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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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11 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

The followup show was kind of interesting, I guess. I enjoyed the cameo appearance by Erica Rose, except there was no mention of her stint on The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad (she probably wants to forget that ever happened, if she has any brains at all).

I remember Erica Rose when she was on Dr Phil the first time, thinking she was a princess. Hopefully, she's less delusional now than she was then.

  • Love 2

The OWN channel played the Pill Popping Twins two-part episode today. Dr. Phil should seriously do a follow up on this family. They absolutely still need help. I live in the same town, and they are not well off at all. One twin (Yvonne) is incarcerated, the other (Yvette) is on hardcore drugs now, and the mother was charged with 38 counts of obtaining a prescription by fraud in 2014. Their mother is a real piece of work. She vilified her daughters, yet does every drug they do. That's the secret they were keeping during the taping of the show. It's not just alcohol and gambling. It's hardcore stuff.

The children moved in with their father when he was released from Prison a few years back. I hope they're doing well. 

  • Love 6
On 4/4/2017 at 1:48 PM, wings707 said:

Sure it works for some.  Good for them!  I don't believe AA helps people reach the place of sober being paramount to them.  They say god is going to take care of it, just "let go and let god."   This is a huge problem with AA.  Your family went in with this conviction, most likely.  

I just celebrated 20 years of sobriety in a room full of people for whom it is most definitely working. I respectfully invite you to do your research as to what "they say" in AA. It never claims to get people to realize they are an alcoholic, but for those who are ready for a new life, it is invaluable. Never have I felt shamed. This organization saved my life and I'm always bothered when people (based on extremely limited experience) dismiss it as ineffective. 

  • Love 12
29 minutes ago, VoteForSummer said:

I just celebrated 20 years of sobriety in a room full of people for whom it is most definitely working. I respectfully invite you to do your research as to what "they say" in AA. It never claims to get people to realize they are an alcoholic, but for those who are ready for a new life, it is invaluable. Never have I felt shamed. This organization saved my life and I'm always bothered when people (based on extremely limited experience) dismiss it as ineffective. 

It is effective for some, never said it wasn't.  I have a different opinion stemming from a lot of experience.  

  • Love 3
On 4/5/2017 at 4:47 PM, wings707 said:

Not that it matters but they are pronouncing her name Tonya Dawn, not Tanya.  There are tons with that name on FB, I stopped counting at 40!  Who knew it was that common?! 

Just curious...."Tonya" and "Tanya" are pronounced the same.  At least where I've lived.  Tanya was a fairly common name when I was in high school....I always have cc on, and it was typed as Tanyadawn.  

Maybe Tonya became popular when, instead of William, parents spelled their sons' name "Willyum", or "Jorja" fora girl....of course, MoonUnit and Dweezil take the cake for torturing a child. I believe they both changed their names when they were old enough to do so.  

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On 3/15/2017 at 3:13 PM, MrSmith said:

I don't know what else to call two people who are perfectly capable of working and yet they choose not to. They alternately live with one of their mothers; his mother collects Social Security Disability, and hers is old enough to straight up collect Social Security. And they collect the various benefits available to the poor. He used to work construction, and even used to work at a pizza place (including doing delivery). In fact, for a time he drove short-haul trucking.

I would like to clarify that I do not believe that all people who collect the benefits that are available to the poor are welfare sponges. I've known many who are not; they legitimately were trying to improve their lives and cared deeply enough about their children to go through whatever struggle each day presented them with. I was in college with a couple of women who were getting their education so they could get off state benefits; and they put the effort in and got good grades, in spite of sometimes having sick children, or cars that wouldn't start, and so on. I believe that most people are good and I believe that most people who collect benefits have self-dignity and hate being on those benefits. Maybe I'm optimistic, and if I am, then I would appreciate no one dispelling my illusions.

@Gam2 Thanks. I'm enjoying hearing what other people have to say. So, it's nice to know I'm contributing and not just reaping the benefits.

MrSmith, your posts and insight are pretty amazing. Children who go into the foster care system at a really young age often have Attachment Disorder.  It is a serious mental disorder affecting their conscience, ability to really connect and trust others, or form lasting relationships....caused by no bonding connection in the first 3 years of life.  

MrSmith, you seem to be someone who has/is working through all the chaos in your young life.  You deserved better.  As does every child.  You are contributing to help those of us who had normal, but annoying, parents.  ?  

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On 3/24/2017 at 5:04 AM, MrSmith said:

I read this last night and was tremendously insulted and very furious. I chose not to reply last night because I probably wouldn't have been able to resist writing a profanity-laced vitriolic screed. And I'm glad I waited because this morning your post barely creates any emotional ripples. So, before I get into my response proper, I have two things to say. First, you don't need to apologize to me for how it affected me last night. I don't feel what you wrote rises to that level. Second, while this effect was entirely unintentional on your part, I actually appreciate having had this experience (of reacting tremendously negatively to something initially, and then coming back to it and scratching my head at my initial reaction). So, thanks for that because I'm going to remember this if this happens again in the future. And now we'll get back on topic.

Generally, I agree with your opening sentence and believe that to be right. The primary reason my parents did not take Noah on vacation with us that year was because of me and my brother. We were fed up with having foster kids around all the time, demanding and getting almost all of our parents' attention. On top of that, Noah was not a nice person. He'd already been arrested multiple times for car theft, robbery (of a person), shoplifting, and selling stolen goods - and those are the ones I can remember. Remember, he was 15 when he came to live with us. Also, he had already been in the foster care system for several years; if I recall correctly, he was 11 when he was put into the system. So, he was a first class asshole whenever our parents weren't around and, when they were, he would put on a good act.

He did not respect boundaries or property rights. I'd been working after school for a little over year when he came to live with us and I got paid weekly. Being a stupid kid, I bought music every paycheck - an average of three CD's every week. So, by the time that asshole burglarized our home, my music collection was army of CD's almost 200 strong. Even before he stole our stuff, he would just come into my room and lift whatever it was he wanted to listen to, then he would fail to return it and I would often have to get the parents involved to effect its return. You see, his room locked; our rooms did not. I don't remember what it is he would take from my brother, but there was something my brother had because he had to do much the same as I did. Thus, my brother and I both hated him before Thanksgiving (so within about three months) and were actively lobbying our parents to have him removed from the home.

As for how he was otherwise treated while living with us? He was generally treated at least as good as my brother and I were treated, and my parents tried to make him feel he was part of the family. If we went to the movies or out to eat, he went, too. If we traveled to see relatives, he went. My mother bought brands of clothing for him (new) that she actively refused to purchase for me and my brother (even before I was working). He got Christmas and birthday presents, and a birthday party. (I don't remember what he chose to do; I think it was going to Chuck E Cheese, but I'm not certain.) It boils down to this: That summer vacation was the only thing from which he had been excluded.

I'm sure at this point I sound petty and pedantic by calling all of those things out specifically. However, what you need to realize is there are many (and it seems like the majority of) foster families that do not do those things with the children to whom they open their homes. Even at that time, we knew of foster families that would not take their foster children to the movies; they would hire a sitter, instead. And if they went out to eat, the foster children would have to bring dinner with them (sandwiches or whatever), instead of ordering from the menu like a normal person. They force the foster child to shop for clothing from places like Goodwill, while their own children get brand new clothes. (Note: I am not saying there is anything wrong with buying from Goodwill.) In general, many foster families treat the foster children like second-class citizens, at best. There are other, more horrifying stories that I have read about over the years. And that is why I called out those mundane activities specifically because, while you and I are thinking "Why wouldn't you treat the foster child like that?", it's a more uncommon thing than you probably knew.

Of course, because my brother and I successfully lobbied to have Noah excluded from the vacation (he did not know we were the reason), the result was that he burglarized and graffiti'd our home. In fact, he had run away from the foster home he had been sent to and that was the last one he went to. My mother saw him about a year later at Ethan Allen (the juvenile delinquent maximum security prison near Delafield, WI); he was there for nearly killing a woman during a car-jacking. My mother worked there as a teacher for ED/CD/LD kids (Emotionally Disturbed/Cognitively Disabled/Learning Disabled).

LOL. I appreciate the suggestion. However, @jumper sage wasn't attacking me or my family in their post.

This is such a difficult topic and again I say, Attachment Disorder.  Loving caring people take foster children into their home, not realizing that the foster child will need 95% of their attention, at the expense of their own children who were nurtured and felt safe from birth.  

I'm so sorry.  Your parents meant well and really thought they could make a difference in a troubled child's life.....I feel certain they never thought that that adolescent boy would ever be a threat to the family.  And they might not have realized that when they formally adopted him, they were legally and financially responsible for him.  

Its hard to be a giving person sometimes....☹️

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, VoteForSummer said:

I just celebrated 20 years of sobriety in a room full of people for whom it is most definitely working. I respectfully invite you to do your research as to what "they say" in AA. It never claims to get people to realize they are an alcoholic, but for those who are ready for a new life, it is invaluable. Never have I felt shamed. This organization saved my life and I'm always bothered when people (based on extremely limited experience) dismiss it as ineffective. 

My fiance is in year 8. Without AA, he'd probably be dead, and we would never have met. :)

  • Love 7

 My experience with AA not working, for some, has been with clients who had a strong aversion to it due to their spiritual beliefs, philosophy or just sensibilities.  Everything cannot be for everyone, that just does not happen.     SMART worked for some; there are other organizations (Life Ring), as well.  And some did it on their own.  Every path to sobriety should be respected and unfortunately AA says you are on a "dry drunk" if you didn't do it their way.  That frustrates and angers those who have chosen another method, understandably.  

Many religions claim you are going to hell if you are not or do not ______ (fill it in), too.  It happens. :^)

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6
On 4/6/2017 at 7:05 PM, Gam2 said:

I remember when this geezer was on Dr. Phil's show before. What a loser. And who talks to his mother like that??!! Shame on you, Bill. Get a damn job.

I was cracking up at this old fool. I love that his mother is in her freaking 90s, lives independently, and is of sound mind to tell both he and his mail order bride to hit the bricks. What a spoiled little Cabin Boy. He actually blamed his mother for paying for his piano lessons. He is a socially awkward, narcissistic, beta male who blames all his awkwardness on American women just being undesirable. This is the classic, insecure, broke guy who claims that women are all gold diggers. At 70 years old, he should be retiring, not whining about how he can't find a job as a freaking lounge singer in 2017. No wonder his mother kicked him out.  I could definitely see this loser expediting her time left on this earth for an insurance pay out. Good for her for writing him out of the will.

  • Love 7
On 4/8/2017 at 3:46 PM, Gam2 said:

That's really sad news about those twins, Yvonne and Yvette but I'm not surprised. When I originally watched the show with them, I gave their mother the side eye. Yeah, there was definitely more there than she was telling. Those poor children.

I would put cold, hard money on the idea that this is the reason Phil never does follow up shows.  He probably has a less than 10% success rate with all his wonderful resources (as some have said, that are noted to have sketchy results with or without him).  He has some good ideas, but it's like the old joke about how many psychiatrists it takes to change a lightbulb.  Answer:  three, but only the lightbulb wants to change.

These folks are, for the most part, well-intentioned, but the results don't bear themselves out.  Hence, the lack of follow-up shows.

  • Love 3

I really liked Morgan the teenager today.  She was smart, articulate, and self-aware.  There are great things in her future.  I hope she stays away from her molester fetishist of a mother.

I thought the mother was just a big old sexual deviant.  I'm not sure what type, but I think it involves youngsters, if indirectly.  Her dream dates being on the sex offender list for starters, having sex in front of her daughter, taking her to jail to visit a convicted sex offender 4 times a month from the ages of 2 to 8... waxing poetic over how much her daughter looooved said offender... I think pervertmom gets her jollies from exposing her daughter to other perverts.  She gets some thrill out of it.

Morgan really out to stay with Ann.

  • Love 2

Warning: indelicate post ahead.

I hate these desperate 40-something women who will date any scum they scrape off the wall of a dive bar bathroom, and choose these fucking losers over their own flesh and blood. I want to slap each and every woman like this. I had a friend who moved in her alcoholic boyfriend with her and her teenage daughter, married him very quickly, then he cheated on her and they were divorced within a year. He drove the daughter around town while he was drunk. Meanwhile, my (former) friend was reposting every meme about the dangers of abduction and human trafficking. I wanted to scream "YOU are more dangerous to your daughter, with your shitty judgment, than any hypothetical kidnapping threat!"

  • Love 18

ClareWalks, I could not agree more with what you've said. I am amazed and horrified at the women who are so desperate for a man that they'll accept any monster/criminal/child molester/etc to avoid being alone. Being alone is not a bad thing. In fact, being alone is much better than being with a low life loser who abuses you or your children. Once you become a mother, your first and only job is to take care of and protect your children!

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

ClareWalks, I could not agree more with what you've said. I am amazed and horrified at the women who are so desperate for a man that they'll accept any monster/criminal/child molester/etc to avoid being alone. Being alone is not a bad thing. In fact, being alone is much better than being with a low life loser who abuses you or your children. Once you become a mother, your first and only job is to take care of and protect your children!

Man, I wish my mother had had all of you very wise people to advise her.  Sigh.

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I don't get women like this either. My husband died of cancer when my children were 7 & 8. They asked me not to date (they had seen some of the men their friends mom's had brought home) so I didn't. I had a wonderful time rearing my children and 20 years later I am old, single and couldn't be happier. Most important, I have a wonderful relationship with my daughters.

Edited by hoosiermom
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I agree with the folks who say the problem is the mom. Even if you take the accused molester at his word and even if you believe mom, it's obvious that at some point mom became addicted to the attention she was getting from men. Thing is, she doesn't seem to be particularly picky and it's been one jerk after another. Even if the guy wasn't a threat, how do you let your relationship with him ruin the one with your daughter? But she even said, "If I move him out then I'll be alone."

I'm curious to want kind of help Phil offered to the daughter, he wasn't really specific.

  • Love 3
33 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I'm hoping to watch this episode today when I get home from work. My wife was out of town from Thursday until yesterday. So, we've a bit of catching up to do.

I get the episodes a day later than the folks who are watching here, so I tend to decide whether to watch them based on the comments.  Sometimes, we plan to do our workouts at the gym during Dr. Phil and I can watch there if the episode isn't anything of particular interest to me . . . just filler.

But today, I will be watching at home.  This one hits close to my growing up, and it's embarrassing to sob at the gym.  Trust me; I know this from experience.

  • Love 6

The roles were definitely reversed in that family. The daughter was the disciplinarian and the mom was the bratty teenager who just wanted the right to love the pedophile of her choice. She spent the entire time on stage with her mouth twisted into a fist and angry at the daughter for not wanting to live with a convicted child rapist. And if she's only giving the friend $100/month, I'm guessing the daughter went hungry plenty of nights while the mother was out chasing criminal penis. 

  • Love 5
31 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I get the episodes a day later than the folks who are watching here, so I tend to decide whether to watch them based on the comments.  Sometimes, we plan to do our workouts at the gym during Dr. Phil and I can watch there if the episode isn't anything of particular interest to me . . . just filler.

But today, I will be watching at home.  This one hits close to my growing up, and it's embarrassing to sob at the gym.  Trust me; I know this from experience.

We are in the same time zone and I do the same thing!  Well not the gym part.  

  • Love 1

So Emily the cutter...sigh.  Emotionally and intellectually stunted and spoke more like a 12 or 13 yr old ( or a Kardashian with that frickin vocal fry). If this 22 yr old girl really wanted help for herself and to share recovery stories, she needs MAJOR therapy.  I'm shocked (who am I kidding...it's Dr. $hil...nothing should shock me anymore) that the mother didn't speak up to say what steps she has taken to get Emily help-any therapy? How about a long term stay in a psychiatric facility? She just lets her daughter lock the door and cut away until she's in a puddle of blood? Slap some steri-strips on, and call it a night?  And it isn't anyone's business to know Emily's abuse and rape details, but my God!  Wouldn't that be the first thing to talk about with a therapist?  I'm guessing as a lay person that trauma is the root to a lot of her issues. Instead of looking for attention via hyper sexual behavior like some victims of  sexual abuse, Emily gets her "love" from FB followers.  She thinks she is a reality show star at this point. 

I actually watched until the very end today, and once again I am disgusted by $hil's behavior.  How can he feel he is ethical in offering advice to deeply troubled people, then spend the last 5 minutes hawking beauty products??  Quite a few of the guests on his show are women who have either made bad life choices or experienced some tragedy that lead them to their current situation.  I don't have statistics, but I'd bet many of the girls and women seeking help from Dr. Phil have issues relating back to how they look physically & self esteem.  Holding a crying victim's hand and passing her tissues while telling her the rape, abuse, kidnapping, forced prostitution, drug addiction, "is not your fault" loses ALL credibility when you turn from the weeping girl in the chair to the camera to sell products aimed at women to "improve" their physical appearance! If you feel compelled to tell the world about some amazing new face cream to erase those unsightly wrinkles or shilling your latest diet book to shed pounds  in order to 'wow' your friends at the next reunion, please devote a whole show to it. Don't negate the message that beauty comes from within via our deeds, our strength, our faith and our ability to survive and thrive what ever horrible tragedy you just exploited for the first half hour.

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My issue was with the others that don't like her page or say she triggers them.  I think this girl needs serious help, but she has the right to post about her life an if others don't like it they don't have to look at it.  To say she triggers them, that's on them.  It would like an alcoholic wanting the liquor stores closed because they trigger them

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On 4/8/2017 at 0:44 PM, wings707 said:

It is effective for some, never said it wasn't.  I have a different opinion stemming from a lot of experience.  

I based my response on your statement that said something to the effect that "letting go and letting God doesn't work." It sounded like a pretty direct condemnation. Your assertion that AA shames it's members is in opposition to all of their teachings and traditions. Shame and resentment will get you drunk and keep you sick. I'm surprised that, as a counselor, you would dismiss a program that is certainly one option for sobriety. I think perpetuating an idea that "AA doesn't work" is damaging to everything a 12-step treatment center tries to accomplish.

For the record, I am an agnostic. As I said, AA saved my life.

  • Love 7

Yes, it is a competition for attention with cutter girl.  She wants to be the most cut cutter on the interest.   Her cut placement was designed for maximum body coverage, exposure, and visual shock value.  Maybe she'd stop the cutting... but she must continue lest she disappoints all her internet "fans" and has to live without all the attention.

  • Love 3

I knew of a cutter. She had borderline personality disorder. Very prone to hystrionics and attention-seeking.  When she found out she was pregnant, she literally fell to the floor, rolling around and screaming and crying. Read here

Personality disorders are very resistant to treatment, if not impossible. Good luck to her though.

And yes, that monotone vocal fry was awful!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, VoteForSummer said:

I based my response on your statement that said something to the effect that "letting go and letting God doesn't work." It sounded like a pretty direct condemnation. Your assertion that AA shames it's members is in opposition to all of their teachings and traditions. Shame and resentment will get you drunk and keep you sick. I'm surprised that, as a counselor, you would dismiss a program that is certainly one option for sobriety. I think perpetuating an idea that "AA doesn't work" is damaging to everything a 12-step treatment center tries to accomplish.

For the record, I am an agnostic. As I said, AA saved my life.

I was flip, granted.  I have problems with it, let's leave it at that.  I didn't express myself clearly or fully.  I was pissed at the time I posted.  I wish I'd never broached the topic because it is complex.  AA is an option, of course.  Not for everyone.  It has flaws.  Everything does.  We all do.   I am done with this topic.  :^)  Thank you all for responding.  

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

The "international" part may refer to her getting facelifts in Mexico or something.

Bwah hahaha! Perfect!  Although I bet there are more stamps in her International Skin Care Expert Passport than just Mexico. The speech pathologist and the occupational therapist that teach her how to speak and move her facial muscles again after all those fillers & injectables  may be here in the US though.

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Phil has a narrow focus.  He has "experts" and all can be helped or cured by his small inner circle.  He does not look beyond that.  Dr Lawless and his dual diagnosis center is the 'be all' for Phil, best in the country!!!.  Rehab (all AA format) is the only answer for all addicts, always and forever.  Doctor on Demand is the best thing ever, he and his son say so.  His staff find therapists in every corner of the nation to help and they are THE BEST EXPERTS EVER.   He is connected with the best.  He has resources, you know.  He has the best of the best.  Oh, come on.  

There is NO one answer for everyone, EVER.  

One thing I do think is good, the Aspen ranch for kids but only if the parents are involved and capable of working the change.  That almost never happens.  

But still I watch.  

Robin needs a voice coach.  Jesus.  WTF?  I usually delete just as she comes on but last week I was busy and let the show roll.  Since I don't watch her segments regularly I was shocked, dumb struck and floored by her voice.  I have not seen that mentioned here.  Her speaking voice is HORRIFIC.  Her teeth need to be filed, too. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

I watched the end of today's show when Shill offered that woman going to a reunion some face cream stuff. After the horrifying show about that cutting girl, he thinks this is an appropriate way to end?! As he and Robin did their "famous" walk off, she DID NOT look happy. How can he hawk her fake stuff and someone else's fake stuff? Which is better? What the hell has happened to this man and this program? Time to quit, Shill. You can't even read the scroll anymore. 

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On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 6:16 PM, ClareWalks said:

The "international" part may refer to her getting facelifts in Mexico or something.

She looks like Ruth Buzzi.  But not as cute.

And as far as today's show goes...it certainly is proof that people thrive on misery.  Why that loser of a woman (who apparently has a decent bank account because of her parents' will) stays with doughy the doughboy is beyond me.  They don't have a husband/wife relationship, they don't even have a brother/sister relationship.  Their misery is their oxygen. 

I just don't "get it".

2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I didn't get today's gaslighting couple, the dysfunction was covered up by the both of them being a perfect match.  Just when I was looking forward to Robin's skin care to spice things up... that's when I realized I should just delete that show.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Love 2

We did get to watch the episode with the girl cutting herself. That bitch is totally doing it for the attention. I don't care how much she denies it, she's doing it for the attention. I'm amazed that Facebook hasn't kicked her off already. I loved how she claimed that in cutting her throat she was seriously trying to commit suicide. I was like "Bitch, you were not! Because if you were, then you'd be dead. You can't screw up cutting your own throat if you're actually serious about doing it."

Edited to add: The fact she didn't know why people cut themselves, including why she does it to herself, is simply more proof she's doing it for the attention.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 3

Yet again, we were subjected to another delusional woman whose little daughter was molested by mom's boyfriend. And she believed him, not her child. She sent the child off to live with grandparents so she could continue to live with the pervert. What the hell is wrong with women who chose perverts/criminals/low lifes over their own children?! This just sets my hair on fire!

  • Love 8

In the waiting room at the doctor I watched the episode with the little girl who was molested by her mom's boyfriend. I hated the mom, hated the dad, hated the soon to be step-mom, and hated Dr. Phil.

Dr. Phil and Robin are part of the CASA program. His insistence to the dad that he shouldn't have sent the girl back after the police told him to but instead should have called an attorney to get a temporary injunction was absurd and he should have known it. Dad would have been arrested. He kept at the dad who kept saying the cops told him he had to return her in accordance with the parenting plan. No judge would sign a temporary injunction before the case was even opened. He reported it to the police, returned her as per the parenting plan, and when CPS began the investigation, the mom was told it was the boyfriend or the daughter but both couldn't be there, and she sent her daughter to her parents. 

But let's keep berating him; I'm sure he doesn't hate himself over it enough as it is. There was an episode a year or so ago where the dad had taken the mom back to court for custody several times, showed records of the kids' school absences and tardies, and Dr. Phil laid into him for not having custody. He looked at him and exasperatedly said, "We've been there four times! The judge leaves them with her!" Dr. Phil then said he was going to get involved and I hope he did, but doubt it. I don't think a letter from Dr. Phil means much to anyone other than him. 

Don't know who I hate more, the mom for choosing her loser pedophile boyfriend over her daughter, or Dr. Phil for being obtuse to the point of abrasive to the dad who did what he was supposed to do even though it offends Dr. Phil's sensibilities. The mom seems thoroughly run down and had probably been manipulated throughout that relationship and it's not very often that people think the person in their lives is a child molester. Dr. Phil, on the other hand, is a trained professional who espouses his knowledge and claims expertise in all areas, when his expertise in legal matters is pretty much nil. I know he worked as a trial consultant a decade ago, but he is so often clueless and incorrect. It's like Judge Judy with her requirement to have an expert witness to explain things that are common knowledge to us lowly people who are not as smart as she.

  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Yet again, we were subjected to another delusional woman whose little daughter was molested by mom's boyfriend. And she believed him, not her child. She sent the child off to live with grandparents so she could continue to live with the pervert. What the hell is wrong with women who chose perverts/criminals/low lifes over their own children?! This just sets my hair on fire!

Don't worry, @Gam2. It grows back. :D

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