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S15.E24: Drawn to the Blood

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1 hour ago, Laurie4H said:

And some of the monologues.  

“I’m not adventurous AND I’ve never bungee jumped or skydived, AND I’ve never been close to a wild animal but I want to experience adventures with you AND I want to be adventurous AND you are confusing AND captivating AND chaotic and I don’t do confusing or chaotic.   I’m unconfusing and unchaotic but I want to experience confusing AND chaotic AND be captivated by you.  

Totally made up monologue but you get  the idea.  

I was actually trying to remember who said the other night, so well done! *applauding*

Totally agree about the way Amelia talks too. I've come to like her a lot recently, but damn, when she gets into a long-winded speech and starts emphasizing random words/syllables in her cutesy manner, I just want to slap her. It makes my ears bleed. 

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Very unpleasant episode. All it was was "whatever can go wrong, will." That doesn't excite or engage me - all it does is frustrate me. I didn't watch this episode live, so I was able to fast forward quite a bit. I skipped pretty much all of the agoraphobic woman on the plane. I just simply did not want to see Contacts' frustration with her, and her paralyzing fear - it was the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me. When Owen got there, I yelled at the TV, "Just knock her the hell out and take her!!" Also - of course Owen drove there himself and I guess he left his car behind? I sort of wondered why they all went in the limo. I suppose it was to provide the woman with a more comfortable and seemingly secure environment. But like everyone else has mentioned, as soon as the fog was mentioned, I knew they'd be grinding to a halt one way or the other. I know I'm a monster because when the chain reaction accident began happening, I started laughing like a hyena.

I am surprised that Maggie didn't have a really severe reaction to the bug bite/sting on her neck - like, needing an epi-pen - because that would've laid it on even thicker. OF COURSE they are now stranded!!!! I'm pretty sure even Stevie Wonder saw that coming.

I don't even know what to say about Andrew falling on the sword for Meredith. Part of me (the monster part) was glad - BYE BYE!!! The other part of me was very pissed off - of course Meredith gets away with something...of course every man just throws their career down the toilet because she is SO AWESOME. What a load of shit.

I'm struggling to find even one moment of this episode that drew me in. Perhaps Linc asking Amelia where she saw their relationship going - I give him a bit of credit for that. Shit or get off the pot, Amelia.

Jo...whatever...I'm glad she finally used her words. Still, Alex doesn't yet know and in light of the 875 sudden crises now happening, will probably not find out any time soon. I found it a bit odd that when Jo and Meredith arrived back at the hospital, Meredith instructed Jo to fill Bailey in, while she (Meredith) would tell Alex. Shouldn't Alex hear it from his own wife?? 

I broke my coccyx two years ago, and while I didn't require surgery, it was somewhat agonizing, especially since a week after I broke it, I had to fly from New York to San Diego on business, and was horribly uncomfortable the entire time. So my heart went out to that guy. Good thing he didn't die (I assume) - his wife already is on the verge of a complete breakdown. 

I suspect the finale next week will be even more frustrating - if we think things are bad now, clearly they're only going to get worse, and will be left hanging. That doesn't motivate me at all to watch. What's the point?

Edited by Biggie B
  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

I don't even know what to say about Andrew falling on the sword for Meredith. Part of me (the monster part) was glad - BYE BYE!!! The other part of me was very pissed off - of course Meredith gets away with something...of course every man just throws their career down the toilet because she is SO AWESOME. What a load of shit.

Jo...whateverI found it a bit odd that when Jo and Meredith arrived back at the hospital, Meredith instructed Jo to fill Bailey in, while she (Meredith) would tell Alex. Shouldn't Alex hear it from his own wife?? 

I realized a long time ago that Shonda and her entire writing team are emotionally stuck at 13 and these 2 relationship dynamics illustrate that. 

What ambitious 30-something throws his career away for a woman he’s only dated for a couple of months to “prove” his love?

What late 40s professional with 3 kids would go sleep over with her best friend’s wife to find out what’s wrong with her and then be one to tell the husband. If I have to tell your husband what’s wrong with you, you’re not mature enough to be married. 

Its not cute or quirky. I pretty much despise all these characters at this point. 

  • Love 18
9 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

I realized a long time ago that Shonda and her entire writing team are emotionally stuck at 13 and these 2 relationship dynamics illustrate that. 

What ambitious 30-something throws his career away for a woman he’s only dated for a couple of months to “prove” his love?

What late 40s professional with 3 kids would go sleep over with her best friend’s wife to find out what’s wrong with her and then be one to tell the husband. If I have to tell your husband what’s wrong with you, you’re not mature enough to be married. 

Its not cute or quirky. I pretty much despise all these characters at this point. 

This post brings up an interesting dynamic between certain age groups of fans and this show. It’s gone on so long but refused to grow up with the fans that have watched from the beginning. Because there are a lot of viewers who loved what Deluca did and have all kind of heart emojis to express themselves (nothing against emojis, love them myself), and it makes me question the age groups of fans and the similarities and differences in what we are enjoying from greys anatomy.

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11 minutes ago, sarkygal said:

I realized a long time ago that Shonda and her entire writing team are emotionally stuck at 13 and these 2 relationship dynamics illustrate that. 

What ambitious 30-something throws his career away for a woman he’s only dated for a couple of months to “prove” his love?

What late 40s professional with 3 kids would go sleep over with her best friend’s wife to find out what’s wrong with her and then be one to tell the husband. If I have to tell your husband what’s wrong with you, you’re not mature enough to be married. 

Its not cute or quirky. I pretty much despise all these characters at this point. 

Add Teddi wanting to be in the toxic relationship because of all the drama and highs and lows instead of the supportive, loving, adult relationship.

  • Love 8

I can understand Teddy not wanting to be with Koracik if she doesn't love him, no matter how supportive and loving he might be.  

Actually, I think Koracik is too intrusive in her life.  For example, I thought him renting that apartment for her was over the top.  If she does dump him for Owen, he'll be all butt hurt because he thinks he's such a nice guy and he's been so good to her. 

She and Owen ought to just leave together and if the relationship is messy, then so be it.  At least that's what they both want. 

  • Love 5

If it was just a case of "the heart wants what it wants", I'd be more than fine with it. She just doesn't love Koracick enough, which sucks for him, but that's life. And anyway, my unpopular opinion is that he only comes across so good because everyone around him sucks beyond comprehension at this point. 

My problem is that she loves Owen and supposedly always has. And that's ridiculous. Like I said in a previous post, if they had ever had an actually meaningful relationship and a real foundation to build something new upon, then yeah, go for it. But they never had anything close to it. The show has beaten us over the head again and again with how not only was she never the first option for him - she was never an option to begin with. And really, their imaginary love story should have been over 10 years ago when they BOTH chose different people (remember, Teddy really loved Henry!) and moved on with their lives, so why we're going back to it and have it dragged out over the entire season really is beyond me. 

  • Love 5

Three things

I appreciated the callback to season two when Richard mentioned the Judy dolls to HOAG. 

Also, has the backdrop of the view outside Owens apartment changed? Looked really different. 

Lastly, Why does the show always ignore the fact that Richard, Alex, Meredith etc own the hospital? Surely they should be at board meetings etc. They never seem to weld the sort of power they technically have as owners.  

  • Love 8

Jackson and Maggie are doctors, and they don’t take a first aid kit when they go camping? She at least needs a Benadryl, and I know that not every first aid kit has it, wouldn’t Jackson have gotten the fanciest, most voluminous first aid kit available to go with his upscale camping gear? That looked like a pretty sweet air mattress; surely he was as picky with his first aid kit purchase.

I just really don’t like those two together, though I think Jackson is an interesting character in every other aspect of the show.

Owen actually had some good moments this episode. I agree they should’ve brought along a psychiatrist to get Unicorn Blood Lady, but since they didn’t, I thought Owen handled things with sensitivity. 

But Lord help us, are we gonna have to deal with more Teddy/Owen romantic drama? I’ve never bought the two of them as “mint to be” (TM April Kepner), and if they stay together, it’ll be a big train wreck. Definitely not worth breaking the heart of Tom Koracik, who’s the best new male character they’ve introduced in many seasons. 

Other stuff: DeLuca falling on his sword for Meredith is beyond ridiculous. I can’t believe I’ve come to like Amelia, and I think she and Linc make an intriguing couple. And possibly unpopular opinion: I actually find Hellmouth entertaining. But Ortho Dude needs to go; he behaved like an ass, but even when he’s not, I just don’t think there’s any substance to the character. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Joana said:

If it was just a case of "the heart wants what it wants", I'd be more than fine with it. She just doesn't love Koracick enough, which sucks for him, but that's life. And anyway, my unpopular opinion is that he only comes across so good because everyone around him sucks beyond comprehension at this point. 

My problem is that she loves Owen and supposedly always has. And that's ridiculous. Like I said in a previous post, if they had ever had an actually meaningful relationship and a real foundation to build something new upon, then yeah, go for it. But they never had anything close to it. The show has beaten us over the head again and again with how not only was she never the first option for him - she was never an option to begin with. And really, their imaginary love story should have been over 10 years ago when they BOTH chose different people (remember, Teddy really loved Henry!) and moved on with their lives, so why we're going back to it and have it dragged out over the entire season really is beyond me. 

I'm coming back to comment further after I watched the episode. Teddy, I would think the fact that the mere presence of Amelia at her former home/Owen's home makes you think that Owen/Amelia are back together really should drive home the point that Owen and you shouldn't be together. Stay and work on the (still-new) relationship with the man that makes you laugh and makes you feel safe.

  • Love 4

The whole insurance fraud story line is ridiculous because Meredith could have done the operation pro bono and convinced the Hospital, of which she is part owner, to waive fees. Too stupid to contemplate when there is a good alternative at hand. 

I hope that Amelia turns down Owen and stays with Linc. They are good together. 

Shouldn't the physicians who are part owners of the Hospital been in that very important meeting? 

  • Love 7
On 5/9/2019 at 4:57 PM, statsgirl said:

I didn't think the guy breaking his coccyx was funny at all.  I'm no fan of HAOG but I was with him on this one.  You do have to find the humour in medical situations but not by laughing at the patients.

At least wait until you're no longer standing over their open body cavity...
(I was waiting for something to go terribly wrong. Because, well, why not?)

  • Love 2

I couldn't believe Richard actually tried to convince ortho dude that it is good to laugh at patients while operating on them to make yourself feel better about your job.  That man has spent a long, long time worrying about the health and survival of his dying son, suffering along with him with little hope and a lot of frustration and despair and fear.  So you laugh about his accident because why?  Because you are 13 and think it's funny to break a tailbone?  Is that how Richard would feel if that had happened to Catherine, and ortho dude was laughing during her surgery because Catherine "broke her butt"?  Do your job and do it well!  If you must, laugh later, after a successful surgery. 

I'm angry about that all over again just thinking about it.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 12

Teddy’s speech to Amelia about how Owen is the only one that’s every made her feel this exhilarated and passionate (or whatever) was problematic for me because it’s easy for her to feel that way when all they’ve ever had is the will they / won’t they “thrill of the chase” type of almost relationship. She’s basically just romanticising the fact that he keeps her running around after him, and consistently chooses other women over her.

She has no idea what it is like to be in a proper committed relationship with Owen - beyond how she has seen him treat the other women he has been with, which isn’t exactly a good endorsement for him as a partner.

If she doesn’t love Tom or want to be with him, then by all means she should end that relationship; but jumping into something new with Owen and trying to figure out how to be in a relationship with him, at a time when they should be figuring out being parents to their daughter, probably isn’t the best idea.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, PrincessTT said:

Teddy’s speech to Amelia about how Owen is the only one that’s every made her feel this exhilarated and passionate (or whatever) was problematic for me because it’s easy for her to feel that way when all they’ve ever had is the will they / won’t they “thrill of the chase” type of almost relationship. She’s basically just romanticising the fact that he keeps her running around after him, and consistently chooses other women over her

I also feel like they’re forgetting about Henry. That relationship was played as the love of Teddy’s life. I know they weren’t together all that long, but for Teddy to say that Owen is the only one who’s ever made her feel all these emotions, I don’t know, but I feel like it’s almost erasing that entire relationship.

  • Love 11

I must comment on the awful, very bad no good storyline of Jackson and Maggie.  Their scenes are cringeworthy.  I love the Jackson character and miss his fire and passion.  I learn to like most characters but the character of Maggie- no interest whatsoever.   Bring back Arizona, bring back Sarah Drew for Jackson.

The insurance storyline is much too preachy and totally stupid.  But I want Meredith to finally be punished for bad behavior.  

The Jo storyline is weak, we are supposed to understand her mental breakdown but I’m lost on this one.  Love Alex but get them a better storyline.  

I finally learned to like Amelia but could care less about Owen’s relationship with any of his loves.   The show is lacking strong male characters.  Leo is very cute and makes some scenes tolerable. 

Glad to see Bailey back in charge. 

This show has lost a lot but for some reason I still FF through it.  

  • Love 4
On 5/10/2019 at 12:16 PM, Laurie4H said:

“I’m not adventurous AND I’ve never bungee jumped or skydived, AND I’ve never been close to a wild animal but I want to experience adventures with you AND I want to be adventurous AND you are confusing AND captivating AND chaotic and I don’t do confusing or chaotic.   I’m unconfusing and unchaotic but I want to experience confusing AND chaotic AND be captivated by you.  

Totally made up monologue but you get  the idea.  

Ha, that sounds so much like Maggie I thought you transcribed it verbatim. 

  • LOL 4
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Just when I thought Maggie couldn't get any more annoying, she goes camping!

And it was SO obvious that there was going to be a car accident with the blood donor. Is there a reason why they couldn't have taken her blood on the plane when she wouldn't leave? (That's what I was expecting Owen's big idea to be, not showing her the patient and guilting her into doing it.) Or is this a case where it would need to go directly from her into the boy?

Agree with the other posters that they need a psychiatrist on staff. That could open up some interesting plot lines, too. 

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, MarylandGirl said:

Is there a reason why they couldn't have taken her blood on the plane when she wouldn't leave? (That's what I was expecting Owen's big idea to be, not showing her the patient and guilting her into doing it.)

That was Owen's original plan, but the woman was too scared that something could go wrong and she'd start bleeding and he wouldn't be able to stop it, so she refused to give blood unless she was in a hospital. 

Edited by Joana
On 5/10/2019 at 2:21 AM, PrincessTT said:

It doesn’t come as a complete surprise that DeLuca is taking the fall for Meredith... I mean didn’t he drop the charges against Alex a few seasons ago because Jo was scared of her identity coming out in court, and DeLuca thought he was in love with Jo. 

And then he was going to give up his career and life to go on the run with that other doctor (Sam?) before she got shipped off to Cristina.

So we have already been shown him as a “falls hard & fast and doesn’t make rational decisions when in love” kind of guy.

I see he's more of a chip off the old block (his BP dad) than I'd first thought....and where is his sister in all this? (Not that I need to see her. She and and her brother and Maggie and Teddy and Owen can hop in that doomed limo--Owen's probably saved some seats for them.)

  • LOL 4
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I was reading comments on another recap site and there were several going on about how noble and romantic Deluca is for taking the fall for Meredith. NO! The whole thing is just dumb! Did Meredith really think no one would notice in the first place? Plus you need more than just a name; he'd need all her insurance info. Does he really think they'll just take his word that Meredith had nothing to do with it? 

  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I was reading comments on another recap site and there were several going on about how noble and romantic Deluca is for taking the fall for Meredith. NO! The whole thing is just dumb! Did Meredith really think no one would notice in the first place? Plus you need more than just a name; he'd need all her insurance info. Does he really think they'll just take his word that Meredith had nothing to do with it? 

Also, Meredith's reaction. You'd think she'd be beyond livid to find out DeLuca had used her daughter's documents to commit the fraud; instead she took his side and was pleading with him not turn himself in. There's no way Catherine would have missed that. 

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Joana said:

Also, Meredith's reaction. You'd think she'd be beyond livid to find out DeLuca had used her daughter's documents to commit the fraud; instead she took his side and was pleading with him not turn himself in. There's no way Catherine would have missed that. 

Bailey wouldn't have missed it. It just all rings so dumb and we knew this was going to happen after Richard saw it too. Plus, most the hospital knows Meredith's children, no one went: "Wait, that's not Elise, hell that isn't even Zola."

  • Love 4
On 5/10/2019 at 3:37 PM, sarkygal said:

I realized a long time ago that Shonda and her entire writing team are emotionally stuck at 13 and these 2 relationship dynamics illustrate that. 

What ambitious 30-something throws his career away for a woman he’s only dated for a couple of months to “prove” his love?

What late 40s professional with 3 kids would go sleep over with her best friend’s wife to find out what’s wrong with her and then be one to tell the husband. If I have to tell your husband what’s wrong with you, you’re not mature enough to be married. 

Its not cute or quirky. I pretty much despise all these characters at this point. 

I am so in love with this post that I want it to go to counseling (one time) so it can finally after 10 years realize it is in love with me too and we can live happily ever after.

  • LOL 7
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The insurance fraud thing is so annoying for so many reasons. First, I thought last week implied Richard stopped Meredith from going through with it.

Yes! Whatever came of that talk Richard had with Meredith? I also thought it meant that they'd come up with an alternative plan.

As others have said, there could've been a pro-bono solution, especially since Meredith has a stake in the hospital and is a board member. (I think that's the case, right?)

And, by the way, did they ever say how the insurance company found out about the fraud in the first place?

  • Love 4
On 5/10/2019 at 11:41 AM, sarkygal said:

I don’t think the FEDS thought he was a terrorist. I’m sure I heard the shrink say he didn’t have a valid visa(which is still stupid as they obviously arrived by private plane and the FEDs wouldn’t get there that quickly.)

Also to the private plane, who is paying for all of this!?! What magical insurance do Gus” parents have? 

Well here's another thing.  There's no way that private jet flew all the way from London to Seattle.  I thought they flew commercial from London to probably NY (British Airways or Virgin Atlantic) and then the private plane (maybe out of Teteboro?) to which ever airport in Seattle (probably not Sea-Tac, but a GA field that can accommodate private jets.  Meaning they would have had to clear customs at JFK, and that's where the doctor would be taken away. Once they cleared at JFK, the second flight to Seattle is purely a domestic flight, no ICE to meet them there.  Unless they were saying the jet did fly from London to Seattle (or stopped to refuel and since they did not get off the plane, they hadn't officially entered the US at the refueling point).  You can never tell on this show.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, transitfan said:

Well here's another thing.  There's no way that private jet flew all the way from London to Seattle.  I thought they flew commercial from London to probably NY (British Airways or Virgin Atlantic) and then the private plane (maybe out of Teteboro?) to which ever airport in Seattle (probably not Sea-Tac, but a GA field that can accommodate private jets.  Meaning they would have had to clear customs at JFK, and that's where the doctor would be taken away. Once they cleared at JFK, the second flight to Seattle is purely a domestic flight, no ICE to meet them there.  Unless they were saying the jet did fly from London to Seattle (or stopped to refuel and since they did not get off the plane, they hadn't officially entered the US at the refueling point).  You can never tell on this show.

If they were going to fly commercial from here, surely they would have just flown straight to Seattle... If I wanted to get to Seattle at short notice from London there are no less than 7 different airlines that fly direct - at only around £100 more than a flight to New York from London. I think they must be wanting us to believe that they took the private jet all the way from London.

Also, I’ve lived in London for all 30 years of my life and I’ve never seen fog like that - so I don’t know why she said it reminds her of home.

  • Love 6

If it was just a case of "the heart wants what it wants", I'd be more than fine with it. She just doesn't love Koracick enough, which sucks for him, but that's life. And anyway, my unpopular opinion is that he only comes across so good because everyone around him sucks beyond comprehension at this point. 

Which is a shame because despite Koracick being an arrogant ass, he treats women relatively well. He listens to them. When April had her breakdown and vented her issues, he listened without judging her.

  • Love 3

So unlike others, I enjoyed this episode. But that's because I forgot about the Jaggie scenes. They were stupid. Especially Maggie.

I hated the insurance storyline last week and I hate it more now. I don't buy that an insurance company would figure out the fraud that quickly or all those people would descend on the hospital. Honestly, I don't even know if they would figure it out after one instance. 

Also, they wouldn't arrest him nor would he serve jail time for one instance. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Court said:

I hated the insurance storyline last week and I hate it more now. I don't buy that an insurance company would figure out the fraud that quickly or all those people would descend on the hospital. Honestly, I don't even know if they would figure it out after one instance. 

Also, they wouldn't arrest him nor would he serve jail time for one instance. 

It rings like Desperate House Wives when they though Bree killed her husband for insurance money. They had the agent, tracking and watching her (because he had time for that). They even had the police just magically show up and ready to arrest her after he had watched Bree 2 days. It was so STUPID! even for that show. 

There is NO WAY that many insurance people or even lawyers would show up like that at a hospital, even if the head staff own the place. It also wouldn't have been that quick, especially when apparently only 2 weeks have passed. Now... if the father had been arrested for immigration and they tracked down the family and saw the inconstancy between the daughter's operation and Elis having the SAME condition as they pointed out. Then you have something, but it wouldn't happen that quick and no way they just be arrested like the person killed them. Not how the law works, not how reality works. You really have to wonder how out there the show will go since they have it 2 more seasons. Which is basically: "If the ratings fall more, you get a wrap up season." "If they are still good, you probably be another season." 

  • Love 1

The most shocking moment in the episode is Meredith's words. Does she really think that Alex was a creature of evil all the time while Joe was not next to him? He has changed much earlier. Long before Joe appeared ...
Or was it such a way to reason with Joe? But in any case, the main thing is that it worked. She felt better!

And yes, even as soon as possible, Owen will be with Teddy. Let everyone around them be able to start living their own lives, and they will live their own. So it will be easier for everyone ...

And the fog shocked, yes. Is the truth really so thick fog that nothing can be seen through it ???😱

On 5/14/2019 at 11:09 AM, PrincessTT said:

If they were going to fly commercial from here, surely they would have just flown straight to Seattle... If I wanted to get to Seattle at short notice from London there are no less than 7 different airlines that fly direct - at only around £100 more than a flight to New York from London. I think they must be wanting us to believe that they took the private jet all the way from London.

Also, I’ve lived in London for all 30 years of my life and I’ve never seen fog like that - so I don’t know why she said it reminds her of home.

They might have flown from London to Toronto or other parts of Canada and then on to Seattle. That would explain the immgration issues in Seattle. Canada has very different rules for people coming over from London than the US does. If it was a last minute flight and there were weather issues in New York, Toronto or one of the east coast cities like St John's would make sense.

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