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S14.E10: Judge Cuts 3

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  • I want Ellie Kemper's hair.
  • Okay, the voices guy is really good but him just standing there doing unrelated characters isn't much of a show. (Bobby and Bobby talking to each other was cute.)
  • I'm not sure Gabrielle's shoulders are big enough. I guess it's to make up for the smallness of Julianne's hair (not hating; I like it much better than last week's mop).
  • I wonder what the ratio of actual performer footage to audience/judge shots is.
  • Sand art illusionist...I'm kinda with Simon (i.e., bored), but then we hardly saw any of the act, so...
  • I forgot all about Tambourine man! (I even liked him the first time, too; he made me laugh.) Wait...is that his face on his leggings?
  • I usually like Ellie Kemper but she is starting to get on my nerves.
  • Marcin can stay. 
  • Julianne can stop screaming.
  • Did he just stop that kid in the middle again? Seriously, Simon, it's an audition, not a voice lesson.
  • Why is Gabrielle reacting to Light Balance Jr. like she's never heard of any of this before?
  • I wonder what the ratio of Julianne-screams-during-the-act to other-judges-make-any-noise is.
  • Just hit the stupid buzzer and stop being cute. (Just noticed the time; should have realized that was coming.)
  • Opera/danger act...no thanks. (I looked up just in time to see her miss her throw, too.) Ringing endorsement from Howie: "Not great...but it was there."
  • Wish we had seen more of the gymnastics acts (two guys on bars and the French duo).
  • Up! I don't remember this scene in the movie...
  • My favorite thing about the rat lady is that her rats are named after diseases. (I don't recall her yelling instructions in the first audition...that was really annoying. Didn't need to see the rat repeatedly crawling down the front of her dress, either.)
  • Those three guys we barely saw (at least one was from the "bored" montage) aren't going through? I'm shocked. 😐
  • Oh, stop crying.
  • So, it's 7 out of 18 acts? Right? I don't think they said...
  • All that bullshit with the kid singer and they didn't put her through?
  • Let's make a long speech to the guy who doesn't understand a word you're saying. That's a great idea.
  • Oh, that's it? Okay.
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I enjoyed Ellie Kemper as a Judge, she was very enthusiastic & full of joy...I liked her Golden Buzzer choice also.   I enjoyed the Flamenco Guitar player.  Do Not understand how the Japanese Tambourine man made it through!

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I was truly shocked that the young girl singer didn't make it through. It's not that I thought she was particularly good. They just usually give all the kid acts a pass. I'm glad they were more objective. And all her tears show she is NOT ready for the pressure. 

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25 minutes ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

I was truly shocked that the young girl singer didn't make it through. It's not that I thought she was particularly good. They just usually give all the kid acts a pass. I'm glad they were more objective. And all her tears show she is NOT ready for the pressure. 

I wonder if all that nonsense was a setup for a wildcard spot...

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Despite all of the muscleman acts, I would have to say making it through this show unscathed is the most grueling strength act of them all. I went through the whole episode without coming up with a single joke or critique for this post, so that makes writing anything that doesn't sound like a straight version of Perez Hilton's articles difficult.

Since I skipped the first 5 minutes of the show, since it's always annoying pretentious montage of the sun rising, drone footage over LA, then the judges getting out of a limo to strike a freeze frame pose while their name appears in text, I had no idea who the guest judge was. Upon looking her up, I wouldn't have had any better of an idea, since I hated The Office (I'm sure limp wristed millennial stepfathers want to fight me now).

Greg Morton - Due to it getting old fast, I don't see how this could be turned into a show, unless he did this on New York subways, which would unironically make him more successful than 90% of contestants. He's another guy who says he's been working his fingers to the bone for 40 years to get to AGT, despite the show being around for over 10 years - all of his movie impersonations being so old may suggest he isn't clued in to what's popular, unless he also wants to make suffering attractive by delaying success in favor of struggling. It seems possible he could get a voice acting job out of this, which is probably what he should hope for instead of reciting impersonations that a large part of the crowd might not get.

Carmen Carter - In the future I will have to credit her for having Billboard create a certification for having sold zero albums, because that certainly looks to be where it's headed. Anyone telling the crowd to make noise before they've done anything is stupid, though all the noise did drown out my pleading cries for someone to turn the TV off. To have "car" begin both parts of her name must mean she has real drive to succeed, but that is unlikely to happen, especially since college aged men's friendships do not erupt over who loves the 55 year old female singer more.

Nicholas Wallace - I highly doubt every fat oaf in the audience actually asks to be on camera yawning, but that footage gets me unbelievably annoyed.

Ray Underwood & Magic - Why bother showing acts if the clip is going to be 5 seconds long? Have to make more room in the schedule to show old pics of a singer in a hospital bed, I guess. The guy looked like an old dementia patient pitifully being allowed to twirl on Disney On Ice.

Gonzo - His translator made me utter ramen slurping sounds at her deliciousness - I love you Yoko! This guy's act sucks and despite his name implying him being gone-zo, he somehow made it through. I don't even know what to comment about it, since it's so completely uninteresting. It seems the de facto way for Japanese acts to rock the crowd is to take their clothes off to reveal a gross physique; this one resembled Yumbo Dump in their off season (if you can call eating 5000 calories a day training).

Revolution - Seems like a very bland and unmemorable name for the group, especially since they'll rank so low on Google for that keyword, nobody will ever find them (colloquially known as the Daniel Emmet effect). I don't see why the judges thought this was a step up, it seemed like everything was less complex than the first one. Not sure if I was surprised that they didn't get through, though I don't mean to imply I had my mouth open in shock, since years of this show has resulted in anhedonia towards everything.

Marcin Patrzalek - If you were only listening to this with no visuals, you would swear this was Ganesh playing. If anyone is a fan of this kind of playing, you might be interested in Jon Gomm, who also sings while playing complex acoustic material. I don't think this guy has any real shot of winning, because in every genre of music, you can write something more catchy and enjoyable with a few power chords than what sounds like you trying to smack the world's fastest fly on your guitar neck. The lack of vocals also impacts the enjoyment - note that that will be the only instance of me complaining about no singing (I will have double the recommended dose of Aspirin beside me in preparation for the next one, though).

Jacob Norton - This guy's supposed to be 15 years old; you'd think he saw horrific things in war to have aged that poorly, though it's also possible my pygmy brain thinks something is wrong when seeing any man taller than 5'7. My keyboard symphony of hate comments isn't over yet - the performance sucked.

Patrizio Ratto - A style of performance that works one time and then sucks, unless he performs exclusively in the amnesiac wing of the hospital. Trying to combine soulful piano playing with his I Robot M.C. Hammer routine is such a stupid combination.

Ansley Burns - Me managing to speak 2 sentences to the cashier without my voice cracking makes me have to forcefully suppress myself from taking a bow, so Simon's annoying "the backing track!" shit doesn't register to me at all and only serves to make him more annoying. It seemed like she was one of the "favorites", so her not going through was surprising.

Light Balance Kids - My hand started feeling around the side table to locate the Aspirin, since these light shows are hard to sit through. Somehow them being kids makes it easier to sit through, knowing it's not balding pot bellied men dancing around as neon butterflies, but it's still not very enjoyable.

Stephanie’s Child - It seemed my family was buying my enraged tirade of how unacceptable the premise of this act was before my pants did the 3D movie effect 😧 (like everything else I say, this did not happen). There seems to be a ton of drag acts this season and I don't know who is enjoying it or who asked for it. I am unironically curious as to how they got such feminine figures, because I was unsure if they were guys for a bit. If I start posting a kiss emoticon after every joke, you'll know I've gone too far down the rabbit hole of curiosity.

Nick and Lindsay - This act would be pretty decent if there was no opera singing (it's like the guy wants to be polishing urinals for a living a la Forte). Aside from the obligatory Forte rip, the singing doesn't add a damn thing to this other than the release of muscular tension when I outstretch my arm for the mute button.

Andrei & Alexander - I have no idea what kind of acrobatic act this was, but it made me "flip" channels and commit "somersault" on the television. Bad puns indeed.

Duo Maintenant - I zoned out for half of it because I was imagining I was the one being tossed around in those muscular arms (and I'm not any less of a rugged man because of it 🦋). Not sure what else to say about it.

Edson & Leon - The 84 year old guy gets the obligatory applause for still having a pulse, but the 55 year old looks like absolute shit; I wonder if anyone else would agree with me about men that look like him smell as if they handle old army memorabilia all day. The act seemed to be about the same thing as it was last time, which is about all you can expect unless a third leg birth defect only started forming in the past couple months.

Melissa Arleth - This was obviously not going to make it through to the next round, so why even watch. I don't really think about such things, but (from what you could imply from the video) her being 40 years old with no family, driving around the U.S. by herself sounds insanely depressing. I was wondering why the other contestants backstage didn't just squish the rat when they were holding it to have one less act to compete with. A stupid side note, but the rat was cute.

MacKenzie - I forget if this guy was also among the list of innumerable acts who have leaky tear ducts, but tears were certainly streaming down my face after emitting probably 50 yawns. I don't know what it is, but singers on AGT are pretty much unanimously boring, compared to American Idol where there are a few people you can actually get behind. It's a near guarantee he won't have a career after this show, because the show doesn't make a single star.

I'm not going to recite the list of people who went through like I'm live reporting on the red carpet, since you all watched the show. Not really much else to say because I skip all the judge commentary because it adds absolutely nothing. Terry Crews is really annoying, since his role is only the world's most expensive ringtone recorder - "Wow!" "Haha!" "Funny!"; who wants to hear that? I miss when Tyra's aroma would pretty much pour out of my TV speakers and I'd be sniffing the floor like a mutt while my embarrassed Father would scream at me to take my medication. Maybe one of those drag guys can let Terry borrow their wig and I'd be satisfied.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
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With this being episode 3 of Judge Cuts, you've got to wonder why Howie is so depressed and why nobody is intervening. #EndTheStigma
Kidding, obviously.

Greg Morton - Even his speaking voice is nice to listen to. He sounds like one of those voiceover guys on Fiverr in their promotional videos, asking "do you need a professional sounding narration for your business?" Greg said he was going to do something he's never done before, which I guess was simply stringing together multiple impressions in a row. Being an uncultured swine, I may have seen like one of the movies he referenced despite knowing all of them, so I didn't exactly react with nostalgic glee, but he's a great impressionist and what he does obviously has some appeal.

Carmen Carter - At the end of her performance, she said "Carmen Carter, you're going to remember that name" or something, which was amusing because I didn't make out her full name and had forgotten the Carter part seconds after she went on stage. This was pretty mediocre, not helped by singing "Come Together", which seems to have been dubbed the song to sing on AGT. (the royalties of which continue to make those 3 Beatles some of the wealthiest corpses in history) There is quite the slew of acts who claim to have put their career on hold for 20-30 years until AGT "comes along", even though it's been around since 2005, so it makes little sense to make a redemption story out of this and even less so when the performers are usually quite forgettable. I already hate Gabrielle, but as others here have noticed, it's beyond annoying to see her instantly light up and fawn over every black contestant of varying quality. It would literally be "a more perfect Union" 😏if she would stop doing this.

Gonzo - There seems to be a spectrum of Asian performers where they're either virtuosos at what they do (Shin Lim, Kenichi Ebina) or on the opposite end where they are a complete joke and the only supposed appeal is being an obnoxious Asian stereotype, usually incorporating martial arts at least once. This guy is boring and barely does anything, I need a translator for when I'm slurring my words in an unentertained stupor after watching him fumble around the stage without a purpose.

Revolution - Were they montaged? I remember the performance being kind of short, but what was shown was pretty cool. Not much to say about it, although so many acts are using fire now, it's practically expected at this point.

Marcin Patrzalek - What he does is impressive, although the idea of doing it on stage for a full hour is giving me a Forte-style shoulder shrug as far as thinking of who would pay to see it. It seems like a technically advanced version of what your friend does after tuning your guitar for you, just running up and down the neck to evaluate that it sounds accurate.

Jacob Norton - He should've sung something with a big high note that could have made it into the montaged five seconds of airtime he received. How is this guy 15? I thought he was in his late twenties.

Patrizio Ratto - You mean the guy whose first performance consisted of a shock reveal (classical piano into dubstep) didn't/couldn't step it up this time? If he's going to be thrown into a montage without abandon, why even send him through? I can't remember if it was during this performance, there was a soundbite of Simon saying "you know, it's like some acts are great the first time and then you wonder what happened?" Well, damn, he's been producing this show for several years and has almost figured out the obvious.

Ansley Burns - With Simon supposedly not being satisfied with backing tracks on other acts, and now doing it to Ansley twice, I'd imagine he wants to cut costs on licensing any copyrighted music for television use and the gears in his head are beginning to turn regarding the concept of an Acapella Idol. It's getting ridiculous. She did alright, though once the music wasn't playing, it was overall a lot less engaging. I assumed she would've made it through anyways, based on the logical deduction that these petty (and not even entertaining) staged dramatics done to some of the contestants are leading to a payoff.

Light Balance Kids - These light acts tend to be very repetitive, but this one was well done. If the golden buzzer had to be used, this was an obvious choice. 

Stephanie's Child - Chromosomal-ly speaking, Simon gave them an X....Y? The reason should be obvious; that a group of men in drag acting like sassy divas is hardly an act, and one that a vast majority of viewers probably hate. (put in a nice way, it's extremely niche) Are all drag queens supposed to have the exact same personality? There is never any difference in how these acts speak.

Nick and Lindsay - What better name to call such a dangerous, macabre act than just using their first names. I've hated this for years, there are so many teams/groups that can't be bothered to name themselves anything creative. Evil Knievel would have really put asses in seats by using "Bob" as a stage name. Anyway, their skills are pretty sloppy, the singing is rather pointless, and they're probably standing out a lot just for their look, that being 1950s pin-up style with 2010s BMI. The knife (?) not sticking in the target was exciting, though. It's sometimes used as a pathetic excuse for poor technique, but it at least brought the sense of realism back into things.

Edson and Leon - Another "name and name"-titled duo. The younger guy is constantly performing a feat of strength just by coming on stage. The physical demand his telomeres are placing on him must be merciless, since he's 55 and already looks 70+. It was pretty stupid to play up the "Up" reference by holding onto balloons, which could've impeded the routine. (unless they were tied to the older guy; if so, I couldn't tell) A lot of these strength acts are really impressive, but can be hard to translate the difficulty on TV. Obviously, even at age 55, a man's testosterone will drop to Stephanie's Child-levels, but it seems like the 84 year old is displaying most of the insane skill.

Melissa Arleth - I'd be willing to put her through based on a secondary talent of looking hot for 40, especially since her being into rats must mean her standards are pretty low. Once the routine got going, it was pretty good, but there's kind of an inherent liability in advancing these animal-based performers too far because of the chances of them not cooperating in the future. Imagine a headlined show with this rat who ends up not wanting to participate, then all of the paying customers have to go home before anything happens. Maybe it was just the editing, but isn't it pretty stupid when there's an animal that won't cooperate, the crowd finds it appropriate to scream and cheer at the probably frightened creature to goad it into playing along? Yeah, that'll help.

Mackenzie - This guy must be the laziest contestant ever if he can't even be bothered to use his last name, unless it happens to be a hilarious double entendre that nobody can ever find out. He was much better than the other singer, Carmen Carter. (I had to scroll up to remember her name, again) Both of them going through was quite disappointing, but the live shows usually consist of 60% fodder anyway.

Terry Crews is definitely not fit for a singing career, since he appears to be on vocal rest during his current gig at all times unless his single-word utterances for the show are simultaneously being recorded for a pull-string doll set to be released in the near future.

I skipped through almost all of the judges' commentary and still hate Julianne and Gabrielle, which would be an impressive feat to be essentially haunted by their memory, but they make it a point to jump around and scream during every performance, that you can't completely escape their presence.


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7 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

MacKenzie - I forget if this guy was also among the list of innumerable acts who have leaky tear ducts,

He was. My "Oh, stop crying" in my thoughts-as-I-was-watching post above was directed at him.

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Awwww...... she's CRRYYYYYING!!   And Simon is there to make it all better.   A wild card invitation to the live shows for Anysley?    Either that.....or he does a classic "x factor cut and paste" and places her in G Force.

Nick and Lindsay have a bizzarre relationship.   It's like "C'mon honey..... let's play violin and sing opera and.......THROW KNIVES AND SWALLOW RAZORS AND WHACK ME WITH A FLAMING SLEDGEHAMMER.   Sunday dinner must be even more fun and their house than even Sal Valetinelli's.

I guess Light Balance Kids must be a much better spectacle when you're there.   Maybe like hockey, it doesn't present well on TV.  Just another mediocre dance troupe that won a golden buzzer somehow.   Ellie was there though so I must have missed something.

A quick nod to live show invitees uhhhh.....McKenzie and Carmen Carter.    I didn't want to hold it against him.....I just don't like Journey.    But I guess too many people do.    He's ok but.......don't do any more Journey.     Carmen Carter finally gets to be front and center.....still presents and sounds like a backup singer.  Didn't agree with either.

Marcin IS a rock star!    He PUNISHES that guitar man!  Love to see him in a guitar duel with Eddie Van Halen.   He'll be there at the end.

And Greg Morton is my favorite....I could watch him all day.   I picture him as a late night talk host who should follow Fallon....rather than Seth Meyers who I can't stand.  I can't wait to see him in the lives 

If I were to watch this show with my family .....I would rather my kids embrace an act like g force rather than have to explain exactly what either Gingzilla or Stephanie's Child even is to keep them  from having nightmares.    But neither is going through.....so forget it till next time.

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9 minutes ago, Sounder said:

A quick nod to live show invitees uhhhh.....McKenzie and Carmen Carter.    I didn't want to hold it against him.....I just don't like Journey.    But I guess too many people do.    He's ok but.......don't do any more Journey.   

I rolled my eyes when Gabrielle said something about "a song that I've loved for so long" or some bs like that. I'll bet she hasn't thought about that song in years. Probably when she randomly heard it while scrolling past the 80s channel on her satellite radio.

I was just glad they didn't feature his wife again.

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51 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I rolled my eyes when Gabrielle said something about "a song that I've loved for so long" or some bs like that. I'll bet she hasn't thought about that song in years. Probably when she randomly heard it while scrolling past the 80s channel on her satellite radio.

I was just glad they didn't feature his wife again.

It's not hard to "randomly" hear Journey and you don't really have to try too hard.   Just turn the radio on.  After endless commercials......you get Journey.   Then Elton, then Huey, then Whitney, then Wham, then more Journey, some Madonna,.  and more Journey.   Then turn radio off.

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11 minutes ago, Sounder said:

It's not hard to "randomly" hear Journey and you don't really have to try too hard.   Just turn the radio on.  After endless commercials......you get Journey.   Then Elton, then Huey, then Whitney, then Wham, then more Journey, some Madonna,.  and more Journey.   Then turn radio off.

lol...I often listen to the Lithium channel (90s alt-rock) on Sirius XM in my car. On any given trip it is virtually guaranteed that I will hear one or more songs by Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, or Alice in Chains.

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Gonzo for the win. It would serve the judges right for putting him through. That said, I look forward to what he does next.

I would have put one of the hand balancers or the acrobats through over the screamers, I mean singers. Since the beginning, I've hated pretty much every singer on this show because most of them suck, IMO.

This season has been very blah for me. I usually have a favorite at this point. So far, I got nothin'.

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34 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Gonzo for the win. It would serve the judges right for putting him through. That said, I look forward to what he does next.

I would have put one of the hand balancers or the acrobats through over the screamers, I mean singers. Since the beginning, I've hated pretty much every singer on this show because most of them suck, IMO. 

I'm completely clueless about what the judges see in Gonzo. Chubby guy hitting his face with a tambourine and doing lame dance moves. Yawn. He was the same this time as his first audition (did not "step it up") and I'm sure will be the same again. Each year it seems there's a one-joke Gong Show type act that the judges inexplicably love. 

Neither of the singers who went through did much for me, especially the woman. Standard shouter. Yawn. (And "Come Together" may be the dullest song The Beatles ever wrote).

I can't believe that not one of hand balancing/acrobatic acts went through. Every year it's the same. Simon says that these are the acts that AGT is all about, you can't see them anywhere else. And then we get singers, singers, and more singers. Yawn.

That French couple is beautiful and elegant. Wish we'd gotten to see their whole act instead of a badly edited segment cutting between them and the judges. Would rather see them in the live show than any of the acts they picked.

Greg Morton is talented, but trying to cram as many voices into 2 minutes as he can is not an act. It bordered on being annoying, in the way that Robin Williams sometimes was.

Does anyone really believe that the Light Balance Kids are doing their own choreography and programming? I'm sure it's all their parents, the original Light Balance. If the programming is a big part of the act, seems almost like cheating.  

So disappointed by the choices for the finals that I feel like quitting for the year. Of course I feel that way a lot, and then keep coming back for more punishment. 

Edited by bluepiano
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1 hour ago, Sounder said:

Marcin IS a rock star!    He PUNISHES that guitar man!  Love to see him in a guitar duel with Eddie Van Halen.   He'll be there at the end.

And Greg Morton is my favorite....I could watch him all day.   I picture him as a late night talk host who should follow Fallon....rather than Seth Meyers who I can't stand.  I can't wait to see him in the lives 

I agree with both. I'm so glad they got through to the live show.

I'm also happy the Light Balance Kids are going through. I was a fan of Light Balance.

My other pick of the night was the couple that was former gymnast. How could they pick tambourine man over them?

I would've liked to have seen the 2 men swinging on the high bars, the little I saw of their act looked better then the tattooed singer with the wife that throws knives at him.

Not a fan of the lady singer in the red dress. She seemed very cocky when she walked out on stage and I thought she sounded like she was screaming. Plus I thought her melons were going to fall out of her dress every time she bent down lol.

The last guy singing Journey was okay. But I thought a couple acts (none singing) that didn't go through were better.

The 3 drag queens are men right? It looked like they had boobs. I didn't think drag queens had implants. I didn't think they were that good but I liked their sassiness.

I did enjoy Ellie Kemper as a judge she had great energy and enthusiasm. 

I'm happy with 3 picks of the night.

I didn't know Howie was the voice of Gizmo.

Julianne looked 100% better then last week.

Gabby, the original Dynasty called, they want their shoulder pads back.

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BGT Champions is either currently taping or has already wrapped I'm not sure.   I haven't been able to find a list of the acts competing ......only a limited number have been confirmed.....all British acts.

Among AGT acts .... I believe Shin Lim can't resist doing it again and should be there.    Don't know if Darcy Lynne is going......or Grace Vanderwaal......Kensinya will be there......Deadly Games will be there......season 10 agt winner Paul Zerdin will be there.

But there's been a possible leak as to who won this title.......Susan Boyle isn't there by the way ...... ITV network is pissed.   These acts are signed to secrecy as to the shows results before it airs.    So who would leak it?     Was it Lost Voice Guy?

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35 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:
  • I didn't know Howie was the voice of Gizmo.
  • Julianne looked 100% better then last week.
  • Gabby, the original Dynasty called, they want their shoulder pads back.
  • I knew this somewhere in the back of my mind, but didn't connect it until he said it. (I never have seen that whole movie. I was not quite 9 when it came out and my parents knew better than to let me watch it.)
  • Agreed.
  • lol...I changed my "heart" response to a "laugh" because of your last line.
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I am angry.  There were more legit acts in this ep than the previous two combined.  

No way I put through the red dress singer, opera dagger act,  and the tambourine guy.  Sand drawing dude was way better.  Then again, it doesn't help that Terry was in on the "trick."  No way "his" thought was divined.

I am pretty sure the voice actor was given that scattershot direction by production.  His bi-play with Howie was fun - a rare forced production element that worked better than intended.  His jaunt through the Universal stages/sets was fun.  He'd be fantastic as the guide on a tram which goes around that place.  I hope he now gives us some imagined scenes with iconic characters.  Those can be super cool.  I'm past the initial sense of wonder that he is able to mimic so brilliantly.

Poor AGT.  The timing of the rat act could not have been worse!  This of all weeks where vermin in Baltimore have dominated the news?  Fortunately for them, the act had flaws and they did not put it through.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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31 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

He'd be fantastic as the guide on a tram which goes around that place. 

I love this. He would make the ride so much fun with all his voices.

As for the rat lady, her act seemed strange without music, almost like it was a rehearsal.  It also seemed like they muted the audience you would see a shot of them clapping but only heard silence. Or maybe it was just my tv.

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1 hour ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

I love this. He would make the ride so much fun with all his voices.

As for the rat lady, her act seemed strange without music, almost like it was a rehearsal.  It also seemed like they muted the audience you would see a shot of them clapping but only heard silence. Or maybe it was just my tv.

All I remember hearing is her calling/coaxing (mostly unsuccessfully) the rat through the course. Which I think is not what you actually want the audience to hear, and served only to make it more obvious and excruciating that the rat wasn't cooperating.

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Marcin Patrzalek is my pick to win at this point. Not saying he's going to, but I'd really love to see it happen. He's awesome. And seems like a sweet kid.

ONCE AGAIN. We go through audition and judge cut drama with Ansley Burns only for her to be eliminated anyway. I'm not disappointed, just wondering what the point of any of it was.

Melissa Alreth has a different enough act that I was hoping for her to be more successful. Ah well. Those rats are cute, though!

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6 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

ONCE AGAIN. We go through audition and judge cut drama with Ansley Burns only for her to be eliminated anyway. I'm not disappointed, just wondering what the point of any of it was.

Yeah, it's getting really old! Like a poster above said it's seems like a big set up for the wild card spot. But the way she broke down crying she is differently not ready.

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I just don’t understand how pros like Greg Morton qualify for these talent shows. He’s been performing on TV for more then 2 decades. He’s always been a one trick pony and basically takes up space. 

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9 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

The 3 drag queens are men right? It looked like they had boobs. I didn't think drag queens had implants. I didn't think they were that good but I liked their sassiness.

Yeah they were men. But I believe they just had corsets to create the hourglass figure and used makeup to create the illusion of cleavage rather than implants. 

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5 hours ago, helenamonster said:

ONCE AGAIN. We go through audition and judge cut drama with Ansley Burns only for her to be eliminated anyway. I'm not disappointed, just wondering what the point of any of it was. 

And Simon did the exact same shtick with stopping the backing track, didn't he? Or was I experiencing some weird case of deja vu. Her breaking into tears was one of many reasons I don't like seeing such young kids on this show. But as others have said, since she's Simon pet project, we'll likely see her again. 

9 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

My other pick of the night was the couple that was former gymnast. How could they pick tambourine man over them? 

I would've liked to have seen the 2 men swinging on the high bars, the little I saw of their act looked better then the tattooed singer with the wife that throws knives at him.

Not a fan of the lady singer in the red dress. She seemed very cocky when she walked out on stage and I thought she sounded like she was screaming. Plus I thought her melons were going to fall out of her dress every time she bent down lol.

Agree 100% with all of this. How could Gonzo get picked over the French couple or the two guys doing the high bar act? Has Simon lost his mind? I also thought the singer in the red dress had a huge sense of entitlement that was not justified by her singing.  And I'm also getting tired of the "back-up singer finally getting her chance to shine" back story. 

Edited by bluepiano
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8 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Yeah, it's getting really old! Like a poster above said it's seems like a big set up for the wild card spot. But the way she broke down crying she is differently not ready.

I don't know about that - every past episode of this show would suggest that crying (mainly in inappropriate situations) gets rewarded, no matter how old you are.

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6 hours ago, bluepiano said:

And Simon did the exact same shtick with stopping the backing track, didn't he? Or was I experiencing some weird case of deja vu.

Nope, he did the same thing both times. Why he thinks that's something the audience wants to see I have no clue.

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Are all drag queens supposed to have the exact same personality? There is never any difference in how these acts speak.

I noticed this--think they all face similar kinds of discrimination (aversion/dislike/even hatred based not on talent or lack of it, but because they're drag queens), and sassy confidence is how they've seen others respond, so they use it too.  I'm not an expert, but that would explain it.  It's also possible the stoic, laid-back drag performers aren't shown, because the producers have a vision of how people are supposed to be.  (Singers all have to have a personal tragedy to overcome; comedians have to have something serious where the comedy is their way of humbly but bravely coping, etc.)

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11 hours ago, EJJ said:

Yeah they were men. But I believe they just had corsets to create the hourglass figure and used makeup to create the illusion of cleavage rather than implants. 

Some drag queens I know also use full on padded bodysuits that have curves in all the right places. 

My (straight) boyfriend used to be the bar manager at an LBGTQIA club that had drag performers often. It took me a few months not to be wildly jealous and question my own femininity and womanly wiles. Oh the contouring skills alone!!!

Agreed with Simon on the drag queens though, maybe they're amazing when you live in middle America and are wow'ed by mediocre singing just because it is performed by men who put my makeup skills to shame (or are in the AGT live audience and forced to applaud till your hands sting and fall off), but when you've seen a lot of them in person with better talent (like Thorgy Thor or the one who was also on RuPaul's show who juggled large knives to Heart's Barracuda, now that's talent!) it takes a lot to impress me.

Back on topic, this show's downward suck slide continues, but every now and then there are spots of non-suck. This week included Marcin (the guitar kid), the Lil' Light Magic kids whose act was so fun and upbeat last night, well-deserved golden buzzer because for a minute there I almost had a heart attack that Ainsley was going to get it. Speaking of which, is it mean to laugh at a crying kid? On second thought, don't answer that. 

Edited by Kelloggirl
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I couldn't care less who wins this thing.  At this point I'm only watching for moments of satisfaction and relief when one of the acts gets booted off.  Anyone with actual talent so far is still not worth $1M (in payments over the course of 40 years, sans taxes to Uncle Sam) or can carry a Vegas show.  If there's any argument that I'm wrong, please let me know as I perhaps missed the glimmer of a star being born.

Terry Crews brings nothing to the show.  I expected more from him.

I was cracking up right along with you here who laughed at crybaby singer.  I hope Simon pays for her therapist.  Why did he interrupt a little kid twice in a row complaining about the backing track music?  Why not sit through the auditions and then boot her?  Why even have her go though the first time?

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20 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Why did he interrupt a little kid twice in a row complaining about the backing track music?  Why not sit through the auditions and then boot her?  Why even have her go though the first time?

I agree 100%. I can't figure out why he's doing this. Let them preform and then judge them. Or talk to the back stage producers about lowing the volume of the back track. And maybe stop letting kids this young perform, just because mom, dad, grandma and grandpa thinks they're great and should have an act in Vegas doesn't mean they are.

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56 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Or talk to the back stage producers about lowing the volume of the back track.

Since Simon is the producer and this happened twice, and only to this girl, I get the feeling that this was completely contrived. 

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1 hour ago, Superclam said:

Since Simon is the producer and this happened twice, and only to this girl, I get the feeling that this was completely contrived. 

Everything is contrived on this show.  The question is why?  Who exactly is responsible for the quality and production of the sound of the backing tracks on the stage?  Surely not little Ansley.

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It's been awhile since I've posted anything concerning AGT. The show really hasn't been good this season. It's been so long that another poster has my "signing off phrase" I used to end each post with. Oh well!

I would say the Golden Buzzers from last week and this week were deserved....for the first time! I'm glad the little girl didn't make it through. I thought she was more cute and funny than a good singer. I just hope AGT doesn't bring her back as a wild card. Gonzo probably didn't deserve to go through, but that is all part of the script I guess.

Someone posted that they thought Terry Crews brings nothing to the show. I disagree. He stays in the background where I think a host belongs. Not everybody is a Nick Cannon!

Well, I used to end my posts with "Until next time....", but I don' think there is room for two. 

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53 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

Well, I used to end my posts with "Until next time....", but I don' think there is room for two. 

To be fair, the show is so bad, it's unlikely that two people on this forum are confident enough in their AGT fandom to boldly declare they'll be watching it next time.

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Haven't really commented this season, because other than the guitar boy, I haven't been all that impressed. I only started watching AGT the year Darci Lynne was on. Someone told me I had to see her so I did and was so impressed I stuck around. But this year is so bad, I fast-forward through more than I watch.

I think one of the things that bothers me most is how contrived this show is. Has it always been this way? There are no surprises(well, actually I was surprised that the tambourine man and the knife throwing wife made it through). And I wonder if I am the only one that thinks Simon looks so unkempt he looks dirty. To me he looks like he just rolled out of bed and came to the theater. All in all, a quite awful year.

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Nick and Lindsay have a bizzarre relationship.   It's like "C'mon honey..... let's play violin and sing opera and.......THROW KNIVES AND SWALLOW RAZORS AND WHACK ME WITH A FLAMING SLEDGEHAMMER.   

Well, they do say for every pot there's a lid.

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1 hour ago, suebee12 said:

Haven't really commented this season, because other than the guitar boy, I haven't been all that impressed. I only started watching AGT the year Darci Lynne was on. Someone told me I had to see her so I did and was so impressed I stuck around. But this year is so bad, I fast-forward through more than I watch.

I think one of the things that bothers me most is how contrived this show is. Has it always been this way? There are no surprises(well, actually I was surprised that the tambourine man and the knife throwing wife made it through). And I wonder if I am the only one that thinks Simon looks so unkempt he looks dirty. To me he looks like he just rolled out of bed and came to the theater. All in all, a quite awful year.

I spend more time writing my weekly post than watching the show and it's also more entertaining despite it being somewhat effortful compared to sitting semi-conscious on the couch with something on. So damn painful. Also, I think every older man who has their face entirely covered in stubble, especially if it's silver, looks borderline homeless.

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As bad as the judge cuts have been this season, this episode was the worst.  Carmen Carter should have stayed in the background.  She is OK but not great.  Gonzo is not even vaguely funny or talented.  I hate when the only thing an act does is play up a racial stereotype and it seems that's what this one is all about.  And what a ringing endorsement for Nick and Lindsey - it wasn't good but we're putting it through anyway!  I can't watch rats so I can't comment of rat girl but I'm glad there's no chance of seeing that again.  And I completely agree we're being set up with crying little girl as a wild card.  

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13 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

As bad as the judge cuts have been this season, this episode was the worst.  Carmen Carter should have stayed in the background.  She is OK but not great.  Gonzo is not even vaguely funny or talented.  I hate when the only thing an act does is play up a racial stereotype and it seems that's what this one is all about.  And what a ringing endorsement for Nick and Lindsey - it wasn't good but we're putting it through anyway!  I can't watch rats so I can't comment of rat girl but I'm glad there's no chance of seeing that again.  And I completely agree we're being set up with crying little girl as a wild card.  

Agree, except for the rats; they don't bother me and I had some as pets when I was a child.

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On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 1:52 AM, bluepiano said:

How could Gonzo get picked over the French couple or the two guys doing the high bar act?

After thinking about this (yes this crap takes up way too much of my brain) I realized that they have gotten rid of the two male/female strength acts and the young guy with the old guy.  That means you can pretty much bet the 3 brothers who got both women hot and bothered when they took off their shirts are a lock to go through.  I thought they were good but I'm not sure if I remember that they were the best.  I would rather see multiple strength acts than mediocre singers (and because I am apparently a very mean old lady) ESPECIALLY the young singers who shouldn't actually be here in the first place.

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On 7/31/2019 at 4:00 AM, Neet said:

With this being episode 3 of Judge Cuts, you've got to wonder why Howie is so depressed and why nobody is intervening. #EndTheStigma
Kidding, obviously.

Greg Morton - Even his speaking voice is nice to listen to. He sounds like one of those voiceover guys on Fiverr in their promotional videos, asking "do you need a professional sounding narration for your business?" Greg said he was going to do something he's never done before, which I guess was simply stringing together multiple impressions in a row. Being an uncultured swine, I may have seen like one of the movies he referenced despite knowing all of them, so I didn't exactly react with nostalgic glee, but he's a great impressionist and what he does obviously has some appeal.

Carmen Carter - At the end of her performance, she said "Carmen Carter, you're going to remember that name" or something, which was amusing because I didn't make out her full name and had forgotten the Carter part seconds after she went on stage. This was pretty mediocre, not helped by singing "Come Together", which seems to have been dubbed the song to sing on AGT. (the royalties of which continue to make those 3 Beatles some of the wealthiest corpses in history) There is quite the slew of acts who claim to have put their career on hold for 20-30 years until AGT "comes along", even though it's been around since 2005, so it makes little sense to make a redemption story out of this and even less so when the performers are usually quite forgettable. I already hate Gabrielle, but as others here have noticed, it's beyond annoying to see her instantly light up and fawn over every black contestant of varying quality. It would literally be "a more perfect Union" 😏if she would stop doing this.

Gonzo - There seems to be a spectrum of Asian performers where they're either virtuosos at what they do (Shin Lim, Kenichi Ebina) or on the opposite end where they are a complete joke and the only supposed appeal is being an obnoxious Asian stereotype, usually incorporating martial arts at least once. This guy is boring and barely does anything, I need a translator for when I'm slurring my words in an unentertained stupor after watching him fumble around the stage without a purpose.

Revolution - Were they montaged? I remember the performance being kind of short, but what was shown was pretty cool. Not much to say about it, although so many acts are using fire now, it's practically expected at this point.

Marcin Patrzalek - What he does is impressive, although the idea of doing it on stage for a full hour is giving me a Forte-style shoulder shrug as far as thinking of who would pay to see it. It seems like a technically advanced version of what your friend does after tuning your guitar for you, just running up and down the neck to evaluate that it sounds accurate.

Jacob Norton - He should've sung something with a big high note that could have made it into the montaged five seconds of airtime he received. How is this guy 15? I thought he was in his late twenties.

Patrizio Ratto - You mean the guy whose first performance consisted of a shock reveal (classical piano into dubstep) didn't/couldn't step it up this time? If he's going to be thrown into a montage without abandon, why even send him through? I can't remember if it was during this performance, there was a soundbite of Simon saying "you know, it's like some acts are great the first time and then you wonder what happened?" Well, damn, he's been producing this show for several years and has almost figured out the obvious.

Ansley Burns - With Simon supposedly not being satisfied with backing tracks on other acts, and now doing it to Ansley twice, I'd imagine he wants to cut costs on licensing any copyrighted music for television use and the gears in his head are beginning to turn regarding the concept of an Acapella Idol. It's getting ridiculous. She did alright, though once the music wasn't playing, it was overall a lot less engaging. I assumed she would've made it through anyways, based on the logical deduction that these petty (and not even entertaining) staged dramatics done to some of the contestants are leading to a payoff.

Light Balance Kids - These light acts tend to be very repetitive, but this one was well done. If the golden buzzer had to be used, this was an obvious choice. 

Stephanie's Child - Chromosomal-ly speaking, Simon gave them an X....Y? The reason should be obvious; that a group of men in drag acting like sassy divas is hardly an act, and one that a vast majority of viewers probably hate. (put in a nice way, it's extremely niche) Are all drag queens supposed to have the exact same personality? There is never any difference in how these acts speak.

Nick and Lindsay - What better name to call such a dangerous, macabre act than just using their first names. I've hated this for years, there are so many teams/groups that can't be bothered to name themselves anything creative. Evil Knievel would have really put asses in seats by using "Bob" as a stage name. Anyway, their skills are pretty sloppy, the singing is rather pointless, and they're probably standing out a lot just for their look, that being 1950s pin-up style with 2010s BMI. The knife (?) not sticking in the target was exciting, though. It's sometimes used as a pathetic excuse for poor technique, but it at least brought the sense of realism back into things.

Edson and Leon - Another "name and name"-titled duo. The younger guy is constantly performing a feat of strength just by coming on stage. The physical demand his telomeres are placing on him must be merciless, since he's 55 and already looks 70+. It was pretty stupid to play up the "Up" reference by holding onto balloons, which could've impeded the routine. (unless they were tied to the older guy; if so, I couldn't tell) A lot of these strength acts are really impressive, but can be hard to translate the difficulty on TV. Obviously, even at age 55, a man's testosterone will drop to Stephanie's Child-levels, but it seems like the 84 year old is displaying most of the insane skill.

Melissa Arleth - I'd be willing to put her through based on a secondary talent of looking hot for 40, especially since her being into rats must mean her standards are pretty low. Once the routine got going, it was pretty good, but there's kind of an inherent liability in advancing these animal-based performers too far because of the chances of them not cooperating in the future. Imagine a headlined show with this rat who ends up not wanting to participate, then all of the paying customers have to go home before anything happens. Maybe it was just the editing, but isn't it pretty stupid when there's an animal that won't cooperate, the crowd finds it appropriate to scream and cheer at the probably frightened creature to goad it into playing along? Yeah, that'll help.

Mackenzie - This guy must be the laziest contestant ever if he can't even be bothered to use his last name, unless it happens to be a hilarious double entendre that nobody can ever find out. He was much better than the other singer, Carmen Carter. (I had to scroll up to remember her name, again) Both of them going through was quite disappointing, but the live shows usually consist of 60% fodder anyway.

Terry Crews is definitely not fit for a singing career, since he appears to be on vocal rest during his current gig at all times unless his single-word utterances for the show are simultaneously being recorded for a pull-string doll set to be released in the near future.

I skipped through almost all of the judges' commentary and still hate Julianne and Gabrielle, which would be an impressive feat to be essentially haunted by their memory, but they make it a point to jump around and scream during every performance, that you can't completely escape their presence.


I can’t believe that Nick and Lindsay went through. They were not good. We already saw LB, we didn’t need LB kids. I didn’t want to see the rat lady again. I liked Revolution, but to be honest, I couldn’t remember their name. I liked Greg Morton too.

On 7/31/2019 at 4:00 AM, Neet said:

With this being episode 3 of Judge Cuts, you've got to wonder why Howie is so depressed and why nobody is intervening. #EndTheStigma
Kidding, obviously.

Greg Morton - Even his speaking voice is nice to listen to. He sounds like one of those voiceover guys on Fiverr in their promotional videos, asking "do you need a professional sounding narration for your business?" Greg said he was going to do something he's never done before, which I guess was simply stringing together multiple impressions in a row. Being an uncultured swine, I may have seen like one of the movies he referenced despite knowing all of them, so I didn't exactly react with nostalgic glee, but he's a great impressionist and what he does obviously has some appeal.

Carmen Carter - At the end of her performance, she said "Carmen Carter, you're going to remember that name" or something, which was amusing because I didn't make out her full name and had forgotten the Carter part seconds after she went on stage. This was pretty mediocre, not helped by singing "Come Together", which seems to have been dubbed the song to sing on AGT. (the royalties of which continue to make those 3 Beatles some of the wealthiest corpses in history) There is quite the slew of acts who claim to have put their career on hold for 20-30 years until AGT "comes along", even though it's been around since 2005, so it makes little sense to make a redemption story out of this and even less so when the performers are usually quite forgettable. I already hate Gabrielle, but as others here have noticed, it's beyond annoying to see her instantly light up and fawn over every black contestant of varying quality. It would literally be "a more perfect Union" 😏if she would stop doing this.

Gonzo - There seems to be a spectrum of Asian performers where they're either virtuosos at what they do (Shin Lim, Kenichi Ebina) or on the opposite end where they are a complete joke and the only supposed appeal is being an obnoxious Asian stereotype, usually incorporating martial arts at least once. This guy is boring and barely does anything, I need a translator for when I'm slurring my words in an unentertained stupor after watching him fumble around the stage without a purpose.

Revolution - Were they montaged? I remember the performance being kind of short, but what was shown was pretty cool. Not much to say about it, although so many acts are using fire now, it's practically expected at this point.

Marcin Patrzalek - What he does is impressive, although the idea of doing it on stage for a full hour is giving me a Forte-style shoulder shrug as far as thinking of who would pay to see it. It seems like a technically advanced version of what your friend does after tuning your guitar for you, just running up and down the neck to evaluate that it sounds accurate.

Jacob Norton - He should've sung something with a big high note that could have made it into the montaged five seconds of airtime he received. How is this guy 15? I thought he was in his late twenties.

Patrizio Ratto - You mean the guy whose first performance consisted of a shock reveal (classical piano into dubstep) didn't/couldn't step it up this time? If he's going to be thrown into a montage without abandon, why even send him through? I can't remember if it was during this performance, there was a soundbite of Simon saying "you know, it's like some acts are great the first time and then you wonder what happened?" Well, damn, he's been producing this show for several years and has almost figured out the obvious.

Ansley Burns - With Simon supposedly not being satisfied with backing tracks on other acts, and now doing it to Ansley twice, I'd imagine he wants to cut costs on licensing any copyrighted music for television use and the gears in his head are beginning to turn regarding the concept of an Acapella Idol. It's getting ridiculous. She did alright, though once the music wasn't playing, it was overall a lot less engaging. I assumed she would've made it through anyways, based on the logical deduction that these petty (and not even entertaining) staged dramatics done to some of the contestants are leading to a payoff.

Light Balance Kids - These light acts tend to be very repetitive, but this one was well done. If the golden buzzer had to be used, this was an obvious choice. 

Stephanie's Child - Chromosomal-ly speaking, Simon gave them an X....Y? The reason should be obvious; that a group of men in drag acting like sassy divas is hardly an act, and one that a vast majority of viewers probably hate. (put in a nice way, it's extremely niche) Are all drag queens supposed to have the exact same personality? There is never any difference in how these acts speak.

Nick and Lindsay - What better name to call such a dangerous, macabre act than just using their first names. I've hated this for years, there are so many teams/groups that can't be bothered to name themselves anything creative. Evil Knievel would have really put asses in seats by using "Bob" as a stage name. Anyway, their skills are pretty sloppy, the singing is rather pointless, and they're probably standing out a lot just for their look, that being 1950s pin-up style with 2010s BMI. The knife (?) not sticking in the target was exciting, though. It's sometimes used as a pathetic excuse for poor technique, but it at least brought the sense of realism back into things.

Edson and Leon - Another "name and name"-titled duo. The younger guy is constantly performing a feat of strength just by coming on stage. The physical demand his telomeres are placing on him must be merciless, since he's 55 and already looks 70+. It was pretty stupid to play up the "Up" reference by holding onto balloons, which could've impeded the routine. (unless they were tied to the older guy; if so, I couldn't tell) A lot of these strength acts are really impressive, but can be hard to translate the difficulty on TV. Obviously, even at age 55, a man's testosterone will drop to Stephanie's Child-levels, but it seems like the 84 year old is displaying most of the insane skill.

Melissa Arleth - I'd be willing to put her through based on a secondary talent of looking hot for 40, especially since her being into rats must mean her standards are pretty low. Once the routine got going, it was pretty good, but there's kind of an inherent liability in advancing these animal-based performers too far because of the chances of them not cooperating in the future. Imagine a headlined show with this rat who ends up not wanting to participate, then all of the paying customers have to go home before anything happens. Maybe it was just the editing, but isn't it pretty stupid when there's an animal that won't cooperate, the crowd finds it appropriate to scream and cheer at the probably frightened creature to goad it into playing along? Yeah, that'll help.

Mackenzie - This guy must be the laziest contestant ever if he can't even be bothered to use his last name, unless it happens to be a hilarious double entendre that nobody can ever find out. He was much better than the other singer, Carmen Carter. (I had to scroll up to remember her name, again) Both of them going through was quite disappointing, but the live shows usually consist of 60% fodder anyway.

Terry Crews is definitely not fit for a singing career, since he appears to be on vocal rest during his current gig at all times unless his single-word utterances for the show are simultaneously being recorded for a pull-string doll set to be released in the near future.

I skipped through almost all of the judges' commentary and still hate Julianne and Gabrielle, which would be an impressive feat to be essentially haunted by their memory, but they make it a point to jump around and scream during every performance, that you can't completely escape their presence.


Mackenzie was good. I though they would put Ansley through. She was better than GForce.

On 7/31/2019 at 3:49 PM, lb60 said:

Gonzo for the win. It would serve the judges right for putting him through. That said, I look forward to what he does next.

I would have put one of the hand balancers or the acrobats through over the screamers, I mean singers. Since the beginning, I've hated pretty much every singer on this show because most of them suck, IMO.

This season has been very blah for me. I usually have a favorite at this point. So far, I got nothin'.

The acrobats were better than Gonzo. 

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The thing that came to mind when Elle Kemper pressed the golden buzzer, was fuck you Elle Kemper.  Even though, I'm quite certain, whether she pressed the button or not, those light offspring were going through. On the bright side, we don't have to see them again for a while. 

I like the guy who does the voices. I imagine if I looked him up he probably has some imdb credit somewhere doing voice work.

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Gee, there weren’t very many good acts in this one.

The voices guy? Yeah, he’s terrible. He is. Someone said he acted like Robin Williams and that’s an apt comparison except that RW didn’t suck.

Carcar? Not good at all, seriously. Could there be a more covered song? And over the top confidence that’s not grounded in reality is annoying. 

Gonzo? Awful.

Guitar player kid? Seems like the odds on favorite to win. His pure talent + no one else being any good is a powerful combination.

Drag Queens? Horrible. And the Simon Schtick is boring.

Speaking of boring, yeah that sand thing was bad.

The light kids I thought really stepped it up from their last performance. I see they still feature that little Paulina Poriskova lookalike to do all their talking. Good move.

Sideshow opera guy and knife wife? Eh, whatever. It was mildly interesting. But they went through over the French couple? Is there an anti-hot hetero thing going on here? Seems like it.

Rat Lady- I’ll give her credit, stuck it out when the rat was flagging. Leading the rat the whole way with the food was less impressive. Noticed her wedding ring... how does that fit into the “living/traveling in the RV story?”

The singer at the end is another odd one... he’s a competent, OK singer. Like many, many others, nothing special. They fawn over him like he’s a star for some reason. I don’t get it.

And that Brazilian girl dance group and the little girl both not getting through while  voice dude and tambourine boring Asian guy does? Hideous.

Terry seems to have faded into oblivion. Gabby, still, acts like a child who has never seen ANYTHING before, and her over the top glee at every black act is a little weird, now. I’ve liked Julianne, but her “look at me campaign” in the magazines this week kinda makes me less interested.

I will say this though... this show has taken on a bully attitude that reflects what society is like nowadays. Howie doesn’t like an act? People gang up on him. Simon doesn’t like someones voice? Not only does everyone overreact but that act has to direct their angry next act at him. And Julienne has the audacity to be not blown to the moon by the overrated singer at the end so Simon starts in on her like he used to with Mel.

Excuse me but aren’t these people JUDGES? If every person who actually judges a little is immediately bullied by the mob, then don’t have judges at all.

Edited by SG11
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I watched the rerun last night, and as it turned out, I missed a lot of the acts since my attention turned to more interesting things, like the shiny bobble on the kitchen counter ...

But what I did notice: I actually stopped wandering around and watched the guitar guy. He held my attention through his entire act, which is saying something.

The rat lady got the burn edit, all put together to make her act look stupid and hopeless. For all I know, it was rehearsal edited to look like the real performance. The rat was a different one than last time, and my guess is the producers told her to run the untrained rat through, then they filmed it like it was the real deal. The whole thing was bogus IMO. We never heard her telling the rat what to do in her last appearance but that was the focus this time. Still, I'd rather watch her train rats than have to sit through any of the "singers" on this show.

Gonzo Tambourine Man ... for someone who speaks no English and has to have a "translator" on stage with him, he sure understood the judges' comments, especially the "take off your clothes" comments. There has to be something going on that we are not aware of for him to go through.

Stephanie's Child, the three drag queens, WAY better than Gonzo. And that's saying something. That, plus I actually liked them.

Hate the opera husband/knife wife. End of that story.

I don't remember seeing the one guy with the Border collie before. I barely saw them this week.

The Light Balance kids ... ugh. At least they're not singers, that's the only plus to them. "Thanks Mom and Dad for creating everything in our act for us so we could get the Golden Buzzer."

I got a laugh out of Elle or Gabrielle saying the Brazilian women in the tight black plastic pants "literally" set the stage on fire. I missed that part of their act, but it would have been exciting to see.

I'm obviously in the minority in that I didn't find the Voice Guy the least bit entertaining. I looked away from the tv so I could concentrate on the voices, not his face, and that didn't work for me. He still sounded pretty much the same throughout, at least to my ears.

I don't mind Terry being in the background and not overpowering the acts (Nick) or being some flamboyant camera hog (Tyra). I think he's the best host so far. Less is more in the case of a talent-show host.

Howie's script has been edited, he doesn't get to say "There are 18 acts and only seven will go through" any more. That line has been passed around to the women. Is Howie on his way out? Meanwhile, I wish someone would tape Simon's fingers together. His obsession with putting his hand, one finger projecting out, over the side of his face is getting ... well, weird.

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