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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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On 2/20/2021 at 8:39 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

2/24: “My Wife is Punishing Me for An Affair I Swear Never Happened”

Ronnie says his wife of 14 years, Kim, is punishing him for an affair he swears he did not commit. Ronnie claims Kim’s unwarranted revengeful behavior even forced him to file for a protection order after Kim vandalized his deceased mother’s home. Despite Ronnie’s denial, Kim insists she has “irrefutable proof” that Ronnie has indeed been unfaithful. Ronnie claims Kim is obsessed with proving he’s cheating, so much so, that she tracks his car and phone, and even keeps a notebook where she records his car’s mileage. Plus, Dr. Phil talks to Kim’s two stepdaughters who say they feel Kim’s behavior toward their father and them has destroyed their relationship with her.

2/25: Ronnie’s Flirting, Kim’s Jealousy: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Ronnie and his wife, Kim, who is adamant that Ronnie has 

This woman reminds me of Betty Broderick.  I don’t know if any of you are old enough to remember her.

  • Love 6

Anyone else get the feeling that today's show with the paranoid couple from Australia was only an advertisement for the fact that Dr. Phil is the #1 talk show in that country? Even after getting told that they had a major case of black mold, the wife still thought the neighbors where doing something to them.


  • Love 5

Next week: another bratty teen girl, a couple that has no business staying together and the return of Classic Dr. Phil.


3/1: Celebrity TV Doctor Warns Parents After Son’s Quarantine Overdose

Celebrity TV relationship doctor Laura Berman has a warning for parents after finding her 16-year-old son, Sam, dead of an accidental drug overdose. Dr. Berman and her husband say they believe the teen unknowingly ordered a pill laced with a deadly drug off a “drug menu” posted on social media.

3/2: Toxic Love

Jennifer wrote to Dr. Phil saying she believes the only way her best friend, Heather, will be leaving her relationship is inside of a body bag. Heather says she doesn’t believe Collin is abusive, although she does admit that he has put his hands on her, ripped her clothing, and bitten her face. Collin admits that he once put his hands on Heather’s throat while in a rage but says he never actually squeezed – although he did think about it. Collin says he doesn’t believe he’s in love with Heather like he used to be – so why are they both still fighting so hard to make this relationship work? And, is Collin actually abusive, or is he “not that bad” like Heather claims?

3/3: Toxic Love: Will Heather Leave Collin?

Jennifer says she fears for her best friend, Heather’s, life, claiming she’s in a terribly abusive relationship but refuses to see how bad things really are. Heather says she doesn’t believe her boyfriend, Collin, is “that bad” and doesn’t think what he does is actual “abuse.” Dr. Phil says he thinks both Heather and Collin are in danger for completely different reasons. Dr. Phil sits down with Collin and Heather individually to explain where he thinks this relationship is headed. Will Heather leave Collin?

3/4: “How Do I Parent My ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Daughter?”

Heather, a lifelong fan of Dr. Phil and a member of the Dr. Phil Phanatics fan group, drove 1,600 miles from Arkansas to Los Angeles to get help with her 15-year-old daughter, Marissa, whom she describes as “Jekyll and Hyde.” She says one minute Marissa's an aspiring cardiologist with top grades, and the next, she’s a pot-smoking car thief who admits to stealing her own mother’s vehicle nine times. Heather says she is at her wits’ end and does not know how to parent her daughter effectively. Dr. Phil invites one of the world’s leading child behavioral experts on stage, Dr. Michele Borba, who works closely with Dr. Phil to impart potentially life-changing advice to Heather and her daughter. Watch while Dr. Phil encourages Marissa to tell her mother everything she is not picking up on when it comes to her needs. How will Heather react? Tune in to find out!

3/5: Classic “Dr. Phil”: Living Beyond Your Means

Dr. Phil is once again throwing down the gauntlet and challenging people to “re-engineer” their over-scheduled, over-expensed and over-stressed lives. By examining our everyday routines, Dr. Phil shows us how our decisions lead us to live life beyond our means - emotionally, physically and financially -- or happily ever after! Tune in and discover the solutions to chronic “over-commitment” that will improve your life and your bank account to boot!


Edited by iHateAmpersands
On 2/26/2021 at 8:40 PM, Madding crowd said:

That woman seemed crazy, the amount of time she spent printing out years of emails and breaking into his work computer was insane. Why would be stay with her? As crazy as she was, I have a feeling he was feeding the crazy and getting off on that somehow.

This in a nutshell.  Dr. Phil gave the same advice I was telling my television 15 minutes in - you two need to go your own separate ways, there is NO HOPE FOR YOU.

On 2/26/2021 at 10:29 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Anyone else get the feeling that today's show with the paranoid couple from Australia was only an advertisement for the fact that Dr. Phil is the #1 talk show in that country? Even after getting told that they had a major case of black mold, the wife still thought the neighbors where doing something to them.


I may have missed it by not watching very carefully, but did anyone ever speak to the neighbors to get their side of the story???

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, iHateAmpersands said:

No one did, which makes me even more certain that it was just an "I'm the #1 daytime talk show in Australia" humblebrag.

It's not as if there aren't enough wacky people in the good ole USA.   

Now he's pushing game apps?  He needed those last 10 minutes to let coach mike say a few words.  Cause that lady ain't living her best life for sure.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

If any of you recorded the down under segment, go back to where her highness gets in the tent and leans back.  It almost looks like there is a wig line of some sort.

Wouldn't surprise me.  Few women of her age (67) have such thick hair . . . and even fewer have no gray hair.  Anyone who spends that much money on her face surely throws a few bucks at her hair as well.

  • Love 3

It's amazing how tone deaf Dr. Phil and all his support folks are. They do this two-parter about a woman in a VERY obvious abusive relationship, and then they interrrupt it for 10 minutes of shilling for face cream. Even if you try to give Dr. Phil the benefit of the doubt, that he really does want to help this woman, that comes off as so shallow.

He must be making a shitload of money off these product promos to undercut his (already questionable) brand like that.

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On 2/22/2021 at 9:28 PM, PsychoKlown said:

I am still a bit surprised at all the escort hoopla needed to and from funeral home/church/cemetery.  In Indiana all it takes is a purple flag on the hood of the car.  My in-laws funerals were held in rural Indiana.  I was holding up pretty well until the drive to the cemetery.  It is customary for people to stop their cars on the side of the road (as if an official vehicle were passing).  It was a sad sight but I lost it when I saw several construction workers hold their hard hats over their hearts as we passed.  Very old fashioned, very touching and certainly very appreciated.

What I remember most from my Grandmother Zelma's funeral in Kentucky was driving pass the bridge over the Ohio. Traffic was stopped for the funeral procession and there was some yahoo in a big rig 1st in line on the bridge hanging out of his cab yelling and flipping us the bird. My grandmother would have loved the tribute. 

  • LOL 2

Next week:


3/8: "It's Time to Let My Husband Peacefully Pass Away"

Maegan and her mother-in-law, Kelly, are in a fierce tug-of-war over Maegan’s husband and Kelly’s son, Josh, who has been in a persistent vegetative state for the last two years due to an anoxic brain injury. After two years and no improvement, Maegan claims Josh’s condition is in decline, and it’s time for both her and Kelly to let him go and pass peacefully. Kelly says she completely disagrees with Maegan’s decision to end Josh’s life and finds all of Maegan’s social media posts about Josh “full of lies and exploitative.” Kelly claims the only reason Maegan wants to bring Josh home, remove his feeding tube, and allow him to die is that she needs “new material” for her social media followers. Maegan denies that she is exploiting her husband and says that she has helped to spread awareness of anoxic brain injuries. Can these women come together to decide what is truly best for Josh? Dr. Phil weighs in on this morally, ethically and spiritually challenging debate. Don’t miss it!

3/9: The "Bakersfield 3": The Gruesome Discoveries Two Years Later

It’s a mystery that made local news and brought together three mothers under tragic circumstances. Two young people vanished and one was murdered within weeks of each other in Bakersfield, California. They became known as the “Bakersfield 3.” In March 2018, Cheryl’s son Micah disappeared. Two weeks later, Di’s son, James, was shot and killed. The two young men knew each other, and so their moms believed the cases were connected. Then, two weeks after James’ murder, Baylee, who was also in their circle, disappeared. The three mothers searched for answers and met for the first time with Dr. Phil in 2018. Since then, countless tips have come to the police, and there has been a heartbreaking discovery discussed with these families. Also, criminal charges have been made. Find out who among the "Bakersfield 3" has been accused of horrific crimes.

3/10: The "Bakersfield 3": Moms Confront Their Own Demons

The mothers of the “Bakersfield 3” sit down with Dr. Phil to discuss their traumatic losses. Cheryl and her husband, Lance, are grieving for their murdered and tortured son, Micah, whose remains were discovered this past year. Dr. Phil helps them work through their griefand guilt with a revealing exercise. Di continues to investigate the murder of her son, James, who was shot and killed in 2018, and Jane struggles to understand the unbelievable twist in her missing daughter, Baylee's case.

3/11: “My Hoarder Father Refuses to Clean Out Our Junk Filled, Bug Infested Home!”

Repeat from 1/17/2021

3/12: Classic “Dr. Phil”: Flirts, Teases, and Women Who Hate Women

Meet two flirtatious women who live to entice men -- and yet another woman who’ll give you the lowdown on her “Kissing Bandit Game,” in which she and her friends score points based on how many and what type of men they kiss during a night out. But hang on as Dr. Phil’s audience fights back, when both wives and girlfriends express their anger with flirts. Is it just good clean fun? Or are there consequences to being a tease?


Edited by iHateAmpersands
  • Love 1

I watched the show on Friday (Classic Dr. Phil) filmed in 2002. I hate to tell Schill that this is not a good idea at all! It just accentuates the fact that his show has become boring with out of control teens and drunken/drugged kids and parents. It’s nothing more than a vehicle for him to promote his and Robin’s businesses. Oh and Jay’s of course. I guess the law requires him to say that Doctors on Demand is his business and he’ll make money from advertising it on his show. It does make me laugh that he advertises these other skin care lines that compete with his precious doll’s line. I can’t remember the last time he shilled her products. These people are pathetic.

  • Love 7

Next week: another "went-from", another paranoid mom and another Dr. Phil Classic.


3/15: From College Athlete to Homeless and Addicted

Ira was once a talented high school basketball player and even played in college. His mother, Chonte, says all of Ira’s basketball dreams were destroyed once he was introduced to partying and drugs on campus. Now, Ira is walking the streets of Los Angeles homeless and using Fentanyl on a daily basis. But despite being homeless and using drugs, Chonte says her son refuses to admit he’s a drug addict and pretends to live a lavish lifestyle on social media. Chonte says she’s cut off Ira financially, but Ira calls his mother’s “tough love” “bad parenting,” and claims his mother should be helping him get on his feet, especially since she has the money to do so. Plus, find out why Ira believes rehab is just a waste of his time, and see what brought this young man to tears.

3/16: “My Mother Believes She’s Being Tracked by a Secret ‘Hookup’ App!”

Jonny came to Dr. Phil begging for help because she claims her mom, Nancy, has become “delusional” and completely obsessed with what she calls a “secret hookup app.” She says her mom believes her ex-boyfriend is in cahoots with her coworkers and that they have now hacked her phone and created “fake profiles” for her on the app. Nancy says people on the app use a “secret color code” and a “secret number system” to try to communicate with her for sex. Nancy claims these people will hold up the numbers 1 through 8 on their fingers to communicate different sex acts. Nancy says she feels in danger because wherever she goes, she sees people tracking her location using the “hookup app!” But Jonny says nobody is tracking her mom, and it’s “all in her head.” Is Nancy being tracked? Dr. Phil investigates. Don’t miss it!

3/17: Belligerent and Blacked Out But Not a Drop to Drink

Stephanie says she and her partner of 15 years, Hal, are living a perpetual nightmare due to Hal being diagnosed with a rare condition where his body makes him legally intoxicated without actually drinking alcohol. Stephanie says Hal has been diagnosed with auto-brewery syndrome, and there is no clear cure in sight. Hal says he lives his life by the breathalyzer – one moment he can be stone-cold sober, and within an hour, he can be belligerently “drunk,” stumbling, and very combative. This rare syndrome also affects Ray and his wife and caretaker, Sierra, and they both say this condition has taken a huge toll on their relationship. Hal, Stephanie, Sierra, and Ray all say they’re desperate for a cure.

3/18: “Help! Do I Choose My Fiancé or My Son?!”

Stephani says she’s being put between the ultimate rock and a hard place by her fiancé, Buck. Stephani says Buck will no longer allow her 16-year-old son, Steven, to live in their home because he believes Steven is disrespectful, angry and a “horrible influence” on their four other children. Buck says Steven has “ripped the family in half,” and he simply cannot allow him to live in his home ever since he waved a handgun in his siblings’ faces! Since Buck won’t allow Steven back in the house, Stephani says she’s 100% ready to move to Florida, where Steven is currently living with her 23-year-old half-brother, James. But if she does, Buck says the wedding would be off! Can Dr. Phil help Stephani make what she calls an “impossible choice”? Find out! [This episode originally aired the day of the riot at the Capitol, so it might be new to a lot of people.]

3/19: Classic “Dr. Phil”: Real Life Drama Queens

Today’s guests can’t resist turning ordinary life events into huge spectacles. One daughter says that her mom’s drama queen ways are wreaking havoc on their family. Mom claims she’s innocent and that all her stories are true “in premise,” and that she just adds color to make them more interesting. Also, meet a man who would rather lie to his wife than endure her melodramatic reactions. Are these drama queens really avoiding their lives by living in a fantasy? Plus, catch Dr. Phil’s advice on how to spot a drama queen.


Edited by iHateAmpersands

There was nothing interesting on earlier so I watched a rerun. It was the old standard of an out of control teen v  her clueless parents. 

I hate when $hill tells the parents he didn’t know there was a window you could go to to terminate parenting responsibility. Also when he tells the brat kid that he doesn’t ask why she’s acting out but why she’s not.  He needs to get some new fucking material. I swear he uses both of those stupid expressions at least once a week along with the even dumber pancake analogy. 
Robin looks like a anorexic wide mouth bass when she gawps. 


Edited by nytonc
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, nytonc said:

There was nothing interesting on earlier so I watched a rerun. It was the old standard of an out of control teen v  her clueless parents. 

I hate when $hill tells the parents he didn’t know there was a window you could go to to terminate parenting responsibility. Also when he tells the brat kid that he doesn’t ask why she’s acting out but why she’s not.  He needs to get some new fucking material. I swear he uses both of those stupid expressions at least once a week along with the even dumber pancake analogy
Robin looks like a anorexic wide mouth bass when she gawps. 


And that "stutter" he suddenly develops while he decides to say something "innovative."

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I've been done with Dr. Phil for a long time.  There have been so many shows where people had real problems and left with no real help.  He's actually doing a disservice to people.  However, I digress... I came on here to ask a question:

The one show that still haunts me is A Husband Obsessed; A Wife Accused.  This was a two part episode.  It aired November 8, 2013.  Does anyone know what happened to that poor woman?  Did her husband receive help?  There was never any follow up (of which I am aware).  I lost all respect for Dr. Phil that he didn't help her more.  I would have moved that woman into my house if I could have . . .  

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

And that "stutter" he suddenly develops while he decides to say something "innovative."

YES! THIS!  ☝️

Drives me insane!  So Fake! UGH!

10 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Well, he's just an old country boy

Another "saying" of his I can't stand!

21 hours ago, nytonc said:

Robin looks like a anorexic wide mouth bass when she gawps. 

😂 great description!!


21 hours ago, nytonc said:

He needs to get some new fucking material

Yep! His shtick has become old, stale, and dull...

  • Love 3

Watched the episode with the guys with auto brewery syndrome.

The second doctor (who offered to treat the guy "free of charge because this is such an awful thing") is a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon.  He has a lot of negative reviews from patients because he is an "arrogant jerk."

Maybe he's Robin's doctor and is getting free advertising.


  • LOL 2
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On 3/6/2021 at 12:01 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

3/12: Classic “Dr. Phil”: Flirts, Teases, and Women Who Hate Women

Meet two flirtatious women who live to entice men -- and yet another woman who’ll give you the lowdown on her “Kissing Bandit Game,” in which she and her friends score points based on how many and what type of men they kiss during a night out. But hang on as Dr. Phil’s audience fights back, when both wives and girlfriends express their anger with flirts. Is it just good clean fun? Or are there consequences to being a tease?

I saw this today and frankly wondered the whole time--"what was the point of replaying this episode?"   All it really did was show that Robin has gone from looking pretty decent to downright plastic.   And of course she got to co-host too.

Upsetting allegations about one of the programs for troubled kids the show has used:


As well as an update on the ‘Catch me outside’ girl.

I remember Phil saying he had vetted all these programs for troubled kids and I think he’s even done shows about how other programs were dangerous. I don’t think the people who work on the show, whatever the show’s other issues, would ever knowingly put a kid in harms way. 

However, having personally seen a bit of what goes on at a regular academic boarding school, let’s say this wouldn’t surprise me. Even normal boarding schools can get toxic really fast.


Edited by Lebanna

Next week:


3/22: "My Violent Teen’s Meltdown"

Originally aired on 2/18/2021

3/23: The Police Chief, His Wife, and His 6 Girlfriends: The Exclusive Interview

A married Texas police chief is arrested after his multiple affairs are exposed online. Jason Collier admits to cheating or having inappropriate relationships with not just one -- but six -- girlfriends, all while married to and living with his wife. In an exclusive interview, Collier comes clean about his web of lies.

3/24: Exclusive: Texas Police Chief Leading Secret Triple Life Speaks

He seemed like the perfect boyfriend, handsome and the well-respected police chief of a Texas town. But the multiple women he was dating soon discovered that Jason Collier was every woman’s worst nightmare: a married man lying to not only his wife but also to his multiple girlfriends. In part two of Dr. Phil’s exclusive interview, Collier answers accusations made by the woman who outed what she called his “triple” life.

3/25: Life After “Death”: Lethal Surgeon Sentenced to Prison

Dr. Christopher Duntsch has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” and is the first known surgeon sentenced to life in prison due to gross malpractice. From 2011 – 2013, Dr. Duntsch reportedly maimed 33 patients and killed two while working at hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. In 2015, Duntsch was indicted on five counts of aggravated assault and one count of harming an elderly person, and in 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison. In 2021, two additional patients [died] due to complications from his surgeries – including Duntsch’s childhood friend Jerry Summers. Dr. Phil speaks with individuals directly impacted by Dr. Duntsch, including a surviving victim, medical professionals, and a woman who once viewed Dr. Duntsch as her “second son.” Dr. Phil is also joined by former FBI criminal profiler Candice DeLong to discuss Duntsch’s personal characteristics, and Dr. Terry Dubrow, who advises viewers on red flags to watch out for so something so horrific can never happen again.

3/26: Classic “Dr. Phil”: “Dr. Phil, You’re Our Last Hope; Amazing Stories of Recovery”

Dr. Phil is addressing what he feels is a red alert crisis in America: drug and alcohol addiction, which affects 28 million addicts. During his first 16 seasons, Dr. Phil helped nearly 500 guests by referring them to inpatient treatment for substance abuse. Now, he updates some of their amazing recovery stories in hopes that they might inspire others who are struggling with addiction. Find out what happened to three sisters, Valeen, Amanda, and Tiffany, who were not only dangerously addicted to heroin, but also using it together every day. And what happened to Niki, who appeared on the show addicted, homeless, and pregnant? Niki returns to give her shocking update. Bethany said not even a medically induced coma and open heart surgery could get her to stop her dangerous heroin addiction -- find out how she’s doing now. Plus, numerous past guests and their families return to the Dr. Phil stage to share their amazing stories of recovery. (I think this one aired last season.)


Edited by iHateAmpersands
9 minutes ago, iHateAmpersands said:

3/25: Life After “Death”: Lethal Surgeon Sentenced to Prison

Dr. Christopher Duntsch has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” and is the first known surgeon sentenced to life in prison due to gross malpractice. From 2011 – 2013, Dr. Duntsch reportedly maimed 33 patients and killed two while working at hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. In 2015, Duntsch was indicted on five counts of aggravated assault and one count of harming an elderly person, and in 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison.

There is a wonderful podcast on this idiot called Dr. Death.  

7 hours ago, Lebanna said:

Upsetting allegations about one of the programs for troubled kids the show has used:


As well as an update on the ‘Catch me outside’ girl.

I remember Phil saying he had vetted all these programs for troubled kids and I think he’s even done shows about how other programs were dangerous. I don’t think the people who work on the show, whatever the show’s other issues, would ever knowingly put a kid in harms way. 

However, having personally seen a bit of what goes on at a regular academic boarding school, let’s say this wouldn’t surprise me. Even normal boarding schools can get toxic really fast.


I don't have any first-hand knowledge of Turnabout Ranch, but in the case of "Bhad Bhabie," my first reaction to anything she would say would be to consider the source.  To quote Judge Milian on The People's Court, "I wouldn't believe her if her tongue came notarized."  Pretty sure that most of these juvenile places have a percentage of complaints.  Given their clientele, that is to be expected.

23 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

3/25: Life After “Death”: Lethal Surgeon Sentenced to Prison

Dr. Christopher Duntsch has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” and is the first known surgeon sentenced to life in prison due to gross malpractice. From 2011 – 2013, Dr. Duntsch reportedly maimed 33 patients and killed two while working at hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. In 2015, Duntsch was indicted on five counts of aggravated assault and one count of harming an elderly person, and in 2017, he was sentenced to life in prison.

I saw an episode on him on "American Greed."  What a poor example of a human being.

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I have run some labwork and a cat scan on this dude who had all the sidechicks while he was married and being police chief. These easy to run tests (I just used my eyeballs) have shown that this guy has a terminal case of the wandering peen. There is no treatment.  Not even chemo works on that.

  • LOL 5
15 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

If you'd like to know who owns Dr. on Demand just FF to the last 2 minutes.  Oh and Robin has a podcast!!


Wait...wha???? Dr. $hill owns Doc on Demand????? With HIS SON JAY???? Robin has a podcast????? And a skin care line??? Isn't that called Wayyyyyy Tooo Much Botox?  Whew....for a moment there I wasn't sure for whom $hill was $hilling !! Thank you, ParrotFeathers for clearing that up. (by the way, I'm a parrot head myself, with a beloved African Grey and 2 rescue cockatiels. Parrot heads unite!!)

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On 2/25/2021 at 12:25 PM, Tango64 said:

That logo icks me out " every time they show it. It's like your thrice-divorced aunt is trying to look "hip" and "cool" at 57 and wants to go "clubbing"  with the 20-yo kids in the family. Just no. Act your age, for god's sake.

My 24-year old daughter says the same thing.  Maybe she's obsessed with that movie "Almost Famous" - that's what I think of every time I see it.

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On 3/25/2021 at 11:37 AM, Oldcrone said:

by the way, I'm a parrot head myself, with a beloved African Grey and 2 rescue cockatiels. Parrot heads unite!!)

I bought my grey 28 years ago as a chick. He died last year of a cancerous tumor.  I have quite a few parrots (used to breed).  Now they are all old and retired.  It was fun way back then.

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My adult son happened to be home yesterday afternoon when I was watching Dr. Phil.  Our jaws dropped at the end of the episode when he promoting an online gaming app.  Why would any clinical "professional" shill for an app that might promote compulsive behavior and possibly get someone started on a gambling addiction???  That was probably the most shameful thing I've seen him promote.  What the hell happened to his ethics and morals?

Oh, and in the same episode he claimed that he was homeless at one point.  That was news to me.  Has anyone else heard him mention this before?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

Oh, and in the same episode he claimed that he was homeless at one point.  That was news to me.  Has anyone else heard him mention this before?

He has mentioned it before. 

His idea of "homeless" is probably "moved out of one mansion, and the new mansion hadn't been totally remodeled yet, so we had to stay at a Beverly Hills hotel for a week."

  • LOL 2

Today’s show with the uncaring mom, two teenage daughters and the grandmother. Robin was wearing iridescent silver eye shadow on her tiny, squinty eyes. What is wrong with this woman? The other day, Shill was advertising her podcast as he does everyday. Apparently no one is listening to it. However, that particular day she was wearing bright pink eyeshadow. Why doesn’t he tell her to look in the mirror?!

I forgot to do the schedule for the entire week, but here's what's going to be on from today through Friday:


3/31: Will He Remarry His Russian Bride?

The last time we met Mark Anthony and his Russian bride-to-be, Marina, they were counting down the days until their May 25, 2020 wedding, but the pandemic hit, and their plans changed. Marina was stuck in Russia, and Mark Anthony was stuck in the states, so they had a virtual wedding. But six days later, something happened that broke them up. Now, Mark Anthony wants to get back together with Marina and walk down that aisle again -- but will Marina want the same? And, does Dr. Phil think this is a match made in heaven?

4/1: “My Brother is Delusional and Believes in Conspiracy Theories”

Stephanie claims her brother Brandon's conspiracy theories have taken over his life and are tearing their family apart. She says he believes people are after him and that the “elite people” control everything. She also says he talks in riddles and barely leaves his home. Stephanie claims his split from reality is making him think their mother, Rozanna, is out to destroy him. Rozanna says she’s become Brandon’s whipping post – so why does she say she paid six months of his past electric bills. Both women say 10 years ago, Brandon was charming, charismatic, and successful, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as a real estate broker. Will Dr. Phil be able to help Brandon at this point?

4/2: Dr. Phil’s 3,000th Show -- With Bonus Footage!

After 17 seasons and nearly 20,000 guests, Dr. Phil celebrates his 3,000th episode! Dr. Phil’s studio audience is filled with some of your favorite guests from past seasons. From relationships on the brink of divorce to guests struggling with deadly addictions and disorders, find out how some of Dr. Phil’s most memorable guests are now. And, you will not believe which former guest surprised everyone with an engagement ring and proposal on Dr. Phil’s stage! Surprise guest messages from Oprah Winfrey, the Jonas Brothers, and more -- hear what they have to say about Dr. Phil’s 3,000th milestone. Plus, find out the surprise that left Dr. Phil nearly speechless! [Zap2It lists this episode as "new" even though it's a repeat.]


Edited by iHateAmpersands
Edited to remove extra space at the top and bottom of the quote box
On 3/21/2021 at 12:07 PM, iHateAmpersands said:

Now, he updates some of their amazing recovery stories in hopes that they might inspire others who are struggling with addiction. Find out what happened to three sisters, * * * Plus, numerous past guests and their families return to the Dr. Phil stage to share their amazing stories of recovery. (I think this one aired last season.)

I did enjoy the where are they now shows.

Yesterday on my recorder there was the episode about the 30 yr. old living in granny's house which is now a pig pen.  Mommy pays his bills and buys his groceries and cigs.  Sisters have careers.

What I learned from this episode:  Coach Mike has written another book.  Doctor on demand and Coach Mike will fix this man child.  Robin has a podcast.

What I did not learn:  WHY IN THE LIVING EFF is Dr. Phil pushing this Slotamania crap?  He spent a good 10 minutes exhalting its virtues and even admitted his innocent addiction to it.  Surely he has a real slot machine in his mansion?   Does he even have control of his own TV show anymore or is he that desperate for money that he has to now push a gambling app?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

What I learned from this episode:  Coach Mike has written another book.  

It's on the NY Times Best Seller List  (under the category:  People Who Nobody Ever Heard of Until They Became Part of Dr. Phil's List of "Best in the World At Whatever It Is They Do").  Not a lot of competition in that category, so whatever he writes becomes a best seller (in that category).

Looked up his educational background:  "Bayer attended the Metropolitan State University for a B.S degree in Alcohol and Drug Counseling as a Board Registered Interventionist."  That's "resume-speak" for "did not graduate."  And "B.S." degree seems appropriate.  Being a "Board Registered Interventionist" means he got a certificate from an organization that invented itself and gives out certificates that people pay for to prove they are special.

I think his most meaningful qualification is that he probably plays tennis a couple of days a week with Dr. Phil.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I think his most meaningful qualification is that he probably plays tennis a couple of days a week with Dr. Phil.

How in the world does Phil play tennis???  Don't you need to be light on your feet and kind of move quickly and have decent arm strength?  Phil can barely shuffle across the stage . . . ?  I bet Coach Mike wins a lot of their games.  Or, he lets Phil win in order to get invited back on the show.

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13 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

How in the world does Phil play tennis???  Don't you need to be light on your feet and kind of move quickly and have decent arm strength?  Phil can barely shuffle across the stage . . . ?  I bet Coach Mike wins a lot of their games.  Or, he lets Phil win in order to get invited back on the show.


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I wasn't going to watch the 3000 episode, but I was suckered in by the "Before Time" energy: the live and full audience, the testimonials from talk show hosts in suits (!) and on sets (!!!). When the hell was this filmed? 2018? I half expected warm congrats from a still employed Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose. 

  • LOL 4
On 4/1/2021 at 10:37 AM, suzeecat said:

How in the world does Phil play tennis???

Maybe table tennis?  Down south we call it ping pong.

On the russian bride episode I saw today (or FF through most of it) once again he was advertising Slotomania.  I don't get it.  

Edited by parrotfeathers
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