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The Brown Kids

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16 hours ago, Cetacean said:

And walls.  They both mean "I don't want to talk about it so shut up".

For Meri, it means "you are getting dangerously close to the truth of who I am as a person, but I prefer the fiction I created in my head so I'm putting up my walls and walking away."

For Janelle: "You're talking about feelings?  No thanks, walls up, peace out."

For Christine: "You all have hurt me 1,000 times in the past 25 years and I'm not allowing you to hurt me 1,001 times.  Also I'm leaving.  Byeeeee!!!"

Robyn?  I don't think she ever puts up walls because then, who would see her scrunching up her toothbrush eyebrows and crying her patented dry tears while she makes every family issue all about herself?

Kody wanted to put up literal walls in the form of his own house on Coyote Pass but hahahahaha, how'd that work out for you, cowboy?  Instead, you are forever stuck inside the Mansion of Tchotchkes with the drama queen you married.  No walls for you! 

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Robyn?  I don't think she ever puts up walls because then, who would see her scrunching up her toothbrush eyebrows and crying her patented dry tears while she makes every family issue all about herself?

The way I read Robyn is that her "tears" and scrunched face are her "walls". When a conversation is getting too close for comfort and she may actually need to take accountability or apologize her face instantly scrunches. Then the person who is "making" her feel that way immediately backs off because they may be perceived as the big meanie making poor empath Robyn cry. And then Kody will have to whip out his sword and punish the big meanie.

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I've watched a few of Gwens reaction videos and I'm a bit stunned by how little she seems to know about her own family?

I can kinda give her a pass for saying she came from an FLDS background because she was only attending AUB Church till she was 8 and probably doesn't realise that the FLDS is a very specific group she was never part of and thinks it means any fundamentalist LDS group. 

But so much else. She thought MSWC was still a business and that Robyns elder daughters were working for it? She didn't know her Dad sold guns? She didn't know that some of her siblings had serious issues with Meri? She didn't know Kody wanted Garrison and Gabriel to move out during covid? She didn't hear a thing about the terrible Christine goodbye to Flagstaff? 

Among many, many other things. And I get that the SW fandom can be obsessive and she's probably less interested in the intricacies of her family than some SW fans but it's not sitting right with me.

Either a lot of the stuff we see on TV is entirely manufactured for the show so the family don't talk about it because it's fake or most of this family don't communicate with each other in any real way, despite Gwen saying how she's close to a lot of family members and they talk a lot. And she's also a Reddit poster and admitted she read the SW forum at the very least on occasion.

Somethings off.



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But so much else. She thought MSWC was still a business and that Robyns elder daughters were working for it? She didn't know her Dad sold guns? She didn't know that some of her siblings had serious issues with Meri? She didn't know Kody wanted Garrison and Gabriel to move out during covid? She didn't hear a thing about the terrible Christine goodbye to Flagstaff? 

Outside of filming, I don't think most of the family has spent much time together in years. And I think Kody was correct when he said a few of Christine's kids are close with a few of Janelle's kids, and that's about it. They are 4 separate households, and always came across more like cousins than siblings to me. 

If you watch their Instagrams, they're not really spending all that much time with other half-siblings. And a lot of the kids are now scattered around the country. 

Not to mention whatever seems to have happened between Janelle and Christine recently to stop the Best Friends Forever Instagram love train. That has probably affected the kids too.







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11 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Not to mention whatever seems to have happened between Janelle and Christine recently to stop the Best Friends Forever Instagram love train. That has probably affected the kids too.

I think it may be as simple as Christine found a new man and her life is wrapped up in that.

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I think the stuff Gwen didn't know about makes perfect sense. Mostly because she was going to college and starting a new relationship in the last few years.

She would have no reason to know about MSWC because she doesn't hang with the older Robyn sisters anymore.

I don't think any of the kids 'know' Kody sells guns. I think its a don't ask, don't tell situation.

Not knowing about Gabe & Garrison is a little suspect, because didn't Gwen pretend her plan was to live with them (when really she was already planning on living with her girlfriend)?

As far as The Uncomfortable Goodbye, I think its good she didn't know about that, because it means Christine didn't shit talk Kody to his (and hers) daughter.

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I don’t put much stock in what is and isn’t shown on Instagram.

Oh, and MSWC is still in business apparently. 

Just now, GeeGolly said:

As far as The Uncomfortable Goodbye, I think it’s good she didn't know about that, because it means Christine didn't shit talk Kody to his (and hers) daughter.

 I agree. She was there earlier in the day. She had to go to work, so she wasn’t there for what we saw.

Gwen is autistic, I think that plays a part in what she sees, and says.

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2 hours ago, AngelaBassinet said:

I've watched a few of Gwens reaction videos and I'm a bit stunned by how little she seems to know about her own family?

I can kinda give her a pass for saying she came from an FLDS background because she was only attending AUB Church till she was 8 and probably doesn't realise that the FLDS is a very specific group she was never part of and thinks it means any fundamentalist LDS group. 


She didn't know her Dad sold guns?



There is FLDS and there is flds. That is, the FLDS, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Church, which is Warren Jeffs' sect, is the FLDS. However, when people talk about fundamentalist Mormonism, they sometimes also shorthand it as flds.

I don't believe the Brown family has ever mentioned the Apostolic United Brethren (their sect) or "AUB," by those names, on the show. The AUB is also known (mostly to non-AUB people) as the Allred Group, but members more frequently refer to it as The Work, The Priesthood, or The Group. Since their sect was kind of split on the Browns' participation in a reality TV show, my guess is that they decided ahead of time that they wouldn't refer to it by any of its names.

Instead, the Browns talk about "our church," but the AUB doesn't even really call itself a church. That's just a term the Browns understood that most of the viewing audience would best understand.

While Gwen has read questions where her followers use "AUB," she doesn't use the term of her own volition. These kids were raised to keep so much under wraps, that I suspect that it is more natural for her to not use the name than it would be to use the name.

In other words, I think Gwen knows what religion her family is/was a part of. I just think she was trained from an early age not to refer to it by any of its names.


39 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Oh, and MSWC is still in business apparently. 


Why do you say that?

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31 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The website is back up and usable.

Robyn must be getting desperate for income if the site is back up - that means she has to put in some actual work.  It's been down for years so I'm not sure what the point would be to bring back a site called "My Sisterwife's Closet" when there are, in fact, no more "sisterwives."

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I never understood why they went so hard on the "Sister Wives" branding. I understand they were trying to capitalize on the show, but "Strong Women" was right there, and the could have had a bunch of "SW" things, which winkwink would mean "sister wives" to them, but strong women to the entire rest of the world.

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6 hours ago, AngelaBassinet said:

I've watched a few of Gwens reaction videos and I'm a bit stunned by how little she seems to know about her own family?


Gwen has recently diagnosed with ASD and while no two people on the spectrum are 100% the same, I do see some parallels between her and my mom who has it too, though a lot more severe.
My mom tends to “miss” a lot of things about her family and friends as well. It’s not intentional, it’s just a lot of information and noise that gets into her head all at once at certain times. She struggles to filter through it all and see what is important and what not. As a result, only little specks of information stick and most is unconnected. The rest is simply discarded. She’s doing better when she’s not surrounded by lots of people and noise.
I can see this being a thing with Gwen too. She had 17 siblings and 5 parents to sort of keep track of. It was always noisy and chaotic. Not exactly ideal for someone with autism. Things have changed of course but with the family scattered as they are now, it is probably even harder to keep track, particularly when you couldn’t care less about some.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

The website is back up and usable.

Well, that's a shocker!  

Interesting to read through it.  Home page says the site was " launched by Robyn, Meri, Christine, Janelle and Kody Brown", but when looking around, I only see Robyn mentioned, (i.e. "be the first to view new designs by Robyn", "the Claddagh has special meaning to Robyn" etc.) Maybe it was always that way and I just never looked before.

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On 3/13/2023 at 12:22 PM, General Days said:


There is FLDS and there is flds. That is, the FLDS, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Church, which is Warren Jeffs' sect, is the FLDS. However, when people talk about fundamentalist Mormonism, they sometimes also shorthand it as flds.

I don't believe the Brown family has ever mentioned the Apostolic United Brethren (their sect) or "AUB," by those names, on the show. The AUB is also known (mostly to non-AUB people) as the Allred Group, but members more frequently refer to it as The Work, The Priesthood, or The Group. Since their sect was kind of split on the Browns' participation in a reality TV show, my guess is that they decided ahead of time that they wouldn't refer to it by any of its names.

Instead, the Browns talk about "our church," but the AUB doesn't even really call itself a church. That's just a term the Browns understood that most of the viewing audience would best understand.

While Gwen has read questions where her followers use "AUB," she doesn't use the term of her own volition. These kids were raised to keep so much under wraps, that I suspect that it is more natural for her to not use the name than it would be to use the name.

In other words, I think Gwen knows what religion her family is/was a part of. I just think she was trained from an early age not to refer to it by any of its names.



Why do you say that?

In S1 or2, Kody said Apostolic United Brethren. I know this because from this, I started reading about AUB, Kingston Group, and FLDS.

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Ysabel’s post for Aspyn’s birthday.


Ysabel seems like the Brown kid who shines the brightest and doesn't have a mean bone in her body - which makes it all the sadder that Kody turned his back on her when she needed him most.  I honestly don't know how he sleeps at night.

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8 hours ago, Art Of Noiz said:

In S1 or2, Kody said Apostolic United Brethren. I know this because from this, I started reading about AUB, Kingston Group, and FLDS.

I totally missed that and always wondered how people figured out they were AUB. Thank you.

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I had to think a lot about the posts regarding Kody and Robyn's visit to the aquarium with Mindy, Sol, and Ari. It struck me how yet again the narrative turns nasty when it involves Ari. We don't know what exactly happened, of course, all we have is an account of someone on Reddit who saw them, and it may be highly exaggerated. But still... it does seem to fit a type of behavior that hasn't gone unnoticed!

When you closely monitor Ari on the show, there's every reason to believe that she's not the sweet and charming 7-year-old they want us to believe. Her account of her first day back at school was a prime example. And then there are all those little hints Robyn dropped about trouble sleeping, needing a nanny, keeping her busy, the attention she needs, etc. 

None of the Brown kids receive that much backlash on the internet, not even Paedon, and Leon. They both receive a fair share of backlash but are also praised for some of the things they have done or gone through. But those are adults, and not kids anymore. And that is a huge difference when it comes to discussing certain things.

I just find it strange that there's hardly any post on the internet that depicts this 7-year-old girl in a positive light. It really does make me wonder what on earth is wrong with her, or what is happening there in Flagstaff. How can such a little girl radiate so much negativity?  I have to admit that it does make me a little uncomfortable to put this out here. It's a kid we're talking about, not an adult, I'm very aware of that. But that behavior is odd... Why do we struggle so much to find something, or anything, nice to say about a 7-year-old?




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22 hours ago, LilyD said:

I had to think a lot about the posts regarding Kody and Robyn's visit to the aquarium with Mindy, Sol, and Ari. It struck me how yet again the narrative turns nasty when it involves Ari. We don't know what exactly happened, of course, all we have is an account of someone on Reddit who saw them, and it may be highly exaggerated. But still... it does seem to fit a type of behavior that hasn't gone unnoticed!

When you closely monitor Ari on the show, there's every reason to believe that she's not the sweet and charming 7-year-old they want us to believe. Her account of her first day back at school was a prime example. And then there are all those little hints Robyn dropped about trouble sleeping, needing a nanny, keeping her busy, the attention she needs, etc. 

None of the Brown kids receive that much backlash on the internet, not even Paedon, and Leon. They both receive a fair share of backlash but are also praised for some of the things they have done or gone through. But those are adults, and not kids anymore. And that is a huge difference when it comes to discussing certain things.

I just find it strange that there's hardly any post on the internet that depicts this 7-year-old girl in a positive light. It really does make me wonder what on earth is wrong with her, or what is happening there in Flagstaff. How can such a little girl radiate so much negativity?  I have to admit that it does make me a little uncomfortable to put this out here. It's a kid we're talking about, not an adult, I'm very aware of that. But that behavior is odd... Why do we struggle so much to find something, or anything, nice to say about a 7-year-old?




I think Ariana’s only real problem is her parents.  Unfortunately for her, she has parents that seem to never set boundaries with her.  Robyn is lazy and Kody while maybe more present for her than he was for his older kids doesn’t seem the type to do the heavy lifting parenting.  This leaves the nanny but since she’s not there 24/7 any boundaries she may set (if any) are probably not reinforced by Robyn and Kody. She’s probably not even allowed to set any because Robyn will have a panic attack.

Also, this poor child didn’t even seem to have a decent sleep routine because of her janky parents.  I think Kody and Robyn got lucky and Solomon was an “easy” child while little Arabella is hell on wheels because of their incompetence.  I think she also has Kody’s frantic energy and they probably don’t do a lot to channel it.

I won’t lie, I get a chuckle out of believing Ariaella is keeping those two twits up every night.  I think people probably somewhat exaggerate her behavior to highlight her parents’ inability to parent.  Unfortunately, it seems she has the two “most hated” parents, so I really think commentary on her is actually a dig at Robyn and Kody.  

I feel bad for little Amtrak, she’s probably a good kid who needs direction.  I even think her little mullet is cute 😊 With that said, if her parents don’t start doing their job her they will probably have a lot of headaches besides being kept up all night as she gets older.


*I never remember her actual name and spellcheck doesn’t help me out, and I refuse to go back and fix the variations. 


Edited by Irate Panda
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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I think Ariana’s only real problem is her parents.  Unfortunately for her, she has parents that seem to never boundaries with her.  Robyn is lazy and Kody while maybe more present for her than he was for his older kids doesn’t seem the type to do the heavy lifting parenting.  This leaves the nanny but since she’s not there 24/7 any boundaries she may set (if any) are probably not reinforced by Robyn and Kody. She’s probably not even allowed to set any because Robyn will have a panic attack.

Also, this poor child didn’t even seem to have a decent sleep routine because of her janky parents.  I think Kody and Robyn got lucky and Solomon was an “easy” child while little Arabella is hell on wheels because of their incompetence.  I think she also has Kody’s frantic energy and they probably don’t do a lot to channel it.

I won’t lie, I get a chuckle out of believing Ariaella is keeping those two twits up every night.  I think people probably somewhat exaggerate her behavior to highlight her parents’ inability to parent.  Unfortunately, it seems she has the two “most hated” parents, so I really think commentary on her is actually a dig at Robyn and Kody.  

I feel bad for little Amtrak, she’s probably a good kid who needs direction.  I even think her little mullet is cute 😊 With that said, if her parents don’t start doing their job her they will probably have a lot of headaches besides being kept up all night as she gets older.


*I never remember her actual name and spellcheck doesn’t help me out, and I refuse to go back and fix the variations. 


Ari gives me the creeps. In the larger family, she's the youngest of 18 children, and gets a lot of attention. In her nuclear family, she's the youngest with a helicopter mom, and a 7 day a week dad and a nanny. She has Robyn's photobomber qualities and Kody's aggression.

Okay, I'll say some nice things.. Her mom dresses her cute. She shared her stuffed toy with Truely, threw it on the patio when they were quarantining. 

Sol doesn't give me the creeps. I actually like that he doesn't like being on camera.. but he doesn't look healthy to me. Anemic maybe. 

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17 hours ago, LilyD said:

When you closely monitor Ari on the show, there's every reason to believe that she's not the sweet and charming 7-year-old they want us to believe. Her account of her first day back at school was a prime example. And then there are all those little hints Robyn dropped about trouble sleeping, needing a nanny, keeping her busy, the attention she needs, etc. 


Ariella turned 7 on January 10, 2023. That means that for most/all of the TV season we just saw, she was five years old. I don't believe we saw her first day "back at" school. I think we saw her first day of kindergarten. (If I'm wrong, please let me know.)

I think Ari is a natural ham. I also think she is precocious and probably spoiled to her own detriment (those sleep problems are of her parents' making).

I do think she can be funny (in some of the couch segments) and sweet (giving her stuffy to Truely during quarantine; wanting to hug Truely and Christine goodbye; telling Christine to "have dates" with Kody made adults gasp, but since she was 5, that came from a place of not wanting part of her family to move away).

I've also known a whole lot of kids like that, from nieces and nephews, to kids I babysat or taught in Sunday School, who turned out just fine. They're just kind of A Lot.

What makes her seem off (in my opinion) is her parents' lack of candor. Kody trying to frame her pestering her little classmate as some sainted impulse to help the sad child, made her look like more unbearable than if he'd just sheepishly admitted she was kind of a pain in the neck to her classmate.

17 hours ago, LilyD said:


I just find it strange that there's hardly any post on the internet that depicts this 7-year-old girl in a positive light. It really does make me wonder what on earth is wrong with her, or what is happening there in Flagstaff. How can such a little girl radiate so much negativity?  I have to admit that it does make me a little uncomfortable to put this out here. It's a kid we're talking about, not an adult, I'm very aware of that. But that behavior is odd... Why do we struggle so much to find something, or anything, nice to say about a 7-year-old?



I don't think it's the little girl radiating negativity.

Fandom can be negative to the point of brutality. I don't specifically know about reports from the aquarium, beyond that Ari fell and got wet, but I've taken little kids to aquariums and places with fountains and other water features. That's par for the course for a 7-year-old.


16 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I think Ariana’s only real problem is her parents.  Unfortunately for her, she has parents that seem to never boundaries with her.  Robyn is lazy and Kody while maybe more present for her than he was for his older kids doesn’t seem the type to do the heavy lifting parenting.  This leaves the nanny but since she’s not there 24/7 any boundaries she may set (if any) are probably not reinforced by Robyn and Kody. She’s probably not even allowed to set any because Robyn will have a panic attack.

Also, this poor child didn’t even seem to have a decent sleep routine because of her janky parents.  I think Kody and Robyn got lucky and Solomon was an “easy” child while little Arabella is hell on wheels because of their incompetence.  I think she also has Kody’s frantic energy and they probably don’t do a lot to channel it.

I won’t lie, I get a chuckle out of believing Ariaella is keeping those two twits up every night.  I think people probably somewhat exaggerate her behavior to highlight her parents’ inability to parent.  Unfortunately, it seems she has the two “most hated” parents, so I really think commentary on her is actually a dig at Robyn and Kody.  

I feel bad for little Amtrak, she’s probably a good kid who needs direction.  I even think her little mullet is cute 😊 With that said, if her parents don’t start doing their job her they will probably have a lot of headaches besides being kept up all night as she gets older.


*I never remember her actual name and spellcheck doesn’t help me out, and I refuse to go back and fix the variations. 



I think you're exactly right that whatever the "problem" with Anidifranco is, it comes down to her parents.

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I've taken entire kindergarten classes of five and six year olds many times and never had one fall into a water feature, tank, or turtle pond.  If the children are given the expectations, calmed down before they go wild, they can manage to behave properly.  

Thinking about it none of my children or grandchildren ever entered a water feature they weren't supposed to be in.  I think with three adults and two children, the adults should have been able to prevent the children from getting that far out of hand.  I believe this one is mainly on the adults.  They should have taught the children by now that horsing around in a public place isn't allowed and that humans do not belong in the animal exhibits.

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19 hours ago, LilyD said:

I had to think a lot about the posts regarding Kody and Robyn's visit to the aquarium with Mindy, Sol, and Ari.

What posts, what story??? LINKS people, LINKS!

Edited by gingerella
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36 minutes ago, gingerella said:

What posts, what story??? LINKS people, LINKS!

Over on the Spoilers/Speculation thread. Started last Thursday with a quote from a Reddit story.

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Ari gives me the creeps. In the larger family, she's the youngest of 18 children, and gets a lot of attention. In her nuclear family, she's the youngest with a helicopter mom, and a 7 day a week dad and a nanny. She has Robyn's photobomber qualities and Kody's aggression.

But really, none of these things are caused by or attributable to Ari. She didn't ask to be born last or to have a helicopter mom and loose cannon dad. I don't see aggression in her (and even if I did - she's 7 - lots of younger children hit or kick or even, ick, bite). I do see a lot of energy and a lot of loose/nonexistent boundaries in that home that, for some reason, don't seem to impact Sol the same way. 

I guess my point is ... be creeped out by Robyn and Kody and the way they parent this kid (and all their others) but not by the kid herself. She may just grow up to be the truth teller in this whole circus.

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I believe that Kody and Robyn knew that Ari was going to be the last little Brownie so with that in mind, they babied her to the point of allowing her to control them.  Given Robyn's personality and Kody's doofiness, I doubt either one of them try very hard to set boundaries for that child.  Robyn also had this weird idea that Sol and Ari were going to be the hallowed children of the Brown family, born to cement their family together forever (not sure how that was supposed to work, but whatever).  Robyn assigned a very important role to her children and Kody followed suit.  Now from the outside looking in, we see a rather reserved little boy who doesn't seem to like the cameras, and a little girl who thinks she can do whatever she wants.  Watching Kody and Robyn try to spin their kids' personalities to make them seem different than who they are is not helpful to either child.

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On 3/18/2023 at 9:50 PM, Irate Panda said:

I think Ariana’s only real problem is her parents.  Unfortunately for her, she has parents that seem to never set boundaries with her.  Robyn is lazy and Kody while maybe more present for her than he was for his older kids doesn’t seem the type to do the heavy lifting parenting.  This leaves the nanny but since she’s not there 24/7 any boundaries she may set (if any) are probably not reinforced by Robyn and Kody. She’s probably not even allowed to set any because Robyn will have a panic attack.

Also, this poor child didn’t even seem to have a decent sleep routine because of her janky parents.  I think Kody and Robyn got lucky and Solomon was an “easy” child while little Arabella is hell on wheels because of their incompetence.  I think she also has Kody’s frantic energy and they probably don’t do a lot to channel it.

I won’t lie, I get a chuckle out of believing Ariaella is keeping those two twits up every night.  I think people probably somewhat exaggerate her behavior to highlight her parents’ inability to parent.  Unfortunately, it seems she has the two “most hated” parents, so I really think commentary on her is actually a dig at Robyn and Kody.  

I feel bad for little Amtrak, she’s probably a good kid who needs direction.  I even think her little mullet is cute 😊 With that said, if her parents don’t start doing their job her they will probably have a lot of headaches besides being kept up all night as she gets older.


*I never remember her actual name and spellcheck doesn’t help me out, and I refuse to go back and fix the variations. 


I think Amtrak is my favorite.  Besides, sounds like she is always on the go!

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18 hours ago, Absolom said:

I've taken entire kindergarten classes of five and six year olds many times and never had one fall into a water feature, tank, or turtle pond.  If the children are given the expectations, calmed down before they go wild, they can manage to behave properly.  

Me too. I had three kids and was at home, so I usually chaperoned on field trips. But there are always kids who are a challenge (and Robyn and Kody are lazy, and Mindy doesn't look like any worldbeater, either). I suspect in addition to Alibaba, Paedon, Gabe, and Garrison were handfuls (and maybe Mykelti and Gwen).

When I accompanied my oldest son's fifth grade class to our aquarium, I was in charge of a small group of 5 boys, one of whom was my own well-behaved (particularly with Mom there) son, one kid who seemed clinically depressed and had an excruciating shark phobia, one other who was a friend of my son's since they were little, and two boys I ended up calling "the pinballs," because they bounced all over the place.

These were fifth graders, by the end of the day, they made me yearn for toddlers instead.


18 hours ago, Absolom said:

Thinking about it none of my children or grandchildren ever entered a water feature they weren't supposed to be in.  I think with three adults and two children, the adults should have been able to prevent the children from getting that far out of hand.  I believe this one is mainly on the adults.  They should have taught the children by now that horsing around in a public place isn't allowed and that humans do not belong in the animal exhibits.


Absolutely! My own kids used to get "the talk" from us (use inside voices, no running or jumping, say 'please and thank you' etc), whenever we went to a museum, a more grownup-oriented restaurant, or anywhere that wasn't just the park, etc. They were always pretty easy, though. 

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When my kids were 7, 8 and 9 the husband was given a 3 month job assignment in NYC.

With their school's blessing, they skipped the 6 weeks left before summer break. We stayed in a corporate provided apartment steps from Gracie Mansion and Carl Schurz park. 

This left me to come up with daily excursions to keep them occupied and hopefully learn something along the way. We navigated our way through public transit and walking to the wealth of  museums, parks and landmarks the city has to offer. Before the days of Google and armed only with a dogeared map and determination we managed to stay within eyesight of each other at all times and no one fell into water.


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I get that some children are a LOT, and shall we say, “naturally exuberant,” but with three adults supervising two kids, Ari should have been corrected well before falling into a water feature. Paedon mentioned in one of his videos that Ari, Sol, and Breanna can do no wrong in their parents’ eyes, and I think that is the main issue here. 

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My kids, like most kids, behaved well in public, and they were frequently complemented for it. One time after receiving high praise from strangers in the next booth, my daughter, maybe age 3 at the time, said, I'm not always this good at home. The wife half of the 'stranger couple' said something like, well me too, me too.

Its my experience kids almost always meet consistent expectations and when they don't there is usually a reason. The reason could be hunger, boredom, fatigue, a diagnosis, etc.

I'm going to guess in the case of the Browns the expectations are possibly too low, inconsistent or nonexistent.  

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9 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Robyn also had this weird idea that Sol and Ari were going to be the hallowed children of the Brown family, born to cement their family together forever (not sure how that was supposed to work, but whatever)

Yes, that attitude always baffled me. It was very clear from the start that most kids hoped that Truely was the last one. And Sol's baby announcement wasn't well received by several older kids either. You'd think that Kody and Robyn were aware of that? (Or they were but didn't care?)  Not the mention the fact that most kids were very wary of the possibility of having another sibling in a prime position that gets more and better than anyone else. (Like Leon)

And then there's the age gap between the oldest kids who were close to moving out and start building their lives and the fact that they no longer lived in one big house. It's hard to really bond under those circumstances. I think most people with a sibling that's 16-20 years older (or younger) will recognise that.


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On 3/19/2023 at 8:55 PM, Elizzikra said:

But really, none of these things are caused by or attributable to Ari. She didn't ask to be born last or to have a helicopter mom and loose cannon dad. I don't see aggression in her (and even if I did - she's 7 - lots of younger children hit or kick or even, ick, bite). I do see a lot of energy and a lot of loose/nonexistent boundaries in that home that, for some reason, don't seem to impact Sol the same way. 

I guess my point is ... be creeped out by Robyn and Kody and the way they parent this kid (and all their others) but not by the kid herself. She may just grow up to be the truth teller in this whole circus.

I could start a creeped out thread, actually one for each parent and fill it with hundreds of points. Lol. Robyn's would be full of my armchair expertise on how she is sabatoging her children. 

Ari has creeped me out for years. Remember when she was first born? BigDaddy and Goblyn told the viewers that Ariella Mae had such a calming influence on anyone in the room with her! 😃.

Leon always bugged me too. 


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One of the things that bugs me is when kootie head was asking about her first day of school and found out she had been bugging the little girl Robyn wouldn’t let him say were you being a pest …. Pest isn’t a bad word 

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