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S14.E09: Judge Cuts 2

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Jay Leno joins the panel as a guest judge and gets the opportunity to send an act to the live shows with a Golden Buzzer; contestants have one last chance to impress the judges before going live for America's vote.

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  • Two questions:
  1. What on earth does Julianne have on her head? (I'm just not acknowledging her aluminum-foil dress at all.)
  2. What on earth is Gabrielle wearing? (The dress itself is fine. The giant pink ruffle? No.)
  • I'm guessing when Dwayne said "I can't say what he said" (about the super-tall Indian guy) it's because he didn't understand a word of it.
  • Terry sure looks peachy tonight. (Sorry, dumb joke, I know. But that's a whole lotta peach suit.)
  • Oh, boy, little-girl affirmations! Get them off my TV, please. (Sorry, girls, you're adorable, but I had to mute you.)
  • Siri was pretty funny. I liked her dress. (And the magician guy is pretty cute, too.)
  • I don't get the tongue-bath for Lamont. He doesn't sound like anything special to me.
  • Hmm...halfway mark...huge group of poor Indian dancers getting excessive amounts of backstory...Golden Buzzer? (Spoiler: Yes.)
  • Must we see some woman drooling every time a hot guy takes off his shirt?
  • Valerie Sassy-frass? How did this person get through? (Did she just say "I'm horny and lazy"?) Keep buzzing, judges. Please.
  • Okay, I didn't like the little girl group but does Simon really have to do that "sorry...[big pause]...but you'll have to come back here" bit every time? And then Julianne has to do it, too? I agree it's mean, but it's even more annoying.
  • Well, then. 'Til next week.
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1 hour ago, Ms Lark said:

I'm bummed they dropped the shadow dancers, especially when they kept the dippy little girl dancers. Ain't no sense to this.

ITA....the little girls were cute, but no better than any other group, and the shadow dancers were really good tonight and I thought for sure they would go thru. 

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I am truly in awe at how they could recruit Dwyane Wade; being retired, he probably had to clear his schedule of barely watching boring TV with his hand over his face and aimlessly pacing the hallways of his house. Between the female judges painting their faces with makeup and wearing wigs, I am curious as to how much of their body isn't comprised of plasticine. Damn I miss Tyra.

Bir Khalsa - It's hard to make jokes about acts that were actually decent, so I won't attempt. The big guy is obviously more durable for extreme abuse, other than walking at a brisk pace past 35 years old, so it makes sense that he is the star, but by comparison, it seems that the other 2 guys are just there for posing. Still a good act.

GForce - Any time an act makes their routine incorporate the judges, as if they're "everyone's pal", I start fuming like a tea kettle. Other than that, I guess it's OK for what it is, though judging it on that metric isn't fair, especially since their freight of unsold albums would rival Forte for the Guinness World Record of largest single dropoff at the dump.

Olivia Calderon - I'm going to share the revolutionary idea that maybe non-Mexican people don't give a damn about this crap. Even with the global interest in KPop, despite the majority of fans not understanding the language, there is an unspoken agreement in overweight 50 year olds not being marketable in any genre.

Dom Chambers - This was the typical magic act of "you pick something that ends up being the thing you picked" with a new skin over top of it. I wish I could remember the talented magician who made my interest in these acts disappear, but that was many years ago and I know it's not coming back.

Mat Ricardo - Him getting a montage clip doesn't look promising, even though his act was good. While him not advancing sucks, there were at least quite a few shitters who did not get through, which is worth the trade off.

Lamont Landers - This performance lasted around 30 seconds and out of pure relief, I stood up and loudly applauded. Other than that, I thought it was boring. Contestants on singing shows trying to sound emotional about someone else's song (which was probably written by a 70 year old man anyways) always comes off flat to me.

Adaline Bates - 2 boring voices in one act makes for a dangerous sleep cocktail, though it unfortunately didn't last too long. Her (and him) not going through is quite a relief, though.

Michael Paul - Wasn't really a fan of him the first time, though it's not like I wanted to see him fail. It was second hand embarrassment seeing that joke fail, especially since I feel the world crumble beneath my feet when one of my jokes falls flat in front of just one person.

Ginzilla - The "game face" these acts always have is annoying, as if it's something everybody wants to see anyways, never mind trying to give off the idea that what they're doing is something serious.

Alex Dowis Light Art Show - I was pretty impressed with the act, though I have to credit my ability to suspend disbelief, as he was replicating the moon landing, which we all know didn't happen. I was completely taken out of the act when he showed the Earth in a confusing circular shape instead of the flat disc that is apparent to anyone who looks up to the sky every morning. I am just kidding - as far as light shows go, it was better than usual, but I can already see future me getting bored with the next one.

V.Unbeatable - I was supporting the act until they opened it with tears - if they didn't mention that "unfortunate event" in their audition, you knew they were saving it. It was a good act otherwise.

Izzy and Easton - Did they only show like 10 seconds of this? I don't remember it at all.

Adem Show - It seemed to be over within a few blinks, so I don't see how anyone could comment on it.

Verba Shadow - I didn't know what story it was, which was probably helpful so I didn't have to rip up the derivative book. You'd think with dozens of these types of acts losing over the years, that that would be a hint that it's not wanted.

Robert Finley - Pretty sure I said it the first time that I thought he was like 85. It was OK, though I can't relate to the subject matter, so if I am ever singing about my attraction to a 65 year old woman, please put me down.

Duo Fusion - The sight of anyone stronger or more athletic than me makes me pout with my arms crossed until the act is over. I thought it was boring, though when it comes to AGT, it's boring by default unless something decent happens.

Valerie Sassyfras - I was quite grossed out that a 30 year old British woman could look that bad until they mentioned she was 66. Whoops. Somehow she made it past the audition, which I don't remember, but if the first time was just as bad, why waste a spot?

Ryan Niemiller - Even though it was all centered around the disability, I thought it was a good act.

I don't need to sum up the acts who advanced like I'm a correspondent for Entertainment Tonight because you already watched the show. I thought the show dragged on forever; it seemed pretty painful to sit through. Now the next 6+ days without the show will be like a very long ice bath to bring down the swelling.

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Last week's crop of contestants was so mediocre, some people might be thinking they hoarded all of the good talent for this episode. I'll never think such a thing again.

Bir Khalsa - They must have a great sense of brotherhood and loyalty, knowing that they could freely beat the crap out of each other when angry about getting eliminated and nobody would feel any pain. While the concept could get a little repetitive over time, the presentation is well done and what they do is overall pretty amusing.

GForce - I don't get who the target audience would be for such a group would be, discounting old men wearing ankle monitors. (just a joke, chill) They said they want to be like One Direction, Little Mix, etc.. but those groups were full of teens at the time. 10/11 year old girls seem very unlikely to be fans of pop singers around their own age, since it's easier to be inspired by someone older and "cooler" than themselves. I don't think anybody would find GForce to be cool. Their performances come across as overly polished and corporate, and today's song choice was stupid. Why pretend to criticize Simon, the guy who pretends to not be managing them? It'd probably be beneficial to skip the girl group phase and wait until the members are teenagers, conveniently leading to 5 solo careers when they all randomly decide to hate each other for no reason.

Olivia Calderon - Why do they humor so many boring acts that nobody's rooting for? Just to fill time? This was mucho crappy.

Dom Chambers - The magic tricks were good, but the humor felt forced. Obviously, magicians have to have a personality and can't deliver a monotoned warble of "uh, pick...a card" but I can't stand the overly animated presentation a lot of them have.

Mat Ricardo - He must have known he was getting montaged, with him plunging that giant knife into his arm as a final bid for sympathy. Really entertaining act, for the abridged version that they showed. The editing unfortunately gave away the fact that he probably wasn't going through.

Lamont Landers - I lament lenders, since he was on borrowed time right after that producer-staged audition mishap from his first appearance, as there's really nothing else interesting about him and it was all the video package before his performance mentioned. Such a boring vocal tone.

Adaline Bates - Yawn-worthy and clearly unable to fill an hour plus long show in Vegas, but at least she can't blame gender discrimination for not making it through.

Michael Paul - Weird that he of all people got that type of editing where the crowd is apparently pin-drop silent and yawning throughout. I didn't like him the first time, but most ventriloquist acts can make it close to the finals just by name-dropping the judges every week and singing unfunny songs.

Ginzilla - Is anyone befuddled that a guy in drag singing and acting like a diva can't deliver a world class performance? Apparently so, since there's at least one of these every year, to varying success with doing the exact same thing.


Alex Dowis Light Art Show - This guy's stage name sounds like something Arnold Schwarzenegger would say. Anyway, as far as these somewhat pretentious "telling a story with muh art" acts go, it's one of the better ones. It's a lot more fluid than ones that rely on interpretive dance or choreography teams of people in suits covered in light bulbs.

V. Unbeatable - Finally, a dance group that isn't just 50 people jogging in place at the same time. Great stuff, and nice to see a non-singer get the golden buzzer for a change.

Izzy and Easton - Unlike that high school dance group from last week, they're only two people simultaneously kicking their leg in the air, so it's deemed as nowhere near as impressive.

Adem Show - In the vein of their Mortal Kombat routine from their audition, the amount of screen time this received was near sub-zero. I can't remember anything about it.

Verba Shadow - The word "in" is not a verb, but they are in the shadow of Alex Dowis. This was confusing and more of the same cringey attempt at creating a feel good inspirational story that too many of these acts do, even though this one barely made any sense.

Robert Finley - I thought this guy said he was somewhere around 75-80 when he auditioned? It seems like poor health is going to make him leave the competition before it's even over, unless this is part of his master plan to begin his career with a retirement tour. Good voice, but I don't really have any reaction to seeing him.

Duo Fusion - What's the matter, America? Can't handle a strong woman? Seriously, though, this act felt like it was part of a montage. I can't remember if it was, but the footage shown didn't seem to last very long. They did one impressive move and that was about it.

Valerie Sassyfras - Madonna is doing the same schtick and passing it off as serious, so there's not much room for mockery. I guess they needed to fill another two minutes of time.

Ryan Niemiller - While expected, it was kind of disappointing that all of the jokes he did in his performance (and in other gigs that were shown) were about his arms being deformed, although he was quite funny. He'll be a good painkiller for that obnoxious boob-burger eating "comedian" woman who will probably flirt with the finale and reach Vicki Barbolak levels of grating.

Nice to see basketball player Dwayne Wade mentor singers and comedians, that was definitely an appearance worth having. Terry's role has now shifted from host to acting as a parental advisory warning screen before and after each performance. The only exception is if the act is innocuous, then he'll either turn to the camera and tell the viewer to laugh or do a holding-in-pee dance when someone's singing.

Edited by Neet
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5 hours ago, Neet said:

Verba Shadow - The word "in" is not a verb, but they are in the shadow of Alex Dowis. This was confusing and more of the same cringey attempt at creating a feel good inspirational story that too many of these acts do, even though this one barely made any sense.

I laughed when Howie(?) said he didn't get what the story was and the others were so shocked. Granted I was only 3/4 paying attention but I was thinking the exact same thing.

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I don't remember the names of any of these acts, but I can recognize most of them from @Neet's post, so thanks for that!

Bir Khalsa. I can't even watch these guys. I didn't the first time, didn't this time. Don't remember if they got voted through, but my vote would be a big, fat NO.

GForce. WTH. Only Howie got it right, he couldn't understand anything they were saying. And "saying" isn't "singing." I would have sent them home the first time, but go figure, they make it through. Means we have to see The Bunch of Brats again. SO many other acts were more deserving. Yes, even Valerie Sassyfras was better IMO, so that gives you my opinion of GForce.

Dom Chambers. Was this the magician with the iPhone in a dress? If so, I liked him. Yes vote from me.

Mat Ricardo. I guess I missed him since I don't remember anyone plunging a giant knife into an arm. More's the pity.

Lamont Landers. My dislike of him was a carryover from his audition, when he should have been kicked to the curb. Thanks for making me hate him, Simon.

Michael Paul. Didn't watch his act. I noticed it was on, I just didn't look over. I did not like his repeated poop jokes the first time so I guess my subconscious protected me from more this week.

Alex Dowis Light Art Show. I thought this was pretty good, and timely given the 50-year anniversary of the moon landing. He's like the Sand Artist Lady with lights.

V. Unbeatable. Hooray for this history-making act, getting a GB on talent, not singing. They were pretty cool. I wonder what their health insurance covers, if they even have any. Bravo on the little kid at the end, barely making it into the chair yet holding his pose. Nice job.

Izzy and Easton. I got a laugh out of Julianne telling Simon the little girl wearing pointe shoes means "she's good," then we never see her go en pointe once.

Adem Show. I liked them last week so was bummed they got montaged this week, which means see ya, don't wanna be ya. I did like the two seconds shown.

Robert Finley. I pictured myself sitting in my local tavern and listening to his singing all night, and having a great time. Problem: I don't drink nor do I have a local tavern, but I might change that if Mr. Finley comes to my town.

Duo Fusion. The show faked us out like they only did one thing, then Julianne spilled the beans when she said she had never seen anything like their LAST trick before. Too bad they are gone, I liked them. I'd watch them all day while I'd have to stab my eyes (and ears) out if I were (g)forced to a Gforce show.

Valerie Sassyfras. Better than Gforce.

Ryan Niemiller. I don't find jokes about his disability funny. How about trying some  material that isn't pandering. Of COURSE he got sent through. My vote: No.

I'd never heard of Dwayne Wade, then got clarity when it was announced he is Gabrielle's husband. At least they made no secret of being impressed with Duo Fusion's skill. I hope they have lots of makeup to cover up the bruises. And some good health insurance.

Julianne's hair ... she was in total disguise. I wondered if it was a wig or if she ratted out her real hair into that straw pile. She'll need a ton-load of conditioner if it was the real deal.

The other judges kept saying only X acts go through, which left Howie with not much to say. Is he on his way out? Say it ain't so!

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Despite the fact I'm a big fan of this show.....they're putting together a lineup for the live shows that will make me not care if I miss it.

I'm done with the "comedians with disabilities" act that agt puts on every season.  Didn't laugh once.   But typically he makes the lives.

Don't you worry Lamont Landers fans......you haven't seen the last of him.    "The Voice" or "American Idol"......he turns up again.

The mini Spice Girls are energetic and fun.....but they just wouldn't get over as a Vegas act .....but the exposure will help them gain opportunities as kid stars.

Overall show rating"   "Y" for yaaaaawnnnnn.

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Hated. Julianne's. Look!!  And I say that as a curly-haired person having a bad hair day today.  No. Just NO!  Bad poodle! BAD!  

And, I don't care enough to go home and rewind the DVR to look, but wasn't it a pegasus rather than a regular horse or unicorn?

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1 hour ago, Sounder said:

Don't you worry Lamont Landers fans......you haven't seen the last of him.    "The Voice" or "American Idol"......he turns up again.

Somehow I feel like he wouldn't turn a chair on the voice. Maybe that's just me and the whole "I don't like him" thing.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Michael Paul. Didn't watch his act. I noticed it was on, I just didn't look over. I did not like his repeated poop jokes the first time so I guess my subconscious protected me from more this week. 

I'd like to think my posts serve as an inspiration for someone else to talk like that about bad acts 😁

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5 hours ago, Babalooie said:

GForce - from Toronto

Howie Mandel - from Toronto

Hmmmm.        I just don't see how they have advanced this far over more worthy acts unless they have some connection to Howie.

In the sprawling 6+ million metropolitan area, it's possible Howie saw the back of one of their heads at the shopping mall once. The standard for "fellow Canadian!" here is so odd; a celebrity could have been born literally 2000 miles away from someone and that person will metaphorically put their hand over their heart in national brotherhood. Anyone born here with any sort of talent moving to the U.S. is rather telling.

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I was distracted the entire time by Julianne's entire look. Does her stylist hate her? I would be mortified to walk out like that.

I knew GForce was going to go through but they are grating. Very grating. Why am I still watching?

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I didn't remember some of the acts and some I don't want to talk about.

I am glad the magician with the cell phone act went through, I liked his beer act last time and he has a nice stage presence.

I also like the danger act with the 3 men from India. Damn that had to hurt getting hit in the chest with a sledge hammer.

The guy drawing the moon landing on the big light board was interesting and reminded me of the sand lady from Champions. So all of his drawings would need a story with music for Vegas but I think it could be really entertaining.

The shadow act didn't do for me this time. I like the act but for me it needed a better story.

The golden buzzer act I thought was very good. I thought the kid at the end landing on the chair was going to fall backwards out of it. It looked like they almost over threw him, so good for him for hanging on and finishing the act.

Being born in the late 50's I grew up with some of the best music ever recorded in the 60's and 70's. I've seen some of the greatest artist from The Rolling Stones, to The Grateful Dead, I was lucky enough to see ACDC with their original singer and many, many more. But today I listen to mostly Blues, so I love Robert Finley and could listen to him all night long in a Blues club/bar but I just don't think he's going to get very far in the live shows. I would be happy if proven wrong though. :-)

GForce. WTF?

God Julianne do you know you have a dead animal on your head.

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23 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

God Julianne do you know you have a dead animal on your head.

Your last line almost had me having to explain to my coworkers what I'm doing over here. 😄

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Last week Julianne was single white femaling Katy Perry and this week she was.....trying to imitate/attract one of those dogs with a corded coat that looks like a walking O'Cedar mop?  I don't know. 

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I’m not going to go through the lineup this time because the whole night was pretty awful. Usually I have to pick the one or two who won’t make it after the GB as the others are obvious. This night there weren’t another 6 acts that deserved to go through.

Last week I ripped the horrible Rockettes. This week it’s that horrible Gforce kiddie group. Untalented. Not good. Not cute. Unprofessional. No upside. Simon is promoting them, I suppose? Awful. Did I say they weren’t very good?

Im going to save my commentary for... Dewayne Wade. Huh? If I misspelled his name, sorry. No idea anything about him other than he was in the NBA and is Gabbys hubby.

Spoiler.  Hate the NBA and wouldn’t watch for free, so there’s that but that guy made me like him every time he was on the screen. Funny, self depreciating, not full of himself, kinda bright, articulate, reserved, seemed to really like being around his wife. Not phony. And, he actually “judged” a little bit, something the others never do. I knew that GB act would appeal to him as an athlete.

Really, really liked that guy; he would make a great regular judge. He made me like Gabby a little more.

PS, I do look forward to that Julianne Haters Club every week.

They are amusing.

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Catching up again on Hulu...

Bir Khalsa is an interesting act, but hitting hammers against objects on or near the gentleman's body does get a little repetitive for my taste. 

"Coconuts on the coconuts." Okay, Simon. So much for this "being a family show." But G-Force is coming up to remind us that it is.

Speaking of, I agreed with Howie on G-Force. I couldn't understand some of what they sang. But they made a song with Simon's name in it. Of course he's going to fight for them. I think they'll be perfect for Kidz Bop or the Disney Channel, but not for Vegas. Then again, I thought Grace would be great for Disney and she ended up winning her season...

Oh. Sh**t. Moving forward...

Gabrielle telling that she preferred Lamont's cocky. No, girl. Uh-uh. If I recall correctly from his first audition's package, he's been playing in small auditoriums (or for a small audience). He's not in the place to be cocky. In some interviews that I've seen with Little Richard, he seemed cocky. Although I don't think Little Richard is a cocky person, I do feel that he earned the right to be...and then some. Lamont is not at Little Richard level.

But I guess it's a little "uppity" of me to say all new singers should be humble. Yeah, it's not my place. But I can't help think of Terrence Trent D'Arby who exploded on the scene in the late 1980's, but quickly disappeared after he got a little cocky.

I rather enjoyed Alex Dowis Light Art Show, but he did remind me of the Sand Artist from Champions. Simon said what he said during his first (un-aired) audition because he knows best. Too bad that he didn't know his golden buzzer from last year had a few dents in his halo...

V.Unbeatable...I'm now wondering in the "V." in their name stands for Vikas whom they had mentioned. The ending...wow. There's a lot a trust there. Nice to see that they received the Golden Buzzer over another singing act. I'll look forward to seeing them without the slow-motion edits on the Lives.

Damn. ADEM was montaged...so it's obvious that they will not be going through. Even though the judges lauded them and said that they "stepped it up." I guess not enough to go through based on the judge's (producer's) decision. I'm hoping that they'll be a wildcard, but I have a feeling that it may go to Matthew from last week. We only get three: Two from Judge Cuts and one from the first Auditions. The other may go to Lamont - a la Daniel Emmet. I hope not though.

I didn't get Verba Shadow's story. I couldn't find the plot. Sure, Simon said that it was "good vs. evil" but I still couldn't figure out the actual story. Plus I felt that it was too many screen graphics and not enough creativity with the shadows.

I'm glad Robert Finley made it through. I love his old-school bluesy sound. He seems to have a sweet personality on top of that.

If you ever forget, Howie and Simon will remind you seven, only seven (or six) will go through.

Valerie Sassyfrass...Okay then. She and her "Sassyfrassers" remind me of some of the people that do bar karaoke after a number of shots. Valerie's got some subtle spunk though.

I can admire Ryan poking fun at himself, but I hope that his future act(s) doesn't revolve around disability. Hopefully he can change it up. But then again, Samuel J. Comroe's entire act revolved around Tourette's Syndrom. And he made it to the Finals.

I'm fine with some of the acts that had gone through. G-Force, not so much. Ah well.

Till next week...

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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4 hours ago, SG11 said:

PS, I do look forward to that Julianne Haters Club every week.

They are amusing.

I used to like her on Dancing with the Stars. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that she didn't talk nearly as much.

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I don't know if you remember, but a few years ago they ran a recap show where it was just the acts, with less backstory, fewer audience shots, and shorter judge critiques.  It got very good ratings for a rerun, because it was AGT, only better.

I hope Julianne has a better hair day next week. 

Maybe the "only six acts go through" was filmed after the Golden Buzzer.

As for the acts? I really liked the magician. I'm not the target audience for G-Force, but I hope they find happiness wherever life takes them.

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2 hours ago, marketdoctor said:

I don't know if you remember, but a few years ago they ran a recap show where it was just the acts, with less backstory, fewer audience shots, and shorter judge critiques.  It got very good ratings for a rerun, because it was AGT, only better.

I've only been watching since the season Darcie Lynn was on and won. I skip the recap shows but I'm surprised they didn't change the formula to that since it got good ratings.

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22 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

In the sprawling 6+ million metropolitan area, it's possible Howie saw the back of one of their heads at the shopping mall once. The standard for "fellow Canadian!" here is so odd; a celebrity could have been born literally 2000 miles away from someone and that person will metaphorically put their hand over their heart in national brotherhood. Anyone born here with any sort of talent moving to the U.S. is rather telling.

Now, ITG, you know that one of the little girls could be a relative.

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Howie was totally right in his critique of the tween girl group.  I also could only hear something about Simon Says and "jump" and that's only because the spokesbrat announced the name of their song.  I figured that were sucking up to Simon, as is per usual on AGT.

I'm at the little table with you GForce haters.  I hate them and do not look forward to a third helping of their act.  I was supremely disappointed when Simon played his "I'm sorry" game and then let them through.  I wonder if he really is going to or is already managing them.

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Add me to the group that can't stand GFORCE. There's something about them that's just...off. I don't know what it is. But they creep me out.

Love Dom. Hope he goes far.

Really glad we spent all that time on Lamont Landers in his audition just for him to sing for thirty seconds in this episode before being unceremoniously eliminated. I don't think we've seen the last of him, though. I fear he's on the Daniel Emmett track.

I thought Verba Shadow really dropped the ball this week. Their act had too much going on, was too hard to follow, and they missed a lot of the light cues.

I like Ryan Niemiller because his look/personality reminds me of my friend, who also happens to have a disability (though a very different one). Idk, I just like the guy.

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16 hours ago, helenamonster said:

Add me to the group that can't stand GFORCE. There's something about them that's just...off. I don't know what it is. But they creep me out.

They're disturbing to me too because its like watching children act like women that were hit with some laser beam that turned them into children.

I've been listening a lot to Casey Kasem and American Top 40 on I Heart Radio. They cover the 80's mostly. Musicians and performers back then were fully formed grown adults. Sure you had some young'uns ala Debbie Gibson and Tiffany. Its like pop music has done this backslide into younger and younger performers. What's gonna be next? Babies dancing and singing?

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Gforce makes me cringe with all the scripted cuteness. They've been very well programmed by their parents, like good little bots. And their entire act was about pandering to Simon, who does love his little girl pop groups. When I first saw them I knew they'd make the lives. Now worried they're in till the end.

The comedians with disabilities who do nothing but make jokes about their disabilities bore me. I couldn't image sitting through an entire hour act, because every joke is basically the same. Ryan actually has a nice personality and good delivery. Is it too much to hope for that he will come out and do a routine that never mentions his arms? Probably.

Glad that Dom Chambers went through. Simon: "you didn't step it up." Hell, he poured a drink out of a cell phone. It's hard to find a magician who does tricks you've never seen before, but he does.

I would rather have seen the guy who did the table cloth tricks go through over any singer. I'm a musician and Robert sings in the genre I play and love, but he's musically nothing special. But he's got a  sympathetic back story, and that's why he went through.

So all that time they gave to Lamont in his audition amounted to nothing. OK.

Not a fan of the big acrobatic dance troupes, but do feel that Indian group brings something different. I like that Dwayne Wade gave them his GB, as an athlete recognizing how much work they put into their routine. And just glad that the GB went to someone other than a 12 year old singer.

Edited by bluepiano
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The best thing about light artist Dowis is that his name reminded me of a really tough and savvy QB on the Air Force Academy's football team - Dee Dowis.  I am angry he got through because the overwhelming amount of effects were CGI prepared long before he hit the stage.  He did very, very, little after the portrait of JFK.  I also could not get past the first Saturn V model just sitting on the stage long past the moment when it "lifted off."  It might still be there.

The Siri magician was terrific.  Simon was bound and determined to create draaaaama with his low-call critique.  I watched him closely during the act.  He was ridiculously dour the whole time.  All an act.

The comedian shows some ability.  Let's see if he can be funny about anything other than his inabilities.

In contrast to Dowis, the dancers recreating the fantasy epics actually had to execute throughout.  If we had to have an act like this go through, this should have been the one.

Soooooo pleased the entitled teen ginger Lemont got cut.  Simon's critique was perfect.  Dude does  have interesting tonality.  He also is lifeless in presentation.

Overall, another horrendous edition of AGT.  By now, there should be several acts which truly deserve callbacks.  As of now?  Several acts voted through deserve never-come-backs.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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13 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The best thing about light artists Dowis is that his name reminded me of a really rough and savvy QB on the Air Force Academy's football team - Dee Dowis.  I am angry he got through because the overwhelming amount of effects were CGI prepared long before he hit the stage.

I notice his timing was off a bit on some of his "drawing." Like the image was there a fraction of a second before he "drew" it there. Sort of ruined the illusion for me. So did his tech guy coming out on stage afterward. He's the one who should be voted through. Or not.

13 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The comedian shows some ability.  Let's see if he can be funny about anything other than his inabilities.

I hope. But I don't expect it any more than I expected no Trailer Nasty or no Boob Burgers to make a second appearance.

On 7/26/2019 at 6:04 PM, bluepiano said:

Glad that Dom Chambers went through. Simon: "you didn't step it up." Hell, he poured a drink out of a cell phone.

This cracked me up. I'll bet even Simon's phone can't mix drinks. I wish he would tell GForce to step it up. Or better yet, STEP OFF.

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On 7/26/2019 at 10:40 AM, Lady Iris said:

They're disturbing to me too because its like watching children act like women that were hit with some laser beam that turned them into children.

I've been listening a lot to Casey Kasem and American Top 40 on I Heart Radio. They cover the 80's mostly. Musicians and performers back then were fully formed grown adults. Sure you had some young'uns ala Debbie Gibson and Tiffany. Its like pop music has done this backslide into younger and younger performers. What's gonna be next? Babies dancing and singing?

There has always been youngsters on the pop music scene for as long as I can remember.   Micheal Jackson and Donny Osmond clearly come to mind.....the Brady Bunch Kids,. Menudo, Musical Youth.....lots of em.  Anyway.....judging by the general feeling on this discussion.....G Force stands no chance to get beyond one more performance.   But they don't need to really.    There is a kid's tv show waiting for them.   They can sing songs,. interview teen celebrities, bake cookies......whatever.

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On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 12:12 PM, saber5055 said:

Duo Fusion. The show faked us out like they only did one thing, then Julianne spilled the beans when she said she had never seen anything like their LAST trick before. Too bad they are gone, I liked them. I'd watch them all day while I'd have to stab my eyes (and ears) out if I were (g)forced to a Gforce show.

Been gone and just caught up on these shows.  If I can be a latecomer at the "I hate GForce" table I'll bring rum.  What really bugs me is during auditions, Howie goes on and on about "Is this a million dollar act?"  Who in their right mind would actually pay money (in Vegas, of all places, where there are actually really good acts) to see a bunch of semi-talented little girls sing(?) and dance?  I agree that the only trick they showed be Duo Fusion was amazing.  

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33 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Been gone and just caught up on these shows.  If I can be a latecomer at the "I hate GForce" table I'll bring rum.  What really bugs me is during auditions, Howie goes on and on about "Is this a million dollar act?"  Who in their right mind would actually pay money (in Vegas, of all places, where there are actually really good acts) to see a bunch of semi-talented little girls sing(?) and dance?  

Totally agree with you about GForce. Though I will say that I occasionally go to Vegas for work and for some reason beyond me lots of people bring their kids.  So I could maybe see GForce as being a "family show" people would take young kids to, 

From now on when I feel that life's given me a dirty deal I will think  about Duo Maintentant. They have to work constantly to stay in perfect shape, train several hours a day (and have most of their lives), one of them a two time Olympian, former Cirque du Soleil artists etc. And they lose a spot in the lives to a chubby guy doing bad disco dance moves, hitting himself in the face with tambourine, and doing a stereotypical Japanese shtick that I imagine some Japanese would find offensive but somehow Simon thinks is hilarious. (Also, he does not play the tambourine well at all).

Edited by bluepiano
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On 7/23/2019 at 10:01 PM, Superclam said:

Ugh. That tween girl group. 

I didn’t want them to go through.

On 7/23/2019 at 10:26 PM, Ms Lark said:

I'm bummed they dropped the shadow dancers, especially when they kept the dippy little girl dancers. Ain't no sense to this.

They were better at least than the tweeny boppers. 

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On 7/24/2019 at 12:12 PM, saber5055 said:

I don't remember the names of any of these acts, but I can recognize most of them from @Neet's post, so thanks for that!

Bir Khalsa. I can't even watch these guys. I didn't the first time, didn't this time. Don't remember if they got voted through, but my vote would be a big, fat NO.

GForce. WTH. Only Howie got it right, he couldn't understand anything they were saying. And "saying" isn't "singing." I would have sent them home the first time, but go figure, they make it through. Means we have to see The Bunch of Brats again. SO many other acts were more deserving. Yes, even Valerie Sassyfras was better IMO, so that gives you my opinion of GForce.

Dom Chambers. Was this the magician with the iPhone in a dress? If so, I liked him. Yes vote from me.

Mat Ricardo. I guess I missed him since I don't remember anyone plunging a giant knife into an arm. More's the pity.

Lamont Landers. My dislike of him was a carryover from his audition, when he should have been kicked to the curb. Thanks for making me hate him, Simon.

Michael Paul. Didn't watch his act. I noticed it was on, I just didn't look over. I did not like his repeated poop jokes the first time so I guess my subconscious protected me from more this week.

Alex Dowis Light Art Show. I thought this was pretty good, and timely given the 50-year anniversary of the moon landing. He's like the Sand Artist Lady with lights.

V. Unbeatable. Hooray for this history-making act, getting a GB on talent, not singing. They were pretty cool. I wonder what their health insurance covers, if they even have any. Bravo on the little kid at the end, barely making it into the chair yet holding his pose. Nice job.

Izzy and Easton. I got a laugh out of Julianne telling Simon the little girl wearing pointe shoes means "she's good," then we never see her go en pointe once.

Adem Show. I liked them last week so was bummed they got montaged this week, which means see ya, don't wanna be ya. I did like the two seconds shown.

Robert Finley. I pictured myself sitting in my local tavern and listening to his singing all night, and having a great time. Problem: I don't drink nor do I have a local tavern, but I might change that if Mr. Finley comes to my town.

Duo Fusion. The show faked us out like they only did one thing, then Julianne spilled the beans when she said she had never seen anything like their LAST trick before. Too bad they are gone, I liked them. I'd watch them all day while I'd have to stab my eyes (and ears) out if I were (g)forced to a Gforce show.

Valerie Sassyfras. Better than Gforce.

Ryan Niemiller. I don't find jokes about his disability funny. How about trying some  material that isn't pandering. Of COURSE he got sent through. My vote: No.

I'd never heard of Dwayne Wade, then got clarity when it was announced he is Gabrielle's husband. At least they made no secret of being impressed with Duo Fusion's skill. I hope they have lots of makeup to cover up the bruises. And some good health insurance.

Julianne's hair ... she was in total disguise. I wondered if it was a wig or if she ratted out her real hair into that straw pile. She'll need a ton-load of conditioner if it was the real deal.

The other judges kept saying only X acts go through, which left Howie with not much to say. Is he on his way out? Say it ain't so!

I couldn’t get over Julianne’s hair, was it a wig? I was distracted by it for the first 10 minutes of the show. 

I’m not into danger acts but the one with the guys smashing the ice and other painful things was done well. 

I don’t even remember Mat Ricardo. 

They made it pretty obvious for some with the montages and half showing their acts that they didn’t make it through. 

I don’t get over all the fuss over GForce, unless Simon likes groups that make a big fuss over him and some of the other judges follow suit.

I don’t remember Valerie Sassyfras and wish I was spared her this time around. 

I like the comedian who did jokes about his disability, despite the fact it was all about his disability. 

This was better than the previous week but not by much.  

I loved the Indian dancers and believed they deserved the Golden Buzzer.

On 7/24/2019 at 3:44 PM, foxfreakinmulder said:


I didn't remember some of the acts and some I don't want to talk about.

I am glad the magician with the cell phone act went through, I liked his beer act last time and he has a nice stage presence.

I also like the danger act with the 3 men from India. Damn that had to hurt getting hit in the chest with a sledge hammer.

The guy drawing the moon landing on the big light board was interesting and reminded me of the sand lady from Champions. So all of his drawings would need a story with music for Vegas but I think it could be really entertaining.

The shadow act didn't do for me this time. I like the act but for me it needed a better story.

The golden buzzer act I thought was very good. I thought the kid at the end landing on the chair was going to fall backwards out of it. It looked like they almost over threw him, so good for him for hanging on and finishing the act.

Being born in the late 50's I grew up with some of the best music ever recorded in the 60's and 70's. I've seen some of the greatest artist from The Rolling Stones, to The Grateful Dead, I was lucky enough to see ACDC with their original singer and many, many more. But today I listen to mostly Blues, so I love Robert Finley and could listen to him all night long in a Blues club/bar but I just don't think he's going to get very far in the live shows. I would be happy if proven wrong though. :-)

GForce. WTF?

God Julianne do you know you have a dead animal on your head.

I like Robert Finley too and thought he was older than his age.

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On 7/24/2019 at 5:32 PM, SG11 said:

I’m not going to go through the lineup this time because the whole night was pretty awful. Usually I have to pick the one or two who won’t make it after the GB as the others are obvious. This night there weren’t another 6 acts that deserved to go through.

Last week I ripped the horrible Rockettes. This week it’s that horrible Gforce kiddie group. Untalented. Not good. Not cute. Unprofessional. No upside. Simon is promoting them, I suppose? Awful. Did I say they weren’t very good?

Im going to save my commentary for... Dewayne Wade. Huh? If I misspelled his name, sorry. No idea anything about him other than he was in the NBA and is Gabbys hubby.

Spoiler.  Hate the NBA and wouldn’t watch for free, so there’s that but that guy made me like him every time he was on the screen. Funny, self depreciating, not full of himself, kinda bright, articulate, reserved, seemed to really like being around his wife. Not phony. And, he actually “judged” a little bit, something the others never do. I knew that GB act would appeal to him as an athlete.

Really, really liked that guy; he would make a great regular judge. He made me like Gabby a little more.

PS, I do look forward to that Julianne Haters Club every week.

They are amusing.

I didn’t know what to expect with Dwayne Wade but I liked him too.

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