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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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LisainCali, thank you, I've been around too much alcohol for too long. And if sharing my story and my anger helps someone, that is great. We don't know who is reading on here, so someone may read my posts and relate and seek their own help. I just want people to know that there is help there, and Al-Anon works, it has nothing to do with trying to help an addict, if YOU have a problem with someone else's drinking or using, Al-Anon is for YOU! Their phone number can be found in the phone book or on-line. Help is a phone call away and if you don't have a dollar to contribute, don't worry about, some other day maybe you can put $5 in the basket. 

Now, back to the show. Don't know what tomorrow's show is about, have no clue if I'll be watching or not.

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Dr. Phil is pushing the PNP Clinic. There are a few complaints online about people spending a lot of money for testing that is not covered under insurance. The clinic looks for metal toxins, etc. and pushes supplements. I think that there is some benefit to eating clean and taking vitamins and other supplements but I wouldn't expect it to cure a mental illness such as hoarding. 

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You know, I don't want to be cynical or "fat shaming" or anything like that, but there is NO WAY Party Mom from Monday's show is dating "a billionaire." I don't care if he's in his 60s, a billionaire would probably be dating a freakin' supermodel or some shit. I also gave the side-eye when she said she is barely eating.

  • Love 7
On December 3, 2016 at 4:41 PM, friendperidot said:


just wanted to let you all know that because of things I've written in this group, I came to realize that I am powerless over alcohol and my life has become unmanageable. I've realized how angry I am at all the situations in my life and I found an on-line Al-Anon group. I spent last night there, afterwards, I felt more calm and peace than I have had in months. So thank you everyone for being patient and letting me vent. I have found the people I need, and while many people here understand, people in Al-Anon do to and it's a better place for me. I may still comment now and then.




So happy to hear this - take care of you We tend to get caught up in the addicts world and madness and self care goes out the window . Surround yourself with supportive people 

watched yesterday's episode (12/6) The daughters accused the mother of lifelong abuse but the mother couldn't "remember" ever abusing them and denied it. Just watching them interact onstage it was obvious the family was totally dysfunctional - I don't doubt some bad shit went down.  I don't know why the daughters didn't just cut the mother loose but I guess there was codependency there too . Dr Phil ripped the mother a new one too lol 

  • Love 4

As soon as Dr. Phil started showing the single mom getting ready to attend her reunion to see her old crush again, I knew what was going to happen. Sure enough! He's got the plastic doll on again shilling her 25 products. First of all, that crap won't do what she says it will and who the hell has time to use all of those products every day/night? It was an immediate click. This show is on the down slide quickly. These people have no pride. 

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What is up with that?  You would think Robin would be getting some self esteem and value, outside of her husbands shadow, from When Georgia Smiles.  That is such a worthy cause that she is spearheading, yet she chooses as Cause #2 some snake oil product.  Maybe Georgia Smiles isn't doing well.  That is a scary rescue business.  Maybe it's too dangerous for her.  

Imho, she would be much better served by highlighting some of the Georgia Smiles women, who've had counseling and job training, giving them a makeover with new teeth, a good haircut, job training and a decent wardrobe. So women with such a dismal past could see that it's possible to make a new life.  

Not enter the realm of Cindy Crawford, who is 52 I believe, and stunning in real life.   Christy Brinkley, age 64?, now that girl can push beauty tips.  

Robin is better than that.....?

  • Love 2

I've done the same thing every time. Today it occurred to me that this is possibly, maybe a way to end his show. He's obviously failing in his health/mental capacity so this may be his way of taking care of his wife and his sons. They'll be set up in their own businesses so that when he has to quit his show due to poor health, he won't have to worry about them. Of course, he's a multi-billionaire so I don't know why he'd worry about it but that's the only reason I can think of that he's shilling for them more and more lately. It's become exceedingly annoying. It's sad to watch his decline when I watch his reruns on OWN. He used to really seem to want to help people.

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Today he gave the advise to a dysfunctional family to buy a book about body fat, naturally promoted by one of the Doctors from the show of the same name.  So you only get 30 min of what is advertised and a 30 minute informercial almost every day.  Body fat is the solution for the family on today?  Hah.  What an insult.  No excuse me, it was belly fat. not body fat.  Belly fat.  I'd have hauled off and smacked somebody.  I don't even have belly fat, and if I was on there for any reason and my solution was a tie in to a belly fat, DOD,, or cosmetics, I'd demand payment for my part in the show.  People expect a solution, not an excuse for an infomercial.

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I was really pissed off when he showed a picture of the dad holding half and half to put in his coffee and said he was a poor role model for the 24 year old daughter and needs to go on the belly fat diet which is somehow affiliated with his son Jay's company. I would tell him to go f himself! 

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I saw part of yesterday's show and was so confused about how it went from a story of a dysfunctional family to selling Dr. Stork's book, and how that would help them?  I rewound back to see if weight was ever mentioned in the family's story, and I didn't catch that but maybe I missed something.  Dr. Phil is just crazy with how he sells stuff....this was a bit much, and I am sure the family felt shafted.  I also didn't like how they outright just came out and told them they were fat, as if they needed someone to tell them they were overweight.  It was kind of mean, esp to do it to the dad from a picture from the video.

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I think there was more wrong with the boyfriend than narcissism.  Dr Phil missed an opportunity here.  When the boyfriend started talking about how he gets distracted by the lights buzzing I thought, for sure, he may have some form of autism or ADHD.  Perhaps a neurological disorder.  I'm not a doctor but I thought it was totally an odd thing to say for no reason.

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My question is why this young woman would get pregnant with this guy? Why are so many young (and not so young) women getting pregnant by these losers? Birth control is all over the place, easy to get in many different methods. You don't get pregnant by accident! Children are forever and deserve much more than these irresponsible parents will ever provide for them. My favorites are the one who are "engaged" and have 3 children together. Really? Who is supporting these children? Who is providing the emotional support, discipline, responsible parenting, schooling, coaching their sports teams, etc? That's what being a parent really is. 

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On 12/8/2016 at 8:34 PM, Jaded said:

Phub and Lil Phub both need to take their own diet advice before trying to force it onto others.


I don't think Dr. Phil is fat.  At all.  Not sure who "Lil Phub" is, but you may or may not be right imho.  

As for the family, imho, whoever pays the bills has the right to decide how the other people in the house need to behave.  If the children (over 18, of course), sisters, cousins, grandchildren, parents.....whomever, want to live in someone else's house.....they need to be welcome additions.  

That girl was outrageous!  Her MOTHER needs to move out?  Hahahaha.....

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Seconding what y'all have been saying about the informercials taking over most of the programs at the :40 minute mark -- I thought the most egregious lately was the self-righteous 24 year old, mooching off of her family - who at about 41 minutes in, did crack and start to cry, saying that everything did change, and she lost everything when she lost her beloved grandfather -- and immediately and in her face, up comes the Belly Diet book, and no discussion at all about that event and how it had shaped things for her.   As therapy or family counseling go, it was just unforgivable. 

There obviously is some kind of a governing body of psychologists and therapists, and somebody there should really sanction him for that one.

Also, while we're together here, have we noticed that on the Dr Phil website the "Message Boards" have been hidden in tiny type and remote locations?  I used to read those but with the time it takes me to locate them now-days, I just come here.   

On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 2:25 PM, Chippings said:

Seconding what y'all have been saying about the informercials taking over most of the programs at the :40 minute mark -- I thought the most egregious lately was the self-righteous 24 year old, mooching off of her family - who at about 41 minutes in, did crack and start to cry, saying that everything did change, and she lost everything when she lost her beloved grandfather -- and immediately and in her face, up comes the Belly Diet book, and no discussion at all about that event and how it had shaped things for her.   As therapy or family counseling go, it was just unforgivable. 

There obviously is some kind of a governing body of psychologists and therapists, and somebody there should really sanction him for that one.

Also, while we're together here, have we noticed that on the Dr Phil website the "Message Boards" have been hidden in tiny type and remote locations?  I used to read those but with the time it takes me to locate them now-days, I just come here.   

Dr Phil hasn't been an official doctor for a while now. My understanding is that when the show took off, he let his license lapse and didn't  bother to renew it. Supposedly, actual psychologists have said that the show should only be considered entertainment and people shouldn't take it seriously as therapy.

And yes, I too thought it was funny that right when they were starting to get to the root of the 24 yr old daughter's attitude issues. Dr Phil's solution was to give her a weight loss book...

Edited by ed2962
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On November 27, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Jaded said:

The only thing I've seen them do on the show with 'Georgia Smiles' is free makeovers and skincare products.

If they gave a woman coming from a shelter or DV situation some job training , clothes for interviews , a makeover / hair to look professional and assisting the woman to be self sufficient and not be dependant on her abusive spouse I'd say Bravo! ( is that what her charity is about or am I wrong?)  But to just show face cream and mascara & lip gloss to shill ??? Gimme a break you greedy creeps 

Edited by DNR
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Didn't see much of the show today due to preemption by the news of a coaching change with the rams.  News conference went on forever.  So I watched, or did, something else, and came back in the last 15 min where they were leaving some poor suckers on stage to I presume do a makeover on some woman who needed confidence.  Goody for her.  No wonder they are begging people to write in for tickets to be in the audience.  In fact, I've turned down free tickets for his show, among others, given the day of the show.  They pay people to go out and beg, borrow, abduct if necessary, enough folks to fill and audience.  Ellen has the opposite problem, since she so often has gifts for the audience and she is like able, people want to go.  Phil's must be terrible to be an audience member.  Even if they give a free sample of the Mrs McGraw skin care collection.

I went to see a Dr. Phil taping a few years ago with a friend.  I thought it was interesting that on the release form that you sign to allow yourself to maybe be shown on camera, they include some instructions on behavior.  One bullet point was, "If you have gifts for Dr. Phil or Robin, please give them to a member of the production staff before entering the studio.  Do not carry them with you."

No, I'm not joking.  

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MicksPicks,  re: being in the audience.  I have a friend who used to periodically take her mom to go see the Dr. Phil show.  Maybe 10 years ago?  I happened to be watching a rerun on O channel, and there they were!  

Her mom died a few years ago, so I took a photo of them from my tv screen and sent it to her....?  

Edited by LisainCali
To add hearts for her late mom.
  • Love 6

Today's show with ADD-ODD daughter....? To this Mom.  And Grandma...Boo to the dad, who is a moron.

i have an adult child, 40 yo, with the same diagnosis.  Not as bad as that poor little girl though.  Long story short, and there are LOTS of long stories, my ex and I worked together, even though we were divorced.  Our son was with me and our daughter for awhile, then with my ex by himself.  My ex was an educator who challenged the school system and insisted that they treat him as 'disabled'.  Since he was an educator, he knew the law re: disabled kids...and made sure our boy received every test, every benefit, that other disabled kids received in the school system.  College didn't work for him.  

Today, this man has an executive position in a small international company. He is crazy-creative in viral marketing, and ad campaigns.  Also, great in sales...

Over the years, when he has gone on job interviews, he says, "I have ADD, so I need to have someone to keep me organized.  If you can't give me someone like that, I can't work here. "

He is a great father and husband.  And son....❤️️

That jerk dad needs to stop criticizing.  Frankly, after this episode, if I was the Mom, I'd drop the daughter off at dads place until the therapy starts.  Tell him I need a break and he can handle her for now but if he whips her, I'll call CPS.  That Mother needs a  2-week, 3 week vacation.  And he needs to get a clue!  Take that little brother somewhere easy and fun.  The siblings suffer most, because they have no control.  

I like Dr. Phil for episodes like this....those children need someone to help their parents to help THEM!  

Edited by LisainCali
Punctuation and new sentence.
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, LisainCali said:

Today's show with ADD-ODD daughter....? To this Mom.  And Grandma...Boo to the dad, who is a moron.

i have an adult child, 40 yo, with the same diagnosis.  Not as bad as that poor little girl though.  Long story short, and there are LOTS of long stories, my ex and I worked together, even though we were divorced.  Our son was with me and our daughter for awhile, then with my ex by himself.  My ex was an educator who challenged the school system and insisted that they treat him as 'disabled'.  Since he was an educator, he knew the law re: disabled kids...and made sure our boy received every test, every benefit, that other disabled kids received in the school system.  College didn't work for him.  

Today, this man has an executive position in a small international company. He is crazy-creative in viral marketing, and ad campaigns.  Also, great in sales...

Over the years, when he has gone on job interviews, he says, "I have ADD, so I need to have someone to keep me organized.  If you can't give me someone like that, I can't work here. "

He is a great father and husband.  And son....❤️️

That jerk dad needs to stop criticizing.  Frankly, after this episode, if I was the Mom, I'd drop the daughter off at dads place until the therapy starts.  Tell him I need a break and he can handle her for now but if he whips her, I'll call CPS.  That Mother needs a  2-week, 3 week vacation.  And he needs to get a clue!  Take that little brother somewhere easy and fun.  The siblings suffer most, because they have no control.  

I like Dr. Phil for episodes like this....those children need someone to help their parents to help THEM!  

I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!  Exhilarating to read about the success of one who has specific talents and glitches yet has found his way.  So good, oh so good.  

  • Love 3

Watching the service dog scam episode. How did these naive fools think they were getting a dog that was trained to dial 911?! How the fuck is a dog dialing 911? Considering people never have landlines today (which would still be tough for a dog to push the proper buttons and only those buttons), how is a dog gonna swipe to unlock your cell, bring up the phone function, and use a touchscreen? 

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And yet again, after a program that people should see if they need/want this information about support dogs for diabetics (it was so poorly done, IMO)---- an infomercial for the plastic doll's products. This is really making me sick so I'll stop watching his current show. The ones on OWN that used to be helpful, in a way, are much more interesting and entertaining than the current shows. I do wonder why his family/production staff are taking such advantage of this man. 

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I was  hoping one of those so called "trained service dogs" would bite that pinch faced attorney in his ass. 

I don't watch this show a lot, just when the topic sounds interesting so I haven't had the, uh...pleasure?..of seeing Robin's face.  Holy hell, she doesn't even look human. She looks like a melted mannequin that was sent back to the factory for looking too plastic.  Doesn't she deny having had work done on her face?  

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I haven't seen the episode, so I don't know about that dog, but the two service dogs I have a familiarity with are trained to push a big button at home that calls 911, or bite on a button that hangs around the neck like in the "I've fallen and I can't get up!" commercials. There was an issue with the button necklaces because they connected with a cell phone app and that business folded after lawsuits when the tracking part failed. I think there are others that use the On-Star system to help locate people if the button is pushed, but haven't kept up on it. What an interesting segment of show that could have been. Of course, none of that is actually helpful if the dog isn't trained.

Robin can deny plastic surgery all she wants, but either her last surgery failed miserably or her make-up regimen is toxic.  I was shocked when I saw her a few weeks back. She couldn't even close one eye, or at least, it didn't look like it, and her skin looked less real than some of the latex work at sci-fi conventions.

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I wonder if Dr. Phil wants Robin's skincare line to be an explosive hit so she will stay out of his business. 

Saw Robin's skincare at Ross the other day. Next time, I will look at price. There is no way that I will use her skincare line. Don't want my face looking like hers. She really needs some help with some teeth that fit. I can snark because I don't have my own skincare line but I do have my own teeth. 

Jordan McGraw needs to have a slew of tattoo salons so Dr. Phil can offer free tats to people who can't do Dr. on Demand or slather goop on their face to fix their mental health issues. Jordan is getting the short end of the family promotional stick. Wonder what Dr. Lawless would say about that?

On another note...it was good to see Dr. Phil put a spotlight on these so-called therapy dog outlets. There needs to be more oversight. 

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Re: the 9 year old on 19 medications....watch it.  For me, this was one of Phil's better shows.  

The meds were things Drs had tried to help this little girl, not a regimen like 7 pills in the morning, 6 pills before lunch, 6 pills before bedtime.  

I felt so bad for the girls mother, who is clearly overwhelmed by this child and is trying and trying to get her some help.  That dual diagnosis treatment center is put to great use here.  I was afraid Phil was going to refer them to Drs. On Demand.....?

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Although I said I wouldn't do it, I tuned in to the last few minutes of Dr. Shill today. You guessed it-he and the plastic doll were on shilling her crap yet again. If y'all get tired of the updates, just let me know and I'll stop posting about them. I am just astonished that they can't see how self serving, money grubbing and untruthful this shit is. 

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The woman today is a bit of a trainwreck. She postponed her wedding because she is refusing to sign a prenup? I give the side-eye to anyone who REFUSES to sign a prenup. What's the big damn deal? Honestly a prenup should be required to get married nowadays. You'd be a fool not to get one if there are assets being brought into a marriage. If you're not after someone's money, it doesn't matter if you sign it or not.

  • Love 4
On 12/7/2016 at 9:53 PM, LisainCali said:

What is up with that?  You would think Robin would be getting some self esteem and value, outside of her husbands shadow, from When Georgia Smiles.  That is such a worthy cause that she is spearheading, yet she chooses as Cause #2 some snake oil product.  Maybe Georgia Smiles isn't doing well.  That is a scary rescue business.  Maybe it's too dangerous for her.  

Imho, she would be much better served by highlighting some of the Georgia Smiles women, who've had counseling and job training, giving them a makeover with new teeth, a good haircut, job training and a decent wardrobe. So women with such a dismal past could see that it's possible to make a new life.  

Not enter the realm of Cindy Crawford, who is 52 I believe, and stunning in real life.   Christy Brinkley, age 64?, now that girl can push beauty tips.  

Robin is better than that.....?

christie brinkly looks like the "joker" to me--but yeah cindy crawford is stunning.

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Oh, Lordy, folks. Shill had Heather and Terry Dubrow on today to talk about him working too much, allegedly. The real reason they were on was to promote their skincare line. As soon as they started that crap, I turned the channel. Don't know if the plastic doll came on after to compete with HER line. I think Shill has lost him mind.

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The preview for Dr. Phil showed that a Real Housewife and a doctor from the show Botched, about fixing bad plastic surgery, were going to be on today. The show was preempted for coverage about the terrorist attacks of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey and the Christmas bazaar in Berlin, but so far it is about a mom who is controlling her adult daughter and granddaughter who live with her. I'm crossing my fingers that the Botched doctor suggests help for Robin. Of course, if he did, it wouldn't air, but hope springs eternal! It would be a laugh after the news of the terrorist attacks. The carnage needs to stop, and including Robin's face in my definition of carnage makes it the only carnage I can laugh at.

As I was typing, @Gam2 posted they were husband and wife and talking about a skin care line. :( Guess I'll go back to Man in the High Castle. I'm not watching that crap. Way to ruin my hopes and dreams, Dr. Phil.

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But to be fair, Terry did state the rules one should use before selecting a plastic surgeon.  I hope Robin was listening, because one of the rules is to be sure the operating doctor has hospital privileges for the surgery being performed and NOT to do surgery as part of a vacation package to Mexico.  Looking at you, Robin.......

  • Love 3

In the segment concerning the daughter with a baby and her mom who are at each others throats because they live in the same house, the answer seemed obvious to all the parties involved. That she and her boyfriend should get their own place, only although their both working, they couldn't afford it right now. Dr Phil said that he'd get them help but he was extremely vague about what kind of "help" he was going to give them. Was he going to get them better jobs?

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