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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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19 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The Amanda/Andy and Christie/Tommy corollaries are STRIKING, right?

Absolutely - the Amanda/Christie and Andy/Tommy parallels have been ringing church bells for me so loud all season, they’d have had Quasimodo begging for a Xanax.

19 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Imagine, though, if Andy had lost Amanda this early in the game. Would he have won the game still? That's what Tommy is facing here.

Not that far different, actually; Zuckerman was 10th out in S15, while Christie is looking to be 8th out this time around.

So the primary question becomes: can Tommy keep successfully deflecting attention from himself for two more weeks?  If Tommy can, I could see him coasting all the way to F2; I’m just not totally sure Tommy is that fucking good at the game.

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I can absolutely see Tommy coasting through to the end. The one knock against him was his “couple” with Christie. That’s gone. He loves everyone, everyone loves him, I don’t see him on anyone’s radar anytime soon.

Edited by Katesus7
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Christie is moping and says it’s all just frustrating.

But, but, but last night!  On network show.  Christie said she understood the game and was cool with the idea that she might be nominated.  I was expecting her to shrug her shoulders and say, "oh well, them's the roll of the planetary dice."

Edited by Thalia
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I want to go to the Big Brother cookout. Everything is looking sooooo good. The only question is who is the grill master? Cliff? Tommy? Jackson?

Meanwhile, Sis & Tommy are catching some rays before dinner. Tommy looking all badass. 


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48 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Point well taken. That said, she’s now married to a normal guy, with a good job & with a kid. I haven’t followed her in years. At the time she a bug realtor in Florida.

Like roach motels?

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When does Zingbot usually come?  I thought it was around OTEV, but maybe it is "hide and go Veto?"  I really, really, really want Christie to still be in the house for Zingbot, but unless he shows up in the next day or so, we won't get to hear the zing for Christie.

I really need to hear the zing for Christie.

Actually, I really need to hear the zing for Jack.

Anallice's zing should be pretty good too, but she likely won't get it, and her two-head will furrow up in confusions.

I suspect the zing for Nicole will be something along the lines of "Nicole...Nicole....  Who is Nicole?   There's a Nicole in this house?"

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I just....these people. Christie/Tommy/Sis convo. Christie trying to strategize a way for her to stay, while Tommy and Sis are playing the “let death take you” game. My favorite part is when Christie is livid over Nick saying that Sis was targeting Nicole and how dare Nick. Sis replied “well, yeah I did say that but not recently”. Also, Sis want to make people clear she never targeted them, except for those times she was targeting them, but whatever. How does Sis exist in the real world?

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6 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I just....these people. Christie/Tommy/Sis convo. Christie trying to strategize a way for her to stay, while Tommy and Sis are playing the “let death take you” game. My favorite part is when Christie is livid over Nick saying that Sis was targeting Nicole and how dare Nick. Sis replied “well, yeah I did say that but not recently”. Also, Sis want to make people clear she never targeted them, except for those times she was targeting them, but whatever. How does Sis exist in the real world?

She's, like, so fucking hot?

Edited by Callaphera
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I turned on the feeds for the first time today and Nick and Christie are airing their grievances.  Well, it's more like Christie airing her grievances against Nick.  She's calling him out on him playing both sides and trying to turn people (like Cliff and Nicole against Tommy, Christie, and Analyse and vice versa) against each other so he can keep on skating by.

Shades of Jack with Christie.  She just said something about how she's going home early because of her loyalty or something like that.

Now she's calling him out on wanting Jack out.  She said Nick had no intention of keeping Jack in the game and used the way Cliff was voting as a cop out.

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Why does Nick even justify himself to her or anyone ? In doing so, with his "full transparency BS" he gets to throw everyone under the bus. He just talks and talks and talks.

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1 minute ago, tinkerbell said:

Am I the only one who sees this photo and imagines Analyse getting a weirdly patterned suntan on her legs, and then freaking out that she has a skin disease?  

You are not the only one!  Also, there's a foot between them, Christy's, I believe.  And Tommy looks really good.  He kind of reminds me of young Tony Curtis.

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22 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie says she has nothing to lose now so she will be vocal.  She says she won't campaign against Analyse because Analyse is literally an angel.

So, can we all start manifesting her blowing up Tommy's game?

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2 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

So, can we all start manifesting her blowing up Tommy's game?

I am so hoping that her "nothing to lose" mentality will include her dropping the bomb that she and Tommy know each other but I doubt it will happen.

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31 minutes ago, sphoebus31 said:

You are not the only one!  Also, there's a foot between them, Christy's, I believe.  And Tommy looks really good.  He kind of reminds me of young Tony Curtis.

I couldn't help but notice how short he is, with very short legs, but seems well endowed.

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On 8/17/2019 at 7:44 PM, Growsonwalls said:

For me Tommy is playing a very good game, but I just can't get behind all that "I love you, I love you sooooo much" fakeness. I know it's gameplay and stuff but when I turn on the feeds and he's proclaiming his undying love for the 100th time that day to someone he plans to evict it just gets tiring.

Tommy is every girl in the bar after several shots.  I looooooove you!  I looooooove you too!!

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15 minutes ago, showme said:

I couldn't help but notice how short he is, with very short legs, but seems well endowed.

Yeah if he was taller he be sorta perfect. He looks best with scruff. I do have one question. If Tommy wins HOH who will he nominate? He seems to be friends with everyone.

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah if he was taller he be sorta perfect. He looks best with scruff. I do have one question. If Tommy wins HOH who will he nominate? He seems to be friends with everyone.

Tommy will throw HoH until he needs to win it. 

As for Tommy's build it resembles a lot of Broadway male dancers who are shockingly short and compact in person. Allows them to do that quick footwork and tapping that's a hallmark of Broadway choreography.

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6 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

If Tommy wins HOH who will he nominate? He seems to be friends with everyone.

Tommy wants Cliff out. Cliff has been his #1 target for awhile.

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3 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

I think if Cliff wins HOH he will nominate Tommy. Probably the only one who would do so. 

Well then, Cliff for HOH prayer circle!

2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

Christie is only going to accomplish blowing up Tommy and Sis' game. 

Here's hoping!

I turn on the feeds to see Nick lying on Nicole and her stroking his arm. Nope. Just no.

Fuck it, I'm gonna miss her lol.
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I turn on the feeds to see Nick laying on Nicole and her stroking his arm. Nope. Just no.

Holly actually had a good point about Nick's game last night to Jackson. She and Nick don't really have a game relationship because she shuts down all his flirting, and he has no other move to relate to people.

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I turn on the feeds to see Nick lying on Nicole and her stroking his arm. Nope. Just no. 

Holly and Jackson are constantly in bed together too.

Are house guests allowed to have sex with each other? If they are, how do they deal with all the cameras in the room and all the roommates?

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12 minutes ago, showme said:

Holly and Jackson are constantly in bed together too.

Are house guests allowed to have sex with each other? If they are, how do they deal with all the cameras in the room and all the roommates?

Ha, you are new to this thread, yes? Welcome aboard! The houseguests can have sex. This season, Jackson has slept with Kat and Holly, Jack slept with Analyse, and Nick slept with Bella. A lot of times they’ve done it in the HOH shower where the cameras don’t show them. Other times they do it in bed under covers, sometimes with others in the room. It’s gross.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I turn on the feeds to see Nick lying on Nicole and her stroking his arm. Nope. Just no.

The other night Nick was puzzling out whether he could safely snuggle with his "Nugget" and decided that Bella would be okay with it. 

I got news for you, Nick. You better hope Rob C. isn't doing backyard interviews this year. (I know, he'll never be allowed to do them again. We'll be stuck with Ross and what's-her-face. Or Big Jeff.)

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15 hours ago, Ellee said:

I’m wondering what college it was. 

In all honesty, I thought she had to be downplaying everything but now not so sure.  

It’s  impossible to ‘play a role’ 24/7 for 60 days right?   Then I look at Tommy and he is. 🤷‍♂️

The great Special Agent Phillip Sheppard claimed he was faking it during his first season (Though I do often wonder how much of it was an act).  I guess if he could do it for thirty-nine days, someone could pull it off for sixty days.  Granted they would probably have to be a Marlon Brando type crazy method actor.  Which I highly doubt she is.

15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess it depends what she took? I mean, to give her some credit, she wouldn't need to take any math courses in college if it wasn't in her field. I mean, I'm not as bad at Sis where I have to count on my fingers what 9-2 is, but if you asked me to quickly tally up a math problem, I'd be taking at least a couple of minutes to do so.

I had to look up Analyse's university education and I forgot that she took Community Health Sciences at the University of Nevada.

Same here, that is why I cannot laugh at her.  I mean yeah I would not have to count on my fingers to figure out 9-2 but I stink at math in my head.  My brain just does not work that way.

15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think so? I'm Canadian so I don't know how things work down in the States, but here, it depends on the course. I was in Communications, then Sociology, then Film, so math was never ever something that I needed to take, unless I wanted to take it for fun. 

That being said, Analyse's program would have definitely required a couple of math courses. I tried looking it up on the University of Nevada website but not much luck on finding requirements.

Communications here as well (Not they I have ever used the degree once in my life for anything) and I had to take three math courses (It might have been more, but it has been nineteen years since I graduated so I really do not remember all that well).

14 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

As for Edward/Ted, yeah, it is especially popular in New England. My father-in-law (who was born in Massachusetts) was Ted (from Edward), as was his father before him. 

This is so odd to me because I live in Rhode Island and besides JFK and Ted I have never heard Jack for John and Ted for Edward.  Could it be a generational thing?  

I am a late Gen-Xer.  So is it a Baby Boomer and older thing?

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Christie: "I don't feel good."
Analyse: "Are you okay?"
Christie: "Yeah, I'm fine."

See? This is why you're getting voted out, Christie. No one can trust anything that comes out of your mouth because you change your story with your next breath.

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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Feeds are back after an hour and Analyse is still begging for a power. 

Not even a little murderous rampage from Jackson? Boo. 

I guess the megaphone thing is not true then.

I wonder how they would deal with something like that happening from a broadcasting standpoint.  What I mean is, if something like that were to happen would they show it on television because it would have a huge impact on the game. 

Or would they do what Major League Baseball does when a drunk runs on the field, just not show the drunk on the field because if they show the drunk that might encourage others to run on the field.

That would be interesting to see.

Edited by BK1978
Just fixing it, so it is easier to read.
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*That's* what I get to see when I drop in on this thread? 

I no longer love you all. (Seriously, that's slightly nightmare inducing, lol.)

Everytime I start to kind of want to like Tommy, I remember all the Nicole / outsider ugliness and it goes away. But he really is playing a pretty good game. Holly too. Does Tommy want to drag Sis to the end? 

And I totally just forgot Jess was still in the house. Whoops.

Jackson and Nick would make for such a lovely DE.

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48 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

 Does Tommy want to drag Sis to the end? 

Well if he does end up doing that, he should thank his lucky stars that the producers keep the final three in the house until the final night and not the final two like they used to.  Imagine being stuck with her by yourself for a few days.  What the hell would you talk about?

Edited by BK1978
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31 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Well if he does end up doing that, he should thank his lucky stars that the producers keep the final three in the house until the final night and not the final two like they used to.  Imagine being stuck with her by yourself for a few days.  What the hell would you talk about?

You could teach Analyse her A-B-C's. Or - ooh - shapes and colours are always a big hit. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

You could teach Analyse her A-B-C's. Or - ooh - shapes and colours are always a big hit. 

But stick to the basics. Don’t try to get all fancy with a trapezoid or magenta. 

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So I don't know. I like putting on the tinfoil hat when it comes to Big Brother - like Kat, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory. And the feeds are very wonky. First they went down for an entire hour and when they came back, the HGs were on indoor lockdown. Some people looked bummed (okay, it was Holly and she needs to blink twice if she's being held against her will because I'm a little concerned), some people seemed more manic than normal. The feeds kept cutting away from Jackson/Holly for awhile (I'm not complaining about that, just to be clear). People are getting called into the DR one by one and hey, the Veto ceremony was earlier today so okay, that could be the reason for it.

But then Holly asks Jackson, "Did you hear what it/he said?" and Jackson replies in the negative and then we go to FISH. Christie and Tommy aren't acting weird unless you count that face Tommy made that I took a screenshot of. We know from experience that Big Brother can activate the loudspeakers in the backyard to play a loud siren and/or music over a wall yeller or Megaphone Man. There were people in the backyard (Cliff, Tommy, possibly Nicole) when the feeds went down. I'm seeing scattered talk of a drone - and a lot of side conspiracy on r/BigBrother about posts concerning a possible yeller being deleted which is, like, the cherry on the fluffy vanilla frosting on the chocolate fudge cake for me. Also the fact that all of Christie's laundry is outside. Heh. 

Wall yeller? Actual technical difficulties? All of us are just really bored with BB21? 🤷‍♀️

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno about you guys but this is definitely the quality content I pay for.


If Tommy has one regret from the season, it will be this picture.  I’m sure it will be shared among the B.B. kingdom. 😁

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8 minutes ago, Ellee said:

If Tommy has one regret from the season, it will be this picture.  I’m sure it will be shared among the B.B. kingdom. 😁

He called it his plastic surgery face and Jess said he looked like her hairdresser. 

44 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Wall yeller? Actual technical difficulties? All of us are just really bored with BB21? 🤷‍♀️

It seemed to me that the ‘technical difficulties’ was exactly the length of an episode of Florida Girls. I was suspicious that Pop was trying to make me watch. (I didn’t.)

I haven’t seen or heard anything on BBAD that makes me thug something happened but I’m not finished w/tonight's show yet. 

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1 minute ago, Tdoc72 said:

I haven’t seen or heard anything on BBAD that makes me thug something happened but I’m not finished w/tonight's show yet. 

That's just it, there really hasn't been discussion aside from the one question Holly asked Jackson - just a lot of the inside of the fish tank and everyone going to bed super early. When these things have happened in the past, the HGs are usually told to not talk about it and they cut the feeds whenever discussion does start. If it did happen, it seems like no one understood what was being said or Production hit the alarms and/or music really quickly. 

I don't think anything will ever top the blow-up doll that a drone flew over the BB18 backyard just for the sheer WTFness.

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31 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Everyone has been mentioned except for Jess.  Where is Jess?  

 We forgot Jessica, same as everybody else does. Of course, that means now Jessica will be on the warpath to blow up OUR games… 

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I wouldn't be surprised if production did this wall thing. They know Christie won't be able to keep her mouth shut in the jury house and she will reveal the secret about her and Tommy KNOWING EACH OTHER so they want to have it on camera. If this happens, I won't feel sorry for Tommy. He played a good game but knowing a person in there is hugely unfair to the rest of the players. I do hope they make it happen. It will be entertaining.

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7 minutes ago, himela said:

I wouldn't be surprised if production did this wall thing. They know Christie won't be able to keep her mouth shut in the jury house and she will reveal the secret about her and Tommy KNOWING EACH OTHER so they want to have it on camera. If this happens, I won't feel sorry for Tommy. He played a good game but knowing a person in there is hugely unfair to the rest of the players. I do hope they make it happen. It will be entertaining.

It is a huge advantage but the fact that the two of them were in a group of 6-8-9 would have insulated them just like it did.  No?

I don’t like that they knew each other either and I’d be upset if they ended up final 2 but I think I’m over it now.  Lol or will be when Tommy is in jury.  

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On 8/18/2019 at 11:43 AM, Melina22 said:

Ummm, watermelon? 

I'm surprised about the chill in Jess and Nicole's relationship. Nicole put herself on the line to tell Jess how she wasn't in the new 6. 

Is it just bad chemistry between them? What's Jess's problem with Nicole? 

Was there footage of their fight on BBLF? I’m still not sure what happened because I don’t watch LF. Someone please elaborate?

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