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Kandi Burruss: Atlanta's Own Willy Wonka

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2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Well, there seems to be a dispute here, Kandi says they were put off the plane but the airline says they, Kandi/Todd/someone in their group (coughPeter/Cynthiacough) asked/wanted to get off the plane. The airline admits to their mistake with the ticket problem and not giving it back, so, I don't think they would lie about why they, K/T, left the plane.

Wire that part had me pause too, except for how the airline spokesperson chose to word it:


However, an airline spokesperson tells TMZ that Kandi, Todd, and co. weren’t kicked off the airplane, but escorted off on their own volition. Representative Alison Croyle of Hawaiian Airlines admits it’s “partially their fault” Kandi was grounded, but still maintains that the Real Housewives Of Atlanta star handled the airline’s questions rudely.

It may be pedantic of me, but why would anybody leaving voluntarily need to be escorted?

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Just now, ZaldamoWilder said:

Wire that part had me pause too, except for how the airline spokesperson chose to word it:

It may be pedantic of me, but why would anybody leaving voluntarily need to be escorted?

I guess they would need to be shown/escorted off for safety/speed, especially if they were upset and I think they were really ticked off. I can see Peter/Cynthia winding them up, 1 intentionally and the other without meaning to, to the point that Kandi and Todd were mouthy to the airline personnel. Have we ever seen Kandi act meek/contrite/passive or even quiet when she is upset....Nope! LOL

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35 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I guess they would need to be shown/escorted off for safety/speed, especially if they were upset and I think they were really ticked off. I can see Peter/Cynthia winding them up, 1 intentionally and the other without meaning to, to the point that Kandi and Todd were mouthy to the airline personnel. Have we ever seen Kandi act meek/contrite/passive or even quiet when she is upset....Nope! LOL

Girl, I wanna tacklehug you for the innocence of this response. 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

Can either of you translate what you are talking about? I'm too old for this stuff and I don't tweet.

Lol!  I don't tweet either babe, that was my request that everybody within the sound of my post who could see that what happened to Kandi and Todd was blatant racism please name it and shame it with a sarcastic ass hashtag.    We'd been objectively speculating for a couple posts about the possible justifications for their removal from a flight.   Maybe their tickets weren't valid, maybe something happened on the plane we're not aware of, maybe there was some prohibited item found in their checked baggage.    So.  When the airline issued a statement that excluded all of our speculation by confirming that Kandi and Todd were not disruptive and that Kandi's original objection (that their luggage claim ticket hadn't been returned) was valid but......still tried to justify their unreasonable solution to a reasonable problem, logic begs me to quit trying to insert benefit of the doubt and just state the obvious.    That's why I said WireWrap's response was sweet (sincerely) because it assumes that the Tuckers needing to be "escorted" off the plane was for efficiency and the benefit of their safety.....even though according to the airline, they left of their own volition.   Possible? sure.  Likely, given what else the airline confirmed?  nah.     I don't want for this post to be all preachy and protesty, I'm just saying that sometimes we try too hard to explain something that isn't that complicated, especially to people who've experienced it before. 

Someone's bound to say but Peter and Cynthia and Porsha and Phaedra were also on that flight.  My understanding is that everyone in the rhoa group was put off that flight and reboarded on a subsequent one.    

A better summary of the point was made by a commenter in the original article:


"I know I'm going to get attacked for this but often times people think that black people are overreacting or louder or more threatening, etc.   The other night I was out to dinner with some friends.  There was a group of very loud white women to our left and a group of very loud black women to our right.  One of my friends began complaining about "how loud black people are."  Two of us had to point out to her that the other group was just as loud she just wasn't conditioned to see it as a problem.  I'm not saying that's what happened to Kandi, but I think it's possible."

#unhuh = zaldamo stop maybe'ing, I see it too.

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48 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Lol!  I don't tweet either babe, that was my request that everybody within the sound of my post who could see that what happened to Kandi and Todd was blatant racism please name it and shame it with a sarcastic ass hashtag.    We'd been objectively speculating for a couple posts about the possible justifications for their removal from a flight.   Maybe their tickets weren't valid, maybe something happened on the plane we're not aware of, maybe there was some prohibited item found in their checked baggage.    So.  When the airline issued a statement that excluded all of our speculation by confirming that Kandi and Todd were not disruptive and that Kandi's original objection (that their luggage claim ticket hadn't been returned) was valid but......still tried to justify their unreasonable solution to a reasonable problem, logic begs me to quit trying to insert benefit of the doubt and just state the obvious.    That's why I said WireWrap's response was sweet (sincerely) because it assumes that the Tuckers needing to be "escorted" off the plane was for efficiency and the benefit of their safety.....even though according to the airline, they left of their own volition.   Possible? sure.  Likely, given what else the airline confirmed?  nah.     I don't want for this post to be all preachy and protesty, I'm just saying that sometimes we try too hard to explain something that isn't that complicated, especially to people who've experienced it before. 

Someone's bound to say but Peter and Cynthia and Porsha and Phaedra were also on that flight.  My understanding is that everyone in the rhoa group was put off that flight and reboarded on a subsequent one.    

A better summary of the point was made by a commenter in the original article:

#unhuh = zaldamo stop maybe'ing, I see it too.

Anything is possible, anything but from what I have read, only Kandi/Todd were "escorted" off the plane, the rest stayed and continued on to their destination. Where was it reported that all of the Atl. HWs/so/spouses were removed from the flight? IMO, had the entire cast been removed, there would have been major press on it and there hasn't been.

2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Anything is possible, anything but from what I have read, only Kandi/Todd were "escorted" off the plane, the rest stayed and continued on to their destination. Where was it reported that all of the Atl. HWs/so/spouses were removed from the flight? IMO, had the entire cast been removed, there would have been major press on it and there hasn't been.


On 10/1/2016 at 8:22 PM, WireWrap said:

If this report is even half true, I can see how things went from confusing to bye, bye, get off the plane for Kandi/Todd. It seems that Peter and Cynthia were on the same flight with them and it was 1 of them that got things stirred up with Kandi/Todd/airline personnel. http://www.realitytea.com/2016/10/01/real-housewives-atlanta-films-maui-photos-plus-hawaiian-airlines-admits-mistake-got-kandi-burruss-kicked-off-flight/#/slide/1



The airline maintains it was actually someone in Kandi’s group who demanded to “deplane” over the issue, so the pilot agreed to let them off rather than deal with further commotion. The airline says 45 minutes later Kandi, Todd, and their pals were able to board another flight and proceeded onward from Honolulu to Maui as planned.

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32 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:



The only other Atl. cast members mentioned on that flight were Cynthia/Peter, it doesn't say the entire cast was on the same flight. "Hawaiian Airlines does admit the issues were initially over a computer glitch on their end, but maintains Kandi, Todd, plus their two traveling mates exacerbated the situation with an over-the-top response. Oh, and in case you’re wondering who their two traveling mates were, they’re Peter Thomas and Cynthia Bailey." Which is why some, including me, suspect that it was Peter that wound Kandi/Todd up about their baggage claim ticket.

Also, the only other cast member to tweet anything was Peter, " One of those days, @sportsoneclt cluboneclt @ Honolulu International Airport - HNL, HI

None of the other HWs tweeted anything about that flight or the incident, so I think only Kandi/Todd/Cynthia/Peter were on that flight.

2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Someone's bound to say but Peter and Cynthia and Porsha and Phaedra were also on that flight.  My understanding is that everyone in the rhoa group was put off that flight and reboarded on a subsequent one.    

Sorry, this is what I said originally.   The whole sentence should read:  in case someone's bound to say but Peter, Cynthia and Porsha and Phaedra were also on that flight (as if to demonstrate that this couldn'tve been a reaction made of bias because their other black castmates were on board)......  

standing by my point - everyone in their group was put off the plane for actions that belonged to someone other than Kandi and Todd in reaction to an error that belonged to the airline. 

  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Sorry, this is what I said originally.   The whole sentence should read:  in case someone's bound to say but Peter, Cynthia and Porsha and Phaedra were also on that flight (as if to demonstrate that this couldn'tve been a reaction made of bias because their other black castmates were on board)......  

standing by my point - everyone in their group was put off the plane for actions that belonged to someone other than Kandi and Todd in reaction to an error that belonged to the airline. 

No one, not Kandi, Todd, Cynthia or even Peter have claimed this was racially motivated, so I'm not sure it was but as I said, anything is possible.

2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Kandi is not paying her bills?

Kandi and Todd Restaurant - Liens

Also - the name of the restaurant "Old Lady Gang" is awful.

I hate headlines like this. The article is clear that they hired a general contractor who apparently is screwing his subcontractors. I think you can try to enjoin Kandi and Todd, but if they have evidence that they paid the gc then you're estopped from collecting from them.

The restaurant name is still awful; though I wouldn't mind a dish on the menu called the old lady gang which combined things that reminded you of each of the old ladies in the gang.

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OK so I have been watching the early seasons of the show and I have to admit that I love Kandi. She has so much talent and yet is so humble about it. The way she took Kim under her wing, as terrible as she was, was amazing. I like how she doesn't put up with any shit but she is always gracious. And seriously Mama Joyce needs a peach this season. The way she is going after Phadrea is awesome.

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I remember Joyce's first season. She was just as horrid then as she is now. The next season, we saw very little of her, as she was cooling her heels after the backlash of bad comments about her behavior.

It got me wondering how long and how hard she bugged the shit out of Kandi to get on the show in the first place.

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8 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I feel Kandi wasn't rich and famous Joyce probably wouldn't be as active in her life. Yep I said it. 

Joyce is a miserable person and opportunistic and peculiar af. 

For sure, but Joyce is fundamentally a user and would still be hitting Kandi up for whatever regular Kandi could get her. It can't be helped. Joyce is all id. She's need and want. She's not the least bit empathetic. Who on earth asks for payment when they babysit their grandkids? It would be one thing if Joyce was doing it on a regular basis or if for some reason the costs exceeded expectation, but it's none of those situations. Regular not famous Kandi may not be able to buy houses for Joyce, but I'm sure that she'd be paying for medications, traffic tickets, and credit card bills.

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On 12/21/2016 at 0:33 AM, cooksdelight said:

I remember Joyce's first season. She was just as horrid then as she is now. The next season, we saw very little of her, as she was cooling her heels after the backlash of bad comments about her behavior.

It got me wondering how long and how hard she bugged the shit out of Kandi to get on the show in the first place.

Joyce's first season was Kandi's first season. She was on the show with Kandi literally from Day 1, if I remember correctly. I don't know what backlash you're referring to. I thought she was generally well liked back then.  Hell I even liked Mama Joyce then. It wasn't until the "ain't no mountain high enough" season that she seemed to change into a completely different character. 

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On 2016-12-28 at 1:22 PM, HunterHunted said:

For sure, but Joyce is fundamentally a user and would still be hitting Kandi up for whatever regular Kandi could get her. It can't be helped. Joyce is all id. She's need and want. She's not the least bit empathetic. Who on earth asks for payment when they babysit their grandkids? It would be one thing if Joyce was doing it on a regular basis or if for some reason the costs exceeded expectation, but it's none of those situations. Regular not famous Kandi may not be able to buy houses for Joyce, but I'm sure that she'd be paying for medications, traffic tickets, and credit card bills.

I think that Joyce feels that the support she gets from Kandi now is what is owed to her for being a single mother and maybe she felt she made sacrifices so that Kandi could pursue and achieve her dreams. I know people say that you can't ever really repay your parents for what they've done for you in life but it's not often you see a parent who seems to expect 'repayment' from their child. Maybe there's more to their relationship but from what you can see on TV, the characterizations of Joyce seem fair.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Looks like Riley is making music now.  I hope the song is good.

Just no.  For the most part, I despise things like this and its the sort of thing that makes me sore with Kandi.  

Seriously girl, stop pushing your entire damn family on the world.

If Riley has talent, let her get with a record label and get a deal and let them promote her album.

The nepotism just gets on my nerves, have we ever seen Riley in any pursuit of a singing career?  Or putting in any of the same work that a regular person off the street would have to do to get a singing career?

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To be fair, most of Riley's life is kept offscreen so we really can't know if this is something she has been pursuing or not. It at least makes sense, unlike some reality personalities that release music. She's grown up around music, writing, production, singing, etc her whole life. Maybe she inherited a gift. Isn't her dad in music too?

Maybe she is on a record label...I guess we'll have to wait and see. There are plenty who have put out music without being on a label (Drake, Chance the Rapper) only to get signed later.

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18 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

To be fair, most of Riley's life is kept offscreen so we really can't know if this is something she has been pursuing or not. It at least makes sense, unlike some reality personalities that release music. She's grown up around music, writing, production, singing, etc her whole life. Maybe she inherited a gift. Isn't her dad in music too?

Maybe she is on a record label...I guess we'll have to wait and see. There are plenty who have put out music without being on a label (Drake, Chance the Rapper) only to get signed later.

We'll see, but if this song sucks monkey balls I'm gonna be annoyed.  And even more annoyed if Kandi starts whining about people picking on Riley.  

But, TBH, I've never had any great love for Riley.  I think she is a little bratty, and I was wildly annoyed when she was shading Todd's daughter about not going to college.  

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7 minutes ago, RealReality said:

We'll see, but if this song sucks monkey balls I'm gonna be annoyed.  And even more annoyed if Kandi starts whining about people picking on Riley.  

But, TBH, I've never had any great love for Riley.  I think she is a little bratty, and I was wildly annoyed when she was shading Todd's daughter about not going to college.  

See, I have had quite the opposite reaction. I always felt she was the most grounded person on the show, speaking sense about many topics when the adults in her life seemed a little foolish. Her humor seems a little dry, but she seems reserved and thoughtful. Definitely the least bratty kid on all the Housewives shows. Definitely beats out all the OC and NJ kids, easily. 

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Just now, sunsheyen said:

See, I have had quite the opposite reaction. I always felt she was the most grounded person on the show, speaking sense about many topics when the adults in her life seemed a little foolish. Her humor seems a little dry, but she seems reserved and thoughtful. Definitely the least bratty kid on all the Housewives shows. Definitely beats out all the OC and NJ kids, easily. 

I can respect that, and the NJ kids are a very, very low bar IMO.

But, listening to her shit talk Todd's daughter sealed my opinion of Riley.  You just don't do that, and Kandi should have been ashamed to have raised a daughter who would behave that way.  Its not just mean and bratty, its tacky.  This girl doesn't have the benefit of a college degree, and she probably wasn't brought up to think that it was a priority or that she was smart enough to go to college, she doesn't have access to the wealth that Riley does, the lifestyle that Riley has and instead of being gracious and welcoming Riley chose to be snarky.

IMO, Noelle is probably the best kid on RHOA.  I think she is kind, patient and the voice of reason for her mother.  She has had her moments lately, but I see her as a far kinder person than Riley.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I can respect that, and the NJ kids are a very, very low bar IMO.

But, listening to her shit talk Todd's daughter sealed my opinion of Riley.  You just don't do that, and Kandi should have been ashamed to have raised a daughter who would behave that way.  Its not just mean and bratty, its tacky.  This girl doesn't have the benefit of a college degree, and she probably wasn't brought up to think that it was a priority or that she was smart enough to go to college, she doesn't have access to the wealth that Riley does, the lifestyle that Riley has and instead of being gracious and welcoming Riley chose to be snarky.

IMO, Noelle is probably the best kid on RHOA.  I think she is kind, patient and the voice of reason for her mother.  She has had her moments lately, but I see her as a far kinder person than Riley.

I didn't think of Noelle. Yes, she is very grounded as well. I think it's important to take into consideration that what we've seen of Riley was (I'm unsure exactly) between 8 and 14 and she still came off as more sensible than the adults in her franchise and other kids in reality tv in general.

I found it interesting how much she looks like Kandi in that record cover. I never really saw much resemblance until now.

7 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

I didn't think of Noelle. Yes, she is very grounded as well. I think it's important to take into consideration that what we've seen of Riley was (I'm unsure exactly) between 8 and 14 and she still came off as more sensible than the adults in her franchise and other kids in reality tv in general.

I found it interesting how much she looks like Kandi in that record cover. I never really saw much resemblance until now.

LOL, I can certainly agree with all of that, but I think most adults on the HW shows are ridiculous.  Whether by nature or nurture :)

On 2/17/2017 at 8:52 AM, RealReality said:

Just no.  For the most part, I despise things like this and its the sort of thing that makes me sore with Kandi.  

Seriously girl, stop pushing your entire damn family on the world.

If Riley has talent, let her get with a record label and get a deal and let them promote her album.

The nepotism just gets on my nerves, have we ever seen Riley in any pursuit of a singing career?  Or putting in any of the same work that a regular person off the street would have to do to get a singing career?

I don't really see the issue here. Is Riley going to have to put in the same level of work to get ahead musically as your average joe off the street? Of course not. But it's not her fault she was born into a musically connected family. Is she supposed to purposefully walk away from people who can help her for the sake of not being on the receiving end of nepotism? Is Kandi not supposed to use her leverage to help her daughter out? Does Josh Brolin's career have less credence because he is James Brolin's son? Or Liza Minnelli because of Judy Garland? Or Peter Fonda because of Henry Fonda? Celebrities or not, there are so many people who get a leg up in the world because of whom they know in terms of schools, jobs or social advancement. I can't really begrudge Riley for taking opportunity of what's in front of her if that's her dream.

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On 05/04/2014 at 4:34 PM, stewedsquash said:

Kandi, Lisa and Ramona are my favorite housewives. I hope Kandi and Todd just explode in their careers! I really like this couple. Kandi does irritate me with her clenched mouth speaking but other than that, she is my girl. And Todd is just a dreamy kind of guy. I love how he and Kandi talk to each other. I am looking forward to watching this couple have a whirlwind life.

Kandi's voice is a bit annoying but she's OK u guess. 


My favorites house wives are Nene, Kim and Kenya.

On 30/09/2016 at 3:43 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

heap of happy horseshit

tell me how you get past 3 different checkpoints, (bag drop, security and gate agent) scanning a raggedy boarding pass at each one but don't nobody know your ticket "isn't valid" until you're within 20 feet of the pilot?   And-uh, she wasn't beat about removal, she just wanted her luggage claim ticket.  Tuh!


I know it's not in her nature to fuck with anybody's money but I hope she makes an exception this time and embarrasses the hell out of the corporation behind Hawaiian Air.   If they're wrong, they inconvenienced the fuck out of a passenger in the most pain in the ass way possible for no reason whatsoever.   But the bigger problem is if they're right, they allowed two unauthorized passenger to breach several security thresholds.  

Exactly sounds fishy to me. I hope she gets compensation. 

On 01/10/2016 at 2:53 AM, ZaldamoWilder said:

That's true too but they typically know it by the time you board.   They'll ask passengers to voluntarily give up their seat for air-dollars at the gate.  Equally annoying.  It didn't used to matter where we were my best friend would always be the one to raise her hand and I'd fly home without her lol.

Really really ? That is poor customer service. Imagine you planned a holidayvif ablice time and the air lines say they are over booked can you GU e up your seat. I would kick up a stink.!

On 08/01/2016 at 1:51 AM, RCharter said:

It seems like the name you avoid if you see it on a resume.  I think thats what every parent should do....imagine their child's name on a resume 25 years from now.  I mean, of course we'll all be in flying cars but still.


I also hope Ace gets amazing grades, because that is also a name someone is going to have some thoughts on before college admission interviews.  To me Ace sounds like your parents were on an episode of Intervention.

Exactly. Its a name that puts you under a lot of pressure like the name success. 

On 23/01/2017 at 4:30 PM, RHJunkie said:

I think that Joyce feels that the support she gets from Kandi now is what is owed to her for being a single mother and maybe she felt she made sacrifices so that Kandi could pursue and achieve her dreams. I know people say that you can't ever really repay your parents for what they've done for you in life but it's not often you see a parent who seems to expect 'repayment' from their child. Maybe there's more to their relationship but from what you can see on TV, the characterizations of Joyce seem fair.

She shouldn't ask for payment Kandu should just give it. Joycevhas to buy the kid food and take her out. It allbadds up. Why should Joyce have to fit the bill when Kandi is rolling in it?

4 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I don't really see the issue here. Is Riley going to have to put in the same level of work to get ahead musically as your average joe off the street? Of course not. But it's not her fault she was born into a musically connected family. Is she supposed to purposefully walk away from people who can help her for the sake of not being on the receiving end of nepotism? Is Kandi not supposed to use her leverage to help her daughter out? Does Josh Brolin's career have less credence because he is James Brolin's son? Or Liza Minnelli because of Judy Garland? Or Peter Fonda because of Henry Fonda? Celebrities or not, there are so many people who get a leg up in the world because of whom they know in terms of schools, jobs or social advancement. I can't really begrudge Riley for taking opportunity of what's in front of her if that's her dream.

Yes, Riley should put in the same amount of work as anyone else off the street. And as far as I know, all of those other famous children have put in incredible effort to get where they are.  We haven't seen Riley so much as sing a solitary note, visit a voice coach or play an instrument.  And I know that kandi has zero problem showing any of that on tv.  Just look at how willing she is to show the development of any other family venture.  

Which suggests, to me, that this is nothing Riley had been actually working on, but something that she feels should be handed to her.  Which I don't agree with.

Honestly, i didn't know of most of the family connections that you mentioned.  The brolins most likely because they are in different fields.

2 hours ago, RealReality said:

Yes, Riley should put in the same amount of work as anyone else off the street. And as far as I know, all of those other famous children have put in incredible effort to get where they are.  We haven't seen Riley so much as sing a solitary note, visit a voice coach or play an instrument.  And I know that kandi has zero problem showing any of that on tv.  Just look at how willing she is to show the development of any other family venture.  

Which suggests, to me, that this is nothing Riley had been actually working on, but something that she feels should be handed to her.  Which I don't agree with.

Honestly, i didn't know of most of the family connections that you mentioned.  The brolins most likely because they are in different fields.

There is no way the celebrity children I mentioned didn't have a huge leg up in their respective fields as a result of their parents. There were definitely doors opened to them that most others would kill to have open.

And "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" isn't about Riley. For all we know, maybe she doesn't want to be featured on the show? IMO, there is no real way of knowing that Riley hasn't been working on it or that she feels entitled to have it handed to her. But MMV.

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3 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

There is no way the celebrity children I mentioned didn't have a huge leg up in their respective fields as a result of their parents. There were definitely doors opened to them that most others would kill to have open.

And "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" isn't about Riley. For all we know, maybe she doesn't want to be featured on the show? IMO, there is no real way of knowing that Riley hasn't been working on it or that she feels entitled to have it handed to her. But MMV.

If she doesn't want to be on the show, thats fine, then don't use it as a secondary platform from which to launch a career.

She is fine being on the show when it involves being a self important, smug, condescending little snit to Todd's daughter...but we can't see the great Riley go to a singing lesson?

As for the other celebrity children, I have never heard of their "leg up," although I wouldn't deny its existence.  But did they have their parent out their hyping their projects?  Not that I can remember.  Look at Donald Glover, yeah, maybe Danny Glover's name got him in the door, but on the strength of his own talent and drive, he as become a success.    I don't think I EVER even put Donald and Danny Glover together, and the first I ever heard of him was as a writer on 30Rock.  He wasn't trying to use his dad to get acting gigs.  THAT I can respect.  The Smith children, not so much, because I don't think Jaden Smith has ever gotten an acting role that didn't somehow closely involve, or was created by Will Smith.

  Riley coming out with a song when no one has so much heard her sing a note or express any interest in singing is not something I can respect.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, RealReality said:

Honestly, i didn't know of most of the family connections that you mentioned.  The brolins most likely because they are in different fields.

Umm, Josh and James Bolin are in the same field. They are both actors. James might be doing more tv work as he ages, but they are both actors. An equivalent might have been Alan and Robin Thicke especially because most people don't know about Alan's songwriting work. He wrote the theme songs to Diff'rent Strokes and the Facts of Life.

16 minutes ago, RealReality said:

As for the other celebrity children, I have never heard of their "leg up," although I wouldn't deny its existence.  But did they have their parent out their hyping their projects?  Not that I can remember.  Look at Donald Glover, yeah, maybe Danny Glover's name got him in the door, but on the strength of his own talent and drive, he as become a success.    I don't think I EVER even put Donald and Danny Glover together, and the first I ever heard of him was as a writer on 30Rock.  He wasn't trying to use his dad to get acting gigs.  THAT I can respect.  The Smith children, not so much, because I don't think Jaden Smith has ever gotten an acting role that didn't somehow closely involve, or was created by Will Smith.

  Riley coming out with a song when no one has so much heard her sing a note or express any interest in singing is not something I can respect.

It would have been really hard for Donald Glover to use his dad to get acting gigs because his dad was a postal carrier. Danny Glover is not Donald Glover's father. They are not related. Donald got where he is by being really talented. A spec script that he wrote for The Simpsons somehow came across Tina Fey's desk. She loved his work and hired him. He wrote Werewolf Bar Mitzvah.

Scott Eastwood is someone who has looks and connections, but is fairly talent deficient. The Smith children too. Ireland Baldwin is another. Riley has so far exhibited no interest in anything, let alone singing. We've seen kids across the franchises who wanted to be in the entertainment industry whether it be modeling, singing, acting, or tv hosting. Riley seems generally disinterested in most things.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

Umm, Josh and James Bolin are in the same field. They are both actors. James might be doing more tv work as he ages, but they are both actors. An equivalent might have been Alan and Robin Thicke especially because most people don't know about Alan's songwriting work. He wrote the theme songs to Diff'rent Strokes and the Facts of Life.

It would have been really hard for Donald Glover to use his dad to get acting gigs because his dad was a postal carrier. Danny Glover is not Donald Glover's father. They are not related. Donald got where he is by being really talented. A spec script that he wrote for The Simpsons somehow came across Tina Fey's desk. She loved his work and hired him. He wrote Werewolf Bar Mitzvah.

Scott Eastwood is someone who has looks and connections, but is fairly talent deficient. The Smith children too. Ireland Baldwin is another. Riley has so far exhibited no interest in anything, let alone singing. We've seen kids across the franchises who wanted to be in the entertainment industry whether it be modeling, singing, acting, or tv hosting. Riley seems generally disinterested in most things.

Well that is my bad on the Glover thing.  But yeah, he is super talented.  I thought Josh Brolin was a singer?  But I'm not super plugged into the Hollywood machine (See my earlier comment regarding Danny and Donald Glover, also see my comment about the Brolins)

7 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Well that is my bad on the Glover thing.  But yeah, he is super talented.  I thought Josh Brolin was a singer?  But I'm not super plugged into the Hollywood machine (See my earlier comment regarding Danny and Donald Glover, also see my comment about the Brolins)

You're thinking of Josh Groban.

The thing with so many actors and actresses, less so with singers, is that so many of them have family in the industry. Both of Jennifer Aniston's parents are actors. Carrie Fisher's daughter is on Scream Queens on Fox. Her own mother was Debbie Reynolds and her father Eddie Fisher. Her parents' names and connections probably helped initially, but for a solid 10 to 15 years she was a super in demand script doctor. Carrie Fisher used to be hired to punch up movies and make them funnier. She was hired to make the Wedding Singer funnier.

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6 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

You're thinking of Josh Groban.

The thing with so many actors and actresses, less so with singers, is that so many of them have family in the industry. Both of Jennifer Aniston's parents are actors. Carrie Fisher's daughter is on Scream Queens on Fox. Her own mother was Debbie Reynolds and her father Eddie Fisher. Her parents' names and connections probably helped initially, but for a solid 10 to 15 years she was a super in demand script doctor. Carrie Fisher used to be hired to punch up movies and make them funnier. She was hired to make the Wedding Singer funnier.

LOL, yes, yes I AM thinking of Josh Groban!  

You could be right, and by the time the stars get the exposure for me to know who they are, they are far enough in the door.  And by that time they seem pretty disconnected from their family connection.  This doesn't seem to be the case with Riley.  For example, I had no idea Gwen Paltrow's mother was famous.  I didn't even really know that Drew Barrymore had famous relatives....and apparently her grandfather was a big deal.  

TBF, this feels a little more than a foot in the door though, but thats just me and M obviously Vs.

Its not to say I don't like Kandi, I do.  And if this song ends up being amazing, then I'm sure it won't even matter.

Edited by RealReality

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