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S04.E08: Nowhere To Run

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He didn't start shit.  He pulled Becky aside, and calmly asked why she didn't tell him Jen was invited. 

That's how he started shit. He knew why Jen was there - Jen is the sister of the host and the mother-to-be and they are a very close family. He was definitely expressing his displeasure.


How do they get the water out of the pool after the birth and not to mention, the water is going to be bloody and icky?

It must somehow get hooked up to a water supply, e.g. a faucet, presumably with a sink underneath it (remember when Ross was trying to figure out how to get it full of warm water and keep it warm). I'm thinking it somehow has rudimentary drainage built in.

I'm resisting the urge to google all of this but I'm guessing you rent these things and hopefully they clean and sanitize them between rentals? So you just have to get it empty and clean enough for the rental company to pick up and take back to the warehouse?

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, RealReality said:

To me, the tape shows it all and there isn't any subjectivity in how the fight started and who started it.  

And Chantal knows exactly how her family behaves and she knew damn well she was setting Nicole up to be set upon by her trash family.  Chantal knew exactly what she was doing whining to her family about Nicole and then inviting Nicole to a "friendly" family dinner.  She needs to own it and apologize for it. She won't, of course, but she should.  She knew she was setting Nicole up.

Lidia was reacting to seeing her 20 year old child involved in a melee and having her extensions pulled out and mother Chantal crowing about it and screeching about calling immigration.  And then months of Chantal publicly blaming her son for her fight that her family started.  I'd be mad as hell too.  I wouldn't threaten violence, but I have no qualms about Lidia being upset, not a single one.

That is seriously the best take I've read, and there have been many.

It's too bad no one has the moral fortitude and level-headedness to be the 'elder statesman' of the situation. Acknowledge your wrongs, apologize, be kind, and walk away with an open heart.  The rest will then be up to the rest of them, but you will have done the right thing.


  • Love 22

See, I dislike Libby's family - a LOT. I was Team Andrei all last season.  But there was no need for Andrei to start whispering to Becky during the shower within earshot of Jenn and quite blatantly pulling her aside in the middle of things to complain. An adult would have waited until the party ended - or been civil and kept his mouth shut, especially since Libby wanted annoying-ass Jenn to be there.

I will join Team Andrei when Andrei stops relying on his father-in-law's money and gets a damn job and pulls his own weight. You can't take with one hand and slap with the other. Even Libby's job is being financed by her dad. If they want to do their own thing, then do it. Start by paying back the Dad for the apartment security deposit. Until then, Andrei needs to shut it. Without that baby shower, they would putting their daughter in a dresser drawer to sleep ala Little House on the Prairie. And they'd be homeless. 

Libby's sisters are rather horrid, but Libby and Andrei are moochers to the core. Andrei could have taken that trucking job until he found something else. He is choosing to sit on his ass.

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10 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

That is seriously the best take I've read, and there have been many.

It's too bad no one has the moral fortitude and level-headedness to be the 'elder statesman' of the situation. Acknowledge your wrongs, apologize, be kind, and walk away with an open heart.  The rest will then be up to the rest of them, but you will have done the right thing.


I agree.  I have never been a "Right Fighter" - heck I will admit to something just to move on and move forward.  Even in my 20's I was this way.  Just get over it, people!!  But all of these people are so obsessed with being right and being "respected" while showing no respect to anyone else!

I wanted to engage in a drinking game every time Jay or Ashley told each other to "F*&k off" or said the word "f*#k" or anyone in the Chantal/Pedro drama said the word "respect" or "disrespect" but I would have been passed out long before the show ended.

I agree with the poster who said it would benefit Chantal to see that how she is in the DR now, for a few days, is how Pedro is in the US every damn day.  Chantal, would you want to go to his mom's house for a family dinner?  No, that is why Pedro did not want to attend Thanksgiving.  Get it?

  • Love 24
On 6/15/2019 at 11:35 PM, RealReality said:

I'm amused that everyone gets all gussied up for these confrontations.  It's like these forever 21 outfits are some kind of armor.

Chantal wearing her lowest cut wrap dress to meet with no one but her mother in law.  Lidia wearing a skin tight green dress with matching lace up stillettos to meet with her son and his wife.  I find it ridiculously amusing.

Lidia's dress was a light purple color on my TV.

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9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think with his competitive drive he's be a great sports coach or something. Doesn't pay enough though.

Probably pays more than a truck driver who won't drive or a handyman who doesn't get up until 11:00, then goes to the gym, then hangs around his house.

And after seeing the way he grabbed that phone out of Libby's hand, I would NOT want him coaching (or anywhere near) any member of my family.  

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I'm resisting the urge to google all of this but I'm guessing you rent these things and hopefully they clean and sanitize them between rentals? So you just have to get it empty and clean enough for the rental company to pick up and take back to the warehouse?

First, I remember hearing Pao say that they still needed to BUY the tub.  According to Amazon, the one they got costs about $210 (free shipping!) 

As I read the description, this stuck out:  " Made with Super-Strong Vinyl, each pool is factory tested to ensure that it has no defects."

So, apparently, they have a lot of pregnant women working at the factory, one of whom gives birth in the pool before it is shipped out?  Ewwww.


In the Q&A section of the Amazon page:

Question:  How does it drain? Can you attach a drain hose?

Answer:  There is a drain hole in the bottom, but this won't work indoors. You can use a water pump with a hose, gravity drain it with a hose, or simply bucket it out one bucket at a time.   

Edited by AZChristian
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12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Chantel is not in any danger.  After all, she is being followed by a camera crew. 

Unless, of course, they stage her getting robbed ala Paul and Karine.

11 hours ago, steff13 said:

Mr Tony's Bail Bonds.  It's class all the way with Colt. 

Well, in the Bail Bonds game, you don't want your digs too fancy in case someone smashes up the joint.  Seriously, it's a high risk profession that deals with criminals.  He and his assistant were very professional though.

11 hours ago, steff13 said:

When Elizabeth and Andrei had lunch with Jen, Elizabeth's makeup looked like it was covering a black eye.  

I said that as well, but I think it was the lighting and her being late into her term.

11 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I am 8000% Team Andrei after the shower.  He didn't start shit.  He pulled Becky aside, and calmly asked why she didn't tell him Jen was invited.  He never dictated a damn thing, he asked why she didn't give him the courtesy of a head's up.  He even tried to keep the conversation just between them.  The coven blew it up into a big thing.  And before that, he had been giving compliments and showing gratitude for the shower.  He was the only adult there.

Okay, why wouldn't the sister of the mother-to-be, who'd helped plan the party *NOT* be invited?  And why does he feel he's in any place to make such demands?  Hey, I remember when the guys went to the bar and let the women have their baby party and everyone was happy.  He would have told me we're leaving early and I would have told him to get his sour Moldovan ass in the car himself, I'd get a ride home.

9 hours ago, RealReality said:

All Chantal has done after that fight was blame Pedro for it.  So yeah, she should apologize for taking Nicole somewhere where she was physically unsafe and she should really apologize for blaming everyone but her family who started it.

I think everyone owes everyone else an apology for their shitty behavior.  No one is blameless regardless of who started what, who said what, who felt what, who went where, who is from where, etc. etc. etc.  In the words of Sister Winifred, the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own. 

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

He looks like he is melting.

I'm trying not to be shallow, but Colt doesn't have a bad face.  Yes, it's a bit ferrety, but it's not completely unattractive.  It's just once you get below the neck that things get weird, like a sack of half-melted ice cream. 

2 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I don't think for a second that the other sisters think Andrei is hot and want to sleep with him. They (including Elizabeth) can do much, much better. I see a group of sisters who are very loving and close and are trying to protect Elizabeth (and her unborn baby). Yes, maybe some boundary issues, and a lot of smug. But come on look at how Andrei behaves! If I went to brunch with a BIL and he told me rudely to "Have a seat" I'd dump my mimosa on his head.

I can sympathize with Andrei regarding Libby's coven of a family.  They gossip as a form of entertainment and their lives are way too entwined to be healthy and it makes it exceptionally difficult for anyone marrying into that family because their customs and traditions and way of doing things takes precedence over anything you and your family may have done.  (Clearly I have experience with this as my brother married into a very similar coven of a family and quite frankly, it makes for a rather shitty holiday season.)  That said, he's still an imperious dick with an Eastern Block haircut who always looks just slightly greasy.

2 hours ago, mochamajesty said:

I am trying to avoid taking sides on the Chantal/Pedro fiasco.

Both sides are guilty of the breakdown of this marriage.

There is no winning side there.  They're all terrible, terrible people.  They should all apologize to humanity as a whole.

1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

I don't understand what Chantel gets out of her marriage that is positive, or why she hasn't filed divorce papers yet. Maybe she doesn't want to admit defeat in front of her family. This marriage isn't going the distance. Pull the plug and move on.

She has a MAN.  She's a married woman.  And he's exotic.  Also, a spin-off that I'll probably hatewatch as it's affirmation of why I've never married, being a misanthrope who can't deal with other people's BS. 

Edited by Lemur
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I can’t believe they left Nicole/Azan out of this episode. How will I know if those crazy kids were able to realize their great love affair? Aw, so close.

Chantel/Pedro is the slowest trainwreck of the century. If we’re checking the tapes, SisterNicole blamed Pedro right after the famous chicken dinner fight as did everyone else. She kept saying “Junior, why did you do that?” Or whatever nickname she uses for him. That’s also what FatherChantel was saying. The whole issue could have been resolved if Pedro has been the big man he likes to pretend and just took responsibility for the physical aspect of the fight. Chantel’s family is passive aggressive to an infinite degree and MamaChantel loves to make empty threats, but no one laid their hands on anybody until Pedro. It was the fight that launched 1000 international rehashes. I’m down for a Dateline style re-enactment.

I also have to begrudgingly side with Andrei on BabyShowergate. If someone asks you upfront to not invite someone, whether it’s their event or not, and you tell the person you will not invite that person and then turn around and invite said person, the inviter is a liar. Also, Andrei approached Libby’s sister in a respectful way (for him anyway). He said, “I though we were friends. I thought you agreed to not invite her as my friend.” Then SisterLibby was all, “I always have to invite my sister. You can’t control who I allow in my house!” Ok, she should have kept that same energy the first time he asked. She’s (unsurprisingly) a hypocrite.

Edited by lids
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36 minutes ago, lids said:

I also have to begrudgingly side with Andrei on BabyShowergate. If someone asks you upfront to not invite someone, whether it’s their event or not, and you tell the person you will not invite that person and then turn around and invite said person, the inviter is a liar. Also, Andrei approached Libby’s sister in a respectful way (for him anyway). He said, “I though we were friends. I thought you agreed to not invite her as my friend.” Then SisterLibby was all, “I always have to invite my sister. You can’t control who I allow in my house!” Ok, she should have kept that same energy the first time he asked. She’s (unsurprisingly) a hypocrite.

If it was Candy from down the block or Sheila from work who is just soooooo boring or that hag Karen from around the way who is always sending food back and telling everyone how they're raising their kids wrong, I'd agree.  But you don't get to blackball the mother-to-be's sister from a baby shower that you aren't hosting unless she's Jenelle Eason-level horrible and the whole family has cut her off.  The only people who get to make a call of that nature are the host/hostess and the mother-to-be.  The very fact that he made a thing of it at all is disrespectful.  If he wanted to dictate the guest list, he should have thrown the party himself.  But consider he can't get his ass out of bed before 11, we all know that wasn't happening.  Andrei made it clear that this pregnancy is Libby's problem, she should get to reap the few joys of it as well.  Andrei needs to stop terrorizing everyone with his shit attitude and blockhead. 

Edited by Lemur
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Just now, lh25 said:

I have to disagree.  He thinks he is an alpha male, and talks like he is, and expects to be treated like one, but he doesn't act like it.  He doesn't find a way to support his wife and child-to-be.  

Yeah, it's almost anti-hot.  All talk, no action.  Unless of course that action is yanking phones away from a pregnant (albeit annoying) woman.

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8 hours ago, RealReality said:

My understanding of modern marriage is that you build a strong enough relationship that you need not worry when a spouse dares to travel without you.  I wasn't aware that in modern marriages the spouses were attached.at the hip and unable to travel without the other.  

I'm fine with couples traveling by themselves, and even needing a little time alone.  That was a big issue in my marriage at first, then I wanted/needed some time home alone.  I'd suggest to hubby that he go golf with his buddies or something.  It took a while for him to get that it wasn't that I wasn't happy being married to him.

But if my husband said he was flying to another country, to visit family we both know are going to run me down, without an idea of when he's coming back, I'd have an issue.  Esp. when I'm being told no one wants me there.  

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3 minutes ago, lh25 said:

I have to disagree.  He thinks he is an alpha male, and talks like he is, and expects to be treated like one, but he doesn't act like it.  He doesn't find a way to support his wife and child-to-be.  

Oh, he acts like an "alpha male" in the sense that he acts like male lions - lazy, entitled and inclined only to roust himself to hunt but otherwise sleepy and can't be assed to do anything productive. 

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27 minutes ago, lids said:

SisterNicole blamed Pedro right after the famous chicken dinner fight as did everyone else. She kept saying “Junior, why did you do that?”

I think she was referring to him kicking the table.  

While they are all, indeed, terrible people I really seems more on Chantel's side.

She felt Nicole "disrespected" her by saying Yay and clapping.  (I'm not sure we saw this.  Nicole could have been saying Yay because Pedro said he would take her to the local slutwear shop for an expedition.)  For the sake of argument let's say Nicole DID say it in reaction to Chantel.  Rather than dealing with it as an adult, Chantel ran to Mommy and Daddy who made it VERY clear they WERE going to do something.  Chantel then happily led Pedro and Nicole in to the ambush.  River clearly started the physical altercation.  Chantel tried to blame it on Pedro by saying it was his fault for pointing his finger and standing up.  She actually said Pedro and Nicole planned the fight.  She then spent several talking heads bleating about "justice for River."

Pedro has asked her to apologize for her part in the fight (and, I'm guessing, blaming them in the first place.)

Somehow, ALL this behavior should be waved away because Pedro didn't give a rat's ass enough to "fight" for an apology for Chantel because Nicole said her hair was ugly.  I mean seriously, your brother physically starts a fight but his sister said your hair was ugly.  What rational person WOULDN'T think these are equally egregious sins?

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5 minutes ago, lh25 said:

But if my husband said he was flying to another country, to visit family we both know are going to run me down, without an idea of when he's coming back, I'd have an issue.  Esp. when I'm being told no one wants me there.  

It's hard to remember what I was like all those many years ago, but if I hated my husband's family as much as Chantel hates her husband's I'd use that as an excuse to NEVER have to lay eyes on them again.  I certainly wouldn't want to go where I wasn't wanted and would then have the perfect excuse to never invite them here.

Edited by DaphneCat
Grammar is good
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1 minute ago, DaphneCat said:

It's hard to remember what I was like all those many years ago, but if I hated my husband's family as much as Chantel hates hers I use that as an excuse to NEVER have to lay eyes on them again.  I certainly wouldn't want to go where I wasn't wanted and would then have the perfect excuse to never invite them here.

I agree ... but let's recall that she didn't got to the DR to see his family.  She went to the DR after her friend Obed said he'd seen Pedro out at the clubs behaving badly and her other friend who's name I can't recall lit a fire under her ass.  Pedro *insisted* on Chantel meeting with Lidia and even after didn't go well, a meeting with Nicole.  

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10 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Pedro did not ask her to apologize for starting the fight.  All he asked her to do is say she was sorry the fight happened.  Basically, he was asking her to admit that the fight wasn't his sister's fault.  In regards to the fight Nicole did NOT start it so Chantel should apologize for blaming her.

I don't even think it was that.  I think he felt that as hosts, anything untoward that happened was her family's responsibility--not fault, but responsibility--just as I would apologize for the drunken behavior of someone else at my party.  And I'm with Pedro--what skin off Chantel's ass if she did apologize?  Why couldn't she play the grownup, knowing (or believing) that it wasn't her family's fault, for the sake of her marriage?  His mother was demanding respect, and as Chantel's elder if for no other reason she was due it from Chantel--and again, what is the possible downside if Chantel did apologize?  Everybody's happy (except score-keeping Chantel) but I think Pedro's appreciation for her sacrifice of her--what?--pride would have gone such a long way toward healing their relationship it should have been worth it to her.

The entire Family Chantel is so ill-behaved, so childish (just look at Chantel's unending smirk during all convos with Pedro's mother and sister), so embarrassing as representatives of the American dollar, their lack of insight so great, that they all could benefit from family therapy.

And I find Pedro's family just as odious, but the couple's contact with them is so limited that it hardly matters imo.

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Yeah, Chantel and Nicole are very jealous of one another, and they are both fighting over Pedro. I'm sure Pedro is loving it. Nicole is definitely a mean girl, but she seems like someone that has been picked on a lot. Personally, I wouldn't want to mess with Chantel. If she won't get you, her family will is the vibe I get. 

Nicole has already experienced this, when Mama Chantel threw her to the ground and tore out her weave, then waved it around like pampas grass, while screaming about calling Immigration. While Nicole was a guest in her home.

10 hours ago, RealReality said:

All Chantal has done after that fight was blame Pedro for it.  So yeah, she should apologize for taking Nicole somewhere where she was physically unsafe and she should really apologize for blaming everyone but her family who started it.

They didn't even take Nicole's coat. She had to sit down and hold it awkwardly in her lap, while dodging verbal barbs from Chantel's mother.

10 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

Yes, she even said in a previous episode that Pedro and Nicole went to the dinner with a plan to attack River!

Pedro did not ask her to apologize for starting the fight.  All he asked her to do is say she was sorry the fight happened.  Basically, he was asking her to admit that the fight wasn't his sister's fault.  In regards to the fight Nicole did NOT start it so Chantel should apologize for blaming her.

Chantel has never let go of her version of events--that Pedro and Nicole had a plan to attack River.

9 hours ago, magemaud said:

I seem to recall Mother Chantel gleefully threatening to start trouble with Nicole when she invited her for dinner. 

Oh yes, Mother Chantel is a badass. There's ring removal and stun guns. Pepper spray is probably placed on the table along with the salt and pepper. And they think they're so classy and refined. Why, I bet some of those rings weren't even costume jewelry!

When Chantel and Pedro went on vacation together when they were first married, Chantel was grinding on some rando in a bar, with her husband right there! So I can't fault Pedro too much for cutting loose in the DR, after years of being demeaned and belittled by his wife.

Pedro has said, often, "I love my wife". Never once, not one time, have I heard Chantel say she loves her husband. She loves her brother more than him. She probably loves the guy at Starbucks who makes her coffee more than him.

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4 minutes ago, lh25 said:

I'm fine with couples traveling by themselves, and even needing a little time alone.  That was a big issue in my marriage at first, then I wanted/needed some time home alone.  I'd suggest to hubby that he go golf with his buddies or something.  It took a while for him to get that it wasn't that I wasn't happy being married to him.

But if my husband said he was flying to another country, to visit family we both know are going to run me down, without an idea of when he's coming back, I'd have an issue.  Esp. when I'm being told no one wants me there.  

If your relationship is strong, I don't think matter who says boo, because it won't matter.  My dad's sisters hated my mom, and probably shittalked her to death.  Didn't matter.

And you're probably fairly rational and get along well.  In Pedro's case he barely sees his family and friends  and of course Chantal isn't wanted.  It's easier for him to stay at the house with his mom and sister and it's comfortable.  If Chantal goes, he can't do that because no matter whose fault it is, she doesn't get along with his family.  He makes it a point to try to avoid her family, I can't understand why she would fly all the way to where his family was.

Since she has no problems issuing ultimatums, if she needed a solid return date, she could have said she wanted him back in 2 weeks or she was coming.  Pedro didn't want the drama, so he would have come home so he could continue being miserable.

I think part of Pedro's reasoning for going alone to the DR was that he wanted to think about his marriage.  And Chantal said or implied that going to the DR was something she was doing to save her marriage.  

She accomplished none of that.  Not only was she unwanted and uninvited, she immediately put on her best stank face and acted out, because this is going to save her marriage?  

She talks about how the families have to get along, and therefore Pedro has to show up at everything and allow himself to get shit on.  But I guess that only goes for Pedro since she made zero effort with Lidia.  And then demanded he leave the family he barely sees to go to a hotel with her and be miserable.  

9 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

It's hard to remember what I was like all those many years ago, but if I hated my husband's family as much as Chantel hates her husband's I'd use that as an excuse to NEVER have to lay eyes on them again.  I certainly wouldn't want to go where I wasn't wanted and would then have the perfect excuse to never invite them here.

Exactly.  Why would you want to be where you are clearly not wanted?  Let him go to the DR for a month or so a year and never have his family or friends stay with you

  • Love 13
18 minutes ago, RealReality said:

But Pedro isn't at fault for the physical aspect of the fight.  River is.  River both threw something at Pedro and launched the light fixture at him.  IMO, you don't get a pass because you used an object to assault someone instead of your hands.   

Its likely easier to blame Pedro because river is a bitch who can't fight and got his ass handed to him.  

I bet river thinks a little harder before starting shit next time.  

As for Nicole, she didn't have the benefit of seeing the video, so she may have been so shocked at the time she didn't know what happened.  Therefore, I don't give much credit to her reaction in the heat of the moment.  

Sadly, there’s a whole section on YouTube with videos of the Pedro fight.

It’s strange to go back and watch it, because the families start out hugging each other. SisterNicole is even, dare I say, pleasant and then it goes left because FamilyChantel’s passive aggressiveness is the worst. River never throws anything and then he hits the lamp so that it hits the ceiling. Pedro is standing up at the same time but it doesn’t look like the lamp comes close to hitting him. I don’t think River intended to hit him but whether he did or not, River is a whiny crybaby and when he got beat up, I took a little satisfaction in the fact he wouldn’t try to be an instigator with Pedro anymore.

Yet, cooler heads should have prevailed after the fight and Pedro should concede that he lost his temper to an excessive degree. Even after the fight, he was still so angry that he kicked the food off the table. He was out of control! He has reason to apologize and he hasn’t done it once. Therefore, I cannot abide his anger with Chantel for not apologizing. Set the example, Pepe.

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1 minute ago, RealReality said:

She talks about how the families have to get along, and therefore Pedro has to show up at everything and allow himself to get shit on.  But I guess that only goes for Pedro since she made zero effort with Lidia.  And then demanded he leave the family he barely sees to go to a hotel with her and be miserable.  

Its all about scoring points with Chantel. She wants her way. She doesn't even care if its hurtful to HER, as long as she thinks she's "won".

And it seems that, to Chantel, "wanting the families to get along" means that everyone dances to Chantel's tune. Pedro and Nicole cop to going to her parents' with a nefarious plan to attack River. Nicole agrees that she is a mean old meany who clapped her hands and has bad taste in clothes. Pedro agrees never to see or speak to his family again, stop sending them money, and not have friends or interests. Just catering to Chantel's whims and kissing Mama Chantel's taint. And she doesn't seem to think that she is in any way unreasonable.

  • Love 13
Just now, Lemur said:

Jesus, honey, just change the locks and open a new bank account.  So much less effort required. 

I don't think she'd ever find someone who adores her the way Pedro does, because she just isn't that adorable anymore.  She's far more bitter and cold than that girl who dressed in her finest clubwear to jump on a man in the airport and lie to her parents for several weeks about him expecting everything to turn out alright.

Hm, maybe I didn't like Chantel.

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10 minutes ago, Lemur said:

I agree ... but let's recall that she didn't got to the DR to see his family.  She went to the DR after her friend Obed said he'd seen Pedro out at the clubs behaving badly and her other friend who's name I can't recall lit a fire under her ass.  Pedro *insisted* on Chantel meeting with Lidia and even after didn't go well, a meeting with Nicole.  

I think obed just teased something.....that absolutely could not be said unless she was in the DR. 

If he couldn't tell her what he had to tell her on video chat, he needed to put it in an email.  Using that as a reason to do anything besides think he is BS'ing seems odd.  Say what you have to say or call me back when you can 

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, lids said:

Sadly, there’s a whole section on YouTube with videos of the Pedro fight.

It’s strange to go back and watch it, because the families start out hugging each other. SisterNicole is even, dare I say, pleasant and then it goes left because FamilyChantel’s passive aggressiveness is the worst. River never throws anything and then he hits the lamp so that it hits the ceiling. Pedro is standing up at the same time but it doesn’t look like the lamp comes close to hitting him. I don’t think River intended to hit him but whether he did or not, River is a whiny crybaby and when he got beat up, I took a little satisfaction in the fact he wouldn’t try to be an instigator with Pedro anymore.

Yet, cooler heads should have prevailed after the fight and Pedro should concede that he lost his temper to an excessive degree. Even after the fight, he was still so angry that he kicked the food off the table. He was out of control! He has reason to apologize and he hasn’t done it once. Therefore, I cannot abide his anger with Chantel for not apologizing. Set the example, Pepe.

River get no credit with me because he has terrible aim.  He had no intention of hitting the ceiling, he was aiming that at Pedro.  And I don't think Pedro has to wait until river gets better aim to fight back.  Rivers became physical first.  

Watched it and yeah, river launched that lighting fixture in pedros direction.  He didn't realize that the cord wasn't long enough so it went up and into the ceiling, but he launched it at Pedro.

But it is satisfying to see river get his pansy ass handed to him. 

Edited by RealReality
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25 minutes ago, Lemur said:

If it was Candy from down the block or Sheila from work who is just soooooo boring or that hag Karen from around the way who is always sending food back and telling everyone how they're raising their kids wrong, I'd agree.  But you don't get to blackball the mother-to-be's sister from a baby shower that you aren't hosting unless she's Jenelle Eason-level horrible and the whole family has cut her off.  The only people who get to make a call of that nature are the host/hostess and the mother-to-be.  The very fact that he made a thing of it at all is disrespectful.  If he wanted to dictate the guest list, he should have thrown the party himself.  But consider he can't get his ass out of bed before 11, we all know that wasn't happening.  Andrei made it clear that this pregnancy is Libby's problem, she should get to reap the few joys of it as well.  Andrei needs to stop terrorizing everyone with his shit attitude and blockhead. 

I would agree if SisterLibby had said any of that to Andrei’s face. But she wouldn’t do that because a)she’s didn’t want to have an equal honest confrontation with Andrei, probably because he’s intimidating and impossible to reason with, b)she likes drama and knew having the other sister show up would create tension c)she waited until she had her backup, her family, there before she told Andrei how she really felt because then she could more easily play the victim and everyone would shut Andrei down.

I understand why she did it that way, but the family shouldn’t be surprised that Andrei acts badly when they do that to him. He likes people to give it him straight and that is not the way Libby’s family rolls.

  • Love 2

Some things I don't understand:  why didn't Coltie go into the police station and find out for himself about Larissa's bail?  Unless I'm mistaken, cash bail means you pay 10% of the bail, and then if you don't show up for your hearing, you owe the full amount.  I was surprised, too, that Coltie didn't have a thousand dollars, since he is legitimately employed, shares a bank account with Debbie, and spends money on cat outfits, but a report published about a year ago said that most Americans couldn't come up with something like $5000 in case of an emergency.

Why didn't he go into the police station to find out when she would be released?

Why didn't he attend her hearing for the first offense?  He said he was afraid he'd be asked to testify, but spouses can't be forced to testify against their spouses, and besides, he said he'd told the cops at the time that he hadn't wanted her arrested, so what harm could his testimony do?  It might have helped her causie if he had said he took her phone away from her.

And about Awndlay--what does he not understand about paying rent and stuff?  Where in the hell does he think their eating money comes from?  He knows his wife works part-time for her father doing god knows what; does he really think she's earning enough money to pay all the bills without daddy's at the very least inflating her pay?  And does he not understand that daddy's inflating her pay is the same as daddy's giving them money?  I want somebody to have him explain how he feels he's got everything under control and is able to support his family.

And, for the record, I'm a little bit Teamie Larissa but find both Awndlay and Elizabeth equally loathesome.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, lids said:

Yet, cooler heads should have prevailed after the fight and Pedro should concede that he lost his temper to an excessive degree. Even after the fight, he was still so angry that he kicked the food off the table.

That fight I placed solely at FamilyChantel's feet.  Pedro started to freak out and tried to avoid further freaking out by asking his sister to switch seats with Chantel (getting tiny Nicole away from riled-up lavender dinosaur Winter who wasn't eating, just staring at Nicole with her face on her fingers) and FamilyChantel refused to let that happen.  If it were me, I'd assume my sister was about to get punched and would've reacted similarly, no doubt.

  • Love 21
31 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

It's hard to remember what I was like all those many years ago, but if I hated my husband's family as much as Chantel hates her husband's I'd use that as an excuse to NEVER have to lay eyes on them again.  I certainly wouldn't want to go where I wasn't wanted and would then have the perfect excuse to never invite them here.

I agree.  This is not a normal marriage by any standard, I was responding more to the idea that couples should be able to spend time apart and be fine with it.  Most can.

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, RealReality said:

River get no credit with me because he has terrible aim.  He had no intention of hitting the ceiling, he was aiming that at Pedro.  And I don't think Pedro has to wait until river gets better aim to fight back.  Rivers became physical first.  

Watched it and yeah, river launched that lighting fixture in pedros direction.  He didn't realize that the cord wasn't long enough so it went up and into the ceiling, but he launched it at Pedro.

But it is satisfying to see river get his pansy ass handed to him. 

He still lost his temper and got physically violent and hasn’t apologized. He had no moral ground to stand on over Chantel. He was so out there that when his sister corrected him afterwards and told him he shouldn’t have done that, he was obstinate to her. She had to book a flight to go home to get away from the drama.

I don’t believe that FamilyChantel are fighters, but I will agree that is just my opinion based on my read on them. They all seem like punks and I don’t believe River could fight his way out of a paper bag. He seemed shell shocked that he even received scratches during the brawl. By the way, how did he explain that to his rap friends? I bet good money he didn’t tell them he got beat by a girl.

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4 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I totally agree. Baby showers are NOT for the dads, asshole. He confronted the host in her home in a loud, aggressive manner - I do not think he was calm at all. I think he said "It's not fair" or something ridiculous and then minutes later said to Elizabeth "Can we go now?" while everyone was still there, trying to have a good time. 

I don't think for a second that the other sisters think Andrei is hot and want to sleep with him. They (including Elizabeth) can do much, much better. I see a group of sisters who are very loving and close and are trying to protect Elizabeth (and her unborn baby). Yes, maybe some boundary issues, and a lot of smug. But come on look at how Andrei behaves! If I went to brunch with a BIL and he told me rudely to "Have a seat" I'd dump my mimosa on his head.

It may be he is unfamiliar with American expressions, but he said  “take a seat,” which is much more like a command than a request.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, lids said:

I don’t believe River could fight his way out of a paper bag. He seemed shell shocked that he even received scratches during the brawl. By the way, how did he explain that to his rap friends? I bet good money he didn’t tell them he got beat by a girl.

I will forever laugh and laugh at Chantel's horrified "Nicole did this to you??", aghast at the tiny scratch on his face. Nicole is 20 years old, 100 pounds soaking wet, and what, five foot two? In River's place I'd say I walked into a door than cop to being beat down a tiny, petite girl.

  • LOL 5
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19 minutes ago, Spike said:

It may be he is unfamiliar with American expressions, but he said  “take a seat,” which is much more like a command than a request.

Whatever he said. It doesn't make much of a difference to me, "Take a seat" and "Have a seat" would both be rude in his tone, especially when he didn't greet her before saying that.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Lemur said:

[Re: Chantel and Pedro]

I think everyone owes everyone else an apology for their shitty behavior.  No one is blameless regardless of who started what, who said what, who felt what, who went where, who is from where, etc. etc. etc.  In the words of Sister Winifred, the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own.  

Amen to all of this, plus what someone up thread said about them owing all of us an apology, lol.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Andrei is the opposite of Jay. Andrei takes everything extremely seriously, is super devoted and has tunnel vision on Elizabeth. He wants her all to himself. I think with his competitive drive he's be a great sports coach or something. Doesn't pay enough though. I also think Andrei likes being around Elizabeth's family because of all the beautiful women. I say this because any man would love having a room a beautiful woman all focused on him, negative or not. Plus, Andrei is pretty hot and very alpha manly man. I think the ladies find it hot-- they sure got dolled up for a family event in a house. 

I cannot agree with you here - I don't think the sisters are all hot and bothered by him.  I think they find him repulsive.  I imagine the reason they are all dressed up is because of the tv cameras.

I think Andrei thinks because he is a man, he will automatically get respect.  He doesn't realize that in the US, respect (earned or not) is more frequently given to the person who has the most money.  And he has none.

  • Love 16

I think a second season with these same characters is too much - and a spin off of Pedro & Chantal is totally ridiculous!!  I’d would satisfied with a one and done up date from time to time, but this show has just turned in to couples screaming at one another & if I wanted to listen to that I would have stayed married myself.

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36 minutes ago, thejuicer said:

Whatever he said. It doesn't make much of a difference to me, "Take a seat" and "Have a seat" would both be rude in his tone, especially when he didn't greet her before saying that.

I don't think he is trying to be rude.  He uses that tone with everything he says.  "Have a great time" and "Go fuck yourself" would come out sounding exactly the same.  

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1 hour ago, lids said:

He still lost his temper and got physically violent and hasn’t apologized. He had no moral ground to stand on over Chantel. He was so out there that when his sister corrected him afterwards and told him he shouldn’t have done that, he was obstinate to her. She had to book a flight to go home to get away from the drama.

I don’t believe that FamilyChantel are fighters, but I will agree that is just my opinion based on my read on them. They all seem like punks and I don’t believe River could fight his way out of a paper bag. He seemed shell shocked that he even received scratches during the brawl. By the way, how did he explain that to his rap friends? I bet good money he didn’t tell them he got beat by a girl.

He had river throwing something at him and defended himself.  It's not Pedro's fault that river can't fight.  And I doubt that this is Rivers first time fighting from a distance and throwing things at someone has a means of fighting.

Pedro owes no one an apology for that fight.  River owes Pedro and Nicole an apology for starting the fight.  Him launching that light fixture at Pedro was the first physical move and IMO he doesn't get a pass because the cord was too short. 

River is absolutely a punk, which is why he chose to fight by throwing a light fixture Pedro's way and hoping it would hit him.  He is exactly the guy who would start shit and then use mommy's stun gun instead of fighting fair.  

So sad, too bad that his bitch moves ended up getting his ass beaten.  Actually it's neither of the two because that ass whipping was hilarious and well deserved.

Edited by RealReality
  • Love 22
10 hours ago, millennium said:

I would have flown back to Atlanta, packed his shit in a box and shipped it to his mother's house.

Poor Pedro with his sad puppy face, only happy when his mama's doting on him, his sister is worshipping him, and his wife is doing exactly as she is told.   And that awful Chantel, refusing to sit by and wait obediently while he takes a month-long bachelor vacation in the DR, eating his mama's food and getting lap dances from old flames.  What a bitch Chantel is!

I don't get all the Chantel hate, to be honest.  She's far from perfect and her family is kinda whacko but Pedro has treated her like crap from the very start when he left her waiting at the airport for hours.

Did we ever get an explanation as to why he wasn't on the flight he said he would be?  I remember thinking that was hinky.  His response was, "no, I not on that fligh."

4 hours ago, Meowwww said:

remember Larissa’s posts on Instagram when this fight happened.  A fan called the police.

For some reason I thought it was Jessie Meester who called the police for Larissa. She had her lap top in the bathroom and was saying all sorts of things like she was in danger etc., which prompted the phone call to the police. I remember this happening in real time.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Pedro owes no one an apology for that fight. 

Ok, I can’t agree with this. Whichever poor overworked Production Assistant had to bring that chicken and all the good food that was on the table deserves an apology. You know MotherChantel didn’t make all that.

Honestly, the crew had to jump in to stop the fight. Everybody involved should apologize.  I think tlc was thankful for the ratings boost though.

On another note, I remember when Larissa got arrested the second time and it was one of the fans who did call the police. (I wonder how that 911 call went.) Larissa was asking people to help her and send money because Colt was turning off her phone and keeping her trapped in the house, blah, blah, blah. Now I realize that Larissa was probably saying all that stuff to drum up some money so she could get her hair done. She kind of cut off her nose to spite her face there.

When does the one hour preview for the new episode air? I wonder if we can get a rage fight between Larissa and Debbie like we got from River and Pedro. Debbie’s not a punk though so you know it’d be good.

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