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S03.E01: Crazy In Love

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It seems that all of the featured Americans this season are suffering from a bad combination of arrested development combined with an idealistic, starry-eyed belief that love can conquer all (including war, massive lies and deception, and Instagram filters).

Rebecca, honey- if you are desperately seeking Husband #4 (and you haven't properly detached from #3 yet), do you think that light rings and emojis will override the fact that you remain MARRIED and that engaging in a sexual relationship with a 26 year old Muslim is illegal?  Goodness me.  Again here, the situation where the adult children are light years past the maturity level of the parent. And it constantly amazes me that these people will show their foolishness on national TV for us all to ridicule.

"Look at all the emojis in his texts! He is the sweetest man! And I am SURE that this time will be different! And I know he loves me forever because he says 'I love you baby baby baby' on the phone!"

Caesar-my goodness, you are surrounded by a sea of red flags but you just don't want to acknowledge them.  He might as well be plugging his ears, singing "lalalala" at this point. The financial foolishness of sending this Bimbo money so she can "buy her own ticket" would be funny if it weren't just sad. He has a very childish level of reasoning and we are all taking advantage of him by watching.

Ferrari driver with no muscles (I forget his name)- "I need my ex in my life because of the child but I also need Jennifer in my life."  I hate to be practical, but that child is not yours- even if you have been a good influence in her life. Sucks that you didn't create her but your ex has NO right to demand your time or financial input and although you love her child, it's important to realize that if you piss your ex off (she looks easy to piss off), she could cut you off on a dime and you are left with a broken heart.  ALSO- ditch the stupid haircut, douchey car and stop talking about how "smokin' hot" your long-distance girlfriend is.  Yes, as you say- appearances are important. But they are not everything.

Avery- I am hard pressed to believe that a 19 year old has the means to fly and relocate herself to the Middle East and if she were mine, I would not offer any assistance in helping her achieve that goal. Her casual conversation with the obviously caring family friends, "yeah, I'm going down there and we are getting married in 11 days" reflects the lack of insight and total unawareness of the dangers she is facing. "Yeah, there are wars and stuff and people are dying. But I can't live without him!"  

Oh, Darcy- what can we say about you? You still talk like a little girl reading a fairy tale book, sprinkling your talk about your latest international fling with words like "my Prince Charming" and "my knight in shining armor." You learned very little from your Jesse experience except for how to cry (in a homely fashion) on cue and consistently defend yourself as blameless in your failed relationships. In the end, your mate is another human being with shortcomings and failings (like bad breath after a flight) just like the rest of us. Stop placing these guys on a pedestal and expecting them to make your silicone-filled life complete.  You will age like the rest of us, you will have bad days like the rest of us, you will argue with your spouse like the rest of us. Not every blip is a reason to melt down and sob.   I laughed when, after seeing her "enhanced" balloon lips in the mirror, she exclaimed delightedly: "I look like me!"  Honey, you look nothing like you anymore.

Edited by KateHearts
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On 8/4/2019 at 10:24 PM, Cammi said:

I don’t feel bad for Cesar salad. He could go right down the street to the nearest church and find a good woman who’s also a great mom. She’d probably be 15lbs overweight, tired a lot from working hard so not in the mood to send half naked selfies all day, and not “Instagram ready” though. His shallow ass wants a model with the personality of a microwaved potato. So let him get played! Tired of people feeling bad for these fools that obviously only care about looks. Sorry, may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think you can fall in love with someone you’ve never met. Friends? Yes. Lust? Yeah sure. In love? Nope. You’re in love with the idea of them. True love requires face time (not the iPhone kind), in person. Caesar salad is seemingly sweet, but shallow as they come. Hope that Ukrainian takes him for all she can get. 

YES! THIS! Does someone who is maybe a 6 think they are in a relationship with a 10 when they can't ever spend time one-on-one with the person??!? Where is the logic?

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My thoughts on Avery (and I could be waaaay off base) are that I think she might be a victim of childhood sexual abuse. We know it runs rampant in the gymnastics world. It kind of explains her strong desire now to cover up completely as well as to convert to a religion that allows absolutely no touching prior to marriage. I think it’s a combo of rebellion and that, but I don’t think Islam would mean she no longer will have a strictly regimented life.

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17 minutes ago, GoGamecox said:

YES! THIS! Does someone who is maybe a 6 think they are in a relationship with a 10 when they can't ever spend time one-on-one with the person??!? Where is the logic?

I once found myself on a date with someone whom I was way out of their league education wise, physically and professionally. He was shocked that I didn't want to go out with him again. I was talking to my friend about it after the fact and was saying that if I suddenly found myself on a date with Paul Rudd I would be super psyched, but would be aware that he may not be so psyched. Her response? Men don't think that way. I've since learned that this is often (though not always) the case. This is why I can believe that Ceaser earnestly believes that she is genuinely interested in him. Sigh. I am completely torn between feeling sorry for him and wondering how he could be *so* deluded. If he has a child and is wasting all of his money on this woman, however? Then I have no sympathy at all. 

Edited by Treehugger9
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14 hours ago, 100Proof said:

Avery: "Moving to Syria is the best way I know how to get a head"

I thought this said, "Moving to Syria is the best way I know how to get head" *nod nod nod then big old facepalm*

4 hours ago, Mothra said:

Exactly--and I wish I'd thought of this.  We in the US have been brainwashed to equate Muslim with terrorism, and that just plain isn't true.  My goodness, haven't we had enough examples of young men from so-called "normal" religious schools here (Catholic, Episcopal, for god's sake) who are espousing violent, terroristic ideas, and in some cases acting on them?

And Avery is the *only* American going overseas for love who has made an effort to conform to the culture and beliefs of the young man she is wooing, and goofy as she may seem to us (and don't get me wrong--she seems plenty goofy to me, but as darling PM points out, that's what young people do, and what they should be doing), she is making a mature and good faith effort to understand just what she is signing up for.  None of this "I'm an American girl, and nobody tells me how to dress" shit, and she deserves our credit.

The stories in the news about Isis wives desperate to return home are what we read about *because they are news.*  Women who have converted to Islam and are living happy lives in Muslim countries aren't news, and I hope Avery will be one of them.

I really do too but its the Syria thing that gives me huge pause for her life and safety.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

But you got me wondering about the ingredients so I went to good old Amazon (they have everything!) and found a chocolate thong. The reviews were scathing, some people had actually taken pictures of the package contents and it looked like a plastic garbage bag cut into a strip with plastic ties. The only resemblance to chocolate was the color. People brave enough to taste them said they were terrible.

I'm old and never could cotton to the idea of having my underwear intentionally in my crack, so thongs were always out of the question.  And now I learn that there are edible versions?

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1 hour ago, PrimeTuner said:

I was just saying that some Christian converts are also quite "over the top" in terms of adhering to the tenets of their new religion. However, unlike Islam, Christianity does not demand such strict modesty of dress or lifestyle changes. 

I'm not familiar with all varieties of Islam and what the strictures on dress, behavior and so forth are, but I do know that there are so-called "christian" sects in the US that place crazy rules on women about what they can wear and how they can behave, and who have committed horrible crimes, usually against their own children, based on those rules.  Granted, these are very small sects, often limited to a single family, but these are the ones we read about in the papers, where children have been beaten or starved to death in the name of god, or whose children have died because of a religious stricture about medical treatment?  There may, of course, be more whose children or wives have been killed and whose bodies have never been found.

On a personal note, my great grandfather (I come from a line of religious maniacs), an amateur preacher and leader of a relatively large flock in southern WV in the '20s, believed that some kind of wickedness lay in the exposed arms of the farm women whose families made up his flock.  Consequently, these poor women worked in the fields all summer long in long-sleeved black dresses which also covered their sinful ankles.  Insanity lurks among us.

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On 8/6/2019 at 12:09 AM, RealReality said:

1. Oh Darcy....girl....you stay thirsty.....

What's wrong with her hairline, it's so funky....I wonder if she had a facelift and they like pulled her forehead back.  It's bizarre.  

She and her sister look like Muppets.  And not in a good and cute way like beaker.

I have no idea why she wears those horrible extensions.  At a certain age you really have to evaluate if long straight mermaid hair is the right look.  I think she'd have to look better with shorter hair.

Doesn't she have a clothing line? Like house of 7/11 or something?

Anyways tom isn't a romantic, but I appreciate him thinking to give her time to prepare. 

Darcy ALWAYS looks half wilted, so after a long flight .....yikes

In one of the other chat boards someone theorized that all the heavy hair extensions over the years have pulled her hairline back significantly on the top of her face.
But I would also say that, yes, she's had a starter facelift, too. But that generally screws with the area around your ears and heals well enough that one can't really see it. 

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37 minutes ago, vintagesac said:

My thoughts on Avery (and I could be waaaay off base) are that I think she might be a victim of childhood sexual abuse. We know it runs rampant in the gymnastics world. It kind of explains her strong desire now to cover up completely as well as to convert to a religion that allows absolutely no touching prior to marriage. I think it’s a combo of rebellion and that, but I don’t think Islam would mean she no longer will have a strictly regimented life.

I had that thought too (or a sexual assault in high school), but I hope it's wrong. It would sort of explain why she is seeking out a very strictly religious guy to date/marry as well.  I hope it's nothing like that and she just flits from thing to thing because she likes attention.

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12 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

I had that thought too (or a sexual assault in high school), but I hope it's wrong. It would sort of explain why she is seeking out a very strictly religious guy to date/marry as well.  I hope it's nothing like that and she just flits from thing to thing because she likes attention.

I have a friend and former coworker who is a devout Muslim and most days I was more covered than her, lol.  She would wear a dress with no tights (bare legs), sleeveless dresses and never wore a hijab.  What I am suggesting is:  Avery does not need to be that covered up, she chooses to as a way of drawing attention to herself.

I am impressed that she wants to conform but sad that the country is Syria.  I mean, if either of my sons were to announce he was moving to Syria to be a with a girl I would, in all seriousness, get him to a therapist to discuss why he has a death wish.

I want to be clear:  I have worked in a 90% Muslim/Somali school and live in a cushy suburban area with a fair share of Muslim/Somali neighbors.  I love it.  I do not equate Muslim with terrorists, I DO equate Syria with being a war torn death zone, because it is factually.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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Yes, it's so much about him wanting her to go to Syria .  I don't care that he is muslim and that she converted.  He has to know that's not a good idea for her safety.  Is he able to move to another safer country and they be there together since he's probably not coming to the US anytime soon b/c of the travel ban?

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2 hours ago, essexjan said:

When I was a divorce lawyer many moons ago I had a client whose family was a never-ending source of revenue for the criminal law department in my firm.

How delightful! Just like the Timsons in John Mortimer's "Rumpole of the Bailey" stories!

1 hour ago, John M said:

While it is certainly less common there are plenty of Christian sects that modest dress including head coverings and significant lifestyle restrictions, e.g. the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, etc.

And how about the Mormons? Modest dress, and "sacred garments" for many.

Not to mention Fundamentalist offshoots like the Duggars. They all have pretty strict dress codes. For women, of course. Those painted jezebels.

My observation is that those who are born into a religion are often more willing to interpret the rules their own way. A convert is watching her p's and q's, demonstrating her sincerity, and showing that she's taking it seriously by adopting the strictest rules. And I've seen countless instances of people who are born into a religion, but whose family is "relaxed" or even "non observant", who make a decision in their own lives to be more observant and devout. Jewish, Muslim, Catholic. My son's roommate was raised Lutheran but converted to the Eastern Orthodox church. Not to harsh on anyone's reasoning or diminish or trivialize anyone's conviction, but I think part of the appeal is the ceremonial, the mystery, the rituals and rites. I'm an atheist myself but I can see the appeal of the call to prayer and the ceremonial ablutions that accompany daily prayers, or the rituals of confession and Communion, or the traditions of Shabbat, Passover, and Yom Kippur. To a young person who grew up in a heterogeneous community, I can understand the lure of the exotic unknown. and the hope that this is the key to some spiritual awakening. Most young people long for that connection to the universe, in one way or another.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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50 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

What I am suggesting is:  Avery does not need to be that covered up, she chooses to as a way of drawing attention to herself.

Exactly. She's trying on a costume. My impression is that she is continuing to seek the attention she craves. At one time it was by being the "all-American girl," the stellar gymnast, the twice-elected Homecoming Queen.  As those "accomplishments" (and their significance) fade, the more desperate her bids for attention become. What better way than to pronounce love for a guy you've never met in person in a war-torn country, and further shocking your parents by converting to a religion that is the antithesis of theirs.

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1 minute ago, KateHearts said:

Exactly. She's trying on a costume. My impression is that she is continuing to seek the attention she craves. At one time it was by being the "all-American girl," the stellar gymnast, the twice-elected Homecoming Queen.  As those "accomplishments" (and their significance) fade, the more desperate her bids for attention become. What better way than to pronounce love for a guy you've never met in person in a war-torn country, and further shocking your parents by converting to a religion that is the antithesis of theirs.

With her pale skin and what looks to be foundation a few shades to light for her, dark eye makeup, bright lipstick, clothing choices, what looks more like a beanie than even a modern interpretation of a religious head garment, every time I see her I think that she looks more like a cancer victim than a devout Muslim.

Which is to say, I agree, she looks like she is playing the part of a Muslim, not someone that is doing it out of religious conviction.

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2 hours ago, John M said:

While it is certainly less common there are plenty of Christian sects that modest dress including head coverings and significant lifestyle restrictions, e.g. the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, etc.

True. Although these religions/groups don't generally attract converts and I'm not sure it's possible to become Amish. You're either born Amish or you're not (since Amish are more than a religious group they're an ethnic group). You can never become one (similar apparently to Hinduism). 

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38 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

My observation is that those who are born into a religion are often more willing to interpret the rules their own way. A convert is watching her p's and q's, demonstrating her sincerity, and showing that she's taking it seriously by adopting the strictest rules

Jerry Stiller said that when Anne Meara converted to Judaism, it made him more Jewish, lol!!

I also want to be clear that I am not harshing on anyone's religion as that is super personal and I have nothing but respect for those who are devout.  I just don't think Avery is in it for the right reasons.

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24 minutes ago, John M said:

With her pale skin and what looks to be foundation a few shades to light for her, dark eye makeup, bright lipstick, clothing choices, what looks more like a beanie than even a modern interpretation of a religious head garment, every time I see her I think that she looks more like a cancer victim than a devout Muslim.

Which is to say, I agree, she looks like she is playing the part of a Muslim, not someone that is doing it out of religious conviction.

Yeah she reminds me of a mime with that pallor and hat.

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33 minutes ago, PrimeTuner said:

True. Although these religions/groups don't generally attract converts and I'm not sure it's possible to become Amish. You're either born Amish or you're not (since Amish are more than a religious group they're an ethnic group). You can never become one (similar apparently to Hinduism). 

Actually you can convert to Amish, it's just incredibly rare and they don't really want you to. As I understand it, it's not a case where they think that if you aren't Amish, you can't get into heaven, but if you want to adapt their principles and beliefs you should do that instead of becoming Amish.

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3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

"Look at all the emojis in his texts! He is the sweetest man! And I am SURE that this time will be different! And I know he loves me forever because he says 'I love you baby baby baby' on the phone!"

and Tiffany, Rebecca's skeptical daughter reminds her, "Mom, that's what you said last time..." 

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

and Tiffany, Rebecca's skeptical daughter reminds her, "Mom, that's what you said last time..." 

Perhaps current husband felt she already had cheated by catfishing him so infidelity was justified.

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3 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

I thought this said, "Moving to Syria is the best way I know how to get head" *nod nod nod then big old facepalm*

I thought to myself, "or the best way to lose your head." 

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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Exactly. She's trying on a costume. My impression is that she is continuing to seek the attention she craves. At one time it was by being the "all-American girl," the stellar gymnast, the twice-elected Homecoming Queen.  As those "accomplishments" (and their significance) fade, the more desperate her bids for attention become. What better way than to pronounce love for a guy you've never met in person in a war-torn country, and further shocking your parents by converting to a religion that is the antithesis of theirs.

There's just a small thing I want to point out.  She converted BEFORE she met the guy.  I'm not saying that makes her any more, or less, sincere (have to love her brother spilling the tea), but at least she didn't convert specifically for a guy she's never met. 

And obviously he didn't "accidentally" have his residence listed as the US, but how did they "fall in love" before what I would consider a first conversation question of, "where do you live?"

Love is great, but you do need to be a special kind of stupid to run head first into a country actively at war.  Especially as an American and as a woman. 

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I hope Avery enjoys the head-to-toe burqa in the Syrian climate! Just because dream boy dresses in western fashion doesn’t mean he or his family want the subservient wife dressing that way. And is his family on board with the American plan? If they’re strict enough to believe dating is a no no, i doubt they want a “corrupt” American girl in the family. Why is her mother giving a virtual nod to the relationship by offering to go with Avery? She should tell her daughter, “No fucking way! You’re on your own. Don’t call me to fly you home when all the dire warnings turn out to be a reality.”

eta: I don’t believe she had already converted before she met him  

Edited by nytonc
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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm old and never could cotton to the idea of having my underwear intentionally in my crack, so thongs were always out of the question.  And now I learn that there are edible versions?

I wonder if chocolate thong/panties is where the term HERSHEY HIGHWAY came from? 

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39 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I wonder if chocolate thong/panties is where the term HERSHEY HIGHWAY came from? 

It isn't. (Not sure if you’re joking.)

Edited by Gobi
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On 8/5/2019 at 12:07 PM, magemaud said:

That film clip reminded me how haggard she looked when she was wearing minimal makeup. She’s got to find a “happy medium.” 


There is no happy medium for women like Darcy & twin. They continue to believe that pumping your face with fillers to five times it’s normal size is attractive. Yuck!

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

Yes, now my Amazon home page is filled with "customers who bought Edible Chocolate thongs" also bought..." based on my recent search history

LOL!!!! I actually think it would be interesting to find out what else people who wear chocolate thongs are into!  Yoga, PBS newshour, flashlights???? Fancy soaps???  Travel pillows? Quilting? Throw pillows?  Lipton tea?

Edited by RealReality
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10 hours ago, Mothra said:

Exactly--and I wish I'd thought of this.  We in the US have been brainwashed to equate Muslim with terrorism, and that just plain isn't true.  My goodness, haven't we had enough examples of young men from so-called "normal" religious schools here (Catholic, Episcopal, for god's sake) who are espousing violent, terroristic ideas, and in some cases acting on them?

Unintentional backhanded compliment towards religion.   ;D

5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

How delightful! Just like the Timsons in John Mortimer's "Rumpole of the Bailey" stories!

I can imagine Michael making fair use of the phrase, "She who must be obeyed"

Edited by 100Proof
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On 8/5/2019 at 9:23 AM, Cammi said:

She seems to want to take the easy street with that and lay back and let a machine work her abs for her. Why bother with putting in actual effort in self improvement when you can pay someone to do it for you I guess? I bet her biggest role model is a Kardashian. The way she talks to her kids about her personal life, as if she is their friend or confidant and not their mother, was odd to watch. I think she needs the right cocktail of mood stabilizers and intensive therapy. So sad. Not even fun to watch.

Darcy reminds me more of a different Kim, Kim Zolziack of Real Housewives fame. I believe Kim was filmed eating pizza while undergoing some sort of ab sculpting treatment. Kim is also creepily plastic, materialistic and wayyy too close to her daughters. I guess Kim is married though, unlike our desperate Darcy and it appears that Darcy has not turned her daughters into her plastic clones... yet. I really hope Darcy's daughters hang on to their seemingly healthy dose of skepticism they have for mommy dearest and don't follow down her pathetic famewhore path.

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20 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

Darcy reminds me more of a different Kim, Kim Zolziack of Real Housewives fame. I believe Kim was filmed eating pizza while undergoing some sort of ab sculpting treatment. Kim is also creepily plastic, materialistic and wayyy too close to her daughters. I guess Kim is married though, unlike our desperate Darcy and it appears that Darcy has not turned her daughters into her plastic clones... yet. I really hope Darcy's daughters hang on to their seemingly healthy dose of skepticism they have for mommy dearest and don't follow down her pathetic famewhore path.

It's kind of a mystery to me.  While I think Darcy looks like a poorly designed muppet she isn't ugly.  She makes bad fashion choices, but there are guys into that "look"

He wears a lot of Ed Hardy and affliction brand clothing....bedazzled jeans for sure.  But he is out there....lifting with his Bros and working on his dad bod as we speak.  

I mean if she really wants a guy, she should be able to find a lid for her pot.  I can't imagine why it requires so much cross country travel.  Maybe her desperation and personality turn guys off....but men who wear a lot of ed Hardy are resilient to the tide of public opinion.  

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11 hours ago, Mothra said:

  Consequently, these poor women worked in the fields all summer long in long-sleeved black dresses which also covered their sinful ankles.  Insanity lurks among us.

My ankles are often up to no good.  

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17 hours ago, John M said:

Actually you can convert to Amish, it's just incredibly rare and they don't really want you to. As I understand it, it's not a case where they think that if you aren't Amish, you can't get into heaven, but if you want to adapt their principles and beliefs you should do that instead of becoming Amish.

Are you sure? That sounds unlikely, given Amish is more of an ethnic group than a religion. It would be like saying you can convert to being Japanese. Well, while you might be able to acquire Japanese citizenship, you can't become ethnically Japanese. That's something you're born with and can't be changed. 

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18 hours ago, John M said:

With her pale skin and what looks to be foundation a few shades to light for her, dark eye makeup, bright lipstick, clothing choices, what looks more like a beanie than even a modern interpretation of a religious head garment, every time I see her I think that she looks more like a cancer victim than a devout Muslim.

Which is to say, I agree, she looks like she is playing the part of a Muslim, not someone that is doing it out of religious conviction.

Indeed. She looks odd wearing that head covering as you say more like someone who's undergone chemo. She only looks like a Muslim when she wears her hijab, making her look like European Muslims from places like Kosovo, Bosnia or Albania. Or even Lebanon and Turkey, though in these countries few women wear head coverings especially in Turkey. 

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I think Darcey sees herself and her style as "classy," and therefore she has to have a sharp-dressed European man and not the Ed Hardy guy (though I AGREE that this would be a better match!).   Darcey's style is actually Overdone Tacky.  I think she'd look miles better with a make-under.   

That said, I'm used to her hair-petting, nail-clicking and all that so it doesn't bother me that she hasn't embraced the Natural Look but my god, when she SQUEALS, it zaps my brain.  It's so bad.

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2 hours ago, PrimeTuner said:

Are you sure? That sounds unlikely, given Amish is more of an ethnic group than a religion. It would be like saying you can convert to being Japanese. Well, while you might be able to acquire Japanese citizenship, you can't become ethnically Japanese. That's something you're born with and can't be changed. 

This is true!  I watched an American Experience on PBS about the Amish and they had a story about a woman who had converted.  

I think she had only converted because she and her husband had decided to live off the land and were pretty terrible at it and so they relied heavily on their Amish neighbors.  

She left the Amish community eventually but her son stayed  and was still Amish. 

I vaguely remember her saying that she was always treated like an outsider because it's such a tight knit community.

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2 hours ago, PrimeTuner said:

Indeed. She looks odd wearing that head covering as you say more like someone who's undergone chemo. She only looks like a Muslim when she wears her hijab, making her look like European Muslims from places like Kosovo, Bosnia or Albania. Or even Lebanon and Turkey, though in these countries few women wear head coverings especially in Turkey. 

See, I call BS on her going to to the gym in sweats and a beanie.  If you are a Muslim female, you wear the garb ALL THE TIME or a specially made outfit for gym class.   She says she is Muslim but she is a wanna be Muslim Lite, to me.

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18 hours ago, magemaud said:

and Tiffany, Rebecca's skeptical daughter reminds her, "Mom, that's what you said last time..." 

Do we know for sure that Danielle’s Mohamed isn’t her current husband?  Hmmm...

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40 minutes ago, Gobi said:
46 minutes ago, DiamondGirl said:

I think it's Azan.

Yes! Wouldn’t that be a delicious plot twist! Not yet Ex Husband was Moroccan and she “brought him over on a K1 Visa” and he cheated on her. Azan could have been in the US all along while still getting money from while avoiding Nicole. 

If this theory turns out to be true, the show deserves an Emmy! 

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15 hours ago, RealReality said:

It's kind of a mystery to me.  While I think Darcy looks like a poorly designed muppet she isn't ugly.  She makes bad fashion choices, but there are guys into that "look"

He wears a lot of Ed Hardy and affliction brand clothing....bedazzled jeans for sure.  But he is out there....lifting with his Bros and working on his dad bod as we speak.  

I mean if she really wants a guy, she should be able to find a lid for her pot.  I can't imagine why it requires so much cross country travel.  Maybe her desperation and personality turn guys off....but men who wear a lot of ed Hardy are resilient to the tide of public opinion.  

Maybe her desperation and personality turn guys off,

I think it's not a maybe,  it's a definite.    I mean she's never met Tom and she's talking about engagement rings and being exclusive.  She's so desperate it's not even funny.   Instead of international travel, she needs a psyche eval and therapist.   Not being mean.  I just think she's got major issues.

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48 minutes ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

Maybe her desperation and personality turn guys off,

I think it's not a maybe,  it's a definite.    I mean she's never met Tom and she's talking about engagement rings and being exclusive.  She's so desperate it's not even funny.   Instead of international travel, she needs a psyche eval and therapist.   Not being mean.  I just think she's got major issues.

No you are not mean you are spot on.  I mean, Darcy, you have been down this road before.  What is it about you that picks men that are far away?  I don't find Tom all that handsome either.  You have not met him but you are talking engagement rings?  I am not going to spoil anything but after seeing her topics of conversation with her sister and Drunk Friend in the newest episode, it is clear she also very materialistic.  We knew that before but it is really apparent now.

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4 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

No you are not mean you are spot on.  I mean, Darcy, you have been down this road before.  What is it about you that picks men that are far away?  I don't find Tom all that handsome either.  You have not met him but you are talking engagement rings?  I am not going to spoil anything but after seeing her topics of conversation with her sister and Drunk Friend in the newest episode, it is clear she also very materialistic.  We knew that before but it is really apparent now.

Not to even touch on her emotional outbursts.  I am super sensitive,  but I've learned to control it somewhat.   She needs meds, they really help.   I know first hand.

While I'm on a rant. none of these people are experiencing love.  I've been married 23 years.  Love is my husband going to Dairy Queen at 8pm after my gum surgery to get me a milkshake in the pouring rain.   Love is him practically holding me upright at my dad's funeral love is him helping my get in the shower and dressed after my C section.   Lol, I think I've made my point. 

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1 minute ago, Azanscrazyhair said:

Not to even touch on her emotional outbursts.  I am super sensitive,  but I've learned to control it somewhat.   She needs meds, they really help.   I know first hand.

While I'm on a rant. none of these people are experiencing love.  I've been married 23 years.  Love is my husband going to Dairy Queen at 8pm after my gum surgery to get me a milkshake in the pouring rain.   Love is him practically holding me upright at my dad's funeral love is him helping my get in the shower and dressed after my C section.   Lol, I think I've made my point. 

No you are spot on.  All these people have (with the exception of Lexi and Lauren) are fantasies, dreams, hopes and a hell of a lot of tunnel vision.  I have with my hubby what you have with yours:  a true partnership where you are there, in the middle of it all in the good and the bad.  We have seen each other through some serious shit - most, if not all, of these couples will fold on each other when the going gets rough.  Creepy Stalker Voice Guy doesn't seem like the type of guy to stand with Rebecca if she should fall ill.

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17 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I don't find Tom all that handsome either. 

In next week's previews on the video call, Tom looked totally different! I tried to take a screen shot of his face but it came out blurry, but I got the impression his head shots are also heavily filtered. 

Edited by magemaud
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