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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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30 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

That hint could also mean it IS NOT someone ya'll don't like.

What?  That means the cut is not VK which would just figure woulnd't it?  Although, this 


At the end of the day,  they're looking for teammates and ambassadors for the squad.

gives the impression that it would be the someone we don't like because her history of being a teammate and, ergo, an ambassador for the team would mean her ouster.

I am not holding my breath for VK's cut -- some people should not have even made it back into camp much less made it SG

36 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

100% agree.  Admittedly (and I'm somewhat ashamed to say), if it's true Christina has been cut, her being cut on the last night or next to last night has been somewhat of a dream/fantasy cut for me since she made the squad.  I know, that's harsh (and I'm definitely NOT a Christina fan).  I'd been hoping that if Christina ever got cut, and it didn't happen at Finals, that she'd get cut on the last night and have to walk out knowing that they were either going to announce the team as soon as she left the building or while she was leaving and she wasn't there.  I know it's harsh.  I know it's not nice of me.  I just wish that, if Christina ever got cut, she takes Victoria with her.

I will burn with you.  I have not been a fan of Christina's since Judy told her she had bad kick technique and Christina looked at her like she had two heads.

Edited by MTTFan
Clarity on the jumbo tron
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4 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

The girls purportedly love Brennan so it cannot be her. 

I really have no knowledge of which girls are "teammates" or "ambassadors."

Well, Savvy is a good ambassador, so that is ruled out.  

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I’m trying to think of who would not be a good teammate or ambassador. VK immediately comes to mind as an ambassador risk. Don’t know enough about most girls to figure this out. 🤷‍♀️ 

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Honestly, I doubt VK would be cut this year if she gained 30 pounds, and punched Scott the weather man out for saying she wasn't the best TCC ever.   The only thing that could keep her off of the team is if she severely injured herself.    I'm not wishing a career ending injury on anyone either.  

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6 minutes ago, Namaste said:

I’m trying to think of who would not be a good teammate or ambassador. VK immediately comes to mind as an ambassador risk. Don’t know enough about most girls to figure this out. 🤷‍♀️ 

It could be VK, but given her "in," I don't think its her.

Going by Amanda's interview EP1, I do think it could be her -- she left LA because she wanted to be in the spotlight and didn't make it -- and tried out for DCC in an attempt to gain a spotlight - that screams "me me me" and not being in it for the team.


I'm not wishing a career ending injury on anyone either.  

It doesn't have be career ending -- season ending maybe?

J/K (before you all jump on me)  😂

Edited by MTTFan
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I had to wait to post because I watch on Amazon, & I think I broke something falling off the Kat wagon, & then that song made me gouge my ears out, so...

I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like Lisa. I agree one of the cuts sounds like a vet - no clue who though. I think the other one may be Kat, based on those horrendous kicks. 

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2 hours ago, Mercurialsteph said:

I just realized that too...

I would be happy if Christina got cut!!! She does not seem nice at all. I was pulling for her too back when she first tried out. It just made her full of herself. 

As for diversity. I agree to some extent, but I would not want someone to give me a job just because I'm a woman, or I'm a certain age etc. I would want to get it based on my talent and attitude. That is why I'm not a fan of Kat. She is too much like Keyra. Chandi seems super sweet. Khyln was super sweet. So was Jackie Bob. In the long run, Black, brown or white, we want decent, somewhat humble and talented women on this squad. That goes for the non diverse women as well. They should not get a spot just because they are blonde and have long legs. Just my opinion though. 

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6 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I don’t find Amy and Maddie at point exciting at all. I mean Maddie is the girl you’re putting up front to be photographed constantly? Seriously. 

I wanted my Mizzou girl Caroline or Bridget. They should have shared point.

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I did notice the Christina crying thing. My thought was maybe she blew her solo, or interview. I like her, but I could see her being a cut. That’s a dick thing to do to a vet, IMO. Better to be booted at finals. 

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2 minutes ago, heckkitty said:

I did notice the Christina crying thing. My thought was maybe she blew her solo, or interview. I like her, but I could see her being a cut. That’s a dick thing to do to a vet, IMO. Better to be booted at finals. 

I saw that also, and am guessing that since she was dressed up that she messed up her interview.

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12 minutes ago, AAT said:

I wanted my Mizzou girl Caroline or Bridget. They should have shared point.

I think you need a killer powerhouse dancer with a killer body and pretty. I know Gina has a controversial face and she’s definitely not conventionally pretty, but she’s one of the best dancers on the team, her body is killer, and she gives off a sexy vibe. I know some people think she’s a butterface, but I think she’s a way better choice than Amy or Maddie. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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8 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned that they show Christina crying in the previews for next week.

In next week's previews a comment is made about her solo ( I think) by Jay.

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11 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I think you need a killer powerhouse dancer with a killer body and pretty. I know Gina has a controversial face and she’s definitely not conventionally pretty, but she’s one of the best dancers on the team, her body is killer, and she gives off a sexy vibe. I know some people think she’s a butterface, but I think she’s a way better choice than Amy or Maddie. 

I would never have picked Gina for point based on her look alone, but dang she is far more appropriate dance and looks wise than Maddie and Amy. 

Next year’s triangle will blow this one out of the water at least with Maddie and Amy gone. 

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7 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

I would never have picked Gina for point based on her look alone, but dang she is far more appropriate dance and looks wise than Maddie and Amy. 

Next year’s triangle will blow this one out of the water at least with Maddie and Amy gone. 

I don’t know if Maddie will be gone I could see her going 5 years, in fact pretty sure she will,  in which case she will still be point 

Edited by Mercurialsteph
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On 8/8/2019 at 7:48 PM, scorpio1031 said:

If we're tired of VK and the second ep hasn't even aired, can you imagine what it was like to be at auditions with her?  Cameras catching her every soundbite as she comes off the floor; she is with other girls but she is the only one talking; the comeback girls sitting together and having to include VK, on and on and on.  After last year, I wouldn't be surprised if Lily has just had it and doesn't care how she comes off.  Personally, I like it - she's like a younger Judy with all the snark and sass.

Just rewatched the 2nd episode and rolled my eyes when VK was at the water cooler with the other girls she'd been dancing with and saying "yay for numbers 70 through 75!" It's like she's overcompensating for last year & is trying to be as big & bold in her sweetness as she is in her dance moves.

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1 hour ago, AAT said:

I would be happy if Christina got cut!!! She does not seem nice at all. I was pulling for her too back when she first tried out. It just made her full of herself. 

As for diversity. I agree to some extent, but I would not want someone to give me a job just because I'm a woman, or I'm a certain age etc. I would want to get it based on my talent and attitude. That is why I'm not a fan of Kat. She is too much like Keyra. Chandi seems super sweet. Khyln was super sweet. So was Jackie Bob. In the long run, Black, brown or white, we want decent, somewhat humble and talented women on this squad. That goes for the non diverse women as well. They should not get a spot just because they are blonde and have long legs. Just my opinion though. 

Agree 100%

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Ok, so after rewatching the 2nd episode here are my thoughts:

All the judges have had the VK Kool-Aid. When it came time to talk about her at the deliberations, no one said a thing against her. No mention of her falling out of her turn or that she was still dancing too big.

VK is in overdrive to be super friendly with everyone. She didn't seem to be nearly so chatty last year at auditions, but this year she is sitting in pow-wows with returning rookies & toasting her fellow group members at the water cooler.

Chandie & Madeline S are my favorites because they are just so fun to watch & seem really nice. Julia & Kristine still have my attention as does Kat. I'm not liking Lisa's look on the TV. Her hair color seems off and she's very short. Her photos are better.

As nice As Meredith & Gina C are, I don't know how either of them made it into TC. Gina had so many mistakes & Meredith lost steam. Lily's dancing was good, but there's still been no focus on Kelcey or Shaina which I don't think is right. I mean if it wasn't for this board, I'd have no idea who they were since they haven't been talked about on the show.

Loved seeing the Vets say goodbye although I got teary by the end. Yay for Yuko getting engaged! I was surprised that Gabby was not at that meeting. It seemed like there were a few vets missing.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. Bring on next week!

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21 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Um what?? 🤓 I didn’t know they practiced on the weekends.  

21 hours ago, Holly85 said:

Yes they sometimes do if required 

Rehearsal schedule discussed here FYI 🙂 "All rehearsals are scheduled in the evenings; extra weekend rehearsals for Show Group and Rookies.".  This could just be for after the squad is announced though - I'm not sure.

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2 hours ago, chrishunt said:

All the veteran twitter accounts are still live, so I don’t think any have been cut yet but there might be a vet cut coming. Hoping Jalyn isn’t in danger. Any other insiders have info? We’re dying out here!

They don't cut vets twitter when they're released, they didn't even cut Holly P's.  They just lock them down until team is announced on MTT.

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7 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Rehearsal schedule discussed here FYI 🙂 "All rehearsals are scheduled in the evenings; extra weekend rehearsals for Show Group and Rookies.".  This could just be for after the squad is announced though - I'm not sure.

Ok, so perhaps only the remaining rookies are being Brought in to rehearsal this weekend so the last cuts can be made? That might be why the vets seemed to be celebrating on IG the “last Friday of camp” because for them it was the last rehearsal of camp

Edited by Jennv
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1 minute ago, Jennv said:

Ok, so perhaps only the remaining rookies are being Brought in to rehearsal this weekend so the last cuts can be made? That might be why the vets seemed to be celebrating on IG the “last Friday of camp” because for them it was the last rehearsal of camp

Last Friday, not last day. TC continues.

Just now, DCCFanInKy said:

How many returning vets were there? I did a search and came up with about 22 live accounts besides Judy T, Judy's Stool and Jenn K. https://twitter.com/search?q=DCC_&src=typd&f=user


Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / 2nd year
Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 3rd year (Group 2nd #3)
Amber McMillan @amber.nicolee13 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 5th year (Group Leader #1)  (Show Group)
Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks  / 2nd year (Show Group)
Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2nd year
Briana Baisden @bri_channelle / 2nd year
Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge / 2nd year (Show Group)
Caroline Sundvold @carolinebrock95 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 3rd year
Cianna Levi @cicilevi / 2nd year (Show Group)
Daphne Janes @daph7 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2nd year
Gina Ligi @ginaa_mariaaa / 3rd year (Group 2nd #4) (Show Group)
Hannah Anderson @hannahelizabeth95 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Heather  O'Connor @heathertherese94  / 4th year (Group Leader #3) (Show Group)
Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / 2nd year
Lexie (Sullivan) Smith @lexiejillsmith / 3rd year (Group 2nd #2) (Show Group)
Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 4th year (Group Leader #2) (Show Group)
Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / 2nd year
Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 3rd year (Group 2nd #1)
Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 3rd year
Rachel Alexander @rachalexan / 3rd year (Show Group)
Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / 2nd year (Show Group)
Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 3rd year
Taylor Johnson @_taylorjanej / 2nd year
Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 4th year (Group Leader #4)  (Show Group)



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2 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Ok, so perhaps only the remaining rookies are being Brought in to rehearsal this weekend so the last cuts can be made? That might be why the vets seemed to be celebrating on IG the “last Friday of camp” because for them it was the last rehearsal of camp

Could be....who knows.  I guess we just sit and wait 🙂

1 minute ago, Squeek said:

Last Friday, not last day. TC continues.


Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / 2nd year
Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 3rd year (Group 2nd #3)
Amber McMillan @amber.nicolee13 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 5th year (Group Leader #1)  (Show Group)
Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks  / 2nd year (Show Group)
Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2nd year
Briana Baisden @bri_channelle / 2nd year
Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge / 2nd year (Show Group)
Caroline Sundvold @carolinebrock95 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 3rd year
Cianna Levi @cicilevi / 2nd year (Show Group)
Daphne Janes @daph7 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2nd year
Gina Ligi @ginaa_mariaaa / 3rd year (Group 2nd #4) (Show Group)
Hannah Anderson @hannahelizabeth95 / 2nd year (Show Group)
Heather  O'Connor @heathertherese94  / 4th year (Group Leader #3) (Show Group)
Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / 2nd year
Lexie (Sullivan) Smith @lexiejillsmith / 3rd year (Group 2nd #2) (Show Group)
Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 4th year (Group Leader #2) (Show Group)
Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / 2nd year
Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 3rd year (Group 2nd #1)
Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 3rd year
Rachel Alexander @rachalexan / 3rd year (Show Group)
Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / 2nd year (Show Group)
Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 3rd year
Taylor Johnson @_taylorjanej / 2nd year
Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 4th year (Group Leader #4)  (Show Group)



Thx 🙂

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Insiders you’re killing me 😩 I don’t feel well today and have been in bed all day long!! I’ve been refreshing this forum every 5 minutes PLEASE someone spill the beans and put me out of my misery!!!

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@DCCFanInKy I found all 27 Twitter accounts.

Amy L
Official Twitter account of Amy L, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Heather O.

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Tess

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Madeline

DCC Gina
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Gina

DCC Christina
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Christina

DCC Lexie
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Lexie

DCC Alexis
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alexis

DCC Savannah
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Savannah

DCC Rachel
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rachel

DCC Molly
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Molly

DCC Miranda
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Miranda

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Brennan

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Amber

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Ashlee

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Briana

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Bridget

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Caroline

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Cianna

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Daphne

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Erin

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Hannah

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Jalyn

Madeline M
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Madeline M

Rachel W
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rachel W.

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Taylor

DCC Alanna
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alanna

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6 minutes ago, Squeek said:

Last Friday, not last day. TC continues.

Someone said the team would be finalized Tuesday August 13th (I don't have a clue where the post is - sorry)

Just now, Squeek said:

@DCCFanInKy I found all 27 Twitter accounts.

Amy L
Official Twitter account of Amy L, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Heather O.

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Tess

Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Madeline

DCC Gina
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Gina

DCC Christina
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Christina

DCC Lexie
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Lexie

DCC Alexis
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alexis

DCC Savannah
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Savannah

DCC Rachel
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rachel

DCC Molly
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Molly

DCC Miranda
Official Account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Miranda

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Brennan

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Amber

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Ashlee

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Briana

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Bridget

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Caroline

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Cianna

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Daphne

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Erin

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Hannah

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Jalyn

Madeline M
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Madeline M

Rachel W
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rachel W.

Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Taylor

DCC Alanna
Official account of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alanna

Thanks @Squeek I probably would have too if I'd dug a little deeper 🙂

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14 minutes ago, Squeek said:

They don't cut vets twitter when they're released, they didn't even cut Holly P's.  They just lock them down until team is announced on MTT.

Yes but you can tell one that is live from one locked down. Gabby ‘s is locked down, the rest are live as of now

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Just now, Jennv said:

Yes but you can tell one that is live from one locked down. Gabby ‘s is locked down, the rest are live as of now

Wrong.  Gabby's has been deleted because she didn't make camp

Gabby Goduco



IL|AZ|TX • University of Arizona Alum• Phil 4:13

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1 minute ago, Jennv said:

Yes but you can tell one that is live from one locked down. Gabby ‘s is locked down, the rest are live as of now

Oh?? How's that.  I used to work in Social Media and Marketing and I didn't know that was possible!🤔

2 minutes ago, Squeek said:

Wrong.  Gabby's has been deleted because she didn't make camp

Gabby Goduco



IL|AZ|TX • University of Arizona Alum• Phil 4:13

Not deleted...Just changed from her DCC handle https://twitter.com/GabbyGoduco

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Just now, DCCFanInKy said:

Oh?? How's that.  I used to work in Social Media and Marketing and I didn't know that was possible!🤔

She's referring to the girls not posting because an account has been locked by the DCC.  Like Holly P's was.  It sat there with no posts for over a month.  However with the social media lock down it's not reliable right now.  

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3 minutes ago, Squeek said:

Wrong.  Gabby's has been deleted because she didn't make camp

Gabby Goduco



IL|AZ|TX • University of Arizona Alum• Phil 4:13

Think what you want, but they took tara’s Down last year the night she was cut

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Just now, Squeek said:

She's referring to the girls not posting because an account has been locked by the DCC.  Like Holly P's was.  It sat there with no posts for over a month.  However with the social media lock down it's not reliable right now.  

Gotcha. Yeah I guess they could go in and change the password.  Then give the access back once the team has been announced. 🙂

1 minute ago, Jennv said:

Think what you want, but they took tara’s Down last year the night she was cut

Just like they take any Vets down that get cut in Finals before Training Camp.

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Just now, Jennv said:

Think what you want, but they took tara’s Down last year the night she was cut

Actually Tara did. 

2 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:
2 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Think what you want, but they took tara’s Down last year the night she was cut

Just like they take any Vets down that get cut in Finals before Training Camp.

Tara herself was upset and DELETED the account entirely.  Like they did with Holly P, they normally leave them up until team announcement.

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