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Season 1 Episodes Discussion

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A new comedy with Lake Bell and Dax Shepard.  They leave NYC for a farm in Nebraska after his great aunt passes and leaves him the farm.  The picture they have is not quite what they drive up to.  It has Ed Bagley Jr as an unexpected roommate and Lennon Parham from Playing House and David Koechner (Todd Packer from The Office) as a couple who live nearby and want to buy the farm from them. 

I really liked it which means it will likely be cancelled. 

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I like the actors involved but the commercials looked so lame that I was just sure it would be a bomb..but I liked it too. The premise is still kinda stupid--that these two would just ditch everything to become farmers, with the property sight unseen--but lots of good show premises don't really bear examination---and the talent involved rises the show above the level I'd been afraid of. We laughed a lot.

  • Love 6

I expected to like this, but I really didn't.   I kind of hated it, to tell you the truth.  And I generally like Dax and Lake.

Ed Begley Jr.'s character didn't work for me at all.  (I normally like him, too.  In fact, he was in the only Modern Family episode I halfway liked this season before I bailed.)

I also hated the way the show portrayed the rural Midwesterners -  I found it insulting and tone deaf.   Then again the NYC folks were idiots, or in the case of the mom, obnoxious... so they didn't fare all that well either.

It could have been my mood, but I don't think it was, since I loved (and laughed a lot at) American Housewife and The Kids Are Alright.  I will probably give it one more episode just to make sure it's not for me... but I am not optimistic.

  • Love 7

Can't stand Lark (or is it Lake? can never remember and do not care) Bell's character.  Self-absorbed, ridiculous.  I like Dax Shepard.  But not on this show.  I have no use for the Susie Essman character.  And high fives to all the folks here who inquired about the whereabouts of Arnold the pig.

Whatever is on opposite this show, is what I'll be watching.

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I too am a city girl, but I would hardly start screaming and freaking out if I found myself in the company of a placid cow...

Also, did anyone for a single second think the two would be on the roof and NOT get stuck up there?? That's such lazy writing.

There's a fine line between funny and stupid, and this show just crossed it a few too many times IMO.

  • Love 4
On 4/17/2019 at 2:29 PM, Carmel Cub said:

So no Arnold the pig yet?

really. the jokes and situations were really dated. starting from falling thru the floor into the basement and having then having the ceiling fall on them. not funny anymore. and this could must be superheroes to withstand that , hanging onto the roof in a big storm etc. stupid. anyone in their right mind would leave that money pit pronto. it's not like the wife can't support them. i know country living. it sucks. 

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I thought the pilot was kind of clunky but there were two scenes I liked - the one with Lake Bell confronting the cow while her mother is yelling over the phone telling her she wants to speak to the cow and she tries to hand the phone to the cow asking "my mom wants to talk to you." The other was in the barn where she was trying to give Ed Begley Jr. advice and he was pretending he was asking for a friend but the charade quickly fell apart.

I really want a Dax Shepard/Lake Bell sitcom to succeed so I'll keep my fingers crossed it gets stronger, but usually when a sitcom premiers in April it means the network shelved it because it didn't have much confidence in it.

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I really, really like this show. In fact, they had me as soon as the chicken sat on top of the screaming goat. I laughed many times. And I'm a fan of chickens in general. Live ones, I mean. 

Lots of great actors here but I especially like Lake Bell. She's funny and natural and never grates or mugs. And apparently she's a good comedy writer as well, since she co-wrote the episode.  I like how Dax is an inexperienced farmer but not a complete moron. His plans make some sense to me (who can barely grow a houseplant). 

I'm in for this season at least. This show seems like it could go somewhere weird and interesting, and I think some of the characters could grow on me. 

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

Agree that they just need to ditch the mom, or tone her way down.

I actually find the mother funny, in the sense that she's so controlling and overbearing and a perfect explanation for why Lake was so happy to move far, far away. But it also explains an awful lot about Lake's personality. 

This setup reminds me a bit of Leslie Knope, a sweet person with a powerhouse mother she just couldn't ever quite please. 

  • Love 3

For me, the mother and Rudy are the best parts of the show. I love Dax Shepard and I love Lake Bell but neither character is particularly funny, nor is the writing except for the mother and Rudy.

Ratings haven't been devastating but neither are they promising. Anyone remember Zach Braff's short-lived sitcom "Alex Inc.?" Yeah, it debuted this time last year and look where that went. 

  • Love 1

I totally agree. Potlucks are not just a country thing. But it still made me chuckle when Lake wanted to bring fancy water to a potluck. It somehow reminded me of visiting my most "citified" daughter and trying to make a breakfast out of lemon water, coffee and some kind of algae mixture. I ended up going out for eggs and bacon. 😁

  • LOL 3
  • Love 2

Yeah, city folks know what potlucks are (tho I don't make stuff to take, I buy it, I hate cooking. I also hate potlucks, actually). And country folks know what biscotti are. There are silly premises here, and stereotypes. And yet, the charm of the cast and the occasional cleverness is balancing that out, for me.

Doesn't Rio have any girlfriends back home she can talk to, instead of just her mom?

  • Love 7

I'm starting to think Elizabeth Meriwether just isn't a very good writer, and that The New Girl succeeded largely due to its actors improvising the best parts. The writing for this show is just so pedestrian and generic, it's like every middling network sticom pablum I've ever seen. I want to like it so much and want Dax Shepard to have a hit show but this isn't it. So disappointing.

  • Love 6
On 4/24/2019 at 8:40 PM, Nordly Beaumont said:

My favorite part was when she found out the lawyer was gay and was babbling on and on about how she "gets it" because she's from New York (kinda shitty she just assumes the small town folk discriminate). She finally tells him "I won't treat you differently" and he dryly says "Starting when?"

I hated that part.  Like she was so obviously "Yay! I didn't know they had gay people here! I love gay people!"  I know that was the point, but it was not a good moment for her at all.

Well this one was a mild improvement over the previous three. I do get a kick out of the Bowmans, especially Jacob. Trying to pretend he killed the chickens rather than let Mike see his father crying in the security footage was funny because he was so bad at lying. And Beau just breaking down at the end was good too. Apparently Beau and Jacob have to act tough for Kay. 

I also think Ed Begley Jr. as Rudy is the best part of the show. "Your code name is Potato 3." "What happened to Potato 2?" "You don't want to know." It's all in the delivery. And I like Susie Essman as Rio's mother. "Your cousin got rabies and her brain is mush, although she still likes animals which is nice." 

I think the key to improving this show might be beefing up the supporting cast because Mike and Rio are pretty much playing straight men to a lot of absurd characters. That worked OK back on Newhart so it's a workable formula but they need to up the ante.

  • Love 4

I can't believe so much hatred.  I can't remember the last time my husband, my three kids (in their 20's) and I all enjoyed the same show.

I don't mind the mother phone calls at all.  Maybe that's because I had a Jewish mother just like that.

The show reminds me of Harts of the West with Beau Bridges.  Does anyone else remember that series?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Aryanna said:

I'm not saying everyone on TV has to be beautiful but neither of the leads is very attractive 

Speaking for myself, although they're not movie-star gorgeous, I find them both charismatic.

Actually, I think they're regular-life good looking, as opposed to TV/movie good looking. I often think that the best looking people I know in my regular life, would probably be put in "homely' or" "nerd" roles in TV and movies. Their bar is set so darn high. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Aryanna said:

I like parts of the show but I'm just not sure it works for me. My biggest problem is Lake Bell. I can't put my finger on it but something about her just really bugs me. I'm not saying everyone on TV has to be beautiful but neither of the leads is very attractive.

I find it refreshing. It's about time we saw actors who are not so perfect looking.I wish more shows would do this. 

  • Love 8

Watched two episodes on demand. Commercials are annoying so probably won’t watch more.

i get that they’re supposed to be young and newlyweds but to ditch everything in NY and move not just to the country but to be farmers without apparently having even taken out a book on farming?

to go be farmers when she can’t drive and he can’t hammer a nail? I mean, move to The suburbs  first... (you can own a chicken in many NJ towns)

i dont know what rural Nebraska is like but this town felt pretty artificial, way too contained as they always are on tv. In real life even in the country not all the teachers live in the same town and so on. They have internet and cable tv in the country too.

and yeah, pot luck is hardly some NY thing.

its a classic fish out of water relying on kind ridiculous tropes.

Edited by lucindabelle
  • Love 2

I'm trying to figure out in what universe Lake Bell is unattractive. Dax is kind of character-actor cute.

The leads don't have to be matinee idols for the show to be funny. Look at Roseanne, or Newhart. I just think the writing needs to be stronger. The ingredients are all there - premise, actors, supporting characters, but it needs to be funnier.

They've been playing reruns of the first season here and I just saw the last episode of the first season again and I've got to say Lake Bell was hysterically funny in the opening scene with her acting and talking about her chicken feeding "regime". That really cracked me up. Dax is very funny playing his parts too. I'm all in for the second season! Just for the facial expressions alone! So funny! 

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