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S04.E05: Worst Vacation Ever

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On the third day of the trip to Mexico, Stephanie confides in Kary; Brandi and Kameron discuss their issues; all the women get covered in mud and bond during a ceremonial sweat lodge experience; an argument breaks out between Brandi and LeeAnne.

Airs October 2, 2019.

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Kameron is such a phoney person, she behaves badly but doesn't every really own up to it.  She's too busy talking about about how badly behaved Brandi is.  And FFS, would she please stop pursing her lips!!!!!  On the other hand, Stephanie is such a sweet woman and I really love the (real) relationship between her and Brandi!

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Leann has been absolutely foul since the beginning of this season.  She is so self involved and so negative.  I thought D'Andra was out of line drunk yelling at the dinner the previous evening that issues needed to be dealt with at the table in front of everyone.  And Leann didn't like that, but then she tries to insert herself in the conversation between Brandi and Kameron that was actually going well, even though  Kameron was crying.  They were being reasonable and listening to each other.  Leann's only purpose seemed to be trying to put Brandi in the wrong as if SHE was being mean and making Kameron cry.  What a bitch.  Both Brandi and Kameron were effective in getting her out of their conversation.  I can't stand Leann and D'Andra is a close second. (Sometimes Kameron is second!)

Edited by whydoievencare
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A.  That bonfire dinner is everything.  Gorgeous.

B.  Shut up LeeAnne. 

C.  Kam was cracking me up with her apparent inability to enter the sweat lodge, and then stuffing the flour in her swimsuit.  

D.  Shut up LeeAnne. 

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These women can’t all sit at one dinner, can they? Now Leanne and Brandi are going off for a private chat. There should be a better time before dinner to take care of personal business. Oh, I forgot that I’m watching re is no logic. Just drama to be filmed.  Nevermind. 

TM Emily Latila 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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Just now, whydoievencare said:

Leann must be a therapist's nightmare.

She would be exhausting in real life. I couldn’t imagine being around her and not wanting to drink just to drown her constantly harping and woe is me my past my past my past without even remotely trying to learn heal and move on. You love to have it as a crutch a little trick to pull out like a get out of jail free card. 

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6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

You bring up your past every 10 minutes. Brandi is correct you live in the fucking past. 

Yes. Why isn’t she talking about her upcoming wedding to Rich? She has much to look forward to, but it doesn’t serve her script. 

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What the hell is wrong with Eye-Patch Pirate that he would even consider marrying  Peeann? She’s the most evil, miserable, jealous, vindictive hag that ever stalked the earth. 

Kameron’s act is wearing thin. She never takes responsibility for anything. She may think she looks like pre-menopause Barbie but an inanimate doll has more intelligence and self-awareness. I cringe every time she opens her mouth.  She should take her ridic Sparkle dog food and hoof on off the stage. 

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Leanne just sucks. So negative and just trying to get constant pity. There was no point for her to bring up her mom stuff again. She made the whole thing weird with Brandi and Kam. She should’ve just let them talk. I’m over Leanne’s negativity. 

I’ve liked D’andra the last couple episodes.

That talk between Brandi and Leanne was going nowhere. Leanne did her typical pity party.

Liking Kary a bit more too. Kind of miss Carey Deuber a bit tho lol.

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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Kameron is such a phoney person, she behaves badly but doesn't every really own up to it.  She's too busy talking about about how badly behaved Brandi is.  And FFS, would she please stop pursing her lips!!!!!  On the other hand, Stephanie is such a sweet woman and I really love the (real) relationship between her and Brandi!

I don't feel this way.  Since when is calling someone trash worse than throwing f-bombs and telling someone to suck a dick?  And if you ask me, Brandi is the queen of trash.  She chased Kameron around with a giant dildo in the past even when Kameron literally begged her not to.  If you're going to act trashy, chances are you're going to be called trashy.

As far as Stephanie is concerned, frankly, I'm sick and damned tired of her crying.  And am I the only one who can barely understand a word she says?  

Edited by swankie
Corrected grammar.
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Well - in real life, it was rude of the Tallest Little Girl in the World and Brandi to go off and have a "private conversation" 10 feet from Leanne when they were the only three on the beach.  In RH  world, they were taking Leanne's camera time away.  Which is worse?  😄

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47 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Brandi IS trash.  She just hates Leanne so much she wants to exclude her and make her feel left out.  She’s cruel to someone who already feels less-than.  I hate her.

She wanted to have a conversation with the person she was having conflict with without any outside input it had nothing to do with hating Leanne.  Leanne tried to insert her self into it when that wasn’t needed then acted like a spoiled child after that. I mean when she had the one on one with Leanne later was Brandi hating the entire group because she didn’t involve them? No she learned and knows in the group nothing is resolved involving people that have nothing to do with the conflict it just exacerbates the situation.. which for real life was a very mature adult thing to do  maybe not in reality tv world tho . Leanne doesn’t want them to be friends. Hell Leanne doesn’t want anyone happy. What makes Leanne happy is causing conflict .because then she is the only friend....she feels threatened that someone might like someone else just as much or even more then they like her and Leanne can’t stand that she has to be #1. This is classic repeat behavior from Leanne. Kam is Leanne’s  “friend” look at the daggers she’s shooting karey when they are talking about liking each other so much. ( I actually think that’s her whole problem with karey and the constant digs she’s taking at her) She’s stewing in the hate that someone is going to take kam from her. It’s psychotic 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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31 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She wanted to have a conversation with the person she was having conflict with without any outside input it had nothing to do with hating Leanne.

Which is exactly what LeeAnne said she wanted to do with Kary before D’Andre forced them to talk in the group.

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So Leanne was on Danny Pellegrino’s podcast this week (my second favorite Bravo-themed podcast after Watch What Crappens—but I digress). Leanne claims that her pissy attitude on this vacation stemmed from the fact that she heard—prior to the trip—that Kary intended to “take her down” or something to that affect. So she was in “defense mode” most of the time. 

I don’t know if she’s being completely truthful—nor is it an excuse for all the questionable things she said and did—but it does shed some light onto her Debbie Downer persona in Mexico. 

7 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Brandi IS trash.  She just hates Leanne so much she wants to exclude her and make her feel left out.  She’s cruel to someone who already feels less-than.  I hate her.

This. Leanne has a lot of issues for sure, but Brandi is ring leader of the Mean Girls. She’s needs to get off this show and go parent her burgeoning psychopath of a daughter. 

Edited by Duke2801
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2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

So Leanne was on Danny Pellegrino’s podcast this week (my second favorite Bravo-themed podcast after Watch What Crappens—but I digress). Leanne claims that her pissy attitude on this vacation stemmed from the fact that she heard—prior to the trip—that Kary intended to “take her down” or something to that affect. So she was in “defense mode” most of the time. 

Again this is classic Leanne she “heard”? Who did she hear this from? One of the voices in her head? The one that whispers to her, her hands are weapons? The one that "whispers" outlandish things like that and then tries to blame someone else for "setting her up" to say it? So instead of being an Adult if this is true and going to Karey and asking straight out do you have a problem with me even tho we never really met, she decides to be passive aggressive and act like a toddler? No! .. she doesn’t like the fact that karey and kam were getting so close so fast and seemed to be becoming friends and felt threatened so she acted out. She did this last season with Brandi and D’andra she gets nasty when she feels like her friend is liking someone more then her and she might get “left behind” and starts acting psychotic and lashes out. And ends up pushing even that friend away and getting left behind (its a self fulfilling prophecy) she makes what she fears is gonna happen, happen. When in reality that person is just becoming friends with someone lol. Again watch Leann’s face anytime karey and kam start talking about how they are connecting. She’s trying to make excuses for her shitty behavior when it reality she’s just a fucking loon who really should be seeing a psychologist and therapist to help her with this extremely toxic behavior.  It’s always someone else’s fault with Leanne. She’s the innocent doe eyed victim always. And she only acts this way because (insert SOMETHING from her past) to excuse it. No one really calls her out on it and holds her accountable ever so she knows she can get away with it. She’s NUTS. Crazy makes for great reality tv don’t get me wrong. But in real life I’d be running for the hills.. God help Rich if their relationship ever goes bad cause I can see her going completely Fatal Attraction and scorched earth on his ass... The woman would be extremity dangerous especially shown her past vindictive and spiteful behavior .... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
Lots of misspelled words. Damn you fat fingers and little phone keyboard
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I can understand where LeeAnne was coming from on the beach while Kam and Brandi talked.  She was trying to have a private conversation with Kary at the dinner the night before and the women wouldn't let her! They forced Kary and LeeAnne to air out their grievances in front of everyone!  She can't do that, but they can.  Double standard.  I'd be pissed to! 

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Stephanie saying, “even if Brandi was Oscar the Grouch and living in a garbage can, you don’t call someone trash. It’s rude.” was a subconscious admission that Brandi DOES act like trash-you just can’t SAY it. It’s “rude” to spotlight it, ha. 

I’m baffled by something. Kam hates Brandi’s trashy behavior but is okay to be besties with Leanne?! Leanne who says, “unzip, take it out, stick it in” and “who has the hairier pussy?” That Leanne?? I am quite curious why Kameron is okay with Leanne’s gutter talk. 

I honestly could not be around Leanne for more than five minutes. Because by minute six she would be sobbing that her mother abandoned her. How does Rich stay sane?? No, really. HOW??!

Edited by Sage47
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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

This. Leanne has a lot of issues for sure, but Brandi is ring leader of the Mean Girls. She’s needs to get off this show and go parent her burgeoning psychopath of a daughter. 

Leanne definitely has issues, and she even said, she brings a lot on herself AND excludes herself, but it is because she doesn't want to be excluded, so she detaches herself first.  I only have compassion for her. 

Brandi was beyond excited to pull Leanne's buddy away from her.  It is sick.  I think that unless you are a girl (woman), it is hard to see what is actually happening.  Mean girl shit is NOT surface level, it is all cloak and dagger.

1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

Stephanie is clinically depressed and having a very difficult time.  I feel really badly for her.

At first I thought she was just having some anxiety, but I think she is extremely depressed.  The best thing for her to do would be to get off tv and get herself into a better headspace.  The fighting and drinking is not going to help.

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21 minutes ago, Slider said:

I can understand where LeeAnne was coming from on the beach while Kam and Brandi talked.  She was trying to have a private conversation with Kary at the dinner the night before and the women wouldn't let her! They forced Kary and LeeAnne to air out their grievances in front of everyone!  She can't do that, but they can.  Double standard.  I'd be pissed to! 

It was D’Andra who forced that not Brandi and than they didn’t really even have a discussion because Kam jumped in and changed the conversation to try and pretend it was Brandi and Stephanie had an issue with the room thing.

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5 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Leanne definitely has issues, and she even said, she brings a lot on herself AND excludes herself, but it is because she doesn't want to be excluded, so she detaches herself first.  I only have compassion for her. 

Brandi was beyond excited to pull Leanne's buddy away from her.  It is sick.  I think that unless you are a girl (woman), it is hard to see what is actually happening.  Mean girl shit is NOT surface level, it is all cloak and dagger.

At first I thought she was just having some anxiety, but I think she is extremely depressed.  The best thing for her to do would be to get off tv and get herself into a better headspace.  The fighting and drinking is not going to help.

I know what you’re saying but as someone who suffers depression too, being on RHOD might bring her something to get excited about- it probably lifts her up. But yea, the fighting isn’t good. 

I agree one hundred percent that Brandi is a stealth mean girl. 

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1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

Stephanie is clinically depressed and having a very difficult time.  I feel really badly for her.

Me too. She’s such a nice person. I really hope she gets better. 

I know LeeAnne can be a lot to handle, but she’s another one I still really feel for. She’s got a tough exterior, but that hurt little girl is still inside. When you’ve had such a horrific childhood, it can really affect you the rest of your life. She’s probably constantly scared someone will abuse and/or abandon her.

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3 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I know LeeAnne can be a lot to handle, but she’s another one I still really feel for. She’s got a tough exterior, but that hurt little girl is still inside

Agree. LeeAnne has deep, deep issues. I hope in her private life she taking steps to take therapy seriously. She's 50, she's just too old to be acting out like this, especially when she should be concentrating on the joy of her upcoming marriage. It's disturbing and not fun to watch. What a mess. 

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So much drinking leads to lots of button-pushing and lots of sensitivity/triggering - good for drama but at what cost to those involved?

These shows need to dump the booze and get more creative.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

It was D’Andra who forced that not Brandi and than they didn’t really even have a discussion because Kam jumped in and changed the conversation to try and pretend it was Brandi and Stephanie had an issue with the room thing.

Thank you .... the hate for brandi have them blaming her for shit that she had nothing to do with ...where is this Queen B behavior cause I'm not seeing it... shes not trying to pull Kam from Leanne shes trying to not have a fight every time shes in the same group setting so shes being civil...... Brandi now is damned if she does damned if shes doesn't ... while Leannes psycho behavior is being overlooked completely..... Brandi and Leanne started this season out semi/friends and NOW again Leanne is attacking Brandi and making snide comments because why? because she was trying to squash beef with Kam?? What the hell?  ...im baffled 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Which is exactly what LeeAnne said she wanted to do with Kary before D’Andre forced them to talk in the group.

But D'Andra was drunk when she did that.  They could have just told her to shut up and had their one-on-one discussion.  LeeAnne was sober when she got all butthurt about Kam and Brandi making up.

That said, Brandi should have just walked away when it was obvious that LeeAnne wasn't listening.  And it was obvious about five seconds after they started talking.  LeeAnne has to "win", all the time.  She is such a downer.   She just needs to accept that the negativity and offensiveness is how she copes, and that being in the spotlight is what gives her some self-worth.  She can't even fake having empathy for others, or seeing their point of view. 

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Just now, AuntiePam said:
11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

But D'Andra was drunk when she did that.  They could have just told her to shut up and had their one-on-one discussion.  LeeAnne was sober when she got all butthurt about Kam and Brandi making up.

Brandi wasn’t even at the table when D’Andra forced the issue it was already being discussed  when she sat down. It’s not as if LeeAnn is a shrinking violet she could have spoken up for herself just like Brandi did. That’s on her not Brandi.

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I am not a mental health therapist - I have never been abandoned by my parents or sexual assaulted every other weekend, but I"m thinking if I'm sitting in a cabana, staring the ocean, getting paid,  sipping ginger margaritas and two go off into private conversation and I go into an abandonment tailspin....its time for a new line of work and some major therapy.  She needs to be OFF this show, like yesterday.  

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14 hours ago, Marley said:

Liking Kary a bit more too. Kind of miss Carey Deuber a bit tho lol.

Funny, I was thinking how much I don't miss her one bit! But I am also warming to Kary.

1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Did LeeAnne really ask "Who has the hairiest pussy?" or was I hearing things?

And unfortunately it didn't stop there. Landing strips were also discussed. That was trashy and didn't need to hear any of it! Tammy Sue would fit right in with this bunch.

I think this show would be an excellent study for psych students. I hope that Stephanie's therapy and meds are being closely monitored by a medical professional. And it goes without saying that Leanne needs a lifetime membership to a therapist. As for how Rich puts up with her, I doubt she acts like this around their home.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Leanne definitely has issues, and she even said, she brings a lot on herself AND excludes herself, but it is because she doesn't want to be excluded, so she detaches herself first.  I only have compassion for her. 

Brandi was beyond excited to pull Leanne's buddy away from her.  It is sick.  I think that unless you are a girl (woman), it is hard to see what is actually happening.  Mean girl shit is NOT surface level, it is all cloak and dagger.

At first I thought she was just having some anxiety, but I think she is extremely depressed.  The best thing for her to do would be to get off tv and get herself into a better headspace.  The fighting and drinking is not going to help.

Sign on to your post 100%.

Leeanne is similar to Kelly on the OC.  You want them to get beyond their emotions but they can’t seem to move past their anger.  Although Kelly’s anger presents in physical altercations and LeeAnne goes below the belt in a verbal manner. 

I agree that Leeanne is led by her fear of abandonment and if Kelly Dodd is right and being on these shows feels like the Survivor show, it would play to Leeanne’s feelings of being left alone.  I think Brandy wants Leeanne to feel excluded.  While Stephanie is kinder and gives Leeanne leeway on that behavior.  Brandy is a mean girl in reaction to being treated poorly as well.  Again, kameron wasn’t calling her trash, she was saying she behaves trashy.  

Stephanie, you are projecting Kameron’s trashy comment onto you.  I don’t think Kam thinks Stephanie acts trashy.  While both Brandy and Stephanie grew up in low income homes, they behave very different.  Brandy does act that way but Stephanie acts very dignified and well behaved, very different behavior as adults in comparison to the way they felt as children.

I think there’s truth to the rumor that Kary did not have good intentions towards Leeanne from the beginning, her actions have been very aggressive from the beginning for the new girl.  She has been quick to form an opinion from the beginning as if she had an agenda.  Leeanne reacted defensively, as she admits she is her own worst enemy.  If that rumor was true, the smart thing to do would be to act super sweet to Kary to take her power away. Kary did seem to only disregard any of the other ladies discomfort...Kary is playing the Survivor game and Leeanne took the bait and lost the battle.

Leeanne needs real, deep down therapy.  What she has done so far is clearly not helping her deal with her life.

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It's becoming difficult for me to follow this season, because I don't agree with the gravity they are putting on the term "trash."  Where I'm from, trash isn't an economic issue.  Trash, to me, is a family who goes to a restaurant and allows their kids to destroy the table, scream and wrestle, while people are trying to eat dinner. Trash is people who don't say 'please' or 'thank you.'  It's strangers who scream "blow me" from their car windows.  It's D'andra falling down drunk with her Spanx flying.

They (Brandi and Stephanie) are acting like Kam called Brandi "trailer trash," which has a whole other connotation, but it never happened, so it's not an issue.

I think the women doth protest too much, and only now am I wondering why they are so "triggered" by "trash."  The best thing I could come up with is, if you go back to the real beginning of the series, Brandi and Stephanie came onto this show about charity gatherings as, like, the rule-breakers and the contrarians of Dallas society.  They said and did some really disgusting things that I'm not going to repeat, except to say that they basically spent a season drinking "mommy juice" and obsessing over excrement and bodily functions.  When that did not go over well at all, I think they were both very embarassed--more embarassed than they're willing to let on--and now they're uber-sensitive to anything that harkens back to that behavior.  Their defenses are so well-honed (it took Stephanie a few hours, but she summoned the righteous indignation by morning) that now the person who dares to utter the word "trash" is the trashy one.  It's pure deflection.

A few other observations:

Brandi did a talking head where she used "I" incorrectly early in the episode.  It was like, "She doesn't agree with Stephanie and I."  She does this a lot.  I cannot stand when a person says "I" when they mean "me" (saying "me" for "I" doesn't bother I at all 🤔).  The misused "I" utterly grates on me.  It's people trying to sound hifaluten when they just sound like asses.

Kam's bathing suit was everything this episode, but I wasn't really feeling Kam's attitude. Who gives a shit if Stephanie went to Kary's room in the am?  Kameron was acting like discovering this nugget of info was tantamount to finding Jimmy Hoffa's body.  And it's annoying how she keeps referring to the cast as "this group."  It sounds like something that would be said on Basketball Wives.  It keeps taking me out of the moment and reminding me that this is a reality show.  Why can't she just say "you ladies" or something?

Leanne--feeling sorry for yourself much?  I wish she would have just gotten it off her chest that she wants more attention for her wedding.  That is a fair enough request.  I do think she is actually traumatized, though, and doesn't know how to ask for what she needs.  Another thing she clearly hasn't worked though is that there doesn't need to be a conflict within the group (thanks Kam) for her to be ok. Like, everyone can be friendly at once.  Sometimes that's actually nice.  She's another person who would really do well with some heavy off-camera therapy, and, even though I find her presence entertaining, some time away from a reality show.

I hate to sound so negative, but I hate pranks.  I don't get them.  I think they're stupid.  I've always been that way.  They seem mean.

Like others have opined, I think Brandi was genuinely trying with Leanne at the beach.  The private conversation thing was valid IMO.  The person to blame here is D'andra for not allowing private conversations in the first place, not Brandi, who was handling conflict normally.  I think Stephanie was helpful when she tried to redirect Leanne's ire about private conversations in the van.  She said it in such a mature way, too, so that no one was pointing a finger at D'andra ("she wanted to have a private conversation with Kary last night and we wouldn't let her").  D'andra would never have taken ownership of someone else's bad behavior to keep the peace like that.  She would lose her shit and start screeching and gesticulating until everyone jumped out of the van while it was still moving.

Something is off with this cast.  No matter how dramatic they get, everything seems so pedestrian.  There's no spark.  Maybe things will get better when D'andra resumes working, because that's a compelling storyline! 🤔

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4 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

Stephanie, you are projecting Kameron’s trashy comment onto you.  I don’t think Kam thinks Stephanie acts trashy.  While both Brandy and Stephanie grew up in low income homes, they behave very different.  Brandy does act that way but Stephanie acts very dignified and well behaved, very different behavior as adults in comparison to the way they felt as children.

But Kam does frequently lump together and Stephanie frequently acts in a similar manner so she feels that. Not to mention Brandi is legit Stephanie’s best friend that predates the show by years and involves their families. If someone called my BF trash I would be pissed off with them as well. I would probably also privately tell that friend to tone down that behavior around that person but not to the person. I also don’t understand what Kam wants from Stephanie. We have seen them hangout without Brandi, Stephanie went after Kam when she got into theIr fight not Brandi. Kam seems to want her and Stephanie to be as close as Brandi and that’s most likely not going to happen.

All these Housewives who are getting married need to stop trying to make all events about their wedding. It was particularly galling of LeeAnne since the entire premise of the trip was that Kary was giving D’Andra a present for her bday! It’s not like it’s been nonstop birthday shit, they could have edited some of it out, but it literally hasn’t been mentioned. And then there is the fact that LeeAnne doesn’t like Kary and has been so negative to her this entire time why should she make any attempt to make the trip about LeeAnne’s wedding! 

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