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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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TresGatos- Good luck with follow ups.  The only follow up I have ever seen is when all works out.  Proportionately, that's a real small ratio of follow up to shows.


Tomorrow is another one of those delusional old women sending buckets of money to some hot guy overseas.  I used to feel sorry for them; now I just wish we'd caught them before they had a chance to procreate.  Just too stupid.

I don't watch Dr Phil but I was grabbed today while channel surfing when I saw that a 70 year old (Norma) that sent 300K in the shape of furniture and luxury cars to one "Richard Randall" in Ghana that professed to love her.  She can't afford her old age home anymore and now lives with relatives.


I was gobsmacked by her profound stupidity.  Her addiction to the narcissistic supply provided by the "fiance" she never even met, reached the point of missing her nephew's funeral.


I was not surprised to hear that her son estranged himself from Norma, and I applaud him. I'm disappointed that the daughter co-signed all of Norma's drama, as she's a sick, and deranged narcissist.  Shame on her for visiting her abysmal decision making on her relatives now.  If she was my own mother I'd let her live out of her car (for context, my mother regularly abandoned me in public places when I was six until authorities told her to stop, you can imagine the rest).


Norma is a victim of her own craving for flattery and attention, and willingness to be deluded in order to satisfy it.  This flattery and attention was worth 300K to her.  I say that this impoverished fellow in Ghana, devious as he was, earned at least some of it.  Ten percent of viewers tweeted would send money to someone they've never met online after 3 weeks?  Here's a income opportunity to the poor in the poorest nations.

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We've had this discussion before, but I think any judge would easily find this woman incompetent. If I saw this going on, I would print out the evidence and boom, assets frozen.

10 percent would send money to a stranger??? My god, we have become a nation of morons.

Don't get me wrong. If the mood struck AND I had money to burn, I might pay for the affection of a nice looking gentleman, but only if his real time ass were parked in my bed.

  • Love 8

I'm not sure that a judge would find her incompetent.


We have this perception that she might be, because she's an elder and sounded so dumb, but there are perfectly competent 40, 50, and 60 year old narcissists that are willing to pay good money to buy themselves some obsequious gallantry, even if only virtual.

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These scammers are rampant! After learning of an online friend's experience (she didn't send a cent) I am good at identifying the stories/ scenarios and have helped folks.

A coworker didn't listen (not close enough to her to be in the loop of her adventure)- she divorced her husband, sent every cent she had (retirement and all) and sent Christmas gifts to "his work crew"


Apparently her current belief is that he died in the hospital- due to one of the many ailments he needed money for!


Another friend has heard from  8 or 9 scammers-  She has not sent money but sticks with them until they request money.

She's had a civilian say he was being deployed- An oil rig engineer that photo shopped himself piloting a boat (out to the rig)

Last week she got  flowers (wonder what victim's credit card bought them for her) just before he needed money

Hopefully she will be more careful!

Edited by springtime

I'm sort of sad that I could not muster up one iota of empathy for Norma today. Other than being as dumb as a rock, she had this air about her that completely turned me off. Usually when Dr. Phil does one of these shows I end up feeling sorry for the poor, pitiful woman that got scammed (yeah, I know that they made idiotic decisions but still...). Today, however, I couldn't find any fucks to give. Her daughter needs to follow her brother's lead and wash her hands of the mess. If Norma has any sense left at all, she'll find some government aid so she'll have food to eat and a roof over her head. Forget about Internet and phone service, because that is the last thing she needs.

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I kind of feel bad , I'm watching the show right now and all I keep noticing is her chin. :-x

It still blows me away that people are buying into this Crap... as someone said Above the only way I'd be willing to take Money out my pocket for a man is if he was flesh and blood standing right in front of me and we had a real relationship.

I was somewhat sympathetic to some of the other women Phub has had on in the past who've been scammed like this.

Today though I too couldn't muster up any sympathy for this woman especially since it was revealed that she missed a nephew's funeral and hasn't seen her grandson in 3 years. The way she talked it sounded like she did anything the asshat in Ghana to her to. She even told Phub something about the guy telling her to get a pane ticket and to go back home. I would hope the deep denial this woman was/is in coupled with her loosing her place of residence and the other things mentioned already would show a judge she's lost her marbles. I'm sure there's even more that's gone on that wasn't revealed too. I'm not sure if this woman really believed everything by the end because it seemed like she was still in denial and still love with the person she had talked to on the phone. 

Those Christian Mingle ads drive me insane and I admit I let out a few laughs when I found out that was where this woman found her "prince charming". It also amazes me that these sites let their names be used in episodes about this.

Edited by Jaded
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I kind of feel bad , I'm watching the show right now and all I keep noticing is her chin. :-x

It still blows me away that people are buying into this Crap... as someone said Above the only way I'd be willing to take Money out my pocket for a man is if he was flesh and blood standing right in front of me and we had a real relationship.

LMBO... I believe he has to be parked in the bed. Merely being in front of you doesn't warrant a handout. Y'all so funny.

  • Love 1

LMBO... I believe he has to be parked in the bed. Merely being in front of you doesn't warrant a handout. Y'all so kfunny.

True enough , I thought I'd add my own formula, but parked in the bed works for me too! . Lol

I was glad to get an update! On that Mother and daughter. I hope they all get into some sort of therapy.

Edited by Mckinnonsgirl
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I have often wondered where the follow-up shows are, especially when, at the end of those kinds of shows, he distinctly says - we'll follow up with you and see how you're doing.


I think the poster above says it all - there aren't that many success stories, so there aren't that many follow-up shows.  


What sponsor is going to pay for a program that shows just how inept Dr. Fool really is?

  • Love 4

I have often wondered where the follow-up shows are, especially when, at the end of those kinds of shows, he distinctly says - we'll follow up with you and see how you're doing.


I think the poster above says it all - there aren't that many success stories, so there aren't that many follow-up shows.  


What sponsor is going to pay for a program that shows just how inept Dr. Fool really is?

There might be one success story out of every twenty shows IMO. I'm betting at least half don't ever even follow up with therapy, etc. And the out-of-control kids? I'm guessing no successes with that because the parents are too whipped to grow a backbone and the kids are too manipulative to be outsmarted. Why do I even watch this trainwreck?? LOL

Re: The Screaming Teenager Show

Early into the show in one of the home taped scenes where the mother gets hit in the mouth. Everyone is screaming and running around, I noticed the family dog humping the mother's leg several times. This had me cracking up.

All of my sympathy went towards that poor dog. I would adopt him if I could.
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If I hear one more time, "I don't ask myself why you do this, I ask myself why not" I will scream.  He plays to the t.v. and acts so very fake.  I can't even stand it with Robin, thank God for dvr.  I hardly watch a whole show anymore.  I wish we would find out more about how his guests do at the facility in Dallas, "the best of the best"

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If I hear one more time, "I don't ask myself why you do this, I ask myself why not" I will scream.  He plays to the t.v. and acts so very fake.  I can't even stand it with Robin, thank God for dvr.  I hardly watch a whole show anymore.  I wish we would find out more about how his guests do at the facility in Dallas, "the best of the best"

I can't stand that either.  But I was happy to watch Shill spend a lot of time trying to bolster the young man's self worth today.  The parents look like they just threw money at the problem.  Most of the time he chooses rich people to help. 


We're never going to see what happens after the voodoo clinic in Dallas.  But I hope  the guy agrees to the counseling and goes to live with his aunt.

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I felt so odd about the woman today who was reunited with her kids after 45 years.     The daughter's memories seemed so at odds with the mother's story.   In general when I've seen that finder guy Troy, he seems to be pretty fair minded even when one of the people has a bad history, so I am trying to think the kids were manipulated somehow.

I wish they could have had someone outside of the kids/mother to speak on what really happened.  Maybe it was too long ago, but the daughter was so specific and detailed about the supposed abuse by her mother it makes me wonder.


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Shill said the oldest brother wants to meet his mother but didn't want to be on the show.


I thought it was pretty rotten and unnecessary not to let Dottie know the kids were there just so they could see her face I guess?  I think Shill was trying to make an hour of what was a 30 min story.  It would have helped to have another relative comment on the history.  I suspect they tried but couldn't find anyone they wanted on the show.  And I definitely wanted to know what happened with the dad.  Why didn't the mother ask where in the hell they were living as kids??


Speaking of Shill, how about that ten minute ad for leakage pads tacked on at the end. 

Edited by QuelleC
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Admittedly, the parents with the screaming teenager featured on yesterday's show won't win any child rearing awards; however, on other shows involving this issue, Dr. Phil, without fail, always chastises the parents for their perceived wrongdoings. Kudos to you, Phil, for being a perfect parent and for raising your children to be such fine, upstanding citizens. Sarcasm aside, let's concede that maybe, just maybe, some kids are assholes.


Yeah. His kids are great...especially his tatted up, faux-hawk poser douche youngest son. I mean, I guess when you're raised by Boss Hog and the Joker you have no choice but to rebel.


Jokes aside, I am glad Phil picked up on the fact that the kid had been sick his entire life and that was likely the source of his rage. His parents spoiling him to overcompensate didn't help matters. I hope the kid gets the help he needs, he had a nice flow (sort of like a more privileged Eminem, so I guess he's like Reese's Pieces or some shit), and he's probably got a heart of gold underneath the shrieking. But really, am I the only one getting a little tired of the "I'm a white guy in my 20s and I'm crazy as hell" shows?

  • Love 7

In the reunited after 45 years show, I thought it would have been nice to ask the "kids" their thoughts on their father shooting their mother in the arm and the abuse he doled out to her. I mean, she has an actual scar, so I think they should have talked about that, too with the daughter and son since they discussed the daughter's abuse memories of the mother. I don't know. I think at some point during all that time, the mother could have found some clue about their whereabouts, but I believed her about how things were handled back in 1969. That's just so messed up. I would have been kicking some in-laws ass before I was told to "leave them alone," but some people aren't as strong as others when it comes to that, I guess. Still so messed up!

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And they always live in McMansions.

You know how they'll do interviews with the guests prior to coming on the show? And it always looks like they are filming from the guest's own house? Well, the majority of the time the interior of the home looks really pretty and trendy with the most up-to-date furnishings, wall colors, etc. I've come to believe that they're doing all of those interviews at the Dr. Phil house. Has anyone else ever thought the same thing?

You know how they'll do interviews with the guests prior to coming on the show? And it always looks like they are filming from the guest's own house? Well, the majority of the time the interior of the home looks really pretty and trendy with the most up-to-date furnishings, wall colors, etc. I've come to believe that they're doing all of those interviews at the Dr. Phil house. Has anyone else ever thought the same thing?

I've noticed it too but thought they just filmed those parts in another part of their studio or in another studio. I wonder if they still even have that house after the people who lived in the same neighborhood weren't happy with them setting up shop there at all. I think the footage from the guy having fits who was on this past week was from his actual home but other "reenactments" are filmed by Phub's people somewhere besides where the guests actually live.

The reunited after 45 years show was incomplete.  No mention of how they were parented by their father and the gun shot was a glaring omission.  As for the bathtub incident, children can imagine something that didn't happen if told what to believe.  She probably did crack her head and had to be taken to the ER but the circumstances were different.   But the mother did not even validate that!  The taping probably went on much longer and they decided to edit it down to the relevant issue of them reuniting with their mother.  



I kind of feel bad , I'm watching the show right now and all I keep noticing is her chin. :-x


Me too!  She was unfortunate looking.  I felt no sympathy for her either.  Her demeanor was very odd.  

I've noticed it too but thought they just filmed those parts in another part of their studio or in another studio. I wonder if they still even have that house after the people who lived in the same neighborhood weren't happy with them setting up shop there at all. I think the footage from the guy having fits who was on this past week was from his actual home but other "reenactments" are filmed by Phub's people somewhere besides where the guests actually live.

You're right, that was definitely filmed at their own home and some of them are but IMO a lot of them aren't.

You're right, that was definitely filmed at their own home and some of them are but IMO a lot of them aren't.


Yeah, if they need hidden cameras to show the daily grind then it is their house otherwise they are on a set.  This show has a huge budget and that is certainly a way to cut some expenses.  Plop them on a the stock sofa and rotate the background, done. 

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I like Dr Phil and think he has made a huge impact on lives, both viewers and guests.  He knows his stuff and is wise.  I spent decades as a couples counselor and appreciate his no nonsense approach. I disagree that therapy helps as much as he seems to think with individuals.  It is all about the client being ready and into being honest to a bare bones degree for it to work.  I moved to only couples because that is where this happens and it was very satisfying.   Regardless, he does good work and has a huge budget to offer this and hire the many experts he has on his staff to help him in areas where his expertise is not as keen.  Kudos, Phil.  


From what I have read here about Robin and her "work" not so much.  But I only speak from what is here, I have FFed through every fucking segment she takes.  So I really speak from no authority!  I just do not find her compelling but do appreciate their relationship and the love they clearly share.  

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I watched today's show b/c I know the woman who was on. The topic was something about Why My Prince Charming is so Mean or some such BS. I know the show is only 44 min air time so a lot of the stuff gets left off the table, but let me tell you...a LOT was left off!

The woman, Beth, was boo-hooing b/c her live in boy friend and soon to be baby daddy makes her "feeeeeelll reeeally baaaaaad!" He's a cheater, an alcoholic and verbally abuses her and she's "afraid" of him being around her kids. It's the same sob story she has shared time and time again. Well here's a little background on Beth, the psycho ex girlfriend you never want...

She has 3 kids...3 different fathers ( I am friends of #3 and know all about Beth's manipulations of men and the welfare system). The loser she was on the show with is baby daddy #4. She has planned at least 3 of her 4 pregnancies as a way to get money, housing and of course, attention. She is "disabled" but has somehow bought 2 homes in upscale communities. Her kids all have her name so she can collect from various state agencies. She and the kids are all on the state health program even though fathers 1-3 all work and can provide insurance.

Once pregnant, the game is on, and she accuses the here to fore Prince Charming BF of cheating, lying, verbal and the "threat" of physical abuse. She stalks the BF, demands to go through emails/cell phone history, cries to his friends and family about all the horrible things BF has said or done. She tapes EVERY phone call once she gets the convo escalated into a fight. If the BF remains calm or won't engange, she goes ballistic ( I've heard the tapes my friend #3 finally wised up to keeping). She uses the kids as pawns and withholds or delays visitation.

Her own family has finally severed ties with her and has even advised #2 & 3 to seek custody of their children ( baby daddy #1 surrendered parental rights years ago). They want more stability in the kids' lives and know Beth cannot give that to them because of her bad life choices.

My friend's little one is only 3 and refers to #4 as "Scary Pat" because he yells all the time. When it's time for the little one to leave my friend's parent's house after he has her for the weekend, there is so much crying and fear in that kids face. It's heart breaking. Our hope is now that Crazy has aired her idiot self on national TV the fathers will take action and get their kids removed from her claws.

Edited by BusyOctober
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Am I the only one suspicious of Homeless Joe? I think the whole thing is a scam. He has an expensive haircut, his nails are clean and manicured, he can maintain the stubble look. And he sounded like he had a Boston accent. When he said "I feel like garbage" he pronounced it gaaaaaabaaaaage, not gar-bitch like we New Yorkers would. Phil should hire new fact checkers.

Am I the only one suspicious of Homeless Joe? I think the whole thing is a scam. He has an expensive haircut, his nails are clean and manicured, he can maintain the stubble look. And he sounded like he had a Boston accent. When he said "I feel like garbage" he pronounced it gaaaaaabaaaaage, not gar-bitch like we New Yorkers would. Phil should hire new fact checkers.



Now that you mention the hair cut, nails and stubble, his grooming doesn't fit his story.  I thought it odd when I watched but could not put my finger on it.  

Edited by wings707

He definitely had a Boston accent, but they never said he originated from New York.  They didn't say where his family was, only that they had given up on him.


As with many Dr. Phil stories, things are always left out.  I'm sure they must have investigated his family situation, but choose not to air it.


I think he is a very troubled young man who is an addict.  He is still young enough to look unscathed..  That won't last long. 

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Kaitlin, The wife of the abusive UFC fighter, said they'd been together since they were 13 and she acts like she has never progressed past 13. Also, the haunted house and the ghost picking up the baby and putting him in the crib? Well at least the ghost has enough sense not to leave the baby alone on the floor with a pit bull. Oh, excuse me, Staffordshire Bull terrier. I'd really like to see the papers on that one. How is UFC/MMA even legal when boxing has so many rules?


In the Maria Ridulph case I do not believe any evidence from the photo lineup should have been used and the convicted man should get a new trial over it. The lineup had all photos from yearbooks with all the men wearing regular jackets and ties in what was obviously a formal school photo while Mr. McCullough's photo was obviously taken from a candid snapshot where he is wearing a white dinner jacket and bow tie. It was so much a case of one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-other that it practically screamed PICK ME! Maybe he did it, maybe he didn't but that photo lineup was fatally flawed.


Shill said the oldest brother wants to meet his mother but didn't want to be on the show.

I don't blame him.  Someone I know was contacted to be on the show.  One of her kids has some issues that she blames her for and wanted to be on the show.  She told her daughter, and the show, that she would be more than happy to work on the issues in therapy, but there was no way in Hell she was going to do it on national TV.


The fighter's wife was a real piece of work.  She needs to grow up.  Her kids deserve better.

The show with the lady who killed her 8 yr old was unwatchable.  I had it on for most of it, but what the hell were they thinking, that this was entertainment? 



The fighter's wife was a real piece of work.  She needs to grow up.  Her kids deserve better.

Didn't they use her to call up Mrs. Shill?  I really have to stop watching this show but there's not much on broadcast tv. 


ETA It cracks me up that she's an "expert" on abused women.  If she had half a brain she would realize Shill only allows her to be what he wants her to be.

Edited by QuelleC
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I know Robin doesn't have much to do since, you know, she got taken in after killing Rachel and causing Harvey Dent to go crazy...oh, and that whole bit about the bombs on the ferry was pretty fucked up too. But I'm tired of Phil giving her screen time. He seems almost henpecked into making her relevant, sort of like Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Phil could have a show that could truly help people put their lives back together, but he's too soft on the women and too hard on the men. The only time he has an opinion is if he can "tell it like it is" to the man, but with women? "Wull we'll see about gettin' you some counselin'...Dr. What's-His-Blow raise yer hand". For once I'd like to see him stop acting like he wont get laid if he says the wrong thing to a sobbing woman. He'd get so much more respect if he just told some of these chicks, "bitch you crazy as hell, I don't even see how he stayed married to your ass". I even suspect it's mildly patronizing to grown ass women. Some of them might think "oh, he understands us" but others, I bet, think he only sees women as fragile flowers.

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yesterday the show with the 3 grown daughters who were addicts were on.   What an awful situation for the parents who of course were blamed especially the mother.  The mother was not the best but when do adults take responsibility for their choices?  the eldest daughter was shaking and I was afraid for her.  She already lost custody of her daughter.  

Dr. Phil sent the 3 women to separate rehabs & said that the parents needed not to enable them.  Asked the daughters to sign a paper with the laws they broke.  If they did not finish rehab the parents were to hand the paper over to the police.  Dr. Phil said "you want rehab jail & the street last for your daughters"

     I went through this with a family member & it is one of the most difficult things ever.   

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We will get a follow up on these 3 next season.  My money is on none of them making it, unfortunately.  Without strong family/friend support it is even more difficult.  


Rehab is no where, even remotely, close to a "cure."  AA (program used in most) would never admit this but the success rate is about 3%.  


All three are shooting up in Dad's house and he didn't know.  yuh 


Dr Phil's plan sounded very solid but nothing any of them could do.  

Edited by wings707
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