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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Kitty has an obsession with hair.  Danielle, Erica, Miranda, Tara.  She made the comment about how disrespectful it was for Tara to show up looking like she just rolled out of bed.  Pot kettle black.

Funny then, that Kitty’s hair is possibly the worst of anyone’s on the show

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30 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

She thought Alexandria was a "blender" and her problem with Danielle, was Danielle's obsession with her hair (she tossed it alot) - she made a comment (jokingly) about wanting to cut it off when they were at Gilley's one year -- judy and Kitty called Danielle and Jasmine in for a "chat."

And because Danielle gained weight over the years. "You're sloppy and lazy!" 

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8 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

And because Danielle gained weight over the years. "You're sloppy and lazy!" 

Yet here she is an all-star.  Kitty knows all and sees all, um, no - though she does tell all.  Due to my comment about hair below I must admit I do think Danielle could use a teensy bit of color help right now. 

8 hours ago, Pinknblue said:

Funny then, that Kitty’s hair is possibly the worst of anyone’s on the show

So true! Her hair look is so dated it is practically retro at this point.  I would watch a Marshall intervention if they filmed him telling the truth about her "style" and stripes. 

Oh insiders, insiders - any end of week news?

Edited by PattiD4DCC
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I obviously have not gotten over Jalyn not making Show Group because I have been rewatching older seasons (currently on 7 and just finished 6), and we are constantly shown clips of vets teaching AND CORRECTING TCCs and it just makes me so mad that VK thinks she is above the normal tradition of a vet teaching her - which apparently Kelli and Judy agree with too. 

In Season 6, the infamous Taylor, Cassie and Ally Traylor scene happens where Ally says “if a Vet gives you a correction the only answer should be Yes Ma’am”. VK’s answer was to run to “Aunt Kelli” and say Jalyn had the nerve to think Victoria wasn’t perfect. 

Sydney recently had a scene of her teaching some TCCs talking about how it was the DCC way to teach and help the TCC. 

So why would Jalyn be penalized for doing what she is supposed to be doing? Well I mean we all know it’s because VK thinks she is God’s gift to dancing and already perfect and wanted to get back at Jalyn for daring to suggest otherwise but the unfairness of what VK, Kelli and Judy did to Jalyn just makes me so mad. 

Edited by MelissaB326
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20 minutes ago, MelissaB326 said:

I obviously have not gotten over Jalyn not making Show Group because I have been rewatching older seasons (currently on 7 and just finished 6), and we are constantly shown clips of vets teaching AND CORRECTING TCCs and it just makes me so mad that VK thinks she is above the normal tradition of a vet teaching her - which apparently Kelli and Judy agree with too. 

In Season 6, the infamous Taylor, Cassie and Ally Traylor scene happens where Ally says “if a Vet gives you a correction the only answer should be Yes M’aam”. VK’s answer was to run to “Aunt Kelli” and say Jalyn had the nerve to think Victoria wasn’t perfect. 

Sydney recently had a scene of her teaching some TCCs talking about how it was the DCC way to teach and help the TCC. 

So why would Jalyn be penalized for doing what she is supposed to be doing? Well I mean we all know it’s because VK thinks she is God’s gift to dancing and already perfect and wanted to get back at Jalyn for daring to suggest otherwise but the unfairness of what VK, Kelli and Judy did to Jalyn just makes me so mad. 

We should put these clips together in a fan video and post them all over any MTT's comments area  for their hypocrisy to be on full blast.

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Although I laughed at the Kelli & Judy responses to TCC being cut, the more I watched I thought, this is cruel to make fun of them especially as some are years ago. I am surprised K said this was fine. This is something I might show to a few friends but not on a national cable channel.

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33 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

Although I laughed at the Kelli & Judy responses to TCC being cut, the more I watched I thought, this is cruel to make fun of them especially as some are years ago. I am surprised K said this was fine. This is something I might show to a few friends but not on a national cable channel.

Maybe that is the disconnect between the producers and the viewers. We want to see a show about dancing and dancers who fight to make the team.  The producers want to relive their sorority days of black balling people and laughing at the girls who aren't "good" enough to be one of the select.

I'm a bit disappointed in Natalie.  She had the best cut line ever.  Something about she was going to eat a cheeseburger.  Why not show girls getting cut only to make it back later? That's a feel good moment for the girls we cheered on to make the team. Rather than the moments that are so painfully raw that I couldn't watch them the first go round.  

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10 hours ago, MTTFan said:

She thought Alexandria was a "blender" and her problem with Danielle, was Danielle's obsession with her hair (she tossed it alot) - she made a comment (jokingly) about wanting to cut it off when they were at Gilley's one year -- judy and Kitty called Danielle and Jasmine in for a "chat."

I thought Kitty said to Danielle and Jasmine she expected more from them because they were former Jets cheerleaders.

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The editing on the show definitely made it seem Danielle had a hair fluffing obsession.  It looked like it was mainly due to the fact that she had that different style sort of like a comb over.  It was doing something not "natural" so she had to keep flopping it back over.  It appears in recent photos she finally gave in and parted in the middle.

But this could have been CMT editing like everything else that appears "real" on the show.

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36 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

The editing on the show definitely made it seem Danielle had a hair fluffing obsession.  It looked like it was mainly due to the fact that she had that different style sort of like a comb over.  It was doing something not "natural" so she had to keep flopping it back over.  It appears in recent photos she finally gave in and parted in the middle.

But this could have been CMT editing like everything else that appears "real" on the show.

My 2 cents and I actually like Danielle.  Danielle did and still does have an obsession with her hair.  During the show, she flipped it around constantly and could not keep herself from messing with it.  I do not care for Kitty but on this topic she was spot on.  I silently cheered when Kitty said something about cutting it all off. 

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

I assume you mean former Patriot Alexandria?  If so, I agree with her there.  

I think K & J knew that she wasn’t going to make the entire year and that’s why she didn’t get a full makeover. She would have been the perfect candidate for it.

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4 hours ago, iloveit said:

What did Jalyn do?

Jalyn Stough allegedly gave Victoria Kalina corrections during practice and Victoria told Kelli and Kelli allegedly decided that this was toxic behaviour and this was the alleged reason why Jalyn, the best dancer on the squad, was not re-invited into Show Groep.

I cannot believe this until I see the episode and Jalyn's dancing.

However, I am afraid that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth, and the truth makes me nauseous and disgusted.

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4 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

Jalyn Stough allegedly gave Victoria Kalina corrections during practice and Victoria told Kelli and Kelli allegedly decided that this was toxic behaviour and this was the alleged reason why Jalyn, the best dancer on the squad, was not re-invited into Show Groep.

I cannot believe this until I see the episode and Jalyn's dancing.

However, I am afraid that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth, and the truth makes me nauseous and disgusted.

DEFINITELY reserving any judgement on this issue until we see the episode with show group auditions. We’ll likely see the judges discussing her, and they may have issues with her look, etc. Kelli and Judy have long encouraged rookies to work with vets, so I definitely believe there are other factors going on.

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58 minutes ago, Jessa0984 said:

I think K & J knew that she wasn’t going to make the entire year and that’s why she didn’t get a full makeover. She would have been the perfect candidate for it.

They pulled her into the office to talk to her about her lashes.  She had just had her rookie makeover so why were her lashes still a problem?  Oh yes, the better to bring up the fact that the DCC is sponsored by The Lash Lounge and that they have been called to deal with this 911 eyelash emergency🙄

3 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

I cannot believe this until I see the episode and Jalyn's dancing

If Kelli didn't like the edit that Victoria got last year, this year could be completely different.  They may not show us anything negative about her, and we will see a false reality.  Nothing would make Kelli happier than us not believing our insider info and feeling sorry for Victoria.  I'd be surprised if Kelli allowed her to look bad again.   I also wouldn't be surprised if other DCC get a bad edit to make VK look better.

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1 minute ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Maybe we're all being too hard on VK. After all, it must be such a burden to be perfect in every way, always be right, and know more than everyone else around her. What an inconvenience for her to have to spend time among commoners like Jalyn, and then Jalyn has the nerve to talk?!?! To top it all off, she is deprived of milkshakes for weeks on end, and she went through such a rough time last year when her deception was aired on national television. Did I mention that she's only 19, and everyone on the planet should overlook bad behavior because of her tender age? (/endsarcasm).


Poor poor VK.  🙂

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2 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Maybe we're all being too hard on VK. After all, it must be such a burden to be perfect in every way, always be right, and know more than everyone else around her. What an inconvenience for her to have to spend time among commoners like Jalyn, and then Jalyn has the nerve to talk?!?! To top it all off, she is deprived of milkshakes for weeks on end, and she went through such a rough time last year when her deception was aired on national television. Did I mention that she's only 19, and everyone on the planet should overlook bad behavior because of her tender age? (/endsarcasm).

Are there any other 18 or 19 year olds?  If so, I presume they will be permitted to engage in the same types of behavior, gain weight and make similar dancing mistakes. And have Kelli and Kitty leaping to their defenses demanding they get "respect".

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53 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

If Kelli didn't like the edit that Victoria got last year, this year could be completely different. They may not show us anything negative about her, and we will see a false reality. 

Then they will have to edit her from every dancing sequence because falling out of turns and traveling into other dancers' space usually elicits a negative reaction. 🙂

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1 minute ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Then they will have to edit her from every dancing sequence because falling out of turns and traveling into other dancers' space usually elicits a negative reaction. 🙂


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36 minutes ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Then they will have to edit her from every dancing sequence because falling out of turns and traveling into other dancers' space usually elicits a negative reaction. 🙂

Does anyone know if VK has ever danced as part of a group before? She seems to not have any spatial awareness so I’m wondering if she’s used to only dancing solo. 

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9 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

Although I laughed at the Kelli & Judy responses to TCC being cut, the more I watched I thought, this is cruel to make fun of them especially as some are years ago. I am surprised K said this was fine. This is something I might show to a few friends but not on a national cable channel.

I agree with you. I really feel for Malena in this video because we all know she didn’t handle it right, but why put this out there again. Things like this make me want to cancel my recording of the show. They talk about a sisterhood, yet the K & J act like mean girls with no regard to ones feeling. 

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1 hour ago, beagledog100 said:

Does anyone know if VK has ever danced as part of a group before? She seems to not have any spatial awareness so I’m wondering if she’s used to only dancing solo. 

I read on this site that she did not dance with her HS dance team, so maybe you are correct in this assessment.

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2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:


That's not possible.  She doesn't make mistakes, so therefore you must be in HER space.  Stop it!  And don't tell her what to do!

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3 hours ago, TinyHands said:

DEFINITELY reserving any judgement on this issue until we see the episode with show group auditions. We’ll likely see the judges discussing her, and they may have issues with her look, etc. Kelli and Judy have long encouraged rookies to work with vets, so I definitely believe there are other factors going on.

More than likely, unless she did royally mess up at auditions, there will be nothing about Jalyn & show group. She will be just one among the many & not mentioned at all.  

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4 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

They pulled her into the office to talk to her about her lashes.  She had just had her rookie makeover so why were her lashes still a problem?  Oh yes, the better to bring up the fact that the DCC is sponsored by The Lash Lounge and that they have been called to deal with this 911 eyelash emergency🙄

If Kelli didn't like the edit that Victoria got last year, this year could be completely different.  They may not show us anything negative about her, and we will see a false reality.  Nothing would make Kelli happier than us not believing our insider info and feeling sorry for Victoria.  I'd be surprised if Kelli allowed her to look bad again.   I also wouldn't be surprised if other DCC get a bad edit to make VK look better.

Kelli is an executive producer on the show. There are no editing surprises, or her being dissatisfied with what story lines are shown. She has complete control over what gets shown on the show and what doesn’t.

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2 hours ago, beagledog100 said:

Does anyone know if VK has ever danced as part of a group before? She seems to not have any spatial awareness so I’m wondering if she’s used to only dancing solo. 

I asked this a couple of pages back, and from the responses it does seem like she did mainly dance solo without any high school or college or other professional team experience. 

4 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

More than likely, unless she did royally mess up at auditions, there will be nothing about Jalyn & show group. She will be just one among the many & not mentioned at all.  

This is exactly how I think it will be handled too.

Or they’ll record voiceovers afterwards of Kelli or Judy or Kitty or Melissa saying that Jayln didn’t “bring it” this year. But the viewers probably won’t ever actually *see* them say this. And they’ll add a talking head piece with Kelli that’s going to be so obviously filmed weeks after show group auditions because someone from CMT was looking at these forums or Facebook or IG or whatever and they decide they need to address it so they don’t get bitched @ on Twitter when the episode airs.  Average viewers won’t realize they are being duped.

But we’ll know, CMT. We’ll know. 

(My college roommate was, briefly, an editor for a MTV reality show - I’ll let you guess the one - and she said to never, ever believe reality tv show editing. They are basically there to create a story, so why let the truth or you know, reality, get in the way of that?)

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10 hours ago, hathorlive said:

We should put these clips together in a fan video and post them all over any MTT's comments area  for their hypocrisy to be on full blast.

Umm, I would watch that, share it, Retweet it & tag CMT & MTT all over the place!!! Just let me know when that video gets made!

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4 hours ago, SanDiegoGal said:

Maybe we're all being too hard on VK. After all, it must be such a burden to be perfect in every way, always be right, and know more than everyone else around her. What an inconvenience for her to have to spend time among commoners like Jalyn, and then Jalyn has the nerve to talk?!?! To top it all off, she is deprived of milkshakes for weeks on end, and she went through such a rough time last year when her deception was aired on national television. Did I mention that she's only 19, and everyone on the planet should overlook bad behavior because of her tender age? (/endsarcasm).

The only way I could love this post anymore is if there was a way to insert violin music into it so we can get the full "poor Victoria" effect!

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51 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

The only way I could love this post anymore is if there was a way to insert violin music into it so we can get the full "poor Victoria" effect!

sarcastic mr krabs GIF

See the quail play such a tiny violin! 

Edited by tinabee1967
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5 hours ago, beagledog100 said:

Does anyone know if VK has ever danced as part of a group before? She seems to not have any spatial awareness so I’m wondering if she’s used to only dancing solo. 

If she was ever on a team, she probably had them all kicked off before any performance.  Or maybe she just ate them.  IDK. 

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From the little research I have done, I haven't found any videos of Vikkie dancing with a group or team. I know she didn't try out for her high school teams, never did competitive cheer and all of her videos from competitions with her studio are solos. BUT, Vikkie did grow up going to intensives and conventions so she has danced around other people before and should have a better concept of spacing just based on her age. That said, she could have gone into the conventions like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball in order to knock out anyone else who would garner attention away from her.../shrug 

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9 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

From the little research I have done, I haven't found any videos of Vikkie dancing with a group or team. I know she didn't try out for her high school teams, never did competitive cheer and all of her videos from competitions with her studio are solos. BUT, Vikkie did grow up going to intensives and conventions so she has danced around other people before and should have a better concept of spacing just based on her age. That said, she could have gone into the conventions like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball in order to knock out anyone else who would garner attention away from her.../shrug 

Her FB page - first post.  The choreographer also has videos with her on YouTube.

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35 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Her FB page - first post.  The choreographer also has videos with her on YouTube.

That isn't a competitive piece which is what I was looking for---her, at a competition, with a team. This was more or less a recital for National Dance Day and for a senior level piece, beyond basic. 

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45 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

That isn't a competitive piece which is what I was looking for---her, at a competition, with a team. This was more or less a recital for National Dance Day and for a senior level piece, beyond basic. 

And she also fails to remain in her space through at least the chorus (which is when I tapped out from finishing the video). She breaks her line pretty early. 

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22 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

The editing on the show definitely made it seem Danielle had a hair fluffing obsession.  It looked like it was mainly due to the fact that she had that different style sort of like a comb over.  It was doing something not "natural" so she had to keep flopping it back over.  It appears in recent photos she finally gave in and parted in the middle.

But this could have been CMT editing like everything else that appears "real" on the show.

I noticed Savannah doing the same thing--constantly fluffing and flipping her hair because she's wearing a really deep part. Remembering that Danielle did it (and finding it really distracting, like, yes, your hair is gorgeous, but is there ever a moment you're not thinking about it or fiddling with it?), watching Savannah do it her rookie season actually made me wonder if that was a NY area thing. You know, in Texas the hair often is teased sky high, Jersey is known for its Snookie-style bouffant, and maybe some NYers like the impossibly deep part that does not stay in place on its own. Just having deep Sunday morning thoughts over here...

I am so curious about the training camp dynamic this year! I do think there often is a pretty high level of anxiety and fear for the TCCs each summer, knowing they can get cut at any moment for anything, but I am in agreement that there likely is a higher level of terror and possibly mistrust because of VK's return and candidates' uncertainty about how far TPTB will go to coddle her onto the team. I really hope most of the girls are able to shunt that stuff aside, put their best feet forward each night, and enjoy bonding with their fellow candidates. I also am so curious about the vet-rookie general dynamics. When I started watching this show, I loved that it focused so much on dance and we didn't have stupid drama like that one NBA dancer show (was it the Clippers?) where there was mad diva behavior that seemed so ridiculous I couldn't believe they let people like that stay on a team. However, now I want all the tea about everything! I believe there is a lot of sisterhood vibes and bestie love, but I want to know more lockerroom dirt!

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4 minutes ago, dccfan204 said:

Haven’t been on in a while... any news on the pyramid/who is point?? Also are there any major updates as far as the vets? 

No news on pyramid or point !! All vets on show group last year made it back on showgroup this year except jayln !! Group leaders first and seconds have been choose as well as who is in who’s group !! 

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27 minutes ago, dccfan204 said:

Haven’t been on in a while... any news on the pyramid/who is point?? Also are there any major updates as far as the vets? 

Oxnard is in two weeks.  If we don’t know the front of the pyramid/triangle by then, we should have a strong indication based upon the performances there barring a Jenna-level misstep or injury.

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1 hour ago, DCCFan197605 said:

Oxnard is in two weeks.  If we don’t know the front of the pyramid/triangle by then, we should have a strong indication based upon the performances there barring a Jenna-level misstep or injury.

Who goes to Oxnard from the squad? 

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