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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Dear GAWD, the white trash on today's show...the daughter was 20, looked 35, and acted 13. The parents all seemed totally baffled that their children turned out so fucked up. Gee, how'd THAT happen? I feel horrible for that 4-year-old. She is doomed, no matter who she ends up with in this family.

  • Love 6

Boy the laughs just kept-a-comin' in the Whiny Lady Prophet episode.  She spent a half hour trying to revive her dead pet chicken in the road, her grandfather turned out to be a cult leader professing to be God himself, and her husband is--wait for it....-- a "reformed" homosexual!!  Everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end.


As much as I consider Dr. Phil to be a horse's ass, I gotta hand it to him for his comedic timing for each reveal in this episode.


Since we were told several times that the chicken was already "flat as a pancake", I hope Whiny Lady Prophet at least made herself a nice paillard for lunch after her resurrection efforts failed.

Edited by TV Glotzer
  • Love 4

It is being reported that Dr. Phil is being sued by an employee for holding her (and all other 300 employees) in a locked room while he berated them for leaking stories. He could have had them all sign a non-disclosure agreement and then just sued the employee. I think that the story is true but the employee will not prevail. In the Oprah "never eat a hamburger again" trial, Dr. Phil told Oprah that she had to fight back to prevent others from standing in line to sue. I wonder what he will do in this instance.


Dr. Phil's show is top-rated. I don't think that much will come of the bad press.

  • Love 1

Dr. Phil's story today was about a woman who hates and terrorizes her young son's fiancee. The woman was probably one of the most hateful people I have ever seen on this show, but the fiancee was no prize either. The fact that she follows this guys every move on a phone app and throws a fit if he is even ten minutes late (even though she knows where is he), is a huge red flag.


This kid needs to take care of his baby, but he should not marry this controlling girl unless she gets some counseling. All of these family members need to stay far away from each other. More trash on TV.

  • Love 4

I saw that one, too.  I rarely watch this show anymore, but I saw that it was going to be a mother-in-law show so I checked it out.  True to form, Phil was on the pretty young girl's side from the first and set the older woman up as the evil witch.  Not that Megan wasn't one, but I think Phil plays to the desires of his young audience with these shows and selects and edits accordingly. 


The real problem facing this young couple wasn't the MIL they don't need to see, but the fact that the couple was extremely young, the girl was admittedly "bossy" and controlling, the boy didn't want to marry her, they fought all the time, the boy's grandma was tired of them living in her house, using her as cook/maid/nanny and most of all -- these self-centered kids had a baby to raise.  Phil didn't address any of this until the end of the segment when he gave it a few sentences, but he was all over Megan getting therapy to fix her bitchiness.

  • Love 2

New Shows This Week

Monday - January 25, 2016

“My Drug Addicted, Mooching, Ex-Marine Brother Needs to Get His Life Together and Our Parents Need to Stop Enabling Him!”

Pat and Gheorghe say for the last 16 years, their ex-Marine son, Rich, has been battling an addiction to drugs and alcohol, and despite numerous rehabs and sober houses, nothing has kept him clean, and they’re out of solutions. Rich’s sister, Adrienne, says she believes her brother's “lying, manipulative and mooching ways” are killing their parents, but claims they just can’t stop themselves from enabling him. Pat and Gheorghe admit they’ve spent close to $225,000 on Rich but say everything they give him is with the hope that he will finally get his life together. It’s been three years since the family has been has seen Rich. Don’t miss their emotional reunion on Dr. Phil’s stage. What does Rich have to say about his behavior? Plus, hear what he admits happened the night before the taping. What might be at the root of Rich's addictions? Can Dr. Phil get Rich and his family the help they need?


Tuesday - January 26, 2016

A Blended Family on the Brink

Jason and Shady say they aren’t your typical blended family: Jason met Shady online, dated via webcam for two months and after only meeting in person once, they decided to get married. If that isn’t shocking enough, Jason’s and Shady’s children met for the first time at the wedding. Jason admits that at first he hated Shady’s kids and now, with seven kids living under one roof, there’s lots of chaos. Jason and Shady wonder why their marriage is on the verge of falling apart and why their blended family isn’t … blending. You won’t want to miss Dr. Phil’s unexpected advice, and his solution for Jason and Shady and their troubled marriage.


Wednesday - January 27, 2016

Sisters At War Over A Will: “I Want Her Out Of Our Deceased Mom’s House!”

Sisters Lisa and Jana have been estranged for the past five years since the passing of their mother. Lisa was named as the executor of their mother’s estate as well as the sole beneficiary of their mother’s retirement and insurance plan and she says ever since, Jana has accused her of lying, cheating, stealing and even killing their mother! Lisa says she wants to sell her mother’s house and distribute the profits as her mother wished, but Jana, who has lived in their mother’s home for the past five years, says she has no intention of leaving. She says Lisa is nothing more than a “money grubbing troll” who took money that was rightfully hers to buy cars, houses and go on vacations. Can Dr. Phil help these feuding sisters find a resolution? And, meet Miranda, who claims her mother, Marianne, would rather pay for breast implants, salon visits and skimpy clothes than Miranda’s college education. She says Marianne is obsessed with looking like a stripper, after she found out that her husband of 26 years confessed he went to a strip club 21 years ago. With a $30,000 plastic surgery appointment months away, Miranda says her mom needs a serious wake-up call.


Thursday - January 28, 2016

Wife of Top Restaurant Executive Claims She Was Scammed Out of $3 Million By Famous Football Star: Victim or Co-Conspirator?

Anita, 73, who was married to the CEO of the popular fast food restaurant chain, Wendy’s, is now a felon convicted of scamming her former friends and employees out of a half million dollars. But the socialite, who once lived in a lavish home and mingled with celebrities, says she is the victim and was duped out of her $3 million dollar fortune by former Ohio State and NFL quarterback, Art Schlichter. Anita claims after all her money was gone, the former football star then pressured her to borrow money from others to give to him. Anita’s former housekeeper, Sue, 72, says Anita asked to borrow $85,000 to buy football tickets and promised to repay her in 10 days with post-dated checks. So, Sue says she gladly took out a home equity loan and gave Anita the money, but when she tried to cash the checks, they bounced. Was Anita a victim or was she a co-conspirator?


Friday - January 29, 201

“I Believe My Mother Turned A Blind Eye To My Grandfather Molesting Me”

Angel claims her mother, Catherine, allowed her grandfather (now deceased) to molest her when she was a child. Angel says her mother knew her father was a molester because he had done the same thing to her when she was a little girl. Yet when Catherine’s father was bedridden and dying, she moved him into their home with her and her young children. Angel says at sometime between the ages of 2-7 her grandfather touched her and at least one other sibling inappropriately. Angel claims Catherine was also verbally and physically abusive to her and her siblings and claims that Catherine beat her regularly. Angel also claims her mother treated her worse than any of her siblings including, in her words, making her “tear apart a dead pony with her bare hands” and leaving her to have to borrow her mother’s underwear while her siblings received new clothes. Angel says her mother is evil and that she hasn’t seen or spoken to her in four years. Catherine says when her father was dying, he was so weak she never thought he could hurt her children. And, she says Angel has exaggerated her childhood and what happened. Catherine says her father was only in the home for three days and on the 3rd day, she caught him touching one of her daughters and put him out that same day. She says she never saw or spoke to her father again. Can Dr. Phil bring this mother and daughter together to get past the hurt, anger and animosity in order to rebuild their relationship? Don’t miss this dramatic and compelling Dr. Phil!

  • Love 1

Wow, no one is watching this week!  The only episode I caught was the "blended family".  I was shocked Dr. Phil didn't offer psychiatric hospitalization for the wife.  She was so needy and had next to no self-esteem.  I think she had those issues prior to meeting Mr. GI Joe militant.  She's one of those women who places value on being in a relationship and having a man "take care" of her.  She jumps from relationship to relationship & when she thought her current marriage was on the rocks she ran right back to an old boyfriend!  And what kind of mother lets a man she basically just met kick her children out of their own bedrooms and into the basement?  If I heard correctly, he and his half of the Brady Bunch moved into HER house! 


Hubby had his own issues to deal with too.  Narcissistic control freak.  I don't think any woman would measure up to his standards.  And why on Earth would either of them continue in the marriage?  The dislike everything about each other and the other's children, yet "failure is not an option"???  That's like saying, "We bought these Titanic tickets and by God, we will stay on this ship to complete our cruise!  Lifeboats be damned!"   Divorce may be difficult, but I'd opt for a few months of stress over it vs. years of psyche damage to me or my kids. 

  • Love 5

^^^  I got the feeling that the kids saying they wanted them to stay together did so due to fear.  If they had said they wanted them to split there would be hell to pay when home.  Phil should have asked them privately backstage.  The one girl was correct when she said she would like them stay together but did not see that happening.  


What a mess that "family" was!   I saw split up.  Now! 

  • Love 3

That "blended family" in that episode was such a complete, dysfunctional mess! The step/dad has to be the smartest, funniest, best at everything, including best at being a rigid weirdo who likes picking fights. And the step/mom wants to be a teenager, puppy love and giggly attitude included. All of those kids are going to need massive amounts of therapy...hell, they need it now, but why bother since they're going home to the same nuthouse every day.  Sadly, those kids aren't going to have much success when they try to forge relationships of their own in adulthood. The older daughter, sadly, is a snarky brat...probably because her mother is her "friend." {I was wishing Judge Judy would have intervened during her Q&A with Dr. Phil, "It's YES! Not Yeah."}


Dr. Phil may have explained it and I missed it, but I'm curious as to why the husband has full custody of some (not all) of his children. I could imagine him as the type of ex-husband who could run a smear campaign during a custody battle....but then again, maybe his first wife had serious issues.

  • Love 3


Dr. Phil may have explained it and I missed it, but I'm curious as to why the husband has full custody of some (not all) of his children. I could imagine him as the type of ex-husband who could run a smear campaign during a custody battle....but then again, maybe his first wife had serious issues.

I imagine him as the type of ex-husband who ends up on Dateline, sitting across from Keith Morrison.


That custody thing had me curious as well.  I don't think it was explained, but other than being dead, how badly messed up was that mother to lose custody to Mr. My Way or the Highway and Mrs. No Backbone?

  • Love 2

^^^  I got the feeling that the kids saying they wanted them to stay together did so due to fear.  If they had said they wanted them to split there would be hell to pay when home.  Phil should have asked them privately backstage.  The one girl was correct when she said she would like them stay together but did not see that happening.  


What a mess that "family" was!   I saw split up.  Now!

Yes, emotionally abused kids often say that they don't want the situation to change because they think it's somehow their fault that the situation is so dire and believe that they can make everyone happy by denying the problem or allowing themselves extra time to 'repair' the situation. Been there, done that. It sucks. Get out immediately. Poor kids.

  • Love 4

All New Shows This Week


Monday - February 1, 2016

Behind The Scenes of the O.J. Simpson Trial: What Really Happened?

In June 1994, former professional football star and actor O.J. Simpson was tried for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. The case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in American history. Now, 22 years later, FX Network has developed a much-anticipated 10 episode miniseries, premiering on Feb 2 called “The People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story,” inspired by the book, The Run of His Life: The People V. O.J. Simpson, by CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Toobin says while reporting for The New Yorker at the trial, he got to know many of the key people involved in the case, and he shares many of his insights and revelations as to what occurred, which he says are part of what contributes to this thrilling new series. While the miniseries has gotten much positive publicity, the Goldman and the Brown families say they are upset their family member’s death was turned into an entertainment TV show. Ron Goldman’s father, Fred, says he wonders why he and his daughter, Kim, were never contacted by producers and if this series will be nothing but sensationalized fiction. Then, hear from Nicole Brown’s sister, Tanya, who says she has not seen the Goldmans since 1996. Find out why Tanya has requested to meet with Dr. Phil alone. Tanya also tells Dr. Phil she deserved the respect to be contacted about the miniseries but was never contacted. And, catch up with Kato Kaelin, and hear why he says he questions the authenticity of the series.


Tuesday - February 2, 2016

Death By Salt: A Mom Accused

Hannah and Larry Overton were devout Christians, faithful missionaries and doting parents of four children. Their lives seemed content until they met a little foster child named Andrew, who needed a loving family and they say immediately stole their hearts. But after only four short months of living with his new “forever family,” little Andrew died of salt intoxication. At trial, Andrew's foster mother, Hannah, who the media dubbed “Salt Mom,” was found guilty of killing Andrew with a lethal dose of salt, and she was sentenced to life in prison. But the story doesn’t end there. After serving seven years, Hannah’s conviction was overturned due to prosecutorial misconduct, and ultimately the charges against her were dismissed. Now free and back home with her husband and children, questions remain about the day Andrew died, the manner of his death and what some believed was evidence of possible abuse and neglect. Dr. Phil digs deep to find the answers to the mystery surrounding Andrew’s death. Was Hannah a mom wrongfully accused or did something more sinister happen?


Wednesday - February 3, 2016

Wife Gets 25 Years For Pushing Husband Out of High Rise Window

Beautiful, privileged, newlywed Amber Hilberling was seven-months pregnant when her husband, Josh, fell to his death from the window of their luxury 25th floor high-rise apartment. Amber says it was an accident that happened during a physical argument, but she was arrested, put on trial and convicted of second degree murder. She is now serving a 25-year sentence in a women’s prison in Oklahoma. But Amber’s parents say justice was far from served. They are adamant that Amber acted in self-defense, and did not receive a fair trial. They claim Amber’s newlywed marriage turned violent, controlling and abusive shortly after she and Josh married. They say it’s time the truth was told and their daughter, Amber, is set free! And Thursday, Dr. Phil goes behind bars to speak with Amber.


Thursday - February 4, 2016

Newlywed Murder: The Bride Speaks Out Exclusively From Behind Bars

It was a newlywed nightmare that ended with the bride in prison. Dr. Phil goes behind bars to speak to beautiful, 24-year-old Amber Hilberling, who is serving 25 years for second degree murder for the death of her handsome, charming, military husband Josh, who tragically plummeted to his death in 2013, after crashing through the glass of their 25th story luxury apartment window. In an exclusive interview, Amber speaks candidly about her allegations of innocence, what she feels wasn’t brought up at the trial, and her claim that this was an act of self-defense that ended in tragedy.


Friday - February 5, 2016

Addicted to Rock But Now At Rock Bottom

Kris,44, has been chasing his dream of being a rock and roll superstar his entire life. He says he's "addicted to fame" and just like a drug addiction, the pursuit of his dream has cost him everything. He says he has destroyed his relationship with his teen daughter, who no longer speaks to him, and two weeks ago, Kris’ fiancée broke up with him because of what she calls his “selfish ways,” and they are currently not speaking. Kris admits he has manipulated friends and family into giving him hundreds of thousands of dollars toward his rock dream, and so, far nothing has come of it. Kris’ rock idol, Gene Simmons from KISS, makes a surprise appearance to help set Kris straight. And, Dr. Phil tells Kris’ what he must do to get his life back on track.

I'm starting to wonder why so many of the misfits who appear on Dr. Phil are from the Philly area.  I used to live in that area for over 30 years. I don't have the odd accent....but my ears perk up whenever I hear it. The drunk guy with enabling parents, the gross mother who demonized her daughter named Angel, and others I can't remember off the top of my head. Does Dr. Phil have people hiding behind potted plants in the grossest hang-outs in Delaware County or something?

After serving seven years, Hannah’s conviction was overturned due to prosecutorial misconduct, and ultimately the charges against her were dismissed.

I remain unconvinced Hannah is an innocent woman -- just a lucky one. She can hide all she wants behind her "godliness," but something is majorly fucked up there.

I remain unconvinced Hannah is an innocent woman -- just a lucky one. She can hide all she wants behind her "godliness," but something is majorly fucked up there.

I agree. I don't like the use of hot spice added to food and drink. What is the purpose of doing this other than to punish. I really don't get why people do this. Was this ever spoken too? I have seen this case on another show long ago but don't remember all the details.

I watched today's show about Amber. It was very one sided. I have also seen this on another show and many details were left out. Looks like it is continued tomorrow.

  • Love 1

Hannah and her husband had no explanation for forcing this little boy to sleep on a plywood bed, or be hosed down with ice cold water like a dog, or to having his sheets burned on a grill which is the oddest thing I've heard of. I also know of no little kids who enjoy super spicy food and it is clear to be that the Creole seasonings were used as a punishment. Her laughing during the interview with the police officer was disturbing too. My son sometimes laughs out of nervousness in certain situations, but he wouldn't laugh if someone were dying. 

  • Love 3

The husband wasn't charged, she gave the child the creole seasoning with water drink. Yes, people laugh at funerals, but giggling as you talk about your child dying seems unusual to me. Dr Phil didn't press her on why the child wasn't allowed a mattress and had to sleep on a slab of wood. This woman's affect seemed really odd to me and I think her husband knows something is wrong with her.

I laugh in serious situations all the time. Its truly terrible, but it's a nervous reaction to a stressful situation. I laughed when my teenage daughter passed out after having blood drawn. It certainly wasn't a funny situation, but it slipped out. I can totally see someone laughing in any stressful situation. I just hope I am never accused of murder, they would think I did it!

  • Love 2

I think your safe Arynm :) Hannah Overton wasn't arrested for laughing; she was arrested for giving a four year old a sippy cup of water mixed with Zataran Creole seasoning and then not getting him medical attention when he became gravely ill, slipped into a coma, stopped breathing and died. Her giggling while describing this tiny boy's suffering just got on my nerves, it has nothing to do with the murder charge though.


I watched today's ep which was part two of Dr. Phil's interview with Amber who was arrested for pushing her husband out of the window of a high rise. I was kind of amused that Phil kept acting like he got to decide if she was innocent or guilty and that he could get her out of jail. I really don't think there was enough evidence to say she murdered him. How would anyone know that a window would break so easily? You couldn't know such a thing. Also, she was pregnant and half his size. I think this couple were used to knock down drag out fights and she pushed him hard because he was attacking her while she was pregnant. 

  • Love 2
The husband wasn't charged,

In fact, Larry Overton was charged and entered some sort of guilty plea:




Larry Overton was also charged with murder, but after his wife's conviction, he was offered a plea deal and was given probation. After he completed his probation, the charges were dismissed.


Still remain unconvinced these two are "innocent" in any way.

Edited by Guest

I caught a few minutes of Amber's interview and what I saw made me want to crack Dr. Phil in his smug face.  He kept harping on her, wanting her to reenact the moments before she pushed her husband out of the window.  He just kept goading her to yell the words "you're a loser" in the same way she yelled it the fateful day. It was almost uncomfortable how focused he was on getting her to say those words.  He asked her at least 3 times to "say the words, yell like you yelled it that day".  It was like he was in love with his own sense of power and it was like he was playing puppet master.  She's already behind bars, so take it down a notch, Phil!


I loved that Amber would not play his game and wouldn't give in to his bordering on bullying harangue.   I hated him so much during those minutes.

  • Love 7

In the episode with Amber, who "pushed" her husband out of the window, did anyone find it odd in the statement given by his parents that they kept referring to their own grandchild as "her" child and "their" child? I don't have the exact quote, but it seemed very disconnected and strange and impersonal. What grandparent makes such a blanket "statement" about their own blood grandchild? My impression is he was an abusive asshole who was discharged from the military for drug abuse and she was abused by him and it was an accident. It's insane to me that so much evidence was not allowed in the trial. I don't believe for a second that this was murder. It was a tragic accident, but I'm not all that sympathetic to the plight of an abuser like him.

  • Love 4

ALL NEW Shows This Week



Monday - February 8, 2016

“Fat Guy” Bikes Cross Country: To Save His Life or to Scam America?

Self-proclaimed “fat guy” Eric says he was 560 pounds and unhappy with his weight, so he decided to do something unexpected -- go on an epic bike ride across America. He says his goals were to lose weight, write a book and rescue his failing relationship with his wife. The only problem was he had no money for the trip. So he set up a GoFundMe account and asked the public for help. After his story went viral, thousands of dollars rolled in and so did the critics, saying Eric was scamming America. Is Eric trying to lose weight and save his life and marriage, or is he just conning the country? Find out as he also confronts some of his “haters” face-to-face for the first time. Plus, Dr. Phil asks Eric to get on the scale for a weigh in.


Tuesday - February 9, 2016

Neighbor Feud Erupts with Constant Calls to the Police, False Allegations, Trumped Up Charges and Threats of Violence

Jana and Allen say their neighbors, Melanie, Maritha, and Maritha’s son, Christopher, moved into the house directly behind them six months ago and have been the source of constant conflict. They say their neighbors have made false police reports, called DFS, threatened them and that their four dogs bark all hours of the night. Jana says Christopher even set off an explosive in their backyard near their children’s swing set. Although Christopher denies the allegations, Jana and Allen say they have surveillance video. But Maritha is pointing the finger right back at Jana and Allen, accusing them of making her life a “living hell.” She says police have been called to her home 17 times since she moved in. Maritha says she has been falsely accused of punching another neighbor in the face, and her partner, Melanie, charged with sexual misconduct for mooning a neighbor, even though Melanie vehemently denies this allegation. Tensions have escalated to the point that both families have installed surveillance cameras around their homes because they say they fear for their safety. Will these neighbors be able to call a truce?


Wednesday - February 10, 2016

Virginia Tech Students Accused of Murdering 13-Year-Old Girl: The Victim’s Family Speaks Out

Check back soon for more info on this exciting, all-new episode!


Thursday - February 11, 2016

"I Believe My Granddaughter was Illegally Adopted. We Want Her Back!"

In 2008, Julia was a single mom, homeless, and living in a car with her 15-year-old daughter, Olivia, her 12-year-old daughter Phoebe, and Olivia’s newborn daughter. Julia claims that when authorities found her homeless, they placed her children in foster care. Julia and Olivia say that within 6 months, Olivia’s daughter was adopted. Julia claims the adoption was illegal, and she wants to know how to legally fight what she calls this “injustice” that happened to her family because they were broken and poor. Olivia claims she did everything she was told to do by caseworkers in foster care, but they still took her child. She says she never agreed to place her baby for adoption. Olivia claims the adoptive mother, Jyllian, lied to her, falsely promising pictures and the chance to be part of her daughter’s life. She and her family want Dr. Phil’s advice on how to keep fighting for her little girl.


Friday - February 12, 2016

“I Want to Confront the Woman Whom I Believe Illegally Adopted My Granddaughter!”

Julia and her 22-year-old daughter, Olivia, claim Olivia’s newborn daughter was taken away from her illegally and placed for adoption. They claim Jyllian, the woman who adopted Olivia’s daughter, promised to provide them with pictures of the little girl and the opportunity to be part of her life, but they say she hasn’t done either. They also say they don’t approve of Jyllian’s lifestyle. Jyllian says their claims are outrageous and that everything about the adoption was legal. She says in the past few months, things have gotten out of control, and she even got a restraining order against Olivia. Jyllian claims both Julia and Olivia have posted pictures of her and slandered her. She claims Olivia drives by her house and stalks her, and says Julia has made threats about coming to take the little girl. Jyllian says she lives in fear that they will kidnap her daughter and wants the harassment to stop so she can raise her child in peace. Can Dr. Phil bring calm to this situation?

Edited by Jaded

I caught a few minutes of Amber's interview and what I saw made me want to crack Dr. Phil in his smug face.  He kept harping on her, wanting her to reenact the moments before she pushed her husband out of the window.  He just kept goading her to yell the words "you're a loser" in the same way she yelled it the fateful day. It was almost uncomfortable how focused he was on getting her to say those words.  He asked her at least 3 times to "say the words, yell like you yelled it that day".  It was like he was in love with his own sense of power and it was like he was playing puppet master.  She's already behind bars, so take it down a notch, Phil!


I loved that Amber would not play his game and wouldn't give in to his bordering on bullying harangue.   I hated him so much during those minutes.

I'm with you, except for one little, tiny, nitpick: He was trying to get her to say, "You're a coward!" He wouldn't let up! I was confused as to whether he was trying to vindicate her versus implicate her!

Did anyone see the bike rider who was riding across the U.S. to lose weight?


I'm no fat shamer but he really is not holding up to his part. Lying for days in a motel room, eating fast foods from 7 Eleven and staying 3 months in Florida. One day he rode 5 miles. Seriously, there is a bike trail by my house that I use for running and five miles is nothing at all unless I add the hills at the golf course and take the long way home. I can understand his weight being an issue because he did start off at 560 pounds so probably is not in the best health. But it is months later and he is only down to 514.


He had a GoFundMe account set up and received $14,000 which is great if you plan it out but is not enough take a year off work and that is all you have.

  • Love 3

I was sitting in a waiting room when that episode came on. During one part, Dr. Phil tried to bust him on eating taquitos, and he said that Dr. Phil's staff told him to buy it and eat it so they could film it. Dr. Phil immediately responded with something about his staff not being responsible for Fat Guy's dietary choices. (Fat Guy is what he called himself, for those of you who didn't watch; I'm not being cruel.)


A couple in the waiting room immediately began arguing about whether or not Dr. Phil's staff sets people up, and/or lie to them to get them to appear. Others started joining it, pointing out there have been articles after the appearances where people complained that Dr. Phil's producers told them one thing to get them to appear, and then attacked them on stage. I immediately thought of this forum, because people have posted links to these complaints in the past. It was a real life PTV thread happening in front of me. He has to lie to the catfished people about trying to help him prove to the family that they are real, or they would never show up to be embarrassed on national television, but in hopes that something will sink in.


I remembered the woman who had a husband killed by the husband of one of the woman he was having an affair with. She blamed the other woman for everything, and both woman thought they were going to try and mend fences. Dr. Phil criticized both of them, and they both gave interviews afterword about how his show sought them out after one woman wrote a book, and felt lied to and mislead. I didn't join in because it was getting heated between the couple. I think only the wife didn't think Dr. Phil's staff trick and mislead people, everyone else in the waiting room did (10 of us, maybe), and that it has gotten worse over the years. I think it started after he was able to give up his license to practice because his show was deemed entertainment, not therapy.


Regarding Fat Guy, and think both he and his wife were scammers. They both write, and I think that he originally thought this would be an experience to draw attention to him, and the wife jumped back in the relationship after he started getting attention. He may have started with good intentions, but at some point, it became too easy for him to manipulate the situation keep getting funds while not doing what he was supposed to, including lying about his weigh-ins. He also admitted to getting paid tweet about beef jerky and some xxl exercise clothing. I was very surprised that Dr. Phil set him up with someone not linked to his show. No mention of a book published by Jay's company, no mention of Dr on Demand, just here is this professional, accredited trainer for you. I hope he takes full advantage, because I think his donations are going to dry up. The "haters" were spending an awful lot of time harassing the couple though. That's a lot of emotional investment in someone you don't like.

  • Love 6

I was sitting in a waiting room when that episode came on. During one part, Dr. Phil tried to bust him on eating taquitos, and he said that Dr. Phil's staff told him to buy it and eat it so they could film it. Dr. Phil immediately responded with something about his staff not being responsible for Fat Guy's dietary choices. (Fat Guy is what he called himself, for those of you who didn't watch; I'm not being cruel.)


I think you are right in that he may have started with good intentions. I also felt that the wife jumped back in to get on the glory wagon.

  • Love 1

I don't usually watch Dr. Phil cause frankly I intensely dislike him but yesterday whilst cooking dinner it happened to be on and I got sucked into this adoption dramedy story.  I really think "Dr." Phil made things worse in that situation.


But I came here to post because Phil had a Valentine's surprise for Robin, getting her favourite artist to perform for her.  Robin flipped out like a teenager or tween before the artist came out, so I thought, it could be Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, Garth Brooks, who knows.  But nooo, it was her own son and his girlfriend.  And Robin carried on like a schoolgirl, freaking out and shaking.  This was so weird I didn't know what to think.

  • Love 9

I couldn't believe that the "Robin's all time favorite band, the hottest band from Los Angeles to Australia that's burning up the charts" was his crappy son's crappy band.

I think I heard the entire viewing audience groan when he announced his son.

I get it being Robin's favorite band. My nephew has a band here in the Bay Area that has a decent following and tours a lot. I'm proud of him and his band is my "favorite" band simply because he's my nephew. But this was just ridiculous.

I got sucked into the adoption story too. I think there was much more involved with the mom having the teenage girls taken from her than what was said.

I couldn't stand the birth family, something about them seemed really off. When the birth grandma was screaming that the adoptive mom was unfit because she went to Vegas, I was wondering what's fit about taking your young teenagers, one of which is pregnant across the country with just "$750.00 and a car?".

There was a lot more than meets the eye with that birth family. Everything about them seemed fake to me.

They were also stupid, like Dr Phil said, to bash and alienate the one person who can give you that relationship with your bio child that she says she wants so much.

I don't think they want the little girl as much as they want to win.

They don't want her, they just don't want the adoptive mom to have her.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 10
was it me


Not just you, I sat there dumbfounded at the ending.  Schill brought NOTHING to the table.  White woman bitch and her husband were seething with meaness and probably instigated a lot of crap.  Lesbian couple were professional victims that would probably "find" discrimination wherever they live.

Of all the times to use the Schill's lie detector hack, this was it.  He should have hooked the whole bunch of them up and called them out on their bullshit.

Instead he tells everyone to sing Kumbayah and skip off the stage farting rainbows.  WTF.

  • Love 4

I couldn't believe that the "Robin's all time favorite band, the hottest band from Los Angeles to Australia that's burning up the charts" was his crappy son's crappy band.

I think I heard the entire viewing audience groan when he announced his son.

I get it being Robin's favorite band. My nephew has a band here in the Bay Area that has a decent following and tours a lot. I'm proud of him and his band is my "favorite" band simply because he's my nephew. But this was just ridiculous.

I got sucked into the adoption story too. I think there was much more involved with the mom having the teenage girls taken from her than what was said.

I couldn't stand the birth family, something about them seemed really off. When the birth grandma was screaming that the adoptive mom was unfit because she went to Vegas, I was wondering what's fit about taking your young teenagers, one of which is pregnant across the country with just "$750.00 and a car?".

There was a lot more than meets the eye with that birth family. Everything about them seemed fake to me.

They were also stupid, like Dr Phil said, to bash and alienate the one person who can give you that relationship with your bio child that she says she wants so much.

I don't think they want the little girl as much as they want to win.

They don't want her, they just don't want the adoptive mom to have her.

I'm with you.   Not one member of that family had an ounce of self control.  I wouldn't trust them with a guppy, let alone a child.  And I have no doubt that they would grab that little girl in a heartbeat, given the opportunity.  This has become their "job" as a family, sort  of a shared obsession. I also don't think they are going to change their behavior one little bit.  The advice they were given went right over their heads.  The contrast between adoptive mom and teen mom and family could scarcely be more pronounced.  A special shout out to the morons in the audience who fell for these nuts' stories.

Also: Robin...dial it down a couple of hundred notches.

  • Love 5

 Lesbian couple were professional victims...

Thank you. I was trying to come up with the right term to diagnose them and their son. Would have preferred to see YOU moderate that episode instead of the good old Doctor--I use the term loosely.

Both sides were lying liars who lie. "Ling Ling" was a sex toy that I just happen to write about on Twitter. Yeah, right.

  • Love 4
I got sucked into the adoption story too. I think there was much more involved with the mom having the teenage girls taken from her than what was said.

I couldn't stand the birth family, something about them seemed really off. When the birth grandma was screaming that the adoptive mom was unfit because she went to Vegas, I was wondering what's fit about taking your young teenagers, one of which is pregnant across the country with just "a car and $750.00".

Totally agree with this. In the beginning, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were fleeing an abusive relationship or something. But it quickly became obvious that they were only telling half of the story and the benefit of the doubt started to erode.

I sincerely doubt that Jyllian promised to always have the birth family in Evelyn's life. I have no doubt that's what Olivia *heard* and what she now *remembers* but I question whether it was actually said.

The birth family...what a nightmare. I have no doubt some things went on that they did not understand. But they've become so entrenched in the role of victim, they use it as a license to be complete a-holes to the woman who provided a stable, loving home environment when they could not. It was amazing to watch Olivia and company plant their flag in the moral high ground - as if they have a leg to stand on. When Evelyn was adopted, Jyllian was in a committed relationship with a stable home and a career that allowed her to be at home with Evelyn. Contrast that against a 15 year old runaway foster kid, with ongoing family drama, who was dumb enough to get knocked up and was working part time at a fast food joint. She (and her mother!) were simply not in a position to provide what a baby needs.  What has happened since the adoption does not matter. So Jyllian is divorced? So she's been to Vegas? So she's got a sparkly dress? Now contrast that against Olivia, who is also a single mother. Again. And probably underemployed. Still. Olivia's whining "Why does SHE get to go to Vegas?" told me everything I need to know about her maturity level.


I would really love to know what those three women thought being on Dr. Phil would do for them. Did they hope to shame Jyllian into allowing them access? To argue her into giving Evelyn back? Bravo for Jyllian telling them to hit the road. This was a closed adoption, and she doesn't owe them a damn thing. I hope she keeps the restraining order, blocks them everywhere she can block them, and goes on about her life. Evelyn doesn't know those women and doesn't need them in her life. If she were to meet them now, they would terrify her. I hope when she turns 18, she's able to withstand the drama when those three women finally get ahold of her.


The birth family and all of their detective work, "proof", and name-calling just made themselves look bitchy, shady, jealous, and not very bright.

Meanwhile, kudos to Phil for twisting the knife that extra little bit by saying things to Olivia like "don't you want to feel those little arms around your neck" and "she's  the only one who can put that little hand in yours." A nice bit of imagery to fuel Olivia's already overblown notions of what it would be like to reunite with Evelyn.

As for the son's band, whatEVER. I changed the channel as soon as I found out what the surprise was. Were they any good? And was there a particular need to identify the son's girlfriend? I mean, who cares? There's something down right evil about exposing a family's pain about the loss of a child, and then flipping right over into bragging about his and his wife's own amazing relationship with their phenomenally talented offspring. (snort)

  • Love 6

I felt bad for the adopted mom. She seemed miles ahead of the birth family in stability and common sense, and I think it was probably rather traumatic for her to have the audience mostly clapping for the other side and Phil suggesting that her adoption probably shouldn't have happened in the first place. The fact she even went on the show illustrated some serious dedication to that kid. Her daughter can't say she didn't try with these people.

As for the audience - what was up with that? Had the birth family rigged it full of their own supporters or something? They seemed to be watching a completely different show.

  • Love 5

Listening to them talk about the day she got picked up by the cops convinced me they're crazy and constantly reimagining situations. What I got out of the things they let slip is that teen mom was found on the street in pajamas on a school day. "The cops asked my age immediately, isn't that suspect?" Er, no, not in the middle of a school day.It's called truancy, dear. "I wanted to stay at home with my child" (probably because she's hung over) is not a valid excuse for skipping school.If that's any indication of their storytelling...

  • Love 4

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Friday - February 19, 2016

“Help Me Dr. Phil, I Believe My Husband Is Poisoning My Food and Injecting Me with Needles!”

Pat claims for the last nine months, her husband, Mira, has been injecting her with poison while she sleeps as well as poisoning her food, so he can molest their three teenage daughters. Pat claims her husband of nearly 20 years has molested their daughters at least a 1,000 times, and claims she has caught him naked with their oldest daughter, as well as engaging in other inappropriate sexual acts. Pat says she is doing all she can to protect her children from her husband, including sleeping on the floor in her girls’ bedrooms, barricading the doors, and setting up an “obstacle course” from her husband’s bedroom to their daughters’ rooms. Pat says she also has been trying to protect herself from her husband’s alleged poisonous injections by wearing a neck brace and helmet to bed. Mira adamantly denies every allegation and says his wife’s accusations are part of a delusional and paranoid mental illness, and he is desperate for her to get help. Pat insists she is not “crazy,” and says her husband was behind her diagnosis of Schizophrenia and that he committed her to a mental health hospital twice, so he could continue his abuse. How does Mira respond to the hundreds of photos of what Pat claims are needle injection marks all over her body? And, what do toxicology reports show? Plus, Dr. Phil sits down with their three teenage daughters and asks them if their father has ever abused them.

  • Love 1

Listening to them talk about the day she got picked up by the cops convinced me they're crazy and constantly reimagining situations. What I got out of the things they let slip is that teen mom was found on the street in pajamas on a school day. "The cops asked my age immediately, isn't that suspect?" Er, no, not in the middle of a school day.It's called truancy, dear. "I wanted to stay at home with my child" (probably because she's hung over) is not a valid excuse for skipping school.If that's any indication of their storytelling...

All of this. So much. A minor in her pajamas crossing the street to Jack in the Box in Los Angeles in the middle of the day. So perfectly routine.

The net of social systems is far from perfect but I find it hard to believe that they have been wronged in EVERY SINGLE INCIDENT over five years of dealing with the police, CPS, etc., with everyone across multiple agencies acting in cahoots to deny a mother custody of her baby.

Because there's nothing the state wants MORE than to put even more kids in foster care.

Edited by TV Glotzer
  • Love 3

All of this. So much. A minor in her pajamas crossing the street to Jack in the Box in Los Angeles in the middle of the day. So perfectly routine.

The net of social systems is far from perfect but I find it hard to believe that they have been wronged in EVERY SINGLE INCIDENT over five years of dealing with the police, CPS, etc., with everyone across multiple agencies acting in cahoots to deny a mother custody of her baby.

Because there's nothing the state wants MORE than to put even more kids in foster care.

I think she also said the state had a conspiracy to take the baby because the child was beautiful.  

  • Love 2

I hope the adoptive mom keeps the restraining order in place.  The "birth family" are all nuts and not fit to be in the little girl's life.  Such a bunch of victims.  Maybe they were hoping to get a Lifetime Movie deal for their story?  I suggest Kelly Osborne to play the truant teen mom.


As for Robin...she is such a joke.  Has she been taking acting lessons?  Maybe she's watching old news reels of how teenager girls behaved at a  Monkees concert or a mall appearance by Bobby Sherman?  The shaking and the OMG-ing....wow.  I guess I am slightly impressed that her Botoxed  injected face was able to show signs of any emotion. 

  • Love 7

With the warring neighbors from St. Louis, was it me or did Dr. Phil give them absolutely no good advice before sending them on their way? Basically, "can't you people just get along?" Then, ok folks, tune in tomorrow for another craptastic episode of this horseshit I call a show.


I think that both sides were lying, but the lesbian couple were ridiculous and I wish Dr. Phil would have called them out on the "Ling Ling" and "therapy dogs" at the very least.  I guess he just had a good feeling that it would get nowhere and why bother when the other side was lying as well.  I would have to say though, that if I had neighbors with four ("therapy") dogs barking constantly that it would drive me bat shit crazy and I might say and do things that I would be embarrassed to admit on Dr. Phil.  I wonder why there were no other neighbors on hand to corroborate the complaints because, c'mon, 4 barking ("therapy") dogs 24/7 would bother everyone.  Also, can't help but wonder how they can afford to live in that house if they aren't employed?  I wonder if they will get evicted/foreclosed before too long and the situation will resolve itself that way.

  • Love 5

I just watched the episode with the adoption mess. The teen and her mother were so wrapped up in themselves and their non-stop victim act -- two screwed up peas in a pod.  The adoptive mother said many things that made sense (waiting for the daughter to get older and independently decide whether she wants to contact her birth mother, etc.). I also think it was unethical for Phil to paint the scenes of the child wrapping her arms around her/tiny little hand in yours....if he wanted to motivate her to have better behaviors, why did he do it by encouraging her perseveration?!


Oh, and I watched Robin's reaction ---- I really think she initially thought it was some legit star at first. But then, when Phil started saying it was their son/whatever the band name is, I swear her face leaked an emotion that seemed like she just told herself, "Oh darn, I thought it was actually my favorite singer.  Wait, wait, Robin, keep up the Monkees concert/Bobby Sherman appearance-level excitement so no one realizes that my son is not really my favorite musician. Dammit, I thought it was Tim McGraw, not frigging Jordan McGraw. Like I didn't have to hear his whiny-voiced racket enough while he was living with us? Wait, okay, touch my face/look shocked. You got this girl. I'll just go to the jewelry store later and buy something that makes me feel better."

  • Love 5

I wondered at some things regarding the adoption story. Usually, Dr. Phil investigates these stories and comes out and refutes every word the people say, here he didn't do that and agreed this wasn't handled properly. So, I am in the middle here. I didn't like this family, but I don't think a child should be taken away because a family is poor, or even because a teenager is not in school. Unless the child was abused, the state should have been working to keep the family together. Even in abuse situations, the state usually tries hard to keep the family together by having the parents take parenting class etc. Again, Dr. Phil said nothing about abuse or that Olivia was ever an unfit mother.

I don't feel comfortable with people saying the adopted mother had more money so she deserves the child. Should every child be given to the highest bidder? The state could have given this very young mother funds for child care so she could further her education, food stamps, and parenting classes (which she said she did take). There is no reason to take her child. The adoptive mother seemed fine and I don't think she was doing anything wrong. But she could have hired an expensive lawyer who forced the adoption rather that the foster care situation. I also don't think the birth mother should just get over it-you can't get over losing a child. If she had made the choice to have her child adopted it would be one thing, but she didn't, she was just young. Again, I didn't find this family very likable, but even Dr. Phil couldn't find any reason why her child was adopted away.

I can't stand looking at Robin so I had to turn it off when they got to that point. Her frozen looking face is downright scary.

  • Love 1

I thought Mom "there are 20 pictures of adoptive mom with all kinds of different men!" brought her daughters "I'm the Auntie, Phoebe" and "I'm a self private detective Olivia" because she thought both of them would be 'discovered.'  Such acting by both daughters!  Such carefully exaggerated smiles and very sad faces.  And of course they all brought their angry eyes...

I wanted to hear from 'family friend' Drew! And I wanted to know about the 'other side' of Evelyn's family, who are in touch with Jyllian because they're reasonable.  Does that mean Evelyn's father gave up HIS parental rights? 

And why did Mom pick Santa Monica to settle in when she drove her pregnant 15 year old and younger child across the country with $750.00?  Aren't other areas around Los Angeles a little less pricey, rent-wise?  Maybe the other YWCAs aren't quite as nice...

So many questions that Shil didn't answer.


  • Love 2

Agree there were so many parts of the adoption story that we don't know. Love Kellys Osborn playing the teen mom thought. These people are never going to regain custody, so I actually thought Shill's advice was good, leave adoptive mom alone and someday she'll let you see the child. And what was with the money angle. Was bio mom suggesting adoptive mom paid for the baby. Way too many unanswered questions.

  • Love 3

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