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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Okayzzzz.... not going to talk about  the cray-cray girl (but did love ClareWalks' nuttier than comment).

What I had to rewind and listen to twice was when she said her mom smoked crack when she was pregnant with her. Mom: "Uhm, no [side glance, mumble mumble] I even *almost* gave up smoking." Say what??? Eminem, can you chime in and tell us what mommy-dearest was up to back then? Could maybe explain some things.

I think the crazy stick hit more than one member of that family.

  • Love 4

I was trained in my current job by a guy who got email scammed.  It was something about someone in Nigeria inheriting millions of dollars but there were taxes that had to be paid before they could collect it.  My co-worker paid $3k to cover the taxes and was promised he would be paid a huge sum once the Nigerian received the inheritance.  Needless to say he never got a dime.

But then you won't believe this....a few months later he received another email about a lottery he won.  He called the number and was told he could collect his winnings or pay a monthly broker fee to re-invest it in a high-yield lucrative overseas fund.  Yep, he paid to re-invest.  They even sent him monthly statements!  Once his "investment" got to $2 million he called them to say he wanted to collect his cash and retire.  They hung up on him and the number was disconnected. He had paid them almost $40k in broker fees.

To fall for a scam once is really dumb but twice in the same year????  I couldn't even feel sorry for him.

They keep lists of names/email addresses of people who fall for this scam once, since they are likely to fall for another scam later.  Sometimes they have someone contact them and tell them that for a small fee, they can recoup the money lost in the original scam.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, kitkat343 said:

They keep lists of names/email addresses of people who fall for this scam once, since they are likely to fall for another scam later.  Sometimes they have someone contact them and tell them that for a small fee, they can recoup the money lost in the original scam.

Ugh.  He would probably fall for that, too.  Gullible isn't a strong enough word to describe this otherwise really nice guy.  Nobody's heard from him in years so we all just hope he's ok and the b&b really was the real deal.

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Hayley is maddeningly delusional - her big wide eyes were so empty.   I'm happy that she's not pregnant because no child needs someone with her illness raising it.  I just hope she doesn't run out and get REALLY pregnant, just to be right, or (dramatic worse case scenario) being one of those fiends who end up kidnapping someone else's child when her due date comes and goes.  

This girl WANTS to be paranoid schizophrenic in the worst way - she repeats it like a mantra.  I don't understand why Phil tries so hard to reason with these mentally ill people. No amount of folksy common sense and facts will get through to a really far-gone person. They should go straight to the nearest facility for evaluation and psychological help, though Hayley strikes me as the type to go off her meds at the drop of a hat.  I missed it - why did she get dropped from disability?

As an example of how Phil is not the great healer he thinks he is, I saw the preview with Todd Herzog, the guy who was on Survivor.  This is his 3rd or 4th visit to the show and he hasn't been able to kick his alcoholism.  If Phil's shtick was as powerful as he seem to think it has, we'd never see Todd on his stage again.

Edited by patty1h
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He picks and chooses who he wants laughed at. I have no idea what he thinks he can accomplish with this girl. She is a very pretty girl but has issues plus lying to get attention and I don't know how she can be helped . I do hope she doesn't try to steal a baby, like patty1h said above.

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The "pregnant" girl has some mental problems but not the diagnosis she longs for.   Pathological liar, clearly but the question is why.  She is not delusional, not at all!  She knows exactly what she is doing.  She backed out of many lies, ex: giving her brother a kidney.  I think we are going to see Phil hone in on this on the next show.  He has her number.  I don't think any treatment center can help her, she will just lie her way though the evaluation.  

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Whatever else is going on with the lying brat, she really wants to get on disability in the worst way.  She knows that she'll get money for nothing and she's really looking forward to it.  I just wish that her check was put into an account and her living expenses were paid out to her before she was able to get cash for her drug problems.

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Her bowel is distended from constantly pushing it out for her pretend pregnancy. 

I took care of a schizophrenic patient who came in to ICU a couple of times a year. She was perpetually pregnant (not pregnant at all, but believed she was) and every time she came in it was because she was "in labor". She would roll around and moan and holler that the babies were coming (she said it was triplets). She would give a big old push and shit the bed.  I took care of her several times over a few years.

I don't miss bedside nursing. 

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Pixel said:

Her bowel is distended from constantly pushing it out for her pretend pregnancy. 

I took care of a schizophrenic patient who came in to ICU a couple of times a year. She was perpetually pregnant (not pregnant at all, but believed she was) and every time she came in it was because she was "in labor". She would roll around and moan and holler that the babies were coming (she said it was triplets). She would give a big old push and shit the bed.  I took care of her several times over a few years.

I don't miss bedside nursing. 

OMG I can't stop laughing!

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On 11/2/2016 at 7:25 PM, Redcookie said:

I'm starting to not believe a single thing I see on this show. I miss The Dr. Phil Family. 

You mean the 2 daughters where they were both messed up by the end of their "visits"?  Both had kids outside of marriage?  ME TOO.

9 hours ago, patty1h said:

As an example of how Phil is not the great healer he thinks he is, I saw the preview with Todd Herzog, the guy who was on Survivor.  This is his 3rd or 4th visit to the show and he hasn't been able to kick his alcoholism.  If Phil's shtick was as powerful as he seem to think it has, we'd never see Todd on his stage again.

To be fair.  My best friend was and addict/alcoholic.  Her family did everything for her.  She lost her kids, her house became unlivable, no job, losing teeth..... would show up at court for her DUI driving on a suspended license..........She died in a police station drunk tank where her liver exploded.  She was in her late 30s.  Some people can't be helped.

8 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I do hope she doesn't try to steal a baby, like patty1h said above.

I was thinking the same thing.  Hopefully she will be locked up in that facility.  She really needs a locked facility.  Nope, not a lockdown facility.

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I was surprised that that delusional young woman agreed to go to that facility Dr. Phil suggested at the end of the Show.  Did she really understand what Dr. Phil said about the damage to her brain from drugs which may have made her go delusional?   I'm wondering whether she agreed to go to this facility just to get away from her family and her life where she can have her baby Jesus in peace.

This Show made me depressed.  Dr. Phil probably ask Robin to fix him a strong drink after the Show was over.

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A big WTF did I watch last week! Between that asshole guy vs. Pamela and Son and Baby Jesus there was a girl that buried her still born. That was some hardcore shit. Mom was still crying and the girl just told her story as a matter of fact.  Now Todd comes back and seizes on stage. Oh yeah bring back the original Fucked up family. I need to see how her kids turned out.

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I just saw the episode with the young husband who has an extreme sex addiction.  If I were in that audience, I would have screamed to this ridiculously codependent wife (and mother of a two year old!) to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE and don't look back!  He said it himself - he can't guarantee that he won't touch their daughter, he has already touched an underage girl and tortures animals.  What in the hell else is she needing to see in order for, at the very least, her maternal instinct to kick in and force her to act in order to protect her child?  It's bad enough that she's stayed that long, herself!   Her husband has admitted that he's gotten aroused twice with the daughter on his lap and that when he's aroused and seeking "release", his concern for her goes out the window.....is she waiting to catch him in the freaking act?  WTF is wrong with people?

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, wings707 said:

Therapists are not healers.  Their job is to light the way and guide you toward helping yourself.  

We're also only human.  We can take only so much before we have to protect ourselves. 

I have been known to pass a client along to another therapist because I was getting burned out with their story.  By the same token I have taken on new clients for colleagues who have experienced the same thing.

That being said remember that Dr. Phil is entertainment - which is the reason I get irritated with him.  People and their feelings should not be displayed like a carnival sideshow.  I think that line is crossed more than it needs to be.

Haley, aka Jesus Mama, had a big old smirk on her face when Dr. Phil said he was sending her to that facility in Malibu.  She's got issues, but I think part of her is doing a con.  She lies and manipulates to get her way.  

The other sister had said they were abused, so maybe Haley learned how to manipulate adults - like if you're going to abuse me, I'll manipulate you so I at least get something out of it, too.  When she started lying so badly as a kid, why didn't her mom take her somewhere?  It's not normal to lie that much.  The whole family dynamic was waaaay off.

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It has become more and more apparent to me that there's something physically wrong with Phillip. He can't hold his head up, he walks like a really elderly person, his speech is so hesitant and he's constantly sipping water as if his medication makes him thirsty. This is all an observation on my part but it does seem to me that it's time for him to retire to his and Robin's millions. He doesn't need to support his sons anymore and while he has 300 employees, they can always find another job. Give it up, Phillip. You deserve a rest and so do we. This show is just getting sad and "Jerry Springer". Not a good look for you, Dr. Phil.

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5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

It has become more and more apparent to me that there's something physically wrong with Phillip. He can't hold his head up, he walks like a really elderly person, his speech is so hesitant and he's constantly sipping water as if his medication makes him thirsty. This is all an observation on my part but it does seem to me that it's time for him to retire to his and Robin's millions. He doesn't need to support his sons anymore and while he has 300 employees, they can always find another job. Give it up, Phillip. You deserve a rest and so do we. This show is just getting sad and "Jerry Springer". Not a good look for you, Dr. Phil.

I haven't watched in a few months, but I didn't notice any of those things about Dr. Phil.  I'll have to tune in.

A few years back, a group of kids lied about killing a cat and some other stupid shit to con their way on to Judge Judy and earn a little bit of money. And it worked. I hope and pray that this is the situation with Hayley and her Jesus non-baby because if she is being serious about everything she is saying, I truly feel bad for her. I think there was so much focus on her that we didn't get a chance to deal with that mother of hers. There are some significant problems there. Both girls talked about being abused as children; Hayley talks about being "dropped off" and left with some guy who she's told is her father; apparently mom wasn't sure who Hayley's dad is because she did at some point get a DNA (I seriously doubt that was done just to rule out Eminem).  Holy hell, if any of this was actually real, Phil needed to buck up here and send all 3 of them off for counseling. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Gam2 said:

It has become more and more apparent to me that there's something physically wrong with Phillip. He can't hold his head up, he walks like a really elderly person, his speech is so hesitant and he's constantly sipping water as if his medication makes him thirsty. This is all an observation on my part but it does seem to me that it's time for him to retire to his and Robin's millions. He doesn't need to support his sons anymore and while he has 300 employees, they can always find another job. Give it up, Phillip. You deserve a rest and so do we. This show is just getting sad and "Jerry Springer". Not a good look for you, Dr. Phil.

He's said that he's diabetic, I think. That could explain a lot of that, the tiredness, the problems walking and the water drinking, if he hasn't got it under control. But I ain't a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.

Edited by Lebanna
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Yes, I read that he's had diabetes for 25 years but it's just been the past year or two that he's changed so dramatically. It's like he aged 10 years in one year. Not sure what's going on with him but we get reruns of older shows on OWN here and the difference the past few years is really noticeable. 

I think he had surgery on his neck within the last few years. There was a tabloid report about him, and he made a comment on his show about it and it seems like he said he had to have surgery on his neck. My mom and I had noticed that he never turns his head, he turns his whole body, so when he said that we figured that was why. I just tried a quick search but didn't find an article about it. 

I've missed several episodes, but the girl who was having Jesus seemed like a con not a mentally ill person. If she is mentally ill, Dr. Phil's show did her a disservice because I walked away disliking her, and without a smidgen of sympathy. I didn't feel for her family much, either. They were all a co-dependent mess. She probably went to the therapy center because she thought there would be new people to manipulate since her family wasn't buying her crap any longer.

  • Love 2
On 11/5/2016 at 0:42 PM, Gam2 said:

Yes, I read that he's had diabetes for 25 years but it's just been the past year or two that he's changed so dramatically. It's like he aged 10 years in one year. Not sure what's going on with him but we get reruns of older shows on OWN here and the difference the past few years is really noticeable. 

I look older than pictures take of me 10 years ago!  The difference between 30 and 40 is barely distinguishable and a little more noticeable between 40 and 50.   After that, aging comes quickly and you can see them year to year.  Terrifying, really.  LOL  

I think his neck is fine.  He shifts to totally face the person he is talking to on purpose, to get their full attention.  Watch him, if he is being constantly interrupted he turns his head.  Heavy people tend have more trouble turning just their head, too. 

21 hours ago, Christina said:

the girl who was having Jesus seemed like a con not a mentally ill person. If she is mentally ill, Dr. Phil's show did her a disservice because I walked away disliking her, and without a smidgen of sympathy. I didn't feel for her family much, either.

 There was nothing compelling about that family and it was not Dr Phil's fault!  It is not his job to "make" his guests likable.  

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If he is going to air someone's dirty laundry for the world to see, and the issues are a result of a condition out of their control, such as mental illness, I think it is his job make us understand that they are not just crappy people. The family was responding to Baby Jesus' mom's issues, and had obviously hit their breaking point long ago. If she did have mental illness, whether schizophrenia or something else, I didn't walk away thinking that they were on a good path for the future, but instead, that the one daughter was a con artist and the mom and other daughter needed to get a grip.

Compared to the dad with Agent Orange a few months ago, where it was pretty clear that the problems he was facing and causing were a result of his mental state, and my sympathies went out to all of them. They were not presented in the point-and-laugh matter that I think this family were, and that falls on Dr. Phil and the show. The alcoholic mother on the show after the Baby Jesus family also received an edit showing that a lot of her issues stemmed from her grief. They certainly aired enough point-and-laugh scenes with her that they owed it to her to air her story in a good light. I don't think they did that with the Baby Jesus family, and if there is mental illness involved, they failed at showing it.

Dr. Phil has said that he reads a binder of stuff put together by his team, but it sounds like he rarely speaks to anyone before they hit the stage. There was a domestic violence couple where he made a point of speaking to both of them while they were in the makeup chairs, and before the show began, but don't remember the reasoning. They may have been having second thoughts and he wanted to get that woman out of that relationship. I wonder who it is that is compiling the info on the guests, and their professional backgrounds, such as if they are therapists or just producers, because if they are only looking for train wrecks as opposed to people that legitimately need help that The Dr. Phil Show can provide and the audience can learn from, it explains why I think this show has gone downhill. 

Not directly related to my above diatribe, but another thing that bothers me, is Dr. Phil's sanctimonious attitude toward his treatment plans for alcoholics and drug addicts. The relapse rate is great for all substance abuse and for all treatment modalities. The one that works is the one that an addict commits to after deciding to get sober, and no one plan works for everyone. I do think, however, that Dr. Phil is often the only person calling the addict out on their behavior, because the co-dependency is so strong in most families. Even recognizing that is probably necessary, his need to posture while pointing out the families failures is frustrating to watch. 

The interview in this link  from August 2009 addressed him having problems with his neck, but doesn't mention surgery. 


What part of your body gives you the most trouble, if any?

I would need to make a list, starting with my right knee, my right elbow, my neck and my lower back. None of it has gotten to the point of life altering - it's just irritating. People say that getting old stinks, but when you think about it, it sure beats the alternative!

Edited by Christina
Fixed bad link

I agree 100%!  Everything in both of the Baby Jesus episodes was for shock value only and it sickened me.  Seeing the previews, I laughed and couldn't wait to watch because I thought we were going to get another spoiled delusional kid.  This girl seems to have very real, very bad problems - mentally and with that family of hers.  I would have loved to hear their backstory since both girls discussed abuse and being dropped off with dad, etc.  Mom and Sister were so focused on making the sister look like a liar, but they didn't do themselves any favors either in my opinion.

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On 11/1/2016 at 6:49 PM, Gam2 said:

How many "cat fishing" shows do we need to see on Dr. Phil, Dateline, Snapped, etc before these older women wise up? I feel sorry for them in a sense but the logical part of my brain shouts "How stupid can you be?!". I don't care how lonely you are-that doesn't mean you have to take leave of your brains. I can just imagine how frustrated all of their children must be with these parents (mothers and dads). Good grief.

I've learned not to ask that question - most people take it as a challenge.....

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On 10/11/2016 at 9:46 PM, Zahdii said:

The father on today's show was scary.  The courts should have ordered a psych eval for him long ago.  There's a definite case for parental alianation with the older daughter, and she's doing her share to get the little sister on board the hate mom train.  The mother admits she's done a bad job of picking the men in her life, I hope she decides to forego dating altogether until all of her kids are raised. 

I think that woman that was on, what was she again?  Some kind of professional dealing with custody issues?  Anyway, the second she got on stage she left no doubt that she loathed the father.

I just watched this episode today and it's obvious to me. The father suffers horribly from OPD.  Obnoxious Personality Disorder.  He's never wrong and will never listen to anyone.  He will over talk anyone, even Dr. Phil and legal experts.  What a dick.

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Depending on the time of day, Dr. Phil's current, day before, or two days before episodes here.  I'm just now watching the episode with the heroin-addict young woman's family.

I noticed halfway through the program that the hanky Dr. Phil gave the sister actually has the Dr. Phil logo monogrammed into it.  I wonder if he buys them by the gross to give out.  He must have one of those baseball umpire packs on his side - he needs a lot of hanky refills.

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Am I seeing this right? ... I'm not one bit interested in watching the Todd episode so I'm not paying close attention to the little clip but they talk about his seizures, "Twelve yesterday and two so far today," and then make reference to him having one during the episode. Isn't he sitting in a wheel chair? If so, why would they try to take him out of the wheelchair and walk him off stage while having a seizure? Why wouldn't they wheel him off?

Sensationalize much?

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When I saw the previews showing that Todd the unfortunate alcoholic was an upcoming guest, I wondered why Phil keeps wasting his breath - he hasn't gotten through to him the first TWO times, so what can he say this time?  Oh, I forgot - it's November sweeps.  Phil will find some folksy BS to spew to make himself look good, but the real reason to have Todd back is for the freak show.  Reprehensible much?

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