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S05.E03: Episode 3

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I am getting a little mad with all these Joanie "teaser" segments stuck in at the end of every episode. Give me full Joanie. I am considering waiting and binge watching the entire season after all the episodes have aired. It will be so much less frustrating. 

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Once again they're annoying me with the wonky immigration disinfo. If Whitney's fiance is living here illegally it may not be smooth sailing to simply get married and  study for the interview. Also they won't just hand him his citizenship the day of the interview ffs! That is years down the road and studying would be for that test not answering some random questions about where they met and what brand eye cream she wears. Can't the writers be bothered to just Google this at least? If not then just skip it! This is even more annoying than the bs with Louisa.

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I enjoyed the episode, a lot in fact, but my favorite part was when Noah walked in to the closed set accidentally, and Sasha was standing there with his modesty patch on, and Noah told him that his British accent had slipped out a little in the previous scene. Haha! I think the writers were playing with us a bit just then. 😉

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I'm also really frustrated by the Joanie snippets. It's like the show knows its main storylines aren't compelling, so they use those flash-forwards to keep the viewers' interest. I wouldn't mind so much if the flash-forwards made references to the main characters, e.g. the kind of life Joanie had with Cole after Alison died, how Cole died, did she continue to have a relationship with Noah (who was an involved stepfather in her early childhood), etc. I really couldn't care less about the doomsday climate change scenarios (I do care deeply about climate change, just not in the context of this show) and the cheesy future tech gadgets.

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Helen with the shit-eating grin.

Margaret asks what's got into her.  Then Sasha shows up in the cliched morning-after awkwardness.

She deserves to have her own life but she wouldn't have had that life if her parents didn't bankroll her all her life.

Doesn't mean she has to uproot her life to help take care of her rapidly-declining father but it does kind of look bad from the outside.

Noah still has a lot of anger in him.  Well Janelle ghosted him and then asks that he keep their relationship on the down low.  Is that the end of her tenure on the show?

Liz Phair doesn't seem like typical karaoke fare.  

Of course he's going to be banging that reporter soon enough, since Helen banged Sasha right after he told her he shouldn't.

Joanie looks through old mementos and then before long, she's banging the local bartender, who for all she knows is a distant relative.

Well now we know what Carl did wrong.  Joanie likes a little rough trade, not the thoughtful reach around.

She's environmentally-responsible -- "do I look like the type who'd have kids" -- but a little irresponsible in the marriage?

I guess every character cheats or is cheated on in some way.  After the original infidelity has long faded, are the writers trying to slavishly adhere to the theme of the show?

Edited by scrb
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Janelle and Joanie POVs both a waste of time.  Neither of these storylines fit with the reason I'm watching Season 5.

Noah always was and still is a douche bag of the highest order.

Mr & Mrs. Alzheimer should sell their house and move to L.A. without uprooting a whole family.  There are facilities in CA.

Still can't figure out Sacha Mann's infatuation with Helen.

I have absolutely no interest in Whitney and VisaGuy or is it VeganGuy.

How old is Trevor? He needs another therapist and is shacking-up with his teenaged (?) male lover in his mother's house (WTF).

Edited by preeya
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7 hours ago, scrb said:

Liz Phair doesn't seem like typical karaoke fare. 

Yeah, first clue that Noah’s POV was going to be even more skewed than it normally is.

Future dive bar has Sex and Candy playing in the background?  Ok.

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This series should have ended last season. The loss of two of the four main characters has greatly affected the story being told. The writers had a conclusion to the series with the death of Allison. I'm not invested in Noah's movie or the fact that Helen is sleeping with the movie star a mere 3 months after Vic' s death. I agree that Helen' s mother is being unreasonable asking Helen to move back East. Sell the house and stay in California. The Joanie storyline is just shoehorned in at the end of each episode. Her storyline seems like a different series. I assume Janelle's time on the show has ended since she is no longer with Noah. I will see the series to it's finale but I really miss Cole. He was always my favorite character. And it doesn't hurt that Joshua Jackson looks good!

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14 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I enjoyed the episode, a lot in fact,

I enjoyed it quite a bit too, more than I did the first two episodes. It was all kinds of funny watching Noah wandering around all night, like Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut", getting every door slammed in his face, figuratively and literally.  The zenith was at Helen's house, where he got his final door slamming and looked like a raving lunatic. Even if it didn't happen that way, he's such a dick! 🤣

I liked the scene with Margaret and Helen in the restaurant, although I was wondering how Helen had no clue anything was wrong with her father.  It does seem Margaret might be a little out there too, thinking her napkin was covered in mold? As much as I dislike Sasha (so he's a drug addict?)  I even had a giggle over their sex scene when Helen was listing off the bizarre gang in her house.

Helen looked very pretty in this ep. She was calmer and didn't make me edgy the way she usually does. 

I had less than zero interest in the Janelle scene and don't even know why it was there, except to give the finger to Noah once more? Whitney's "Do they have vegan?" boyfriend seems so dull I wonder why she's so madly in love with him. Of course, we haven't seen much of him, so maybe he has another, fun side. Or not.

Slightly irritating was Helen turning down the decorator job for Sasha, listing off the things going on in her life, wedding, etc. and I couldn't help thinking how many women have to deal with all kinds of shit in their lives AND work full time, something Helen has never done.

So, Joanie likes to be choked during sex. Ho-hum.

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It was a nice touch that Sasha sang (very bad) karaoke of Springsteen's "Tougher Than the Rest," since it's on the Tunnel of Love album, which Noah told him was playing when he and Helen first made love.

Is it just me that when Whitney seems nice, I think the narrator must be particularly unreliable?

I agree that the Joanie segment was just annoying, not to mention disturbing.

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I was interested in Joanie's story last week once she arrived in Montauk, but this week was a bust.  There is zero movement in her plot, and the point of her is lost on me right now.  She's another Alison - damaged and depressing. 

Noah is never not a dick, and now Helen has gay teenage boys telling her she is super hot.  Whatever.

Sasha is using you, Helen, and once you realize that, your downward spiral will begin again.  Learn to be your own person without a man, for once.  What is Helen living on now if Vic left all his money to his mother?  Helen has no money of her own, just what her rich parents had been giving her her whole life.  So how is she magically wealthy without a care in the world that her dad lost all his money?

Whitney's fiance seems like a useless lump.  Maybe that's how Noah seemed to Helen's parents when they married.

Edited by izabella
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Wow, this ep coulda been called "Noah's having a really bad day".  I liked it!

Jeez, so much smugness in this ep.  Sasha Mann seems to be the king of smugness.  I thought that prize was Noah's for sure.  But no, Sasha has him beat by miles.  OK, so what's so appealing about this guy?  He seems charmless & manipulative to me.

Yeah, Helen was smug as hell, but I kinda liked it.  So Helen's a star-fucker now.  So what?  It made Noah jealous as shit.  Actually, it made him go really nuts & I liked seeing that.

Guess we were fooled by the previous ep's Janelle POV, eh?  I called it tho.  Noah's women don't last long.  I didn't like how Janelle came off in this ep -- and yet, who deserves to be ghosted more than Noah?

Btw, I slapped Joel silly thru my TV whenever he showed up.  Sorry, just had to.

Damn, that Trevor is a smug little shit.  OK, maybe I'm a teeny bit jealous of his situation, that he's a teen & his mom is just fine & dandy that his boyfriend can stay with him overnight -- but I still think he's an annoying, smug little shit.

Ugh, so far I am really hating the Joanie stuff.  Are the writers saying she's behaving like Alison by having violent, spontaneous sex with a random stranger?  That's annoying cuz it's totally not what Alison would ever do.  Was nice to see the pics of Alison & Cole.  They are much missed & would be much more preferable to see than this shit.

OK, so Helen really tells her elderly mom, who's dealing with elderly father's worsening dementia . . . "deal with it"?  Damn, that's cold. 

Idk, Helen seemed to be drifting in a dream-like world in this ep.  She was lucid in dealing with Sierra.  But everything else?  She's like in a trance.  Noah was right that Whitney's fiance is a freeloading bum, but Helen seems not to care in the least.  Won't she end up supporting them?  And with what?  She told her mom she has no money.  And if she doesn't have money, uh, how in the fuck is she living in that incredible house?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I've said before that this show is a trainwreck and after this episode I'm even more convinced. I honestly don't understand where this thing is going. I remember in the early seasons the characters' POVs were slightly different versions of basically the same events (a dress in a different color, a different choice of words for the same line with more or less the same meaning, or maybe a different tone in the dialogues etc.) but this episode Noah's and Helen's POVs were so drastically different it seemed like watching two separate stories. Are we still meant to believe they want to show us how different people experience the same event in a different way? Because it's become impossible to even tell which one of the two versions is closer to the truth (if either of them is, anyway).

Why is Helen still living at Vic's place with the invisible Stacey, the insufferable Trevor and his +1 and the virtual stranger next door who just had her dead partner's baby? Has it ever been explained?  Is Vic's mom okay with it? Doesn't seem like she would be. And why is Vic's mom not at all involved in the life of the only grandchild she'll ever have? That also seems a bit strange. 

And most of all, why does everyone have to have sex with whomever they come in contact with after 5 minutes? Is this how it works where the writers live? At this point every time two adult characters of the opposite sex (or not) are in the same room and speak two words to each other I just assume they'll hook up in the next scene (Janelle and her ex-husband, Helen and Sacha, Joanie and the bartender and Noah and the journalist - just wait for it.) It's like the writers don't know what else to do with them. 

22 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm also really frustrated by the Joanie snippets. It's like the show knows its main storylines aren't compelling, so they use those flash-forwards to keep the viewers' interest. I wouldn't mind so much if the flash-forwards made references to the main characters, e.g. the kind of life Joanie had with Cole after Alison died, how Cole died, did she continue to have a relationship with Noah (who was an involved stepfather in her early childhood), etc. I really couldn't care less about the doomsday climate change scenarios (I do care deeply about climate change, just not in the context of this show) and the cheesy future tech gadgets.

I agree 100%, and I know shooting the actual scenes would be difficult, given that the two main actors there have left the show, but she could at least talk to somebody, like Cole's mom or any of the other members of the Lockhart clan, so that we all can find out what happened to the lot of them. It would for sure be more interesting than finding out that in 25 years we'll be able to look at pictures on a foldable piece of cellophane. 

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9 hours ago, izabella said:

What is Helen living on now if Vic left all his money to his mother?  Helen has no money of her own, just what her rich parents had been giving her her whole life.  So how is she magically wealthy without a care in the world that her dad lost all his money?

Didn't she sell that brownstone in NY (that Daddy bought her) when she moved to the west Coast? I really can't remember. Wouldn't that go for a couple million? Maybe she's getting investment income from that? Did Vik leave her that house in L.A.? They're going to have to explain how Helen is managing all this. We need to know. Even if Vik left the house to her free and clear, the expenses would be heavy. Just the property tax is probably more than I earn in a year.

9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Btw, I slapped Joel silly thru my TV whenever he showed up.

Me too. He's like the most annoying, insufferable, silly caricature ever, more of a cartoon really. Whenever he pops up, like in the scene where Noah is passed out at the restaurant I think, "Who the hell is that twerp?"

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21 hours ago, scrb said:

Doesn't mean she has to uproot her life to help take care of her rapidly-declining father but it does kind of look bad from the outside.

No it doesn't, but Mrs. Alzheimer does want her/them to uproot. She already started pitching available high schools to Trevor. Taking care of aging parents, especially the mentally challenged, is not easy and not a part time job. I went through it with my parents and in-laws.

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The Trevor storyline is just bugging the piss outta me.  It seems so fucking fake.  Uh, would Helen be so cool with Trev if he started bringing home rough 40 year old characters he meets on hookup apps?  Me thinks not.  

Jeez, why does Treem think she’s gotta put a sex scene in every ep?  Seems soooo forced.  

The 2 minutes in each ep of this season with Joanie is not endearing me to her character.  Why the heck should we care about her?  We got to know Alison intimately & cared about her.  So far, I don’t give a shit about Joanie & her sad-sack slutty story.

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9 minutes ago, preeya said:

No it doesn't, but Mrs. Alzheimer does want her/them to uproot. She already started pitching available high schools to Trevor. Taking care of aging parents, especially the mentally challenged, is not easy and not a part time job. I went through it with my parents and in-laws.

Maybe but remember, her parents bankrolled her lifestyle including that dumb store in Brooklyn or wherever for decades.

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4 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The Trevor storyline is just bugging the piss outta me.  It seems so fucking fake.  Uh, would Helen be so cool with Trev if he started bringing home rough 40 year old characters he meets on hookup apps?  Me thinks not.

At this point, I'm wondering if she might not be cool with it. She seems to give not much of a shit about anything and could just give a "Whatever!" shrug. But oh, those two little boys are just sooo cute, like little bunnies and puppies. I never thought I could dislike a kid as much as I did AJ on the Sopranos, but Trevor waayyy tops him.

I guess this is Treems' way of showing us how open-minded she is.

9 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

The 2 minutes in each ep of this season with Joanie is not endearing me to her character.  

What character? So far, all we've seen is a surly, sour-faced lump with no personality and nothing more.

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34 minutes ago, stormy weather said:

At this point every time two adult characters of the opposite sex (or not) are in the same room and speak two words to each other I just assume they'll hook up in the next scene (Janelle and her ex-husband, Helen and Sacha, Joanie and the bartender and Noah and the journalist - just wait for it.)

Yes! When Noah was talking to the journalist - in spite of all the awful things she said to him (LOL) - I fully expected the next scene to be them rolling around in bed somewhere, because just looking at Noah makes every woman's undies fall off.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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This episode was kinda fun.  I cracked up when Sasha was doing Springsteen as Noah walked in.


The cocksock was priceless.


Whenever Noah loses his shit is a good time for me.


The Joanie segments are not time well spent.  I don't see any way she can discover whether her mom committed suicide, was murdered, or had an accidental fall for that matter, so what's the point?

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Questions, questions...I have questions!
1) Joanie says she is staying at her father's place.  I assume this was the really nice house Cole was building on Montauk (while dueling with the planning board for permits).  I know this is 25+ years later, but the exterior looked shabby and rundown, while the interior looked untouched and neat.  Eh?
2) Will we ever get a brief explanation for where Cole went?  Not back to California (although that would be an interesting story line).
3) My cable provider listed this episode as #3.  And it does not list an episode #2 anywhere.  Did I miss something?  Heaven forbid!
4) Was the Cole Ranch sold off?  For...condos?
5) The Lobster Roll was also sold off, to a major conglomerate.  They were going to franchise the name and open lots of Lobster Rolls all over.  Did they? 

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10 minutes ago, grommit2 said:

1) Joanie says she is staying at her father's place.  I assume this was the really nice house Cole was building on Montauk (while dueling with the planning board for permits).  I know this is 25+ years later, but the exterior looked shabby and rundown, while the interior looked untouched and neat.  Eh?

That's a really good question!  The house Joanie was in, from what we saw of it, did not appear to be the house Cole was building.  Cole's house seemed to be on its own on the water, wide open spaces both outside and inside.  This house looked more like Alison's (grandmother's) beach house, tall and cramped.  It was also filled with Cole and Alison pictures, which doesn't seem like something Louisa would have in her house and no pictures of her.   And regardless of what happened to Cole or which house it is, no way that house would be still full of stuff like that.

Edited by izabella
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I guess Josh is the new Oscar. Pointless character, mediocre acting, annoying and/or smug, and I guess at some point will try to meddle in Noah’s life to the point of detriment. 

Edited by LydiaE
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I think this was the most unbelievable episode ever—and that’s saying a lot! I just can’t get over how in one evening Noah:

1. Worked a full school day

2. Was interviewed by Vanity Fair

3. Had dinner with Whitney (and apparently was waiting a long time for the finance to show up)

4. Went to the set—with various conversations 

5. Went to Janelle’s house

6. Went to karaoke night for an extended period of time (several songs/conversations)

7. Went to Helen’s house while blackout drunk (so he doesn’t remember)

8. Met up with Josh for Mexican food and rewrote the whole ending of the script!

AND somehow managed to drive all across LA and surrounding areas, avoiding the infamous traffic.

I would be exhausted if I had to do all that in one week (month?) let alone one night! 

Then also just as unbelievable is Sasha being “in love” with Helen. Why would he even assume she’s the only one in LA capable of redecorating his house when he hadn’t even seen her house yet?

And in Joanie’s story, she’s leaving her fine-ass husband at home and getting choked out by some loser...because of mommy issues? And “Sex and Candy” is still being played as “future classic rock” like 50 years later (~30 yrs future + ~20 years since it came out). Get the fuck out of here.

The ONE part of the episode that I’ll allow... I demand a rewrite of this goddamned episode!

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When Noah and Janelle were having their conversation and Janelle told Noah that she was back with her ex, Noah said something along the lines of "He cheated on you. How do you know he won't do that again?" I was like...Ummm. Noah. Bro. Really? You cheated on Helen and basically on Alison (I forget the exact details). I guess you know what you are talking about but that doesn't mean Janelle should choose you over her ex!

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16 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

As much as I dislike Sasha (so he's a drug addict?)  

Since Helen's viewpoint never allowed for the timing to have Noah and Sasha have that confrontation in the dressing room, maybe we're not supposed to conclude that Sasha is a drug addict...and that was part of Noah's idiocy/drunkenness?  That's part of what's infuriating about this show/premise, and not in a 'brilliant auteur' type of way!

12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

 Won't she end up supporting them?  And with what?  She told her mom she has no money.  And if she doesn't have money, uh, how in the fuck is she living in that incredible house?

3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

 Even if Vik left the house to her free and clear, the expenses would be heavy. Just the property tax is probably more than I earn in a year.

12 hours ago, izabella said:

What is Helen living on now if Vic left all his money to his mother?  Helen has no money of her own, just what her rich parents had been giving her her whole life.  So how is she magically wealthy without a care in the world that her dad lost all his money?

Helen's character is not written as some 'fa-la-la I'll just float by in life' persona, so there has to be something we don't know about her finances...and that matters, because it informs our opinion of why she turned down Sasha's offer to redecorate.  Either that, or the show has just dropped the ball on this.

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1 hour ago, LydiaE said:

I guess Josh is the new Oscar. Pointless character, mediocre acting, annoying and/or smug, and I guess at some point will try to meddle in Noah’s life to the point of detriment. 

Wait, who is Josh?  Trev’s icky sweet, way too happy bf?  Ugh, Treem, give these 2 the bullying crap that all out high school teens typically face & maybe they won’t be so happy & smug.

Or are you referring to Joel?  Is he supposed to be the show’s comedy relief?  Eh, I don’t like it.

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23 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wait, who is Josh?  Trev’s icky sweet, way too happy bf?  Ugh, Treem, give these 2 the bullying crap that all out high school teens typically face & maybe they won’t be so happy & smug.

Or are you referring to Joel?  Is he supposed to be the show’s comedy relief?  Eh, I don’t like it.

Ugh, sorry. I can’t remember the guy’s name. The one Noah works with who was given Janelle’s job.

Trevor’s boyfriend is annoying too though. I swear they cast him to satisfy two tropes: 1) That Helen is so woke to encourage her gay teen son’s sex life and to 2) Serve as Helen’s gay “you go girl” BFF. This show is so corny sometimes.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

I think this was the most unbelievable episode ever—and that’s saying a lot! I just can’t get over how in one evening Noah:

1. Worked a full school day

2. Was interviewed by Vanity Fair

3. Had dinner with Whitney (and apparently was waiting a long time for the finance to show up)

4. Went to the set—with various conversations 

5. Went to Janelle’s house

6. Went to karaoke night for an extended period of time (several songs/conversations)

7. Went to Helen’s house while blackout drunk (so he doesn’t remember)

8. Met up with Josh for Mexican food and rewrote the whole ending of the script!

AND somehow managed to drive all across LA and surrounding areas, avoiding the infamous traffic.

I would be exhausted if I had to do all that in one week (month?) let alone one night! 

Then also just as unbelievable is Sasha being “in love” with Helen. Why would he even assume she’s the only one in LA capable of redecorating his house when he hadn’t even seen her house yet?

And in Joanie’s story, she’s leaving her fine-ass husband at home and getting choked out by some loser...because of mommy issues? And “Sex and Candy” is still being played as “future classic rock” like 50 years later (~30 yrs future + ~20 years since it came out). Get the fuck out of here.

The ONE part of the episode that I’ll allow... I demand a rewrite of this goddamned episode!

Damn you! Totally stole my thundah as they say. Wonderfully ridiculous! 

I did like the Liz Phair karaoke..huge fan

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2 hours ago, LydiaE said:

Trevor’s boyfriend is annoying too though. I swear they cast him to satisfy two tropes: 1) That Helen is so woke to encourage her gay teen son’s sex life and to 2) Serve as Helen’s gay “you go girl” BFF. This show is so corny sometimes.

More than that, whatever other topic on Earth is it going to approach this season? So far we've had climate change, A.I., Black Lives Matter, LBGQT, Alzheimer and cancer, and we're only 3 episodes in! In the Joanie segment I was honestly afraid the sex scene was going to turn into a #metoo moment, because then the only thing missing would be gun violence and this show could be moved to CNN and become a news segment. 

I'm sorry if I'm being too cynical, but these are all very important themes and I don't see the point in cramming them all together like that in a show that has absolutely nothing to do with any of them. It feels so forced and useless and it's a shame to see such serious topics used as a time filler. 

Edited by stormy weather
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54 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I think this was the most unbelievable episode ever—and that’s saying a lot! I just can’t get over how in one evening Noah:

1. Worked a full school day

2. Was interviewed by Vanity Fair

3. Had dinner with Whitney (and apparently was waiting a long time for the finance to show up)

4. Went to the set—with various conversations 

5. Went to Janelle’s house

6. Went to karaoke night for an extended period of time (several songs/conversations)

7. Went to Helen’s house while blackout drunk (so he doesn’t remember)

8. Met up with Josh for Mexican food and rewrote the whole ending of the script!

That's what I liked! He goes here, there and everywhere and gets dissed and insulted by everyone. "Noah's Bad Day" odyssey was hysterical and I just laughed and laughed.

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12 hours ago, izabella said:

I was interested in Joanie's story last week once she arrived in Montauk, but this week was a bust.  

They lost me last week with her stated intent to stay at her father's house, when clearly at least a decade or more had passed since she had last seen it, and she knew that there was no other caretaker of it.  So, seriously, WTAF would make her think that it would magically be habitable? 

Oh wait, I've figured out what the show must be trying to tell us.  The house actually is in great shape, but it's just her perspective that makes it seem that way to us!  Yeah, her having to break the glass to get in, is just a metaphorical representation of what she has to break through to confront her past.  Likewise, the rough sex and choking with a new person didn't happen, and was just a representation of how she feels choked in her current life, but needs a new outside infusion to fully transition from that choking to a full breath in order to really move forward. 

Yeah, right.

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13 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

What was Sasha Mann injecting in the bathroom at karaoke? Insulin? B12? Human growth hormone? Testosterone? Human embryos? Harvested fat from a Kardashian? He said something to Noah when Noah asked what it was, but he mumbled it and I didn't catch it.

I heard Vitamin B.

Edited by preeya
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9 hours ago, izabella said:

That's a really good question!  The house Joanie was in, from what we saw of it, did not appear to be the house Cole was building.  Cole's house seemed to be on its own on the water, wide open spaces both outside and inside.  This house looked more like Alison's (grandmother's) beach house, tall and cramped.  It was also filled with Cole and Alison pictures, which doesn't seem like something Louisa would have in her house and no pictures of her.   And regardless of what happened to Cole or which house it is, no way that house would be still full of stuff like that.

Alison sold her grandparents' house, and the night before the sale closed Cole burned it down (which was apparently a-ok with the buyers since they'd planned to tear it down and build a McMansion). As for Luisa, things were pretty shaky between her and Cole by the end of last season, so I'm not sure the two of them stayed together very long. I can totally buy that Cole ended up living alone and making his home a shrine to Alison.

Edited by chocolatine
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Any bets that Margaret was lying to Helen about not having any money & she was just trying to manipulate Helen into moving back east & help care for her father?  Sounds like something Margaret would do.

Helen basically telling her mother to go fuck off was so damn heartless.  I mean, Helen does come off as kinda saintly in both POV's in this ep -- her own AND Noah's.  This total lack of sympathy seems kinda out of character for her.  Sure, her parents are both reprehensible & despicable people, but they are still her parents.  And Jeez, she's been living off their money for over 50 years.  Uh, doesn't she sorta owe them something in return?

So did Helen tell Margaret to fuck off cuz she's getting banged by Sasha & she's in ridiculous denial that it won't end immediately, when filming for Noah's script is over with?  I couldn't tell from Helen's POV if she realizes the attention from Sasha is merely temporary -- or not.  Sasha has shown himself to be soft-spoken & gentle when he needs something -- and nasty as hell to those not useful.  Yup, I'm expecting Helen to run back to Noah after Sasha ghosts her.

I'm really hoping Trevor & his nauseatingly fake Glee-world gets little (or no) time in future eps.

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Any bets that Margaret was lying to Helen about not having any money & she was just trying to manipulate Helen into moving back east & help care for her father?  Sounds like something Margaret would do.

I thought that as well. I also think Helen lied about Vik leaving everything to his parents because I just don't think he would leave Helen with absolutely nothing.  Unless he left her the house. Add me to the list of people wondering how the heck Helen is paying for shit. The house, her car, utilities, groceries, phones. I'm assuming she is still getting child support from Noah for Trevor and Stacey but that wouldn't be enough to live on.

I'm also wondering how old Trevor is and his boyfriend is allowed to sleep over? Although Helen had no clue and didn't seem to give a crap, so 🤷‍♀️

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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I'm also wondering how old Trevor is and his boyfriend is allowed to sleep over?

He looks about 14 or 15? Yeah, I can imagine myself at that age telling my mother my boyfriend was sleeping over, in my room. OH, well - maybe since Helen doesn't need to worry about oops! pregnancy, she really doesn't give a damn what he gets up to.

10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sure, her parents are both reprehensible & despicable people,

They are, aren't they? Makes you wonder how Helen turned out to be so wonderful and caring and kind. 🤣

Edited by AngelaHunter
I am becoming illiterate from too much Judge Judy
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Helen is in a dream-world.  She’s basking in the glow of these 2 puppyish baby-gays worshipping her like she’s Lady Gaga or Ariana Grande & telling her how ‘“hot” she is.  No, she’s not woke in the least.  She’s being irresponsible by giving her kids no boundaries cuz she’s distracted or doesn’t give a fuck or thinks their relationship is cute & harmless.

Giving kids no boundaries can lead to drastic consequences.  She may not have to worry about them getting pregnant, but there are plenty of ways these 2 can get into big trouble, if not monitored.  

See, because Treem is just throwing out all these big issues (like racism or climate change or teen gaydom), that have little to do with the main storylines — they can only be touched upon in a short & therefore extremely shallow way.  I don’t like it.

Those pics of Alison & Cole in Joanie’s crappy segment merely highlighted the effect of their missing presence in the show this season.  The show isn’t the same with them gone.  It’s definitely not as good.

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11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Any bets that Margaret was lying to Helen about not having any money & she was just trying to manipulate Helen into moving back east & help care for her father?  Sounds like something Margaret would do.

That's what I was thinking too.  If he really lost their money she wouldn't be concerned about nursing, she'd be planning on killing him.  She's a master of manipulation and Helen knows it.

About Helen's finances, I assume she has some investments.  Made a killing on the Brownstone, and she and Vik likely bought the LA house together.   I doubt that doctors without a private practice make enough to swing a place like that on their own.

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3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I thought that as well. I also think Helen lied about Vik leaving everything to his parents because I just don't think he would leave Helen with absolutely nothing.  Unless he left her the house. Add me to the list of people wondering how the heck Helen is paying for shit. The house, her car, utilities, groceries, phones. I'm assuming she is still getting child support from Noah for Trevor and Stacey but that wouldn't be enough to live on.

Helen's financial resources?  Did she sell the Brooklyn/Park Slope brownstone?  A quick check of zillow shows most homes (similar to the show) available for $2M to $4M. Conservative investing of the net profit would yield maybe $100K/year. Add in child support and any $$ she could extract from Noah's infidelity and she can probably go to the supermarket on a regular basis.

BTW...I think I have just stumbled into the abyss of TV series...oh boy.

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1 hour ago, Razzberry said:

About Helen's finances, I assume she has some investments.  Made a killing on the Brownstone, and she and Vik likely bought the LA house together.   I doubt that doctors without a private practice make enough to swing a place like that on their own.

I'm sure Vik was well-paid. He was a pediatric surgeon. Google says the average salary in LA is $500k. 

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The point of Noah walking onto the closed set was what? To embarrass Sasha?

So I guess we are now supposed to conclude that Helen is a competent mother only when they are much younger.

I really don’t need to see any character positioning the legs of his/her sex partner up on his/her shoulders, okay, show?

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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5 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

See, because Treem is just throwing out all these big issues (like racism or climate change or teen gaydom), that have little to do with the main storylines — they can only be touched upon in a short & therefore extremely shallow way.  I don’t like it.

Normally when a show gets overly politicized, I'm gone. She (Treem) should just stick to why we're here for this overdone mess, that is to put some closure on Allison's demise. As of episode #3 we haven't even touched upon that subject.

If this wasn't the last season of this show I would be gone by now.

Edited by preeya
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