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S02.E04: Housewarming Gone Cold

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Team Jeff.

Justin and Kelsey need some landscaping or at least a tree.  I like Justin but I still don't feel Kelsey.

No one's really happy for you Reagan.  It's all too weird.

Tamica and Barry looked great in their Halloween costumes.  So did Jeff. 

If you're going to do a ghost tour, you do it after dark.  BTW, I love a ghost tour.

  • Love 15
23 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Justin and Kelsey need some landscaping or at least a tree.  I like Justin but I still don't feel Kelsey.

When they did the before and after pics of the exterior of the house, the only thing that looked different was shutters were gone or painted a different color.  Dramatic!

I’m surprised Tamica isn’t mad the Reagan told Reece she was preggers before telling Tamica.  Maybe next week.

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I really like this cast. They're all likeable in their own way. The friendships appear to be genuine for the most part. I even like the peripheral characters like Rachel, Jared, Sonny and Tamica's friend that she had lunch with in this episode (I'm blanking on her name right now but we've seen her last season too.) 

The only exception is Reagan. I cannot stand her. What a phony!

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, ProudMary said:

I really like this cast. They're all likeable in their own way. The friendships appear to be genuine for the most part. I even like the peripheral characters like Rachel, Jared, Sonny and Tamica's friend that she had lunch with in this episode (I'm blanking on her name right now but we've seen her last season too.) 

The only exception is Reagan. I cannot stand her. What a phony!

I agree. Then I watch original SC and am wondering why I still watch when I really do not like anyone in that cast. I really like this cast and I like that they have things like jobs, kids, hobbies, and other stuff beyond the show and not just living on show money or mailbox money.

I almost think Kelsey just wanted to kick Tamica out. I thought Tamica and Jeff were speaking loudly, but they did not really seem to be fighting. I thought the whole Tamica and Jeff loud conversation was pretty much over by the time Kelsey deemed it as too loud for her house. I do not dislike Kelsey, but she seems to be trying too hard this season. 

I do like how the guys (and probably the women. I just notice it more with the guys) can tease each other in a light, fun manner and not take offense. 

  • Love 12
35 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I do like how the guys (and probably the women. I just notice it more with the guys) can tease each other in a light, fun manner and not take offense. 

These guys are just really cool this season. Even John Moody, who annoyed me so much with his humor-devoid cocky douchedom last season, has grown on me and seems like he’s playing his character up for laughs this season. He’s in on the joke now and seems to have chilled out onscreen.

I love Barry; what a sweet, sexy guy and great father. Justin is finally being a better boyfriend and a decent dude who isn’t clinging to single life. Jeff has humbled himself down post-divorce and seems much kinder...I love how he’s become Moody’s little Pygmalion-esque project; and Jeff already looks better!

Speaking of Jeff, that date was mildly awkward as expected; although his date seemed extra stiff and aware of the cameras. He must have a thing for high-maintenance prissy princess types, if Reagan is any indication.

Speaking of Reagan, wow, the self-absorption is off the charts with that one. Loved how the editors timed her entire two+ hour monologue as her poor friend just sat there like a patient hostage!! I’ll take funny editing like that any day over the weird slow-mo shots this particular series overdoes with its cast(what’s up with that?).

Reagan’s new guy is so goddamned gross and weird, btw. I never realized how sweaty and chubby he is until tonight's show. Yikes. She sure did trade down, but I guess ‘love’ is blind.

  • Love 17

 I watch this with my husband and we agreed, between the blind-ish date, the Kelsey-Justin party and the previews for next week (are we allowed to talk about those?  Just in case, I will not get into them), that Jeff is our least favorite reality TV character.  And we watch a lot of reality TV!  I asked my husband why he dislikes Jeff so much and he was just like, "he is creepy, he is scary..." and I just started laughing, because my husband is scared of no one (to a fault).

Jeff is just unhinged and it is so much worse when he's drinking.  I really think everyone is placating and is so ass-kissy because they are afraid he will hurt them or someone else if they're not.  

I am from the school that once you're broken up, you don't get a say over the other person's life.  If Reagan (who is noooooo prize, don't even get me started) and Jeff both want to remain in the friend group (read:  cashing Bravo checks), then they get to be exactly that--friends--and nothing more.  If Jeff can't handle the fact that Reagan moved on as quickly as humanly possible, then maybe he needs to move on and get off reality TV.  What you don't get to do is stay in the "friend circle," and have telvised reactions about your ex moving on and taking agency over your EX-wife, who has a fiancé.

Jeff on his date:  can I stop covering my face now; is it over?  He takes this perfectly pretty, poised woman to "a dive bar" (Jeff's words), starts drinking a lot, gets her the completely wrong drink, tells her he was really drunk when they met--so drunk that he was in a blackout and he had no idea who was going to show up--and then he starts using the "we" pronoun (as in, he and Reagan) regarding dogs he's had.  Seriously, is there something this guy can't mess up?  

Oh, but he's starting to "fall in love with [him]self," so I guess all is well in Jeff-land!  First of all, is that the goal?  Are we all supposed to walk around "in love" with ourselves, or should we just have a healthy self-image?  Maybe if Jeff sobered up for two seconds, he could ponder this question.

For Jeff to incoherently stumble up to Reagan at the Kelsey party and tell her--after multiple attempts at speaking--that she is running from something (yeah, you, asshole!) and to have Jon have to FaceTijme Jeff's date to vouch for him, to Jeff having, like 60 extra buttons opened on his shirt to reveal his gross, pasty chest when he was talking to Tamika...I wish he would be off the show and hopefully in an inpatient facility.  

I wished Reagan dropped the pregnancy bomb on Jeff when he was drunkenly lecturing her about running away from something, but I thought twice and realized that there was actually the possibility that Jeff might punch Reagan in the stomach or throw her down upon hearing this news.  Not entertaining.  


I have other stuff to say about other characters, but this post has been long enough.  I just don't like one scary personality dominating the rest of the show and preventing that great reality TV flow from occurring.  Jeff has needed serious help since last season.  He puts a damper on the whole show.  Just completely nuts, and not in a fun way.  He has no call the act the way he's been acting.  Everyone who enables him--including the entire cast--is somewhat culpable for this maladaptive behavior.  Tamika did the best by calling Jeff out, but she isn't a professional either.  This man needs serious help.  He doesn't need to be dating or falling in love with himself.  He needs serious professional help so that he doesn't take out all of his friends in an act of hysteria.  JMO.  

Oh, just one more thing:  As someone who has taken two states' bars, it is my firm belief that Reagan will never, in fact, take the bar.  I'm willing to be proven wrong.  Everyone with whom I attended law school had their bar applications in by the end of law school, and we all took the bar that immediately followed graduation--for us, it was August. This ep took place in October, and the bitch had 24 hours to get her bar application in, but instead, took over three of those hours to deliver (what I'm sure was a breathtaking) three hour monologue to Rachel, she just opened a store, and has a baby on the way?  The next bar after August is in February.  When is she going to have time to study for it?  She did graduate from (one of the country's worst) law school, which I didn't quite expect, but if Reagan actually took and passed the February 2019 Lousiana bar, I'll be a duck.  And if she didn't take February's, I don't believe she is going to take it in 2019, with a newborn.  Just ain't going to happen.  I'm not really sure why she went to law school.  

ETA:  I just looked at something, and I realized I stated something about Regan that was inaccurate.  I can't say what it was, because of spoilers, and I'm not going to erase my post, because I think I should have to live with my mistaken words, but, I was wrong and I should have checked my facts before posting.  Live and learn.  Sorry about that.  

Edited by LibertarianSlut
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Being the “one-uppers” is Reagan’s idea of marital bliss.

Hee! If I was one of the cast members, I would be wondering what Reagan and Reece were going to announce at their next event or party. There has got to be some life changing news that Reagan and Reece have not gotten to yet.

If the previous episode with Reagan telling Jeff that she was engaged was hard to watch than I am already dreading Jeff's reaction to Reagan being pregnant.  Last season Jeff seemed to really want kids while Reagan was not into it, so that is going to be awkward.

  • Love 9

I almost feel bad for Reece, but he did say that Regan was the “hottest” girl he ever dated so he gets what he deserves. A lifetime of spoiled bratty whininess and a baby. Good luck with that. 

Jeff does seem to be a bit unhinged as the previews show, it’s going to get worse. He should never drink alcohol, leave the show, get counseling. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

She did graduate from (one of the country's worst) law school,

I beg to differ. What are you basing your assessment on? As a Loyola law school graduate I am insulted.

 It is the only law school in Louisiana that has a night school program which allows those of us who have to work a full time day job to also continue our education after work. 

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Blueberry Snobal said:

It is the only law school in Louisiana that has a night school program which allows those of us who have to work a full time day job to also continue our education after work. 

O/T, but Southern has had a night school program for a long time too.  It's how Gov. Foster got his JD while in office.  I went to LSU because it was cheap as shit back in my day, but I've done a lot of CLE at Loyola over the years, and always had a good impression of the school.  

That being said, I do agree with @LibertarianSlut that Jeff appears to need intensive therapy and substance abuse treatment.  He should not be drinking to black-out stage in the Quarter, not knowing who he met at this age and especially if he believes he is a candidate for CTE.  He comes off in worse shape than any other drunken Bravo character that I watch, save for that one Below Deck deckhand who lasted about 3 episodes on the Rocky season.  As as drunk as any of the Howives get, most of them are dangers primarily to themselves; Jeff could do a lot of damage to others with his size and rage.  And frankly I hope he has a car service or a hotel room on standby in the city, because I don't want his drunk ass driving back over the Causeway nightly.

I'm still not sure where Rachel was exactly going with that dozen eggs metaphor, but she deserves some kind of hazard pay for listening to Reagan yammer on for three hours.  A bit of wine, a cheese plate, and the Bravo day player rate is just not enough for that kind of torture. LOL!

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Blueberry Snobal said:

I beg to differ. What are you basing your assessment on? As a Loyola law school graduate I am insulted.

 It is the only law school in Louisiana that has a night school program which allows those of us who have to work a full time day job to also continue our education after work. 

http://schools.lawschoolnumbers.com/rankings/us-news-report-law-school-rankings is what I'm basing it on.

it ranks 140 out of 144. It was right around that same place last year when my husband and I looked it up, when Reagan was actually attending. 

I know the numbers don't tell the whole story, and I am glad to hear that it's been rewarding for some. I probably wouldn't have phrased it the way I did if I thought it was going to insult anyone personally. 

  • Love 1

As much of a doofus as Reece appears to be, he at least had the common sense to say that it would be highly inappropriate to announce their pregnancy at someone else's event. And I say common sense but it wasn't that all obvious to Reagan who has and continues to come across a self-absorbed.

Jeff doesn't seem like any picnic and I do think a lot of that is likely fueled by the head issues she's suffered from his football days. I'm not confident that he's getting the appropriate help for it and I'm even less confident that the level of drinking we're seeing on the show is good for him. He can come across as a really intimidating guy but when he starts drinking (and his drunk self was totally out of line this episode), I feel he's more of a physical threat to himself than he is to others, though that still doesn't make it healthy to be around. His friends should do a better job of at least keeping his drinking in check.

The 'friends' of the cast are all great personalities that I really love - Rachael, Jared, Tamica's brother and her friend. It seems like the entire group of them are genuine friends and do hang out beyond the lights and cameras.

Both Justin and Barry have said that the key to handling Tamica is to fight back. Her instinct is to challenge and when you cower, she has no respect for you and will take advantage. I think Kelsey took that advice to heart and did the most. Tamica and Jeff were having a loud conversation but they weren't fighting and Tamica didn't seem confrontational upon Kelsey's initial comment about her being too loud but Kelsey was looking to do the most. She gave no time for a response before pouncing and shoving her hand so close to Tamica's face and then grabbing her like a dog on a leash to take her outside - fuck that, I don't blame Tamica for not playing ball with that. Being a guest in someone's home doesn't mean they can physically disrespect you like that. Looks like next week she makes a good call and takes herself and her hot as husband home soon after Kelsey starts chomping at the bits for her.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

ranks 140 out of 144. It was right around that same place last year when my husband and I looked it up, when Reagan was actually attending. 

The US World News Ranking doesn’t numerically rate the bottom 1/4 of law schools so while its at the bottom of the list there are still more than 1/4 of accredited law schools ranked below it. 

  • Love 3

Having taken one state's bar and practiced law for over 20 years, I figured a jab at one of the worst law schools in the country must have been meant for an unaccredited school such as the one Michael Cohen attended.  Have known plenty of good and great lawyers who went to accredited law schools that aren't winning any awards in a magazine. I do agree that Reagan doesn't have any intention to practice law or take the bar exam.  Maybe she can get into some sort of smoke and mirrors non-practice affiliation with Craig, J.D., from original recipe Southern Charm.

  • LOL 3
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I either forgot or never knew in the first place that US News and World Report doesn't rank the most bottom law schools.  I should have known better when Thomas Coolie wasn't on the list (and that's not a jab at TC; just a statement about how it's perceived in legal academia). 

I wasn't really trying to take a jab.  I have defended people from third and fourth tier law schools in the Southern Charm thread.  I think someone who has graduated from a third of fourth tier law school has very often had to work harder than someone in a first or second tier.  

But it was shady...I'll own that.  I was really trying to shade Reagan, because I don't like her.  I don't like the way she looks or the way she acts, but she has demonstrated that she's book smart, and that's not the place to come for her.  I get that now.

It really never occurred to me that anyone on here would have attended that particular law school when I shaded Reagan.  And just for the record, my undergrad alma mater, while I loved it, was not a highly esteemed school.  One particular partner at my first law firm would tease me about it, and I always took it in stride, so I thought calling out a school was fair game.  I forgot how annoying it eventually got though, so this is me falling on my sword, and I will check my facts better in the future.  🙂 This has not been my most accurate factual week, and I am humbled by it!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, AuntDahlia said:

Maybe she can get into some sort of smoke and mirrors non-practice affiliation with Craig, J.D., from original recipe Southern Charm.

Well at least her law school was actually ranked and clerking for the Solicitors General office is better than that sleazy ambulance chasing lawyer that Craig worked for so she is still ahead in my book. I do think she will take the bar because she will want to have that checked off her list of things she has done.  

  • Love 1

Regan really does look at Reese like she's way in love, so I can't think it is because (I assume) his parents have money.  I don't get what she sees in him unless he's just having a hard time with the cameras around and is just coming off like a total doofus.

That said, I totally get why she dumped Jeff.  I feel bad for him in some ways if CTE is debilitating him and causing wild mood swings.  He should def stay away from booze though.  Maybe switch to medical MJ and be chill.

  • Love 1
On 7/1/2019 at 9:35 AM, Misslindsey said:

I almost think Kelsey just wanted to kick Tamica out. I thought Tamica and Jeff were speaking loudly, but they did not really seem to be fighting. I thought the whole Tamica and Jeff loud conversation was pretty much over by the time Kelsey deemed it as too loud for her house. I do not dislike Kelsey, but she seems to be trying too hard this season. 

I watched that altercation about three times.  Tamica and Jeff had finished whatever they were doing, they were loud but they'd finished when Kelsey appeared.  Kelsey was a bit out of line.

I don't know how I feel about Reagan.  I don't like her, but she's right about one thing in real life people don't do what you want them to do, they don't act like you think they should act.  Human beings aren't machines.  Reagan and Jeff are divorced.  Reagan is with Reese, they are going to have a baby.  Their friends need to grow the fuck up and deal with it, even if they feel Reese is a big douche.  He is the person Reagan has chosen to be with, for whatever reason.

I think Kelsey had too much to drink that night, as did Tamica.  In fact, I think these folks drink a bit too much.  Some people think that you are your real self when you drink, in reality it's the opposite, people drink because they DON'T want to be who they are, liquid courage, let me have something I don't have.  I don't think Kelsey would have acted like that if she'd been sober.  Also I'm sick of Tamica, why did it bother her so much that Reagan wasn't drinking.  Whenever someone is upset that another person isn't drinking, usually that person might have an issue with alcohol.

  • Love 2
On 7/1/2019 at 8:35 AM, Misslindsey said:

I almost think Kelsey just wanted to kick Tamica out. I thought Tamica and Jeff were speaking loudly, but they did not really seem to be fighting. I thought the whole Tamica and Jeff loud conversation was pretty much over by the time Kelsey deemed it as too loud for her house. I do not dislike Kelsey, but she seems to be trying too hard this season.

Because she's a try hard. A cipher who reflects back at you what she thinks you want to see. That's who she is and what she does. Where the hell is the rest of her personality? Like where's the part that Justin fell in love with? Where's the part that both Jared and Justin's Mom like? When does she ever say anything even remotely interesting?

She overreacted because Justin and Barry (and Jared too?) said she needed to clap back at Tamica to gain her respect. So she clapped back too hard and without knowing the situation and at a time when Tamica wasn't even talking to or about her nor disrespecting "her" house as she assumed. It was so too much and disingenuous. Because it didn't come from Kelsey's own place of realness. Whatever that is. 

3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think Kelsey had too much to drink that night, as did Tamica.  In fact, I think these folks drink a bit too much.  Some people think that you are your real self when you drink, in reality it's the opposite, people drink because they DON'T want to be who they are, liquid courage, let me have something I don't have.  I don't think Kelsey would have acted like that if she'd been sober.  Also I'm sick of Tamica, why did it bother her so much that Reagan wasn't drinking.  Whenever someone is upset that another person isn't drinking, usually that person might have an issue with alcohol.

I haven't noticed that they drink too much. I think it may appear that way because most of their scenes are social occasions where people who drink would drink.

But in the case of Tamica vs. Reagan, I think Tamica was going hard at her because she knew Regan was lying to her about the divorce, the new BF, practically everything important in her life. And Reagan's lack of drinking in situations where she normally would was, to Tamica, a physical manifestation of all the lies.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think Kelsey had too much to drink that night, as did Tamica.  In fact, I think these folks drink a bit too much.  Some people think that you are your real self when you drink, in reality it's the opposite, people drink because they DON'T want to be who they are, liquid courage, let me have something I don't have.  I don't think Kelsey would have acted like that if she'd been sober.  Also I'm sick of Tamica, why did it bother her so much that Reagan wasn't drinking.  Whenever someone is upset that another person isn't drinking, usually that person might have an issue with alcohol.


I get that sense about all reality tv casts. Alcohol often seems like the centre of much of their interaction with one another. But it initially jumped out at me with this cast and I realized it may be because it seems that they start their days pretty early with alcohol. It's not the occasional brunch with a mimosa but it seems like it's not out of the ordinary for them to order a drink with their scrambled eggs on a Tuesday morning. In terms of actual consumption, they all seem to handle themselves relatively well with the exception of Jeff. All of his issues come front and centre when he gets too drunk to control his negative impulses.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 3

I don't think this cast drinks too much. Yes, most of their interaction is either at parties or over a meal, so there is usually alcohol involved. I think this is reality TV 101. But I would say that with the exception of Jeff, who has been shown on multiple occasions having super mood swings after drinking too much, most of the cast seem to handle their liquor okay. Even the folks who have partially come off the rails (Tamika and Barry, i'm looking at you) after drinking at an event, have pulled it together and made it more of a one-off than the standard "oh, so-and-so is at it again behavior (See Craig and Shep on SC 1.0).

  • Love 3

I’m not a huge fan of Kelsey either and I do think she needs to ditch the wet look to give those curls more volume which would enhance her features more BUT I don’t like the way she is being made to feel that she must constantly prove herself or stand up to Tamika.  That’s the same advice you give to someone being bullied.  I would find it way too exhausting to have to have a game plan for communication for each interaction with queen Tamika.  I’m not going to go out of my way to make someone like me when there are other people in this world with whom I can be building genuine connections.  It may even actually deflate some of Tamika’s ego if Kelsey didn’t take the bait and just walked away with an “I can’t with you right now,” or “Yeah, there’s someone more interesting over there...” She should find other things that make her a relevant character.

I dunno, I still find Jeff endearing and want to root for him even after he goes off the rails.  I think he needs more healing time and maybe some outside help, but it’s probably not great having to do all that healing alongside Reagan moving at warp speed.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, For Cereals said:

I dunno, I still find Jeff endearing and want to root for him even after he goes off the rails.  I think he needs more healing time and maybe some outside help, but it’s probably not great having to do all that healing alongside Reagan moving at warp speed.

Jeff needs to accept that Reagan never loved him in the first place.  She always loved Reese.  Reagan said it herself, Reese would not commit, enter Jeff, he could commit, so Reagan married Jeff.  

I've seen stuff like that often, one person doesn't want a committed relationship and the other person does, or one person doesn't want children and the other person does.  You may be in love, but are unable to get past those dealbreakers.  

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