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Cynthia Bailey: Model Behavior

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I don't ever think she was "in" with NeNe and really needs to forget NeNe. NeNe is too involved with herself and her own world. I think Cynthia needs to cut her loses for her own sanity.

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I don't ever think she was "in" with NeNe and really needs to forget NeNe. NeNe is too involved with herself and her own world. I think Cynthia needs to cut her loses for her own sanity.

I think she needs to cut Peter too. In fact, I think she regrets coming to Atlanta, and would be happier back in NYC. Although they probably won't integrate RHONY, she could be worked into Blood, Sweat and Heels as an age counterpart to Mica (and highlight maturity differences), and be a contrast to Daisy's "fashion" persona. She could also probably draw some more "star" guest appearances up there, like Miss J, etc. Cynthia, move back on up. Plus we could see Leon more. 

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I feel Nene just likes har friends loyal and have her back.  Cynthia is none of this to anyone on that show.  Cynthia is just not anyone you would want to be close friends with.  She is a fair weather friend at best and due to the positions all of them are in, they don't need anyone who will smile in their face and then tell their business to anyone who will listen.  I know if she did to me what she did to Nene, she would never be friends with me either.

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I feel Nene just likes har friends loyal and have her back.  Cynthia is none of this to anyone on that show.  Cynthia is just not anyone you would want to be close friends with.  She is a fair weather friend at best and due to the positions all of them are in, they don't need anyone who will smile in their face and then tell their business to anyone who will listen.  I know if she did to me what she did to Nene, she would never be friends with me either.


I would agree with that, however Nene has always known / seen that Cynthia is like that and it never bothered her. Also, Nene's own comments on the end of their friendship suggest that it was Cynthia who cut her off not the other way round. 

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I just believe that even though Nene might have noticed Cynthia's two-faceness to others, she didn't think it would be deirected to her since they had such a close friendship.  They appeared as close as Phaedra and Kandi.  I truely believe that after Nene and Cynthia did so much with each other and taveled and celebrated the holidays togethers, Nene was totally blindsided by Cynthia at the reunion.

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I think Cynthia's decision to not be friends with NeNe anymore was based on what was said in Savannah about Cynthia's daughter. NeNe talking about her "twerking at the mall" and all the other nonsense that Cynthia didn't see or hear all of it in NeNe's talking heads until the show aired. I'd be upset, too, if I were Cynthia. Some of NeNe's comments were uncalled for, considering she is a mother as well.

I've seen photos of NeNe and Kenya traveling and having fun together before the reunion as well. I guess that friendship was another victim of NeNe's "contrary ways" when it comes to what she says behind the camera.

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If true, Peter clearly got into women business. 


Sigh.  If Cynthia really wanted another child, call up Leon.  I worry that any child conceived by Cynthia and Peter will look like a hybrid of Uncle Ben and Papa Smurf.

I don't even know how she can have sex with Peter after Leon.  Hell, after Russell Simmons!

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I don't even know how she can have sex with Peter after Leon.  Hell, after Russell Simmons!

I think Peter is quite (physically) attractive.  He has gorgeous skin and a beautiful smile and I'm a sucker for an accent.  He's short, but you know, no one can have everything.  He's a damn sight easier on the eyes than Russell.


That said, he's a jackass.  But all three of the named dudes look like they ooze to me.  They all seem smarmy.

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I think Peter is quite (physically) attractive.  He has gorgeous skin and a beautiful smile and I'm a sucker for an accent.  He's short, but you know, no one can have everything.  He's a damn sight easier on the eyes than Russell.


That said, he's a jackass.  But all three of the named dudes look like they ooze to me.  They all seem smarmy.

I know I'm wrong, but Russell Simmons giant fortune somehow softens his features.  Yeah, I know I'm wrong :(

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I agree that Cynthia is beautiful. But she has weird facial expressions and hand gestures. I don't think I have seen her without makeup(?). But I did see Kandi without makeup on her getting married show, and if Cynthia wins the "beautiful model face" then for me, Kandi wins the gorgeous "All American Girl" face. She was so beautiful, in a fresh way, when she didn't have any makeup on. And I also happen to think when Kandi is made up, and styled in the right clothes, she is beyond beautiful. 

She's been on the show without makeup before. (And I only know this from recently watching all the seasons on Hulu). In her first season, there were a few scenes where she really did not look like she had any makeup on at all. And I don't mean the "no-makeup" look where you still wear mascara and a little concealer. I mean she looked totally bare faced with dark circles, uneveness and all. And that's not an insult, she still looked good. And on their trip to Africa, she did the handheld camcorder thing and said she just washed off her makeup. I read an interview where she said she's very meticulous about removing all her makeup as soon as the cameras stop. I believe her because I'm sure she's had to learn how to religiously take care of her skin from all her modeling years.


I do think she's drop dead gorgeous. And I love that she has fun with wigs and playing up different looks. I don't see how anyone can take the "two faced" and "shit stirrer" stuff seriously. I mean, she kinda has to do that stuff. She even said as much on WWHL one time. What I don't like-and this is becoming more of problem with everyone-are the obviously fake storylines. Like the sister coming to live with them with no notice. That was so fake. She obviously is trying to put her sister on, and that's fine, but try to be less obvious about it.

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I guess instead of blogs, Bravo is putting up interviews with some of the ATL cast.




She's honored to be giving money to Peter again




I have always been supportive of Peter's business ventures. When Peter approached me about being a 50/50 business partner in the new Bar One Atlanta, although I seemed reluctant, I was actually very flattered. Bar One is a proven success, which makes becoming a partner a smart business move. I don't normally like to mix business with pleasure, but in this case, I will make an exception.



Peter's devoted wife also had something to say about her lowly stripper ex-friend Nene on WWHL.


My thing is this -- if I'm so irrelevant and you don't want to be my storyline (or should I say me be yours), why spend so much energy talking about me? That energy could have been put to better use looking for a decent wig and a more flattering makeup direction.


We shall see how this works out for her.


She needs the money from this show to give to Peter. I'm sure she thinks going after NeNe will help her keep her peach. However, I think this might potentially backfire on her.


Can Kenya, Claudia and Cynthia all make it their mission to "get Nene" and succeed with ample screentime?

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I've held out a glimmer of hope for Cynthia that she would come to her senses in some respects (Peter, NeNe) but I have a feeling she's going to overplay her hand and NeNe will appear to be the sympathetic one wrt their former friendship.


We see NeNe crying in the upcoming clips and Cynthia being extra with the burning of the friend contract, deleting/unfriending on social media, the 'stripper' comment while meeting up with Kenya, and the recent 'wig' dig in her blog. Besides responding to viewer comments on WWHL, NeNe hasn't addressed Cynthia directly recently or gone in like we know she can so I question if, in addition to being "very busy," that she's holding her cards to the chest? NeNe has inferred that Cynthia lied about something so I'm curious to see what this is about. 


I'm all for Cynthia asserting for herself but there's a difference between that and "turning up" and I don't think the latter will make her any more interesting or likable (a common sentiment I see on social media is that she's boring). I say this as someone who has generally liked Cynthia, despite some flaws. 

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It's so weird.  When she was in her twenties Cynthia was a top model, who was making guest appearances on a popular t.v. show (Cosby Show) and dating some of the most eligible bachelors in the world.  In contrast, Nene was swinging on a stripper poll and trying to get the attentions of a married old coot (I think Greg was born old, though he did invent stripper moves for the geriatric set).  Who the heck would think at that time that these two would ever be in the same social circle, let alone that Nene would be in in the superior position financially and career wise.  I like Cynthia, but sometimes I have the feeling she did not make the most of the opportunities that were afforded to her at a relatively young age.

Edited by qtpye
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I've held out a glimmer of hope for Cynthia that she would come to her senses in some respects (Peter, NeNe) but I have a feeling she's going to overplay her hand and NeNe will appear to be the sympathetic one wrt their former friendship.


We see NeNe crying in the upcoming clips and Cynthia being extra with the burning of the friend contract, deleting/unfriending on social media, the 'stripper' comment while meeting up with Kenya, and the recent 'wig' dig in her blog. Besides responding to viewer comments on WWHL, NeNe hasn't addressed Cynthia directly recently or gone in like we know she can so I question if, in addition to being "very busy," that she's holding her cards to the chest? NeNe has inferred that Cynthia lied about something so I'm curious to see what this is about. 


I'm all for Cynthia asserting for herself but there's a difference between that and "turning up" and I don't think the latter will make her any more interesting or likable (a common sentiment I see on social media is that she's boring). I say this as someone who has generally liked Cynthia, despite some flaws. 


I definitely think that such a dramatic shift in personality.  Not from cool and calm to not giving a damn, but from cool and calm to actively hating and being mean reads a little as simply doing whatever it takes to stay on the show.  I do agree that her simply asserting herself would have been more interesting and would have felt a little less contrived.  I feel bad for her because I feel like she really needs the RHOA paycheck, especially since Peter needs the paycheck.  I couldn't see a situation where he could stay if she were kicked off the show, so they would lose two incomes.  


It's so weird.  When she was in her twenties Cynthia was a top model, who was making guest appearances on popular t.v. show (Cosby Show) and dating some of the most eligible bachelors in the world.  In contrast, Nene was swinging on a stripper poll and trying to get the attentions of a married old coot (I think Greg was born old, though he did invent stripper moves for the geriatric set).  Who the heck would think at that time that these two would ever be in the same social circle, let alone that Nene would be in in the superior position financially and career wise.  I like Cynthia, but sometimes I have the feeling she did not make the most of the opportunities that were afforded to her at a relatively young age.


I don't think Cynthia has made the most of the opportunities afforded to her by being on RHOA.  She had a modelling school, which requires a good deal of monthly overhead.  She was doing pageants, which she has never been into and has seems like a pretty saturated industry.  She looks beautiful and when done right she is on point.  IMO, she should have started a wig/hair line, there is still room out there, since she could showcase a different wig each week.  Maybe even a skincare line.  Or she could have been a spokesmodel for someone else's line of hair or makeup.  Each venture she gets into requires a substantial amount of up front capital, especially the modelling school, because a lot of times people have to sign a long term lease on a location, and then there are lights, and security costs, and staffing costs.  Being a spokesmodel would have brought money into her pocket right away, and a hair line sold over the internet wouldn't require a huge amount of up front capital.  

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Even though Cynthia was right to be annoyed Porsha was late to their lunch, I just cannot with her. Her anger was just SO fake and so extra. She ended up looking the fool, "Keep my name out your mouth and I'll keep my name out of my mouth" or whatever misquote she said, and calling Porsha a puppeteer when she meant a puppet.


Like, what happened to her? She used to be very neutral, but when she put her mind to it she could read DOWN.  Are her finances that fucked that she can't even focus?

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As a gay man, I have to say that it irritated me last episode that, when Porsha confronted Cynthia with commenting negatively on her anti-gay sermon, Cynthia didn't stand up for what she said as the right thing to do, but instead simply said she did it because Porsha spoke negatively about her.

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How I feel about Cynthia Bailey this season


She appears to be living with a lot of regret that she lost Nene as a friend.  She also is a bit resentful that Porsha and Phaedra has taken her place.  Hasn't realized that trash talking Nene and then expecting her to still be her friend just never works. Now she has Baby Jane and Single (Half) White female as her friends, now.  Other than that, ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz


viable storyline - ..... Viable story li- ... Oh forget it!!

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I'm beginning to wonder if Cynthia's goal is to become this show's version of Brandi Glanville? Always wanting to spread gossip, cause trouble, stir up stuff when there's nothing to stir. I really believe her change in behavior is to become the "bad girl" of this franchise. Kenya's slipping when Cynthia surpasses her with this type of behavior.

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On WWHL they did a poll on who was the messiest and most wrong of the bunch and Cynthia won it hands down with around 46% of the votes.  She was bemused.  Don't think she expected such a backlash

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Responding to the question of whether or not Peter's admission that he was planning to cheat occurred on the show.

I thought it did but everything is running together for me so it's possible he said it in the media. But I think that was what made people begin speculating on his extracurriculars. He has nobody to be but himself for that.

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I can't help but get the feeling that Cynthia had basically dug a hole for herself that she cannot get out.  In her tweets and blogs she has gone from hating Nene to wishing Nene was her friend again to trashing Nene ; rinse-repeat for the past two months.  She also have realized there is no way she can double back on what she said at the dinner without feeling the rath of Kenya or standing her ground and getting the cold shoulder from Phaedra.  By doing her husband's bidding and dirty work, she has no options.  I feel this is why she constantly tries to blame Nene, basically convincing herself that she did the right thing.


However, Cynthia is coming off bitter and jealous of Nene's new friendship with Porsha and Phaedra and she is pretty much stuck with the Bitter Betties of NotLanta at least until someone get kicked off the island.

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If Peter had grabbed Nene by the ass and thrown her in the pool.... as Apollo did with Kenya.... what might have happened?

Answer that in Cynthia's thread, please and thank you. :)


He would have spent the next six months in traction.;-)*


I don't think there are any women on RHOA that he could lift.  He does not look like he has that kind of strength.


I don't think anything would have been said other than they were playing, having fun.


Now, if Leon lifted Nene by the ass and threw her in the pool, that would break the internet.


*I feel compelled to say that I feel that I can make fun of big women because I am one.  Proudly.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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I'm just really disappointed with Cynthia. How many times does Peter have to go behind her back, spend a large amount of their money without telling her, and then she seemingly "okays" it? And it's not like when he wanted to spend a large amount of money on their anniversary party -- that was a one-shot deal. Peter has apparently signed a lease, which will require a $1200 month payment, month after month (hopefully, it's not a long lease). That's $1200 that could be going into Bar One or Noel's college fund.


Peter knows he can get away with it -- that's why he keeps doing it. Until Cynthia stands up and says "No," Peter will always take advantage of her financially.

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Cynthia is so wack. Even if Peter is paying for this new space with his meager earnings, she shouldn't be making it ok that he makes these decisions without her. 


Peter's so happy Nene's gone because Nene is probably the only one who would tell Cyn this was wack as fuck to her and Peter's face.

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IMHO  Peter has had his fingers in her purse since day one.  She can claim she wants to be in business with him but this is only a cover to make him look successful an make her look like a good businesswomen.  She goes where the wind blows an would fit right in with the .99 flip flops I saw at walmart the other day.

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I never thought Cynthia was loaded. She was a very successful print model in her prime but nothing about her says loaded to me - comfortable, sure (I really like their house), but not loaded. And I would be shocked if the Bailey Agency were turning a profit.


But whatever money Cynthia has, Peter will spend. He's said flat-out that he wants to present a certain lifestyle - never mind that he can't afford it.

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