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Naked And Afraid - General Discussion

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I don't always catch this show, but I am another one who liked Jeremy and Cassidy.  They seemed to get along so well despite very different backgrounds and she especially was so upbeat and positive.  They really got hosed with the lack of water source on the island.  I was hoping that they would get moved somewhere else with better conditions.


Cobras!  No way, no how, could I deal with that.

I kept thinking Jake the horse trainer from the Amazonia episode seemed familiar and sure enough he was on Out of the Wild: The Alaska Experiment in 2009. He made it to the end there too as I recall. 

Yes!  I recognized him too.   He was awesome on Alaska Experiment as was the bus driver gal from NJ.   I certainly liked Jake's personality better on Alaska Experiment,  he wasn't  as 'flaming" or conceited, and i don't recall  him being so buffed up physically.  But i still enjoyed him because I knew he'd work his butt off.


Fire !!   Is it just me.. but that would be my First priority--not shelter.  And..I would bring a fire starter. ( a ferro rod--not 2 sticks to rub together--you can probably make one of those)    Fire is water, food, warmth, protection.  Too many times it starts to pour rain and it's too late: Or they get too weak to rub the sticks together.   Or for God sakes, what about the XL ep when the three guys were so consumed with building shelter that they hadn't even found water yet and the one guy tapped from dehydration on day 2 or 3.  

  • Love 3

My dh and I said the same thing. Fire is the first thing I would start along with stockpiling *LOTS* of  wood, and try to camp near water.


Also, If I were very thin to began with, I would try to put on as much weight before I start this adventure. Both the Matt & Karen were underweight to begin with.


I liked how Matt he said he was "an expert" at hunting with the slingshot but  he proved useless with it.

Edited by stillhere1900
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Last week they had the season preview episode & I only paid half attention to it, noting that they seemed to be ramping up the dire situations. I was slightly dreading this first new episode, but what a treat! Two people who got along & didn't curse at each other or expound on their hatred in a confessional. It made the show fun again. I liked that they were in Alabama as well. Seeing something a little more close to home was interesting. (The Louisiana swamp episode is still one I remember vividly!)

Like many of you I expected to not like the guy due to his arrogance but it seemed tempered by how much he joked around & the fact that it wasn't all talk. As much as they showed the two of them talking about full body contact for warmth & showed the dualing versions of one on top of the other I thought eventually TPTB were about to say, "On night 9 the competitors engaged in coitus in an attempt to raise their core body temperatures." However with all the spooning & cuddling I found the hair washing the hottest thing, yet oddly caring too. Good episode!

So behind on my DVR and trying to clear things out of the queue.  This show is not at the top of my priority but I finally started watching.


Certainly there has been cuddling on the show as a means for survival and trying to stay warm.  But nothing of this sort where we have the naked strangers lying on top of each other!  First, she was on top of him.  Then she's asking him to lie on top of her and he's pretending like he doesn't want to.  I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if Steven didn't say, "Maybe if I am inside of you that will keep us even more warm?"  If I recall correctly, it was 58 degrees.  We're not talking 40 something like we've seen before in past episodes.  58.  Brisk yes.  But not freeze your butt off cold that would require you to lay on top of a naked stranger.


When Chelsea cut herself, Steven was very affectionate and kept calling her "Babe".  And then the joke about "just the tip".   Me thinks that more went on than what we were shown.


I don't like that there are no longer separate episode threads, but I guess this show wasn't being discussed enough to warrant. 

  • Love 1

It seems like casting went in a different direction this season.


We are getting couples that get along and actually stick it out (obviously the one who got burned had a legit excuse for leaving).


I hope it stays this way...I just don't enjoy seeing people like Honora on the show.

I'm glad they changed it. By the end of last season, I was getting so tired of the intros where the man went "Women just aren't as good as men" and the woman immediately went "I'm going to show him that I can do anything he can do" and its counterpart where she says that she expects the man to provide for her and he says that he expects her to pull her weight.

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i must admit.  this season, the guys have been pretty hot...their asses, yum....greg, that big ass, oh my, lol.  luv it.  i think something "went on" there with greg and his partner when he was falling asleep and she was trying to prevent him from doing so due to hypothermia.  he thanked her for "saving his life" for giving him heat his body can no longer generate.  plus the vibe the next day was different.....like one of those, "we will not talk about this again".....but their team work has really skyrocketed after that night. 

Watching the Thailand episode with Matt and hyperthyroid vegan Lindsay tonight I did wonder how the hell Lindsay expected to survive 21 days of refusing to eat meat AND being exposed to the elements in a flash flood-prone rain forest where temperatures could vary wildly. At the very least in her shoes I'd have been looking for cattails around that river since they're edible, can be woven into insulating mats, and grow almost everywhere. She was very lucky she got paired with a partner who was both a survival whiz and very upbeat/supportive.


If they ever do an all-stars version I'd like to see Matt and Alison Teal from the first season teamed up.

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I do NOT understand this crazy bitch. She is literally starving and weak as hell, but she won't eat snake because...she doesn't like the taste? Are you serious? I have never seen such a picky eater on this show. I would respect it if she was a vegan and had a moral objection to eating meat, but to just say "I don't like it," that is insane to me. On this show you have to eat bugs and shit like that. You get calories however you can get them. It really doesn't matter if it tastes good. In fact, she commented on the taste of everything. Between that and her having gained weight to 260 then lost 100 lb, I think she might have a shitty relationship with food in general.

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Matt (and his excellent physique) would definitely qualify for an All Star season.  He was an excellent survivalist and didn't let Lindsay's snarky attitude and helplessness get him down.  The best thing Lindsay brought to the experience was that tarp, which was a good idea especially when it rained for several days in a row.  She reminded me of my son, who is an extremely selective eater.  If he doesn't have something he likes to eat, he will just not eat.  He just can't eat something that he doesn't like.  I don't know if I could eat some of the stuff they have eaten on this show, but if I'm hungry, I don't mind something tasting bad in order to quiet the hunger. 

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With the hearts of palm, it wasn't even that it tasted bad. She had to complain that it was bland, while she was recovering from yakking her guts up over those unripe figs! I'm thrilled when I find hearts of palm on a high-end salad bar, nevermind starving to death in a jungle with a queasy stomach that a mild, starchy vegetable would be perfect to settle. I can only assume that rather than actual food she gets all her nourishment psychic vampire-style from the frustration of wait staff and food counter servers, and Matt's relentless optimism prevented her from feeding off him.


This episode convinced me that if there's ever a Zombie Apocalypse, I hope I'm standing next to Matt when it happens. If I'm ever vacationing in Colorado, I'm signing up for an Extreme Instinct survival class. He clearly knows his stuff, and I bet the other instructors at his company are highly capable as well.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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Add me to the group that really likes Matt.


One of the better people they have cast. Amazing attitude in the face of someone who was....hmm, don't want to say bitchy, but she was close. She just didn't have a GREAT attitude from the start with the whole I don't need your help up...well, maybe I do, thing.


And she wasn't actually vegan?! I thought she was...wow. So she wouldn't eat meat because she didn't like the taste? Ridiculous. Do you think the people that eat cockroaches and raw, whole fish on the show LIKE the taste of them?


I am really enjoying this season. They HAD to have hired new casting people this season. Just such a difference in the people this season.


Though I firmly believe at some point someone is going to be seriously injured or die on the show. The locals told them the waterfall area is a BAD place, so hey, let's let our duo set up camp right below it, great idea for drama! Almost bit them in the ass...

  • Love 3

With the hearts of palm, it wasn't even that it tasted bad. She had to complain that it was bland, while she was recovering from yakking her guts up over those unripe figs! I'm thrilled when I find hearts of palm on a high-end salad bar, nevermind starving to death in a jungle with a queasy stomach that a mild, starchy vegetable would be perfect to settle. I can only assume that rather than actual food she gets all her nourishment psychic vampire-style from the frustration of wait staff and food counter servers, and Matt's relentless optimism prevented her from feeding off him.


This episode convinced me that if there's ever a Zombie Apocalypse, I hope I'm standing next to Matt when it happens. If I'm ever vacationing in Colorado, I'm signing up for an Extreme Instinct survival class. He clearly knows his stuff, and I bet the other instructors at his company are highly capable as well.


Dude!  I live in Denver. Totally searching Matt out. ;-p

If there's another Naked and Afraid XL I hope Matt's a part of it. Great attitude considering who he was paired with. Lindsay wasn't an experienced survivorist, right?

When they showed the raging river during the downpours I thought about the episode where it rained so much and got cold enough the pair (sorry I don't remember their names) were at risk of getting hypothermia so they both tapped out at 14 days. This time being cut off from the Production Team was very risky - hope to never see that situation again.

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Matt really did bring it.  His girlfriend should be thrilled to have such an upbeat, supportive, patient guy.  Great advertisement for his survival classes.


Lindsay?  I have to give her credit for going naked when she probably still has a ton of body issues.  And I had hair envy.  Her hair looked clean and shiny the entire time.  How did she do that?  Maybe when you sit around and do nothing, you don't get dirty and you don't sweat.

On 4/25/2016 at 6:08 PM, LAgator77 said:

Matt knocked it out of the park. If they do another season of N&A: XL he's gotta be at the top of their list. 

Lindsay is... 32? Uh ok, if you say so. Did she bring ANYTHING to the table? Wait, she started weaving a blanket on day 20!

That was just bizarre, you are leaving the NEXT day and now you decide to weave a blanket? So weird....

And I don't understand why her rating went up.  She didn't do anything.  

She's not the only vegetarian/vegan to be on the show but others have at least found other stuff to eat.  I liked that Matt was accepting of it and knew he had to find her other food but at the same time trying to get her to eat it when nothing else was available. 

I also didn't understand her not wanting any help on day 1 getting up on the rock.  

And how badly would it have sucked to want to tap out after 7+ days of rain and NOT be able to? I'm surprised they remained so sane after that many days of rain.

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That was some scary shit right there.  I'd be afraid to fall asleep and I'm not talking about the bears.  I'm talking about your partner!  Holy crap.  

Tawny, you are a rock star.  You are definitely a survivor; actually, you were one even before you did Naked and Afraid.  Your daughter is a lucky kid to have such a strong mom.

  • Love 5

Holy SHIT. How did that dude pass the psych eval?! If anything had happened to Tawny I would fully support a lawsuit by her (or her estate) against the show. I felt bad for Julio because he was clearly freaked out by his own (lack of) mental health, but I doubt this came out of nowhere. What can be the cause of things like that, maybe schizophrenia? Can that be exacerbated by physical and psychological stress?

One saving grace was that Julio at least told them he was having sinister thoughts instead of acting on them without warning.  Not sure what his psych problems were, but not eating for five days could probably make someone hallucinate and make your brain unable to function.  Maybe it just exacerbates issues you already have but you lose impulse control and self- restraint?  Now he can go home and play with his tarantulas while every person who ever ends up googling him, including future employers, will know about his "difficulties."  Would you want that guy around the office?  

  • Love 2
Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

One saving grace was that Julio at least told them he was having sinister thoughts instead of acting on them without warning.  Not sure what his psych problems were, but not eating for five days could probably make someone hallucinate and make your brain unable to function.  Maybe it just exacerbates issues you already have but you lose impulse control and self- restraint?  Now he can go home and play with his tarantulas while every person who ever ends up googling him, including future employers, will know about his "difficulties."  Would you want that guy around the office?  

Excellent point that he had the presence of mind to tell them how he was feeling. That's part of why I felt so bad for the guy. And lack of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water can definitely mess up the brain. In the late miles of my first marathon, I had a couple of hallucinations (one that my toe fell off, and one that I was passing the same countries in World Showcase repeatedly...yep, it was the Disney World Marathon) because I was not used to the effects of exerting oneself that long without replenishing all the lost nutrients. It never happened again but it was discombobulating. He might have had the same types of things going on, but his hallucinations were more violent.

  • Love 3

I really didn't enjoy this episode.  Julio must have some underlying psychiatric issues.  Sure, I'm sure dehydration, starvation, and fatigue can make you think and do weird things, but doesn't that affect everybody to some degree?  And we haven't really seen anyone taken off the show before because they were a danger to others and themselves.  In his exit interview, he said something like "she's lucky she didn't really know what I was thinking", meaning he was either going to rape her or kill her.  I hope he gets the help he needs.

I didn't really find Tawny on the show all that great at surviving.  Sure, she's a survivor in real life, but on the show?  Not so much.  I mean the woman freaking set her shelter on fire and then just swatted at it with a stick as it was going up in flames.  The one meal she really had after Julio was gone was the fish that she stole from the otter.  

Did I miss what their survival items were?  I watch this show in semi-fast forward sometimes, but I rewound and didn't seem to see anything about what their items were.  They had a firestarter, but doesn't the show sometimes provide one?  How did they catch those little minnows that Julio refused to eat?

If I knew there were bears around, I'd probably at least try to fashion some kind of spear.  But then again, I didn't really see them have a machete so I suppose that might have been difficult.

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I was focused on Tawny's eyes the entire episode - was she wearing makeup?  I can understand permanent eyeliner, but she had unnaturally long, thick eyelashes, and I envied those perfectly groomed brows.

I kept getting distracted by her eye makeup as well and finally decided that she must have had eyelash extensions (I know, right?)  which I recently learned about on The People's Couch and might have had her lashes and brows dyed before embarking for the Seminole Forest

Maybe Tawny wasn't much of a survivalist, but she stuck it out which is far more than I could have done (if I were delusional enough to even consider being on the show).

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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 2:07 AM, greyhorse said:

I really didn't enjoy this episode.  Julio must have some underlying psychiatric issues.  Sure, I'm sure dehydration, starvation, and fatigue can make you think and do weird things, but doesn't that affect everybody to some degree?  And we haven't really seen anyone taken off the show before because they were a danger to others and themselves.  In his exit interview, he said something like "she's lucky she didn't really know what I was thinking", meaning he was either going to rape her or kill her.  I hope he gets the help he needs.

I didn't really find Tawny on the show all that great at surviving.  Sure, she's a survivor in real life, but on the show?  Not so much.  I mean the woman freaking set her shelter on fire and then just swatted at it with a stick as it was going up in flames.  The one meal she really had after Julio was gone was the fish that she stole from the otter.  

Did I miss what their survival items were?  I watch this show in semi-fast forward sometimes, but I rewound and didn't seem to see anything about what their items were.  They had a firestarter, but doesn't the show sometimes provide one?  How did they catch those little minnows that Julio refused to eat?

If I knew there were bears around, I'd probably at least try to fashion some kind of spear.  But then again, I didn't really see them have a machete so I suppose that might have been difficult.

The show states they do psychological evaluations on these people, but they clearly missed the mark with him. That guy was fucking nuts...

The psycho woman Laura and the man from Swedan

she threatened to kill him then proceeded to put out his fire, push him and fight with him over the fire starter. Reminded me of loose cannon Honararah( spelling?) producers stepped in and made her leave

where were her psych tests results?

of course she blamed everything on him. He had a regimen of doing things his way but not enough for her to go loony and threaten to kill him


  • Love 7

Was glad to see Ragnar manage to do the last two weeks by himself.  Laura was one crazy-ass bitch.  I'd maybe cut her some slack if her behavior was out of character, but since she doesn't have any friends, I would assume she is difficult to have a relationship with because this is pretty much how she always is, sleep or no sleep.  That crap about how none of this was her fault makes ME crazy.  I cannot stand people who simply won't see how they are projecting and refuse to take any responsibility for things going south, even when it is clearly their/her fault! 

So does that make it two weeks in a row (not counting last week's highlight reel show) when someone was forced to tap out because they were psychotic?

Question:  If the Naked and Afraiders can't sleep at night, why don't they sleep more during the day when it is warmer/not raining/less buggy?

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that woman was nuts, when I see stuff like that , I hope people don't consider it a woman thing, but at least she is the second nut. I realize she did not man those words seriously but it is annoying and they are alone at night.so who knows, It was enough to make this guy desperate enough to  leave a built shelter. and start over.  Now, there is a different society, but I can't see her getting along with a Texan guy either, or anyone.  PLEASE don't let her be on XL, that would be too much. 

Edited by holly4755
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I've decided this show doesn't appeal to me anymore.  It's the same old crap, week in, and week out.  They build a shelter.  They start a fire.  They maybe eat a few times.  There's some bickering.  They make it or they don't.  Ho hum, it's so repetitive and I simply don't care.  If they stop blurring the people, then maybe THAT will be interesting.  Perhaps if ratings get too low, they'll consider a change... Until then, I'm out.

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I didn't understand why Laura was so angsty about making the fire together when two days prior Wikingman had suggested he did the shelter and she did the fire. If on day 3 he wants to have a crack at it on his own because you haven't managed it after 2 days stfu and let him get on with it.

I do get that there would be cultural differences between the use of the expression "I'll kill you" but I didn't think she was crazy enough to be pulled out - I was waiting for a major hissy-fit tanty first.

Edited by Kelda Feegle
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I'm going to guess that if one person is feeling overly threatened by the other partner, the producers have to take it seriously. Clearly Laura was a loose cannon and all we saw was what the editors left in.  Who knows what else happened! I assume the participants sign a waiver of liability about getting injured or sick, but there is probably no such waiver of assault from a teammate. The show and the network could get sued big time.

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1 hour ago, Kelda Feegle said:

I didn't understand why Laura was so angsty about making the fire together when two days prior Wikingman had suggested he did the shelter and she did the fire. If on day 3 he wants to have a crack at it on his own because you haven't managed it after 2 days stfu and let him get on with it.

I do get that there would be cultural differences between the use of the expression "I'll kill you" but I didn't think she was crazy enough to be pulled out - I was waiting for a major hissy-fit tanty first.

Laura seemed like she was sort of spiraling.  It may have been an abundance of caution to take her out for what she said, but the totality of her behavior made it a good call.

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2 hours ago, Kelda Feegle said:

I do get that there would be cultural differences between the use of the expression "I'll kill you" but I didn't think she was crazy enough to be pulled out - I was waiting for a major hissy-fit tanty first.

See, I thought dumping water on the fire, then throwing the log in the pond, qualified as a major hissyfit. That was Honora on XL all over again. 

I realize that maybe he had done something that was not shown, but based on what was shown, he did almost nothing to warrant her insane reaction. She said he was the worst person she had ever been around. She has lived a very charmed 47 years, then. It seemed as though all of his negative actions were just reactions to her overbearing behavior. In other words, she started it. The only thing I wish is that he'd offered her use of his knife when he was going off by himself. That way her insane fire dousing would have seemed even crazier.

  • Love 3

he did almost nothing to warrant her insane reaction.

Yeah, Ragnar seemed like he would be pretty easy to hang around with.  Maybe she just couldn't take his crying fits anymore.

Seriously, though, she didn't exhibit any skills, she was a 47 yo housewife from Texas (I have the utmost respect for housewives, being one when my kids were growing up, but "surviving" meant hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes when I needed a break). How the hell did the producers think she was a good fit for Naked and Afraid?  

  • Love 5

And...we are back to drama casting again. Sad, I REALLY enjoyed the first half of this season because there wasn't any real fighting.

This woman needs to realize, when you have no friends and you think EVERYONE is an asshole (assuming she does since she said she has no friends), who is the common denominator there? I can guarantee you, until you quit playing the victim and think everyone else should just adapt to your personality, well, you will never have friends...

I am not so sure it was the "I am going to kill you" remark so much as she just was NOT going to leave that poor guy alone. She apparently wanted to force him to stay with her and take care of her. My guess was she was going to completely sabotage his every effort to survive on his own if he left her (which she already started doing).

Come on casting, these kinds of episodes are just not fun to watch. If I want dramatics I will watch Real Housewives of Whatever.

  • Love 4

Those two were like oil and water.  Or maybe oil and a match.  Those were two totally incompatible personality types, and putting those types together inevitably lead to total failure.  The Viking guy is one of those plodding, this, then that, then this, then that linear kinds of guys.  He must complete all the steps in the plan he's set up in his head before he can entertain a different plan.  He cannot deviate until his internal checklist is done.  He even told her that.  That was about the clearest communication I've heard between the people on this show.  She is one of those very high maintenance, must be constantly validated and acknowledged types.  And if you ignore that type, they will get more shrill and strident and pissed off to the point of total passive-aggressive non-cooperation.  She couldn't deal with his needs to follow through, and he couldn't deal with her needs to constantly interrupt and question him.  They were both very passive-aggressive, though his was more on the passive side, and hers was more on the aggressive side.

His way of dealing with her getting more and more angry was to withdraw more and more and ignore her--which only made her blow up further, which made him withdraw further...  It was a recipe for disaster.

Their camp, within that sort of rock enclosure, where the heat from the fire could get reflected back and absorbed into the rock face behind the fire was excellent.  If they could have gotten along, they would have done great.

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Laura seemed very high strung, loud, etc etc....


but *way before* she started going off the deep end, he was getting on my nerves with his passive-aggressive bull crap, displayed perfectly while he was making the fire on Day 3.

Even on Day 1 when they were trying to start building shelter, fire, etc, I saw Laura asking him how they can work together; what should she do to help, etc,  he just told her to leave him alone and go do something else.  He is the first person that I've seen (I haven't seen every single episode) who didn't want to work *with* his partner to setup camp, for mutual benefit.

I think these two people were the perfect storm of personality clashes.  I am an extremely calm, easy to get along with person, but he was making my blood boil as I was watching, even before his big blow up of wanting to move into a second camp.  He wanted her fire, but wouldn't agree to share his knife.

Once she was being painted as a murderous psychopath, she went nuts and destroyed her camp fire so that he wouldn't benefit from it.  I didn't blame her, and I didn't think it was a bi


And he said that in Sweden when you just say you're going to kill someone it's equal to actually doing it....??  Maybe they shouldn't match up people from such different types of societal norms.  Here in the US, people say "I want to kill you!" a million times a day; most in anger, some in jest, some in actuality.


Sorry for rambling, but I just don't see Mr Sweden Viking as the totally innocent character that they tried to portray him as.   In the opening, each of them said that they don't/didn't have (m)any friends.  Too bad they didn't click.  Would've been a totally different episode.

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4 minutes ago, ShowsILoveToHate said:

Even on Day 1 when they were trying to start building shelter, fire, etc, I saw Laura asking him how they can work together; what should she do to help, etc,  he just told her to leave him alone and go do something else.  He is the first person that I've seen (I haven't seen every single episode) who didn't want to work *with* his partner to setup camp, for mutual benefit.

Maybe I missed something (it's definitely possible) but I thought he was working on the fire, she started giving lots of advice, and he said maybe it's best if each of them focuses on one thing, and she offered to take fire while he took shelter. So they were both "setting up camp" but doing different things. I always thought that was the best way to do it and I didn't understand why more people didn't, because you need both of those things pretty quickly.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

..they were both "setting up camp" but doing different things. I always thought that was the best way to do it and I didn't understand why more people didn't...

Off hand it seems to me as if both frequently build the shelter at the same time, but when it comes to fire, one person does it (or tries) and the other serves as an observer.  Makes a lot of sense to separate the tasks so working on one does not exclude work on the other.

  • Love 3

Laura was an ugly American, inside and out. Do it my way, I know everything, me, me, me.  I, I, I.  What a nutcase.  Even in the US, there is a thing called "making terrorist threats"that is against the law.

Laura needs to grow up, she's in her late forties?  Ugh, stop acting like a five year old.

To me this show is about more than just survival, it's about how people get along...or not.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5
15 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

See, I thought dumping water on the fire, then throwing the log in the pond, qualified as a major hissyfit. That was Honora on XL all over again. 

I realize that maybe he had done something that was not shown, but based on what was shown, he did almost nothing to warrant her insane reaction. She said he was the worst person she had ever been around. She has lived a very charmed 47 years, then. It seemed as though all of his negative actions were just reactions to her overbearing behavior. In other words, she started it. The only thing I wish is that he'd offered her use of his knife when he was going off by himself. That way her insane fire dousing would have seemed even crazier.

I was under the impression (not going to rewatch LOL) that most of that hissy happened after she was told she was being removed. Yes some happened before but the bigger percentage was after production told her to tap?

I think WikingGuy would have shared the knife if she had asked - he wasn't taking her fire just enough of the coals to start his own, she wouldn't have missed out.

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I couldn't figure out (because I am a rational adult human being) how she railed about the fire being hers, since she was incapable of making a fire to begin with.  She had the tool, but what good is the fire starter if you aren't using it correctly?  That being said, I never want to see Laura's face again on my tv unless she is paired with Honora's on another episode of N&A.  Those two deserve each other.

  • Love 4

I don't get why the Swedish guy didn't give her the knife when she asked for it when he was trying to sleep, but I also don't get why she didn't just reach in and get it herself. I suspect there was a lot of resentment on both sides building up to the big scene and it boiled over. If Laura gave any useful advice instead of trying to micromanage, I could understand being upset over being ignored, but the Swede built the shelter, built the fire and got all the food. He wanted to work in peace and Laura was incapable of allowing it.

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