at her and told her that she either goes for treatment or doesn't come home.

EXACTLY! The parents should have said "hey, you can go to Origins or you can find somewhere else to live, your choice." What a pair of doormats these two were.

  • Love 9

Watched most of yesterday's show with the crazy lady who was normal until she ate a bad hamburger.  WTH.  I thought the dad (stepdad?) was a real a$$.  He constantly interrupted everyone and acted like he was an expert.  Dr. Phil finally told him to shut up.  I admit I couldn't finish watching it.  The lady was clearly crazy-- talking about auras, destroying the RV, etc.  I couldn't handle how everything she said was in a loud, shouting tone of voice.  The mom would mail her 6 cigarettes a day?  I felt sorry for the sister.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Phoebe70 said:

Watched most of yesterday's show with the crazy lady who was normal until she ate a bad hamburger.  WTH.  I thought the dad (stepdad?) was a real a$$.  He constantly interrupted everyone and acted like he was an expert.  Dr. Phil finally told him to shut up.  I admit I couldn't finish watching it.  The lady was clearly crazy-- talking about auras, destroying the RV, etc.  I couldn't handle how everything she said was in a loud, shouting tone of voice.  The mom would mail her 6 cigarettes a day?  I felt sorry for the sister.

Actually, the bolded part doesn't necessarily indicate anything related to her mental health. I worked with a woman who could see auras and who also saw sound as colors. It's hard to wrap your head around (even for me, and I talked to her at considerable length about this), but there are people who genuinely do see auras. For the lady I worked with, the auras she saw were largely unchanging. So for her, your aura was determined by the kind of person you are and did not fluctuate based on your mood. As for seeing sound as colors, that is something I never did fully grasp. The best she could explain was that it wasn't like her vision was obscured by color; it was more like there was a mental association between certain colors and certain types of sounds. This is the best I can remember about how she explained it. She was a nice lady and I miss her.

  • Love 3

The three sons with the shitty mom resonates with me. I have a shitty dad who thinks I need to just forget the past and forgive him. Well, I forgive him, but that doesn't mean we have any foundation of trust to have a relationship. Nobody owes their shitty parent a relationship (or forgiveness, for that matter). The sons seem very well-adjusted and realistic that, hey, we have a shitty mom, let's just move on with our lives without her.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

The three sons with the shitty mom resonates with me. I have a shitty dad who thinks I need to just forget the past and forgive him. Well, I forgive him, but that doesn't mean we have any foundation of trust to have a relationship. Nobody owes their shitty parent a relationship (or forgiveness, for that matter). The sons seem very well-adjusted and realistic that, hey, we have a shitty mom, let's just move on with our lives without her.

Well, forgiveness isn't really about the other person. It's about you and finding peace within yourself wrt unpleasant events and sub-optimal outcomes. Those three sons certainly had not yet forgiven their mother, even though they were managing to move on with their lives.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Well, forgiveness isn't really about the other person. It's about you and finding peace within yourself wrt unpleasant events and sub-optimal outcomes. Those three sons certainly had not yet forgiven their mother, even though they were managing to move on with their lives.

Agreed totally, I think they should forgive their mom but the mom is not entitled to hear about the forgiveness. Does that make sense? The sons can feel at peace with their own forgiveness of the mom, but they also don't have to ever tell her the words "I forgive you."

  • Love 1

No, they hadn't forgiven their mother. After all of her excuses, denials, forgetting events that were so prominent in her sons' memories, etc, she still didn't acknowledge what she did to them and why they felt the way they did about her. I don't believe that she'll ever be the mom they wanted or needed. It's too late for that. Time to leave those wishes behind and be grateful for each other and the families they've created.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Agreed totally, I think they should forgive their mom but the mom is not entitled to hear about the forgiveness. Does that make sense? The sons can feel at peace with their own forgiveness of the mom, but they also don't have to ever tell her the words "I forgive you."

That's true. They don't have to tell her that they've forgiven her. She'll probably be told when they finally tell her they're done trying to have a relationship with her, and that will probably happen very quickly after they actually forgive her.

13 hours ago, Gam2 said:

No, they hadn't forgiven their mother. After all of her excuses, denials, forgetting events that were so prominent in her sons' memories, etc, she still didn't acknowledge what she did to them and why they felt the way they did about her. I don't believe that she'll ever be the mom they wanted or needed. It's too late for that. Time to leave those wishes behind and be grateful for each other and the families they've created.

Agreed. Time to leave those wishes behind, accept the past for what it is, leave their mother in the past, and create the futures they want. Their mother has absolutely no sense of her own culpability in the mess she's made. She demonstrated this perfectly well by trying to argue the details that just don't matter, such as whether she'd pulled up in a parking lot or on the grass to fight her son's fiancee.

  • Love 3

Watching this show is starting to me nervous.  The new season just started and already many examples of people being  "normal" one day and losing it in a short period, like that wacky Sexy Vegan dude who was on yesterday.  It seems like every week there's a family with a member who suddenly starts drinking, drugging, hearing voices or believing they are the next messiah and ends up sleeping in a box in an alley.  I mean, last week was the teacher who supposedly snapped after eating a bad hamburger!

All this madness makes me see how fragile we are and hope I don't end up on Phil.

Edited by patty1h
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I watched the first few minutes of the lady whose 5-year-old was murdered by his father and had to turn it off. Way too depressing, even by this show's standards.

The less said about Sexy Vegan, the better. Yikes.

I'm looking forward to watching the episode about "Sexy Vegan". We'll probably eventually get through the other episode you mentioned. I'm not 100% sure of that, though.

  • Love 1

My take on what’s happening, for what it’s worth.... in my small community people are getting addicted to pain meds like never before. And when they can no longer get them, they turn to meth or synthetic drugs that will kill you. Thirty years ago the only people who took drugs and acted nutso were celebrities. Now, it’s the guy next door. I couldn’t watch the show about the murdered child either. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Phoebe70 said:

I taped Dr. Phil and was trying to watch the Sexy Vegan episode.  Was it one episode, or two?  I saw the first episode, where he talked with the mom and sister, but then the next episode was the 5 year old who was murdered.  I'm confused.

Sexy Vegan was just one episode. Even though Dr. Phil admitted Sexy may have some underlying personality problems but was not mentally ill. He seemed to think Sexy was putting on a big front. His mom was all inappropriately smiley and giggly and had spent 100,000 on Google ads for some sort of internet dating site he was supposedly developing during a few years when he was "better." His sister seemed sane. Other siblings were referenced but didn't appear. Anyhow, Sexy was back and forth about coming out and when he did he was singing about being the Vegan Messiah and started yelling at his mother and calling her vile names and Dr. Phil had security escort him off the set. Dr. Phil told the clueless mom she needed to cut him off and have him involuntarily committed if need be but he would be willing to help Sexy on a volunteer basis (if Sexy would volunteer to enter a treatment facility). A Dr. Phil producer tried to offer treatment to Sexy but Sexy told him to F off, repeatedly, so no help for Sexy Vegan and I bet his mom is still paying his bills/bail.

  • Love 4

Yeah. Sexy Vegan is as mentally ill as I am. He's a user, a player, a manipulator and has mom totally snowed. His sister was absolutely right about him and their mom. I think mom's the one who's mental. Just stop giving him money and paying his bills. He'll shape up and get a damn job when he gets hungry enough. And maybe sell the  mirrors that he admires himself in all of the time. His language and the way he spoke to everyone on the show was just disgusting. Good for Dr. Phil for throwing him off of the stage after 2 minutes of his posturing.

  • Love 4

I felt nothing for the weird ass kid who lived in a tent down by the river. He blamed his mom and her bad parenting for allowing him to wear suits to school every day. Somehow, I think if she'd stopped him from looking like a pre-pubescent Alex P. Keaton, he'd blame her for not allowing him to express himself and suppressing his innate ability to be a complete dork. He looked and sounded exactly like Cory Feldman.

I loved that Hans legally changed his name to Sexy Vegan. Only because Phillip had to keep referring to him as "Sexy" the whole show.  

  • Love 7

Wow!  This actress who was kidnapped twice told a craaaazy story and the man who masterminded this whole scenario was a sicko of the ultimate degree.  The details are almost too wacky to be believed - aliens, midnight abductions, transported to Mexico.  I was exhausted by the time she finished this whole sordid experience.

  • Love 5

It was a crazy story, but I'm most astounded that this man abducted their little girl and the family not only dropped the charges but continued to be friends with him.  I got the feeling her mother was in love with the guy and thought his feelings were returned.  "The attraction was there but we never crossed the line," she says smugly.  Lady, he never "crossed the line," because he wasn't that into you.  He's into little girls.  The man should have gone to prison for kidnapping and the parents for child neglect.

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, charmed1 said:

I felt nothing for the weird ass kid who lived in a tent down by the river. He blamed his mom and her bad parenting for allowing him to wear suits to school every day. Somehow, I think if she'd stopped him from looking like a pre-pubescent Alex P. Keaton, he'd blame her for not allowing him to express himself and suppressing his innate ability to be a complete dork. He looked and sounded exactly like Cory Feldman.

I loved that Hans legally changed his name to Sexy Vegan. Only because Phillip had to keep referring to him as "Sexy" the whole show.  

To me it seems almost every guest that's on anymore suffers from "Look at me!  Look at me! I'm a star!" syndrome.

  • Love 4

We watched the Sexy Vegan episode from yesterday. So glad that Dr Phil had him removed. That mother is beyond stupid and beyond help. No wonder her son has the problems he has! She never let him suffer the consequences of his actions growing up. Now he's 35 and thinks he's some kind of unicorn and the whole world should bow down to him because of it. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't been assaulted on the street based on the way he acts and looks. Did anyone else notice that the word "vegan" tattooed above his left eye was misspelled? At least, it looks that way. It looked like "vegon". I'm pretty sure he tattooed himself because the quality of those tattoos was beyond horrible. There's no professional tattoo artist who would be willing to do all that and do such a bad job of it, too. Also, I'm pretty sure he's on drugs right now. When you compare the picture of him from just a year ago to what he looks like today, it's clear he's on drugs because he looks a whole lot rougher now than he used to - and that's not just because of his ridiculous face tattoos either!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

When you compare the picture of him from just a year ago to what he looks like today, it's clear he's on drugs because he looks a whole lot rougher now than he used to - and that's not just because of his ridiculous face tattoos either!

Yeah, when I watched it I thought "that guy's been ridden hard and put away wet."

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, b2H said:

Today’s ep was Dr. Shill in Las Vegas about the shooting.

Turned it off within the first 10 seconds.  I want no one capitalizing or profiting from this.  No one.

Same. We deleted the recording almost immediately. I suspected it would be that based on the title. I'm sick of him doing shit like this. What can he possibly add to the conversation? Not one damned thing.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Same. We deleted the recording almost immediately. I suspected it would be that based on the title. I'm sick of him doing shit like this. What can he possibly add to the conversation? Not one damned thing.

I guess, given his contacts, he could arrange help for the victims.  But he could do that behind the scenes as well.  Dr Phil is the main sufferer of the "Look at me!" Syndrome.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Totally agree, I didn't watch it either. I don't remember him giving a shit about Pulse.

You know, I hadn't thought about that. You're right, though. I don't remember him having a show about the Pulse shooting. Wow! That's fucking cold.

5 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

I guess, given his contacts, he could arrange help for the victims.  But he could do that behind the scenes as well.  Dr Phil is the main sufferer of the "Look at me!" Syndrome.

That's the thing: Everything he can do can be done behind the scenes. He doesn't need cameras to accomplish any of the good he can do. And I am sick to fucking death of everyone running around crying after these shootings and saying "Oh, this is horrible. How could this happen? What can we possibly do to prevent future tragedies?" As I posted on Facebook, I'm out of sadness and tears. All I have left is anger.

  1. Anger at the politicians who are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the gun lobby.
  2. Anger at assholes like the NRA who pretend that gun control is a binary choice: either "gunz fer everbody!" or "evul gubbermint iz takin yer gunz!"
  3. Anger at the stupid and ignorant citizens who buy into the false dichotomy.

It's time we face the fact that more guns isn't making us safer, and it's time that we accept the reality that there is a whole smorgasbord of legislative options that exist between "gunz fer everbody!" and "evul gubbermint iz takin yer gunz!". To be honest, stuff like this is one reason why I tend to stay away from crowds and large events. The exception is Wisconsin State Fair every year, but I figure there are lots of buildings to duck into there - and that's assuming someone manages to get a gun through security (metal detectors and a bag search). Granted, my interest level in concerts has been quite low for the last 20 years, but incidents like this certainly don't help to raise it. I am sad for the people who'v died and been injured, and their families. I'm just so angry about the fact that we allow these things to continue to happen that I don't have space to feel the sadness anymore.

  • Love 4

Well, folks. Today was another loser son who’s taken advantage of his parents, using drugs, they’re paying his bills (mom, not always dad), sister thinks they’re enabling him and oh yeah, he has a baby.  How many nuts parents are there in this world now? Kick the bum out and let him live on the street until he gets hungry. Just like all of the others Phil has on his show. And why do these young women keep having babies with these drug using losers?!!!

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Well, folks. Today was another loser son who’s taken advantage of his parents, using drugs, they’re paying his bills (mom, not always dad), sister thinks they’re enabling him and oh yeah, he has a baby.  How many nuts parents are there in this world now? Kick the bum out and let him live on the street until he gets hungry. Just like all of the others Phil has on his show. And why do these young women keep having babies with these drug using losers?!!!

Many. People have gotten soft and have forgotten the value of letting children do things for themselves, letting them face adversity and face the consequences for their actions, and learning from their failures. These things are character-building events and alleviating the pressures children would otherwise feel while going through those things (and surviving them) only delays the building of their character and, when it does happen, causes the development of malformed character (in many cases). As for why young women choose to have babies with these men, it seems like many young people just think that they're magically going to arrive at a future where they're making lots of money, have a nice house, drive new cars, are married to a beautiful person, and have 2 or 3 children and a dog and cat. The ones that seem to believe this don't understand the hard work it takes to create that future.

And this is not only applicable to young people today. I saw it in people my own age as I was growing up. Hell, even my own future was delayed by my mother (in particular) being a "helicopter parent"; she didn't really let me do things on my own and learn from my mistakes and failures. So it took me longer to actually move out on my own; when I did, I was able to create a life I like and enjoy, even if it doesn't fit that "storybook" narrative of a few sentences back.

In fact, there's a lady I ride the bus with (to and from work) whose son is going through this now. He's 20 years old, finished high school, and has no plans for college. He lives in her basement, works what is essentially a minimum wage job (I think he makes $15 an hour, but you're not buying a house and supporting a family on $15 an hour), and has no real plans for the future. I've encouraged her to encourage him to go into the military. I think he could use the structure it would bring, as well as just getting out on his own and away from his mother. She's a nice lady, but I feel like she coddles him. And being in the military would let him save money (if he chose) and give him access to college funds when he wants them through the GI Bill. I've even offered to go over and talk to him as a friend (especially because he won't sit down and actually talk to her; he just gets huffy and gets in his car and drives off).

  • Love 3

I'm tired of mothers being blamed for everything. Once you are an adult yourself you cannot blame your mother if you are lazy, depressed or anything else. Being loved and supported is not the worst thing in the world. To me it's just a bullshit excuse when people and Dr Phil say it's the mother's fault if someone doesn't know how to "fail". What about the father? Teachers? Ministers, Coaches? None of us really know what to do until something happens.

It's easy to say just throw you son/daughter out on the street with just the clothes on their back; but that only leads to arrest/drug addiction and risk of being raped and assaulted as a homeless person. Most mothers I know can't live with the that thought. I am tired of Phil blaming mothers for every failure. 

  • Love 4
58 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Phil can have the most horrifying, tragic story and have Plastic Robin on for the last 5 minutes. “My 3 year old was raped and murdered so I’m stressed so maybe Robin can show me how to take care of myself with her magic potions.” Absolutely disgusting of both of them!!!!

He is all about keeping his friggin family in the limelight!.....UGH!!

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Phil can have the most horrifying, tragic story and have Plastic Robin on for the last 5 minutes. “My 3 year old was raped and murdered so I’m stressed so maybe Robin can show me how to take care of myself with her magic potions.” Absolutely disgusting of both of them!!!!

His segues are quite awful aren't they? From shilling products for his kids and spawns of Steve Harvey, but nothing was worse than when he used the mother who'd lost her daughter, for a wrinkle cream infomercial for Robin. 

I'm wondering if he was hoping to turn today's brat into another Cash me outside. 

  • Love 4
On 10/6/2017 at 7:55 PM, MrSmith said:

Same. We deleted the recording almost immediately. I suspected it would be that based on the title. I'm sick of him doing shit like this. What can he possibly add to the conversation? Not one damned thing.

Maybe you should've watched it before you judge.

He was listening to the stories and trying to help people who are experiencing PTSD symptoms by telling them they are allowed to feel however they want.  He was getting the stories out there of people involved and those who helped others, which is all 20/20 did as well.  Why aren't you after them for doing it?  And I don't get why not having a show about Pulse makes him some cold hearted bastard.  He didn't have one about the military idiot shooting or Sandy Hook or Columbine (he wasn't on then, but you get where I'm going).  As far as I'm concerned any show spotlighting what went down during this shooting is a good one.  As one guy said on the show, it didn't matter what someone looked like, what color they were or what their political affiliations were, people were helping people.  And that is the kind of message that needs to be out there regardless of what vehicle is delivering it.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Maybe you should've watched it before you judge.

He was listening to the stories and trying to help people who are experiencing PTSD symptoms by telling them they are allowed to feel however they want.  He was getting the stories out there of people involved and those who helped others, which is all 20/20 did as well.  Why aren't you after them for doing it?  And I don't get why not having a show about Pulse makes him some cold hearted bastard.  He didn't have one about the military idiot shooting or Sandy Hook or Columbine (he wasn't on then, but you get where I'm going).  As far as I'm concerned any show spotlighting what went down during this shooting is a good one.  As one guy said on the show, it didn't matter what someone looked like, what color they were or what their political affiliations were, people were helping people.  And that is the kind of message that needs to be out there regardless of what vehicle is delivering it.

The difference between Dr Phil and 20/20 is that the host(s) on 20/20 aren't grandstanding and attempting to add to their personal wealth. Everything Dr Phil can do to help people can just as well be done without the publicity and accolades. As for the lack of a show about Pulse, yes, it does make him "some cold hearted bastard". If all he were interested in is helping people, then he would have attempted to help people affected by the Pulse shooting. He didn't do that, which makes him look biased (at best). And I don't believe for one second that he chose to offer his help without the publicity and accolades after the Pulse shooting because why would he choose that incident to do it that way? Especially when he doesn't choose that course of action in every other instance of a mass shooting.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I am so completely bored with these "out of control teens, but not really" stories. Ugh. Oh, but this one's 7 weeks pregnant. Great. La-di-dah.

Yeah. Looks like today's show is going to be another one of those, if I understood the preview correctly. I'm sick of these stupid parents who raise entitled, self-important, disrespectful, arrogant little assholes, can't understand how they managed to turn their children into monsters, and then come begging for help. I just feel like those people should be left to drown in the mess they've created and their children (who are usually adults by the time the parents figure out they've screwed the pooch parenting-wise) should be left to deal with the consequences of their actions come what may. These children/monsters should be able to figure out on their own at the age they are that acting the way they do/have been is not serving them well and they should be able to sort it out on their own.

Edited by MrSmith
Took out the pipes ("or's") from between "child" and "ren"
  • Love 3

I know someone who was using drugs, an alcoholic, and it took his family turning their back on him for the light bulb to go off. He was homeless for a couple of years, literally eating out of dumpsters. A good friend of his had a ministry program here in town, that took in men and women who were at rock bottom and had nowhere to go. The guy ended up being there for 7 years, not as someone in treatment, but as a counselor and manager for the men’s division. He’s remained clean and sober, and is once again part of his family of aunts & cousins. He has a good business renovating homes for people who can’t afford it otherwise.

So, throwing someone out and making them responsible for their actions is not always a bad thing. If more parents did that, we’d maybe have less drug addicts and people whining that it’s not their fault.

By the way... I am married to that guy I described above. :)

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I know someone who was using drugs, an alcoholic, and it took his family turning their back on him for the light bulb to go off. He was homeless for a couple of years, literally eating out of dumpsters. A good friend of his had a ministry program here in town, that took in men and women who were at rock bottom and had nowhere to go. The guy ended up being there for 7 years, not as someone in treatment, but as a counselor and manager for the men’s division. He’s remained clean and sober, and is once again part of his family of aunts & cousins. He has a good business renovating homes for people who can’t afford it otherwise.

So, throwing someone out and making them responsible for their actions is not always a bad thing. If more parents did that, we’d maybe have less drug addicts and people whining that it’s not their fault.

By the way... I am married to that guy I described above. :)

Wow! I'm glad he was able to turn his life around.

  • Love 6

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