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My Sister Wife's Closet and Other Brown Family Business Ventures

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Heh. Just tried clicking on the link above to laugh at the hideousness - and got a database error. Can't get to the home page, either.

Must be overwhelmed by post-holiday orders. ;)

Or they "forgot" to pay their internet provider.

Oh that happens pretty much every Sunday the show airs, for at least a couple years now, almost like clockwork.

I have a feeling Robyn's definition of INSANE hours is in no way similar to the majority of us.  She has only one child home during the day and he seems to permanently be in Kody's arms.  So, I'm not seeing how demanding that is, especially as she has a nanny-type person to help.   I work out of town every single day, and put in on average 50 hours/week.  Even I don't consider it to be INSANE hours...  She's clueless.

  • Love 3

So I went to check out the website again.  Did anyone see the baby products (one of which includes a smartphone case that wouldn't even fit 1/2 of my phone)?  or the "beauty" section, which is just a bunch of homemade soaps?  I'm all for homemade soaps, but soaps designed by Robyn scare me.

I just checked out their Web site for the second time ever. It does look like they made it look a bit better, at least a bit more professional. But they're not selling anything you would want to go to the trouble of ordering online and having shipped to you. The stuff they're selling is a very difficult business. Jewelry and clothes can be bought anywhere, and their stuff isn't unique in a good way. Given all the discount and high end jewelry places out there, they will never make a profit on this. They should make funny t-shirts about wet bars or something instead. I would totally buy one of those.

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The joolry business... Jeezus.

My son & his friend started a t-shirt business when they graduated from high school last year.

They bought shirts, a machine and all kinds of other crap and ran it from the basement.

Late June, they had a launch party in a local park, with local bands.

Today, 7 months later, they're online and in 6 stores. Just the 2 boys. They design, print, market, sell, box & send their stuff. They're both FT college students.


  • Love 6

That online store is all about Robyn and her fabulous sense of style LOL.  The new shirts look just like the stuff she wears, as do the clunky watches and scarves.  Janelle and Christine have not bought into Robyn's wonderful style although Meri seems to be more on that page (as long as the clothes are two sizes too small).

She will never make a go of it with that crap.  Bless her heart.

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I can't be too hard on Robyn because at least she's doing something for the business. What are the others doing to make any money? Do any of them have a real job at this point?


No decent investor will give them any money, because they've been at this a while and the business hasn't turned any kind of profit. Internet traffic doesn't equal anything unless you're just making money off advertisements on your Web site.

  • Love 1

I just checked out their Web site for the second time ever. It does look like they made it look a bit better, at least a bit more professional. But they're not selling anything you would want to go to the trouble of ordering online and having shipped to you. The stuff they're selling is a very difficult business. Jewelry and clothes can be bought anywhere, and their stuff isn't unique in a good way. Given all the discount and high end jewelry places out there, they will never make a profit on this. They should make funny t-shirts about wet bars or something instead. I would totally buy one of those.

Mostly old lady looking stuff.

They should sell t-shirts with funny sayings like; "I want my wet bar!" and "Love should be multiplied, not divided (between 4 wives)" or, "Tonight's not my night; tomorrow doesn't look good ether" 

Edited by xls
  • Love 5

I love it. on tonight's episode they just want to "open a line of credit" because clearly they have proven they are good for it. When I just have that kind of money laying around, I'm cool with loaning it to someone who:

1) has a history of MULTIPLE bankruptcies

2) can't pay people to get things off their website

3) are on tv every week with some drama surrounding the joory they are trying to sell.

Sound like a solid plan

  • Love 6

I laughed my ass off when they were talking on the show about how their website gets "lots of traffic but no purchases.." Uh, yeah....that's because the only people actually checking out the website are people like us who just want a good laugh.  Seriously...one of the biggest problems with this whole misguided venture is that there's no separating the personal and the professional- particularly with Robyn. At first, she's all, "Oh, our family is going to fall apart if all the wives don't get on board with this," and now that she's actually got some buy-in from everyone, she's pouting in the corner because the other wives actually have opinions about the business. At the end of the day, it just feels like MSWC is nothing more than a vanity project and a sad effort to gain mainstream validation.

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I kinda wanna buy something... Just so that when they reference on the show that they sold 51 items I can know I'm the 1... Kinda like a shout out to me.

Well, except you're neglecting the multiplier effect of Brownian math. One item becomes at least ten, and probably more when the Kodian Hyperbole factor is applied "We've had hundreds of new orders pouring in. Everything we touch turns to gold!"

  • Love 4


Even if I found something I liked from MSWC (and I have not) I would be embarrassed to buy from the Browns. Eek, imagine telling people you bought something from the Brown clowns.


If the forces in the universe aligned in a mystical way and I not only found something that I liked on the web site but also bought it, that information would go with me to my grave.  Not even my husband would know.  I would be too humiliated to even confide in my dog.  

Edited by MonicaM
  • Love 9

I kinda wanna buy something... Just so that when they reference on the show that they sold 51 items I can know I'm the 1... Kinda like a shout out to me.


Just remember, their products can most likely be bought for less elsewhere.  If I saw something I like (hasn't happened yet!) I would just google and find it cheaper elsewhere.

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They actually expect someone to purchase a "designer" T shirt for 50 bucks. They really believe their "celebrity" status will make their products be coveted, don't they? I went back to the site and looked at the clothes again to get a closer look and see if I was mistaken; unfortunately I was not. The shirts are such a bizarre and unfortunate-looking choice and the rest of the apparel are a random mishmash of items.

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So I went to the site, and holy hell - that is the ugliest shit I've seen in a very long time!  And someone needs to tell the ladies that jeans with clunky sandals looks ridiculous.  Those t-shirts are atrocious.  wow - and they wonder why they have so many hits with no sales....  Smart, they are not.

  • Love 5

OK, I succumbed to peer pressure too and checked out the site (another 50 hits since I couldn't figure out that place). What a mess. The menu on the left side made no sense at all, the categories were repetitive and you had to unclick boxes to prevent overloading your window with the previous products you were viewing. The only stuff on that site that was remotely appealing to me is the homemade soaps and lotions because I'm crunchy, but then again I make my own stuff for about 1/8 the cost they charge (I wonder who their supplier is in Mt. Pleasant; I did a quick check and there are a couple soap shops in that town). Otherwise, the rest of that crapfest of nothing special you can buy in a mall in any town, for a fraction of the cost. I can't believe it has been expanded since it is only a plot device for a third-rate TV show that is going to be cancelled any time now.

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She had the anchor baby and she is done.  The talk is just excuses.  She seems completely whiny and lazy.  At least that's how she comes across to me.


To be fair, as much as Kody talks about wanting more kids, he doesn't seem to be reacting to Robyn's threats of not having another baby unless her workload is lessened.  Seems like neither are in a hurry for another baby, and that's just fine by me.

They are selling children's aprons? Is that so they can keep their clothes clean while they do housework and tend to siblings so the mothers have more time to clamor for the husband's time?

I noticed they are having some sort of a sale.

And what is up with those song titles? Alibi, good girl,etc. considering their marriage choice those song titles sound really shady.

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We are excited to introduce our premier pieces of our new clothing line Audrey Belle!

The design inspiration for these t-shirts came from our Be Values line of jewelry.  You will see the symbols from the jewelry intertwined in the art.  Each shirt is made with high quality construction and soft hand water ink printing to give the texture of an old worn in vintage T shirt. The look is timeless. With this ink printing process the art blends in with the shirt creating a seamless design that meets a comfortable fit.  It makes the perfect marriage for a chic T shirt for evening or comfy and casual for daytime.


We wanted to create a line of clothing for our customers that would make them feel beautiful and inspired.  We thought long and hard about what we wanted to call our new baby. We wanted to use high quality products and processes combined with one of a kind art.  We decided on Audrey because it means strong and noble, and on Belle because it means beautiful.  We want our customers to feel strong and beautiful when they wear a piece of clothing from Audrey Belle.

Made in USA

Design by Robyn Brown


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OMG I just googled the name and the autofills next word suggestion was about adult movies so I went with it and there is an 'adult' model and actress with the same name. They could hire her to show it off, she is available for modelling and live shows might open up a new client base. Sorry it was too good not to share LOL.

  • Love 6

Holy crap.  Talk about overkill.  And that grammar! Oy!

I would not describe those pieces as chic or timeless.  WTF?  Her grammar sucks... very sad.

Am I the only person who doesn't get why they call "strong" and "beautiful" "BE values"?  "Strong" and "beautiful" are human traits.  They need to look up the word "values" in the dictionary.  They talk about BE values all over their website, but they never explain what that even means.  They suck.

OMG I just googled the name and the autofills next word suggestion was about adult movies so I went with it and there is an 'adult' model and actress with the same name. They could hire her to show it off, she is available for modelling and live shows might open up a new client base. Sorry it was too good not to share LOL.

I tried this because I was curious. Oh snap. There's a porn star with the name and she seems popular. Did Robyn even do a google search of the name before she started "designing" under it?

Of course she'll blame the clothing line failure on the other wives and not that fact that when a fan types in the clothing line name they're directed towards xhamster and pornhub.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 3
There's a porn star with the name and she seems popular. Did Robyn even do a google search of the name before she started "designing" under it?


Does this group of clowns EVER do anything rational or with forethought?  Nope, it's always some sort of knee jerk reaction to some goofball idea.

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"Each shirt is made with high quality construction and soft hand water ink printing to give the texture of an old worn in vintage T shirt. The look is timeless. With this ink printing process the art blends in with the shirt creating a seamless design that meets a comfortable fit.  It makes the perfect marriage for a chic T shirt for evening or comfy and casual for daytime."

This wordy, meaningless yammering has to be Robyn and/or Christine's low-rent version of product marketing. Holy shit.


"Made with high quality construction": Perhaps they hired a non-native English speaker?

"Soft hand water ink printing"? It's called soft hand water-BASED ink screenprinting. But why sweat the details?

"With this ink printing process the art blends in with the shirt creating a seamless design that meets a comfortable fit." So...you're telling me the shirts are beautifully printed and have a great fit? Or are the shirts seamless? Meets?? Logorrhea???

"It makes the perfect marriage for a chic T shirt for evening or comfy and casual for daytime." Oh please, don't use the word marriage in your ad copy. "...for a chic T shirt for evening or comfy and casual for daytime." Also known as a run-on sentence.


Same flea market, different day.

ETA: Lesson one of internet business development: Carefully research names and titles before committing to them. The name you choose might belong to someone else, like a porn star, or someone who'll sue you for copyright infringement.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 6

I think I remember someone saying that the "BE Values" were "borrowed" from a Mormon pop campaign, I'm not sure if that has ever been verified or not.


But all their stuff on there is seriously ugly and cheap looking. Like you could buy it any place anywhere in the world and it would be considered tacky and cheap by local standards no matter what the local "cheap" rate is. I've seen jewellery that came out of vending machines that was prettier and was almost as cheap looking. They really did expect to have an unrealistically giant mark up because of their name. Now the Kardashians/Duck Dynasty (previously HBBs were about to) etc get away with outrageous mark ups on crappy junk because who they are, but these guys don't have 1/10th of the fame nor marketing minions with 1/10th of an idea of what their fan base might want to buy. And those things were always plastered with logos of the families, not just generic blobs.


And exactly no one by a few thousand plyg families can related to "my sisterwife's closet" and  a lot of those people, a) hate the Browns and what they are portraying b) can't afford the silly pricing c) can also buy the exact same style in their local stores cheaper and quicker d) hate their sister wives. There is no niche market there. Maybe there might have been for more "wholesome/modest" things but they've really never courted that sector (unlike the Duggars/Bates etc) and it wouldn't fit in well with their current web presence. It's like they think they're still in that brief period in the 90s when domcom was supposed to print money just because you registered a site.

Edited by Featherhat
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