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Naked And Afraid - General Discussion

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Summary from Discovery's site:


Eye of the Storm
A wild child and retired sergeant are stranded in the Belize Jungle following a catastrophic hurricane that threatens their entire challenge. Can they survive in a rainforest that has been turned completely upside down?


The partners were Jason (the retired sergeant) and Lacey (the wild child, mother). I was surprised the self-described musclehead Jason had to be tapped out due to medical reasons. I was also surprised that a field doctor was summoned to check the guy out (and that that footage was aired). I was even more surprised at how serious his condition was.

I thought Lacey was going to tap out around Day 19 when she was in such despair over missing her children (and for what exactly?). Yet, she gets props for sticking it out to the end. Her previous outdoorswoman experience came in really handy when she found the bark of that tree to alleviate Jason's sunburn.

Edited by discoprincess
  • Love 1

Lacey was a wonderful example for other participants.  She tried to help her suffering partner and stuck it out after he left.  I cannot remember another episode where the female started with a higher PSR than the male.  She demonstrated confidence and an eagerness to take on challenges.  tough to imagine someone as petite losing 19 lbs.

This is the second thickly muscled contestant who physically looks promising and does not last long.  All that muscle must demand a great deal of nutrition.

Starting to think they interact more with the camera crew than they think we see.  Lacey was sitting on a log explaining things while the crew filmed.  Cannot really imagine if she was alone she would be verbalizing her thoughts, but can imagine the producer asking her to expound on a subject while filming.  It can't be a real treat to be a camera person on this show either, the food and shelter may be better but spending up to 3 weeks in some of these locations would be more than I would care for even with a tent and 'camping' food.  

Edited by Liberty
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Liberty said:

Cannot really imagine if she was alone she would be verbalizing her thoughts, but can imagine the producer asking her to expound on a subject while filming.

Maybe I am noticing it too, but having a camera crew following you around and prompting you to expound on your innermost thoughts isn't exactly what I call "being alone." Guess I've been spoiled by the show "Alone." 

  • Love 5

I was also thinking that a military or para-military background is not really an asset on this show.  IIRC the police sergeant suggested he was always near the center of the action and seemed to consider himself a rugged male "gym rat".  This has happened a few seasons ago a well muscled ex-special forces fellow fell pray to sunburn and was cared for by his 'surfer girl' partner.  Do not recall if he quit, but doubt he made it to the end.

This show,  Disco made no secret that the team was given a fire starter in addition to the item the participants selected.  

  • Love 2

This first episode was enjoyable if a bit bland. However, I hate, hate, hate that they don't get sunscreen as a necessity. This is naked & afraid, not naked, afraid & risking skin cancer. It would not lessen my enjoyment of the show if they had sunscreen. In fact I would enjoy it more not wondering why people are willing to take the risk of getting fried, or watching them suffer after they do. The guy last night didn't look as burned as some folks have in the past, but a large sunburn screws with your entire body system while you're recovering & it has to be much harder to recover in those conditions. Ok, off my soap box. 

I thought the guy's feet & lower limbs swelling sounded more serious than simple fluid imbalance/water retention when they first started talking about it so I'm glad they got medical attention quickly. Both of these folks seemed pleasant enough & not hugely drama driven. I appreciated that. The lady was impressive in how she tried to take care of her partner without tons of complaining but recognizing survival would be easier with him. @Liberty I can't recall another episode where the woman's PSR started higher than a man's either. Good for her! I liked that this wasn't one of the episodes where we watch them slowly starving. 

Side note: Wherever I see the women walking naked through questionable looking water, especially water up to or over their lady bits, I feel an instinctual revulsion. All I can think of are microscopic critters swimming where they want, and diseases flowing where they choose. I freely admit I'm not an outdoorsy person, but even if I were, I tend to think that would still give me pause. 

  • Love 6

I don't think they need to give them sunscreen. They can just use mud. As fair as he is, I would have thought he'd realize he needed to mud up right away. I'm really fair and I know I burn quickly. That's the first thing I'd do once I re-robed. 

In fact, I would prefer they let contestants have some clothing over anything else. I still really do not see the point of the naked part. I don't think it adds anything to the show. Let em wear a basic t-shirt and shorts or something, and move right along. 

At first I thought this guy was a typical tough guy who can't hack it when he's out of his element. When his feet first started swelling, I was all, "Bitch, please. I had severely swollen feet during my first pregnancy, but was still on them every day in the pharmacy for 8 hours". But then I realized how serious it was and felt like an ass. 

I was glad to see Lacey make it to the end without him. She was definitely a tough cookie. 

  • Love 6

I don't mind them not having sunscreen, but yeah, these folks KNOW if they need to "mud up" right away. It seems like it's mostly men on this show who have no clue about this stuff, and figure it out way too late. I personally hardly ever burn (dark Polish genetics), but I would immediately mud up a fair-skinned partner. That's the first shelter they need to be concerned with. Sunburns also severely dehydrate you. 

  • Love 3
On 3/8/2017 at 8:29 AM, ghoulina said:

I don't think they need to give them sunscreen. They can just use mud. As fair as he is, I would have thought he'd realize he needed to mud up right away. I'm really fair and I know I burn quickly. That's the first thing I'd do once I re-robed. 

I think in some locations mudding up is possible. In some of the desert environments, however, until they find a water source they can't do it and we've seen a few episodes where the water source was nothing more than a puddle, at least for the first few days. 

3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Did they change the number of days?  I thought they had to stay 28 days and now it's 21 days?  I'm confused.

I thought it had always been 21. 

On 3/8/2017 at 8:02 AM, ramble said:

This first episode was enjoyable if a bit bland. However, I hate, hate, hate that they don't get sunscreen as a necessity. This is naked & afraid, not naked, afraid & risking skin cancer. It would not lessen my enjoyment of the show if they had sunscreen. In fact I would enjoy it more not wondering why people are willing to take the risk of getting fried, or watching them suffer after they do. The guy last night didn't look as burned as some folks have in the past, but a large sunburn screws with your entire body system while you're recovering & it has to be much harder to recover in those conditions. Ok, off my soap box. 

We DO know that they continue to give them their regular medication while they're on their show. They also give the women tampons. The sunscreen thing is something I understand from your perspective. Sun damage can have long-term effects. Mud might keep you from burning but it depends on the type of dirt. Also, mud is not nearly as effective on its own as it is when added to animal fat. I would also be okay with them giving them sunscreen. 

  • Love 1

after sunscreen how about insect repellent,  etc etc etc,  they would jsut keep adding more stuff. most people should know enough to build up a tan before they go. I an'['t believe I have not gotten melanoma, but my mother used to lock me outside in the spring with instruction to get my first burn of the year.  but in perspective, that was when a sun tan was considered a healthy look.  I would usually burn 3 times before finally tanning and I got very very dark.  from very very light. There are some things you would think people would do for themselves in preparation.  For example, eat a lot of garlic to repel bugs the first few days. read i[ on the ara to know what the local plants/cures are. 

7 hours ago, holly4755 said:

 read i[ on the ara to know what the local plants/cures are. 

This isn't always possible. A. the contestants don't always know where they are going and B. sometimes the location changes as they're literally leaving. There was one episode in which they'd told the couple that they were going to a jungle environment and they ended up in the forest of India. By the time they found out their destination, it was too late for them to do any reading. They did what they could on their tablets on the plane ride over. Once they land and are taken to the hotel for the first few nights, they're not allowed access to computers or books. 

Season 7 Episode 2

Another talented and dedicated female stays as long at the Producers let her.  Gio was really solid from the start, and it was fortunate for them both that the Wes did not resist the strong willed Gio, like some guys do.

Interestingly they could not develop a protein source that would help them, and the mental stress was demonstrated by each of them.  Cannot imagine sitting in my shelter in the rain with no fire when it's in the 50's.

So the bogus PSR thing, she makes it to the end and they do not re-evaluate her, he quits early and they re-evaluate him.  I know the PSR thing is pretty worthless, but she accomplished a lot, and deserved a bit more than 'we're take you out because it is too dangerous for you'.  Hell of they had picked a better location than sending them to the river Gio may have made it.  (Given the little foot-bridge from the Disco camp across the river provide the idea that's where Disco wanted them.)  That bridge the truck drove across taking Gio out was pretty scary.

How about the Disco Producer making certain Wes wanted to quit with 6 days left.  The producer had been sleeping in a sleeping bad, in a tent, wearing clothing and probably eating food cooked on a Coleman stove, and thinks Wes is overestimating the difficulty of spending 6 more days.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, niklj said:

I didn't like this episode but I can't put my finger on why. I didn't like either of the contestants that much.

It's getting kind of suspicious how often the Day 20 Miracle Food Source is occurring. I look out for it now.

I can put my finger on it- he was a lazy, misogynistic dick. Seriously, she works in construction but from day one he refused to listen to anything she had to say. Whether or not you liked her as a person, she was definitely a badass. 

  • Love 3

Yeah - the edit was weird - I can't believe Tim sat around doing nothing but drinking water from day 3 until day what, 19?   What an ass. The episode rankled big time, i think because it tried to give a balanced view of things since Tim eventually played a bit nicer at the end. I think the editors didnt want to show him in a bad light since he finished.  But I'm sorry, Shannon can't have been that bad if you were able to tolerate her for two weeks.  I think Tim didn't have any grown up coping skills to find a way to work with Shannon.  Nothing she did seemed awful, though she did seem to be on the controlling side.  I think I could have dealt with Tim's withdrawal if he had ever sat down with her and said something to the effect of: "This isnt working great for me, I think we need to find a way to work together.  Either we sit and plan and find a strategy for needed activities, or we divide up responsibilies and let the person responsible figure out how to accomplish the task without interference".  But doing this would have required seeing Shannon as an equal, or a competent person, and I don't think that's the way Tim sees women. 

SO it bugged the shit out of me when Shannon was shown apologizing to Tim, when he was the one who had been sitting on his ass for two weeks, and we never saw Tim apologizing in return.  

YMMV, but the misogyny of Tim coupled with the recent revelation of the facebook Marine group revenge porn scandal makes me feel really bad for Shannon having to spend 21 days naked with Tim. 

  • Love 3

The partners should sit down on Day One and discuss their personalities, their work ethic, their skill sets, etc. so that they can be proactive about getting along and figuring out a way to handle the dynamic between them. Set some ground rules like "I know I try to take control of situations and if I'm getting under your skin, just tell me and I'll back off," or "I'm pretty good at building things and have a lot of experience, but I'm open to suggestions."  Sometimes you just need to stay in your lane and do your job, for both your sakes.

I'm also wondering about the perfectly timed food availabilities on Day 20. These pairs sit out there for 19 days wringing their hands but suddenly find protein on the day before extraction? Talk about serendipity! What a coincidence.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I'm also wondering about the perfectly timed food availabilities on Day 20. These pairs sit out there for 19 days wringing their hands but suddenly find protein on the day before extraction? Talk about serendipity! What a coincidence.

I am too, though mostly I think what happens is this: 

They need to create drama about the limited supply of food during the episode to create drama.  And there isn't much food, so there are plenty of opportunities to show the contestants talking about hunger, etc. So these are hyped more than the meals they are finding. 

Towards the end of the 21 days, 2 things have happened: 1) the contestants are more aware of whats around them. So they may have slightly better luck finding food since they know likely spots better. And 2) Once a contestant reaches the end of the 21 days, there isnt too much drama about whether they will make it to 21 or not.  You're rooting for them to succeed at this point.  So the show's calculus changes and they are more incentivized to show the meal successes.  So the little meals are celebrated strongly. 

That said - I agree that it is totally suspect how often it happens.  I just think it's a flaw of the formulaic nature of the show as much as anything else. 

Tim and Shannon, what a pair.

IIRC Shannon was doing this to show her children what was possible.  That gets said a couple of times each season, but it never fails to make me wonder if being away from the children for as long as shooting, recovery and travel takes is worth the message of success.  Sometimes personal characteristics are revealed in the show that may have been better kept secret from the children.

Funny how these people with military backgrounds have so much difficulty representing their service with honor.  Generalizing, they are proud of their service, but do not demonstrate that the service has had a positive influence on their behavior.  Tim  did not create a positive image for Marines.

  • Love 3

I would argue that most people seem to struggle to show their best qualities.  Theor have been a few clear gems, but generally they all come off at least somewhat badly.  It is a situation not designed to show people at their 'best', though it does show what people can accomplish in hardship, which is in itself interesting.  

Regarding your comment about families, i agree, though 7 seasons in, I dont really know why anyone would do this.  

  • Love 1

I thought Shannon was suffocating and bossy. Of course hard to tell with the edit--they may have just highlighted those times, but from what I saw I would have given her a STFU by day 2.  She had something to say about everything. correcting, showing him up when she could, and making the plan and wanting her 'partner' to march along.  I see most women on the show assert themselves at some point in the beginning to let the guy know he's not going to be running the show with her as 'the little helper' and I get that..  but she seemed to insist upon running things and constantly on him about what he did and how he did.   

However I agree that the things Tim said to the camera he should have said to her instead of going totally passive-aggressive and refusing to play at all.  The perfect time/example was with the fire-making when she insisted that he not start without her.  It was  obvious then how she had to be on top of him for every thing and he should have told her then to back off.   I can't believe she doesn't realize how obnoxious she is.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, seasick said:

... The perfect time/example was with the fire-making when she insisted that he not start without her. ...

That was certainly a turning point.  Her behavior was definitely inappropriate, as if she was talking to a child in an effort to keep the child from doing something dangerous without supervision. 

Both of them had plenty of childish behavior.  When he was trying to make fire and the camera crew was interviewing her 10 feet away so he could hear everything she said, it was a new low for Disco producers.  The producers were able to drive a wedge into the fissure that already separated them.

Such childish behavior flies in the face of the armed forces creating mature enlistees.

  • Love 3
On 3/20/2017 at 2:56 AM, niklj said:

It's getting kind of suspicious how often the Day 20 Miracle Food Source is occurring. I look out for it now.

Also suspicious of the special healing trees that they "recall hearing about" or "remember reading about"  and of course just happen to be able to identify and find in the forest.  

  • Love 6

Also not impressed with the choice of a rope as Shannon's item.  I can't think of much I would choose over a fire-starter.  Even a mosquito net isn't a bad choice--perhaps my choice if I could not take a fire rod for some reason.  Protection from the bugs, it may provide some warmth and  possible use for fishing or even 'trapping' to throw a net to slow down some creature.   

And once again they decided to forego fire the first thing saying that the woods were still wet... but there was no guarantee it wouldn't rain or stay damp as the tropics tend to be.   It amazes me how many don't make fire a priority since it  usually provides drinking water, warmth and protection--and often the only way to safely eat what they catch.

1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:


Shannon was definitely bossy, but Tim was such a butthurt little bitch about it. He sulked for WEEKS, because she was bossy on day 1/2.


No argument there.   It was crazy how he totally folded instead of at least trying to avoid her if he didn't know how to confront her.    But even if she was there with another woman her take charge--"no that won't work"--"no! move that pole out ...further!" orders would have been offensive.  And you cannot ignore the fragile male ego.  He definitely was a pouty princess about being dissed, and had no ability to properly confront her,  but she is a natural ball-crusher IMO. 

  • Love 2
On 3/20/2017 at 7:23 AM, rlc said:

I can put my finger on it- he was a lazy, misogynistic dick. Seriously, she works in construction but from day one he refused to listen to anything she had to say. Whether or not you liked her as a person, she was definitely a badass. 

To be fair, she was a bitch in her delivery. You can't constantly tear someone down and expect their morale and willingness to help to survive intact. At the same time, I don't understand why they had to fight so much. My attitude would be: If you think your way is better, then we'll do it your way; all I care about is getting a shelter, fire, and water. She could have let him do things his way and then, if it fell apart or failed, step in with "Let's try it this way." He would certainly be more receptive to her methods once his method failed. And if his way worked, then she learns something and can be suitably impressed or not.

I would probably have split from her on day 3 and survived on my own, while occasionally actively sabotaging her as an act of reprisal for treating me so poorly. And just because she works in construction doesn't mean she knows best how to build a primitive shelter. I mean, really, is she building these things on the regular as part of her construction work?

  • Love 4

I think they intentionally pair up people with those who are worst suited to them. I don't believe for a second they don't ask in early interviews, "what kind of person would you least want to be out here with?" Tim said before they got out there that he'd least like to be with a bossy, know-it-all. And that's what he got. Those two were NOT well suited, and I think it was intentional. 

I didn't find Tim misogynistic. I thought he was just super immature. Shannon was very bossy and abrasive with her delivery. I would have been frustrated with her as well. But Tim didn't handle it well at all. He decided to take his ball and go home. Except he couldn't go home, so he refused to do anything and sat around being a brat for most of the duration. 

But I did appreciate that he saw the error of his ways and realized Shannon deserved better than that. Rough personality aside, she was a very hardworking person. And creative too. 

Overall, it was like watching two of my kids fight for an hour straight. Not really entertaining television. 

  • Love 6
On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 11:56 PM, niklj said:

I didn't like this episode but I can't put my finger on why. I didn't like either of the contestants that much.

It's getting kind of suspicious how often the Day 20 Miracle Food Source is occurring. I look out for it now.

When Shannon put the pot down on the rock while looking for food in the water I thought- I wonder what fish is going to jump into that pot for them since they NEED food right now.  LOL- I'm relieved to see that I am not the only cynical one.

  • Love 3
On 3/20/2017 at 2:56 AM, niklj said:

I didn't like this episode but I can't put my finger on why. I didn't like either of the contestants that much.

It's getting kind of suspicious how often the Day 20 Miracle Food Source is occurring. I look out for it now.

I've been saying that for the last two seasons. I'm sure the producers put the food there

On 3/21/2017 at 6:57 AM, seasick said:

Also suspicious of the special healing trees that they "recall hearing about" or "remember reading about"  and of course just happen to be able to identify and find in the forest.  

To be fair, though, according to one of the FB chats they (used to?) have, the contestants do get notified where they are going a few weeks before they leave which gives them time to research the area.

On ‎3‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 8:55 PM, niklj said:

To be fair, though, according to one of the FB chats they (used to?) have, the contestants do get notified where they are going a few weeks before they leave which gives them time to research the area.

They have even shown some of the "contestants" commenting on this in the opening into.


I'm not an avid viewer, but, caught an episode last night that I found amusing.  I'm not sure if it's super old or not, but, I can't seem to locate much about it.  The woman was former military from Canada.  She had a lot of skills. The guy was a survivalist trainer and outdoorsman.  Sadly, he dislocated his clavicle!  Very odd.  I missed just a minute when this happened.  He had gone off on his own to gather fire wood.  How did that happen?  From what I have seen of this show, it appears that going off on your own seems to be when the injuries occur.  

This guy had brought an odd fire starter device that was questionable at best. He was an expert with it, but still, it was extremely challenging.  Don't they consider what if they are injured and can't use their arm well or what if they tap out and their partner had to use it?  I guess not. He left a few days in due to the clavicle injury.  His partner struggled with the device and then she left after another few days for personal reasons.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe

I hope they bring back these two as a pair again.  I was disappointed that they couldn't finish out because they seemed to make a great team.  I enjoy the show much more when the couples get along and they seemed to both have great skills.

52 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This guy had brought an odd fire starter device that was questionable at best. He was an expert with it, but still, it was extremely challenging.  Don't they consider what if they are injured and can't use their arm well or what if they tap out and their partner had to use it?

I think that's a good point and one I hadn't thought much about until now.  It did seem a dumb choice for a fire option.   He was very adept at the sticks and I was glad that Dawn gave him a chance to show his skills, but yeah-- in the long run a ferro rod would have been more practical.  I guess when you teach and practice survival skills you are anxious to use them.  But brains and being practical and the path of least resistance is a survival skill too.  


On 3/24/2017 at 11:55 PM, niklj said:

To be fair, though, according to one of the FB chats they (used to?) have, the contestants do get notified where they are going a few weeks before they leave which gives them time to research the area.

I don't doubt that they are given some heads-up and do research as anyone would expect.   But it's a big jungle out there-- Identifying trees is not easy in one's home enviro.  Perhaps it'a a  very easy-to-identify tree---and yes--the one healing tree was apparently  known to grow close to the offending tree.   But like others I don't dismiss production  hints, suggestions, etc.  That stuff is interesting--and also helps avoid a tap out.  And as we've seen the past couple of eps. the production team does intervene at tap-outs to encourage them to stay or at least ask them to consider their decision.    And IIRC the affliction goes on for awhile before the other finally "recalls'  the healing tree.  I'm not certain--but just sayin'...

  • Love 1

Was that the guy's name...Chad?  I sort of got tickled.  As they were walking briskly to get out of the path of the volcano, the woman was leading the way without a whimper, only occasionally asking if her male partner was okay.  He on the other hand was grimacing and crying out with pain due to the sharp and hot rocks in his path. He certainly had tender feet.  When they had to go through the briers, the same thing happened.  She lead the way like a trooper, while he kept crying out.  lol Then, he didn't like getting near bugs on the trees....she had no problem with it.  He kept talking about how thirsty he was....she kept silent. lol  I'm not saying that he was not a good camper, but, to be a professional survivalist, he sure had a low tolerance for pain.  HOWEVER, when he got that dislocated clavicle!  OMG! NOW THAT looked painful.  He held up pretty well with that.  I wonder if he was in shock.     

This woman was super good at the physical endurance.  It was the mental part that she couldn't hang with.  I really hate that they got separated. I think they might have really held each other together.  

  • Love 9

I felt bad for both of the team members having to tap out this week.  I agree that they would have made an awesome team and hope they get another chance.  I was a little surprised that N&A dropped them right in the path of an active volcano.  Was that a legitimate threat?  If so, WHY would production drop them off and force them to flee first thing?  They had no time to build a shelter or build a fire or look for a water/food source.  It seemed kind of questionable, but, whatever. 

  • Love 2

Right.  How could they even tell what the path of the volcano was? They crossed molten rock, but, then were in the jungle and still thought they were in the path. Why?  I mean, was the entire island in the path? I wasn't clear on that.  

Also, is eating raw shell fish safe? I thought that things like crab, shrimp, lobster, had to be cooked.  I noticed she ate raw crawfish.  She didn't get sick...that we know of.   

32 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I sort of got tickled.  As they were walking briskly to get out of the path of the volcano, the woman was leading the way without a whimper, only occasionally asking if her male partner was okay.  He on the other hand was grimacing and crying out with pain due to the sharp and hot rocks in his path. He certainly had tender feet.  When they had to go through the briers, the same thing happened.  She lead the way like a trooper, while he kept crying out.  lol Then, he didn't like getting near bugs on the trees....she had no problem with it.  He kept talking about how thirsty he was....she kept silent. lol  I'm not saying that he was not a good camper, but, to be a professional survivalist, he sure had a low tolerance for pain.

I noticed that too during the show!  Made me laugh. At first I thought she might be a little 'numb' due to her PTSD or what her issues are from combat but actually it has to be her military training.  Can't imagine a platoon of soldiers going along whining "i'm chilly" , "yeah my feet are killing me", "i'm thirsty" "are we there yet?" etc.  so I'm sure you learn to shut it.  But agreed he was a trooper with the shoulder--it looked awful. 

23 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I felt bad for both of the team members having to tap out this week.  I agree that they would have made an awesome team and hope they get another chance.  I was a little surprised that N&A dropped them right in the path of an active volcano.  Was that a legitimate threat?  If so, WHY would production drop them off and force them to flee first thing?  They had no time to build a shelter or build a fire or look for a water/food source.  It seemed kind of questionable, but, whatever. 

I thought that was a strange place for a challenge too! But people are currently living on the island..I had to look that up because I didn't realize that.  Yeah they were dropped in the nasty zone--no guarantees of anything.  And the long walk to water from there.  Seemed senseless and dangerous.


10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Right.  How could they even tell what the path of the volcano was? They crossed molten rock, but, then were in the jungle and still thought they were in the path. Why?  I mean, was the entire island in the path? I wasn't clear on that.  

Also, is eating raw shell fish safe? I thought that things like crab, shrimp, lobster, had to be cooked.  I noticed she ate raw crawfish.  She didn't get sick...that we know of.   

Your question about the volcano made me think about Hawaii that has active volcanic lava flows etc..so maybe they can predict generally where they are.  But the rocks raining from an exploding volcano??  ehhhh..that's not cool.    

Well I always thought fish had to be cooked to be safe,  but nowadays I guess not.  I eat sushi occasionally but I do think about it sometimes because I know there can be funny things in raw fishes one does not want to think about. I eat raw clams--don't like oysters.  I didn't think one could eat raw scallops but now they do.  

2 more thoughts:

1) dawn was insanely tough going through the brambles.  I thought she was being a bit foolhardy though.  It looked as thiugh she wasnt even looking for trails.  Just charging ahead thorns be damned. Her partner complained, but i think he was trying to get through to her: hey lets try to find a happy medium.  She took it tho as him meeding a leader and just charged harder.  I think there was a joint failure there.  

2) what happened to the fire?  Why did Dawn let it go out if she didnt know if she could use the bow drill? I tried to rewind and see what happened, but had no luck.  It made me angry that she had this failure right away after Chad left but blamed it on him not her. 

On 4/3/2017 at 8:14 PM, fib said:

what happened to the fire?  Why did Dawn let it go out if she didnt know if she could use the bow drill? I tried to rewind and see what happened, but had no luck.  It made me angry that she had this failure right away after Chad left but blamed it on him not her

Didn't she have alot of rain after he left?   I'm pretty sure but don't want to review it.  So maybe wet wood etc?  But I understand her annoyances overall with him not choosing a ferro rod.  I mean--you have an oppty to bring one  civilized item and you bring sticks?  Esp. after what @sunnyBeBe pointed out about injuries and a partner not adept with sticks it really was a dumb choice.  I know certain wood types are better than others for that but it did seem he was bringing ice to the arctic, and just making things harder than necessary.   I'm curious what they planned to do for boiling and cooking without a pot?  They were hugely lucky that they had potable water and didn't need one. The only sub I see for  pots is large bamboo.  What would they have done if there was none. i don't recall if they found any around to use for camp etc.

Initially, I understood his reservations about having a partner from the military. Sometimes it is difficult for them to be as improvisational as is needed for this kind of survival.  But I thought she was incredibly pleasant and accommodating, as well as tougher than he was. She played nice and boosted his hippie ego, like a pro. 

On 4/3/2017 at 3:34 PM, seasick said:

Right.  How could they even tell what the path of the volcano was? They crossed molten rock, but, then were in the jungle and still thought they were in the path. Why?  I mean, was the entire island in the path? I wasn't clear on that.

I don't understand that either. I lived in Hawaii, and the devastation was chaos. No "paths" for an eruption, only paths afterward. If a mountain decides to explode, it isn't exactly going to follow any rules.

16 hours ago, seasick said:
On 4/3/2017 at 7:14 PM, fib said:

what happened to the fire?  Why did Dawn let it go out if she didnt know if she could use the bow drill? I tried to rewind and see what happened, but had no luck.  It made me angry that she had this failure right away after Chad left but blamed it on him not her

Didn't she have alot of rain after he left?   I'm pretty sure but don't want to review it.  So maybe wet wood etc?  But I understand her annoyances overall with him not choosing a ferro rod.  I mean--you have an oppty to bring one  civilized item and you bring sticks?  Esp. after what @sunnyBeBe pointed out about injuries and a partner not adept with sticks it really was a dumb choice.  I know certain wood types are better than others for that but it did seem he was bringing ice to the arctic, and just making things harder than necessary.

I agree it was a stupid item to bring, and I think he was just showing off.

The shelter is too tiny to accommodate a fire inside, and with all the rain, the fire didn't stand much of a chance sustaining itself.

I liked her honesty about being in her head and not having chemicals to relieve it. This trip was probably good for her, if not brutal. She is one tough and beautiful person.

Bummer, this episode was about two people majorly washing out. Ugh. However, the crisis phone numbered offered at the end for those emotionally injured during their service was pretty awesome. 

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There does not seem to be any real standard for being a "survival instructor".  

Poor guy wants to promote himself and then comes off the way he did.  Wonder why the film crew was not with him on his firewood collection trip?  I understand a shoulder injury like his is serious.  

Poor Dawn, wants to impress with her service record of achievement, and then the editors make it seem as if it is the PTSD that she acquired during her service contributed to her early exit.  I understand PTSD can be a devastating disorder.

Just another soldier and "survival instructor" not making it to 21 days.

Was this the shortest duration of all episodes?

Edited by Liberty

I'd like to see Dawn and Chad get another chance together.  Chad was a little strange but Dawn could use some of his calming meditation. He certainly didn't come off as a tough survivalist but he probably could have made it without the shoulder injury.  I was concerned about how thin he was--he came in with no body fat and where do you go from there, living on crayfish? I hope Dawn gets control of her PTSD.  She seems like an awesome woman.

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