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S01.E01: Pilot

Lady Calypso

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SERIES PREMIERE – Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) never planned to be Gotham’s new vigilante. Gotham is a city in despair, the Gotham City Police Department have been overrun and outgunned by criminal gangs. Enter Jacob Kane (Dougray Scott) and his military-grade Crows Private Security, which now protects the city with omnipresent firepower and militia. Years before, Jacob’s first wife and daughter were killed in the crossfire of Gotham crime. He sent his only surviving daughter, Kate Kane, away from Gotham for her safety. After a dishonorable discharge from military school and years of brutal survival training, Kate returns home when the Alice in Wonderland gang targets her father and his security firm by kidnapping his best Crow officer – and Kate’s ex-girlfriend – Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy). Although remarried to wealthy socialite Catherine Hamilton-Kane (Elizabeth Anweis), who bankrolls the Crows, Jacob is still struggling with the family he lost, while keeping Kate –– the daughter he still has –– at a distance. But Kate is a woman who’s done asking for permission. In order to help her family and her city, she’ll have to become the one thing her father loathes –– a vigilante. With the help of her compassionate stepsister, Mary (Nicole Kang), and the crafty Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson), the son of Wayne Enterprises’ tech guru Lucius Fox, Kate Kane continues the legacy of her missing cousin, Bruce Wayne, as Batwoman. Still holding a flame for Sophie, Kate uses everything in her power to combat the dark machinations of the psychotic Alice (Rachel Skarsten), who’s always somewhere slipping between sane and insane. Armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind, Kate soars through the shadowed streets of Gotham as Batwoman. The episode was written by Caroline Dries and directed by Marcos Siega (#101). Original airdate 10/6/2019. 

That was...painful.  In many scenes, it feels like they were trying to recreate the Nolan movies with the camera work.  And while I've never seen Ruby Rose in anything other than interviews where she seems nice, she is not a good actor. 

Despite the "plot twist" at the end which I saw coming pretty quickly, either the next 2-3 improve dramatically, or I'm watching only up to Crisis and I'm out. 

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Live thoughts:

Well damn! Kate was just a child when Bruce was already fully fledged Batman??? That makes him about 10-15 years older than her? I liked them being closer in age. But what is up with him appearing, doing a half-assed job of saving his relatives, disappearing and they still fall to their death with him nowhere to be found? Did he expect them to just get out themselves? It just doesnt make sense.

Are we supposed to believe that Kate is that big of a kickass that she can survive in what looked like Antarctica? And somehow not get hypothermia?

Bruce is really into abandoning Gotham on WB/CW isnt he? Left New Gotham after Selina died in Birds of Prey, gone for the past 3 years here.....and he has that simple of a password for Wayne security? Come onnnnn it's a nice shout out but we could've come up with something more logical.

This is A LOT of flashbacks to try to catch us up to Kates backstory. I'm not sure why they didnt just include Kate spending some time in Australia to account for Ruby slipping back into her accent. It's hard for some far better actors to hide it.

Alice is a very entertaining villain. I kind of wish they had her conceal her identity so she wouldn't be one of those villains that can only appear when they are being a bad guy.

Ah the love interest is married! Lets see how long that last.

Overall it was an OK pilot. I think they could've come up with a better way to get Kate back to Gotham and get us caught up with her backstory. They wanted to build a lot in a small amount of time.

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Okay, so the tone is very fitting for a Bat series. Called the sister being the villain, but I'm cool with that. Ruby Rose has a good superhero vibe, but she's not the greatest actor. I'm sitting here trying to figure out why Bruce didn't live with his aunt if he had living family, but I'll just assume the aunt was too young to take him in at the time based on the age difference between him and Kate. The tone doesn't jibe with the general tone of the other Arrowverse series. 

So I guess this takes place before last year's crossover? The timeline's will be very confusing to me. 

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So how long until we find out that Kate's ex girlfriends husband is evil? A couple episodes? End of the season? Who wants in on this?!

As far as pilots go...its no The Flash pilot, but I am willing to wait and see how it goes. Curse my need to watch all comic book TV especially the Arrowverse! It was clunky in a very pilot-y kind of way, and so much of the backstory had to be established that it felt like going through a check list and not telling a real story. Also, Kate and Bruce being so far apart in age seems weird to be, in the comics I think they were pretty close in age. 

Most of the supporting cast was just kind of there, her step sister was really the only one that stood out to me as having a lot of potential. She was like a more academically minded and altruistic version of season one Thea from Arrow. Honestly, its kind of funny that Arrow was originally so clearly taking its cues from Batman just as much as, if not more than, when now an actual piece of Batman material is now taking its cues from Arrow. I think that this is kind of the Arrowverses attempt to replace Arrow with something similar (brooding badass hero, ex girlfriend they have complicated feelings for, opening with them being badass outdoors, lone vigilante in a city overrun with crime, dead family angst involving water) but it hasn't quite hit that sweet spot yet, even just in the pilot. The Arrow pilot had its issues, but I still found it a lot more engaging than this.

Of course bats all come flying up as soon as Kate gets there, does Bruce just keep bats around as his pets and trains them to dramatically fly around whenever someone walks in? 

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4 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

I liked it, but I have no vested interest in comic book lore. Love the stepsister.

Same. I’m on board with Mary and all of the supporting cast. 

I thought Ruby and Kate were both fine. CW pilots tend to be rough on the leads since they’re always given heavy exposition while being expected to establish the show in forty minutes. Even with that I want to see more of Kate’s story. More conflict with her father (and I’m low key expecting her stepmom to turn out to be a villain), improving her relationship with Mary, establishing a friendship with Luke, the emotional ups and downs that will result from being around Sophie again, and especially how she reacts to the realization of Alice are all things I want to see for Kate as she becomes a fully realized Batwoman. So I’m in. 

27 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Did he expect them to just get out themselves? It just doesnt make sense

He was battling the Joker at the same time and thought that his cables were enough to hold the car. He did go to them first to ensure their safety. Presumably he’d have returned to pull them out of the car once Joker was contained and everyone on the bus safe. Luke said something about an engineering failure so it was a tragic fluke rather than a conscious decision. 

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I knew that Alice would be Kate's sister because I've read the comics and I figured they would stick with it if they were introducing Alice in the pilot, but it was still a pretty good reveal. That should give Kate lots of good character stuff to dive into when she realizes who she is. The actress playing Alice seems to be pretty good.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Well, I gave it a shot. And, unfortunately for me, I need something to fill up my time while I wait for Supergirl at 9pm so I'm giving it another chance next week. It wasn't a great pilot, mind you. Very typical, but with some really weird choices in terms of cinematography and camera work. The way they edited the flashbacks, in particular, really bothered me. I am not for the weird lighting and slow motion effects. 

I feel like we didn't need that very first flashback shot of Kate and Sophie when she was being told by her stepsister that Sophie was missing. I feel like they wouldn't need that to establish exes between a heterosexual couple so I was temporarily annoyed that they felt the need to include it here, especially since they just showed the shot again in the very next flashback, though extended.

Alice, at least, ended up to be a fairly interesting antagonist, especially as Kate's sister. Although I think Rachel Skarsten went a bit comicy with her performance, she still sold it better than Ruby Rose's performance as Kate. Who, to Ruby's credit, did really try and she wasn't awful in this pilot. She was just the weakest out of all of the actors.

Stepsister Mary was pretty solid. Bruce's employee, whose name I never caught, was alright but he was the other weak spot for me. Sophie could be another interesting character if they didn't give her the cliche husband in the love triangle between her and Kate. 

To be clear, I've never really been into Batman or the comics in general, so everything Batman is pretty meh in general. So I'm really coming into this series with fresh eyes and hope that maybe it can get me in ways that other adaptations couldn't. Which is why I found it just fine that Bruce/Batman is entirely missing (at least for now). They need to give me a reason to care about any Bat-related superhero(ine) before bringing that character in. Similar to Supergirl (Superman is the other big superhero that I never got into; I've never even SEEN a Superman movie while at least I've seen a couple of Batman movies/TV shows). 

So...I'll give it another shot next week. This pilot IS better than I thought it would be. I wasn't even planning on watching because I had zero interest in the series. So...we'll see. They got me in for one more week, so that's something.

  • Love 6

Good things:

1. The stepsister. Engaging and fun. 

2. Holy Bat Thingies, Batwoman! I'm assuming there will be more Bat Things than this, but decent start with the bat toys, at least.

3. Usually this isn't the sort of thing I notice in a pilot, but when an Arrowverse show actually manages to mostly avoid going into a warehouse for a full 42 minutes, I think we should all pause for a moment to applaud. 

3. On a related note, mostly new sets, which by Arrowverse standards is a minor miracle.  And also something that the promo for next week's episode already tells us won't be lasting. 

4. The voice of Rachel Maddow fantasizing about Batman. I laughed.

5. Very nice of the bats to remember to swirl dramatically at every appearance of a member of the Bat family!

Questionable things:

1. Yay on booking a Birds of Prey alum for this, but I was not overly impressed with Rachel Skarsten in Reign and I'm not exactly warming to her here, either, though she is at least having a lot more fun with this than she did as Queen Elizabeth.

2. Really not feeling the father or the stepmother, either. Or Luke Fox. Or, well, any of the cast other than the stepsister.

Bad things:

1. No way will I believe that a) Batman uses "Alfred" as his password and b) Batman wouldn't change the password before taking off to wherever.

2. Or, for that matter, not do a slightly better job of concealing the Batcave. I get that Kate knew Bruce well and that the pilot was short on time, but geesh.

2. Arrowverse, we've TALKED ABOUT THIS. When your "concrete block" props BOUNCE ON THE FLOOR, it becomes increasingly difficult for me to suspend my disbelief, especially when it's soon followed by bouncing rubber glass. Can't this be seen/corrected in editing/post? 

Oh well. Legends of Tomorrow also had a rough start. Let's see where this goes.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The way they edited the flashbacks, in particular, really bothered me. I am not for the weird lighting and slow motion effects. 

Yes, the flashback effects they were using were horrid. 

This very much feels like the modern day Birds of Prey with them taking all these artistic freedoms with how they film it but with a better budget.

I was slightly confused why Wayne Enterprise was shut down but Luke was still "working" there. I know he was let in on Bruces secret  but I feel like it would've been better if it were still up and running and he left it to Kate in his absence which causes her to come back rather than what we got with "your ex girlfriend got kidnapped, we need you to come out of seclusion" 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

I was slightly confused why Wayne Enterprise was shut down but Luke was still "working" there. I know he was let in on Bruces secret  but I feel like it would've been better if it were still up and running and he left it to Kate in his absence which causes her to come back rather than what we got with "your ex girlfriend got kidnapped, we need you to come out of seclusion" 

Yeah, but then we wouldn't have had that shot of Kate scaling the walls of the building to get into Bruce's old office. 

In all seriousness, I agree. I just don't get why Luke (THAT'S his name!) was still running things for the last three years if Bruce has been missing this entire time. 

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OK, I tuned in because I wanted to see what the incels superfans were so hot and bothered about with that line about the Batsuit "fitting better on a woman".  and, admittedly, the line rankled me the wrong way more because if felt so forced, like they had a to shoehorn in more empowerment.

However, after seeing the whole episode, we could see that the line wasn't needed - there's plenty of empowerment.  Kate doesn't crumple into a little ball in the face of all the hardships she's been through - losing her mother, being kicked out because of Don't Ask Don't Tell, What Alice says to her about her father, her father admitting it, the girl she loved hurting her not once but twice (seriously, kill Sophie and keep Tyler).  But now she has a whole city that looks up to her.  That's inspiring, even it it is a half-truth.

Alice is by far my favorite character, though.  The fact that she's the woman version of The Mad Hatter but doesn't need the mind-controlling teas or headbands with the special tags on them but good old fashioned "Gaslighting" is more interesting.

Love the stepsister!  What was her name again?  Only downside is that it seems stereotypical that the Asian girl is in med school, or was I should say.  It's such a stereotype.

Hello, Dougray "Could Have Been Wolverine" Scott.  Time has not been kind to your face.


Oh, dear.  I wonder who tried to killed Kate, her sister, and succeeded in killing the mother.  It is such a baffling conundrum.

And while I should compare this to a film, I'm going to anyway - Kate Kane showed more character development in a one hour show than Carol Danvers did in a two hour movie.

Well, I'm tuning in for the next episode.  Gonna be alternating between watching this on Sunday (sorry, Poldark, but you've gotten tedious) or 9-1-1 on Mondays. 

Edited by bmoore4026
Kate didn't die in the flashback. If she did, we'd have no show. Also, I wanted to add a dig at Captain Marvel.
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So, I realize the writers probably just intended it as an in-joke, and I'm taking it too literally, but humor me here:

If a crazy super villain shows up on the scene and is styling herself after Alice of the Lewis Carrol stories, and you have a guy named Dodgson on the payroll, for the luvva pete, you might want to keep him under close surveillance!!!

ETA: Why did this show decide to move the Batcave from beneath Wayne Manor to beneath Wayne Enterprises? Just wondering. 

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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10 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

ETA: Why did this show decide to move the Batcave from beneath Wayne Manor to beneath Wayne Enterprises? Just wondering. 

After seven seasons of Arrow, I'm going to take a wild guess and say "To save money on sets."

This way they only need to build Wayne Enterprises, not Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor. 

What I want to know is why did anyone build a building that tall over a cave full of bats and did they get the appropriate permits from U.S. Fish and Wildlife (or whoever) to build directly over that habitat? And why are that many bats living in downtown Gotham anyway? That made more sense when they were hiding under a single isolated manor at least a couple of miles fro the city.

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26 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, but then we wouldn't have had that shot of Kate scaling the walls of the building to get into Bruce's old office. 

In all seriousness, I agree. I just don't get why Luke (THAT'S his name!) was still running things for the last three years if Bruce has been missing this entire time. 

And Luke mentions something to the tune of "If Batman wanted to come back, he would" so he seems to know why Bruce left and he can come back at any time should he choose....which makes his absence even worse. 

14 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

ETA: Why did this show decide to move the Batcave from beneath Wayne Manor to beneath Wayne Enterprises? Just wondering. 

Because they couldn't come up with a better reason for them to go to Wayne Manor lol. But in some iterations, (Batman Forever at least) Bruce can access the cave from work as well through hyper tubes. I'll just chalk it up to this being his smaller cave and the bigger one being under Wayne Manor, just so he can have multiple hot spots should he need anything.

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5 minutes ago, quarks said:

After seven seasons of Arrow, I'm going to take a wild guess and say "To save money on sets."

This way they only need to build Wayne Enterprises, not Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor.

Plus it would take too long to get back to Wayne Manor to suit up so having Batcave 2.0 under Wayne Enterprises works for logistical purposes. The question then becomes if he brought in his own bats to stay on brand.

  • LOL 5
20 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

ETA: Why did this show decide to move the Batcave from beneath Wayne Manor to beneath Wayne Enterprises? Just wondering. 

Bruce has backup Batcaves.

So we know that there have been Batman wannabees pop up and they get killed shortly after, and we're supposed to believe that after Kate makes one save Gotham gets hope and believes Batman is back?

And to CW, fix your damn commercial breaks.  It doesn't help shows to have to go to abrupt commercial breaks.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Was it stated in the show they've had copycats show up? I totally missed that.

Papa Kane mentions it in (I think) the Crow debriefing after Sophie's been saved and returned. Some Bat copies have shown up, get everyone excited that he's returned, get killed for not having the necessary training and skills, and everyone realizes it's not him and lose hope again.

We know they'll realize that this is Batwoman rather than Batman returned but, for now, they think he's back and Papa Kane expects the latest copy to get himself killed.

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Definitely gave me a ton of first season Arrow vibes, both good and bad.  It's clearly trying to be the new "dark and gritty" show for the D.C. shows with Arrow on its way out, and aiming for a somewhat more realistic vibe compared to its fellow shows.  Also had some tonal issues and spotty acting as well, so hopefully they'll get all of that figured out.

Not surprised that Ruby Rose was the weak link, since I found her underwhelming in the crossover.  She's not flat-out horrid, but it felt like she was struggling with some of her acting choices at times (especially any dramatic scenes), and didn't quite have the charisma to make up for her weaknesses.  I thought she was at her best during the lighter moments with Luke Fox and the flashbacks with Sophie Moore, but all in all, almost all of the other main actresses here easily outshone her.  Still, to be fair, I remember it taking Stephen Amell a little while to find his groove (Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist though both seem to hit the ground running), so I'll give her a chance.

Glad that they didn't drag out the obvious twist that Alice is Kate's sister.  Always fun seeing Rachel Skarsten, but hopefully they'll let her camp it up a bit more going forward, because I feel like this show would definitely benefit with some camp.

Looking forward to seeing more of Kate's stepfamily, Luke, and even Sophie.

What's the over/under that Sophie's husband is going to either a) die, b) be evil or c) both?

So, Bruce/Batman is much older in this universe?  Fingers crossed that if they ever do bring him here, they get Kevin Conroy to play Old Bats (and get Mark Hamill to be Old Joker!)

Some things will never change, and one of the is that no matter what universe it is, Gotham is a horrifying city that I would never want to step into, even for a second.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, memememe76 said:

I liked it, but I have no vested interest in comic book lore. Love the stepsister.

Same here.  I like the stepsister as support (Luke still hasn't made an impression on me).  I'm also curious what turned Alice evil.

I don't like Sophie, she's too much of a coward. Kate deserves someone better (shades of Arrow too that I don't like the pilot's OTP).

Overall, I liked it more than the Supergirl episode.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I dont think he is evil as much as he is TOTALLY GOING TO DIE which lead to her going to Kate crying and them hooking up and then she'll feel horrible (all speculation)

I'm with you on that. He's going to be like Eddie from The Flash and die heroically in the season finale to make way for Kate and Sophie to get back together.

Well that was clunky it's a pilot so I'll give it a couple more episodes, since I'm invested in the other shows in the Arrowverse. Yay for corporate branding. 

Definitely trying to take over Arrow's mantle as the dark and gritty show, but unlike Arrow they already know there's going to be fantastical elements. I thought Ruby Rose was underwhelming, not terrible but not very charismatic or a particularly good actor but again, she might well improve as she settles into the role.

I like her step sister and Rachel S has definitely improved as an actor since I first saw her, Alice could be a fun villain, I was already spoiled for the twist so it didn't have much of an impact. Not a fan of Sophie yet and I didn't feel much connection between her and Kate so a season long angsty "Love you but I'm with someone else" storyline might end up being a slog if that's the way they go.

It's definitely got some of Supergirl's "subtle as a sledgehammer" plots/themes but again, we'll see where they do. 

Luke was giving me early Curtis Holt vibes so I was side eying him for that a little even though it was unfair. 

"The next thing you know I'm the Meredith Grey of Sherwood Forest" did make me laugh a bit, holy mixed pop culture references, Bat(wo)man. 

Edited by Featherhat
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Why would Wayne enterprises completely shut down just because Bruce wasn't there tho that makes no sense i mean isn't there shareholders and a board that runs it ??? and that whole building only had one guy working security? And in that 3 years it went into that much decay that trees that were growing inside Bruce’s office who was watering it for the past 3 years? This whole first episode had so many freaking holes in it ...How easy was it to find that freaking Bat-cave ...so does Bruce have a bat-cave under all his proprieties? Hmmm Bruce is gone for 3 years and the Bat disappears at the same time would NO ONE in this freaking city put two and two together?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Not horrible like some are are saying, but not great either. I agree that Rose as Kate is lacking some charisma. This is just the pilot, though.

I think I'll stay for Alice mainly, and


Gabriel Mann as Hush,

... later.

15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course bats all come flying up as soon as Kate gets there, does Bruce just keep bats around as his pets and trains them to dramatically fly around whenever someone walks in? 

You know full well that Bruce is exactly that type of drama queen!

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15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I think that this is kind of the Arrowverses attempt to replace Arrow with something similar (brooding badass hero, ex girlfriend they have complicated feelings for, opening with them being badass outdoors, lone vigilante in a city overrun with crime, dead family angst involving water) but it hasn't quite hit that sweet spot yet, even just in the pilot. The Arrow pilot had its issues, but I still found it a lot more engaging than this.

We'll know for sure when Kate begins working out with the salmon ladder. Which I would not complain about.

15 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course bats all come flying up as soon as Kate gets there, does Bruce just keep bats around as his pets and trains them to dramatically fly around whenever someone walks in? 

What I'm wondering is how Bruce must have trained the bats to shit outside the cave. Otherwise, everything in there should be covered in guano after three years. I know that if I was Luke and Batman / Bruce left I wouldn't continue cleaning it for three years.

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15 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Why did this show decide to move the Batcave from beneath Wayne Manor to beneath Wayne Enterprises? Just wondering. 

14 hours ago, quarks said:

This way they only need to build Wayne Enterprises, not Wayne Enterprises and Wayne Manor.

14 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'll just chalk it up to this being his smaller cave and the bigger one being under Wayne Manor, just so he can have multiple hot spots should he need anything.

14 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Plus it would take too long to get back to Wayne Manor to suit up so having Batcave 2.0 under Wayne Enterprises works for logistical purposes.

14 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Bruce has backup Batcaves.

Ding ding ding.   Circle gets the square.

It actually started back in the 70s.   They wanted to "play up" the playboy image of Bruce, so they carted Dick off to college and had Bruce move into a penthouse suite on top of Wayne Enterprises, and he designed and built a "mini-Batcave" in the sub-basement (complete with a secret cul-de-sac entrance).   When the Crisis reboot happened in the mid-80s, the "mini-Batcave" disappeared .............

until the 00s came along, and then Bruce decided to build multiple "satellite" Batcaves in various spots throughout Gotham, and the mini-Batcave underneath the Foundation Building returned.

Does everybody remember the "Bat-Bunker" that Bruce had in the Nolan trilogy???  Wayne Manor was severly damaged at the end of the first movie, so he built a small "Bat-Bunker" down by the docks while repairs were being made to the Manor.

16 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Of course bats all come flying up as soon as Kate gets there, does Bruce just keep bats around as his pets and trains them to dramatically fly around whenever someone walks in? 

Yeah, I got nothing as far as having a bunch of bats brought in to the sub-basement of the Wayne Foundation other than...........

15 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

 he brought in his own bats to stay on brand.

1 hour ago, Trini said:

You know full well that Bruce is exactly that type of drama queen!


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Interesting start. The origins seems faithful to the modern canon, with some twists thrown in (Batman being unable to save Kate's twin, Kate's spirit quests being engineered by her dad, Kate reuniting to her love only to find her with a guy).  In other news, I am convinced that Luke Fox and Curtis Holt might be related. Or maybe there's a machine that can dart out smart guys who are also huge putzes.

Alice doesn't seem as annoying as Jervis "Made Hatter" Tetch over on Gotham. Hopefully, she doesn't have some poor sap whose blood can drive people insane.

Just checking . . .this is on Earth-1, right? So the events that we're seeing are from the past, before Kate's part in "Elseworlds," correct? Or should I not dwell on that. "Why did Batman leave Gotham? Reasons. Just . . . reasons."

ETA: I should be glad there's a series. Think about it . . . Ruby Rose gets cast, got a shitload of hate . . . and she almost gets killed while making the series.

Edited by Lantern7
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Not bad.

I am not a comic reader so the final twist did surprise me. Alice is shaping up to be an interesting villain and I love her overall look.

I get that Kate trained a lot before coming back to Gotham City but I was a little taken aback by her ability to do all that on her first mission as Batwoman.

Kate and Mary seem to have an interesting relationship. It's like Kate finds her stepsister both annoying and endearing.

I hope they won't wait too long before they start fleshing out the supporting cast, Luke and Sophie especially. Giving Sophie a husband right off the bat and having her reject Kate in the flashbacks is not going to endear the audience to her. I think giving the character more to do and a rich POV can help fix those issues. Kate seems to really love her.

The dad telling Kate that she's all he has left. Good to know that his wife and stepdaughter are nothing to him.

Bruce/Batman and his guilt over not being able to save his aunt and little cousin seem to play an important part in the story which is strange considering that I don't think they'll ever really introduce the character. 

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13 minutes ago, Starry said:

I hope they won't wait too long before they start fleshing out the supporting cast, Luke and Sophie especially. Giving Sophie a husband right off the bat and having her reject Kate in the flashbacks is not going to endear the audience to her. I think giving the character more to do and a rich POV can help fix those issues. Kate seems to really love her.

Yeah I suppose it's to give the story some melodrama and angst and draw out the time when they'll (probably) get together again, but I was having a couple of Laurel from Arrow flashbacks where the writers IMHO really shot themselves in the foot with the awful backstory for their original lead couple. I hope they turn this one around and flesh Sophie's POV out more otherwise I'll be rooting against them getting back together. 

16 minutes ago, Starry said:

Kate and Mary seem to have an interesting relationship. It's like Kate finds her stepsister both annoying and endearing.

I think that's what made me like the character. The actress pulled off both those things simultaneously, which is quite tricky. I want to see more of their relationship as step sisters and I'd prefer to have her find out Kate's secret sooner rather than later but I guess the "Robin Hood Doctor" is probably due to next so she can patch Kate up etc. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Twilight Man said:

Does everybody remember the "Bat-Bunker" that Bruce had in the Nolan trilogy???  Wayne Manor was severly damaged at the end of the first movie, so he built a small "Bat-Bunker" down by the docks while repairs were being made to the Manor.

If memory serves me well, Batman Forever had Bruce sit on a chair behind his desk at Wayne Enterprises, push the button and was rushed off via pod back to the Bat Cave.  Let's just fanwalk to say, Bruce has too much money and doesn't need to consult with the city when digging things underground. 

As for Luke still being there, I'm guessing someone stays to protect the tech.  This is like Supergirl though: Bruce/Batman is gone for THREE YEARS and no one puts two and two together? How dumb are the people of Gotham?

Edited by mtlchick
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