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S03.E01: Crazy In Love

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Can that girl who is now a Muslim even get to Syria?  Wouldn't the US gov't. stop American citizens from going there?  Isn't it or shouldn't it be one of those places with a travel warning? I am not doing the research because this girl is just too damn stupid and will look ridiculous walking around the market place in her flowered print percale sheet/burka.

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1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

Avery is one of those girls that need attention ALL THE TIME and is convinced that no one gets her because she's SOOOO different.    I hate her b/c she has people in her life that sincerely care about her and she's content to throw it all away.

Yup. And I think she wants attention from posting pretty hijab selfies on Instagram like Halima Aden. But Halima’s an actual model and actually Muslim. When she said she converted to Islam after “talking to a coworker” I knew she was full of shit.

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7 hours ago, RealReality said:

Caesar is 46, he has been told by every single person in his life that this is a scam.  The producers told him it was a scam.  "Maria" can barely tolerate him on the phone.  She hasn't been able to meet him in five years.  I will not be surprised if she claims Ramadan at some point.  Maybe I'm hard hearted....but unless I find out he has some sort of cognitive issue I just don't  feel sorry for him. 

I have a BIL that did the same thing. They do not hear a word their friends or family say to them. Eventually the friends and family fade away, just like the scammer when the money runs out. I hope she gets every last fucking penny from this dumbass.

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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Rebecca is going to have to bring her ring light to Tunisia 

She is so obsessed with looking young, but it sounds like zied knows her age.  Does he not know other women in their 40s?  Does she think he thinks that her heavily, HEAVILY filtered photos are representative of 46 year old women?

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18 minutes ago, RealReality said:

She is so obsessed with looking young, but it sounds like zied knows her age.  Does he not know other women in their 40s?  Does she think he thinks that her heavily, HEAVILY filtered photos are representative of 46 year old women?

Unless the same filters can be used on video chat he knows what she looks like.  The ring light may soften things a bit but it doesn’t do the major surgery the filters do.

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9 hours ago, RealReality said:

I feel like ceasar is a poor man's forest Whittaker and he was giving me ghost dawg realness when he was meditating.

I think he's the spitting image of Roland Gift of the Fine Young Cannibals (circa 1989ish).  Roland Gift used to creep me out too...


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9 hours ago, RealReality said:

1. Oh Darcy....girl....you stay thirsty.....

What's wrong with her hairline, it's so funky....I wonder if she had a facelift and they like pulled her forehead back.  It's bizarre.  

She and her sister look like Muppets.  And not in a good and cute way like beaker.

I have no idea why she wears those horrible extensions.  At a certain age you really have to evaluate if long straight mermaid hair is the right look.  I think she'd have to look better with shorter hair.

Doesn't she have a clothing line? Like house of 7/11 or something?

Anyways tom isn't a romantic, but I appreciate him thinking to give her time to prepare. 

Darcy ALWAYS looks half wilted, so after a long flight .....yikes

2. That girl should absolutely walk her silly American ass into war torn Syria.  Absolutely no one should be called upon to save her if shit goes sideways.  

3. In reading the comments I was on the fence about ceasar.  But no, I don't feel any sympathy for him.  

He is nearly 50 years old and has been "dating" her for 5 years.  He can talk all he likes about wanting to have this magical relationship....but apparently she is supposed to love him for his money and he is supposed to love her for her looks.  Sadly one of them is too dumb to realize what's up.

He says he loves her but their conversations are literally about nothing besides "hey baby" and "I love you." He is just like every other American fiance on this show trying to buy someone better looking and younger.  Only difference is that he dumber and more willing to commit to the sunken cost fallacy.

And so, he really thinks he is going to bring her to the US and she is going to stick around to clip coupons for eggs?  No, he knows what's up and probably figures, like every other one of these guys that once she is hostage here, he can hold a green card over her head.

4. Eyebrows McGee - he looks ridiculous in that car.  It screams tiny penis, so good luck man.  

He is in for a world of trouble because Veronica or whatever his ex's name is is going to cause problems.  And new model chick is never going to be okay with eyebrows spending time and money on a child that isn't biologically his.  She would probably have a problem even if that child (can't remember her name) was his biologically.

I could see this going the way of leida/Eric quick.  

Veronica is going to wish she hadn't interfered with eyebrows other relationships because if she had just been cool they probably aren't going to be as problematic as Jennifer.

*-eyebrows is my nickname for tim

Are chocolate panties made of like solid chocolate?  Or is it like some sort of fruit roll-up material so someone can wear them?

Asking for a friend obviously.

Women  actually wear them?!!!!!  I’d imagine they start melting pretty quickly and I’m thinking about what a mess they’ll make all over my nice QVC Scott Brothers sheets. 

Do they make them in another style for men to wear? 

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12 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Forgive me for my potential ignorance, but I thought it took time to convert to Islam.  I thought there were classes/lessons, etc.  So, a month seems very short to me (or maybe I totally misunderstood how long Avila has been a Muslim)

Nope. All you have to do is say:

I testify “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.”

“There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God".

Its nice if a person studies and learns about Islam first but it is by no means required.

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9 hours ago, RealReality said:

Is anyone watching the second episode...because this wedding planner...I'm dying!

That guy looked baked out of his skull.

I can't even imagine being that stoned and trying to make sense of what Angela wanted...especially because what she wanted made no fucking sense, anyway.

That dude was priceless.  

"We can roast a goat..." 😄😄😄 

9 hours ago, mmal said:

Caesar's, now private, instagram has a picture of him, from a couple of years ago, with a porn star.

He calls himself "black Brazilian stallion" in the text.

I'm not sure whether to throw up in my mouth or laugh.  

Maybe he's just delusional in all aspects of his life, not just "Maria."

23 minutes ago, RealReality said:

She is so obsessed with looking young, but it sounds like zied knows her age.  Does he not know other women in their 40s?  Does she think he thinks that her heavily, HEAVILY filtered photos are representative of 46 year old women?

Oh, I think he's probably just green card fishin', so he won't really care what she looks like when she arrives as long as she has US citizenship to share.  

I think the dude is creepy as hell, but he was doing some catfishing himself with those pictures he has on social media.  He looks greasy and smelly...and that voice.  *shudder*  

I think this perhaps could be the ultimate cast of losers TLC has ever unearthed thus far.  I'm delighted these morons think that relatively small TLC paycheck they'll receive is worth selling every ounce of their dignity and self-respect.  I wonder if any of these jackholes truly feel they'll come off looking like a winner in this shit show.  

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Travel warnings can be issued, but they aren't law. And there are places where US citizens can't go, supposedly (like Cuba, back in the day). No American carrier travels to North Korea, for instance. But surely Avery can fly to Turkey or, as she is planning, Lebanon. Then she will romantically and adventurously travel by truck and train and bus and camel caravan overland, across barren deserts and high mountain passes and dense forests and murky swamps, dressed as a boy or a Red Crescent nurse or hidden in a car trunk or bus luggage compartment..... you get the idea. She seems to think this is a romantic adventure. Not a fool's errand that can get her killed.  

I wonder if Nicole would go to those extremes for Azan. 

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21 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

I think this is one you don’t have to put a lot of thought into. Darcy simply had to find a new overseas guy quickly so she could stay on this show. So she quickly went with a guy that she already knew and could have dated a couple times ago. Her main deal is a need for attention, and appearances trump all else. She doesn’t realize that it has the opposite effect and she just looks desperate.  Her personality is partially a side effect of a string of bad decision making and reaping the seeds she sowed with delusion. She is also immature, insecure and overly emotional, and if she made better decisions she would have less to cry about. 

 I don’t see that guy as a match for her at all. She probably went with him more out of desperation and if she could have dated him before and didn’t, there was probably a reason. 

This right here in a nutshell.

I'm glad she did Jesse first though.  Their story line was quite entertaining, with his crazy parents and the promise ring, cutting steak on the bias, shoe throwing, etc.  C'mon, you know that's why we watch!!!

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3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I wonder if Nicole would go to those extremes for Azan. 

Well, we did see her atop a camel and hiking over hills of golden sands for "My World," so...maybe?  

Just put a McD's at the end of the proverbial trail and she'll find a way to get there!  😄  

Just now, suzeecat said:

This right here in a nutshell.

I'm glad she did Jesse first though.  Their story line was quite entertaining, with his crazy parents and the promise ring, cutting steak on the bias, shoe throwing, etc.  C'mon, you know that's why we watch!!!

And my favorite line courtesy of Jesse:  YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!!

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10 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm not sure he makes that much money.  Mr. Outlier says his Ferrari is a lower-end one, probably $150,000 new, but they don't make them any more so he most likely bought it used.  What I noticed is that he lives in a very generic looking apartment with a regular parking lot--doesn't scream money to me.

When people want to create the illusion of wealth they get a really fancy car.

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23 hours ago, iwasish said:

He doesn’t want a “Nicole”. Even if he is in the “90” range, he has drunk the kool aid that tells him the only women worth pursuing are beautiful, hot, sexy.  I might have given him a pass at the start since his conversations didn’t seem to revolve around sex, but the chocolate panties he was packing for the Mexican vacation sealed it for me, he’s driven by lust, plain and simple. 

Wait literal as in actual edible chocolate panties? My Benadryl kicked in halfway through the episode and I missed this. Oh my.

I don’t say this lightly as a healthcare professional but I think Darcy is certifiable. While also one of the most entertaining people on my TV. (She affords that half of her house with TLC money folks!!).

I will miss poor dumb Jesse trying to lecture Darcy in his stern Dutch accent. 

Edited by BluBrd47
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20 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

Okay, but Tom looked different in the "Coming Up" clips we saw at the end versus his photos from when Darcy was talking about him, right? I'm not losing my mind? He seemed hotter/younger in those photos.

Maybe he's using the same filters Rebecca is using. 

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Women  actually wear them?!!!!!  I’d imagine they start melting pretty quickly and I’m thinking about what a mess they’ll make all over my nice QVC Scott Brothers sheets. 

Do they make them in another style for men to wear? 

Those panties are a GREAT breeding ground for yeast infections. Oh, and gonnoreah cultures are done in CHOCOLATE agar!

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Syria does not mix with TLC and this girl looking for twu wuv is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth. She's taking this way too lightly. Like, "They have Isis and stuff." The reality of that brutalized nation is beyond her comprehension and she's all la dee dah. Of all the mothers worried about their offspring I feel the worst for her mom.

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If Avery makes it to Syria and after the camera crew has left, either her man is going to be super controlling and make her hate her life or she'll be posting selfies in front of bombed out buildings and refugee camps.  You know, if she's not kidnapped and something really dark happens to her like that girl that was dating a doctor without borders and went with him on a weekend assignment thinking it would be all romantic, but she got kidnapped and sold as a bride and eventually killed.

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On Mon Aug 05 2019 at 9:13 AM, Kiss my mutt said:

Notice how Ukraine woman never says his names. It’s always baby so she can send it to all her tricks. 

I knew when he wired the money he was gonna be SOL. Is her story true? That she couldn’t get out because of Russian attacks?

Complete nonsense. The separatist violence only ever affected the eastern borderlands. Yes there was a color revolution that resulted in a change of government in the capital Kiev but that was a few years ago and largely non-violent. Similar to the current Hong Kong situation. Neither of which are so disruptive as to make leaving the country impossible. The 2008 Bangkok airport siege made things difficult for travelers at the time but even there, alternatives were available for those that needed to get out -including using other airports and land border crossings. 

I am not sure which city this "girlfriend" is from but most likely Kiev,  Odessa or another large city. She's definitely a scammer and is able to use the lack of geopolitical knowledge of most Americans to her advantage. Having said that, Caesar is a smart guy and caught on by checking some facts. However, he is naive enough to somehow still believe her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually Russian or Polish or something and not even living in the Ukraine. I also feel sorry for him, for sending her money for that plane ticket to Mexico. I wonder if she'll go or whether there will be a last minute "emergency". 

Edited by PrimeTuner
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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Can that girl who is now a Muslim even get to Syria?  Wouldn't the US gov't. stop American citizens from going there?  Isn't it or shouldn't it be one of those places with a travel warning? I am not doing the research because this girl is just too damn stupid and will look ridiculous walking around the market place in her flowered print percale sheet/burka.

Since there are no direct flights between the US and Syria there's nothing the US government can do to stop her from going there. Also, it is not against any American government rules for American citizens to travel there as far as I'm aware. However, there is a government travel advisory that strongly suggests avoiding all non-essential travel to that country including for all Americans currently in the country to consider leaving. There is no diplomatic presence there to help in case of trouble and the infrastructure is severely damaged due to the war. 

Her entry into the country is at the discretion of the Syrian authorities who may be reluctant to issue a visa. In fact, I'm quite sure they are not issuing visas with ease. Iraq is making it easier to travel to the country as a tourist but that country is finally becoming safer whereas Syria is still in the midst of war. 

Unless she is extremely determined and willing to risk her life and can live without basic comforts and amenities, at the very least she should consider moving to Lebanon or Turkey where both her fiance and she could live in relative peace and with a decent standard of living. It makes zero sense to even travel to Syria let alone attempt to live there when her fiance is reportedly already living in Lebanon. 

Edited by PrimeTuner
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11 hours ago, RealReality said:

I had no idea, egglands best are like the only brand of fancy eggs I see in the stores so I didn't think they would have to do coupons.  I wonder if they are less than normal eggs with the coupons 🤔

Nah, they're still more expensive. 


11 hours ago, mmal said:

Caesar's, now private, instagram has a picture of him, from a couple of years ago, with a porn star.

He calls himself "black Brazilian stallion" in the text.

This actually makes me feel even sorrier for him, but I have a real soft spot for people who are just too dumb to realize how dumb they are.  All I can do is hope they're happy, and I don't get the impression that Caesar is.  I'd like it if he's fooled himself into thinking he is, but I still don't think I can watch him.


11 hours ago, RealReality said:

It's possibly a kit car.  I can't remember how I learned about it....maybe because Jorge had one. 

Mr. Outlier did say he was suspicious about the red wheels on the Ferrari. 

They quit making that model in 2005, and you can buy one starting at about $60,000, which I think is about what fancy SUVs cost these days, and you see a lot of them out in the wild.  So not that impressive.

But what do I know?  Mr. Outlier has a unique older car that people like, and one day I was driving it and pulled up next to a Gremlin at a light.  The guy in the Gremlin looked the car over and gave me a thumbs-up, and I pointed at his car and gave him a nod of approval.  My soft spot extends to wrongly vilified cars from the 1970s--does no one else appreciate the fact that you can wash both the exterior and interior of a Gremlin at the car wash?  Just open the doors and let 'er rip; a little water isn't going to hurt all that plastic and vinyl.

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17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She could do without wearing that half ponytail on top of her head. I don't think anyone past the age of 22 can pull off that hairstyle. 

I’ve always thought the Pebbles Flintstone hairdo was especially made for women over 40.  The height of elegance!

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10 minutes ago, DiamondGirl said:

I’ve always thought the Pebbles Flintstone hairdo was especially made for women over 40.  The height of elegance!

Well she does want the green-eyed one to Bam Bam her.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:
12 hours ago, RealReality said:

Is anyone watching the second episode...because this wedding planner...I'm dying!

That guy looked baked out of his skull.

 I can't even imagine being that stoned and trying to make sense of what Angela wanted...especially because what she wanted made no fucking sense, anyway.

 That dude was priceless.  

"We can roast a goat..." 😄😄😄 

I would watch a whole show of him and his gazebos.  “Whatever yer sin, we’ll do our best to accommodate it.”  

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38 minutes ago, PrimeTuner said:

Complete nonsense. The separatist violence only ever affected the eastern borderlands. Yes there was a color revolution that resulted in a change of government in the capital Kiev but that was a few years ago and largely non-violent. Similar to the current Hong Kong situation. Neither of which are so disruptive as to make leaving the country impossible. The 2008 Bangkok airport siege made things difficult for travelers at the time but even there, alternatives were available for those that needed to get out -including using other airports and land border crossings. 

I am not sure which city this "girlfriend" is from but most likely Kiev,  Odessa or another large city. She's definitely a scammer and is able to use the lack of geopolitical knowledge of most Americans to her advantage. Having said that, Caesar is a smart guy and caught on by checking some facts. However, he is naive enough to somehow still believe her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually Russian or Polish or something and not even living in the Ukraine. I also feel sorry for him, for sending her money for that plane ticket to Mexico. I wonder if she'll go or whether there will be a last minute "emergency". 

I'd bet good money that one of his frustrated friends ...maybe his boss had the good sense to do a five second Google search and forward him the results.

I almost died of laughter when this dummy, a 46 year old nail tech vowed to use some mysterious power to get her to Mexico.  He is so willfully stupid.

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

That guy looked baked out of his skull.

I can't even imagine being that stoned and trying to make sense of what Angela wanted...especially because what she wanted made no fucking sense, anyway.

That dude was priceless.  

"We can roast a goat..." 😄😄😄 

I'm not sure whether to throw up in my mouth or laugh.  

Maybe he's just delusional in all aspects of his life, not just "Maria."

Oh, I think he's probably just green card fishin', so he won't really care what she looks like when she arrives as long as she has US citizenship to share.  

I think the dude is creepy as hell, but he was doing some catfishing himself with those pictures he has on social media.  He looks greasy and smelly...and that voice.  *shudder*  

I think this perhaps could be the ultimate cast of losers TLC has ever unearthed thus far.  I'm delighted these morons think that relatively small TLC paycheck they'll receive is worth selling every ounce of their dignity and self-respect.  I wonder if any of these jackholes truly feel they'll come off looking like a winner in this shit show.  

I agree. Angela I mean she's just trash. Michael seems nice and innocent enough but come on, what does he see in a fat, loud, obnoxious and extremely high maintenance woman who is 22 years his senior? Unless he has mommy issues and doesn't care to have any children all I can think of is either fame or a US green card. Also, if you look at one of the images they are constantly showing of him he appears to be Muslim (based on the clothes he was shown wearing), which is not something I think Angela could get used to. Her nature and independent spirit is worlds apart from the type of "obedient wife" that many Muslim men expect. Although Michael does seem very easygoing so I dunno. 

Zied. That dude is creepy. He seems ok looking at first but in the previews we don't see a good side of him. Also, that private investigator should have learned her mistakes from what went wrong with her previous Moroccan boyfriend. Furthermore, she's 21 years older than him. It's just weird. What's with this show casting all these "old bags" (no offence intended) going out with guys half their age and from wildly different cultures (mostly Muslim) where such differences are largely taboo? 

Avery. Very determined young woman. A little scary if you ask me. She's just so naive. Good luck to her that everything goes well but she definitely hasn't thought this through. In some ways she's actually very mature for her age in others she has no idea what she's getting herself into. She's like the polar opposite of Nicole from Florida but just as naive, just in a different way. Good thing she doesn't have a kid and unlike Nicole she isn't ignorant about foreign cultures having chosen to become Muslim, which is not something Nicole could realistically do. 

I still think that Nicole and Azan from previous seasons is the best example of a bunch of losers that the show has ever cast. David (Annie's husband) doesn't even come close. Perhaps Paul and Karini are the next runners up but despite him being a complete creep, I still prefer him over Nicole mainly because Nicole is just too stupid, immature and lazy. Whereas Paul is simply unlikeable and annoying but at least he isn't completely naive. 

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1 minute ago, RealReality said:

I'd bet good money that one of his frustrated friends ...maybe his boss had the good sense to do a five second Google search and forward him the results.

I almost died of laughter when this dummy, a 46 year old nail tech vowed to use some mysterious power to get her to Mexico.  He is so willfully stupid.

Yeah that's a good point. He's very likeable but one of the most naive characters ever cast by the show. It's quite likely someone showed him what was going on in the Ukraine because even after he was shown this information proving the situation isn't quite as bad or dramatic as she made it out to be, he still decided to second guess himself and believe her. She's also unbelievably rude to him. Why doesn't he just find himself a cute hottie at his nail salon? Should be easy enough. 

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9 minutes ago, DiamondGirl said:

I would watch a whole show of him and his gazebos.  “Whatever yer sin, we’ll do our best to accommodate it.”  

Stoned and Angela's wedding to Micheal with an African reception seem to go hand in hand.

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3 minutes ago, PrimeTuner said:

Why doesn't he just find himself a cute hottie at his nail salon? Should be easy enough. 

I believe that’s how he met his last girlfriend. The one he claims got him into doing nails. I hope he doesn’t hit on customers. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable that would make me if I frequented that business.

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8 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I'd bet good money that one of his frustrated friends ...maybe his boss had the good sense to do a five second Google search and forward him the results.

I almost died of laughter when this dummy, a 46 year old nail tech vowed to use some mysterious power to get her to Mexico.  He is so willfully stupid.

I thought production probably suggested he Google to double check her story.  😄  

He's apparently lived in blissful (yet broke ass) oblivion for five years, so I'm sure someone must have suggested he check out her story otherwise he probably would have taken it as fact.  I loved the way, after her oh-so-enthusiastic "maybe I'll try later tonight" about booking her flight, he was practically orgasmic about how she was definitely going to meet him in Mexico.

Um, dude, that's not what she said....that might have been what you wanted to hear, but it wasn't what she said.  

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On Mon Aug 05 2019 at 9:22 AM, HunterHunted said:

Out of all of Maria's many many many suitors, the one that has no chance with her is the one who rides his bike to work, clips coupons, and has to borrow money from his boss. Even his explanation about why he sent her $800 a month made no sense. He said the US dollar goes farther over there, which is why he sent her $800 a month. No dopey! That's why you send her $200 a month. With $800 a month, she's living nicer than Caesar's dopey ass.

Rebecca is kind of a terrible private investigator.

I love Darcey's new guy being turned off by her emotional outbursts. How was he putting up with her for all of these years when Darcey is 90% emotional outbursts?

Exactly. $200 goes a long way in the Ukraine. Just recently I saw an infographic that showed Ukraine's average monthly salary as being only the equivalent of 298 Euros. That is less than 340 dollars. It's also well below the average monthly salary of such middle income (poor in previous decades) Asian countries as Thailand, where people make on average at least $500 a month. No wonder, the Ukraine is far poorer than Thailand - the latter has about 1 car for every 4 people, the former has far fewer, probably barely 1 car for every 10 people. 

Caesar seems like an intelligent guy other than when it comes to love. He's pretty damn unintelligent in that department. 

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15 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

I find this Avery Goes to Syria story line highly fucking offensive.  We all know what is happening there and this little bitch is all ready for her adventure like she is Dora the fucking Explorer.  Maybe she can round up an 'I ❤️Syria' sticker for her suitcase.  And a 'My dumb ass sister went to Syria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'  shirt for her little brother.  It's like she's off to Disneyland, but with all the Isis and death and stuff. 

Instead of rice they can throw poison gas canisters at the wedding.

11 minutes ago, PrimeTuner said:

Exactly. $200 goes a long way in the Ukraine. Just recently I saw an infographic that showed Ukraine's average monthly salary as being only the equivalent of 298 Euros. That is less than 340 dollars. It's also well below the average monthly salary of such middle income (poor in previous decades) Asian countries as Thailand, where people make on average at least $500 a month. No wonder, the Ukraine is far poorer than Thailand - the latter has about 1 car for every 4 people, the former has far fewer, probably barely 1 car for every 10 people. 

Caesar seems like an intelligent guy other than when it comes to love. He's pretty damn unintelligent in that department. 

Now intelligent do you need to be to paint nails?

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12 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

I don't find Ceasar good looking at all. In fact, when I first saw him I thought he had some kind of medical condition that caused odd features. 

I find his "jug ears" quite distracting

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53 minutes ago, PrimeTuner said:

Avery. Very determined young woman. A little scary if you ask me. She's just so naive. Good luck to her that everything goes well but she definitely hasn't thought this through. In some ways she's actually very mature for her age in others she has no idea what she's getting herself into. She's like the polar opposite of Nicole from Florida but just as naive, just in a different way. Good thing she doesn't have a kid and unlike Nicole she isn't ignorant about foreign cultures having chosen to become Muslim, which is not something Nicole could realistically do.

Avery's family are taken aback by her decision to convert; Nicole's would probably all die of collective heart failure. They are so horrified by the prospect of Nicole converting that they whisper the word "Muslim" as people might say "she's seeing a psychiatrist" or "he has AIDS" in other times.  "If you get married in Morocco, will it be a....Muslim wedding?" in hushed tones.

And Avery may be stupid and naive, but I do give her credit for trying to find a spiritual path. She's young and maybe she'll try on a lot of religions and philosophies, as young people are wont to do. I just hope she comes out of this unscathed. Its extreme. 

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In the brief (tee hee) glimpse I got of the Chocolate Panties, they appeared to be chocolate G-strings, so it I guess it would just be a triangle of chocolate, not full sized granny bloomers. 

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1 hour ago, RealReality said:

I almost died of laughter when this dummy, a 46 year old nail tech vowed to use some mysterious power to get her to Mexico.  He is so willfully stupid.

"Don't worry, baby. I'LL get you there..." like he's a super hero. MANICURE MAN! Ready to fight hangnails in a single clip! da da da DAH! 

1 hour ago, PrimeTuner said:

Also, if you look at one of the images they are constantly showing of him he appears to be Muslim (based on the clothes he was shown wearing), which is not something I think Angela could get used to.

I think we established in the last season that he's Christian

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

My soft spot extends to wrongly vilified cars from the 1970s--does no one else appreciate the fact that you can wash both the exterior and interior of a Gremlin at the car wash?  Just open the doors and let 'er rip; a little water isn't going to hurt all that plastic and vinyl.

haha... the Pinto, however, is rightly vilified.

I remember looking at Toyota Tercels which, as the salesman helpfully pointed out, were easy to hose out. Nothing will get damaged; it's all plastic!

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1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

I find this Avery Goes to Syria story line highly fucking offensive.  We all know what is happening there and this little bitch is all ready for her adventure like she is Dora the fucking Explorer.  Maybe she can round up an 'I ❤️Syria' sticker for her suitcase.  And a 'My dumb ass sister went to Syria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'  shirt for her little brother.  It's like she's off to Disneyland, but with all the Isis and death and stuff. 

 "My dumb ass sister went to Syria and all I got was this lousy box with her cremated remains."

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1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

I find this Avery Goes to Syria story line highly fucking offensive.  We all know what is happening there and this little bitch is all ready for her adventure like she is Dora the fucking Explorer.  Maybe she can round up an 'I ❤️Syria' sticker for her suitcase.  And a 'My dumb ass sister went to Syria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'  shirt for her little brother.  It's like she's off to Disneyland, but with all the Isis and death and stuff. 

I agree, and she is exactly the sort of entitled bitch who will cry and whine and scream that the US government should do everything in its power to save her when she changes her mind or the shit hits the fan.  

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Travel warnings can be issued, but they aren't law. And there are places where US citizens can't go, supposedly (like Cuba, back in the day). No American carrier travels to North Korea, for instance. But surely Avery can fly to Turkey or, as she is planning, Lebanon. Then she will romantically and adventurously travel by truck and train and bus and camel caravan overland, across barren deserts and high mountain passes and dense forests and murky swamps, dressed as a boy or a Red Crescent nurse or hidden in a car trunk or bus luggage compartment..... you get the idea. She seems to think this is a romantic adventure. Not a fool's errand that can get her killed.  

I find the whole story suspect. He said he left Syria because of the war. As far as I know, things have not stabilized to any degree, so why is he heading back now? If he was planning to return so soon, why is he on a marriage app? Why marry someone overseas and drag her into regional fights she doesn't even know about?  Why isn't he pursuing Syrian women who would have a stake in his endeavors? 

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Because he's not really going back to Syria, but he's trying to round up women to marry ISIS fighters? Because no one in Syria will have him because he's crazy as a loon? Because he's trying to score that holy of holies, a ticket to the US? If he marries an American, maybe he thinks he can get fast tracked?

I agree his story is fishy as fuck and Avery is possibly headed into real danger.

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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Because he's not really going back to Syria, but he's trying to round up women to marry ISIS fighters? Because no one in Syria will have him because he's crazy as a loon? Because he's trying to score that holy of holies, a ticket to the US? If he marries an American, maybe he thinks he can get fast tracked?

I agree his story is fishy as fuck and Avery is possibly headed into real danger.

Yeah maybe he became a dentist expecting to practice here.  Then the current administration said no one (even refugees) could come from Syria.  Maybe he thinks the combo of marrying an American and applying from Lebanon will open doors that are otherwise closed.  He had some huge Chiclet teeth for a dentist.

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2 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

I find the whole story suspect. He said he left Syria because of the war. As far as I know, things have not stabilized to any degree, so why is he heading back now? If he was planning to return so soon, why is he on a marriage app? Why marry someone overseas and drag her into regional fights she doesn't even know about?  Why isn't he pursuing Syrian women who would have a stake in his endeavors? 

This is what would bother me about him.  If you really loved someone would you drag them into a war zone when you know they could be safe?  She claims that she will do whatever he wants, so why is he okay with this at all?  

2 minutes ago, Spike said:

Yeah maybe he became a dentist expecting to practice here.  Then the current administration said no one (even refugees) could come from Syria.  Maybe he thinks the combo of marrying an American and applying from Lebanon will open doors that are otherwise closed.  He had some huge Chiclet teeth for a dentist.

An oral surgeon!  The US has a need for medical professionals, and if true, I think this is the best job a foreign fiance has ever had.  He seems a bit young to be an oral surgeon, but whevs.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

In the brief (tee hee) glimpse I got of the Chocolate Panties, they appeared to be chocolate G-strings, so it I guess it would just be a triangle of chocolate, not full sized granny bloomers. 

I like that you're brave enough to Google the things I'm too scared to Google.  

So, is this like Tootsie roll material?  Or like Helen grace chocolate Easter egg material?  

1 hour ago, Spike said:

Instead of rice they can throw poison gas canisters at the wedding.

Now intelligent do you need to be to paint nails?

Ive watched claws and I couldn't do that type of artistry if my life depended on it.  

But so far all we've seen ceasar do is rub feet and walk around and tell other techs they are doing a great job, for reasons??

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